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Full text of "Tamil proverbs with their English translation : containing upwards of six thousand proverbs"

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Chaplain,  Madras  Miutast  Fbmalb  Orphan  Astluh 

AurHOR  OF  TBB  LAin>  OP  THE  VeDA,  &C. 


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I  1S74. 



It  is  hoped  that  the  following  collection  of  Tamil  Proverbs 
may  be  useful  to  those  who  are  in  any  way  connected  with  the 
interesting  people  who  speak  that  language.  Examples  of 
concise  and  forcible  expression  are  thereby  furnished,  which  may 
tend  to  aid  in  the  study  of  the  language,  and  occasional  allusions 
W  national,  social,  and  religious  usages  may  suggest  heads  of 
valuable  enquiry,  while  the  modes  of  thinking,  and  the  natural 
sirewdness  of  the  Hindu  mind  may^  be  seen  through  this 
fiiedium.  It  is  presumed  that  the  translation  generally  conveya 
tlie  sense  of  the  original,  although  not  always  with  its  force, 
nor  with]  the  elegance  that  might  be  desired.  Should  it  be 
<?alled  for,  a  future  edition  may  remedy  some  of  the  existing 
faults,  and  also  supply  deficiencies,  both  as  to  the  character 
oftU  translation,  and  the  number  of  the  examples. 


Jaffna,  Christmas^  1842. 


A  FEW  words  on  the  history  of  the  book  now  offered  to  the 
Public  in  an  enlarged  form  may  not  be  out  of  place  in  the 
Prefiice  to  the  Second  Edition. 

Almost  immediately  after  my  arrival  in  this  country  in  1826, 
I  entered  on  my  Missionary  work  among  the  Tamil  people, 
having  acquired  the  rudiments  of  their  language  in  England 
from  a  gentleman  who  had  spent  several  years  in  the  South  of 
India  and  North  Ceylon.  Intercourse  with  the  natives  afforded 
fi^e  ample  opportunities  of  becoming  acquainted  with  tlieir 
modes  of  thought  and  expression,  and,  noticing  their  predilec- 
tion for  proverbial  sayings,  I  was  led  to  an  early  study  and  use 
of  Tamil  proverbs. 

In  1830  I  was  removed  to  Bengal.  There  I  became  ac- 
quainted with  a  clergyman  who  had,  like  myself,  turned  his 
attention  to  the  proverbs  of  the  people  among  whom  he  dwelt. 
He  collected  a  considerable  number  of  Bengali  proverbs,  and 
published  them,  with  an  English  translation,  in  a  small 
volume,  printed  at  the  Press  connected  with  Bishop's  College, 
Calcutta.  When  the  Mission  in  Bengal  with  which  I  was 
connected  was  withdrawn,  I  returned  to  my  former  sphere  of 
labor  among  the  Tamil  people.  As  opportunity  offered,  1 
collected  and  arranged  proverbs  that  I  found  current  among 
them;  and  in  1842  printed  a  collection  of  nearly  nineteen 
hundred  with  an  English  translation^ 


The  First  Edition  having  become  scarce,  I  was  urged,  .by 
many  whose  judgment  I  felt  bound  to  respect,  to  prepare  matter 
for  a  second  and  enlarged  edition.  Various  causes  prevented  me 
from  immediately  undertaking  the  work.  For  several  years  all 
my  time  was  devoted  to  the  revision  of  the  Tamil  Scriptures,  in 
conjunction  with  Messrs.  Rhenius,.  Knight,  Spaulding,  Hutch- 
iNGS,  and  others,  and  in  passing  the  "  Tentative  Bible"  through 
the  Press.  Subsequently  a  visit  to  England  caused  a  further 
postponement  of  my  plan,  but,  on  my  return  to  Madras  in  1854, 
my  attention  was  again  directed  to  the  subject  of  Tamil 

In  the  following  year  a  Committee  of  gentlemen  belonging  to 
the  Civil  and  Military  Services  of  Government,  Messrs.  Stoker, 
Sim,  Chamier,  and  Colonels  Brown,  Pears,  and  Bell  resolved 
to  start  a  Journal,  for  the  purpose  of  diffusing,  among  the 
Tamil  people,  information  social,  political,  and  literary.  The 
Committee  invitied  my  co-operation  as  Editor.  This  labor  I  at 
once  accepted,  the  more  readily  because  for  several  months  I 
had  been  making  arrangements  to  carry  out  the  same  idea,  and 
had  visited  Calcutta  to  procure  information  on  the  subject, 
chiefly  from  Mr.  Marshman.  In  October  1855  the  first  number 
of  the  new  journal,  the  Dinavartaindni,  was  published.  Soon 
after  this  I  also  undertook  the  editing  of  a  Telugu  journal  of  the 
same  scope,  and  bearing  tlie  same  name.  The  circulation  of 
these  papers  throughout  the  Madras  Presidency  afforded  me  a 
good  opportunity  of  inviting  the  subscribers  to  assist  me  in  the 
collection  of  Tamil  and  Telugu  proverbs.  My  request  was  met 
by  contributions  from  all  parts  of  the  country.  The  former  were 
added  to  a  rapidly  increasing  collection,  while  a  selection  from 
the   latter  was  published,  from  week  to  week,  along  with  an 


English  translation,  in  the  Telugu  Dinavartamdni,  When  the 
late  Major  Carr  informed  me  that  he  was  preparing  a  volume  of . 
Telugu  proverbs  for  the  Press,  I  made  over  to  him  my  collection, 
a  service  he  thus  acknowledored  in  the  Preface  to  bis  work — 
"  The  Translator  ho«  to  thank  the  Rev.  P.  Percival,  Professor 
of  Vernacular  Literature,  Presidency  College,  for  kindly  placing 
at  his  disposal  a  MS.  containing  a  large  number  of  Telugu 

In  the  year  1860  my  collection  of  Tamil  proverbs  contained 
nearly  five  thousand  examples  translated  into  English  and  ready 
for  the  Press.  At  that  time,  however,  I  was  so  much  engaged  in 
preparing  books  and  maps,  in  the  Vernaculars,  for  the  Director 
of  Public  Instruction,  that  I  found  it  impossible  to  carry  out  my 
design  of  printing  these  proverbs,  although  I  had  announced  it 
in  the  Dinavartamdni.  Then  followed  an  interval  of  ten  years 
during  which  I  was  engaged  in  duties  absorbing  all  my  time  and 
attention.  I  had  the  superintendence  of  the  Public  Instruction 
Press  on  my  hands  ;  and,  aided  by  the  Pundits  of  the  Presidency 
College,  and  other  competent  native  scholars,  had  tlxe  responsi- 
bility of  editing,  among  the  works  that  issued  from  the  Press 
during  this  period,  seven  dictionaries,  some  of  which  have  since 
been  re-printed. 

At  the  beginning  of  1870,  having  been  relieved  from  my  heavy 
duties  in  connexion  with  the  Presidency  College  and  the  Unir 
versity,  I  resolved  to  print  the  proverbs  as  they  stood,  and'  soon 
after  this  having  met  the  Rev.  G,  Fryar  of  Manargudi,  Tanjore 
District,  I  learnt  that  be  had  fur  eight  or  nine  years  been  also 
engaged  in  collecting  Tamil  proverbs,  and  that  his  collection 
then  amounted  to  five  thousand  examples,  and  that  he  proposed 
eventually  to  publish  it  on  the  basis  of  my  First  Edition,     On 

via  PREFACE. 

hearing  of  my  own  plan,  Mr.  Fryar  abandoned  this  purpose,  and 
very  generously  placed  his  valuable  MS.  at  my  disposal,  from 
which  I  obtained  several  hundred  new  proverbs. 

Shortly  after  this,  again,  one  of  my  compositors  brought  me 
an  old-looking  MS.  containing  over  fifteen  hundred  examples. 
A  volume  printed  in  1861  at  Vepery,  and  containing  nearly 
four  thousand  examples,  was  also  put  into  my  hands.  But 
these  collections  yielded  very  few  proverbs  not  already  contain- 
ed in  my  own  MS.  A  Pundit  of  the  Government  Normal 
School  furnished  me  with  about  a  hundred  fresh  examples,  and 
a  small  MS.  belonging  to  a  Native  Christian  lady  of  Tanjore 
contained  a  few  curious  proverbs  that  I  had  not  seen  before. 
These  related  to  Christian  character,  and  evidently  originated 
in  anything  but  a  benign  feeling. 

Altogether  my  collections  in  1872  exceeded  fifteen  thousand,, 
but  they  only  yielded  the  number  contained  in  this  volume. 
That  the  outcome  of  so  large  a  gathering  should  be  compara- 
tively small  may  easily  be  accounted  for  by  the  fact  that  the 
several  collections,  in  very  many  instances,  contained  the 
same  proverbs.  It  must  be  borne  in  mind  that  my  own 
collection,  which  eventually  absorbed  the  others,  was  made 
during  a  period  extending  over  forty  years,  and  that,  through 
the  medium  of  the  Dinavartamdnif  I  had  received  contributions 
from  all  parts  of  the  Madras  Presidency,  as  well  from  North 
Ceylon.  Hence  it  was  but  natural  that  I  should  anticipate 
collectors  who  come  into  the  field  later. 

But  fdr  the  omission  of  many  of  the  admired  Aphorisms  of  the 
ancient  Tamil  matron,  Avveyar,  this  collection  would  have  'been 
somewhat  larger.    Though  these  Aphorisms  are  i^ompositions  a£ 


unequalled  brevity  and  beauty,  I  have,  for  tbe  most  part,  omitted 
thein^  because  they  are  geifeerally  taught  im  sehools,  and  ffideed 
regarded  as  part  of  a  school  course.  En  pasmnt  I  may  zoention 
that  seven  or  eight  years  ago  I  printed  and  published  them, 
in  a  separate  form,  with  an  analysis  and  translation  in  English, 
and  that  a  Second  Edition  of  this  work  is  now  in  the  Press, 
Bible  proverbs,  and  those  obviously  Sanskrit,  are  also  omitted, 
because  this  collection  is  designed  to  be  Dravidian,  Transla- 
tions from  Western  proverbs  I  have  for  the  same  reason  left  out. 

In  this  edition,  as  in  the  First,  the  proverbs  are  arrawged  in 
alphabetical  order.  This  of  course  is  the  easiest  method.  Some 
years  ago  I  thought  of  classifying  the  subjects  somewhat  after 
the  plan  of  Amarakosha,  a  Sanskrit  Dictionary,  wherein  objects 
are  divided  into  separate  classes,  as  Supernals,  Infernals,  Men, 

Animals,  &c.  A  division  of  subjects  on  the  principle  of  a  com- 
monplace book  was  also  thought  of,  and  a  friend  whose  judg- 
ment I  greatly  respect,  suggested  an  index.  Although  each 
of  the  methods  referred  to  has  much  to  recommend  it,  at  length 
I  gave  them  all  up,  and  resolved  to  adopt  the  easiest— ^the 
alphabetical  arrangement.  Had  I  decided  otherwise,  the  work 
must  have  been  delayed  ;  and  as  in  my  case  "  the  day  is  far 
spent,"  I  might  not  have  been  able  to  accomplish  my  purpose. 

On  the  analogy  of  the  proverbial  expressions  current  in  all 
countries,  many  scraps  of  sentences,  mere  allusions,  similitudes, 
and  the  like,  are  included  in  this  collection,  though  not  proverbs 
in  the  proper  sense  of  the  term.  The  objects  of  Nature,  habits, 
and  dispositions  of  animals,  government,  agriculture  and  com- 
merce, domestic  and  religious  usages  supply  a  large  number  of 
proverbial  expressions.  The  incidents  of  classical  literature 
contribute  many  that  prove  highly  acceptable  to  those  who  have 


'  any  acquaintance  with  the  sources  of  Hindu  history.  So  largely 
do  the  atories  of  ancient  writers  contribute  that  the  fact  has 
originated  a  proverb  universal  among  the  people  of  Bengal. 

What  is  there  after  Bharata  ? 

A  glance  at  a  few  pages  of  this  volume  will  suffice  to  show 
that  the  people  among  whom  such  proverbs  are  current  cannot 
be  ignorant  of  the  laws  of  God. 

Vox  Populi,  vox  Dei, 

may  be  applied  to  this  aspect  of  many  of  the  Dravidian  proverbs  :: 

"  The  people's  voice,  the  voice  of  God  we  call ; 
And  what  are  Proverbs,  but  the  people's  voice  ? 
Coined  first  and  common  madev  by  common  choice  ;. 
Then  sure  they  must  have  weight,  and  truth  withal." 

I  may  be  permitted  to  say  a  few  words  on  the  utility  of 
a  volume  like  that  now  offered  to  the  public,  A  foreigner 
destined  to  spend  the  best  part  of  his  life  among  the  Tamil 
people  will  find  their  proverbs  of  inestimable  value.  In  these 
pithy  and  instructive  sayings  avast  fund  of  information  will  be 
found,  not  to  be  obtained  from  ordinary  books,  and  not  at  all 
from  bopks  designed  for  Western  minds  ; — practical  maxims^ 
resulting  from  the  experience  of  many  generations,  maxims 
that  will  be  sought  in  vain  in  books  of  modern  origin. 

The  translation  will,  I  hope,  be  generally  approved.  In  some 
instances  I  have  found  it  difficult  to  ascertain  the  meaning ;  and 
in  many  the  application  has  equally  puzzled  both  myself  and 
others  to  whom  I  have  applied  for  information.  In  some  cases 
I  may  have  been  misled  by  those  who  might  be  more  disposed 
to  hazard  a  conjecture  than  to  acknowledge  ignorance.  For 
the  benefit  of  foreigners  the  occasional  notes  might  have  been 


advantageously  increased  in  number,  but  usages  diifer  so  much 
that  great  caution  is  required  in  this  matter.  So  varied  is  the 
operation  of  race,  language,  religion,  and  climate,  upon  the 
character  and  social  usages  of  the  Hindus  who  occupy  the  vast 
area  of  India  that  it  is  unsafe  to  assume  generally  that  what  i.s 
common  in  one  Province  is  so  in  others. 

In  conclusion,  any  one  interested  in  this  work  will  oblige  by 
sending  me  proverbs  not  found  in  the  collection,  or  any  sugges- 
tions for  improving  the  next  Edition.  Though  I  may  not  hope 
to  see  another  edition,  my  son-in-law,  Mr.  W.  A.  Symonds,  wha 
has  long  studied  Tamil  proverbs  with  great  interest,  will,  should 
it  be  called  for,  undertake  the  editing. 

Little  Bourne,  Madras,  )  P.  PEIRCIVAL. 

February  13,  1874.    j 




1.  ^sij6SiSu9/b  QuirL^®u  Ljpmei^sesiiu  isidseo/rLbir  ? 

Having  placed  the  thing  on  the  pahn,  why  lick  the  hack  of  th» 

2.  ^su.eQ^L-.LD/nuLJ  Qu^SQy&ir, 
He  speaks  artfully. 

3.  jy«j9«r^  ^mmuLD  ^SoRfr. 

Heaven  is  the  help  of  the  helpless. 

God  Himself  is  the  help  of  the  helpless. 

The  word  of  the  destitute  does  not  reach  the  assembly. 

An  atsemblj  of  learned  men  or  men  in  power.  The  word*  of  the 
poor,  whether  they  relate  to  oppression,  or  to  other  injuries,  or  to 
opinion,  are  not  likely  to  find  admission  where  alone  they  can  avail. 

Light  breaks  on  the  head  of  the  destitute. 

Blame,  or  suspicion,  will  fall  on  the  head  of  the  unprotected  aiid 
friendless     The  poor  are  at  work  by  break  of  day. 

i.  ^<s^  Qu^eu^  Queifn9Gn'Ssir^  ^^a/ib  0«i€ir«f)  ^riru.Lb. 

Hie  destitute  brings  forth  a  female  child,  and  Ihftt  on  Fnday, 
under  the  star  Piiridam. 

ij  Lp  Q  LD  fr  Lpl, 

Ufled  of  ont  su^Tering  from  an  aecumulatioti  of  ttrWn  The  eon<^ 
dition  of  the  pnr^nt,  the  sex  of  the  child,  the  da^  of  its  birtk  and 
its  ruling  star  are  alike  inaus[>icious. 

8.  jy«^53^ujLJ  U(^^  Q^lLQp^it  ? 

What !  is  tribute  demanded  of  the  destitute  ? 

9.     jy««^^^   ^Lp(3^    Qp^^^e\)    Q^lfliLjLO, 

The  beauty  of  the  mind  appears  in  the  face. 

Though    the   Agatli — Coronilla    grandifioray — brings    forth   by 
thousands^  its  fruit  remains  ungathered. 

Spoken  of  the  beneficent  acts  of  one  not  held  in  estimation,  and 
whose  kindness  is  not  therefore  appreciated.  The  proverb  is  also 
used  of  a  miser  whose  treasures  are  useless. 

Does  the  thief  steal  in  expectation  of  being  caught  ? 

He  who  was  caught  was  under  the  influence  of  Saturn  in  the 
eighth  sign,  and  he  who  escaped,  did  so,  under  the  influence  of 
Saturn  in  the  ninth. 

Saturn  situated  in  the  eighth  sign  from  that  of  one*s  birth   is 
supposed  to  exercise  a  most  malignant  iufiuence>     This  ofinion  o 
the  Hindus  appears  in  many  of  their  ProTerhs. 

Hindu  Astronomy  is  made  the  foundation  of  a  rast  system  of 
Astrology.  The  real  movemenU  and  the  rtl<Uix$  poaitloin  of  the 
planets  are  wrought  into  a  systematic  connection  with  a  great 
variety  of  arbitrary  divisions  of  the  signs  of  the  Zodiac,  and  of  the 
twenty-seven  Lunar  Mansions.  To  these  bodies  are  added  various 
Mytholofical  appendages,  as  beasts,  birds,  trees,  ^c,  all  of  which, 
of  course,  being  a  pait  of  the  fine-spun  theory,  help  to  form,  in  the 
view  of  the  people  generally,  a  more  recondite  and  imposing  systenx 
IhatL  that  of  Asti'ODomy  itself. 

The  4^i^ologt€iJ  dogmas  of  lodia  hare  an  importamt  beftnng  on 
all  the  domestic  arrangements  and  praoiices  of  the  people    i  hey 

Tamil  fbov^rbs.  3 

extend  to  a  great  tariety  of  popular  superstitions  which  run  out  into 
ererv  department  of  life.  This  is  seen  in  the  luck j  and  nnluckj 
months,  days  and  other  dirisions  of  time,  in  the  horoscope,  which 
has  a  powerful  controlling  influence  iu  marriage,  and  in  other 
matters  relating  to  the  settlement  of  families  and  in  the  more 
general  prognostics  for  the  year  as  given  in  the  Hindu  Calendar. 
Astrology  in  its  popular  developments  exerti  a  powerful  influence 
on  all  classes  of  Hindu  Society. 

If  he  who  has  the  ladle  be  one's  own  serrant,  what  matters  it 
whether  one  be  seated  first  or  last  at  the  feast  ? 

The  Agappai — ladle — here  referred  to  is  made  of  a  piece  of 
cocoanut  shell  with  a  suitable  wooden  handle.  The  shell  being  Tory 
hard  and  not  porous  is  well  suited  for  the  purposes  of  a  spoon  or 
ladle.  It  is  easily  cleaned,  and  well  adapted  for  earthen  cooking 
Vessels.  It  may  be  seen  in  every  cooking  room  or  shed  throughout 
the  Tamil  country. 

14,  jy£5ii   <^/D<3=   ^^Lb   (oTJ^U^, 

As  grain  becomes  cheaper,  enjoyment  increases. 

If  grain  abound,  the  five  also  will  abound ;  if  grain  be  scarce,  the 
five  will  be  so. 

16.  jy«£i  u^eQfB^fr&)   cr&)e\)frLD  LDeQiLjLD,  ^<xld  (^ets^pik^fTeo  cre^eoirui 

If  grain  abounds,  all  things  abound,  if  graitt  be  scarce,  all  things 
arie  scarce* 

If  apart,  long  friendship,  if  tqgethclr,  the  least  touch  Ifill  proroker 

When  apart,  even  einmity  becomes  fiiendship^ 

4  u  ifiQ  mir  lS* 

•         * 

Separation  secures  manifest  friendship. 
A  large  halo — a  rainy  day. 

21.   ^^eQSeo  ^fSiU[rj35eu&sr  ^esdnh  ^jiSiurresr, 

He  who  knows  not  the  price  of  grain,  knows  not  sorrow. 

The  moat  into  which  the  alligator  has  plunged  is  to  itself  Yai* 
kundam.    (Paradise,) 

23*  jy^/r  nsfria/nuu  Qu^SQtf^&tr. 
He  speaks  glibly. 

Is  it  to  see  the  face  of  one  who  acts  improperly  ? 

25.  ^Qstrir  /SBU&  eQui?^  Qe=irFeisr, 

▲  terrible  ascetic,  an  atrocious  cheat. 

26.  ^(S6srrjr  ^u^,  eQu/F^  /Si^Gm&tr, 

in  austerity,  severe  ;  in  penrersity,  an  adept. 
Prone  to  extremes. 

27«   ^i^€V)tr  LLrrtL(Bl^(^  g)««65)/r  u^en^^ 

Green  pcutwre  on  this  shore  for  the  cattle  on  that. 

28.  ^««/r®  QeuL-t^u  U(^/i^  6Qes)^iSCSp&ir  Gr&sr(ffi\)^  ^uurr  ct^mt 

iiQ6sir(m  ^uuiLi^  ereifrSQy&sr  i9e/rdsfr. 

If  I  say  that  1  am  about  to  clear  away  the  jungle  to  sow  cotton 
seed,  my  child  exclaims,  O  father,  givt  me  a  cloth* 

Sanguint  and  very  auticipatory. 

29.  jyi^/r®  QeutLtf-u  uq^fis^  eQes)jsjs^!re\>^  ^uuir  Qpifi6F&p(yeiDL- 

If  I  clear  away  the  jungle  and  sow  cotton  seed,  it  is  said  that  the 
girl  exclaimed,  0  father,  a  cubit  of  cloth. 


This  fnendaliip  of  a  brother-in-law  lasta  while  one's  sister  lives. 

31.  3jssjretr  p^emL^/r^e\)^  thd^^/rm  p^eisrCSl, 

If  one  has  a  sister,  he  may  have  a  brother-in-law. 


U  the  property  of  the  elder  sister  riee,  and  that  of  the  younger  bran  P 

Satd  of  one  who  is  extremelj  ohary  about  hit  own  property,  and 
indifforeiit  about  that  of  another. 

33.  jy«<«/r6yr  e^p-sijih  Lb^^rr&r  UG^sntfu^ir  ? 

Whilst  cherishing  friendship  for  the  sister,  are  you  at  enmity  with 
the  brotber-in-law  ? 

Having  taken  in  marriage  the  elder  sister,  why  inquire  after  the 
rank  of  the  younger  ? 

Having  reproached  her  elder  sister,  the  younger  played  the  harlot. 

36.  ^ii&fT&r^ir&sr  6h.i^ui9pn5fi5iTerry  LDd=^,T^Lb  Sn-L^uiSpfb^T^  ? 
My  sister  was  indeed  bom  of  the  same  mother :  was  my  brother- 
in-law  also  t 

Will  a  dog  understand  the  Vedas,  although  bom  in  a  Brahman 
villrtge  I 

Should  a  sheep  come  into  a  Brahman  village,  each  person  will  get 
but  a  hair. 

After  a  sheep  has  been  sacrificed  in  a  Brahma nicnl  villrtg«  and  the 
carcass  consumed,  the  Brahmans  may  use  the  hair  when  performing 
ptSja  :  t1)is  interpretation  is  disputed 

As  a  dog  longed  for  the  consecrated  things  of  a  Brahman  village. 

6  ^  u  ifiQ  Ltiir  L^^ 

Said  when  great  expectations  are  entertained  of  somelLing  thtt  is 
likely  to  proie  illusory  ;  an  amusing  storj  is  told  about  this  pro?erb. 

40.   jy«®arf)  LoSsoCJoiev  s/ruLijrurressrLD  i9jrQujfrS^^^(Su/r€\), 

As  one  discharged  a  camphor  arrow  at  a  burning  mountain. 

Spoken  of  an  Act  done  to  injure  another,  fruitless  or  inadequate, 
and  possibly  destructive  of  the  means  employed. 

He  is  as  if  a  libation  liad  been  poured  out  to  the  god  of  fire. 

Used  of  one  naturally  very  black,  who  on  hearing  the  proverb  if 
he  understands  its  purport,  is  of  course  very  angry.  When  water  is 
poured  on  burning  charcoal  the  cinders  appear  exceedingly  black. 
The  intended  reflection  is  not  the  less  insulting  because  of  the  com- 
plimentary way  in  which  it  is  conveyed. 

«       I,  ■ 

42.   jSf^Sssfliufrp  mt-L^  Lfessr  eQe^iS^i^fr^, 

A  cauterized  wound  will  not  fester  much. 

Whence  sorrow  to  him  who  haa  no  connections  ? 

Said  of  one  who  is  so  obscure  and  iselated  as  to  have  no  one 
whose  griefs  he  can  share  or  assuage. 

44,   jifiB^jietn^  ^fb/3eo  ^2eoQ^!r(^^rr ? 
Is  it  improper  to  bathe  in  a  river  I 

Although  he  take  his  body  and  wash  it  in  the  river,  no  fault  will 
be  found 

46.   ^(Bi^^eiD^^  QiSfTbisTjry  ^pfSlGO  Q^iidtSiQeiJfrcifr^)^, 

A  body  that  has  been  deprived  of  life  (murdered)  may  not  be  put 
into  a  river. 

He  18  seen  everywhere  enjoying  himself :  when  looked  at  in  his 
homestead,  he  is  not  worth  half  a  cash 


Said  of  one   who,  when  out,  affects  to  be  well  off.  whereas  he  has 

Hotbiiig  at  all  to  depend  upoii. 

The  word  (««*;  Cash,  is  used  fer  sereial  kinds  of  eoin,  also  for 
none  J. 

48.  ^misfTi^  eQSsoemuj  ^Qjr  ^i^<3s^itQ^, 

Do  not  beat  down  the  market  price. 

Do  not  contravene  the   established  opinions  and  practices  of   the 
people  with  whom  jou  are  associated . 

If  a  song  be  demanded  of  a  woman  going  along  with  her  market 
basket^  she  will  exclaim  venkaiyam,  karuv^jtpilai,  {Onion^y 
curvy  leaves.) 

One  who  frequently  changes  his  party  will  receive  two  slapa  here 
and  three  cuffs  there. 

Tummattippattan^  who  had  escaped  here  and  there,  was  caught. 
Referring  to  the  adTcntures  of  a  sorcerer. 

He  is  here  and  there  and  has  a  share  also  in  the  boiled  rice. 

Why,  my  daughter,  are  you  cryiug  there  for  kanji  ?  come  hither 
and  you  may  fly  as  the  wind. 

Spoken  of  a  proffered  change  which  may  be  for  the  worse. 

If  her  neighbour  prospers,  she  will  starve  herself  for  five  days. 

55.  ^iSFe\)  ePQ  eufrt^m^rrffo  ujrQ^a'LD  QufrSp^rr  ? 

Is  ooe  to  go  to  a  forcigti  couotry,  because  his  neighbour  prospers  T 

8  u  ifiQ  mfr  L^^ 

RegardlesB  of  circumstances,  he  aims  to  destroy  his  neighbour. 

57-  jy<sr®//ru  uu9(f^LCi  semL-.Qjs  tupskjih. 
Stunted  grain — friendship  at  sight. 
Both  valueleis. 

A  cow  eats  moving ;  a  house  eats  standing. 

59.   j^i&'^Lb  ^e\)&)fr^eiJ6sr  jifihueVLa  ^or^eurreir^ 
The  fearless  goes  into  the  assembly. 

Used  of  those  who  have  more  courage  tban  discretion. 

A  car  without  a  linch-pin  will  not  move  even  three  spans. 

Intimating  that  appliances  howeyer  triyial  cannot  be  dispensed 
with,  and  that  the  best  instrumtnts  and  weapons  require  due  man- 

Though  taken  to  Achchi,  a  wooden  ladle  will  fetch  only  half  a 

Achchi  being  a  prosperous  place,  cooking,  niensiU  are  there  in 
great  demand,  yet  even  there  this  inferior  article  will  bring  no 
more  than  Us  value. 

Spoken  of  the  intrinaic  value  of  a  thing. 

62.  j^^&uS^Lb  i9<9^<5jfyfS'ii65n'jrir  s_63aT®. 

There  are  beggars  even  in  Achchi. 
See  the  preceding  proverb. 

63,  ^i^^^srea^irjr&sr  np^Qii)  eu^^^^ssr^sir f^  e'/S^&rr^ 

The  cheat  has  got  on  the  shoulders  of  the  conjurer. 

Said  when  one  deceiver  has  got  the  better  of  another. 

Deferential  respect  is  agreeable  to  every  one« 


Who  will  tolerate  a  presumptuous  or  impudent  man  ? 

66.  jyg5<F/r6y^  Quern  Qs^&^^ll  Ses)U.ujrr^, 

A  fifth  born  female  cannot  be  obtained  though  earnestly  sought. 

A  fifth  born  ftmale  is  regarded  as  the  special  favourite  of  fortune  \ 
an  eighth, — as  the  rery  opposite. 

67.  jf^SCSeo  ^deiruj/r^^  ^ihu^Qeo  eu^siriLjUifr  ? 

Will  that  which  was  not  bent  at  five,  bend  at  fifty  ? 

68.  jyg5^«»ra;^w<i  (^Qf^^ii  Qcuq^lLQld, 

Even  a  fledgeling  may  scare  the  timid. 

69.  jygj©^  ^fSliutr^eu^  ^ijau^eo  j^/Sleu(r^  ? 

Will  one  ignorant  at  five  understand  at  fifty  ? 

Early  iDstructiott  essential  to  future  knowledge.  The  provtrh 
may  also  suggest  that  growth  in  years  will  not  make  one,  that  is 
naturally  dull,  bright. 

Demons  strike  the  timid. 

Act  manfully,  but  modestly. 

<2.  jy^S^gjo/r<i  0<sEg5<»6ff<gBQii,  ^t^^^tresyiT  eiifry)e8ss(^La, 

Those  who  were  once  feared  may  be  made  to  beg ;  and  they  who 
were  once  oppressed  may  be  made  prosperous. 

To  the  timid  the  sky  is  full  of  demons. 

<4.  jyg5<9r  «/r<9r«(2«  (^^effifTiLfLb  Q&JeaoT^LDy  jyjS76i/'Lo  ^pD^npi  «L_i; 

A  horse  is  required  for   fire  cash,  and  he  must  be  able  to  leap 
over  a  river. 

Used  in  derision  when  great  results  are  expected  from  inadequate 

10  U  tpQ  LDfT  iB. 

A  re  five  young  birds  a  curry  ?  Is  a  young  girl  a  wife  ? 

76.  ^^^^(Q  ^FemGl  U(ip^(S\)3so, 

Of  the  five  senses-  two  are  uninjured. 

tTned  with  reference  to  soQie,  of  several  desiderated  objects  that 
have  been  accomplished,  or  of  some  thingt  that  remain^  uninjured. 

77.  Jij^^  uessTih  QmrrQ^^n-^LCi^  ^^^Sssr  ^^^jrih  ^^ir^. 

Even  if  you  were  to  give  away  five  fanams,  such  haste  or  precipi- 
tation will  not  do. 

Precipitance  in  judgment  is  woi'se  than  actual  loss. 

If  possessed  of  five  and  tbree^eveir  a  young  girl  may  make  a  curry. 

Tlie  five  arc  acid  pepper,  salt,  mufrtaid  and  cumin-,  the  three, 
are  water,  fuel  and  fire.. 

This  proverb  is  used  by  a  man  when  his  wife  has  prepared  a  currj 
thac  does  not  please  him. 

79.   ^^<3^(i^^^iTe9     OtB{^3^QF^wi     fasiLi^dsQ^sfTemQ     eu/i^rrpQu/rev 
eueod<3BfrjrLDfnuu  Quai-SQtfuj, 

Thou  speak  est  ostentatiously  as  a  matron  who  has  come  having  her 
bosom  adorned  with  a  t£li  ornamented  with  five  figures. 

The  lali  is  a  marriage  symbol  used  as  a  wedding  ring;  is  in  Europe^ 
Various  astiologiciil  obsei  vances  attend  the  melting  of  the  gold  &e. 
The  forms  lefevred  to  are  the  ^yq  weapons  of  Vishnu.  Vix. 
the  disciis,  the  club,  the  conch,  the  bow  and  the  sword 

The  Romanists  orunineut  the  tdli  with  the  figure  of  a  dove. 

89.   ^C5^^   euuj^  ^€SST i9 (^ Ssir <i (^   ^lou^  euiu^u    Ousm   «/reu  np 

A  woman  of  fift}^  must  bend  the  knee  before  a  boy  of  five. 

Keferring  to  the   deference  paid  tj  the  male  sex  by  the  Hindui. 

81.   •iy^<»C?6i7/rizo/r<55  Q^^^t^^mu  ufrir^Q(af>6sr, 
He  aims  to  humble  the  timid  by  force. 


Confiict  in  five  Tillages  is  but  currj",  five  maracals  of  rico  is  only 
a  mouthful. 

Spoken  of  one  who  dtlighis  in  tbe  misfortunes  of  olhei*t. 

The  five  letters  and  the  sentiment  are  like  him. 

Spoken  of  a  child  who  in  feature  aud  disposition  resembles  its 

Of  what  use  is  beauty  to  a  damsel  living  in  retirement  t 

The  well-ordered  are  wise ;  the  disorderly  are  fools. 

Modesty  is  the  ornament  of  a  woman. 

Thepraverb  may  be  used  of  rox>deration  generally  and  self-restraint. 

87.  ^L^^(meuirirpp  ^(Lp<i<35fr6Si^iLi ld   Qs^fTLLQeijrrjr.pp    Q Lbeir QpLLmu ji 

k  dwarf  without  restraint — an  unused  tomtom — ht  wanders  about. 
Used  of  one  irrecoverably  woi'thless 

88.  jyu/BdB/r^SF  ufrLDi9!b(^  jrrr^fr  ^isiSev^^i^^ 
A  bamboo  staff  is  the  king  of  a  vicious  snake. 

A  diiiobedient  wife  is  an  evil  both  to  Ler  mother  and  to  one's  self. 
Spoken  of  a  person  inimical  alike  to  two  parties. 

A  disobedient  wife 'and  a  self-willed  husband. 
Said  of  uncongenial  society. 

Seize  that  which  can  be  grasped,  not  that  which  cannot. 
Aim  at  the  practicable. 

12  u  ipQ  iLir  tfi. 

Even  tender  creepers  when  united  are  strong. 

He  will  speak  abusively,  but  will  not,  come  out. 

They  who  do  what  they  ought  not,  will  suffer  what  they  might 
have  avoided. 

It  sei'Tes  him  right. 

A  slap  is  a  cake,  a  cuff  is  sweetmeat. 

Spoken  of  one  who  is  beyond  ordinary  diseipline. 

Will  an  elder  or  younger  brother  aid  one  as  effectually   as  dis- 
cipliue  or  punishment  ? 

The  more  a  ball  is  strucic,  the  more  it  rebounds. 

Beware  of  a  beating  wind  and  of  falling  rain. 
Beware  of  things  bevond  humfin  control. 

Does  the  beating  wind  fear  the  sunshine  t 

Spoken  ol*  irrelerant  means  to  sabdne  an  eril. 

fl  ,11 

100.   •^9-«(5ii  aurprSQeo  <otQ^^^  ,^ppQeu€i^®LO, 
Winnow  while  the  wind  blows. 

One  hand  smites,  the  other  embraces. 

JDisoipliiie  regulated  by  lore  \    used  sometirots   of  Divine  chas* 

102.   ^L^<3F^L^L^6»(mcn(oeir  sjressrLD  (SuirL-.eofrLafr  ? 

.  Can  one  make  a  somersault  in  the  bottom  of  a  chatti  ? 


103.  Sjij-flffi  ©(i5«(gii  (^t^^ft  sh.(tp^^ui  ^ff. 

What  he  received  for  his  labour  (ploughiDg)  only  paid  for  the  kauji 
he  drank. 

104.    ^l^^^U    U(L^^^^Ui   Uf^LUfT  ? 

Is  that  which  ripens  by  force  fruit  ? 

(A.  fdf  oui'  done  under  constraint  is  no  favoar.) 

105.  jy^-^^Ly  ufr€\)  Lj6SL-®Sp<iSfr ? 

Is  a  child  to  be  beaten  in  order  to  pour  milk  into  its  mouth  ? 

Neither  the  child  that  is  unchastised,  nor  the  mustache  that  i» 
untwirled  will  be  right. 

Implying  that  due  cait  must  be  tzercieed  to  secure  a  desiderated 

107.  Sju^^^^^iLL-m&sriSesrQesr  QufP^^Co^  iStf-^^eSLLL^eueinSek 

Though  you  may  trust  one  who  has  administered  correction,  you 
may  not  trust  one  who  has  betrayed  yon. 

108.  jyz^/6/r«fi(?e\)  /B^shm  ^eSiBfrmQQeo  jijiBir^npLbn'  f 

What !  is  it  nectar  at  the  tip  of  the  tongue  while  poison  is  at  the  root  ? 
Said  of  one,  or  to  one  whose  professions  are  at  Tariauce  with  liis 
intentions « 

Is  the  stem  nochchi,  and  the  top  a  castor  plant  ? 

Intimating  thab  the  same  characteristics  wili  preTail  in  a  family 
or  tribe« 

110.  ^i^uun-Qesreisr    i9 if.u uirQ etsr eir  ?   ^L^^(^Qp  edi^u9eo  ^L-i(^ 

Why  beat  him,  why  seize  him  f  we  will  subdue  him  by  proper  means. 

'■  ■ 

Kven  a  grindstone  will  move  under  repeated  strokes. 

14  u  tpQ  iLir  i^. 

112.  ^if-es)in  ussii^^^fre\)  ^eaeu^  «L-.6Jr. 

It  is  the  duty  of  one  who-  has  a  slave  to  employ  hinii 

113.  ^i^iupp  uS5srQufr6\)  eQapi^nri^^ 

He  fell  as  a  palmira  tree  sievered  from  its  root. 

So  perfect  was  his  prostration.    This  m$j  h%  used  of  obeisati€e  or 

114.   ^u^iupp  LnjrLDQufr(o(S\), 
As  a  tree  without  root. 

115.  j>/i^iup(rif>GO  ^<oS  e9LpfrijbSQ^S(^LbJr  f 

If  the  root  fail,  will  not  the  top  fall  ? 

116.  •gy^-UJ/r  /5/r®  uif-iufT^, 

A  province  in  which  authority  is  not  enforced  will  Adt  submit, 

117.    ^l^lUfT^   LDfrQ   Ut^lUfT^, 

An  unchastised  bullock  will  not  obey. 

That  which  exists  in  the  bottom  is  likewise  in  the  middle  and  top; 

119.   ^^iLjiJO  ulLQu  L/syf?^^  LDfTsjiSmju/r  ^<ck(Ssr(oeueijrQLD  ? 

And  besides  being  beaten,  must  (one)  also  eat  sour  mangoes  f 

Spoken  of  something  imposed  on  one  who  is  already   suffering 
from  questionable  inflictions. 

1-20.  ^L^QiU&sr^  ^s3)Lo««Ly  QuGssriSLir  ^e^^y  <^^  er^^Ssvr  Ou€sst 

Like  saying  to  a  man  how  many  boys  have  you,  and  how  many 
girls,  when  he  has  not  a  wife  to  whom  he  can  say,  Adi. 

121  •   ^tf-^fresTLb  £s^^^^fre\)j  ^essr&ni—  eff*Q  ei]^S(mui. 

If  the  horizon  becomes  black,  the  household  of  the  fkrmbr  will 
begin  to  parch. 

122.  ^O^aSswi  SiemppSQeo  ^(tp^Ln  erQffs^/rpQu/res)^ 
like  the  springing  up  of  nectar  in  a  kitchen  weU* 


He  says,  to  cook,  there  is  a  woman ;  for  outdoor  work,  a  man. 
Spoken  of  netilful  help  already  at  hand. 

124.  jy®<3fQ®/D  ^065)Lo  Q^ifliL^uifr  ^^emu.^Qp  fBinues(m  P 

Does  the  dog  that  breaks  (fhe  cooking  pots)  know  how  difficult  it 
is  to  arrange  them  ? 

Used  when  a  heedless  clumsy  person  h<is  disarranged  or  spoiled 
some  clierished  work  on  which  great  pains  had  beeu  bestowed. 

Ud*  ji/Q^^  &h^es}fr  Q 6US1J 15135 ft e\)  ^&ir  <3h,€^rr<i^  (oLanr&^ui, 

When  a  neighbour's  roof  is  in  flames  one's  own  is  in  danger. 

12o«  jifQ^s^tsudoStds  QdsQ<i<X€\}n'u^fr  p 

Is  it  right  to  destroy  one's  neighbour  ? 

Because  his  neighbour  prospers  he  removes  in  th6  day-time  i.  e. 
at  once. 


He  destroys  those  about  him  and  robs  those  who  fed  hini. 

129.  ^Q^^  j>/Q^^^  Q^n-(^^<s\)  Q^rr®^^  •srr/Flujih  Qpi^iL^ih, 

By   continually  urging,    the   work    undertaken  may  be    com- 

139.  ^®^^i  QmQuurr^  ^uu.m,  O^nrQ^^i  Q^Quli/t^  (SeuS. 
A  deceiver  destroys  when  near,  a  harlot  in  contact. 

131.  ^Qji^  6u/E^6u/r<i(^  ^^Jreii  Q3=rr<^^Qeufr^  ^g^. 

He  is  a  teacher  or  spiritual  guide  who  gives  wholesome  counsel  to 
those  who  resort  to  him. 

132.  jy®uu(5®cy  Qea^QessFGSiiu  msu^js  ses)jK 

A  story  about  butter  being  placed  near  the  hearth, 

16  u  ifiQ  intr  ifi. 

Is  ornamentation  requisite  in  a  hearth  or  fireplace  ? 
The  needful  is  sufficient  in  common  ihiugs 

134.  ^QuLj  Q/BQ^uLjLD  QufTiu  eumu^^eQQtjCi  Qunr^ar^^ 
No  fire  in  the  hearth}  no  bran  in  the  mouth. 

135.  ^(BluLj  €rif)fB<asfrev  Qufrifl  Quirif^u^LD, 

Should  the  fire  burn,  you  may  parch  grain. 

- — • — i—  -■ 

136*   ^&nL^mQ^n-€if>fr  ^^iB. 

Take  care  of  those  who  are  under  your  protection. 

A  snake  will  bite  him  who  removes  a  fence. 

138.   ^6w/_-LD«ntp<i(g6T7-(?6yr  ^lir  ^iLQ^i^iLu^Q^F^s^^Qurroo, 
As  a  lamb  died  in  heavy  rain* 

Said  of  one  coming  to  grief  from  want  of  due  care 

Though  the  heavy  rain  is  over,  the  dropping  from  the  trees  con- 

Though  the  greater  evils  have  passed  away,  the  lesser  remain. 
Though  the  spoiler  is  not  upon  us,  .the  ordinary  imposts  are  de- 
manded by  men  in  power 

140«   j^L^L^in^^^  drewfl  QlLl^  euiB^^Qufre\)* 
As  Saturn  in  the  eighth  sign  approached. 
Some  person  or  thing  ominous  of  OTil. 

Saturn  in  the  eighth  sign  will  bring  loss. 
See  the  proceeding. 

Saturn  in  the  eighth  sign  seized,  and  stripped  off  even  tho  waiist- 


like  borrowing  Saturn  in  the  eighth  sign  on  intere&t. 

144.  jt/iLes)i^i(^LD  ^Q^^QuQiSdSso,  ^^Q<o^^(^tii  ^rr^^^Qy!jle\)^. 

Ihe  leech  is  not  satisfied,  nor  is  fire. 
Id  ordinate  desire  is  never  satisfied. 

145'  jui—ss)L—eif)UJLJ  i9i^^^  QiLi^esy^uSieo  ein6U^^j^(Su(r€\), 

As  a  reptile  caught  and  placed  on  a  cushion. 
Said  of  a  person  in  an  unnatural  situation. 

146.    ^LL63)L-e3)UJ    (oT®^^    QlH^iSD^SeO     Gn^^/SfT^Lb    Q^^&D^^tU 

Qiu  /sfrQiD, 
Although  you  take  a  reptile  and  place  it  on  a  cushion,  it  will  seek 
a  heap  of  dried  leaves.         , 

147.  j^i&sSeo  <^p^iLl^  fsinu  umruu^CSufreo, 

As  a  dog  looks  up  at  a  squirrel  that  has  ascended  and  escaped  hia 

A  despairing  look  after  a  thing  irrecoverably  lost- 

148.  jii€s£pi9iQfr2siT^(j^    cP/5?(5     ^flQ^frf   ^sssrtf^^Sl     i9mh(Ti(^^ 

Does  the  squirrel  lack  the  pulp  of  the  young  palmyra  fruit,  or  the 
child  of  a  Sai  va  mendicant,  rice  I 

To  give  to  religious  mendicants  is  held,  by  the  Hindus  gencrallji 
to  be  meritorious' 

149.  Ji/^)i  Lb'S/rQ in 0^(511  fr ui rr  ? 

Is  an  atom  the  great  Meru  ? 

The  sacred  mountain  Meru,  forming  the  centre  of  the  seven  con- 
tinents according  to  the  Mythological  geography  of  the  Hindm  ]  it 
appears  to  mean  the  highland  of  Tartary  Lorth  of  the  Himalaya. 

AuL  atom  is  become  a  mountain,  a  mountain  an  atom. 
151.  ^dssisr  «L-/5^  Qen&reiTLCi  ^(i^/Sfr^ih  eUQ^LDrr  p 

Though  one  cry  after  it,  will  the  flood  that  has  burst  its  bund 

return  ? 


18  u  ifiQ  LLir  i^. 

Kb  a  premonition,  this   proverb  is  nseJ  to  inculcate  caution,  and. 
as  a  remark  on  misfortune,  it  suggests  the  uselessness  of  regret 

Who  can  stop  a  flood  that  has  burst  its  bund  ? 
Spoken  of  insuperable  evils. 

Whatever  exists  in  the  universe  exists  in  the  human  body. 

154.   ^essru.^^^  ^6\)e\)fr^^th  i9essTU-^^i\)  s-essn^frf 

Does  that  exist  in  the  body  which  does  not  exist  in  the  universe  ? 

The  greater  includes  the  lesser      This  and  the  preceeding  proverb 
really  relate  to  the  dialectics  of  the  learned  and  philosophic  schools. 

Will  a  fruit  be  burdensome  to  Him  who  bears  the  universe  I 

Used  when  some  favoar  is  sought  of  one  who  is  known  to  possess 
ample  resources. 

156.  ^GssTi^y^iLCi  i9€mi—(ipLb  ^f5^jr!SJ^(ipLD  Qeu&Fluj/riB<X(ipLD, 

Of  the  universe  and  the  body,  the  former  is  hidden,  the  latter  open, 

157.  ^mri^rr^  i9u.irS)  ^Q^^^i^  ^u.mi(^(sufr(crfr  ? 

Whom  will  the  unapproachable  demoness  obey  I 

The  term  Pid^ri  is  generallj  applied  to  a  village  goddess  who  is 
regarded  as  an  evil  being 

A  quarrel  in  a  neighbouring  house  is  refreshing. 

Spoken  of  envious  persons  who  may  be  supposed  to  delight  in  a 
neighbour's  shortcomings  or  misfortunes 

159.  .^fiwrcwL-  eff^iLQu  ufnruufreir  dFewrcwz—  ^lLi^^  ^nruurresr. 

The  neighbouring  Brahman  will  breed  a  quarrel  and  settle  it- 
Said  of  one  who  promotes  evil  in  order  that  he  may  gain  by  it. 

160.  ^essT&siL^Sp  ^u^ir^fiGsr  ^ei>e\)frjs  jrfr^fr6i]a(^  ^uSir^^  cu^/i. 

Disgrace  will  attach  to  a  king  who  has  npt  a  competent  person 
near  him. 


1()1.  ji/sxiTsm^nr  ^w^ssnctdosrSeo  ^str^  s^emeffsru  (?iJ/r®(i7psrr, 
She  is  going  to  eat  rice  in  her  elder  brother  s  house. 

162.  ^sssr€SST^i^^^(s\)    -%^  LDfT^th    eufry^fb^fT^LD^    jy6wr«iaf?/iSi-,^ 
^€0  ^«D/r  fBfTLBsms  eufrLpe\)frLDfr  ? 

Although  one  may  live  six  months  with  an  elder  brother,  one 
cannot  abide  with  his  wife  even  half  an  hour 

The  first  condition  is  proverbially  difficult,  how  maoh  more  so 
the  second? 

If  my  elder  brother  has  a  daughter,  my  paternal  aunt  becomes  an 

164.  jjfsssr&ssr^Ld  ^un9itLjLo  Q'S'^Lbu  uemseair. 

An  elder  and  younger  brother  are  natural  (birth)  enemies. 

They  are  supposed  to  be  subject  to  envy,  jealousy  and  hatred 
on  account  of  the  rights  they  inherit. 

165.  ^6JRn-635rS5W<£  Q^fTmp  UL^y  ^f5es}^u9(Sso  ^fr^^^^QsiTefT^Slp  j^ 


Like  taking  revenge  in  the  market-place,  or  in  the  place  where 
the  Vedas  are  readj,  on  account  of  an  elder  brother  who  has 
been  murdered. 

My  elder  brother  is  superior,  father,  blow  the  fire. 

Said  whem  an  inferior  is  treated  with  greater  deference  than  one 
really  entitled  to  distinction. 

167.  ^&kfrGfST<ssr  OdSfrLbLf  uubuip  UGsrir^ai^ 

The  horn  of  my  elder  brother  is  as  soft  (harmless)  as  a  shiv^ed  stick. 

The  foxes  of  a  certain  region  familiar  with  the  bare  had,  for  a  long 
time,  an  idea  that  its  fine  long  ears  were  formidable  horns,  and  tUere- 
fore  kept  aloof  from  it.  At  length  an  old  fox  proposed  that  they 
should  try  to  ascertain  the  nature  of  the  extraordinary  excrescences 
on  its  head  *,  and  suggested  that  some  of  their  Qeighbours  should  be 
iuTited  to  a  feast.  This  was  done  *,  and  when  all  tilings  were  ready 
the  foxes  led  their  guests  into  the  festive  hall  snd  they  were  seated 

30  u  rpQ  LbfTLpl. 

a  fox  and  a  hare  alternately,  at  table.  Dtiiing  the  feast  pne  of  the 
foxes  profe9sing  great  admiration  for  Ibe  fine  horns  of  their  guests, 
l.iid  his  hand  upon  one  and  looking  round  uttered  the  Proverb.  On 
hearing  this,  each  fox  seized  and  devoured  the  hare  next  to  him. 

Whatever  is  left  uneaten  by  my  elder  brother  is  an  advantage  to 
my  sister-in-law. 

Elder  brother  and  younger  brother  are  still  wanted,  0  God. 

Should  a  teacher  make  a  slip,  it  is  attributed  to  his  art. 

Is  the  child  of  an  ai-tist  (a  dancing- master)  without  money,  is  the 
son  of  a  barber  in  want  of  hair  ? 

172.     ^60STi^<i(^Ui  Q^IT69STmi-.lLlLCi  ^SIjT  ^S^L—^^^, 

It  obstructed  the  throat  and  the  uvula   so  as   to  cause  them  ta 

If  the  favour  of  Annimalai  (Siva)  b^  obtained,  will  the  god  Man- 
ner pull  out  a  hair  ? 

Safe  as  regards  an  inferior,  if  prote<2ted  by  a  superior.  - 

The  forms  of  worship  prescribed  for  Siva  are  sixty- four ;  whereas^ 
the  seasons  for  feeding  religious  mendicanis  are  seventy-four. 

175.    ^^^   -^<55)dP   «gy^«    /5«^L_Lb, 

Excessive  desire  entails  excessive  loss, 
176.   ^^^  1^^^  ^(^L^^ifi^^jrih, 

Expessive  desire  or  greed  ends  in  eight  jfomi*  ^poverty. 


The  eight  forms  of  poverty  are  the  ahsence  or  negation  of  the 
eight  sonrceft  of  fruitioD  or  enjoymeot.  These  are  Oudbr  women  ; 
^ML.  apparel;  ^cs^ssoak  jewels;  Quf^smth  food;  0ifih^9oih 
betel;  uifiiACTii^  perfumes;  uac(B  songs;  ^iu>sA  reclining  on 

117,  ^Q'SfTiFlu^LD  ^SeoujirifliLiLD  G^&fr(aj>^&),  eQtf^iLjLDiLQLb  ^^t^e\)irui. 

If  the  chief  and  headman  are  united,  stealing  niiay  be  carried  on 
till  day-break. 

178.  ji/^'OBfTifl  sfftLi^e^)   ^(Wft^^  ^'3i'Ssoujirifi    esiea^^^Quireo, 

As  one  placed  in  the  house  of  the  headman  what  he  had  stolen  in 
the  house  of  the  chief. 

Said  of  a  thing  done  nnwittinglj. 

179.  jij^iSfrS)  effiLQti    QsnTLBnpiLeisiL^   (^£f.ujfr<ssreu&ir   effu.(Sl  ^loi£ 

An  egg  obtained  from  the  house  of  the  chief  will  breakthe  grind- 
stone in  the  house  of  the  peasant* 

laiplyiag  that  authority  imparts  to  the  insignificant  overwhelming 

A  short  thick  person  favoured  by  fortune. 

181.  ^P^.i-ii  ^(nfiuu  QuQ^r^Sp^^ 
Fortune  flows  as  a  river. 

182.  ^^'si^L^LD  ^(T^fB^rrev  ^jrair  u^ssraRn-^somh, 

When  fortune  smiles  one  may  reign  as  a  king. 

183.  ^^6!^i^LD   ^isv(5\)rr^<su^i(^ii  ^seouun^  euiflfr^^th]  ^ssy/StLjui 

Although  the  unfortunate  gets  a  large  measure  of  milk,  the  cat 
will  lap  it  all  up. 

Destiny  prevails  to  thwart  benefits  when  one  is  unfortunate. 
When  touched  by  the  fortunate  even  earth  becomes  gold. 

22  utfi'Qinrri^. 

185«   'J^Qjf  j^i^^ifiiri^^  ^Qjr  eQSsfriqtii. 

If  thoroughly  ploughed,  the  yield  will  be  abundant. 

This  is  stranger  than  that,  and  that  is  stranger  than  this* . 

187.  ^pCJoV  (giSSip<F^ev  ^6\)2sd  ^LLu.u.rr  u^^iriB, 

0",  priest  there  is  no  lack,  proceed  with  the  ceremony. 
Said  to  a  Pujtfch^ri  by  way  of  encouragement. 

188.  «^^  ^/^P(S  ^(3  ^^^}  ^fufreii^^  (sriLQi  dBeuSso. 

Each  object  is  attended  by  a  single  anxiety,  whereas  the  master 

has  eight* 

'  ■       ■  ■ 

189.  ^^  efev6U/r/i  ^^eistt^iL®  eurr  (sr^ufr<sir^ 

He  will  eat  it  all  and  say  come. 

Did  the  money,  diverted  from  the  object  for  which  it  was  given, 
avail  for  the  purchase  of  a  sickle  I 

May  you  hereafter  weep  because  that  also  is  too  little  I 

Like  calling  a  coward  a  fearless  hero* 
Said  of  false  adulation. 

193.  ^ef^^eQiLL^fre^Lb  «^a9«i)SiO,  ^ULfpLbQufTf^^LD  €Ui^uSe\iSs\), 

If  that  is  renounced  there  is  no  help,  if  you  go  further  there  is  no 

Spoken  of  evils  from  which  there  is  no  escape. 

194.  ^^^LD    LS(^^u9^e\)    ^evs\)(o6Ufr   ^ldulLl^gst   Quesar    (S^lLS 

It  is  by  reason  of  his  great  wealth,  is  it  notj  that  the  barber 
asks  a  maiden  in  marriage  I 


Although  she  put  in  so  many  ingredients,  she  omitted  salt. 
Said  of  something  complete  in  all  but  ove  essential. 

196.  jy^^/ToJr     Q^^^^irm     LCio9jrfr6=ary     awueSi     QiD^etn^    ibil^^it 

My  brother-in-law's  death  has  not  affected  me  any  more  than  the 
loss  of  a  hair;  but  his  blanket  and  mattress  have  become  mine. 

197.  jii^^isir<si^\uij  iSlLLQuufrir^^/reVj  ^ikj(^u^  ^iEa(^ui.Qufr<c^errGO, 

If  you  break  open  a  fig,  you  will  see  cavities  here  and  there. 

198.  -^^p  y^^^^^Qurreo  ^(i^^Sip^  ^o/eir  euik^^. 

His  coming  is  like  the  flowering  of  the  fig-tree. 
Something  that  never  happens* 

The  more  a  fig  is  opened,  the  greater  will  be  the  number  of  worms 

200.  j^^^ui^es)6iJ  ^ir  ^/iS(SUfrnr<35(5rr  ? 

Who  ever  saw  the  flower  of  a  fig-tree  ? 

Are  there  any  who  have  seen  the  blossom  of  the  fig-tree  I  tare 
there  any  who  have  seen  the  young  of  an  owl  ? 
Said  of  things  that  rarely  or  never  happen. 

202.  ^^^iLfT^Qeo  O<sfr^0luj  s<oSQu!Te\3, 
Like  fruit  sticking  to  a  fig-tree. 

203.  ^^^  t£/iSluQufr(^ek,  i9^^iQktretr<s^  ^&esr.   . 

He  transgressed  and  became  mad. 

*04.  ^^esi^Sf^  iS(ssia=Qp^^^frp  SppuufT  (st^mcorriD, 

Should  the  mustache  of  erne's  aunt  grow  we  may  call  her  uncle. 
Referring  to  improbable  contingencies, 


24}  ULpQtLfTlfi. 

205.  ^IB^LCi  S\lh^S5TeU^i(W^  «^iP(5  9QS(S>^^  ? 

Will  beauty  emanate  from  one  void  of  symmetry  ? 

206.  ^iB^0SSTir<i(^^  ^SsiRrr  Qeu^ih, 

The  Veda  is  the  staff  of  the  Brahman* 

207,  ^k^GSsrHr  iLdosruSip  ^/b^ssrui  LD«jafr«(-^ii, 

The  house  of  the  Brahman  is  perfumed* 

It  being  a  reqaisite  for  ceremonial  usages. 

208.  ^iB^jr^^€\)  (S^frev  er/jSH^  ^m^sskQufre)), 

Like  a  blind  man  who  has  thrown  his  staff  into  the  air* 

If  white-ants  take  wing  in  the  evening,  it  prognosticates  excess- 
ive rain. 

210»    ^fB^  LbCSiip  ^(Lp^fT^LD  effi-zr^, 

•  The  evening  rain  will  not  cease  even  if  one  should  weep. 

I  am  become  as  useless  as  a  grain  of  paddy  eaten  by  insects. 

212.  ^uu<3'Q  (3F^^LD>(Ssyu^\u6F  ^uuu  i9isirSsir  QppjiS&fr  Q^iBJ^Bmud^^m 

While  the  father  is  sacking  the  husk  of  the  cocoanut  his  son  is 
crying  for  the  kernel  or  pulp. 

Indicating  desires  beyond  on«'s  means. 

213.  ^uu<fS  Qs/reuessr^Gsy^u  UQ^m^  0^fr&^,  iSfftrSofr 

While  the   hawk    snatches   away  the    fathers    waist-cloth    his 
daughter  is  crying  for  a  silk  dress. 

Sjiid  in  reproof  when  wishes  are  entertained  hejond  one's  means. 

How  did  you  bake  the  cake  ?  how  did  you  sweeten  it  ? 


Cakes  are  baked  in  a  chatty,  steeped  rice  is  flattened  in  a  mortar. 
Means  must  be  suited  to  the  end. 

If  bread,  is  it  necessary  to  break  and  prove  it  I 

217.  ^uu^  ^(TE<ss)Ui    ^uu&sr  LjbfrmrL^rr&)    O^idiLjLo^  SL.uulo'or  ^r^ 

The  value  of  a  father  is  known  after  his  decease,  that  of  salt  when 

The  father  is  crying  for  rice  and  his  son  is  performing  the  cere- 
mony of  giving  a  cow  at  Kumbhak6nam. 

218.  jyuLVoir  OufiiiususisT^  Sppuurr  a^.^iLQ^^  Qr5(7EULj<i  GdCTsrwrS 

eufT  (brssr}^p^QuT(oV, 

Like  saying,  my  father  is  a  great  person,  uncle,  bring  fire  to  light 
my  cigar.    , 

Pride  of  wealth  leads  one  to  neglect  the  ohservauce  of  established 
social  rules. 

220.  ^uunr  ^&srQ!fe\)  fi_^S  (^eifl(f^LDrr? 

If  one  exclaim,  alas  !  alas !  will  the  crown  of  the  head  become  cool  ? 
Expressions  of  sympathy  are  ana\  ailing  if  not  associated  with 
real  help 

221.    ^UlQlUfTdFLb    6k.^ITeQ^<oS)^. 

Experience  is  knowledge  that  maketh  not  ashamed. 

222.  jijuiSiufT^  eQ^^D^^^  ^i^iGi^  @a)Sso. 

Thoroughly  acquired  knowledge  does  not  fail. 
Said  in  commendation  of  (obvious  efficiency. 

223.  jyLD(J5^  ^cmQi^fT  (^uLjfBfT\Li<%3i(Sfr  erskufrXoesrsoT  ? 

Why  ask  of  the  military  officer  if  there  is  any  compulsory  serTice  ? 
Why  gratuitously  seek  avoidable  evil  ? 

26  uifiQih/r  y9« 

224.  ^LLrruiL^m  i^fTSuuiL^LDy  Si^essruiL^HJb  ^iQeouiLiFLD, 

The  latter  and  former  halves  of  the  moon — ^its  dark  and  bright 

These  symbolize  tli«  light  and  darkness,  ih«  gladness  and  s«d«| 
nesB  of  human  life. 


225.  ^/LbffH(s^s  ^uQjrth  Qujrylh, 

Quietness  is  worth  thousands  of  gold,  ! 

226-   ^LJbir^^^<i(^iii    aiTesdfl    QeuGssru-irLD^    ^Lbir^^^i^us    ^iTesJA 

An  oppressor  and  a  clever  man  need  no  landed  property. 

227.  ^u^rreufrs!D<s'<i  S0dS3B6Q(oe\)  Qu(fh<9^^nr(sifl  (Sufr(S5rQ^€0€\)rrLD  &iip> 

In  the  darkness  of  the  new  moon  the  bandycoote  finds  a  way 
wherever  he  goes* 

228.  ^LD/Tei//r63)<FzJ  U(m^<o(s>^  erme^pm(^Ui  ^<3suuQtbfr  f. 

Is  the  food  peculiar  to  the  new  moon  to  be  had  every  day  t 

229.  ^Qp^u^  ^-€mQp  eufTiurreo  oSs^ii  s^emu/r/rdSisrrrr  I 

Will  poison  be  received  by  the  mouth  accustomed  to  nebtar  ? 

The  arrogance  of  a  barber  and  the  aflfectation  of  a  washerman* 
Said  when  inferiors  give  themstelres  airs  of  importance* 

231.  ji/LDUL-L^eir  (^u&nusinuj'i  Qen/Si^e^  LLvQiir  u^uSjrrrdju  Lfpuu®La, 

If  the  1  ubbish  heap  of  the  barber  be  stirred,  nothing   but  haii 
turns  up. 

The  more  yon  examine  an  inferior  thing,  the  viler  will  it  appear 

232.  ^liiUiLi—m  i9efrSsir'i(^  ldiSit  ^qf^^^fresSiufr  7 

Is  hair  a  i  are  sight  to  the  child  of  a  barber  I 

233.  j^Lbue\)^  ^(Lg<o^^  ^iDus\)^^p  SlL^fb^frer)  erskesr^  ^(Si^/b   ^(:\ 

What  matters  it  whether  the  helpless  ass  lies  in  an  open  place  o 
in  the  adjoining  palace. 


He  is  aiming  to  conceal  the  rumour  which  is  to  be  brought  before 
the  public  assembly  (for  discussion.) 

As  boiled  rice  tied  up  for  a  journey  is  untied  in  an  open  place. 

236.  ji/u)ue\)^^e\)  QuitfSl  ^s8tpi<3Be\)  ^<35ir^. 

It  is  not  good  to  unpack  in  an  open  place 

Unnecessary  exposure  of  one's  personal  affairs  is  to  be  avoided. 

III  *      ■  ■  I  I  11  < 

237.  ji/ihurresdH  ss)^^^^(ourrsou  Qu^SlQif&r^ 

He  speaks  like  piercing  arrows. 

238.  ^ihiSQdsrremQ     ^^     ^L^uQufr/Ty      itUii^iQ^iTemQ     fBifleufr^v 

Will  those  who  cross  the  river  on  a  raft  entrust  themselves  to  the 
tail  of  a  jackal  1 

239,  JJLOLnGRfr(ipLD  ^<5Sr(SSr^L£i   ^lLI<3^UlfllUfBfiLbn-  ? 

Are  nakedness  and  misery  to  continue  to  the  end  of  life  I 

Is  a  veil  necessay  for  a  woman  in  a  bad  condition  I 

The  father-in-law  and  son  in-law  are  slaves  in  the  same  house. 

2.  jytiLo/reir  L£i<9S(er^'35(^  npe^piuir  p 

Why  enquire  after  the  relationship  of  the  daughter  of  one's  mater- 
nal uncle  T 

Having  to  chastise  a  maid-servant  in  a  father-in-law's  house,  is  it 
necessary  to  ask  the  chief  permission  to  do  so  ? 

.  Whether  is  stronger,  the  grindstone  or  she  who  grinds  ? 

28  ULpQlhfTLfi. 

245.  ^3y<i/i?  L^Q^jfj  ^/(r^ifi^  uirir^^^Qufr^, 

Like  oue  standing  on  a  grindstone  and  looking  at  Arundalhi. 

AritTidathi  is  a  star  in  the  Great  Bear  regarded  as  the  wife  o( 
Vasishta,  a  pattern  of'  chastity.  This  star  is  pointed  out  to  ihi 
bride  at  the  marriage  ceremony. 

246,  ^ldlBiSq^ib^  ^jT^dssr  ^sffluurrerr. 

She  will  bring  forth  a  king  on  the  grindstone. 

During  the  time  of  child-birth  it  is  not  uncommon  for  the  moilieri 
to  be  seated  on  a  grindstone. 

247.     ^LDlBiLjLC)    (^tpsQlLfLO   ^^/nU^^<S\)    Upi3i^Q<^y    (5T'3F&p    <5B(^25l^  ©T 

€sri(m  <ST(5sr<osr  lj^Q  (st (sisr Qrj> pQ u !T <5\) , 

As  a  leaf-plate  sought  advice  when  the  grindstone  and  its  roller 
were  flying  in  the  air. 

If  a  thievish  woman  eat  the  cream  will  there  be  any  butter  1 

249*   ^iLL<ots)Lb^(m  ^L£iir<is<orrLD  OurrtEiQu  UQS)L^\Ljiki^&T, 

The  strife  of  Ammai,   (a   village  goddess)  has  begun,   boil  and 
present  (rice.) 

250.  ^/Ld^i^Lniurrir  ^uGufrng^  ^ireufre'rr  ?  ^^Lbu&fl  (otuQuirag^  /Buia 

When  will  my  mistress  die  I  when  shall  I  get  her  blanket  T 

251.  ^/iii6>r>LCiUj!rir  j^jrpQp  ,^^<3S(mih,  Qujrm  aiLQSp  ^/«D/r(^TU 

The  yam  spun  by  the  old  dame  will  only  just  sufRce  to  fom 
waist-string  for  her  grandson. 

252.  ^ti)<S3)Louj/r/r  QujpiQp^  ^ss^ir^i^a^,  /sSso  SesifrssSp^  npS3ofT} 

Three  fourths  of  a  cash  is  demanded  for  shaving  the   head  of  ai 
old  woman  worth  only  half  a  cash. 

253'   ^^iCiSSiLn{Ufrrri(^  (srmGsr  ^s^th^  .«/5OT)^;^  ^lisia. 
What  sorrow  has  the  old  dame  T  that  of  raggedness. 


254*  ^iLS^DLCiUJjQjr  eu/rnFLDy  QLpsuSssT'i  «o65<sQd5/r(orr(25Lb. 
Come,  old  lady,  and  receive  the  old  man. 

255.  ^iu€\)frir  £_t_62D/L£)i(^^LJ  Quajiriuij  up<iS(yrf><dir, 
He  flies  at  his  neigUbours'  property  as  a  demon. 

256'  ^lueviT/r  ^L_<oy)L-.<o^Lbn3i(5d  ^ib^^(5srQuiT(s\)  ^(5. 
Be  blind  as  regards  your  neighbours'  property. 

No  one  escapes  the  decree  of  Brahma. 

The  writing  of  Brahma  will  not  fail  in  the  least. 

Even  the  Airai  (small  as  it  is)  will  giv«  itself  airs  if  it  be  not 
mixed  with  the  food. 

Beauty  in  the  unworthy  is  poison  in  a  casket  of  fine  gold. 
As  God  measured. 

Is  Appaiyangar  the  dispenser  of  Aiyavaiyar's  gruel  I 

Whether  is  greater  as  regards  merit,  to  say  Hara,  Hara,  or  to  give 
to  the  mendicant  T 

What  matters  it  whether  a  demon  or  a  man  rules  T 

To  play  draughts  without  a  board  and  to  speak  without  a  know- 
ledge of  the  shasitr9>3  are  alike, 


30  u  ifiQ  mir  i^, 

266.  ^jr<s'<ssr  ^GfrsQ/b(^  (QTjBp^, 
It  reached  even  the  king. 

A  country  without  a  king,  a  family  without  a  head. 

The  sky  is  the  witness  regarding  the  king's  property. 

269,  ^ir3=&T  M^j^  QdBfrio^jLby  Q^iLKSUtii  iS&sr^  Qstrso^io, 

The  king  kills  at  oncej  God  delays  and  kills. 

270.  ^ir^<oir  i9seo<sQ<ak(DLD6V  si^iB  <3s/nu<35Sp^  <oT&ir(nf>ev,  Q^rr^^  ^^^'^ 

jriii  qSsu  ^ii9jrih  (oT&iru  mi's  err. 

If  it  be  reported  that  brinjals  are  growing  on  a  stone  in  the  king's 
courtyard  they  will  say  that  the  outcome  is  thousands  of 
bunches  and  thousands  of  clusters 

271*  ^iT'S^&sr  (oTuui^Qiufr  ^uui^Qiu  (^i^<%isfr. 
As  is  the  king  such  are  hi&  subjects. 

272.   j>j!r^<ssT  <oTeu<S)JL^  (mi^S(m)^  j^/GueuiB, 

The  people  follow  the  lead  of  their  ruleri 

27S.   ^JTdPek  euL^uuiLt^^  ^euissfl. 

It  is  the  earth  i.  e.,  its^  inhxihitanU  that  follows  the  king. 

274»  j^!r<5F<5iir  euLfiuuL^rr^eusir  ^a^Sso. 

No  one  is  exempt  from  duty  to  the  king. 

As  regards  the  king  it  is  a  word,  to  the  subject  it  is  a  burden. 

The  fear  of  the  king  among  those  in  power  operates  auspecioush 
ad  regards  the  poor. 

277.   jy/r«FjjQ/<i(g^  ^dsssT  euiueu/rear. 

The  help  of  a  king  is  his  mighty  sword. 

TAlflL  PROVSBBS.  31 

A  king  and  a  snake  are  alike» 

219.  ^jr^^Lb  jt/ifi6j;jLD  <y/fl. 
A  king  and  fire  are  alike. 

280.   ^irS'^lb    Q/BQ^ULjlXi   UITLDLjLCi   «F/0. 

A  king,  fire-  and  snake  are  alike* 

Like  losing  a  husband  through  trusting  in  a  king. 

282.  ^ir3^<i(^    ^6\)SsO^    QjpJ€if)LDtL]LD    OuQ^S^iblLfLD, 

A  king  observes  not  the  distinction  betweeu  little  and  great. 

285.  ^jr&^6S)i—UJfr2ssr  ^^muu^  «/r«^Lb, 
The  heavens  guard  the  king. 

284.  3iiressrL-.6ii&r  &GSiff^^^(^  (^(nFfGssTi—^  eTt\)evfrui  Quiii^ 
To  the  eye  of  the  timid  every  thing  obscure  is  a  demon. 

285.  jjir^ssi^  ^JTLL  ^jrj/^^Lby  euu9fr/s&D^  euu9jrLD  jy^<*(^zi. 
A  file  wili  cut  a  fi  e,  diamonds  cut  diamonds* 

An  Aiyampettah  pony  is  preferable  to  an  Arab  steed 

287.  j^jr6u^6S)^<i  smTL-freo  Sifl  eQQibfr  ? 

If  a  mungoose  see  a  siiake  will  it  let  it  escape  ! 

The  distinction  of  big  and  little  does  not  apply  to  snakes. 

Kot  an  atom  will  move  without  the  permission  of  God. 

290,  ^jr&r  ^Q^eir  ^p(ffeo^  ^dssreuQ^Lo  ^pqtj^k. 

Should  the  favour  of  God  fail,  every  one  will  come  to  nought. 

*91.  jjf/fl  ^/fl  <sfGsr(itfeOy  jrirubir  jrnrinrr  €T&a'S(np€ifr^ 
If  I  say  Ari;  Ari;  he  cries  Bama,  Rama. 

32  ULfiQ  Lhir  ^. 

292.  ^'fl  ^ekSp  ^ajafLiTLL  O^iflfE^frex)  ^p,^frinj>  ueisTetPfrsvirui, 

If  one  uDderstand  the  import  of  the  word  Ari,  he  may  exercise 

regal  power. 

'      "-I         » 

293.  -3y/f5  (oTmSlp  j^iSiifLirui  Q^iP,!B^rr<s\)  ^^dsSjcbth  ueiiTessre^iTLLii  f 

May  one  transgress  the  bounds  of  propriety  if  he  comprehend.4 
the  purport  of  the  syllable  Ati  I 

If  one  says  Ari  the  Saiva  mendicant  is  angry,  if  one  says  Ara  the 
Vaishnava  mendicant  is  angry. 

295,  ^flS  j>]GfT's^€sr  s/r<i<sinrtuQu/rso, 

Like  a  crow  that  has  taken  up  rice. 

Though  there  be  only  one  £lak  of  rice,  three  supporting  points  in 
the  hearth  are  required. 

Alak"* a  small  measiue  of  capacity. 

— I  T  r  n  I    I     I     I 

If  there  be  rice  there  will  be  order — ^Iionour  also,  if  a  sister  exist 
a  brother-in-law  may. 

298.  Jy/fi^  ^zp«<»/r (g)j^{i  j^QuLj  y:^esr^. 

Though  there  be  only  one  ulak  of  rice,  three  supporting  points  in 
the  health  are  required. 

An  ulak  is  two  dlaks  or  tbe  fourth  of  a  measure. 

299.  Jy/fi^  sresr^  ^(Sfreflu   ufrrruun-Q^ui  ^e\)2si)^  S-lS  ert^jr)/   smQu 

No  one  takes  up  riefe  to  examine  it,  nor  does  any  one  blow  upon 

300.   -5y/fi^  QiBiremQ  ^^emcssT  ^^^/rerr  effiLQi^u  (SurreunrCoeoreir  ? 

Seeing  you  have  to  pay  for  the  rice  you  eat  why  go  to  th©  hovM 
of  your  elder  sister  ? 


Water  in  a  pot  proportioned  to  the  rice,  and  a  display  of  authority 
in  a  husband  suited  to  his  condition 

Does  hatred  against  rice  or  a  husband  exist  T 

393.  ^iflSu  Qurr^iLfi^m  ^(n^eufr^ir^ 

Tiruvaroor  with  a  bag  of  rice. 

Spoken  of  a  double  beaefik — the  grain  if  vahiable,  and  a  Tisil  to  a 
sacred  place  is  aaspicious- 

304.  ji/if)^  mpfb^  2_Sso<i(5  s-zJLy  (srmesr  p 

Of  what  use  is  salt  in  a  pot  of  boiling  water  without  rice  I 

395.  jyrf3<^<F/5Sir<s3r  effiLQds^  ^Q^^  q?®. 

His  house  is  next  to  Harischandra's. 

Used  iroDically  of  a  notorious  liar.  Harisohandra,  a  king  fam^d  for 
Teracity  • 

336.  jy/fl^  ^^31  <Ji/<^^<^Qp^^  fi_6ror/r^6V. 

It  is  difficult  indeed  to  comprehend  the  purport  of  the  five  lettew. 

The  famoua  five  lettered  incantation  eall«d  the  (t^eouiffiinh  aa 

being  the  foundation  of  all  spiritual  wisdom  and  all  religion,  and  the 

means  preseribed  and  proper  for  obtaining  emancipation  from  birtfaa 

and  all  the  evils  thereunto  belonging,  and  union  with  the  supreme* 

307,  jy/f?^j5/  (oTiflmQp  &^ui9<i(^  <^^^  ^/ros^eu  ^^GssTL^rr  ? 

Is  tax  levied  on  dry  twigs  scraped  together  for  fuel  f 

308.  ^fluj  <3'fFinh  ^iB^jr^Q^fSliB^  «^, 

The  precious  body  is  a  stone  thrown  into  the  a{^.. 

Having  performed  difficult  things  he  islanders  about  alarmed  at 
that  which  is  easy. 

310,  ^ifitL^ih  Qeu^Ld  g^sJrjj/^  ^6i)e\)  €r(Ssr®p<siiQir  euiruQeo  LbGssr^ 

Vishnu  and  Siva  are  Qjae  ^  liet  sand  be  put  into  the  j^aouih  of  him 
who  denies  it. 


34  UipQiniTL^. 

The  sickle  must  be  moved>  and  the  landlord's  family  mui»t  be 

Is  it  attempted  to  remove  the  heat  of  a  burning  fever  as  if  it  were 
that  of  a  sickle  I 

313.   jy.fleii/rerr  SrjpiiQ^  ^if)€iiiefr(tp.25sr  ^(m-iQ<£, 

Was  it  the  dexterity  of  the  reaper,  or  the  sharpness  of  the  sickle. 
Success  in  an  enterprise  is  mainly  owing  to  the  means  employed. 

314*   jy/f?65)6ii  QiorrL^  QsiLL^rre\)  ^u^^^  ^eutrehr^ 

He  who  listens  to   the   words   of  a  woman  will  be    accounte«l 

Although  the  fruit  of  the  wood-apple  tree  (Feronia  elephantum) 
close  by  ripens,  bats  will  not  approach  it. 

The  haughty  dame  is  said  to  have  brought  forth  a  monkey  chill 

She  who  was  a  precious  pearl  has  become  black  as  coal. 

318.  ^Q^^^n-u^GsSiuir  (ipQ^issmy^eiJfr  p 

Is  it  a  rare  gem  or  a  Murukkam  flower  ? 

319.  ^(jf^mjQ^(T<ss)L-.^  ^Q^LDLf  ^psiiuQuir(^^, 

Through  severe  drought  every  blade  has  perished. 

Divine  favour  is  common  to  all,  material  wealth  is  not. 

321»  ^q^^t^ujrQua  ^(f^^ihuirih, 

A  cloth  tinged  red  indicates  the  divine  favour. 
Eefers  to  the  dress  of  religions  mendicants. 

TAllIL  PBOVIfiBSt.  35 

iii'  ^n^esiin  ^^ojir^eu&ir  ^etkfrQ  ereir^sr^  LniremQ  et&tresr  ? 

What  matters  it  whether  he  who  has  no  discrimination  itiles  or  diest 

If  it  must  be  so,  let  the  head  of  my  son-in-law  go ;  but  the  old 
mortar  must  not  go. 

Said  of  things  which  long  possession  has  made  pecuHarljr  precious. 

324.  jiKj^'^miupp  effiLuf-GO  er (j^emu^u^Lc^  (Q^f-uS ir ir ^ , 

Even  a.  buffalo  will  not  abide  in  a  house  where  it  is  not  regarded* 

The  drinking  of  water  from  a  hill  reservoir  will  at  once  produce 

326.  jf(f^eir  CSeu&piiJDy  QufTq^&r  Qgu^ilDj  ^L-<i<35ii  (Seu^^ih, 

Kindness,  wealth  and  self-restraint  are  essentials. 

327.  j^ssyfrd5^rrsr<i(^    ^ifiisfi    apLf    ^u9jfiiiQu!T&r    Q'S/rQ^jS/r^iik 

Chastity  forfeited  for  half  a  cash,  cannot  be  recovered  though  one 
should  give  thousands  of  gold. 

328.  jy«»/r«i«/r^<igLJ  Qufresr  ubrresrui  ^u9jruy  Q<xfrQji^fr^LD  euirjnr^^ 

The  honour  that  has  been  forfeited  for  half  a  cash,  will  not  return 
though  one  give  thousands.  ^ 

329.  ^GRir^Q^Lb  ^ik^QSTLb  j^^(ssr  LD^smui  •Sy(^js/. 

Though  sandal  wood  be  rubbed,  its  fragrance  will  not  be  destroyed. 

The  water  in  a  pot  half  full  wabbles,  if  full  it  wabbles  not*" 

As  one  leaped  over  an  Erukku  leaf^  GaMropU  gigantea,  under 
which  he  had  concealed  half  a  challii 

A  challi  is  a  small  co))per  ooin,  a  fractional  pari  of  a  larger  coin. 

36  u  LpQ  LDfri^. 

332.  ^eif)rr^&2isi)  ^lLl-.^  gjo^a^g  ^u<3FfTjribiT  P 

Is  the  hand  to  be  complimented  for  tying  the  waiat-cloth  f 

333»   ^e7)T^Q<Ffrp   Q<3B!r€mQ  juLLuei)LD  ^pevfrCSiDir ? 
Can  one  go  before  an  assembly  with  half  a  word  ? 


534.   j>f9nrr^Q<Ffrp  QsfreifrQ  juldusvld  <^/6l^€\)^  ^ef^fr^Q^rrev  QfiQ£^ 

Half  a  word  admitted  into  the  assembly  becomes  a  whole  word. 

335.  jifmn^^  uiu^  Qp^r^^rrpQun-ed, 
As  if  macerated  gram  should  sprout. 

After  grinding  the  stone  remains;  after  shaving  the  head,  the 
kudumi  Ituflj  of  hair)  remains. 

A  tuft  of  hair  left  on  the  head  of  a  boj  or  lawn  with  a  knot  at  the 
end    It  ig  coosidered  becoming  ;  and  is  usually  about  a  foot  fn  length. 

Having  given  half  a  fanam  to  weep,  why  give  a  fanam  Xer  eease  T 
Fanam — a  small  coin  of  gold  or  silver. 

338.   ^efyaruuem^sF  Q^su^bld  ^^^ld    ^jr^Ui^ssr6=    (S^msubQiLkireo 

Though  the  service  bring  half  a   fanaip,  will   it  be  equai  to" 
service  in  the  king's  house  ? 

339*   ^sv)frLJU€mLD  OmirCSli^u  ufrevLDfrplj  ^ldu^  Qurr&sr  QdsfrQ^j^^ 

A  story  of  one  who  gave  fifty  gold  pieces  for  a  compound  medicine 
after  having  hesitated  to  give  half  a  fanam. 

Sores  about  the  waist;  and  debt  to  one's  neighbour  i^e  both  bad. 


UU  jifcinfreQ^vff)^  QsirefkfrQ  jaLbue\)LD  ^^@60  ^€^frsQ^€Si^    QPQf 

If  one  goes  before  an  assembly  with  half  learning  will  it  become 
perfect  I 

When  he  went  to  his  elder  sister's  wearied  and  exhausted,  it  is 
said  that  she  sent  him  to  his  brother-in-law* 

When  will  the  wares  be  still,  when  will  he  wash  his  head  ? 

344.  •flySs^)  Qwir^LDQutrQ^  ^2so  (Lp(j£(^Sp^. 
Bathing  in  the  midst  of  beating  waves. 

Said  of  attempting  to  do  a  thing  ander  adToise  circumstauccs. 

Like  a  straw  on  a  wave. 

346.  jy6V6\)««/rzJ_®  /sS  u6v2feo<i  sfnLQSp^Qu/roi^ 

Showing  his  teeth  like  a  jackal  of  the  ginger  fields. 
Said  of  GDC  who  shows  signs  of  disappointment. 

As  vice  wanes,  virtue  waxes. 

The  bitter  tears  of  the  oppressed  are  a  file  that  wears  away  tbe 
wealth  (of  the  oppressor.) 

349.  ^e\)e\^^  ^pp  u(9«g?D«  ^LfiS^iih  -sy^^g, 

A  bed  free  from  anxiety  is  the  most  agreeable  of  all  things. 

350.  jyffusv^  jy(5syr/r$ir6i//r/r<i®6\)3so. 

The  kind-hearted  are  free  from  sorrow. 

351.   ^€\)Goeo  ^(7^i35frc\)L£i  O^euQ/LD  ^(^sfredih, 

A  time  for  adversity,  and  a  time  fbr  prosperity. 

38  utfiOLbtr^. 

352.  ^i^^fr^eu&fr  eufrSe^  setr^  euirHr, 

Pour  toddy  into  the  moutli  of  the  wicked. 
Add  fatl  to  tlie  fire 

353.  ^^^fr^   eUiSfUir^    Qufr(m&r   fPU^L^eo  ^sfrmih  -^iu^^e\)  @€9)a> 
Ill-gotten  wealth  and  illicit  pleasure  are  both  bad, 

354.    ^€\)e^th  U^^lh  ^rLpS£5pi  <«a), 

study  day  and  night  to  be  free  from  impurity. 

355«  ^fi/«/L.ii  ^^err(oir€um  ^^©d/ld  ^/iSujn-^, 

A  wily  man  does  not  know  the  value  (of  friendship^ 

356.  ^su^GSsri<35frjr^  ^sfr^LnnrmfrGsr^ 

The  viciouB  will  evaporate  into  thin  air. 

357.  ^eii^rr^srrjr^^(^u  lj^^  ldlLQ, 

The  hasty  are  deficient  in  sense 

358.  ^ei]6=jr^(o£EfreoLD  ^en-Gt?!^  Q^(Si^<s>SiQp(5sr, 

^      For  hasty  ornamentation  I  take  up  and  sprinkle. 

359.  ^su^jF^^e\)  ^.u&'irjriLir  P 

Is  ceremonious  behaviour  demanded  when  one  is  in  a  hurry  ? 

360.  ^eUfSFjri^fb(^u  utguld  @^Ssi), 

A  thing  done  in  an  emergency  is  not  criminal. 

When  in  haste    the    hand    will   not    enter    even  into   a  large 


»         III 

She  is  inclined  to  play  the  harlot,  and  is  afraid  that  her  husband 
wiU  beat  her. 


The  mouth  of  the  harlot  is  large,  and  the  bubbling  of  five  or  sir 
grains  of  rice  when  boiling  is  excessive. 

The  harlot  has  uo  oath,  the  thief  has  no  god. 
Spoken  of  one  wholly  derelict. 

365.  jy®/*^7/f?  ^L^^^^ui  ^Qssi^L^LCi  (Seu^mGlLD  ^0£— L/   Quir^^th 

If  one  plays  the  harlot  fortune  is  wanted,  and  when  one  goes  to 
steal  ability  irs  needed. 

€ujrev/rL£i/r  ? 

As  an  abandoned  woman  one  may  ride  on  an  elephant,  but  can 
one  go  along  a  street  as  a  thief  f 

367,  ^€U^i^jrih  /S6sr<i(^  jy/B^iTLD, 
Chicanery  ends  in  one's  ruin. 

368.  4y€w^«gz^«Q^«i  OjsBUJ'SuCoLn  ^dssvr, 

God  himself  is  the  help  of  a  familj'  in  extremities. 

369.  jfeu^^^i^^LD  ^Loir^js^i(^u:i  arressfl  <9E6>ocw  ^6vSa?. 

The  worthless  and  the  cheat  have  no  need  of  land. 


Time  is  better  spent  in  austerities  than  in  vanity. 

371.  ^euLCitresrihuessTGsS  Oeu^&^LDfresTLo  Qu3rQ(ff&ir* 
Having  acted  reproachfully  he  speaks  flatteringly. 

He  is  surely  as  sharp  as  the  edge  of  a  sickle, 

Sjiokeu  ii'onicftlly  of  a  man  of  vain  pretensions. 

313.  jy6W05«»)[_«j  ©/D(5  Qp/Sm^QuirSp^. 
Hia  wing  is  broken* 

40  UifiQ  LUfT^. 

Each  one  s  mind  is  the  witness  thai  acquits  or  condemns. 

375«  ^eunr  ^euir  ereimesisr^esipB  ^emi^eunr  ^fSeuirir^ 

The  supreme  Eulef  knows  the  purposes  of  every  one. 

The  circular  curls  of  an  uglj  horse  are  not  examined. 


377.   ^6ue>dLbinu  euir^u&iGff  &'€U6\)LDfnu^  ^treuirm. 

He  who  leads  a  useless  life  will  die  a  miserable  death. 

878.  jycuSso  iSSssr^^  &.jr2iso  ^t^^^irpQuirts^, 

As  if  one  beat  an  empty  mortar  thinking  it  contained  unhuskcd 
steeped  rice. 

Spoken  of  absence  of  mind. 


379.  J>iei5etr  uirQSp^  ^u9eo  ^h,6ij8p^(oufre\)  ^(w^^^p^* 

Her  singing  is  like  the  voice  of  the  kuyil  (an  Indian  cuckoo.) 

380.  ^euGir  e'Lbir^^u  uirdssr  ^i^Seo  £-63)l_/5^^. 

Her  best  cooking-pot  was  broken  in  the  middle  of  the  road. 

381.  ^6W,g2/<i(g  ^euek  Gr(ipfB^Q^iB^  SL.Gsarurr&sr^ 

This  person  will  rise  and  eat  before  him. 

382.  -^eu§pis(mm  dSLJuu.frekith  ^evSsu  QeviLQis^^iLjLb  ^iv2sO. 

He  has  neither  a  cloth  nor  a  knife. 
Said  of  one  ntterly  destitute. 

383.  -3^eu ^ii(^9fTQ(oir  ^suuiLi^Q^'iSpjp  otcst  i9es>ipuLf. 

That  which  is  in  his  keeping  is  my  livelihood. 

384.  jya/,g2/«(5<^  ^sSsr^&r\<F  j^i^iSp^, 

He  is  now  under  the  auspicious  influence  of  the  planet  Yenua. 
Spoken  of  one  who  is  the  favourite  of  fottuno. 


The  intimacy  or  friendship  of  these  two  persons  is  that  of  the 

386.  *Mfeu^€ir)L^aj  Qu^Oi^  mirpQ^iren^Lti  ^Gnfr^rQ^/rev^m, 

flis  speech  consists  of  quarters  and  halves  of  words. 

His  prosperity  is  scattered  like  crabs  from  a  broken  yessel. 

388.  jue^jQesr   ^eiiQesr   €T&sru<ss)^<5BL^^   SenQosr  SsuQssr    ermSp^ 

It  is  better  to  cry  Siva,  Siva,  than  opprobriously  to  reproach  others. 

389.  ^euQ&sr  QeuLLLsijLD  eaSi—a^ti*  mk^s^&sr^ 

He  has  authority  both  to.  behead  and  to  release. 

390.  jya/Ssar  jyaiear  Qu&'SlLQu  Qu^ar    eu/rikQ,    j^^s^ub   ui(S\)6\^fi'^^r 

Having  fished  out  his  secrets  by  cunuing  he  turned  him  upside 
down  as  a  turtle  is  turned. 

He  cannot  equal  him  though  he  raise  himself  to  the  top  of  a  ladder. 
Said  of  oue  who  \a  far  inferior  to  auolher  either  socially  or  intel- 

392.    ^SU&fT   fBfT  ^S3><F»L/    /S/T®   JU€S)<!FtLfLCi, 

When  his  tongue  moves  the  country  moves. 
393.  ^suek  ^0Grr  j^pQYfed  ^P/svtsuq^ld  ^PQjf^y    ^zuek  ^(n^etr  s_^ 

Without  his  favour  all  are  destitute,  if  he  favour,  all  are  prosperous. 
Said  of  Gou*s  grace  and  displeasure. 

He  is  a  cold  firebrand. 

Said  of  a  person  reallj  dapgerous  though  npparentlj  not  so. 

42  ULpQiniTiB^ 

395.  ^€U€vr  lS^^^  ^L^^^eo  ljsv^ld  ^fr^ir^. 

Even  the  grass  under  his  footsteps  will  not  die. 

Used  when  speaking  of  one  remarkable  for  gentle  habits. 

396.  jya^sJr  iS^^^  Ml^^  upsSGiuifl@€kp^^ 

The  place  whereon  he  treads  bursts  into  flames. 
Spoken  of  the  reckless  and  violent. 

397.  ^eussr  QiD^fl  aif^i^iS^^Qesr  Qu^&tisfrjreir, 

His  words  exceed  all  bounds. 

Said  of  one  who  delights  in  abusing  otherM^ 

398.  ^GiJ^r  srr€\)/r6\)  ^l1l_  QeuSsoesiiui  einsiufrev  0<yuJsw/rocrr, 

The  work  that  was  indicated  by  the  foot  he  will  perform  by  tho 

399*   jysi^oir   <Ffr^  er/B^u   lj^^    ^evii  eriis^  j^^frjrQimfr  ^^^siresf 

The  devices  of  lis  caste  and  habits  of  his  tribe  will  predominate. 

400.   ^eu^hr  e»irs^ire\)  Q^i^kps^^fBk  sy)<3oUJfr6\)  ^^^^sisk^u^rr^. 

That  which  he  tied  with  his  foot  cannot'  be  loosened  by  the  hand. 
Spoken  of  one  of  superioi  skill 

Unless  he  move  not  an  atom  will  move 

402.  ^<3ijm  ^(sum    €Tem€Ssr^<osy^s     ^emu-eu^    ^^S^^lo   -^*("5 

Every  man's  purpose  will  be  either  effectuated  or  frustrated  by 
the  Supreme  Ruler. 

403.  ^euek  «(it^^^65(g«  65^^  ^iL(S)Q(ff6ir, 

He  is  sharpening  a  knife  for  another's  throat. 

His  mind  is  full  of  sores,  his  body  is  covered  with  blisters. 


To  me  he  is  Saturn  in  the  eighth  sign. 
The  most  malignant  of  enemits* 

406.  ^eki&fT  Q^n-^^  ^^peuiTi^^  Qstr^ic^  Ln5sr(n/>(SlSQy€lfr^ 

He  seeks  friendship  and  prays  for  a  skin. 

407.  ^suek ^&fr^(S&) ^/rek QdnLu-ires)  jyoir^afi  er^€$r  QsSFiueuTtk? 

What  can  his  teacher  do  if  he  ruin  himself  ? 

408.  jya/eJr  45/r€V/r6U  SjSssres)^  ibit&st  isrreijfres)  ^i^iS(Spsi/r, 

What  he  has  scored  with  his  feet  I  efface  with  my  tongue. 

409.  jyewesr  e_<S3ri^«  Qefr(^&SeDir(SujJ  ? 

Do  yon  consider  him  as  a  green-herb  nipped  off  ? 

He  took  another's  hand  and  struck  his  eyes 

411.  ^lousisr  &pQ<s»edfTLj  upQS)(SU^ 
He  is  a  bird  without  wings 

He  is  preparing  to  cook  my  head. 

413.  ^lea&sr  ^susk  Q^iu^  eQdssr  j^6ij(55r  ^loU^^Q^, 

Erery  one  is  responsible  for  his  own  actions. 

414.  ^eu^  cTsiTSsjT  ^sa^u  upi<%i^.i<s>Lj  uiriiQ^jifsifr^ 

He  aims  to  scatter  me  to  the  winds. 

415.  ^sueir  crif^OufriflQiuek^  6G^S(rr)>eir, 
He  breaks  out  saying  burn  him,  fry  him. 

Said  of  one  who  soddeulj  bursts  into  a  rage 

416.  aysweir  ^ij^uurri^  /Bm^(S(SV  ^i^iEiQ<^sk, 
Having  run  and  sung,  he  at  length  sank  like  the  pulse. 

He  is  the  raan  who  encountered  and  fought  the  champion. 

44  u  ifi  Q  infTi^^ 

418.   ^^f^r  Qsrr^fS^ui^sfT&flujfr  ? 

Is  he  a  man  of  limited  wealth  ? 
Spoken  of  a  sIoTeiily  miser. 

419.    ^€UfriB^!r^^(S\)  ^iSi^  Up^LbfT  ? 

Can  fire  be  kindled  in  mid-air  ? 

No,  except   bj  the  Almighty  **  who   holds  tht  lightning  in  his 
hand  and  tells  it  whom  to  HCrike/' 

420.  ^S^^^  uiuj)/  QLfidoiT^^  65^^Gu/reo, 

Like  the  story  of  the  germination  of  boiled  peas. 

Better  is  the  hatred!  of  the  wise  than  the  friendship  of  fools. 

422.    ^eQip  (oTmssr  O^tuiLfLb  ^^^i-  Qenarii  Q&'ilulild  OurrnF&r  <srehr€gr 

What  can   rice  do  ?  it  can  work  the  five  senses,  what  can  wealth 
do  ?  it  can  subdue  the  worid. 

423*   ^s^euS^Lc^  ^Q^eueisr  ^<5S)euu9^Ln  ^^fjReum^ 

One  who  belongs  to  this  convention  and  to  that  convention. 

If  I  had  so  much  should  I  not  arrange  my  chatties  ea/rthen  cooking 
vessels  and  prosper. 

Spoken  regietfullj  of  saccour  which  ought  to  be  and  it  not  afforded. 

In  beauty  equal  to  natural  coral,  at  home  a  cow-dung  basket. 

426-   ^LfiQp(^^  ^ieviss  ^jri/uurriT  ? 

Are  there  any  who  cut  the  nose  for  the  sake  of  beauty. 

427.  «5yy?(2)  '^(3'^^  -^Q^^y  ^^^i^ii^  g)®/^^  e-essr^puh. 
Beauty  will  nit  and  weep,  fortune  will  sit  and  eat. 

0  beautiful  maid,  frail  kite,  the  comedian  calls  you. 

Spoken  of  a  fern  ile  wbos?  demeanour  is  incousiiteut  with  modest  j. 


429.  ^{p(S^(3  ^tLi^rreo  ^u^^^(^  c-^q/ld. 

A  jewel  worn  as  ai^  ornament  may  aid  in  adversity. 

Gold  ornamentB  are  often  given  as  seonrlty  for   money   borrowed 
to  irade  with,  as  well  as  to  serve  in  pressing  emergencies 

430,  ^Lpd'Q<3'frev^Qp6inr  ^mir^  Qffii.%^Q^n;s\)^Slp6iiir  i9pir. 

They  wlio  advise  weeping  are   one's  friends,  those  who  advise 
laughing  are  strangers. 

Spoken  with  reference  to  the  character  of  advisers. 

431    ^ifi^0<3'!Te^^3jp(Si]^  iSl&DLpdBdSd'QifFfrev^eufresr^   Sifldsi^Q'9'frev 

He  who  counsels  m  to  weep  does  so  to  favour  life  ;  he  who  coun- 
sels mirth  seeks  our  ruin. 

432,  ^L^^^uuQeufrSs!fr<i  ^i-.SkjGfr  ^pl<affesrsk  ^^s^eufrir, 
God  dements  him  who  is  to  be  destroyed. 

43S.  ^ifii^euerr  ^Qjrfr®  Qufr^e\)  er^ssr  ? 

"What  matters  it  with  whom  an  abandoned  woman  goes  ? 

434.    «5y^/5^   IBib^S(SU<o6r^^<S\)   ^<3^6ULD   QiDtU/B^   (oTSSrsSTy  San^SISi^     QibiU 

What  matters  it  whether  a  horse  or  an  ass  grazes  in  a  garden  that 
lies  waste  T 

435»   ^i^®^/jP«(5<?'  Q^frekissreussr  uLfiQuir^S(mu:i  Lbmesreu^, 

One  who  seeks  to  maintain  an  unjust  claim  and  a  king  who  exte- 
nuates crime. 

Both  are  injurioui  to  society. 

436.  ^(Lff^Gfrefflr  Q^frQ^a&T&Tfr  ^3=!Tjr^diefrGnir^ 
Weeping  hypocrites,  canting  sycophants  and  religious  formalists^. 

437,  ^QP^P  ^SsssrtLjUi  QfiiiQlp  QueAfrSsssriLjU^  /6Lb(j««LL-/r^. 

A  weejting  man  and  a  smiling  woman  are  not  to  be  trusted* 

46  ^ie®^f{^. 

Though  one  may  abide  in  a  house  of  mourning,  it  is  not  possible 
to  lemain  in  one  that  is  leaky. 

439.  j^Q-^Qp  i9&T^<i(^  sijfreiDipuuLpLo  afTLLQSp^Qufreii, 

Like  showing  a  ripe  plantain  to  a  crying  child. 
A  premium  on  nauglitiuess, 

440.  ^'LpSp  (oiSuSsfT  uitIt^^  ^<i(^(STfr  ufnu<3=mQ(n^sk^ 

He  ticklf  a  when  one  is  weeping. 

Spoken  of  something  that  is  obtrudtd  at  an  ineon^snitsnl;  time. 

■  ■ 

441.  ^(ipQp^p(^^^fruueo!fnh  Q-^rrQ^^y  ^\uSip^p(^  ^qj^  usmia 

Having  given  half  a  fanam  for  lireepihg,  give  a  fanam  to  cease. 

442.  ^(Lp€iDSiLiiii  ^iBJ^s/rjrQpih  QiOui^'i  QiSeQuQurrL^nr  f 

Are  grief  and  self-wiU  things  to  be  made  sport  of? 

445.  ^Q^^^^"^  &2soi(^<saQm  LLfr6ssfl<ii3sih» 
A  ruby  in  a  dirty  i:ag. 

444^    ^(1fZi«65)6P  ^Q£<k(^<i  Q^fTCVfplLD  ^jQpiiSfn^  ^W^(S^  Q^fTeV^lh^ 

Dirt  will  temove  dirt,  reproach  will  overcome  reproach. 

Though  cleaned  and  placed  on  one's  knee,  the  mean  disposition  of  a 
slave  or  low  person  will  not  leave  him, 

446     ju(wjs  ^dfT^ijLD  S/bQiju  Qpi^th. 
A  weeping  eye  and  a  running  nose, 

447.  ^Q-Qfi^^^(^  ^^iEi^frjri£le\)2eo» 
He  who  is  weeping  has  no  pride. 

448,  jy(U)^t96rr3srr  ufri\)(^t^i(<3^iji, 
A  crying  child  obtains  milk. 


419.  jy^^  i9fffr^fr  p-jTiii  OujiiLb, 

The  weeping  child  will  gain  strength. 

^50.  j>/(Lp^Lo  tSe^rSoYr  ^(suQen  OupQeuGsifrQui. 

Although  she  may  weep,  she  herself  must  bare  the  child. 

451.  jy(jf^^    Q/s^<3F<55r    -^(5'^(3^   .  s-^su/rsir^    ^(srrSl<ssr   Q/BfjjdroJr 

The  hard-hearted  will  be  of  use  to  none,  the  tender  hearted  will 
be  of  use  to  all. 

452.  ^n^suirir  ^pp  i9iemaf.L£t  ^p^&Jfnr  ^pp  *L- Sso////i. 
A  corpse  unwept  and  a  funeral  pyre  unquenched. 
An  affair  or  person  forsaken  by  all. 

453»  jj(ipQjfrir    ^rLpWfrnr    ^lo    ^<s^ld    ^i^Qm   ^QQ^eu a'^if Qu€mt^(fF,i(<n^ 

All  weep  on  account  of  their  own  griefs,  none   oh  account  of 
Tiruvan's  wife. 

Spoken  of  feigned  sjmpatby  and  also  of  that  outward  expreasion 
of  Borrow  whiich  is  occasioned  by  surrotinding  circumstances. 

4d4.  ^mipiurr  eff*LLi^p(^  jsr^tpuj/TcF  ^Laui^Q, 

Th6  mother  of  a  bride  oi"  bridegroom  will  not  visit  their  new  rela- 
tiions  unless  invited. 

455.  ^6yr(S/rL//fla9jj2//i  eQp(^js3oOaj6sr  e_653rS). 

There  are  firewood  carriers  evienin  Alagapuri,  (the  city  of  Kuv^ra.) 
KuT^ra  a  wealthy  king-,  now  regent  of  the  North  and  the  guar- 
dian of  riches. 

456.  jyerr^/TiLyrf)      Q^BfrfffrSsmu/r^^uy^    ^^(£^l^    iTesr^^(m  j^fiirjyii 

Although  Alagapuri  be  given  up  to  plunder,  the  unfortunate  gains 
nothing  thereby. 

Though  as  wedthy  as  Euv^ra   you  must  keep  your  expenses 
within  due  bounds^ 

48  u  ifiQ  Lbir  L^, 

458.   ^erriQp  fsfri^  ^^eQSeo  ^/Stu^u^irf 

Does  the  measure  know  the  price  of  grain  % 

He  will  measure  in  the  accustomed  measure. 

When  measured  it  is  not  a  spaa  long,  when  chopped  up  it  does  not 
fill  a  chatti. 

461-   -gysTr/5j5/  ^iSffkfB  miTL^  ^\^^3i  g^^^^  eaqf^iL, 

By  repeated  measurement  articles  will  be  diminished. 
Oonstant  use  wears  out  a  thing. 

462.  ^^^&rfr(sSe\)s\jfr^6U&ir     eufrjp<ies>65    (^efre)Jerrtr<i    Qs^fri^esr^oS^    £i 

The  prosperity  of  him  who  does  not  cultivate  soeiality  is  like  the 
filling  of  a  tank  without  a  bank. 

463.  jy6W€a/,«55(^  £5(55®(g)6U  ^lQit^qpld  mdj^air. 

If  in  excess  even  nectar  is  poison. 

464.  juGfrenir^  (^e9^p\u!K^  QiaFireaev/r^  i9peu!iT^, 

That  of  which  no  part  is  taken  out  will  not  lessen,  that  which  is^ 
not  uttered  will  not  get  out. 

If  taken  up  and  given  in  handsful  it  is  free^  if  measured  out  it  is 
charged  for. 


Whilst  teeming  milk  already  laded,  the  quantity  is  given. 
467«   ^etTdSff^Qpeam  ^L^^^e\)  @0<fi5«6U  ^a/r^  @cfr(sr^8peu&fr  ^i—^ 

One  cannot  afford  to  live  with  a  plunderer  though  he  might  live 
with  a  pilferer. 


It  is  said  that  a  dog  imagines  ever}''  thing  taken  up^  by  the  handi 
is  intended  for  himself 

*       An  over-suspicious  man  lost  his  wife  and  carried  her  sixty  miles, 

Some  mischievous  pevsons  haviDg  concealed  her  in  a  box  employed) 
him  to  carry  it  to  the  sea-shore. 

470.  ^/D<i(m€s>Lp/i^fr^ih  (^(5S}tfiLJUiTefr  ^lOSajiruj  ^piS^^ui  ^P' 

She  win  over-boil  the  rice ;  or  she  will  boil  it  imperfectly. 

4-71.    ^p^3h^ir&^LL  LD(tpQLnfrL-einL-. 

Excessive  sharpness  is  perfect  bluntness. 

472.    ^P'SfQ^iLQ    Qfi(Lpf6^L-LD, 

Hard  dealing  ends  in  loss. 

473.  ^pSss^r  jy6U(5  ^peurr^^ 

The  streaked  lizard  opens  not  its  mouth. 

474.  ^pSssvr  ^i^^/35fre\)  LDjressTLD, 

If  a  streaked  lizard  bite,  death  ensues. 

475'.   ^p^^freo  euQ^<5u(S/s  ^^uih. 

That  is  happiness  which  springs  from  virtue. 

4TS»  ^pfB2ssrf6ja56UQ^i(^<i  sh^^so  er&sre^rl 

No  cold  to  them  that  are  completely  wet.. 

477«  jffpuQuQ  ^^peitfrL-CSeumrSliJb* 

On  a  full  understanding  of  the  party  admit  to  friendship. 

478*   ^puutf-^^euiT  ^ia^frif-Qufr^e»  eQp&^inmLu.rrn'  Qm/rerrerre^ 

When  the  hypercritical  go  to  market  they  neither  buy  nor  8eU% 



5P;  UffiQmiriJ^. 

479*  ^puuif-^^su^  6h.tpuufr85sru9eo  eQ.Qpm^frir, 
One  iiighly  learned  fell  into  a  pot  of  gruel. 

The  story  of  a^  scrupulousy  chaste  wife  who  addressed  her  husband 
as  ADDa.  father.  ^ 

as  Appa, /a^^r 

( .  .. '^ 

As  the  thoroughly  practised  musk-rat  was  drowned  in  the  refuse- 

482.   ^p(ip^<iSiQ)GO  QsfrQnp^ds^fr^^LD, 
When  twisted  to  excess,  fibres  snap. 

483.    ^PQpj^I'S^S^^  ^pjpluQufT^Lb. 

If  ov^- twisted  it  will  snap. 

484-   ^PQpj^^($^  OdBfrQiDLiifi  QmfTwsr®  ^p^gQ(SIw, 
Wh6n  excessively  twisted,  strands  break. 

485*   ^pLo  QufTQ^&fT  ^&sruijOi  (ore\)€\)n-Q^€i(^ih  ^eoSso, 
Virtue,  wealth  and  pleasure  are  not  common  to  all. 

486.  ^p<okSif.^^  QpmQs'fr^  m/TL^uufrSssruQso  6Q(ipiE^rrp(Sufre\), 

As  when  being  thoroughly  strained  thie  uppermost  portion  of  the 
boiled  rice  fell  into  the  refu3e-pan. 

487.  •jy^a/ii    QstrQiaCSdSfrevir^eirS^i    (^if-u9(y^ui9p    (^peu&srSi^'i 

(Better)  to  live  in  subjection  to  a  mountaineer  than  to  be  the  sub- 
ject of  a  cruel  tyrant. 

488.  J^^<^^^^!P(^  ^s^i^GmiTfB^  ^/Sl^eo, 

It  is  the  merit  of  the  wise  to  gain  knowledge  by  meditation^ 

When  I  went  to  a  master  whom  I  knew,  to  pay.  my  respects,  he 
saad,  you?  fath^  owes, ten  fap^onsy  ^ye  it  me. 

Tamil  ^bovisbbs.  SI 

A  known  brahman  is  a  friend ;  aro  there  onlf  three  pancakes  for 
six  cash  ? 

Said  of  taking  advantage  of  preTioas  acqaaintance  in  a  bargain. 

491.  ^/SliB^ui  QmtLQi-,^  ^fSiuirin^LD  QsiLQl^&st  Q^irfilik^  Ljmr 

Knowingly  and  unknowingly  I  have  been  ruined ;  scratching  has 
caused  sores. 

The  story  of  t)ne  who  claimed  as  his  slate  the  man  who  had  paid 
his  respects  to  him  because  he  was  an  acquaintance* 

493.  ^jSiu  ^fSiui  OsQeuirir  ^essri^ir  ?  » 
Do  any  become  vicious  by  increasing  knowledge  ? 

494.  ^fSvutr^  iBrretr  ere\)eoiTu^  t9peuir^  mrreir. 

All  the  days  before  the  age  of  discretion  are  as  th'e  days  before 

Have  I  grown  my  beard  not  knowing  that  it  would  fall  into  the 
hands  of  the  barber  t 

Said  with  reference  to  the  loes  of  a  eheri^hed  object. 

Like  the  idea  of  an  iDUOcent  child. . 

497.  ^fS^esTsoSL^^^iso  Lj^^  Q^<5fnr(S/is, 

Do  not  ask  advice  of  th«  ignorant. 

498.  ^jSisffiosrlr  ^inii(^  ^u9jrLD  s-emjr^S^pjLb  ^euth. 
Though  fools  are  told  a  thousand  times  the  thing  is  uselesd. 

^99,  ^jSleij  ^nr  ^rSeurrir?  ^uj/B/Sfrir  ^fiSeutrir^ 

Who  possesses  information  ?  Those  who  have  examiiaed  a  thing 


4.J1  ignorant  man  is  despised  evan  by  women.. 

501.  <^/Sl6if  ^6\)a)/r<fF  i^uj<osrLD  ^ihuF^^^th  ^ev2so» 

So  to  sleep  as  to  be  incapable  of  feeling  is  an  imposijibility, 

502:   ^pSloi]  QuQ^^CS^/resT  QiBinii  QuQ^^Q^irsisr, 

Hp  that  increaseth  knpwiedge  increaseth. sorrow. 


The  ignorant  are  not  manly, 

504-   ^/olisij  i-jpLDiQufnu  a-eoeaarz— ^G^Ly/rev. 
As   a  chrysalis  destitute  of  intelligence. 

505.  ^/SeijLLiok  ^fresTLD  ^ekLjL^eir  e^Q^es^Lb, 

Wisdom  is  regulated  by  knowledge,  good  conduct  by  love.^ 

506.  <Ji//olsn  mssres)^  ^ifli^LD, 

Conccious  guilt  will  fret  the  heart. 

507.  ^/oleij  ^Q^ih  (SUfntiLd  ^eirty  ^^(oS)fr<i(^LD  mfreijth, 

A. mouth, that  instructs  and  a  tongue  uttering  words  of  love. 
Spoken  of  one  characterized  by  wisdom  an()  lov^* 

508.  «gy^a/S5)L_ai.T6»/r  jffjr&^^LD  qQq^ldljld^ 

Even  a  .king  will  approve  of  wise  men. 

509.    ^;lSsi\(Sy)U.lUfT€SyT  ^Q^^fTp    (oUfT^LD, 

To  obtain  the  favour  of  the  wise  is  enough., 

I  know,  I  know   (i.  e.,  I  well)  the  leaf  of  the  banyan  tree 
is  like  that  of  the  tamarind  tree. 

511.  «sy^<*<55Lo/rLLL_/r^6i/sir  ^Qnn'ii9i(s\)^LDU^iQ^iL®  ^li^eufrcft, 

♦  ■  ■  • 

Fifty-eight  sickles  6n  the  hip  of  one  that  cannot  reap. 
Used  in.  contempt  of  mere  show  and  parade* 


The  son  of  a  widow  has  evil,  gestures  throughout  his  body. 
Said  of  persons  irreclaimably  and  naturally  vicious. 

513.  ^j^^^  (o^fTi^  ^£^'%(^LDrru(Sufrev, 
Fluttering  as  a  fowl  with  its  throat  cut. 

514«   j>i^^^@u&T  ^essriSerr^siT  Qupp  sissi^. 

The  story  of  a  widow  who  gave  birth  to  a  son. 

515.  ^j^u^  /Bfrdofr^(^  erapu^  a/bss}^. 
Seventy  rags  for  sixty  days. 

Although  one  may  balance  himself  on  a  pole  sixty^fti^r  feet  high, 
he  has  to  descend  to  receive  gifts. 

517.  ^jpju^0^u®<i  (S<asfrjrLbU6VLo^ 

Sixty-eight  tricks. 

Said  of  the  vaiicus  impedimeiits  which  otie  meets  with  in  canying 
out  a  Bcheme. 

518.   ^^ui-l'^  mireo^Qso  <5reSl'S(^LCi  ^/s^  Quehr^ir^, 
In  harvi'st  time  even  a  rat  has  five  wives. 

The  mouth  of  the  rice-pot  being  enlarged  by  fracture,  the  rice  must 
be  boiled  the  longer. 

520.  ^^f^pu9e\)  ^f^  ^eveoQeurr  ^ihus\)^i^<5\)  ^L^CS^emQia  ? 

One  must  appear  in  the  assembly,    must  he  not,  after  having 
practised  privately  ? 

521.  ^<s^pu9ev    ^(^d^Qpsinr^Soir   ^LDuG)^^e\)   (^pjryQp  L^frL-L^(ck, 

One  who  leads  private  persons  into  a  place  of  justice  and  perverts 

522,    J^pu  ^<5^e'  Qarruf.  fleu^eiD^Bs  0«®dB(gii, 

The  least  unlawful  desire  destroys  a  myriad  acts  of  austerity. 

Is  beauty  (selfrrespect)  to  be  forfeited  for  a  mere  trifle  ? 

Althoiagh  the  broom  is  inferior  it  will  lay  the  dust  in  the  house. 

525.  <^puir  SCS/sS^th  i9irfreasr  rnGssri^^u^, 

The  friendship  of  the  mean  will  issue  in  fatal  results. 

526>  ^puff  ^(o'BtSLb  i9jrrrGssr  €=mi<si—Ui, 

The  friendship  of  the  base  is  dangerous. 

If  a  l#w-bred  man  obtain  wealth,  he  will  carry  an  umbrella  at 

When  a  mean  person  acquires  wealth  he  knows  not  how  to  take 
care  of  it. 

529.  ^pp^^if^  ^ppfiinu^ 
Fitted  to  the  opportunity. 

Three  kinds  of  weather,  hot,  cold  and  temperate  are  included  in  the 
six  seasons. 

A  yeir  is  dlFided  intoAix  seasons  of  two  montlis  each,  beginning 
with  August  The  names  of  the  seasons  are  1.  "T/t.  cloudy.  2  A-^r, 
cold  3.  (ip«»'  lj6b^,  evening  dew.  4'  l5«5»  i_<«j^,  morning  dew.  5.  fijl^r 
GaioR^,  mild  heat.  6«  (i/i^  oaoiAa),  very  hot. 

531.   ^fpiQuirssiii  Q^irSsOfh^rreo  ^pu  ^^^^Qpia  ueBi^iD, 

Even  a  common  medicine  may  prove  effectual  after  a  disease  has 
passed  the  crisis. 


The  touch  whether  of  the  foot  or  the  hand  is  an  offence  to  one'a 
unkind  mother-in-law. 

533.  ji/ekupp  LDfrLSuufTQ^s^ds  (g^iiSOiL  (^ppiB^fr^, 

Even  obeisance  is  an  offence  to  an  unloving  mother-in-law^ 

534.  ^&srupQrfir  eu/r^eQCo^  iSmupjSu  QufrmirQ^^^ 
Don't  enter  the  portal  of  the  uncharitable* 

535>  j^i&fru/rear  QQ/sS^Sssr  j^u^^Qeo  ^jS, 
Know  a  loving  friend  in  adversity. 

536.  ^&sn9e»^irrr  <SLD<ir^  ^^^sld  @^!5so. 

They  who  are  destitute  of  love  are  void  of  influence 

53/,  ^mLj&ristr  06wr£i  ^2soSe\ie^tT  ib^.       # 

A  loving  disposition  is  a  river  without  a  rippk. 

Where  love  reigns  the  impossible  may  be  attained* 

ITie  story  of  a  neighbour  who  invited  a  woman  in  distress  at  th6' 
loss  of  her  husband. 

Love  is  all-important,  and'  it  is  it's  own  reward. 

041.  ^mpp  ^uQjTLD  Ourr^esfl^thy  iB&srpp  €^^  mirsr  QuX\^. 

A  single  cash  saved  is  greater  than  thousands  of  gold  spent  a»; 
soon  as  acquired. 

542.  ^^pl^msisoiru^  S^jSj^iseoir^fT^, 

Pay  at  once,  delay  is  bad. 


•^  U  IfiQ  LLfT   L^. 

The  body  we  then  saw  has  suffered  no  decay. 

The  word  Quaeafi  is  alao  used  for  beaut j,  freshness. 

•544»    ^^sr^tD  ^edBsod  esy^tuev^  ^&fr^Lb  ^euSsOiJ  Quir^^&o, 
There  was  no  stitching  then,  nor  is  there  any  hole  now. 

Buy  when  you  require,  be  slow  to  make  purchases,  do  not  make 
daily  purchases. 

•'546.   jy«ir^  ^esrp  Q&^ir^  ^^  mir^^^p^sj  ^n^fr  ? 

Will  the  boiled  rice  eaten  then  suffice  for  six  months  ? 

.'547.   ji/^jpj  ^^p  ^snem  ^^  LDfr<3F^^LJ  uS^iduj  ^j2/«*(gLc>, 

The'iliod  which  was  then  eaten  will  keep  one  free  from  hunger  for 
six  months. 

•"548.  ^ek^  (orap^esreueifr  ^tfi^^  <oT(Lp^eun'^  ? 

Will  he  who  wrofe  then,  erase  and  write  again  ? 

Referring  to  the  changeless  preordiuatioD  of  God. 

The  half  cash  obtained  to-day  is  greater  than  thousands  of  gold  to 
be  got  hereafter. 

The  Kal^  fruit,  carisaa  diffaaa,  of  to-day  is  better  than  the- jack  fruit 
of  the  fiiture. 

A  handful  of  boiled  rice  has  become  as  precious  as  a  handful  of 

•552.   ^ssresr  ldujld  i9jrfressT  ldiuld. 

The  property  of  food  is  the  support  of  life 

The  supporting,    nourishing  quality  of  grain  is  its  special  pro- 
perty, without  which,  as  life  is  now  conditioned,  it  cannot  exist. 


55J.  ^&sr€sr  Loiuui  ^ek/Su  i9^dssr  Lcnum  g)a)Sso, 
There  is  no  physical  virtue  in  aught  but  food. 
The  same  as  the  preceding. 

554.  ^^ssTLD  iB^i    QsrreiTSU/r^LD   ^65)l_  Jy2^«(g  ^su/t^ld  u^t. 
The  glutton  and  the  sloven  are  alike  worthless. 

555.  juekesTLb  ^l-L-IFIt  ^L-i^e\)  «S€ir6jjrzi  ^L^eoiru^ir  ?  - 
May   we  break  through  the  wall  of  the  house   of  those  who 

fed  us  ? 

556.  jys3r«jrii  ^®/E/S(g)eu  ^(^^in  ^©/©(^fi. 
When  food  fails,  the  five  semes  fail. 

Beferring  to  the  exercise* of  the  senses  as  dependent  on  the  health 
of  the  body  and  its  dependence  on  food. 

557.  ^mGST  fBSi^L-    iBL^i^uQurrii^  ^sir  mmi^iLjU^   Q<%iLL^frp(Surr(5v, 
As  in  attempting  to  walk  like  a  swan,  tJie  crow  lost  even  its  natural 


When  food  or  grain  is  scarce,  all  is  scarce. 

She  who  was  wandering  about  for  rice  wate^*,  is  seeking  sugar  to 
mix  in  cow's  milk. 

What  gift  is  there  that  equals  the  gift  of  food  I 

Strange  women  will  n^  avail  in  adversity. 

562.  ^6W"Ssjr«(g  s_^®i/r^/reJr  =^(5<3^(a5  S-^eijeufreir  ? 
Whom  will  he  help  that  does  not  help  his  mother  ? 

«63.  jyefy^  0d=iJbLDfr6srih  ^s3)z_-L£)<s2DLp«fiBQ'  evsv^essrii^^ 
A  crimson  sunset  betokens  abiding  rain. 


58  UtpQ  lUfTL^. 

The  dilSerence  is  as  ^eat  as  that   between  an  elephant  and  a 

565.   ^^if-iuisfTjTssr  Qu^^u^iufTiuu  Quireuir&ir, 
A  scoffer  will  be  destroj'^ed. 

If  a  child  be  bom  at  an  inauspicious  time  wh<:t  evil  will  it  occasion 
to  a  neighbour  I 

567.   ^^^JS  Li(^dF/r/5y«5B^^<i(^  ^jvuj^  f5fri^^s><3BiLiui  ^ujrr^Siuui, 
In  a  false  almanac,  the  sixty  hours  are  to  be  rejected* 

In  astrological  calculations  a  time  of  three  and  three  quarters  to 
four  Indian  hours  i  stri^^-*  24  minutes)  for  the  asterisra  that  rales 
the  day  is  considered  unluckj  :  it  is  called  ^'j"#*»iu  n  rejected. 

An  imperfect  or  uncertain  formala  should  he  wholly  rejected. 

568.  ^^oB/T^aioir  (^zp_6jj)UJ  ^®^^«  Q«s®<55<s5(?6i/«Rrr®£i. 

The  family  of  the  wicked  must  be  destroyed  by  associating  with  it. 

569.  ^<3Sfr^6up€iDp  <cjp((rfeo  ^irfnuii^  ejp^^Q^freo'^ 

If  about  to  undertake  a  difficult  work  do  so  after  due  inquiry. 

Is  a  brahmanicide  a  suitable  witness  for  an  abandoned  wretch  T 

571.   ^^!Tuj^^i(^  esiiniULD  mfriLQSp^Qufreo, 

•    Like  pointing  out  the  middle  of  the  sky. 
An  impoHsibility. 

Can  a  hawk  carry  away  the  sky  I 


513.  ^sfTUJ^^^  upiss  e^u(Sj^Su(Su&ir,  erf^Ssurs  ^dS  ^P^^^ 

The  spiritual  guide  observed,  I  will  teach  you  how  to  fly  through 
the  air,  take  me  up  and  convey  me  to  the  other  side  of  the  river. 

574.  «g«/rttj  &j(s\)io9i^  jy^iT  ^9-«(gLb. 

A  powerful  thunder-clap  will  occ^ion  tremor. 

Will  white  ants  destroy  an  iron  pillar  that  reaches  to  the  clouds  .' 
The  proverb  was  u«ed  by  Sita  when  speaking  to  HaTana. 

576.  ^siriuLD  uirirssLjQufriLjLb  ^(SlQpQd^ir  ? 

Is  there  not  suflGicient  space  for  one  to  go  and  look  at  the  sky  ? 

577.  M^ffiLr^€in^  euQuui^i  ^/jL^-iaJ/rLDT  P 
Can  the  air  be  bit  so  as  to  leave  a  mark  T 

578.  ^siriuLD  Oupp^,  ^lS  ^fTikiQesr^, 

The  sky  brought  forth,  the  earth  supported. 

If  favoured  by  fortune  medicine  will  take  effect  in  due  time. 

580.  ^Q^isjsfr€))ji^&)  ^ij^iuir(efhLCi  Quem  Qu^eurrfffr, 

In  times  of  prosperity,  even  a  slave  woman  may  bring  forth  a 
female  child* 

581.    ^(^lEl<SfnU   l9(^Q(o(S\)    QjsStLjLb, 

A  sound  fruit  may  be  known  when  it  begins  to  set, 

582.  .^(^aaaf/rsvii  ^(g^i,  (Sufr(^iEJdSfrs\)Lo  CoLj/r^^jti. 

In  auspicious  times  it  succeeds,  in  inauspicious  times  it  fails. 

583.  ^<s5«u  Qu/rjri/^/ssu€sr  Mpu  Oufr(7rf>^  ? 

Will  he  who  wailed  till  it  was  cooked,  not  wait  till  it  cools  I 

584,  ^dsSp  Q^LpuQu^y  ^iflSujfnu  ^pi(^Q€um. 

Should  I  cook  I  shall  spoil  the  rice,  either  by  under  or  over  doing" it. 

60  u  ifiQ  infT  L^. 

Rule  will  last  but  half  an  hour  where  discipline  and  authority  do 
not  exist. 

686.   ^,i(^Qp'SU(Sfr   &=(sB^^rr(5\)  ^Qulju   ufrip^   (^^^Speuerr  ^^edl^ 

If  the   cook   be  wear}',  the  lieartb  will  be  useless ;  if  she   who 
pounds  the  rice  be  weary  the  mortar  will  be  useless. 

587.  ^/Bd5/r/fl«(Gy5«3B(g  ^^cs/r//?. 
The  chief  of  the  proud- 


She  exclaims  Sangara,  Sangard  at  death  having  through  life  been 
given  up  to  lewd  behaviour. 

689.   ^^ifl^^  Q^ujeuLD  <or6\)'€\)frLb  ^i^QiurrQL-  ubtresifTL-^, 

All  the  deities  that  were  venerated  have  entirely  perished. 

590.   ^,<^frjrLD    ^eveorr    ^<y^^(^L_sJr     3h.Lf-U     ufr^friBJ(^    Qu&u    u^S 


By  being  associated  with  the  base  and  by  speaking  hypocritically 
1  have  forfeited  my  dwelling-place. 

691.   ^^^lieufT^npLo  ^fruQpLD  ^pQeunirsif^  ^^Sso. 

The  virtuous  are  not  affected  by  blessing  and  cursing. 


592.  ^<ss)<5=  ^eueir  Qll(S(oO  ^^jrsij  umu  (SldQ^oO, 

His  mind  is  fixed  upon  her,  his  body  is  on  the  mat. 

593.  ^<s^<^  mS)fj^uj^  mirefTy   (SLDfrsm  Qpuu^iBfretr^  Q^jressr^^^  /bit 

Sixty  days  of  excessive  desire,  thirty  of  enjoyment ;  when  the 
ninety  are  over,  the  remaining  time  is  as  useless  as  a  worn-out 

594.    ^es)^  ^smL^rr^rrQe^y  ^(Lpe^^siLjiD  ^essTL-tr^, 
If  evil  desire  spring  not  sorrow  will  not  approach^ 


If  there  be  heartfelt  love,  there  will  be  deferential  regard 
Spoken  of  a  devoted  wife  who  has  a  cruel  husband. 

596'  Mesif^  s-cirerrerrQ/ii  ^2so<3=<^^ld  s_®»r®. 

.  As  long  as  desire  continues,  there  will  be  anxiety  also. 

597.  ^QD&=Qd5fr6ikfn—(Su(y^ii(^  (ojrfr^LD  ^ffoSso. 

Persons  of  inordinatt  desire  have  no  shame.  * 

598"  c^«D<F«(^  ^GneQs^^sO, 
Desire  has.  no  limits. 

599.  cgS!n«F  Q<^ir&)eSI  (oLDfr^LO  Q^ujQp^fr p 

Is  it  to  deceive  after  using  enticing  words  I 

600.  .g;55)<F  (?.^/ra/«j^  ^eQipfiLD  ^^  ? 
What  remedy  is  there  for  love-sickness  I 

601,  cgSJDcF   QuQF^^   ^SsO<F<FJi2/ii   QUQ^(^LD^   . 

As  desire  increases,,  anxiety  increases. 

Which  is  gr^ater,  (human)  desire  or  a  mountain  ? 

803,  Sjj^^uuL-L^^  ^mQuQufrSp^^ 
What  was  desired  is  now  disgusting. 

She  beat  him  with  the  winnowing  fan  to  banish  all  his  desires.. 

Desire  knows  not  shame 

'6.  c|^€3),F  etf)eu^^fre\)  /B/r<^Lo, 
Cherished  desire  CTi^s  in  ruin. 

.^<SF©  ^^S  Qm^fSu  utf-^^LJ  QuiSFfrQ^^ 
0  mother,  mother,  do  not  speak  so  much. 
4^^S  is  a  pcovingiaUsm.fQr  •^uS. 

62  u  LpQ  LDir  yS. 

608.   -f^^^  ufTu.^  Q^ifitufr^  ^jressrQ  uibi(^  s_6W7®. 

Neither  able  to  sing  nor  dance,  but  he  has  two  shares. 

The  temple  girl  who  could  not  dance  said  that  the  hall  was  not 
large  enough. 

610.  ^L^eQiLQ  /5TL_65ii  umr<iSp^fr ? 

Is  it  to  look  at  the  drama  after  having  encouraged  a  profligate 
course  ? 

Spokeu  iroiaically.' 

611.  -^i-^'c^^^  <3h.L-ir^rr^ujfr  ? 

Are  those  linfit  for  the  drama  unfit  for  every  thing. 

'612     <^L^nr^  ereoei>fnh  ^^  ^eustDir^^iru^u^  ^^^fb^eFSr^^ 
AH  is  done  and  the  avarai  fruit  is  cut ! 

Indicatiug  decayed  clrcnm stances. 

613.   -^^  ^pQeuL-esii-.  ^^eSSsd  Q/bSvqQSso^ 

July  harvest  having  failed,  the  price  of  dry  grain  is  that  of  paddy. 

The  comedy  began  and  ended  in  an  hour, 

615.    -gJ9-  ^iU/5^  UtiiUITLD, 

A  top  that  spins  no  longer. 

616.  -g,^'55  650  ^^i^freO  U^<56)lfi  (^esypf^^CouiTLD, 

If  the  embryo  clouds  of  July  fail  rain  will  be  scant. 

617.  ^i^^dipaQp   infTiLeniL-  ^z^«  ^p&&Qeu6ssT(BliDy  uiruf^s  d^psQp 

A  restless  cow  must  be  milked  by  force,  and  a  gentle  cow  must  be 
mnked  with  kindness. 

Treatment  to  be  regulated  by  oircumstanoei . 

618.  ^i^^^irpfSe^  s-^Q^LD  3'Q^(^(SuiTe\)^ 

As  dry  leaves  falling  in  the  winds  of  July* 



Is  there  any  way  of  escape  for  a  leaf-plate  before  the  wind  of  July  I 

;  620.  ^if-d56^irfb/ijl(Seo  ^<oO€ULou<^Sr  up/5/£^(Sutrev» 
Like  silk-cotton  scattered  by  the  wind  of  July. 

Seek,  seize  her  by  the  hair,  and  slipper  a  mother-in-law  who  doe« 
not  invite  you  in  July. 

The  parents  of  a  newly  mariied  woman  separate  her  from  her  hus- 
band^  that  she  may  be  under  their  cave  during  the  first  year  of 
marriage,  in  the  month  of  July.  This  is  necessary  to  pref^ent  con- 
ception in  that  month  and  delivery  in  the  following  April.  The 
birth  of  a  first  child  in  April  if  a  son  is  believed  to  biing  ruin  upon  a 

They  say  that  the  cuff  was  given  in  July,  and  the  pain  felt  in 

623.  «^9-UJ  <s5/rj^££»  unrt^iLi  lSl^^ld, 
A  dancing  foot  and  a  singing  throat. 

1524.  ^/^  eSezo/^  Q^i^uQuir®. 

Provide  seed-c6rn  and  ^ow  in  July. 

While  there  are  sheep  will  it  (the  tigfer  or  wolf)  swallow  the  shepherd. 

626.  ^(S  (srQji^  s&refrdssruQufrQeo  ^L3iS(nf&sr. 
He  stares  like  a  thief  who  has  stolen  a  sheep. 

The  shepherd  is  trembling  aloft  fearing  the  sheep  may  bite  him* 

■ — ~ 1.   ■ 

The  price  of  the  sheep  is  a  quarter  of  a  fanam  that  of  its  tail 
three  fourtjias  of  a  faQwu 

64  utfiQLurri^. 

G29.   -g>®  Sli-^fh^   ^L^^^(oio\)   LDu9ir^n-^jjui  Qisini^iufTLDp   Qu-iruSp^, 
Not  even  hair  is  found  where  sheep  were  penned 

630.     ^(^      Sl^fE^     ^l^QpLD     ^<35LDUlf.Ujrrsvr  ^Qf^lB^     ^L^QpLn    ^QF^U 

A  place  where  sheep  were  penned  and  a  place  once  occupied  by  an 
Agambadyan  are  profitless. 

631.   ^j^®Si—fB^  ^L-^Qeo  U(LpuLj^^fr^ih  fflszoL-iu/r^. 
Not  a  leaf  will  be  found  where  the  sheep  lay. 


632.   ^®  Q<£fr(m'iQp^  GTsvev/nh  ^<oS)L-.iLi^3i(<^  eo/ruLOi, 

The  fattening  of  the  sheep  is  an  advantage  to  the  shepherd. 

He  that  has  bought  a  sheep  will  wander  about ;  he  that  has  bought, 
fowls  will  go  about  crying  them  for  sale. 

634.   -gj®  0(S5/rz__/r^  ^€5)L^iu<5sr  ^«Da;«  Qes.frQluuiT^  ? 

Will  the  shepherd  who  refused  to  give  a  sheep  give  a  cow  ? 

635»   ^(S)  Q^rr^<oS<skrSl^  ^JT^iuu  (Suir(^Lb!r ? 

Will  a  sheep  lead. itself  when  the  shepherd  is  absent: 

636.     ^(SllEi^ireOLD  ^2soSLpfTiU  63(Lp(5^/r^Lh  &h.QLD  LfQuLl^^frioif  6k.(Sui, 

Though  he  may  fall  headl6ng  when  dancing,  be  will  not  thereby 
meet  with  greater  success. 

If  one  should  fall  headlong  when  he  ought  to  be  active,  he  will  be 
so  impoverished  as  to  possess  only  broken  pots  and  au  alms-dish. 
Indolence  in  youth  leads  to  povertj  in  old  age . 

638«   ^Q^e^LbfT    (^Q^i^sQisir    <orm(0fj>(5\)y  OdSfTLaLjiJCi    (^errLDLjLD    ^^eQjr^ 

If  one  say,  O  my  teacher,  can  the  sheep  be  of  any  use  to  you,  he 
replies  yes,  aU  except  the  horns  and  the  hoofs* 


Like  a  go^t  cropping  leaves. 

It  is  said  that  the  wolf  wept  becaase  the  sheep  were  wet, 

■<41.  sjfSi  iShsr^js  ^L-^^<s\}  uL.1^  Qufr(SSpjSfr.? 

Will  the  pen  be  put  up  whei^  the  sheep  may  wish  T 

'^42.  ^0  i9(sisiLp^^rreo  LbSlr^ir^Ld  Q^, 

If  the  sheep  should  recover,  hfe  will  not  give  even  a  hair. 
Said  wliere  benefits  are  not  requited. 

'643.  <g®  effiLi^Qiso  ^iLQdij^LLi^  smLtf^Qeo, 
The  dam  at  home,  the  lamb  in  the  jungle. 

He  who  is  naked  is  but  half  a  man. 
Self-retpect  essential. 

If  the  cream  be  consumed,  cj^n  butter  be  obtained  ? 

The  lapwing  will  hy  ifs  tries  betray  whether  he  who  approaches 
be  the  owifer  or  a  thief. 

v47.  ^iLsfTiLi^   Q^if]iuiru^eo  ^Q^u.uQufrSpsuesr  QsL-i^isirjrQi^^ 

Which  is  the  cleverer,  the  thief  that  goes  out  to  steal  taking  care 
that  the  lapwing  does  not  see  him,  or  h^  thftt  follows  the  track 
of  that  thief  T 


A  stupid  servant  to  a  skepfaerd. 


649-   ^L-t^e»    ^ttS jfLD,.   LCi/riLtf-&)    ^yQ/nhy  6pL^L^(?e\)    d^jresari^   ufreo,- 

Possessed  of  sheep  by  the  thousand^  of  cattle  by  the  thous  md,  ht 
has  not  a  spoonful  of  milk  at  home; 

650.  ^lL®«^  eurre\)  ^etreujpj^^  esyeu^^QF^iSp^*. 

The  tail  of  the  sheep,  is  proportioned  to  its  size. 

651.  «^LL®<i^Lb     LD/r L_®i^Lb    ^jr&ssrQ     Ositldl],    ^iULDi9L^frP,<i^^ 

Sheep  and  oxen  have  two  horns,  an  Aiyam -pid^ri  has  three* 

652.  <^i—(S^(^^(o^fr/b(^LDn'QipuLi€Q? 
Can  an  old,  tiger  be  overcome  by  a  sheep-? 

^~- — — n ". 

653.  •^Ll®«(g/i      LbfTL^Qs^^Qpetnpiutr ^     &iTiL®6i(^La      ufTiLQi'S^^ 

Are  relationships  observed  among,  sheep  and  oxen  I  have  woods  , 
and  uncultivated  tracts  any  line  of  demarkation  I 

As  the  wolf  entered  the  ahe^pfold. 

The  fate  of  the  lamb  is  that  of  its  dam. 

656.   ^LL(S^js2sd(^  6U«wr^5)6ir  updS/p^Qufre\)^ 
As  the  washerman  flies  at  the  sheep's  head. 

The  butter  the  sheep  yields  is  not  enough  (to  stew)  the  marrow  .■ 

658.  ^iLQeQ/i^u  uwesiu ,Q<^!r.L-(BSi(ff^: 

He  causes  them  to  dance  and  beats  the  drum. 

659.   ^L-.®s  ^l-i^(dI-dg\)  ^u9jru^  OuiT&f^  ? 

What,  thousands  of  gold  for  a  young  sheep  I 



650.  ^L^(Si(^iLifj^(^  ^Ssifresyaji  sfreufQdB/rQ. 
Sacrifice  an  elephant  for  the  sake  of  a  kid 

661.  ^L_®«(gLL/^65)/L/^   (S^frsfflQe\)  emsu^^i  s/tQl^b^u^  Q^tf^fsr 

The  story  of  one  who  wandered  through  the  jungle  in  search  of  a< 
Iamb  that  he  had  on  his  shoulder. 

He  aims  to  catch  the  leopard  by  exposing  the  sheep, 

65)L,<5   «l1z^   QlBQ^ULj   €S)6U'LJU^   /S€\)€\)^^ 

It  is  better  to  build  a  house  and  set  fii^e-to  it^-than  to  buy  sheep  %^ 
and  place  them  under  the  eare  of  Others. 

Have  you  no  desire -to  Meeus  attleaet  onee  a  year  t . 

Broth  apd  curry  ^ught  to  be  prepared  with  alLtheir  ii^editots.^. 

Do  not  destroy- yourself  by  prid^.* 

Standard  gold;^and  it  woman  at  one  with  her  mother-in  Jaw  are 



Although  one.  may  injurera  imanya  woananmay  not -be  injuriously 

Ttain-a-boy  strictly,  but  a  girl  kindly. 

^3  u  jfiQ  m/r  ^.. 

Neither  swearing  nor  oatibs-sure  required,  put  down  the  cloth  and 
stride  ovier  it. 

The  austerity  of  those  who  are  ignorant  of  the  Supreme  is  a« 
profitless  as  soil  at,  the  foot  of  a  dead  tree. 

^72.   ^essTL^ir(rF^<k(^^  Q^frQ^Qs^pQiufr  <9F53)/r<s^®«i65)«35<ig5«  QsfrQs 
Do  you  give  to  mendicants,  or  to  the  hard  shell  of  the  bottOe-gourd  ? 

While  the  head  of  a  family  lives,  prosperity  may  beenJDyed. 

^674.   ^emi^^&fTi&h-if^  iLU.La  siLuf-^pQurro), 

Like  mendibafit^  combining  to  build  a  choultry. 

The  meadieajjt  lies,  in  the  choultry  and  his  bag  in  the  street. 

When  told  to  give  rice  to  the  Saiva  mendicant,  hfe  says  give  it  to 
the  Vaishnava  mendicant. 

^77*    ^€6srL^d(^  euiriuuQu^si-  ufnrLJuir^6S(^  jy^«/£i  ^suSso, 

To  the  religious  mendicant  a  word,  to  the  brahman  not  even  that. 

'678,   ^eim^^S  Qupp  ^(^3^Lb  ^6ULD, 

The  &ve  children  bdrne  by  the  mendicant  a  wife  are  all  weakling 

When  the^on  jof  a  m.endicai)Lt.a8snm£s  a  mendicant's  profenision, 
will  blow  his  conch  at  the  proper  time- 

It  is  said  that  he  beat  the.meiid];QaDt>iiAd  broke  bi^'^lmd-^didi, 


681.  Mmri^tLiLD  fBfr^^Ld  Q^rressrt^iLfU^  aSjpiu^. 

The  Saivite  and  the  Vaishnavite  mendicants  are  aa  airat?er-pot  and 
its  cord. 

United  or  separate. 

When  he  meets  a  Saiva  mendicant  he  is  a  Lingan,  and  when  he 
lueets  a  Yaishnava  mendicant  he  is  a  Kangan. 

When  two  mendicants  embrace  each  other,  the  ashes  of  the  one 
cleave  to  the  other.  / 

Though  he  assumed  the  guise  df  a  mendicant,  his  ti-ouhles  did  not 


I  "  -  • 


^CaWiy-    (^6SSTlf-€S>UJ^  ^i-/JLg)a)   UpUU^    <rrt£>t7€V. 

If  a  mendicant  be  struck  on  his  posteriors,  ashes  fly. 
to6.  .jjGW®  tuTTjSs^  aF^ii  ^«wr^  J)fJif^J^  ^ihuT^e^fAh  .g^eyreir  seikr 

Kar  rice  a  year  old,  and  newly  reaped  Samba  (superior  rice)  are  rare^ 
to  the  eye  of  a  coltivator. 

>o<.  ^essr®  Ld^^^rreo  Q^iriLt^u^Lb  r^Lc^i^L^rr^, 

If  the  year  withhold  her  increase,  even  the  menial,  servants  willi 
neglect  to  do  obeisance 

He  wreaked  his  anger  against  his  master  on  the  male  bufiala. 

A  thousand  men  may  live  together  in  harmony,  whereas  twd 
women  afie  unable  to  do  so  although  they  be^idters. 

^70  '  uifiQiLirtfi. 

690.  ^€mss>UiUjpp  effjTGfT  ^iLf^^^&srQiJbjb  (^€9ypQ9'frs\)^siifr&r^ 
Ihe  coward  blames  his  weapon. 

•  A  comforUesa  word,  and  a  palmiia  rafter  without  a  bolt  are  oi 
no  use. 

Will  a  chetty  (a  merchant^)  take  his  departure  by  a  river  withoui 
gain  ? 

Will  a  chetty  dam  up  a  river  and  drain  out  its  waters  for  nothing 

Is  a  man  possessed  of  landed  property  without  a  legal  inatrument' 

The  over*ha8ty  is  wanting  in  sense. 

*  Will  the  over'Jmsty  be  nice  about  family  jiedigrees  P 

^The  ha^ty  is  gratified  at  the  instant. 

While  his  mother  is*  in  extremity,  her  grown  i;ip  son  is  crying  f 

'699.  ^&o^(QeoeoiTfBeu^  ^ssuru^eS^^. 

.fie  who  possesses  no  'property  is  but  half  a  man^ 

^7^00.  ^ao^iLjeffetreu^  ^&v^^(^  ^t^emin^ 

A  man  of  wealth  is  the  slave  of  bis  possessions, 

7.01.   ^&v^tLieirerreu^i(^  (Bir^La  ^^3so. 

The  wealthy  are  not  exfposed  to  immediate  ruia* 


702,  ^ietD^  Sfil^  Q<3P3rLJ  Quif^^, 

^e  bt^l  k  stnall,  its  scr^'chis  lotlid. 

703.  ^u^^p  mir^^&i&sr  ^essrLieu&sr  ^eu/r^. 

He  who  helps  another  in  his  taisfortiine  becomes  his  master. 

'704.   Sj^U^i^LD   ^LDU^^Cn    «^(5'3^@tb   S_*6MT®. 

Prospeiity  and  adversity  are  common  ta  all. 
A  thing  done  through  necessity  is  no  crinae. 

■1  I  li 

706.  ^u^^d5'(^  e-^eQesreu(ossr  u/i^. 

He  is  a  friend  who  aids  in  adversity. 

i  •-  ■  ■  . — ."   -  •.      -      . 

The  condition  of  <>ne's  elder  sister  may  be  ascertained  by  attending 
her  wedding. 

As  the  monkey  perished  by  dmwing  out  a  wedge. 

If  castor  seed  (palma  christi)  be  sown  will  ^hcha  (ebony)  spring  upt 

<lO.  ^LD63afr«sgj  Qp^^  ^essftrLp^^fTLnrr'  P 
Are  the  nuts  of  the  castor  plant  pearls  ? 

^11.    ^LDesSTd(^LD   UQ^^QiLfLO   ^L-IT   eBm^SUUfTf^  P 

Will  he  sow  castor  and  cotton  seeds  in  close  proximity  1 

'12.  ^«Dto  SsssTp/SKSed  ^9s£(S\)  QdSfnhi9(Ss\),  ^ 

The  tortoise  or  a  turtle  is  in  the  well,  the  squirrel  is  on  a  branch. 
Said  of  two  things  or  persons  not  found  together. 

They  will  catch  the  turtle,  they  wilHum  it  on  its  back,  for  me  to 
say  so  would  be  a  crime. 

vlndicnting  that  U  m  mote  dat^gerbus  to  speak  of  the  crime  of 
=  Another  than  to  c6thmi  it. 

72  iJffiQ  IDfT  jfi\ 

714.   ^(Lp€S)t^iufr3^m  Qsfrekp.^fDi^jsQ, 

A  most  abandoned  woman  who  murdered  her  own  husband: 

715.   ^rLpes)L^\uir^  Q^^^i9mLj^jpi^€Si^(^u  lj^^  enis^^. 
The  wopaan  bi^came  wise  afjber  the  death,  of  her  husband. 

A  blear-eyed  man  becs^e  the  husband  of  a  woman  who  had  been 
crying  for  one. 

717.  ^(T/i«DL_uj/r6ir  ^u^^^^p(^  ji/Lp6QG\)SsOy<5F^<35err^^  SifluufrQ&r 

I,  do  not  weep,  becaufiemy  husband  has  beaten,  me,  but  because^ 
my  riv^l  will  laugh  at  me. 

718.  ^Qpes>u-iuirGsr  Qs'^^^  ^eu^uuQSpQuw^y^GiftefnL^effLufSii 

"When,  in  great  extremi^  she  was  mourning  the  death  of  her 
husband,  a, neighbour  came^and  attmifded  to  tickle  her  u^der 
tibe  arm. 

The  husband  resembles  a  merry,  making  without  foQd  and  know-, 
ledger  without  9>  competent  tpach^r. 

720.  ^(ip&nu.ujfr€ir   euiLL^ir^uJ  ^i^.^^Lb   €u/r<3Fe\)/re\^  eujrQeuGktrQLn, 

Np  mMter  whai  the  circumambulation  of  a  husbai^d  may  be,  he» 
e;nters.his  hpuse  by  the  door. 

721,  ^(ip(5^L^ajfr^6S(^u    Otjfnu  O^rr^sr^^u^   ^QuL/d(^U  Guniu 

True,  you  may  utter  a  falsehqod  to  your  husband,  but  can  you  deal 
falsely  with  the  hearth.? 

It  is  while  she  lias, a  husband,  is  it  not,  that  a  woman,  should  pla; 
the  harlot? 


2J.  ^QpesiL^uj[Tm  Q^^^^(SfF^€i(;s^  u^Q^^^6S<aF^  ^luQeu^  ? 

Of  what  u^e  is  the  fovpr  pf  a  inidwife  to  her  who  has  lost  ter 
husband  I 

!       rj 


If  your  husband  be  a  powerful  man,  you  may  ascend  the  dunghill 
to  fight 

725.  Sj^esiin  ^L^iflev  <^rSi^pQurr€v, 

As  if  a  tortoise  or  turtle  crept  up  a  hillock. 


It  is  said  that  when  the  hare  went  with  the  tortoise  to  lay  eggs  it 
strained  its  eyes  out  and  died. 

It  is  not  difficult  for  one  to  win  who  understands  the  tricks  of  dice. 

728,  Muisn'ir^i(^LJ  i9jru^^^^<i^^/r&fr  ^f/tlI©, 

The  brahmanicide  is  the  witness  of  the  custom  officer. 


The  under-hand  extortioner  demands  fifty   fanams   whilst   the 
custom  officer  demands  five. 

ISO.  MUJ^^^th  iSiUfriuili  (o6u&kfr(SlLh, 
Even  ia  gain  justice  is  required. 

<31.  c^ttJ^^«c^45  (^^esyfT  Saj^^i(^i  (^iLufL^ 
Hire  for  the  horse,  nothing  for  its  colt. 



Like  swimming  the  river  to  avoid  the  tax. 

iJ3,  ^iu^^es)pu9^  ^fSiufTujih  Q^iLHUirQ^, 
Do  not.  commit  injustice  at  the  KBUstom-housei 

734.   ^n9iri^€Mij[>  Q/5S\)jj2f6B(^  ^/f  ^/B^LJf^<yS  (ourr^i'LD, 

One  grain  destroy^ing  insect  -will  consume  a  thousand  'grains  of 

As  a  swan  in  the  midst  of  a  thousiand  crows. 

736.   ^u9jnh  sfri^t9)^<35i^  ^(3  ^sv^Lj(Sufr€\), 

Like  a  single  stone  thrown  at  a  thousand  crows. 

Can  a  thousand  props  support  the  universe  I 

738.  ^u9jrLD  oBlI®  ^SssruuevLD, 

A  thousand  bonds  may  equal  the  -strength  of  an  elephant. 

739.  .^u9irih  Q<s=fr6sr^^LD  ^eu^rrifi  &'rLp9'7rif)ujfr^rr&fr, 

Though  a  thousand -times  Q^dmonished^ «  faithless  woman  will  not 
become  a  &ithful  wife. 

Like  one  born  "with  ti  thousand  stretched  imt  "his  legs  with  five- 

Beauty  is' found  only  in  one  of  a  thousand. 

Ihe  combined  light  of  ^  thousand   stars  is  not   equal  to  a  single 

743.  ^u9jrLD  u^frsfresdFl  ^^ij^^jremu-einir^ 

A  thousand  sixteenths  make  sixty-two  and  a  half. 

744.  ^ii9irLD  ^etfiL^ujirir  ^u^iik^Q^LJUfrnr  ^esSQun-jrumSi  Q^/r/sQ^^ 

He  whose  fortune  amounts  to  thousands   is  quiet,  while  the  rag- 
,  gatherer  leaps  for  joy. 

X)ignii)  ifr  characteristic  of  the  worthyi  and  lev  it j  of  the  wortblesB 

TAiriL  PRt)VERBS.  4'^ 

745.  ^iSjtld  sui^rr^ih  ^tu^Q^ir^eo  •g«/r^. 

Though  it  may  bring  in  thousands^  the  occupation  of  a   tax- 
gatherer  is  bad 

746*  MiiSjnh  euriFSi^iii  Q^&sr^  Q^pji^ir^ia  ^^;S<3F^fr  ^<sit^. 

Although  one  may  live  a  thousand  years  an  unnatural  death  is  bad. 

747.  Mi^jrih    eB^esi^sefr    spQt^^u^  a.6V«^^5U    ^l^loi  I'jfii^&rr  Q&i 

Although  one  has  acquired  a  thousand  arts,  he  will  still  feel  the 
necessity  of  earthly  show. 

748.  SjftQjTLCt  QuiuenfTds  Qds/r&rpeu^  ^synr^yieu^^iusir. 

He  who  has  killed  a  thousand  persons  is  half  a  doctor. 

Though  a  thousand  may  thereby  be  obtained^impetuosity  is  not  good. 

Though  a  thousand  persons  unite,  they  cannot  kill  a  single  grain- 

•^51,  ^u9inh  Ouirosr  (SuffiL®    lu/rSssr  eurriiS  ^sanruuessr^^  ^ibj  -^ 

After  laying  out  thousands  for  an  elephant  why  hesitate  to  give  half 
a  fanam  for  a  goad  t 

<52.  ^iQjru^    ^€S)iris!rpuemu^, 
A  thousand  eighths  of  a  fanam. 

753.  c^ttS^ii  Q^frs\)^<3i(^^  ^etnir  srag^^^ 
Half  a  letter  U  equal  to  a  thousand  words- 

,        Will  it  proTC  a  loss  if  one  of  a  thousand  cows  kicks  I 

75  u  ifiQ  LD  rr  L^\ 

755.  Mu9jrth  u^ssTfLfGireir  ^LJues}ii(^iJ  iQpm^LD  ueoe^i   (S^^  9(5 

Although  born  of  a  father  possessed  of  a  thousand  palmira  trees,  lie 
has  not  a  fibre  with  which  to  pick  his  teeth. 

756.  ^uQiFLD  umJbi9^Grr  ^q^  Q^&nfr  ^suuiLu.rrp (Surrey, 

Like  a  toad  among  a  thousand  serpents. 

757.  ^u9jrih    Qurrek  Qupp  im^<ss)irs(^   ^ssifruueasr^^^    ^aji(^. 

Half  a  fanam  to  buy  a  whip  for  a  horse  worth  thousands  of  gold. 

758.  c^'tSiTLD  n5p(^essTL£i  e^(f^  (Sev/rui^essr^^frid  QsSIld, 

A  single  avaricious  desire  will  destroy  a  thousand  good  qualities. 

759.  ^(/9^ii)  Qurr&ffQupp  (y^^€5)ir^(^u^  ^eui^if-  QenesurQiD^ 

Even  a  horse  worth  thousands  of  gold  may  require  a  whip. 

760.  ^ii9irijb  QufTiu  OdP/rcucfldB  (?5S5/r«9S50<sB  «l1®. 

Tell  lies  by  the  thousand  and  build  a  temple. 

761.  ^ii-i^ulFesiiSv^  ^pSik^eum  j^pplio  e^Q^eusifr, 

One  of  a  hundred  makes  a  skilful  swords-^man. 

762.   ^iLj^LD  ^evevrrs^T  ^i^&Qp^tr  ? 
What !  strike  the  unarmed  i 

•  7 

63.   ^(oiun-^ssr  Qp^^^eo  ^u^^Ln  Q^QSp^Qunre^, 
Like  seeking  a  weapon  in  the  face  of  battle. 

It  rains  in  successive  torrents. 

An  ill-considered  undertaking  may  occasion  the  agony  of  death. 

766.   -^i^««(J^/fP  j^jr€ssrLDSssrss(^  ^^^^, 

A  female  with  an  inauspicious  mark  on  the  neck  will  prove  an 
evil  in  a  king's  palace. 


761'.  ^jri—fT  gSlLl^^  LDfTGtsfliULD  fs/rCS^sT  eQiLQiQ^^sssT  (Su.6sr , 
Sirrah !  who  invested  you  with  a  free  tenure,  I  did  it  niytelf. 
A  Uug  continued  farour  is  regarded  as  a  righfc. 

168.  ^irrrSis^LD  ui^iuerrm^  dSiLi^^fr  ? 

Has. any  one  measured  out  my  daily  allowance  ? 

169.  ^if^Qh^'^  ^totnrQeu&sr    ^sfr/s  e^L^LD€S)uiLiLD   LfsmSsifsriLiLD   Q&ir 
How  many  shall  I  serve  with  this  debilitated  and  ulcerated  body  T 

I        m 

By  whom  was  I  ruined,  by  twisted  hemp. 

Although  engaged  in  a  mere  puppet-show,  one  ought  to  keep  the 
eye  on  the  main  chance. 

He  is  fearless  and  shrinks  not  in  the  presence  of  any  foe. 
Who  is  really  true  to  another  ? 

To  whom  were  you  bom  ?  you  cry  for  butter-milk. 

<75.  sf^Q^ds^rrQej^LD  ^QjrirsLa  Qi^tujsrrco  foiflirjpi    /BfriLQun'jpj^^^ 

Treachery  against  any  man  will  be  jslowly  requited,  but  treachery 
against  one's  self  will  meet  with  immediate  retribution. 

A  wife  who  has  Jio  connections  is  to  he  pr^^rred  and  so  the  friend'-* 
ship  of  OUQ. 

'•  ^(B^  ^(3^  SL^ffl/  ?  fltnLjUi  iSetrSsiru^Ui  ft-/r>«i/. 

I         Who  are  related  to  each  other  f  the  mother,  iaadhwr  cbildj 

78  ULpQLhlTi^\ 

He  is  said  to  have  performed  Ashwamedha,  (the  sacrifice  oi  ». 
horse)  in  an  uninhabited  countrj^ 

779.  «|i€5)/r  /BLDi9^  (S^fTififr  srQ^S(^  <^ppixi  (SuiriLi^irij  ? 

My  friend,  on  whom  did  you  depend  for  asBistanee  yf\itn  you  pul 
up  a  picotta  to  irrigate  the  k£r  rice  I 

An  efficient  picotta  is  worked  by  two,  frpqn«ntlj  bj^three  men., 

780.  ^(^Jrir  Q^^^nek  er&fQ^  ^Q^^fr&sr,^ 

Some  one  died :  someone  cried. 

781.   ^j^  -%^^^^  Q^^^^Lb  OurTQ^^  eBif.i6/Sfr€\)  O^ffiiLj-w; 
In  the  morning  it  will  be  known  wiiose  mother  is  dead. . 

Whomsoever  you  delay  to  pay,  the  debt  of  Md'ri  must  be  at. once  »• 
Maci  is  the  Goddess  whapi^esides  over.  p€;sti]ence,.&c. 

783.  •  r^t^emiui  Q^®m9  ^6wr^C?a/<5^Lb  QufTiLL-iruj  ? 

Whose,  family  did  you  intend  to.  Txiyjx  when  you  assumed .  the  guise  • 
of  a  religious  mepdicantJ 

No  m9»tter.  who  pounds  it  if  we  obtain  the  rice.  . 

He  who  is  as  dangerous  to  society  as  the  poison  of  a  serpent  will  be,< 
ruined.         t 

786.  ^e\)^iULD  ^lSit^sld  eQe^Lo^ 

Indolence  changes  nectar^  into  poison. 

Who,  informed  the  biids  that  the  banyan  tree  was  in  fruit  ? 

788.   ^eQ&frQiup  Lfei)^(T^eQ, 

A  parasite  on  a  banyan  ttee. 


As  the  banyan  and  the  acacia  strengthen  the   teeth,  so  Ndladiy^r 
and  Eural  give  force  to  speech. 

Naladiyar  and  Kiml  two  celebHited  poetie  works  on. moraJ.aubject8. 
I  am  beconpe  a  bruised  reed  tossed  on  the  waves. 

The  temple  understands  not  th€  hidden  meaning  of  the  Vedas. 

The  flowers  of  the  olive,  Basaiaj  are  regarded  as  sugar  in  ^  place ; 
without  a  mgarcane,  mill'  ^ 

As  the  pendulous  roots  pf  its  branches  support  the  biinyan  tree. 

If  jbhe  bai^yan  be  ii}ii:uit^;^r,  if  the.  arasu,.,  hither,  the  hirdsi 
flock.  . 

May  you  prosper  as  the  banyp^n  withi  its  daughter-stem^.,  take  root 
like  the  wide-spreading  arugu  grass,  and  as  the  bamboo  amid- 
unfailing  friends. 

A  pongratulatpry  es^pression  |Lo,  a  peivly  mi^si^ied  pouplei^ . 

The  month  of  August  is  attended  with  incessant  drizzling,  . 

81.  ^&ifi€Si^  juL^jriT^  urreujietnfi  Ofim^jrnr&r^ 

H^.is  not  subject 'ta.calamity  who  pursues  not  a  sinful  course. 


What  avails  mere  desire,  he  will  livei  wiUrbe  not|i£hesT$''Allows  rice  T 


80  utfiQin  /r:^. 

799.  ^(SuiT&DjT  ^SsOttyti  ^u,i^<i(^^a^iJD, 

Even  the  leaves  of  the  avdrai  may  be  useful  iii  misfortune* 

800.   ^QeuGsrjpif  QufresTiSp^  ^errerfl  ^®Sp^  ^ir  ? 
After  his  last  gasp  who  will  distribute  our  'food] 

80^1.   ^(S&i^  iSpLbfT^e^jLD^  uirioQeujru  tSptbirQu^ir  ? 

Will  the  colour  of  the  skin  of  a  cow  affect  that  of  its  milk  T 

*802.     ^IfiLD/SllLllh  ^fBlSl<S\)   (cLD&frLa  ^/SIlLjLD  ^JTSiiLb, 

The  6nkil  fish  is  acquainted  with  depth/ ^id  the  snake  know8  tbfe#; 
sound  of  a  drtim- 

This  reference  to  the  instincts  of  animals  serves  to   indicate  the 
aptitude  <bc,  of  individuals. 

803.  ^,(fi^  ^/6lfU(fLhe\)  «/rSso  iBi^(rQ^, 

Do  not  step  down  unless  you  know  the  depth. 

With  an  ilak  of  rice  in  hand  and  a  pot  that  will  suffice  to  boil  only 
three  fourths  ^6f  it  look  at  the  ostentation  the  Mudaliar  displays. 

mif^di)  er&sresr  P 

What  if  the  great  deep  "vrere  an  extended  field  and  all  the  world 
standing  com  T 

Eren-then  each  could  enjoy  only  what  he  might  consume. 

806.  ^etniimLL^fr^eu£uj^(^u  Ques!STQL-.&sr  ? 

Of  what  use  i»  a  wife  to  him  who  cannot  govern  her  I 


The  grief  occasioned  by  the  death  i^  a  hnsbfliiid  will  not  be  remov- 
ed by  a  flood  of  teals. 

Ti.l£IL  PBOVEBBS.  81 

She  who  has  no  hosbftDd  is  like  sand  ia  the  bed  of  a  river* 
Uneertftin  as  to  position. 

The  raven  demon  crying  for  kaiiji  when  the  weltto-do  cannot 
obtain  a  ^grain  of  boiled  rice. 

810.  *g(55«(5    g^(5     (5lL®«     (^iLif.^£^ih     ^€u^i(^u     lj^^ 

Although  each  of  you  inay  cuff  the  fellow,  he  WiU  not  thereby  be- 
come wiser. 

Being  buffeted  by  every  one,  my  head  has  bec(»ne  as  large  as  a 

."     ■        II..  ■    y. 

He  may  escape  recognition  in  a  crow^. 

'813.  jjSstr  j^fSk^^ir&ir  ^^i&((j^esr^ 

After  ascertaining  the  character  of  the  person  he  tindeininines  his 

Man  must  be  tested  by  man  and  fish  by  tamarind  acid 

5.  ^Swr  «gj«Yr  (m^^LD  ^entjBi(Bi(^u  u^^u   Qusinfra  (g^^tii. 
Personal  valor  enables  one  to  encounter  ^an  enemy,  but  outward 
show  will  scare  away  ten. 

What,  do  you  take  your  metoure  of  a  person  'without  eyeing  him 
idl  around  ? 

liook  at  the  person,  look  at  his  face. 
Spoken  in  derision  of  a  boatter. 

82  U:lfi  Q  tL/T  L^. 

818.  ^SsfTU  u/riT^^  eaiTiU'iTe^)  ^(u^^ir&ir. 

He  eyed  the  man  and  deceived  him  by  his  talk, 

,     819.   ^<siT  ^dsfr^  (^^^Lby  u<%L.LD  u^^LJ  (ou<ss)rr<i  r^^jmh, 
One  man  may  stab  one,  threatening  may  stab  ten. 

Will  a  sword  cut  unwielded  f 

821..     ^<^  ^(54<a5«   O<fB/rS50    <3FITlLlLbir  ? 

Is  he  who  is  yet  alive,  murdered  I 

822.  «^^  ^eoeoiTu  u^-iu.  ^thue\)Lci^ 
Mere  weapons  are  ineffective. 

823.   -^^  ^err/B^Sso  semL^rrey)  Qjsfretfsfl  lS^^^hj  uiriLjii, 

When  a  dhony  finds  her  steersman  unskilful  she  pitches. 
,     Spoken  of  somelliJDg  going  wrong  from  want  of  skilL 

II  I » 

24.   ^err  (oTp  Sir  (stj^uld,. 

As  men  embark,  the  surrounding  water  rises. 


825..  ^<^  Q^jT^jB^mfrSl^u^  ^ilj^lo  LS®<«(g, 

Though  feeble  in  person,  his  weapon  is  powerful. 

.    When,  numerous,  fishermen  combine  together,  multitudes  of  fis' 
may  be  caught. 

Neither  six  nor  a  hundred  are  required,  let.  that  be  which  will  h 
828.  ^Qjfiii  (Sujru  0u6ifr^ujLj.i9p/B^ire))  ^([ff^^  Qt^^^esrih   iS(fi 

If  the  sixth-bom?  be  a  female,  a  family  of  ovecdowing  weafll 
will  be  reduced  to  powder. 

829*  ^/S^u^  iFfreij  j^/S^ia  ^ffSif.  ;  , 

Death  may  occur  at  siX;  <»  at  a  hundred  years  of  agc» 


Cold  kanji  is  old  kanja 

831.  ^fSlesr  i^GSfresS^Ui  ^^®  iSp(^tii. 

There  will  be  a  scab  even  after  the  wound  is  healed. 

Interrupted  amity  though  restored  will  occasion  suspicion* 

8S2.  ^fS^eo  j^i^&Q&)  €UfriT  ^(ffeQiLt-freo  iBL^fTeBQeo  euirar. 

If  copl  pour  it  into  the  mould,  if  not  pour  it  into  the  lai^ge  iartken 


.  ■ 

Miutrnr  fsfr^jr. 

To  avow  fraternal  relationship  until  the  river  is  crossed";  andto> 
ignore  it  on-  arriving  at  Hm  opposite  bank; 


Where  six  marriages  a<^  6em^  c6fe&ra^^(2  three  women  are  pressing; 
and  nushinsr. 

and  pushing. 

5.  ^^f  sfT^ia  ermSpQuirQ^   Q^irsuGStfr^&D/s  ^eBLpuiu^Qesresr  ?• 

Why  loose  your  waist-cloth  on  mentioning  that  the  river  is  yet: 
ten  miles^off  I 

Plant  reeds  to  deatroy  a  rivei',  to  destroy  a  country  introduce^ 

Weavers  who  neglect  tillage,  and  foul  the  water  by  dying  gro^ 
oesaes  dec  are  here  referred  to. 

The^  river  has  destroyed  one  half  and  the  jungl6  the  oiher. 

■  >'  ■  ^— — — — 

ioS.  ^^  iS&Dpuj^  ^e\)LD  Qu/r^^Ln    ufnuQp^  Q^ir^^ih    ^/riuQ 
p^  Q^fT^^iii, 

Thou|^.iihe  river  is  iia  ftiU  flood  part  of  it  flows  on  in  »<^  C(?ur^e^ 
and  part>  dlTerges, 

84  uifiOu^rrtp, 

ThoEU^  the  river  is  full  to  overflowing,  a  dog  laps. 

Amid  the  greatest  abundance  one  can  only  enjoj  wlia'}  is  required 

•840.   '^J^   iSi^ssr  ^€sri(^&  (^errih  iS/s^eu^  ^iBCo^fr  ? 

Having  swum  a  river,  will  it  be  difficult  for  me  to  swim  over  i 
tank  ? 

What  is  a  mere  channel  to  him  who  has  swum  a  rivef*  ? 

^42,  ^Jpif  Q/BfTfTtULj  (Suirdsnr^, 
^  A  river  nevet-  flows  straight. 

^4tZ»  c^,52/  Q/Bjrirssr  emir  tSSso  iSlev^ir^, 

A  town  in  the  coui'se  of  a  river  vrill  not  endure. 

€44.  «^^  ufTirMu  Quits  ^uj^^i(^u  Qt^^^^  ^^ljlj, 
^ke  old  dame  caught  a  cold  by  going  to  look  at  the  river* 

845.  «^^  QurreuQ^  Qurri^  ^ir^m  Q^fre\)6uQ^  ^S/rui^, 

The  flow  of  a  river  is  its  course,  the  utterance  of  a  ruler  is  i 

846 •   '^J^  LDn&=u  uujessrih  ^^S  /SL^m^ireo  QptjiiLjUifr  p 

Can  a  six  months  journey  be  accomplished  if  the  party  waJ 
hesitatingly  ? 

An  arduous  enterprize  requites  unremitted  exertion. 

Six  months  in  the  jungle  and  six  at  home. 

As  Saturn  seized  one  for  six  months  together. 

849.   ^j^u>  «L-€Jr  j^^Lb  «/_6ir  Qu(T^<is^  »Ql^ 

DeH  ii^  d^bt  whether  it  afffiounts  to  ax  or  a  kiindred 
bake  the  caVes  large. 

idred;  youfd 



Their  severity  is  mo»t  felt,  when  a  flood  subaidea,  and  a  &miiie 

All  the  way  is  bedewed  with  tears,  and  the  foot-prinis  are  red  witib 

He  aims  to  expose  me,  after  comforting  and  abusing  me*. 

53.  ^piSQ<so  QuirQp  ^essT^Qsur  jf/uurr  (g^-,  ^^'^  O'?-. 
Drink  sir,  and  drink  the  water  that  is  flowing  in  the  river. 

Spoken  of  apparent  generosity  which  in  reality  coats  nothing. 

fle  has  one  foot  in  the  river  and  one  in  mud. 

Said  of  one  inyolyed  in  inextricable  difficulty. 

Althougli  you  are  throwing  it  into  the  river,  measure  it  first. 

Though  water  in  a  river  is  up  to  one's  an]de  only,  dome  will  wa44 
with  hesitation. 

^^7.  ^pfSQeo  sssQ^Sp^  messreBQeo  ^euj^Qp^^ 
Creepii\g  along  a  riv^  and  sinking  in  the  sand. 

I  am  tossed  about  like  a  tuft  of  sacred  grass  that  has  been«tBi;ai«n< 
into  a  river. 

W9.    ^pfSp   ^eSi^^pB   LjSlfltLfUi  ^lEI^iTlf-iSLLL-    U ^ Q^lSyfT iQ p ^i 

It  is  the  pulp  of  the  tamarind  fruit  dissolved  in  a  river,  and.dbaff; 
sent  to  the  bazaar. 

Said  of  things  useless  and  nnaTai|ii»g. 

•860.  ^Pf^P  ObQ^Qeuerretrtii  mfriiiQ^Gsresr  ^etruLf^  ^earssffir. 

The  river  is  in  flood,  but  what  of  that  to  a  dog  Mt  is  only  a  fordable 


'861.   J^pjpi^(j^u  uirlruuiTm  ^dsimimr,    (S^irpjui^u   uiuppiisinu 

Will  a  Brahman  be  of  any  use  when  one  crosses  a  river,  or  pulse 
in  pod  serve  for  a  curry  ? 

Both  the  river  and  weather  are  dreaded. 

I  neither  went  to  the  river,  nor  put  oft'  my  shoes. 

The  flood  of  a  river  and  the  reign  of  a  king  last  but  half  an  hour. 

'865.   ^pj^if  iLGSffT^  jif€rr6Qt^A3h.L~/r^, 

The  sands  of  a  river  cannot  be  counted. 

'*866.  ^P£if  iSsftifT  m/ruj  /5<iS«   (^if-i(^Qi£ifr  erQ^^s  (m£^<i(m(Sui!r  ? 
How  does  a,  dog  drink  the  water  of  a  river,  by  lapping  or  by  lading  t 

867«  j^p(ss)pi  aL^m/BeoQeoir  ^Memit  ^pQeueirrQiJb  ? 

Before  ascending  its  opposite  bank  it  is  necessary  first,  is  it  not 
*o  cross  the  river  I 

•'868-  ^pes^pk  at^/B^ireo  ^t-.<i«/r^ga/<s5(^  ^q^  Q^triLQ^ 
After  (crossing  the  river  the1x)atman  gets  a  cuS". 

Sfrft,  J^pesipm  «i-^^ffl8®  ^dsir^^^p  upisi  (^eSesi^  ^(i^SQp 

He  says,  carry  me  over  the  river  and  I  will  give  you  a  pill  that  w 
onable  you  to. fly  through  the  air. 

'870.  ^esr^e^edtru^eo  j^eu^fSekiirQiriT  ? 

Can  one  comprehend  the  future  as  well  as  the  past  7 




After  the  river  has  carried  away  every  im^nabte  deity,  do  you 
stay  to  celebrate  an  aquatic  festival  in  honour  of  Hanuman  I 

Said  of  one  seeking  the  lesser  aid  when  the  greater  has  failed. 

872.  ^fijrmLl®^     ,^^!refliui^^^LjQufnL(Slf     ^i€sx^Qufre\)    6Bkfi<i 

Having  spent  all  he  stares  like  an  owl. 


Having  lost  his  capital,  it  will  not  be  dif&cult  for  hina  to  lose  his 


I  I  ii  ■  III  ■  I  «  I 

874,  ^eareysir  ^srr^eussr  ereuev/r^^jjjyii  2_63aT(3. 
The  good  and  the  bad  exist  among  all 

In  <* 

If  I  succeed  I  will  pour  it  into  a  mould,  if  not,  into  a  large  pot. 
Aceonimodating  one's  conduct  to  circumstances. 

Do  not  be^in  to-  build  in  June  ;  nor  set  out  to  occupy  a  house  in 

In  Jime  half  a  river,  in  August  a  full  river. 
In  June  sugar-cane  is  like  an  elephant's  tail* 

An  elephant  moves  when  eating,  a  house  eats  without  moving. 

An  elephant  waits  before  the  outer  haU  of  a  king's  court ;  a  oat 
watches  the  putrid  fish. 

8$  uffiQ  tuiri^. 

881.  «^^  ^u9jrLo  QupQjfeo  ^tf^iLjih  ^aSirii  Quj^ntfT  ? 

.  lif  an  elephant  fetch  a  thousand^  will  the  mark  of  his  footstep  be 
worth  so  much  p 

882..   ^3ar  ^(t^i^  ^Fd^fredsn^  ^l^^^Q&)    y^Sssr  ^Q^i^    Lfe\)un3 

'-  A  cat  sits  and  mews  in  the  place  once  occupied  by  the  royal 

An  ordinary  cuny  fcr  an  elephant  and  a  superior  curry  for  a  cat. 

884.   ^Sw  SLfiwri-  efferr/T/B/dBsjfl  (Surrev, 

Like  a  blighted  wood-apple  swallowed  by  an  elephant. 

Why  enter  by  a  <»mer  when  mounted  on  an  elephant  ? 

886w   ^2wr  (ejfSi^  ^iLt^eufTaQdo  ^sfDLped/rjrrr  P 

Will  one  mounted  on  an  elephant  enter  through  a  wicket  t 

uiu&sr  ^euSso. 

It  is  of  value  though  an  elephant  brings  forth  a  single  young  one, 
but  the  many  young  ones  of  a  pig  are  of  no  value. 
One  good  thing  is  better  than  ten  bad  ones. 

888.    «^^»w  ^L^i—^  ^irir  €uiTssTQpiLL^LJ.  Qurnr, 

The  stalks  of  the  grain  are  so  strong  that  an  elephant  may  be 
to  them,  and  the  stacks  are  as  high  as  the  heavens. 
Said  in  exaggeration  of  an  abundant  harvest. 

As  the  blind  quarrelled  about  an  elephant  tbey  had  examined. 

890.  ^Ssifr  ^^^^0i^L£i  ^u9jruy  Ouirm  Ouj^Lct, 

Though  black,  an  elephant  will  fetch  a  thousand  gold  pieces. 



If  an  elephant  be  lost,  is  it  to  be  sought  in  an  earthen  pot.  f 

I3  the  elephant  in  the  rice-pot  or  in  the  Water-pot  T 

893.  •gSjw  Q^iLl^  eufTiuireo,  ^iL(Sli  @^^  (SsiLSp/sr  ? 

What,  does  the  mouth  that  asked  for  an  elephant  ask  for  a  lamb  !, 

Having  given  the  elephant  is  there  a  dispute  about  the  goad  T 

895.  ^Jbw   Q^m^pfSeo    ^i^<i(^Qp^(Sufr6\)    gt/b^ldlLQld    ^l-*^ 
Sp^  ? 
How  long  shall  I  conceal  it  as  an  elephant  incloses  a  thing  iu  his 
jaws  ? 

8%,  .^S53r<i  aeuQijD  llP/sst^  ^(mQih, 

The  deceit  of  an  elephant  and  the  thievishness  of  a  cat. 

Keep  away  from  an  elephant  sixty  cubits,  and  from  a  dwarf  seventy 

898.  ^d5srs(^iJD  ufrPjesr<i(miJi  <3=ifi. 

The  same  reason  is  applicable  alike  to  elephants  and  earthen  pots. 

W.    <^&8r<55(^£i   L/6fl<i^a3   Q/B(mU&DU'i  S6mL^T€\)    uiuih. 

The  elephant  and  tiger  are  afraid  of  fit  e* 

900.  ^2ssri(^u>  «^'?-  ^j:n^(^i^. 
Even  an  elephant  may  slip. 

801.  ^^<i(g^  ^^uSQiM  effiLi^GOy   ^iL®i(^iLL^i^u  u^^llit  ? 
Will  a  lamb  be  famished  in  a  place  where  elephants  are  fed  ? 

As  if  a  lion  bad  entered  a  herd  of  elephants. 

90  utfiQiD/rt^. 

903.  ^^T<i(^^  Q^en^rr  sm^-P 

Are  toads  fit  for  elephant's  food  T 

904.   ^^^(^^  ^p(S)tii  ^mssr^^d5(^  LSerr^rrtLith  Qeu^Qih, 

An  elephant  requires  a  goad,  and  boiled  rice  a  chilli  (condiment.) 

905.    ^35W«^  ^€V^  ^!resTe^Lb  LDesylfilLILD, 

An  elephant  is  not  affected  by  sunshine  or  rain. 

The  elephant  has  its  time,  the  cat  also  has  its  time. 

907*  ^y^ssr  Q<9'^^fr6^LD  ^Lu9jrih  Qu<r^. 

Although  dead,  an  elephant  wiU  fetch  a  thousand  gold  pieces. 

908.  c^Swff-  ^'LpeSiu  c^siurrQeo  ^®  ^(Lpei]Qp(o;^ir  ? 

.     What !  does  the  hand  that  has  caressed  an  elephant  caress  a  sheep  1 

909.  ^^Ssw  ^m  ^SsOu9^  ^rrQesr  ittemdssvTU    QumLQ^Qesirefr^siF^LD, 

The  ele{)hant  will  put  sand  on  its  own  head. 

To  see  this  done  by  wild  elephants  when  trafelling  through  a 
jungle  is  very  interesting. 

As  an  elephant  gives  the  chain  to  tether  himself. 

Said  of  one  who,  whether  cousciously  or  not,  supplies  means  to  hit 
own  disadvantage 

Though  chased  by  an  elephant,  it  is  not  right  to  enter  a  temple. 

912.  «^^  SLfi2s\)LJ  ufTiTdB^B^   ^euSsiT  sffotkiS^pQuirQeo, 

As  a  frog  trembled  at  the  shadow  of  an  elephant. 

913.  .g^Swf  u(Sl^^rre\)  ^efrubiLi^u^^ 

When  an  elephant  lies  down  its  height  will  equal  the  stature  of  a 

When  an  elephant  lies  down,  will  he  be  lower  than  a  lamb  I 


915.  .g^  uirnr^m  QeuenQetTQ£^^ir  p 

Are  your  eyes  too  dim  to  see  an  elephant  ? 
You  must  be  bliud  indeed 

916.  ^Sssr  Qurr<osr  eff^ 
The  street  by  which  an  elephant  passed. 

917.  ^^esriS^i^LJ  i9sif)ifiUUfriT<3sen/r  ? 

Has  any  survived  after  being  trodden  under  foot  by  an  elephant  I 

918.  ^&ar  (ttlLl-^  ^/retr  eufTiSsrQpLLL-LJ  Quirfr^ 

Stubble  as  high  as  an  elephant,  stacks  towering  to  the  skies. 

919.  ^Sar  QiniL^th  s/riLi^e\)   ^iL(Blm(^u.t^  Qubiu  ^l-^  ^6v2soujtP 

Is  there  not  room  for  a  lamb  to  crop  its  food  in  a  jungle  where 
elephants  feed  I 

920.  M2sia(Si£i(Ses)  QutrSpw^sffi^  ^em^a^LDLj  (S<XLLL-rrp(Surre\), 

Like  asking  chunam   (lime)  of  one  who  is  going  along  on   an 

921.  M^QiDeo  ^L-i—  unrjTLD  u^SssrCSuotS))  ^LLL^rrfb(SuiT&). 
As  if  an  elephant's  load  was  transferred  to  a  cat. 

Even  an  elephant  may  be  impeded  by  arugu,  Agrostis  linearis,  grass. 
This  grass  is  sacivd  to  Gan^sa. 

923.  ^ieifriLjih  ^SssriLjiii    QpiLQiDQutr^  ^&nt^u9eo   ^suuiLu.  Oar 
As  a  gnat  between  two  elephants  that  are  brought  into  collision. 

Give  an  elephant  to  a  pundit,  and  a  cat  to  a  mountaineer. 

Is  he  who  slew  an  elephant  unable  to  overcome  a  cat  ? 

92  u  tfiQ  LLir  i^. 

After  having.paid  a  thousand  gold  pieces  for  an  elephant,  why  hetk 
itate  to  buy  an  iron  goad  ? 

927.   ^Sosr&Diui  (^^^j^  &h6trdsrr(Se\)  QpQeurrefr, 

She  wiUl  stab  the  elephant  and  cover  it  with  a  sieve. 

J)28.    4)^S5w«nuj<i  siL.uf.f3F  a^€am!rQe\}  menpuufr^r^ 

Having  tied  the  elephant  she  will  cover  it  with  a  winnowing  fani 

■       — I 

Like  putting  one  s  hand  into  a  water-pot  in  search  of  a  missing 

Having  sold  the  elephant  he  begs  for  the  goad. 

981  •   ^^osrsDiu^    ^6m6miBs\)  ^(i£^Sp  Qp^2sOy   L^Sssrsniu^  ^«3)/ru2«u 

Can  an  alligator  which  can  draw  an  elephant  in  water,  drag  a  cat 
on  dry  ground  ? 


632.    ^3wF  euQ^th  i9&sr(S6sr  iDessfl  ^s^^sf  eurr^LD  Qps^rCSesr, 

The  sound  of  the  bell  is  heard  before  the  elephant  makes  its  appear- 

Spoken  of  events  which  east  their  shadows  before. 

93?).   -J^Skar    ey/reu    t9t^^^i   ^etDfrQiupevirih  ^tL(Si^iLif,t^^T   €uireo 
iSi^^^s  ssstnrrQtupcvirLnfr  ? 

One  can  cross  a  river  by  holding  the  tail  of  an  elephant,  can  one 
do  so  by  holding  the  tail  of  a  sheep  T 

On  the  death  of  an  elephant  the  tusk  remains,  on  the  death  of  a 
tiger  the  skio. 

TAMIL  PROYItBBS.  '     93 

A  cat  will  be  a  small  thing  to  an  old  dame  who  swallowed  an 

936.  cg!W  eQQpfS^frp  (^^€^fr  ldlLl^ld, 

When  down,  an  elephant  is  as  high  as  a  horse. 

937.  *J^^(Ssu^Ui  ^L.iW(^LCi  ^piL[f,ujfreo, 

The  force  of  an  elephant  is  subdued  by  the  goad. 


The  coDtemptible  will  not  be  praised, 

•9S9.  ^ai^&n(rS€\)   urraSscu  Qu/riLQ  ^dssenfriB^i)  Q6i!r(mQ^tTLDLj  ihQ 

He  puts  down  the  seed  pagal  (a  creeper)  on  this  side  of  the  river 
and  erects  a  supporting  pole  on  that. 

Like  a  vessel  that  contained  assafoetida' 

941.  ^^S^^  sfTiDiuLCi  ^ir^&ajLo  j^6^e<>Qeu. 
A  thing  that  is  greatly  desired  is  not  secret. 

Like  a  monkey  that  has  eaten  green  ginger. 

Where  is  the  way  of  the  perverse  I  on  the  head  of  the  m\n  that 
is  lying  down. 

If  p«h3Q[ittlkl  he  vnU  pull  down  the  chouHry. 

latii&aiiDg  that  jfiteinoBs  6f  vid^Bt  ten4«itctes  imi»t  be  at  onct 

94,  utfiQu^fT  £^. 

The  right  hand  helps  the  left  and  the  left  the  right. 

946*    @^^  eiJ€\)Lb  Q^fiojir^euQ^®  ^essrddBLD  UGmestfri yh.L^ir ^, 

One  may  not  make  friendship  with  him  who  does  not  know  thfr 
right  side  from  the  left. 

IntimatiDg  that  one  mast  have  DOthing  to  do  with  fools. 

947,     ^^   ^65)<£F    (dSlLL-    UfTLDLjQufTeO^ 

Like  a  snake  that  has  heard  thunder. 

948.  @^?-'^(5**  (gewL-  i9if.<i^v\)irLDfr  ? 

Will  an  umbrella  be  of  any  use  in  a  thunder-storm  T 

949.  ^QSp  O^iueuLh  enEJ(^LD  ^[Qih, 

A  liberal  deity  will  give  every-where; 

950.  ^QuLj  €S)6U^^  ^z— OLD^€V/rii  ^QuLj  emeu^^fT^, 

In  every  place  on  which  he  reclined  he  constructed  a  heartlk 

Spoken  of  one  vf  ho  takes  care  of  liimself. 

■  I   III      ■  ■ . 

951.     ^®LJLy  g^^/5^   Q^OTL^^f^   ^rrp   (^^(oUJ   «P. 

The  mortar  hole  is  the  asylum  of  the  fowl  with  a  broken  back. 

, •  « 

Oppreesora  sleep-  not  day  or  night 

U  III. 

953.     ^(SgU^    l9^G^<3F    Oujpi&i^    (oLDir,ffif^LD. 

Alms-giving  secures  heavenly  bliss. 

■1  •"        1^— o^^— ^«->^« 

954.   ^Qeurriir  i9s^€Si<3r6S)tu<i  Q^Qeufrir  Q^Quu/rir, 

The  evil-disposed  will  destroy  the  good  deeda  of  the  be»eficeutt 

^^QarrQ^^  iBireo!r&s)0'tLjiii  ^IrpflfreirirLo, 
It  is  said  that  she  waited  patiently  for  her  mistress  assured  sb 
would  be  rewarded ;  and  ai  lengtii  she  gotaiuieasure  of  nee;  aiH 
her  four  desires  were  met» 


The  cumam  of  the  shepherd  caste  is  dead^  henceforth  the  peasant 
may  prosper. 

957.  ^^L-  ^iriuih/ff  (^L_ii  ©«y)i_. 

The  waier-pot  remains  aslant  as  when  put  down. 

958.  ^esiL^^O^Q^eSso     (Sd5/re\)ih     euqF^LdQufr^    (^^^O^q^    cteikos 

ermSQrfetr  ? 

When  the  marriage  procession  comes  along  the  shepherd  s  street 
she  asks  where  the  potter's  street  is. 

959.   ^GnL^UtSpULflh   SBeS)L^Ul9pLJLILD  ^^fT^, 

Middle  and  lower  ranks  in  life  are  not  good. 

960.  g)«DL_LJ  L/^P  lai^fi.SQeo. 

The  sense  of  the  shepherd  is  in  his  neck. 

961.  ^csiL-tum  Q^®^^^  uir^  LbeT>i—\u&sr  Qs^Q^^jfi  ufr^. 
The  shepherd  destroyed  half,  and  the  simpleton  destroyed  half. 

A  shepherd's  marriage  takes  place  at  day-break« 

Among  shepherds  there  are  no  Saiva  mendicants,  among  potters 
there  are  no  Yaishnaya  mendicants. 

964,  @6B)Z— ^^  Qi^fTUjCS^rrehr  ldSswoQcu  ^^dssev/r^   QuiUQp^evfnu  ? 

Even  a  demon  will  not.  hAunt  the  dwellijEig  of  him.  that  dofeats  the 
hopes  of  another. 

If  one's  desires  are  in  excess  of  destiny,  will  they  be  obtained  S 

'■II   » 11  I  ■«— * 

Is  it  fit  to  wish  for  more  than  what  is  already  given  I 

96  u  LpQ  LLtr  y^. 

967.  ^lLl^cu^  ^L^freQiLL^rrev  QeuLL®uu^s, 

If  the  giver  cease  to  give,  mortal  hatred  will  ensue. 

968.  ^iLL^irtrs(^  ^®,  Q^;i^fris(^  ^'^. 

Give  to  those  who  have  given,  weep  for  the  dead. 

He  knows  how  to  eat  if  food  be  set  before  him,  and  he  knows  how 
to  carry  if  the  burden  be  laid  upon  him. 

570.   ^fiwr«<fl?/r(?ir/r®  ^essriif^eu^  ^^Ifi^^. 

To  associate  with  the  obstinate  will  bring. disgrace. 

971,  ®J5y  crsJrear  Q^euefrerrfidss/nu  eQjbp  uiLi^essriLir  ? 

What !  is  this  a  town  in  which  water-melons  were  sold  ? 

972.  ^^^Ssar  Quif)iueussr  esy^smtuu  i9if-^^/r&)     eruuuf-    imrLLQL-niL 

When  so  great  a  personage  takes  one  by  the  hand,  how  can  one 
say  nay ! 

If  this  amouts  to  that  how  much  will  that  corae  to  ?  . 

974.  ^^^  ^9-^^  er/ifl  /BfriLfUi  jF/r^^ii, 

Such  a  blow  would  kill  any  dog. 

975.  ^'ij^    er^Lb€if)ui     mt^uuirQesT&ir    Qa^irisfBiJUW^LJ     Qufr€UT 

Why  gnaw  this  bone,  and  why  lose  one's  own  teeth  I 

976.  @«/^«  ^k.(LpsQdsfr  ^^^iesr  ^Q^mrrunjb  p 

Is  it  for  this  gruel  that  so  many  sacred  namams  are  used  t 

What,  is  it  for  this  gruel  that  I  have  Bttde  twenty-eight  niimaini 


li  one  die  during  this  famine  will  another  famine  pull  off  his  hair  ? 


He  is  as  if  one  said  of  a  cat>  will  this  also  d]fink  milk  ? 

980,  §liB^LJ  Qu(7^€tni£iiLim  ufs^s\)     ^iP(5^   ufrir^eyy^iufT    u^dsuvr^ 

Oy  headnmn,  hast  thou  Noticed  this  greatness,  and  th«  beauty  of  th^ 
Pandal ? 

Why  do  you  treat  this  dog  in  this  way  ? 

^82.  §ji0jr2ei^&'  ^fB^jrSssr  ^Ssotu/rCJcu    LDempuu/rerr^    ertb^QF^ihjnr^ 

dssrs  GnsajfrQed  ubetnpuutretr*^   . 

.4      She  will  conceal  Jtipitef  and  the  moon  with  a  leaf,  and  Yama,  the 
regent  of  the  dead,  with  her  hand. 

The  defects  in  the  eye-lashes  are  not  apparent  to  the  eye. 


Yama  the  reg0ii  of  ike  dead^  kills  one  ai  a  time,  a  pu3otta  may  kill 
three  at  once. 

Is  the  habit  natural  or  acquired ! 

'  I        ■  ■    - 

986.  ^ffssui  ^ioe\)irfisir&r  Qm^^iJ^  ^(^laiSjji/a)  ^tf^^. 
I        The  heart  of  one  Toid  of  compassion  is  harder  than  iroiik 

187.  ^jTs^u  Quir^^Ld  &pid5Lj  QunrsCSsu^essTQui^ 
Though  you.go  a^b^ging,  go  decei^tily .  a^ttired* 

Are  there  those  who  have  no  pity  ?  If  the  woxxj^woman  be  uttered 
«ven  ad^on  will  be  mqved .with jcompaaskm. 


98  uifiQinjifi,    . 

989.  ^iTewrO.  ^iLifJSsi)  emL-t^  eStLu,  (^•C-t^Quire:^^. 

Likc^a  lamb  allowed  to  suekiwo  sheep* 

SpokeD  of  a  yoHih  fuUof  strengib  and  actiTitj. 

990.  ^irGm(Bi  uC^L^  emifle»  (^jjiEi(^th  (y^t^  ^,^^^. 

Even  a  monkey,  wiy  not  sta^y  in  a  village  divided  against  itsi&lf, 

991.  gfirem®  Q^JTGsSSs^  «/rso  esyeusSp^rr  ?^ 

Is  it  to  plant  your  feet  on  two  dhonies.; 

Why  fire  in  the  house  of  a  man  that  has  two  wives  ? 
993;  ^jressrQ  <sB^iLi^^ijb  mSuj-ir^mu^  ^^s>l^i3Q^  Q^F^fs^^in    fBtriui 

It  is  said  that  the  pup  died  between  two- houses  where  marriage* 
festivities  were  going  on. 

As  a  bone  thrown  to  two  dogs. 

Though  you  have  lo  beg  them,  make  your  ofieriogs  to  God.l 

996;  ^jriQ^/rird^  ffgu^  &.€if)L^ujfrir  «L-6Jr. 

It  is  the  duty  of  the  ricKio  give  alTm  to  beggafs.. 

997",.  ^jruueu^d(^  OeuessrQs'arj^  u^^f^f^  ? 
I9  it  difficult  for  a  beggar  to  get -fine  riee  ?  > 

998.  ^iruusu£pji(<^  eriEi(^th  u^^ih  ^6\)2so. 

A  beggar  tnowhexe  suffers  from  famine^ 

999.  §jjreue))  o^emL-esiin  ^GnsSFeu/riu    ^(f^iSp^j  ^^  iS&roofr    ^Sb 

The  thing  borrowed  ^Buits;  I  swear  by  my  child  thi^t  I'^will  nj 
return  it. 

1000.  ^ireueo  mfOhW^  ^q^i^^  ^peair? 
Is  A  thing  boicrowed  a  durable  possessioii,  is  a  thief  a  friend  T ' 


Will  borrowed  rice  prove  a  security  against  famine  ? 

1002.   ^Jreup  PSs065)(u  /siinSI  ^(Sulj^    siken^^iu  er/SiB/BrretrfTLD, 

It  is  said,  that  relying  on  a  borrowed  cloth,  she  threw  away  her 
tattered  cloth. 

None  ever  prospered  under  Sithu,  nor  was  any  one  ever  ruined 
under  Jupiter. 

Rahu  is  the  name  of  a  monstrous  serpent  ordragen,  the  ascending 
node,  and  regarded  as  one  of  the  nine  planets,  which;  with  K^thu 
the  descending  node,  is  said  to  grasp  the  sun  aud  moon  periodically, 
and  thus  to  cause  eclipses.  When  the  supernals  assembled  at  a  feast 
to  drink  the  water  of  immortality  obtained  from  the  chnrning  of  the 
milky  ocean  Rahu  and  Kethu,  two  ^sura«,  clandestiaely  got  admis- 
sion. The  sun  and  moon  saw  them  and  at  once  informed  Vishnu  of 
their  presence  Yishnu  dispatched  his  marvellous  disc  anddcoapi* 
tated  them  just  as  the  coveted  nectar  was- about  to  enter  their 
throats  They  to  avenge  themselves  resolved  periodically  to  swallow 
the  sun  and  moon. 

1004.  ®3r/r«   ^essTi^  ^(sofl  LBi^iruQuire^  effiiSi&r  <S68>^. 

The  story  of  one  who  in  a  dream  of  the  night  saw  Saturn  swelling,; 
as  a  large  pot. 

1005.  §^jnrf3=&ir  <^/Suj  (^^'Snrr^iDiuuCSufrev, 
Like  a  horse  ridden  by  a  king. 

As  a  lemon  offered  to  a  king. 

A  gift  to  procure  his  fatour  :  a  hindu  when  offering  a  lemon  OVv 
fruit  of  any  kind  invariably  does  so  with  the  right  hand« 


1007^   ^J^""^  SfBssxui^fTeiiQp^Qufrev^ 
Like  carrying  a  ivoyaj  mongoose.^ 

Though  a  king,  he  is  the  son  of  hia^motber^ . 

'1*00  U  f^Q  Lh'fTi^.  . 

1009.   ^JffT^^  Q^i5j(odifr€\)  ^m  /Bn-Qdu^syftu9'&), 

A  kirtg*s  see^tte  extends  to  the  limit  of  his  territory. 

Though  a  princesSj  she  is  -the  wife  of  the  mto  "vrho  has  taken  her 
in  marriaofe. 

1011,  ^jrir<3Ffr&fteiDUji  smrL^  Qs/r^^^uOufrev^ 
Like  a  heron  which  saw  a  falcon. 

As  a  slave  lived  on  gruel  because  the  king  was  in  debt. 

It  is  said  that  he  'who  starved  the  whole  night  inquired  if  peeled 
plantains  could  be  obtained. 

Does  he  who  lies  down  at  night  fasting,  etiq^uire  after  the  price  of 
^ain  1 

1015.   ^jrn-LJUL-L^ssS^  urrQajirQu., 

The  sense  of  hunger  eitds  on  the  tnat. 

1016.   ^jrfruu<35(S\)  ^'6sst(ssSQeo, 
In  the  eye  night  and  day. 


1017.   ^JTrrLDiir  ^(f^i^  i)*-^  ^QvLilr^^. 
Ayodhya  was  the  city  of  EAma. 

-  ^ '  -  ^  -  ■ 

1018.  '^jrirmm  Lbibss^^Qajir®  ^evfrlBiS^^  ^wld, 

'  •*    Aoquie^jence'wifch  the  wishes  of  his  wife  was  fatal  to  Rama. 

■  I  in  '     * 

1019.  ^jrirLDSssruCSufr^  jrir^/r-^^i^frsv  ^^Lbfr2ssrLj(oUfrev<3=  C?<f6ii 

If  the  king  be  equal  to  ^Blfitta,  his  'i6€(rVaiit  may  be  equal    to 


Hanuman  was  ^^5  tnonlcey  chief/ allj'  Of  Bama  in  his  expedition 
against  Lanh».  *■ 


1020.  ^jrir  QpQ^^LD  jTiTLDtnuesifru^  Q^lLQ^  ^€»^«(g   jrirui^    cr&ffifsr 

The  story  of  one  who  having  listened  to  the  reading  of  the  Bima- 
yana  a  whole  nighty  asked  what  relationship  existed  between 
S^  and  Biuua..  .  : 

1021.  ^jrjr(SLDdi'jr^^i(^LJ  QuifiLjio  ^si^skirm  O^/rS^ouJaff^^, 

Though  he  went  on  a  pilgrimage  to  BAmbswaram;  Saturn  has  not 

He  is  what  Mah6dhi^a^  was,  tg  the  fftioily  of  "S^m^  f^d  what 
Sakuni  was  to  Suyodhana. 

Said  of  one  who  Dnder  professioug  of  frieudsliip  sectetty  plots 
OBC-B  ruin. 

He  is  aa  Bavana  in  the  guise  of  a  hermit.  .    . 

It  is  said  that  the  horse  not  only  threw  his  rider,  but  dug  his  graTe? 

^025.  ^Q^^Sp  jy®r0?n/D.<i(g  .(ST(f^iss)uxwJJ'(Sl-  ^skQ^pQuireo, 
Like  a  bufialo  he  consumes  the  day's  supply. 


1026.  ^Q^iSlpeum  Qs=di6s)0^^iriu  ^Qhk^jr^'  S^fri^ped^-  Qs'&p 

*  r 

If  he  who  is  being  shaved  sits  properly,  the  barber  will  shave  well. 
If  you  wdflh  to  liv*  hng,  eat  iron. 
In  tiflie  a&  wdU  be  in  haxsnony. 

Will  the  place  on  which  we  sit,  incite  I 

'1030.    ^(5^  a-68)£«65)Zi)  ^JTir^JSBtEi^SO    ,^«/r^. 

Oblations  made  to  a  demoness  must  not  be  kept  till  the  morning* 

iffe  who  hat  a  double  twirl  of  Imir,  may  live  either  on  his  own  re- 
Bource^  or  by  begging. 

^1032.  ®(5il®  QeudeaOujrr  (^q^lL®  QeuSsoQiur  ? 

Was  the  work  done  in  the  dark  or  by  the  blind  I 

^1033.  ^Q^lL(SI  e0^iLQi(^etr  Quir^eo  ^^tLQiesiS  iSpf^unr  ? 

Will  his  thievish  hand  be  restrained  when  he  enters  a  dark  room  ? 

•1034.  §)(f^iL(Si  ^Lf.euirj^iiss>s^  ^Q^iLQi^  ^ss)L^ajirstnii. 

It  is  a  sign  of  thievishness  for  a  family  to  live  in  obscurity. 

1035.  ®(5^2so  m&i^ujGsr  .uiTihefnuuCSu/reo^ 

Like  a  snake  that  has  a  head  at  both  ends. 

•1036*  ^(5^Sso«0«a5/r6rr6rf?  €rj)/LaLj(Sufrs\)  ^Qesreir^ 

I  have  become  like  an  ant  on  a  fire-brand  lighted  at  both  ends. 
'Spoken  when  in  danger  from  opposite  qnarters. 

Must  oire  not  sit  before  lying  down  f 
1038.   ^(5^5^    iBfTGo-    ersO€\)irijb     ^Q^ijpsSLLQ    ^Mufruu^sypiu^i;^^ 

The  story  of  one  who  after  leading  an  unexceptionable  course  of  life 
gave  his  daughter  in  marriage  to  the  village  Pariah. 

As  the  thunder-bolt  fell  on  the  head  of  the  one  who  remained. 

TAMfL  PiEtdviBBfiS.  I03 

10}0.  |)(5«/5   «/r6V  ^Q'^eQ  mi^/s/S  ^rrisv  9Q^^, 

The  slaggish  foot  is  Mdd^vi  ike  goddess  of  adviriity,  tb^  actiye 
foot  is  Shridfevi  the  goddess  of  prosperity. 

These  two  ))€f8onigedVet'e  produced  wh6ii  the  milky  o6eftn  was 
churned  to  obtain  ambrosm.  'TIhbj  play  an  important  paiPt  in  the 
economy  of  the  Hindus. 

1041.  ^(T^ik^eu^6»(9^u  Quir&treu&ir  (^gsstld. 

t  I 

He  that  went  away  was  better  than  he  who  stayed.  ^ 

1042.  ^Q^i^euesr    €r(i^ih^(i^^Slp^p(^efrQeir  iSlmpeu&sr   g^^    «/r^ii 


Whilst  he  who  was  seated  was  risingfy'thexnaB  who  was  standing 
h^d  gone  ten  miles. 

While  squatting,  a  cat,  when  springing,  a  tiger. 

1044.  ^(T^i^rreo  ^q^uiSir,  (STQ^ts^Q^iB'^ir'io  fSpiS^nr, 
If  sitting  you  sit,  if  you  rise  you  stahii. 

One  must  walk  a  kng  way  to  get  back  the  money  letit  When 

1046.  ^n^u^Q^iTQ^  mssitfiiLfth  ereifr&isfl  ^mptSiu^, 

The  twenty-one  kinds  of  rain  were  enumerated  and  poured  out. 

What !  knocking  down  an  iron  door  to  obtleiih  a  bran  cake  ? 

1048.  ^(T^4JLj&'  ^evnrstns&noj   eQ^mjSuQuiriLQ   g)g5©<F«F/rj2/  g^-^ 

If  one  has  swallowed  a  bar  of  iron,  will  its  effects  be  removed  by 
drinking  a  decociioji  of  ginger  ? 

Like  an  iron  fort  and  a  stone  dooir. 


1050,  ^(5  ui^sr^  tniBiemsCSujirQ  ^emm/Q^eifj^  ^euih, 

Ta  asfirdoiAte  with^  a  douUe  minded  woman  is  fatal* 

■I  ■■  ■  ■      ^pi^^— — ^ 

If  iron  becomes  copper,  a  straw  may  become  a* pillar* 
Oce  impossibility  is  as  like  as  another. 

1052,   ^(W^ibLj^^dspfr^  Q^ed  ^X)^(^wfT  ? 
Can  white-ants  eat  an  iron  pillar  ? 

If  iron  can  be  converted  into  copper,  copper  may  be  reconverted 
into  gold. 

It  is  said  that  when  the  wind  was  driving  along  a  piece  of  iron, 
the  silk-cotton  asked  what  was  best  for  him  to  do. 

1055.    ^(iJtiL/icSzl^-     UpiSpQufT^  ^eO€ULDU(^3hi(^     ^(y^LJiBuui 

When  a  pi^ce  of  iron  is  flyiiig  away,  wheare  will  silk-cotton  find  a 
resting  place  ? 

1056.  ^(f^LOL^  ^if.<iQp  ^L^ji^^  fsfruji(^' er^esr  Q^uSso  ? 
What  has  a  dog  to  do  in  a  smith's  shop  ? 

i057.     ^(I^LDLf   i9l^^^  65)<5tfy/i  QjnEi(^    lQzJL/5^"  €0)^11^10  O-LDLDfT  ^Jfl^ fi> 

The  hand  that  has  taken  up  an  iron  tool  and  the  hand  affected  \fj 
the  itch  will  not  be  still. 

1058.  ^Q^i^i-f  ^i^^Sp  ^i—^^<so  fBfrdji^  <sr^€sr  Ss9)u,i(^LD  ? 
What  will  a  dog  get  in  a  smith's  step  ? 

1059.  ^(fF,tiiLi^^^2sssr  ioT^LOLj  ^ifi^/Sirp(Sufre\), 
As  if  an  ant  had  gnawed  an  iron  pillar. 

TAM-IL  PR6VEB,BS.  10.> 

^rf^LDLj  ^piL(Si(&^  ^ein^iufr^  LjoifliuiEJ^friLi    ^Q^uun-iL^icj^ 

Will  the  tamarind  fruit  that  has  resisted  an  iron  hook  shake  at  a 
sacred  song. 

In  illii»tration  of  this  proverb  the  following  may  not  be  con- 
sidered irrelevant,  la  th^e  year  1826  when  I  went  Ut  my  tit>t 
Missionary  station,  Trincomslee  on  the  Eastern  coast  of  Coy  Ion,  I 
culled  on  th^  chief  Mudaliar  to  pay  my  respects,  and  to  nrge  the 
claims  of  ChrisHatiity.  The  old  gentleman  who  remembered  the 
coercivt  sjstem  adopted  by  the  Dutch  for  the  propagation  of  Christi- 
anity, and  well  knowing  too  that  Missionai  ies^  under  the  mild 
sway  of  Great  Britain  can  use  no  weapon  but  the  Gospel,  uttered 
with  great  animation  the  above  proverb.  In  view  of  the  youthful 
character  of  his  visitor  he  seemed  to  feel  like  Goliath  iu  the  presence 
of  David 

61.  ^Q^LdGfiU  ^jr^LLLj  ^.if}<i(^Li^rr  ? 
Can  an  ant  gnaw  iron  I 

Tan  a  rat  eat  iron  ? 

1063     ^(f^lX>&i)U    STgQ  6B(5ilQ9p^   <5T&5TSl(m>&Sr   uQdi<05frQifj , 

The  infamousJiar  says  that  the  rat  took  the  iron  in  its  mouth. 

1064.  ^j(y^ihs!DU<35  sesipujfresr  jj^/f^^^rrdv  i9(m'^sj)iULj    U(^/5^    Q^ir 

If  the  white-ants  can  eat  iron,  why  cannot  a  hawk  carry  off  a  cliild  I 

1065.  ®(56U(5ti>  ^^^JTs\^  ^6ssT<S(^eufr/r  gt^  ? 
If  the  two  agree  what  need  of  arbitrators  ? 

i066,  ^Q^eujrirQeo  ^<x/f^  «/r/f?uJLo  ^(Tj^eu/rfrQev  ^--^lo/t  ? 

Can  an  affair  be  effected  by  one  that  could  not  be  accomplished 
by  two  ? 

The  friendship  of  two  depends  on  the  forbearauce  of  or  e- 

106  U  LpQ  LdlTL^, 

1068.  ^Q^<on&sr  tSenSsn^i^^  ersQ^(^^3r  u^^infr  ? 

Does  the  son  of  an  Irulan^  a  wild  tribe,  suffer  fix)m  a  scarcity  of 
young  rats  I 

1069.  ^Q^en&ir  jrir^eQtfi  ^i^uutr^  ? 

Can  a  savage  put  on  the  look  of  a  king  ? 

1070.     ^O©"^   g^®    6B7a)/i   /SeVa/ii   g^^/J    S!T€<iLD, 

A  time  of  darkness,  a  time  of  moonshine 

1071  •    ^QirL-L^iuirQ{T  ^QjnLi^ajfrQiT    eTcisr(rrj>s»y  ^6\)uffDU&f)Uj^    ^iL 

The  story  of  one  who  dropped  his  plough  when  accosted  0  Roddy, 
0  Reddy. 

1072.  ^6V<95«65afrzi  s^ppeum  tg56\j<i«ti)  ^p  tussresrir  £F€8iU  aireifrurr&fr. 
The  learned  will  appear  undismayed  in  a  royal  assembly. 

1073.  ^eVcffh^essrih  ^(suevdfvi^essnh  (Lp^^^Q<5\), 
Beauty  and  ugliness  are  in  the  face. 

1074.  ^sD/E/dgwr/i  uirub  ^errisf.^LD, 
Abstinence  is  the  best  medicine. 

1075.   ^6Vibi6S)65uQs\)  iSpiB^eum  ^6\)6\)/rLB  ^iTfreuessr&fr  ^eufr^  p 
Are  all  that  are  born  in  Ceylon,  Rslvanas  ? 

1076.     ^CV/EyS3)<5Bg^iL/«F   ShL-L-    (^inEJ(^, 

The  monkey  that  set  fire  to  Lanka. 

1077.   J^^a/   ^nr^^  QeffI  ^Qsisr&sr^ 

1  am  like  the  parrot  that  waited  for  the  silk-cotton  pod. 

Spokeu  of  one  who  has  been  sadly  disappoiuted  in  his  expoebation^ 
The  proverb  is  said  to  refer  to  a  parrot  that  on  seeing  a  green  p< 
<  u  a  silk-cotton  tree  believed  it  would  ripen  into  fruity  whereas  i( 
eventual!}  burst  aud  the  cotton  was  scattered  to  the  winds 

1078'   ^S^ue^uLJi^es)6iJ^  ^(f^LJL9^€V  ^QFiLjpQfiLCi  Qufr^^e\), 

If  the  flower  of  ilupai  (Bassia  Longifolia)  be  turned,  it  will   bd 
found  hollow  on  both  sides. 


1019.  §lSso  jSfiJrsiffl  sfriu  ^/jSiufrek, 

He  wko  feeds  on  leaves  knows  not  the  flavor  of  fruit. 

1080.   ^SsOtt/ii  U(T^iJL/zi  CTIB^Uy    S-«BT®. 

Leaves  green  and  sear  are  found  every  where. 

1081.  ^Oe\)enS^Lo  eneu^mio  ^jremQih  Qeu&sfrQih, 
The  secular  and  the  sacred  are  both  necessary. 

1082.  ^5V6U^  eu/rjrfr^  ^^metr^  Quir^tr^, 

That  which  is  not  will  not  come,  that  which  is,  will  not  go. 

1083.    ^eOe\)pLCi    Quif)^   J^/D6UpLD    Sifil^, 

Domestic  life  is  better  than  that  of  the  ascetic. 

1084.  ^ioeopLD  Quifl^  ^peupui  ul^ulj. 

Domestic  life  is  honourable,  that  of  the  ascetic  is  disgraceful. 

1085.  ^e\)s\)/r^eu^  Qun's\)e\)fr^sueir, 
He  that  is  destitute  is  wicked. 

1086.  ^e(ie\)fr^^  i9p6uiT^  ^(saenir^^  (a^e^piuir^. 

That  which  is  not,  will  not  come  out ;  that  from  which  nothing  is 
taken?  will  not  lessen. 

1087.  ^s\)evn'^  QiS'/reoeQ  ^si)s\)p  uQ^so, 
Uttering  a  falsehood  and  suffering  the  evil  thereof 

1088.  ^susv/rSsrr  eSiL®  eusvevfTGkfretnija  Qu^^Sip^ir  ? 
What !  is  it  to  speak  manfully  after  deserting  thy  wife  ? 

He  lacks  nothing,  nor  does  he  possess  any  thing. 

1090.  ^i\)6\)fr^eu(air  Queisrs^fr^  GTeOG\)n'(7^<i(^iJo  Q^iriBiuiT  ? 
Is  the  wife  of  the  destitute  the  friend  or  companion  of  all  ? 

1091.  g)coSso  ermp  efftLi^eo  usoeQu^th  Q^jrrr^^ 
Even  a  lizard  will  not  enter  a  house  occupied  by  the  niggardly. 

108  uya.QLOfTL^, 

1092.     §)&j(oioOmT   ^JFUU^   ^UJ6\)LJ, 

It  is  natural  for  the  deatiiute  to  beg. 
1093.    ^euGfT  eSSsaCcLon-fieo    Q^asrQiB^nu    erQ^^^   ^SeOu:i^^^(s^^ 

She  will  make  butter  out  of  the  butter  milk-given  for  sale,  and 
make  provision  for  the  marriage  of  her  first-born  son. 

■  T    »  T   »t    t»  I  mm» 

1094.   ^€U^^^(^LD  ^6ii^<i^Lb  erffinrth  Qurr^j^d^LD, 

There  are  seven  pointi  of  agreement  between  this  ptrson  and  that 

The  advice  given  to  him  is  likeassafoetida  dissolved  in  the  sea. 

1096.   JE)€y6W  mn.jrnrQ^i(^LJ  iBerrdotr, 

He  is  the  child  of  the  whole  viflage. 

Said  of  a  self-willed  waodering  youth 

He  is  a  clever  roguB,  what  he  ties  with  his  feet  it  is  difficult  to 
untie  with  the  hand. 


He  has  attained  the  unattainable ;  he  can  show  Yaikundam  Para- 
dise in  the  palm  of  his  hand. 

1099.     ^€U6Sr  L{^Q   £_6V<fE63)«5B«Q«/r(Tp/5^.      . 

His  wit  is  as  sharp  as  a  wooden  pestle. 

1 100.   ^lfi^^(^  eu/k/^suefT  ^ireQ  ^j^uuirenir  ? 

Will  she  who  attends  a  funeral  remove  her  maarriage  symbol  ? 

U  armony  sets  off  a  faulty  stanzay 


1102.  §j(Lp^€U  SGssrL^frii)  ^9.  ufriruuirQesr&sr  ? 

When  the  trail  mat ks  are  befoire  you,  'Why  look  for   footprints  ? 

;   1103.  ^€S)tp  ^uQjrLo  QufT&ir  Qupp  ^/B^^€UTeittrruLJiL(Sl, 

A  scarlet  cloth  each  thread  of  lirhieh  ia  worth  a  thoTis^ind  gold 

Thoroughly  pounded  and  properly  boiled. 

When  the  smith  perceives  that  the  iron  is  soft,    he  will  raise  him- 
self to  the  stroke. 

The  Indian  smith  squats  at  the  forge,  and  rises  to  his  feet  only 
when  he  uses  a  two-handed  hammer. 

1106.  ^Gmm^<skj)/  uiuLb  ^j6ltLiUi/r  ? 
Does  a  yoang  calf  know  fear  t 

1107.  ^erresiLLuSp  (S^fTLouso  Qp^sf^LDuS&ir  LSi^sif)LCj, 
Indolence,  in  youth  will  bring  poverty  in  old  age. 

1108.  ^GiT<ssiLDu9ev  QpiupQ  Qfi^ssjimBp  <s5yr«(^ii>. 
Industry  in  youth  will  support  one  in  old  age. 

1109.  ^erreiy)LDo9p  uip^am  eruQuir^ih  mpeufr^^ 
The  habits  of  early  life  will  never  be  forgotten. 

1110.  ^GiretniniLiLo  Qp^Gi^Lbu^LCi  ^(fiiun'esr  eu[u^s\)<oO, 

Teutli  a-nd  seMlity  do  not  properly  belong  to  a  man's  a:ge. 

nil.  ^€trQ6Uu9<sv  SfTiufT^  £-ttJfr-^  ufrujuQuirSlQiffdj  ? 

Do  you  who  cannot  endure  the  early  beams  of  the  sun  presume  to 
walk  0  ver  fire  I 

Although  young  he  willjt>i&y  ttte  Wto. 

110  UlfiQu^JTl^. 

1.113.   ^Ssrr/i^€U&r  ^2sO(i9eo  ff^/^ld  (Su^ld, 

In  the  tresses  of  &  poor  woman  are  found  nits  and  licer 

1114.  ^ScTT/i^eu&sr  SQesrS^SssrdF  Qs^ir, 
Associate  with  the  friend  of  the  poor, 

1115.  ^SsiT^aeuCo^!sr  eretr^r  eff«n^, 

0  you  ^eak  fellow,  sow  the  sessamum  seed. 

r.ll6.   ^SofTiuirerr  ^2so^ssr<s9fl  y^^^ircir  s/nu^^oSeufr&r, 

The  younger  sister  feeds  on  leaves,  the  elder  is  accustomed  to  frui 


1117.  ^dsTTUjnrQ'Sir  eu/TL^   LD^eoiUfrenih    QuirQeuiru^^    Qp^^^frQetr   euifi^ 


Come  my  younger  sister,  we  will  proceed  to  Malayalam ;  come  mj 
elder  sister,  we  will  strike  our  heads  together  and  die. 

1118.  ^P\^  (LppcSu  up&D&j  ^(^€\)^  srs\)€\)n-ui  ^sir  euii9/b€if)p^  fi^^ 

When  mature  and  on  the  wing,  all  birds  will  look  after  their  ow 

11;19.   §)/D<55(j^ii  «/r6V^  eui^fred  i9piS(^LL  Fr6=^<k;^^  Slp(^. 
When  death  approaches,  white-ants  take  wing. 

Will  white-ants  take  wing  except  on  the  appsoach  of  death  ? 

1121.   ^pfBJ(^Ui  ^6ts)pu9Qsd  ii^^fr^e\)^  ^^^'  ^fps^p  (oTuuif-i*^ 
^8p^  p 

If. on  stepping  into  the  river. one  is  obliged  to  swim,  how  willl 
get  across  ? 

1122.    ^piEJ(^    QuT(Lp^Q&)   LdQ^lB^  (5^» 

Tjsike  medicine  at  snnrset. 

1123*   ^pm^eu^  ^q^uueuspii^  €Uifisinlt^^  J 

The  dead  is  the  pilot  of  the  livings. 



The  child  of  the  dead  is  the  ward  of  the  living. 

Sessamum  and  water  offered  to  the  dead. 

1126.  §iJpi^fi  (S^^&  ^&srir^^io  ^evSso, 
A  family  out  of  debt  is  out  of  danger. 

1127.  ^j^uu!r^k(^LJ    u&ssrnpLD   Sswl-ujt^,      SL^&nrpLJUT^i  -^lj 

He  who  pays  his  debts  cannot  obtain  money,  nor  can  the  labourer 
obtain  a  wife. 

H28.  ^«n/D<yS  ^ssrQpeuir  ^(BlULj^r^  ihqf^ib^  ^jSleufnr, 

They  who  live  on  flesh  are  acquainted  with  the  medicine  for  tooth- 

\\i^,^&fypii'Q- ^€sr(7tf>^uoi  er^jih&nuds   Q^sit^^u    QuTiLQ^Q^fT&r 

Is  one  to  wear  a  neck-lace  of  bone$  because  he  eats  flesh  I 

This  and  the  preeeding  praverb  are  somewhat:  sJDgiilar  but  sot 
unnatural  among  a.tegetariau  people^ 

The  water  of  a  well  always  drawn,  is  fi'esh,  that  of  a  well  not 
drawn  is  fetid. . 

U31,    ^eSip^^   SgSST;^   6rja(^LCt^ 

Hie  water  of  a  well  always  drawn  springs  .up  a-freskj 

1132,  ^^sTLo  i9fliB^  m!Tm(Su!rei>, 

Like  a  deer  separated  from  its  herd. 

U33,  ^esflQibdo  ^0_  O^iu^^ts^^i  €s><9BQuj(S)iQp^rr?* 
Hereafter  is  it  to  lift  up  the  hands  to  a  god  ! 

Herfia(ter  he  may.  effect  hU  purpose  as  far  aa  the  realms  of  Yama« 

112  U  LpO  LDfT  l^, 

1135.  ^^ru(ifiLb' ^ssTUQpui  Qu!r^es)inuSQiS^. 

Joy  and  griefmust  be  regulated  by  moderation* 

1136,  ^esru^^€\)  '^^^^  creuiri(^LD  fi_6wr®. 
Happiness  is  desired  by  all. 

1 1  37.  ^ekuQfiiii  ^muQf.ih  <ot(Bi^^  2LZ_^i(g. 

The  body  it  is  that  is  affected  by  pleasure  and  pain. 

'■r  .III    nil     -^-— ^^^ 

1138.   ^63rj2/  ^Q^uufrnr  mfr^^<^  ^evSso, 

Those  who  are  alive  to--day  may  not  be  on  the  morrow. 

»      •    • 

He  who  cut  (^  the  leaves  to-day  may  possiUy  cut  oflF  the  bunch 

1140,  @6ir65)/D<i(g  -%®P^  /5/r35»r«(5  ^^lLOo). 

That  which  is  practicable  to-day  iiiay  be  so  on  the  morrow. 

1141,  ^€sr€s>pi^^  QiS'^^rrso  /5/r2svr<i^  ^jr&ifrSl   iBrr&r, 
If  one  die  to-day,  to-morrow  will  be  the  second  day. 

1142,  ^sirew/D    eresru^m  mfr.Ssfr    ^&jru^th    g)6iDSso   €r.^u^p(^  Jf 


To  say  to-day,  to-morrow,  indicates  refusal* 

1143.   ^  <s2koiLi/rLD^  O^eJr  er(^LJUiTrrxmy  ciQi^friLp  i9ip.uufrn'dsefr. 

They  will  take  the  honey  without  dispersing  the  bees,  they  vn\ 
take  it  without  raising  it  up. 

1144.  FFems  fiLCWL-iua/fiir  ersss^eiFluLj  ^GnL^eurr^^ 
The  liberal  giver  will  be  happy. 

1145.  /^«(5  dSl^LD  ^3soa9«v,  (?^(65«c5<i  QAft(Sl^Qe\), 

In  a  fly,  the  head  is  the  seat  of  poison^  ina  scorpion;  the  tail. 


tAlfIL  PBOTEBBS.  113 

All  are  against  the  winged  white^ants. 

]147.  'FcFcb  ^p(^  ereoeoireupfSs^ij^  iBq^^. 

The  wing  of  a  whit^-ant  is  the  softest  of  all  things. 

The  army  perished  like  winged  white-ants. 

The  frog  leaps  and  swallows  the  swarming  winged  white- ants. 

1150.  ff^ssii^(^  ^^H  S)^(3  ^GfTjpiih  ^e^Sn),. 
Nothing  here  is  equj^I  to  God. 

U51.  /F<F<Fflb<*€}r(«5  er^^ih  (^eSlir^^^ 

Date-paM  toddy  is  the  coolest  of  beVettigefii. 

U52.  fF^^th  sfTiLif^er)  ^Q^esiiD  (^if-u9(/^/B^  «6w^. 

The  st6ry  of  a  buffalo  that  lived  iii  «t  date-palm  grove. 

115J,  ffi^eJr  uiTL^^^tT&ir  jh^sntfiQiUQ^jp  ^enu^u^^ir^, 

A  strong  man  fears  not  hardship,  hdr  does  a  bullock  with  a  stunted 
tail  fear  gnats. 

Do  not  oppose  your  inferior* 

1155.  ffQetrerr  (^t^6B(^6B  (?«S)  ^^Sso, 

A  wealthy  family  is  iiot  exposed  to  danger. 

,1156.    FFlLlf^lU   QuiTQ^eitl^Lti   errtp^Q^   S-fi»L_6»>'Lfi, 

Learning  is  more  substantial  than  acc«ah«lated  riches. 

A  spear  wouhds  as  far  as  it  reaches;  tii^^eet  of  money  readies  ten! 
kathams  (100  miles). 

Like  for  like^  and  equally  in  a  pair  are  desirable. 


114  u  ipQttniT^^. 

1159.  FFiL®'i(j^iD  u(nL®i(^LD  ^Q^ipjrerr  ^(St^w1fi\ 

The  maiden  who  was  given,  'injnhrfiuge  wks 'equal  to  %fl  the  eii: 
gencies  of  life* 

1160.  Ff'iB^  uiriT^^friv^LbLB  QeueffI  -^^jii. 

The  smallest  fraption  will  com?  orrt  by  division, 
g)xaS=pl,075,300th  i»art  of  a  a|»iti. 

*  r  -  ■ 

1161.     f^Ut9S<5sfl^irUU^3h.L^i  ^^Q^LD, 

A  miser  will,  find  e,ven  begging  difficult 

Iiead  may  be  melt^  can  iron  ?  - 

1163.   f^fUiJi  i9tf.^^eu&sr  (oT ^  Q<^frSvjsSl^ih  Q'iBGrrrr&ir, 

He  who  h^ta^en.up  lead  will  not  liaten,  no  matter  wb^t  isW^i 
to  him. 

1164.  PFiuir^  Li<5V6d3o5r  (5reit'cQu.^^^LD  <95frQ^ih\ 
A  niggardly  savage  is  nowhere  found; 

1165.  FBiutrHr  Q^iL<ssiL^^  ^luirir  QdSfr&freufrir, 

The.w;ipked  ohisin  by  rapacyity  what  the  miserly  accumulat<ei.> 

1166.  f^ojirir  Ouirq^(ef^i:r^^^{Ufrir, 

The,  wicked  enjoy  the  property  of  the  niiser: 

Flies  and  ants,  abound  eviery- where. 

1168.   FF^siUJu  i9b^^^!reo  ss>s  (Ss^^gi/  ^sireo  Qeujn, 
If  you^ catch, a, fly,  its  l^mbs  willbe jseparated. 

Clean  as  a  fly  and? strong  as  an  ant 

1170.   ff^jr^&SeossyUuuQufrtLQds  ssqp^^  ^f^i/uun"^. 

He  will  cut  the  throai  after  tying  a  w^t  Idlofth  rt)\iiid  it 

J.  171.  f^Jr  /Bfr6Gp(^lsr\^LDLi ^eodso^ 

There  is  no  boDe'ina  slanderous  tongue^ 


11/2.  ffiTLD  ^pp  ^L^^^Qeo  k  QLnmus(9jUirr,  irjrih  ^ar^  ®l-^^ 

Do  insects  swarm  in  a  dry  place  or  ia  a  wet  place  ? 

1173.  FFjrQeuiEi3Sfruj^^p(^  ^Q^Lh/iQ^iLQu  Ljmfr. 
In  an  onion  there  are  twenty-eight  coats, 

1174.  Ff^ir  fSdosruufresr  (Sussyir  Lopi^ifSsr^ 

fle  who  tUnks  of  a  nit  will  not  forget  its  name; 

U75.  ifesifTu  Qu^mQu  Qu?tssru  QuQ^u^frsfT  ^iSQ^zrssr^ 
I  magnified  the  nit  into  a  louse,  and  the  louse  into  Perum^l. 

1176.  PFnr  a-0®;u  Qu^  i^muu(SiUiir  V 

Will  lieebe  obtained  when; drawing  mts.betw^n^tbe.fllijpsx  -a^ 
the  thumb. 

U77.  FF  eQ^i^/i^^^ih  (Bfnu,^(nji^d^&frp;^LCi, 

That  which  a  bee  ejects  and  that  which  adog  has^stQkilt 

1178.  FF  6Q(ip/B^  ^nr^ih  €T®.^^frQ^frt^ifjLJ  Quttwtr  f 

Will  a  fly  that  l»i*s  fallen  into  .the  bdikdi  rice  go.  onlaaa  it  be  tal^eui 
out  ?: 

I179»  FFQeurr^^asf^  gp^  Qufr^esrihy  ^jrLjQurr^i(m  ^giretrCb, 

To, the  giver  a^meal,  to- the-  beggar  plenty. 

-^ #    • 

1180.  fFLp^^p  Q<F6s<s!rL^  ^!EiQiS  u^Lbuir/rdss, 

The^  press  is  tarne<£  in  Lanka,  and  the  material  unde^  pressure  is^' 
examined,  here 


1181,.  FF€sreifih  Q^ifliurr^  m^^eifLb  Q-^Siurr^^ 

It  knows  not  how.iio  bring  forthmor  how:  toJidk. 

The  mother  of  one's  mother  is  his  grand-mother,  her  mt^Aer  is  his* 
great , grand  imothen 

Indulgence  in  the  parent  is  not  good  for  the  chiUL. 

11 6  utfiQiiiir0\ 

1184.  a-«{3/^9-^    Lr^ss)ifi    Quii^/rejinui    ^iLL^iTiki^^(^&e\)     uu9ir  ^ 
(^u^ir  ?    . 
Though  it  should  rain  to  the  end  of  tie  world,  would  broken  oyster 
shells  vegetate  ? 

As  a  grind-stone  fell  on  the  whitlow. 
1186-  e-ffi/^eV  p^peSCSeo  (S€uQp(5S)^LJUfririS^LD  ^q^  «lL®  eQpQQeo 

It  is  better  to  be  consumed  by  a  faggot  than  by  your  friendship. 

*  • 

The  eyes  will  be  over-powered  by  the  dancing  of  your  women. 

1188.   S-/B<i^<i  «L_sfl(?^  ^s<3S(Lp6Q(o(Ssr(5ir^ 

I  have  washed  my  hands  of  you  in  the  sea. 

t       4   ,      r 

1189.  &-<5r**t5^  ef&sTQif^  iS  iSi^  (srmQp^rrixi  isiruj. 

It  is  said  that  when  he  urged  his  dog  to  seize,  it  replied,  you  do  so. 

1190,     S-<S'<9=/b^2(S0u9p    Qe'Q^UUiriS\)     ^t^^^irgjilLD     £_«F^       (^&ti (IFfl^^  f 

•    *      If  slippered  on  the  head,  will  the  crown  of  the  head  become  cool  I 
1191v  £_L-Lbz_/    OTsv6tJ/ri£>    Lj(w^^eu(ssr    ^iian^  QsireQSeod    Q^Q^/^ 

The  story  of  a  man  who  defiled  Amman  covil  by  his  ulcerated  body. 

1192.    ^L_£iL/Ssrr/5^,  €5(T^SIDfi  &^U LjSGfr^^pi^LJ    Q U fT SSf ^Q U IT (S\i , 

As  the  weariied  ass  went  to  the  salt-pit. 

*       .     •  ". 

1193.  V  f'jhjj  (STQ^^eu<sir  (orsviS\)frui  ^®  erQ^/tfrek, 

All  who  have  taken  ia  body  have  taken  an  alms-dish. 
ll'94.  a-L_£iL/  Q^p^^Qsd^Q   jf/s\)eveujr  Qvufr^ji^s\>  Qufr^QeuM 

Must  one  not  ihVigorate  the  body  and  theii  pjroceed  to  meditation  1 


1195.  ^L^LOLf  eTia(^Lo  ^QSp  ^ifi2eo  ijM^tQQ<so  miiJStSi(fy\u^^_ 

Thou  huggest  up  in  thy  bosom  the  embers  thQ,t.^«^WHn.:fivcry  part 
of  the  body. 

1196.  C-L-LDLy  QpQp^i^  iBSssTfB^euQ^m^s  0h.jseo  G^esr .p y^- 

Of  what  consequence  is  cold  to  him  whose  whole  body  is  drenched  T 

1197.  ^t^£i)ii(Ssir  ufrev  eurnr^^  e^essru^,  Cffl(j5«(?«/r  ufr^ffuir/r^^ 

.  Do  we  feed  on  milk  for  the  benefit  of  the  body,  or  that  our 
neighbours  may  know  it  ? 

1198.  p-L^&)  ^jtgsstQ  s-uSnr  ^&srjpi. 
Divided  as  regards  body,  one  in  soul. 


^   •  ^ 

1199.  £-^6V  gjj(56W,SB/«(^/J  i9pm^^  iBfT  ueo(m^(^u  SjbH^^, 
The  body  is  bom  for  one,  the  tongue  for  many,,  v  ,    .*-.^  J 

Anxieties  which  the  ocean  cannot  contain  attend^the  JxxLp^  as  long 
as  it  exists. 

1201.  ^L^&sn9puLf  ^€oeo/r  ^l-lllj  urrtp^  _  ;  .  "  / 

The  body  of  one  who  has  no  kindred  is  exposed  to  desolation. 

♦      -  , 

1202.  fi-4_/ruL/^z-.«D«ii  ^<^ffl<i(g  ^«n/r,  ./  j      ^   .^rj 
A  garment  not  worn  is  a  prey  to  moths. 

1203.  fi-®;^^  Ly65)L-68)a/^/rC?6Br  u/rthuinuss  st^iSp^^^        jj 
The  cloth  one  has  put  on  bites  as  a  snake*  f 

1204.  e^QtJbL^  Qu/r^^LD  QuirQp^  ens^sytueQiLL^ir^-  Qu/r^ih, 
The  guana  may  go,  it  is  enough  if  the  hand  be  fr^.  •\-  j^  * 

1205.  s-(3iiL/«0  ^iressrQ  mfr^d5(^  mettflfi^ds^  gp^  ^^^@>>_i     * 
The  guana  has  two  tongues,  man  only  one* 

The  iguana  has  a  double  tongue,  has  manthe  sangk^/?  f  h^  v 

118  ''  u ipQtL&ifii 

1207.  iL^»iL-(tJDeJr(6i5«(5  er^Qir  ^esi^sm&itrLbfr  f 
Gm^y^Al'  kidc  ag&in£tt  the  thom»  of  the^  Acacia  T 

1208.  tt.€8)L.69)a)  GTmu^  seiieQiLf(stF>L^€S)W, 
Lwrhiilg  »  real  wealih. 

3  209.  C-«ni-«nti>(L/"^  euj^iStniiuLfw.  ^^  ©yj^^  /Seoev/r, 
Wealth  iaaid  poverty,  are  not  abiding. 

U210.  «L«>L-6WLD<^a>  Qsfr(Sl^^^(f^^inLiih  (^SsoQp^fT  ? 

Whoit !  give  (me's  property  and  sacrifice  one's  reput^tioa ! 

1211.  tt.«»c-tua/^  uiTiriru  iju9fr  &.(f^uu(SlLbir  ? 

WiU/ft  crop  not  looked  after  by  the  owber  flourish  P 

9.212.    9L€S:^LmUJeU^  QdF/Fpui^  ^^!f^^3rpfSH  ^SfffTUjS. 

Pluck  up  the  ^weeds  about  the  mortar  as^  your  master  bids  you. 

1213.  9^G9ii^faj6aaflp  esimuupplesrfs^m  iSQsa&fr, 

Att^^nri^ezUer  is  mor^  obstinate  than  the  owner. 

Weed  around  the  areca  treiB  at  thy  master's  biding. 
The  ciotb  whose  owner  is  absent  is  a  cubit  too  short: 

What  n€k)efl8if7  is  there  for  estimating  the  qnaDtity  of  butter-miBc 
by  the  ladle  in  the  homestead  of  the  chief  t 

Tou  sp(«al^Bit  before  lyitig  down,  must  you  not  T 

Can  he  tie  a  maa  that  is  running  who  cannot  tie  one  that  is  sitting  I 

1219.  «-tl6F«//r  @0«45L/  Ljpa^e^eulr  f^^e\)rrLbfr  ? 

What !  hMLiify  ibe  outside  of  a  wall  while  the  inside  is  neglected  f 


Qaxnish  the  inside  of  th^.wall  andtb^ii  t)ie  09:^8^0. 

1221.  fL-CLfp^^dir^  QeusifluL-ipih  ssessr^if.^ 
A  mirnJt  tefle(?tfl  %liatever  is  before  it. 

A  mei^e  iustfument  void  of  feeling  al^d  food  Vithout  salt  are  alike. 

1223.  ^€sarSp  Q^trp^cSQ&i  /B^&n^i  sjsnASp.fiSJr  f 

What,  is  it  to  mix  poison  with  the  rice  one  is  eating ! 

T%ere  is  strength  in  a  body  well  fed«  and  grain  in  the  .ploughed 

1225.  8-«wr£—  i9etr2sir  tL.jr^Q^MJtL{U>: 
A  child  that  eats  well  thrivea 

1226.  c-cwrz—  euu9pjp/i(^<i  Q^irj^^m  QwfnLe9yu./i^^i(yj   (^cArOflftir 
Is  rice  ^Qq^ired  for  a  full  stotha^ch,  pr  dil  fbr.a  bddhead  ! 

That  which  has  been  «aten  wHl  be  eVid^iteed  in  the  WchStig. 

1228.  ^essri^  ^iLQdi^  ^jretkirt^aw  uessressrsoiTLLir  f 
May  hospitality  be  requited  by  trfeistchery  I 

1229.    »-6Mr£—    C-I^LbLj   ^0(^LL    ^^p   urri(^^   Q0U6i(^LD, 

The  body  nourished  by  another's  bounty  will  irtelt,  ardduemt  when 
chewed  turns  red. 

1280.     CfiRTL.    ^pptJD  fe_0J^ii>, 

Friendship  ceinented  by  food  will  €6iapa88{i(nGi$t^. 

1231.  s^mL^tfiir  (?£Z)6jffl.«6MrL-/rfo  O/^/flayo). 
Ihe  body  she^s  wijc)  is  well  feA 

Hunger  is  appeased  hy  eating,  wiil  i^  be  so  by  k^^kisig  at/god  ? 

120  uifiOtn/TiJ^^ 

1233.  a-6wrL-flr€v)    ^&sr(ffso  e^pe^,  OstrmrL^trso  QiBfr(S/s^/re\)  s-p&j, 

Friendihip  is  promoted  and  strengthned  by  hospitality  and  aJso 
by  intennarriage. 

1234.  ^GikfrL^rr^uy  fL.jj/^uuu,  2_6wr6wr(?Qi6wr®£i. 
When  you  eat,  do  so  to  keep  up  your  strengtht 

1235.  ^eAn^frp  Qd£iris\)^ih  oSe^ii. 
PoisoA  destroys  when  taken- 

Moderation  in  food  becomes  women. 

1237.  S-6wr®  ^&frj^  2-6TrC?eyr  ^(j^Q^^(nfeo  u^ajjr  er(ipLDi9  ^eJr  (j^ 

When  you  are  told  to  eat  heartily  and  remain  in-doors,  why  io 
you  rise  up  and  jump  i 

1238.  fi-6»r®    ^-pSluQieo    ^q^     (srmQifed    ^-q^essr®     ^(sntru3ic\)    gSq^Si 

If  I  say  eat  and  sit  on  the  hanging-shelf,  you  fall  to  the  ground. 

1239.  SLewr®  Q'%n-(ip^^ir6\>  isewQ  eu3sfru9so  ^jr^j^. 
If  a  crab  gets  fat,  it  will  not  stay  in  its  hole. 

1240.  £-6wr®  ^<^^  ^-iLJirth  <^@eD  smiflCSeo  airiS^iuLD  srsirew.  ? 
What  business  has  he  in  the  village  seeing  that  he  is  grown  up  ? 

.^— ^^"^^ 

1241.   ^GkfTGSfrd  €5)«  ^e9^^^  ^(H^^SiQrf^. 
His  hand  is  weary  with  eating 

1242*  s-6wr68»r  m^r  ermQifei)  (^^^  eu(T^@(nf>iu, 

When  I  call  you  to  eat,  you  come  to  strike  me. 

1243.  s_6wr^««o<fl5  ^^^^^  ^eisr^^u^nk(^iSi  ^QCSeu^^ 
I  will  cut  your  uvula  and  smear  it  with  chunam-ii7n«» 

1244.  fi-69W-@g)«^  Q^ir^^  u:iek(r^)ajLJ  (ouir(^t^» 
Property  not  enjoyed  comes  to  nought. 


1245.  ^m^tnev  emir  €T&)€0/ru^  ^Sojeofru}  c^iSli^/nnsr)  ^^  eS^L^Qd 
(gzi  QuiraeoirsfTjp, 
One  may  wander  over  the  whole  country  without  eating,  but  one 
may  not  go  to  a  single  house  without  dressing. 

One  may  go  to  nine  houses  without  eating,  but  not  to  one  without 

iUl.  p-ojsr^pnih  Ssnirtt9(Sso  /Bsirr^piLD  LjSO^n^eQ, 
Mistleloe  attached  to  edible  greens. 

Do  not  go  to  work  without  eating. 
1249.  SL^essrufr&r  ^^uir&sr  &euui9jnri£iGSisr&ir^  (w^^^^(^  iShuT&ir  effj 

The  Saiva  Brahman  will  freely  eat,  the  ferocious  mendicant  will 
show  fight* 

1250.  ^€muirsiDfrLJ  uirk^^ir^u^  TL^npeuiren/rLJ  ufririsseo  ^t^ir^. 

Though  you  look  at  those  who  are  eating,  you  may  not  look  at 
those  who  aro  ploughing. 

1251,  &.fi»r69>Lo   O^/reueflaj    QaL^L^irq^ui    Quiriu  Q^tre^^    ennr^i^T 

None  ever  perishes  by  speaking  the  truth,  none  flourishes  by  utter- 
insT  falsehood* 

As  if  the  teeth  also  went  out  when  the  lips  bad  gone  to  beg. 

Are  there  any  who  push  into  the  m^uth  the  plantain  that  is  al- 
ready between  the  lips  ? 

122  u  tfiO  UiT  ifi^ 

1254.   fi-/y/l®«<g   iSd^^esr    ue\)^ih   ^(^Li(S^(^    tS^Sm    SDtfuyii 

Proti'uding  teeth  and  a  hand  given  to  thieving  are  bad 

12':  5.   s-^lL^-CJ^v  L^essr  .^g)^  lj/tsu  ^jjoimn-^iT  f 

Will  the  cow  not  yield  its  mil  <  because,  it  has  b<h^  Hps  I 

1256.  ^^iL®^  ^(f^thLj  ^M^u  QufT^ir^  ? 

A  small   particle   adhering  to  the  lip  cannot  be  removed  by 

1257.  s-^^iT  iSiB^^LD  Qai(g  Sjr^Qeu^.u>, 
Divers  disguises  for  the  sake  of  the  belly. 

1258.  &.;S6vrrLJ  uLpiRf^eoCoLO  ^S3><y  ^sveo/r  Qeueisr^^evCSiii  ! 
Thou  art  a  useless  vessel,  a  piece  of  brass  without  sound  1 

1259.  ^^euir^  0^lLzjil«(^65<f  9tL(B  eT(ip^ssr^(Sun'ev, 
Like  writing  a  chit  to  a  thrifty  merchant. 

1 260.  p-^eS  Q^ibeuiriri^  ^^^^^jn  ^31  ? 
What,  accident  can  harm  those  who  help  others  I 

1261.  s-^^tf/reS  eu/i^/retr  ^^&TGtr^u^  OsQ^/Biretr, 

A  woman  with  a  bustling  gait  came  and  4es^Qyed  what  there  i?a«. 

1262.  ^-fifTidi(^LJ  Oufrm^njui  .^(5^/-/. 

Even  gold  is  a  thing  of  nought  to  the  generous. 

1263.  &-^ir^^^(^  ^e^Q^fr  s_0<a5«sii  ^Qj^'i^u^  ? 
Sympathy  arises,  does  it  not,  from  consanguinity  ? 

1264.  e-€»)^^^  sfre\)  i^Qp^SS^Qufrj^  :^svevQeu/r  LfapiQia  ? 
Worms  will  breed  in  due  course,  will  they  not,  in  a  foot  accustomed 

to  kick  I 

Before  his  kicking  fec^  were  eat^n  of  worm«i  his  abdofoen  had 


1268.  t-Gf)^LJUfr^i(^  Qeu^uufTGfr  dF/r^ewewr^fajeJf, 

He  that  washes  for  him  who  kicks  him  is  a  first-rate  washerman. 

1267.  ^^^tD^i(€RLb  fiui9^i(^u>  Q^L^mui^issiS  (Seuemi^frih, 
Contracts  are  needless  as  regards  honest  men  and  cheats. 

The  one  needs  no  bind«nsf,  and  the  (»ther  admits  no  obligations. 

1268.  s-^^iD^QdF6U3i&ir  Qupp^frdj^r^  ^Q^ld^ 
A  faithful  servant  is  more  than  a  mother. 

,  1269.  p^^^Lii^ii(^  er^^ir^ui  (?«®  ,@^250. 
The  good  are  exposed  to  no  danger. 

J270.  s^ji^QiurrsLD  Ljq^s^  cUt^ewra). 
Exertion  is  a  manly  quality. 

1271.  ^^^QuJir€i^^i(m^  ^^^%  ai^LD, 
Facilities  suited  to  one's  office. 

1272.  ^ustrjr^^ii(^  ^u^/rjTLD  eu^eu^  ^jr^^i^Cb, 
It  is  unfortunate  when  evil  is  returned  for  good. 

It  is  a  crore  of  wealth  to  abstain  from  entertainment  in  a  house 
void  of  civility. 

What !  are  the  civil  to  be  requited  by  incivility  ? 

Will  mere  ceremony  pass  for  money,  will  hunger  be  appeased 
otherwise  than  by  eating  ? 

1276.  cu/roj^^/rcv  ^Sp^  usrir^Qjru^^^freo  ^^^u^^  ? 

Can  that  which  maybe  renHzed  by  cunning  be  obtained  by  force  ? 

A  salt-cup  and  a  deceitful  heart  will  of  themselves  come  to  des- 

124  utfiQu^ir  L^, 

1278-   ^UL^   ^(3'^^  uircAfL^QpiJb  c_6wr6a)LD   ^€\)svfr  O/sgjiarib  ;^il^ 

A  vessel  impregnated  with  salt,  and  a  mind  without  tiiith  need 
none  to  destroy  them^  they  destroy  themselves. 

1279.   SL-ULy  ^€V<svrru  U6ssru.LD  ^usnuu9Qed, 

Unsnlted  food  is  fit  only  for  the  rubbish  heap. 

Remember  through  life  those  who  have  given  you  salt. 

1281.  s_UL/  Qfi^si)  esiiuL^B'LCi  ciisw/riQii  Go/fiwrOii. 
Every  thing  from  salt  to  camphor  is  required. 

Said  of  things  domestic  and  sacred 

1282.  iLULj^  ^mpsusitT  flss8r<ssJres>frs  (mi^uufr&sr. 
He  who  has  eaten  salt  will  drink  water. 

1283.   p-UL^^S€asn-.LCi  u^Q^fT^^^  unrruufr^^Quireo    eQ^iS(ijifiu. 
1  hou  starest  as  the  Brahmanee  who  had  lost  her  salted  mutton. 

In  her  bewildermeDt  she  had  no  remecly  because  she  dared  mif 
make  kuown  the  loss  of  a  thing  she  ought  not  to  have  hadiu  h^ 

1284.  s-ULy  euiresS^^  ^/Sleurr^  siruy^jr  eQ2so  ? 

J  >oes  the  salt  merchant  know  the  price  of  camphor  T 

1285.  S-Ly^/ci  3SLLt^^s\)  (?6u/r<sBti  «LL®Lb, 

If  there  be  a  supply  of  salt  the  world  will  be  sustained. 

1286,     SL^ULjCb   65lTUfijrQpLCi   ^mQffii    6ULpiEI(^Lbfr  ? 

Are  salt  and  camphor  used  together  ? 

1287.    s-L/Ly  iS^  QiLSLb  tL.e5siu.ireo  ^eoS/b  i9jreurrdsui. 

If  the  ocean  were  to  become  clouds,  the  world  would  be  flooded 

1288.    P-Ui-l^    ^6missiff(f^i(^   ^soirL3^<9=u>   (Seuir  QufrL.QeuessrQLDfr  i 

Must  the  root  of  cu$a  grass  be  added  to  sea-water  to  make  i 
fragrant  ? 


1289.  ^ULI  lS^S^s\)  fsessfssSiy  fBm&pSif  lS^^^€\)  £-ljl/. 
Excess  of  salt  calls  for  water,  excess  of  water  requires  salt. 

1290.  tLUsnUiT  QiB^SssrCSturr  ^uetnu^  &m^Q2esrQtuir  ? 
Did  you  spill  the  salt  or  the  food  ? 

Do  not  use  salt  both  as  food  and  condiment. 

1292.  p-uenu^  O^iriLQ^O^^essT®  ^L.ff2so  eQ(LpiBis€\)frui, 
Using  salt  as  a  condiment  you  may  swallow  a  mortar. 

1293..  ^uQunr®  €^&sru^LD  U(r^LjQu!T®  u^^ld  (SeuGtsrQijD^ 
Nine  things  are  required  with  salt,  ten  with  pulse. 

Have  you  grown  grey  by  age,  or  is  your  hair  prematurely  grey  l 

1295.  p^iSefnujii  (^fbfiSd  ema^eQ^^ ^(Surrey), 
As  the  hand  was  wearied  by  beating  husks  in  a  mortar. 

1296.  ^ajjru  up/B^fT^LD  sfflr/r<»(^0®9  sr^u,&fr  ^(^inir  ? 
Though  it  may  fly  high,  will  a  common  bird  become  a  hawk  ? 

1297.  a-oS^ii  s.L-jj;/ii)C?u/rcv, 
Like  soul  and  body. 

'298.  a_fl965)/r  es)eu^^(^iQp^^LD  Q^^^trp  (gcaBTLD, 
It  is  more  natural  to  die  than  to  continue  in  life. 

1299.  u^ii9(ojrfr(Sl    ^Q^CbiSu    umr/r^euir    ®iF<i^rreo    Qp^^th   Q^irQu 

UfTjrfT  ? 

Will  he  who  would  not  turn  to  look  at  me  when  alive  kiss  me 
when  dead  ? 

Will  she  who  would  not  kiss  me  when  alive  ascend  my  fuiietittl 
pyre  when  I  am  dead  f  r 

126  UlfiQ  LDfTffi. 

1301.  a^a9/r  ^(^fB^rred  ^ULju^fr/S^  ^&iresrs\)/rLD, 

If  one  is  ^ive>  be  may  subsist  by  bartering  salt. 

Will  that  which  is  iu  the  mortar  esGape  the  pestle  ? 
1303',   ^^jreSQev  ^^esiiu   unfriLjj^aO^fr&kfr®    £_6V<i6a>««(^u    uiuuul] 

Will  your  fear  of  the  pestle  -av^il  -aught  after  your  head  has  be- 
come last  in  the  mortar  ? 

>  The  mortis  is  beaten  at  ^ne  end  the  drum  at  both- 

1306.    P-ir€\)  Ui^^Lh  ^/Sliquirr  ? 

Does  tke  rice  mortar  know  wlKit  a  famine  is^? 

1306.  fi-iT"^  (SufTtu  Lb^^iofT^Q^irQL^  QpismpSiLL^^Qutreo^ 
Aa.t^  mortar  weiit  to  the  Ikomtomv  with  its  complaints. 

Used  when  ooe  coraplttios  of  his  misfor lanes  to  another  \^o\%  ii^ 
greater  distress  The  niot^r  is  beaten  at  odo  eud^ODly,  whereas  tbev 
tomtom  IB. beaten  at  bothends. 

13077.  2^(5  <^P^  P®  <sr^ii. 

Supernatural  power  increases  .aceording- to  the  intensity  of  the  ia-- 
.    dotations. 

130&«   e^0«<fl5Lb  ^.men  &p(nf^^s)^  ^^diSe\)  euirtf,  ciLtf.  ^fp,  ' 

0  my  loving  aunt,  come  with,  me  apart  that  we  may  embrace- 
each  other  and  weep* .  i 

1J309.     fi-(5^   «633Tf_   ^SsW  2_^<53)UJ^\^/rffl/Lb, 

TJier<3a|  that  ha^.tasted-mc^^n^  will  leapon^ihe^iwingifig-tray' 

1,310.   &~(r^L-i—u  LjirL-L.  ^enm^Lci  ^i.&fT(^a(^  eurrmi^iti. 

When. one  deals  fraudulently,  even^i that,  which  he  has  dimaiisfaes* 

1311..   .ft..(5^®ii   LjirCQC^   ^'Sii(&^Ui   &pU(5S)U; 

fraluds  and  trieks  will  destroy  repuiati<Sn«^ 


.  a.(jL-®/i  LjffiLCSiih  SjriLQCb   Q<3F{rev^Ui, 
Tricks  and  frauds  and  threnitsr  * 

Like  a. beaded  cat  he  appears  1^  if  he  knew  nothing* 

1J14,  ^q^^QjriTjji^u  ySsw  p^u(S^<3^ih  u&ar^sJUoSf ^QuiTe\i , 
A&.a  b^Euied  cat  gaye  diylna  instruct  ion. 

As  thc^ligure  is  formed,  beauty  will  become  manifest. 

1316.  ^(jF^ekj^&n^  ^eo€\)  ^G5ifr^&n<SLJLftrir,uessr^es}^aJ6\i€V  ^esr^etn^ 

Look  to  the  temper,  not  beauty,  to.the  connections  not  at  money, 
when  choomiQ  d  vAfe, 


It  is  not  for  ih^.  form,  but  for  its  sweet  prattling  that  a  parrot 
is  esteemed, 

4hero  who  does  not  ^^ei^lm  sword.^ 

Tcth^.t^orld; wisdom, i* .folly,  to  wisdom  the  wprfd.i^  folly, 

TS^  w^rld ;  h^  many  for-ms . 

The- whole. QountryiSsat  eninitywithithe  thief  who  dwellfl  there 

Wiil  that  wji^ich .  ha9  resisted  tl^-.  stroko^  of  t^e  "peslle  sha'ke  at  a^ 
si^sred  chstnt  ? 

Thepefi^e  by  weiMing  awi^  hats  become  the  hmiidle  of  a  obi&eL. 

128  uifiQubfri^, 

1324.    fe-(5V<i630«  GuQ^fl^  ^^QjTIJb  ^u9pjif^ 

The  pestle  grew  and  became  a  beam, 

132.5.  WL£H^^m  iaQ(T^iQp(^  ^uutrcsr^  ^esrjptw  ^6\)8r). 
Nothing  can  be  compared  to  the  banquet  of  a  mker. 

1326.  s-Ssoa/zrewiu  etpif-^^th  ^m/reufreff>UJ  Qpt^eiifninr  ? 

You  way  cover  the  mouth  of  a  rice-pot,  but  can  you  coter  the 
mouth  of  the  country  ? 

1327.  a.(?ev/rL9«(5  g)^  O^FCua/. 

I  The  avaricious  are  subject  to  double  expense. 

^<i   (?<SB®, 

An  affected  gait  is  injurious  to  graceful  movement,  and  yarnishi? 
bad  for  the  head* 

1329.  fi-fjP<*  (^eiflir  ^t^^^rrev  tB!rpjpiui9(dmi9uut^!rfBfr  ? 

If  it  be  too  cold  to  plough,  why  not  put  out  the  young  plants  ? 

1330.  fi-/p«!g  ^p(fffiri(SF^u  u^^Q^u  ujr(S^&d(^, 

A  quarter  of  a  measure  to  one's  friends,  and  sixteen  measures  to  8 
religious  mendicant. 

1331.  fL.ifiiQQeo  SLpd(^  (oLnp^/r  ? 

Is  the  distinction  of  east  and  west  •bseitable  in  an  ullak  a  small 
Tneaaure  ofeapaeify  ? 

1332.  ^ifi^8Qe\)  &jLpi(^, 

A  dispute  about  an  ullak^ 
See  thei  ptec^dib^. 


Why  give  a  measure  of  pepper,  why  drink  the  pepper  water  i*  » 
comer  ? 

1334.  ^y>eQp^  ^pp  QmfrQgf 

,  A  plough  share  adapted  to  the  tillage. 


1335.  ^tpeS^  l£I(^^;S  i^ait^tuth  ^^Sso. 
Nothing  more  advantageous  than  tillage. 

1336.  s-ipoj  €^^/B^  uatrQ  uiLi^uLfp^^(Se»>^ 
Cattle  uniit  for  tiie  plough  are  kept  outside. 

1337.  s_zpQ/  LD/r®  .^@)6V)  ajtt0«g5€»'(?«w^fr  p 
If  the  ox  be  fit  for  the  plough,  will  it  not  fetch  a  price  in  its  own 

village  ? 

1338.  E-tpo^i^  €^(m  ^pjpjLD  eujrrr^,  sflff^y«(5  QpmQesr  euQ^ih, 
At  the  plough  it  will  not  go  a  single  round,  at  foddering  time  it 

comes  first. 

— ^ 

The  bullock  yoked  to  the  plough  by  force,  and  a  man  acting  as  a 
subsitute  are  alike  useless* 

1340.  n^Q^Qpesi^^iL®  i6Q£,BnSpsa^  Q^iueum  ^t^^pQu/rev, 
Like  one  who,  to  avoid  ploughing,  feigned  to  be  demonized. 

eiiiretr  Q^tressrCBeaiBflirpQuireo, 

As  if  one  retired  into  the  interior  in  the  ploughing  season,  and  re- 
turned with  a  sickle  at  the  approach  oi  harvest. 

If  a  ploughing  bullock  go  astr^iy,  it  will  be  yoked  wherever  found. 

»    ■         I    ni      I  I   I  M 

1345*  eL-onQp  iLtrtL^mL^  jffs^^/reo  jut^^^rrp(Stjfr€\), 
Like  beating  the  ploughing  ox  with  the  yoke. 

As  an  ox  licked  a  yoke  of  oxen  when  ploughing^ 


The  ox  treats  the  unskilful  ploughman  as  his  brother-in-law. 


'^  pl9Uglun^n,i^jin2^ble  to  keep  vUlage  accounts. 


1347.   ^^(L^fB^m  memi(^LJ  ufTfr^^trso   ^ifi^kQ^^iti  L9^<9'fr^,, 

W\hen  a  ploughmai^, bailees,  bis  aQCOupits,  not  e,veuu^;,  ullak^j 
grain  reuXjBLins. 

1348.-  ^eneinosr  ^evfio/nnev  ^mUf , ^^iLjU^rr ,?y 

Can  a. country  b^. destroyed  if  tbere  be* no  spy.?  • 

1349v  ^&r6ij  ^evevrriLeo  s^ffirekj  ^^Sso^ 
Npispy,  no  theft,. 

He  w^tnders  alon^  af|;er  a  pack-bull,  tlrrough  deep,annd^  and  inoea- 

To  be  in  debt  to' an  inmate  and  to.  h^re  the  itch  in  the  >palm  of  tte 
hand  are  intolerably  evils. 

1352.*  ^-JStreiT  tSrir^sc.  «L/r.SsO-  /saSiQ'Sfr€ikfrif.(f^iSy   Lti/bQ(^0  iSeirSflir 

While  her  child  licks  the  mortar,  shr^  goes  on  a  pilgrimage  to* 
Tirupati  in  expectation  of  another. 

I4k|B  putting  ri(?ermilk  in:the  palm  and  licking  the  back  of  the  hand. 

1354*   ^^etretreisifli  Q^rrei/rQ  ^eooiem^u  uirsririLt-eofTtM.  \ 

With;<what  we  have  we  may  pretend  to  have  that  which  we  have  not. 

It  is  said  that  the  wrhole  body  breaks  out  into  ulcers  wh^n  tto 
truth  is  told. 

1356.  ^erretretnjs  eBpj^  iseoeoemfii  Qstreit^j^^ 

Sell  what  .you  haye  and  buy  w;hat  is  rw%  good*: 


He  OS  both  an  inmate  and  a  thief. 

.1358'  &.€ir6yris?«n<Stt92V  ^mu^  QmtT€m^s)L-  Qpif^uQuar, 
I  will  tie  nine  knots  of  hair  in  the  palm  of  the  hand. 

1359.  ^&remEi&DSu9(5\)  Q/Be\)eQds^Qun'ev, 

Like  the  Nelli  berry  (Phyllanthus  simplex)  in  the  palm  of  the 

Said  of  something:uniiiistakably  evident* 

If  it  be  that  hair  has  sprung  up  ia  the  pahn  of  thehand»  a  fool  maj 
yield  to  discipline. 

■I    ■ 

K61.  s_6ff.6ir,gQ/£i  ^men-^ih^h^t^{^eii.  eQif^QpLoLJSLb  ^(f^L^e\)irw.,, 

When  an  inmate  of  a  house  joins  the  thief,  stealing  may  be  carried  I 

on  trU.dayrbreak^ 

■  ""■'"  '      ■'■■- 

If  the  truth  be  told;  theWind*  woman  will  be  greatly  afflicted; 

K63*  t^&fetres)^  CTS\)ei>iTL6  Q^/r®^^  QiBirm^isemesSssiiui  Q^iTe&T' 


It  is  said  that  he  took  to  wife  a  blind  girl  haying -given  away  all ; 
he  had. 

The  child  of  the. wealthy  takes  salt  with  his  food,  the  child  of  the- 
poor,  sugar. 

Our  inmost  thoughts  are  kixown  to  Ood. 


When  the  troth  is  told,  every  one  faA^a.  if  ilh 


182  uifiQibiri^^ 

The  evil^eyed  destroyed  even  whaA  there  was.. 

He  who  speak^.the  truth  is  regarded  as  a  wicked  person  by  tic 

1369.   e-6>r6T7"/r(gf5££>  sefrerr/r(erFfLD  ah.L-L^LbJT  P 

Is  assoctd^tion  between  an  inmate  and  a  thief  to  be  tolerated  ? 

1370.   ^-.erretf^d^/BjSinr^^/i  KSfliBitfLb  ^efrenq^^pu^^ 
Internal  distress  is  known  to  the  iDnxates. 

1371.    fi-Cir^/r  LO(T5U)«55,gQ/iD   &.(Lp@p   ai^fTSijLD  «F/f?, 

A  8on-in<«la-W  of  the  same  village  and  a  ploughing  buffala  are  over- 


--• ---  •■••'. 

1372.'  ^fffrSorr    GLaJTiLL^esr  Q^Qerr    ^(f^    ihrn^srib    Q^fr^e^SQpi^ 

*  —  * 

0  thou  scorpion  thou  hast  thrust  thy  stiiig  into  me,  listen)  I  will 
utter  an  incantation. 

1373.  u-eaQetr  ues^^tLfUi  Q^.^LLi^(Sei)  SL.p^Ui/r  ? 

What !  is  it  enmity  at  heart  and  friendship  on  the  lips  t 

1374.  ^-effOefT  euuSlOpiS^iu  2_^®  uifitJD  Qepirifiiu^ 
Bowels  burning  withiil>  lips  shedding  rip^  fruit?  , 

1375.  n.peQCSe\)  iB^3r  ais\)dsQp^fr  ? 

What !  is  .poison  to  be  mixed  with  fiiendship  1 

1376.  P-p&f(Suir€0  ^(5/5^  (^6trfsSlQuire\)i  QsfnLQSp^fr  ? 
What !  to  feign  friendship  and  to  sting  as  a  wasp  ? 

1377.  &^pei]  ^psij/srreir,  U/SuSQey)  6in«  etfieui^irQ^, 

No  doubt  about  friendship,  but  do  not  put  yonr  hand  itito  m; 

1378.   a-/D6i/«(2)^  u-e9isi(^u^  Q;jfr(r^(Sstr  jgidssm. 

Wealth  may  aid  both  in  friendship  and  eumity. 


1379.  c/Da/i^  ^&srujff  utf.  ttM(i^S(^u  u^^u  ut^^ 
Nine  measures  for  your  friends  and  ten  for  the  eottntrj^ 

1380.  ^jS  jy/D  ^eiFtiBmui^  QeuiLesiu,, 

The  snapping  of  the  cord  <^  the  swinging-tray  is  like  a  hunting 
excursion  to  the  cropped  dog. 

As  if  one  sought  curds  throughout  the  village  wh^  a  supply  was 
on  his  own  tray. 

1382.  ii-fSuSiQeo  QekiesfnOessrvb  ^Q^^^  Q/5UJ<S(^  ^^e^eurrQesr&ff  ? 

Why  go -about  in  quest  of  ghee  when  you  have  butter  on  your 
own  tray  I 

1383.  P-jSa9p    UGSsru^   (Sufnu^  Q^Qj^eQ/b,  ^e^treiDL^evnu  ^Q^iQp^, 
The  money  on  the  swinging-tray  goes  out  and  picks  a  quarrel  in 

the  public  road. 

Money  is  not  iafreqaeutly  put  on  a  swioglng  tray  la  a  cap  or 
snail  basket. 

1384.  ^jpj^iuiresr  snrifiuJih  €^n^(Suir^LL  QdBL^rr^^ 
An  affair  firmly  settled  will  never  fail. 

Is  he  a  friend  who  helps  not  in  adversity  ? 

1386.  WLp^trsiii  Q^uj^frs\)  LD«y«3)<F^  fl{rGssr(Sl6uiT(sisr, 
If  encouraged,  he  will  jump  over  the  house  top. 

1387.  fi-/D/D  SQibSi^m  SLa3f/r<i^  ^lEiirflLCi, 
A  true  friend  is  the  nectar  of  life. 

1888.  ^pp^  Q^!rm^io  ^pp^  QuiTQ^i^LD, 

When  the  truth  is  told^  a  breach  between  friends  may  be  healed. 

^  .  -  ^ 

I  i^'  I  ■  ■  ■  ■■ .  . 

'1389.  ^pp^  Q^rre\)ev  emQ^tb  ^eo€0,  m&)eo^  Q^iri^eo  isfrQih  j^i^eo. 

This  is  not  the  village  in  which  a  man  may  speak  the  truth;  nor 
the  country  in  which,  to  give  advice. 

134  uffi'Q'LDirL^. 

^1390,  ^pQtffT   ^^(fyio  LjpQjfdj  eQdstriLith,   ^tsajrirHr   •^&f(n^iio    Quirm 

If  friends  consume  one's  grain  an  ant  hole,  if  strangers  consume  it, 

^1391  •  S-<^(2P<5^(5  g^^w'^ii  Qsiri^ir&STy  iBLn^Q^i(m    mtr^in  O^/rSu 


He  trill  give  nothing  to  friends,  but  to  Yama  the  regent  of  the  ded 
he  will  give  even  four  i.  e.,  all. 

Will  friends  help  or  will  strangers  ? 

Pfe,  pfe  to  you,  and  pfe  pfe  to  your  father  also. 

The  following  story  is  told  about  this  proverb : — a  debtor  had  Iwo 

creditors.    Obe  of  them  said  if  you  will  pay  me  I  will  suggest  an 

expedient  for  gettiog  rid  of  the  other  creditor.     He  then  instructed 

4iim  when  again  applied  to  for  payment,  to  feign  madness,  and  to  saj 

Pe,  Pea  demon,  a  demon.     The«ereditor  not  satisfied  had  him  sam- 

'inoned  before  a  Magistrate  where  he  did  as  before.     The  Magistrata! 

^thinking  the  debtor  mad,  decided  that  he  was  not  amenable  to  a  coart 

•^^of  justice. 

The  other  creditor  then  went  to  the  debtor  expecting  to  be  paid 
according  to  promise  To  his  surprise  the  man  said  Pe,  Pe,  whereopoij 
)be  said,  do  you  deal  with  me  also  in  this  way,  when,  the  debtor  re-i 
plied  as  the.  proverb  stands.  .j 

I  am  under  your  protection,  you  are  my  patron. 

3.395.   s^cifT  ^LDir^^Qeo  (^essr®  uiriuir^. 
SuUets  will  not  fly  by  your  strength. 

11396;   s^eir  O^^ire^SQeo  ^uL/th  ^euSsO'  ujeifliLith  ^^dso. 
In  your  words  there  is  neither  salt  nor  acid. 

Your  petulance  and  fraud  are  all  in  my  ^ress. 


Never  trust  one  wHo  has  deceived  y6u. 

0  thou  huDch-backed  woitiaii  of  Madras,  how  ean  I  give  thee  up^ 
hast  thou  not  become  Crooked  by  bearing  burdens  T 

Though  the  swing  oscillates,  it  will  resume  its  proper  centre* 

QacrQuuirnr  ? . 
A  needle  will  give  a  cubit'  of  cloth,  what  will  your  friends  give  ? 

1402,  sfiiffl  Osfretretru  QuiriLs^  ^€\)frLD  &€ssri(^u  LimriSp^ir  ? 
When  going  to  buy  a  needle,  is  the  weight  to  be  regarded  T 

1403.  esaS  Q6sirdSp^fb(^  earrrfJeu  ^errfreurrjrLb  <^m? 
Why  such  a  stir  in  the  village  about  threading  a  needle  ? 

^404.  sfl[ffl«(g6B  dPsJreyrfiir  p^l^Q^sst  ^(tf^uuit^. 
Where  there  is  a  needle  there  will  be  a  thief. 

U05.  8M©«(25  aai^  (oT^QsTfSiu  ufru^u^fr  ? 
I        Can  one  needle  penetrate  another  when  brought  point  to  point ! 

1406.  sfE©  Quirm^^eo  ^rekesr  Qujpjih  P 

1  hough  made  of  gold  what  will  a  needle  fetch  T 

"407.  smS  (SufrSp^  S6sari(^Lj  ufnruufr&fr  ^^isSisinu   QurrSipJ^ 

He  notes  the  lods  of  needles,  bat  not  that  of  pumpkins. 

1408.  emSCSurre^)  iSi^j^ui  ^ir^Quireo  aioS^zi. 
A  throat  like  a  needle,  a  belly  like  a  caldron. 

1S6  ufpQuxfTifi, 

1409,  sflfffi  LnsQQeuiskj^i/  9muii(^u  Quir^soiru^T  \ 

May  one  go  to  a  foreign  country  to  buy  needles  because  they  are 

there  cheap  I 

^-^— — ■ 

Though  penance  be  performed  by  standing  on  the  point  of  a  needle, 
that  which  is  predestined  only  will  be  obtained. 

1411,   sfflE^aSsir  arr^er)  g^LLz__«zi>  ^(ssitfiiuubrr  ? 

Can  a  camel  pass  through  the  eye  of  a  needle  ? 

A  magnet  attracts  a  needle,  friendship,  the  good. 

1413.  sfiffswrsir  s^mth  ^ffiiB^rr^^  s-^^^eJr  Quujir  ^ifii^ftm. 
The  glutton  failed  in  his  object,  and  the  miser  lost  his  fame. 

1414.  sMswflg)^  S-/DS1J  ^ssS^eo  ^tp(5. 

Friendship  is  promoted  by  entertainments,  and  ^beauty  is  set  off 
by  ornaments. 

1415.  sargaafl^Q)  i-j^^  ^®afl®^  ^s^t^. 

Good  seuise  1$  indicated  by  food*  and  rank  by  ornaments. 

Be  first  at  a  feast,  and  the  last  to  sljander. 

Neither  food  nor  sleep. 

■■■■  ^ 

1418.  ^MGkr  ^ppQurrQ^  u~p^  ^pj^juQuirih^ 

When  entertainment  is  discontinued,  friex^dship  ceases.  i 

1419.  ^aB.&ssruiTi(^  ^^^  eff^^j/ri^  •^«/r^. 
Betel  is  not  good  except  after  food. 

He  is  an  alchemist  who  knows  how  to  infuse  metals,  and  he  is « 
Yogi  who  knows  the  (juajity  of  salt. 


1421.  tMfirrBi(^u  Ouirek^ih  ^(gii^y. 

Eyen  gold  is  a  mere  rush  to  tbe  apendthrifb. 

1422.    ^StL^^p  QufTLb  S>/r9(^©@)6V   61/^£i. 

If  blown  it  will  fly  off,  if  sucked  it  will  go  in. 

1423.  PM^Sp  ^ffi/(g  sm^^eo  eBt^SpQurr^  eSu^Qp^j* 
If  you  blow  the  conch,  the  day  will  break  as  it  is  wont. 

1424.  sm^etD^eu/ruj^sr  (?^i—  fBirppeuinu&T  Qeisresr^ 

Acquired  by  the  filthy  mouthed  and   consumed  by  the   fetid 

1425.   ^M^ssy/s  pirerair®  ^s^^nesS  .^(g5">^  ? 

Will  the  dirt  on  one's  body  when  collected  form  a  linch-pin  ? 

Accumidated  by  the  foul  mouthed  and  consumed  by  a  mouth  fra- 
grant with  camphor. 

1427.  ^M^es)^   QuiT^i    (^eiFl^^eu^LD  ^svSso   uQQuir^^    ^skvbv 

No  one  performs  ablutions  so  as  not  to  repeat  them,  nor  does  any 
one  eat  so  as  not  again  to  suffer  hunger. 

The  dumb  destroys  a  village,  a  tortoise  or  turtle  destroys  a  well. 

1429.  Sflff69)L0  SfflSW/ri   0«®<igii   Qu(5<F<F/r^fl   6^Llg3>Z__«    0<5B®<5 'cgKf/3. 

A  community  is  injured  by  the  dumb,  and  a  house  by  bandycootes- 

1430.  ©flff«DiZ>  SeStfTU.  si^u(Su.T&)  ^(JF'iSp^^ 

It  is  like  the  dream  of  the  dumb. 

He  IS  unable  to  relate  his  dream  and  therefore  cannot  obtain  its 

1431,  &ares)LDi(^  ^etr^is^inu<^  fL-putr/^iSsmL-w. 
The  dumb  regards  a  babbler  as  a,  wonder. 

138  uipO  ir^ir  L0, 

1432.   ^ef,ss)LDiu^  (Su'S'ai-  uffiSesr  QuQ^d(^^  Q^iP,iLjih, 

The  speech — gesticulation-^  o{  the  dumb  is  k^iowL'to  those  ac^ 
customed  to  it 


1433.   '^m<s^LD{U!rS(T^i^!T^  Q^sQ(BIl6  fi_«»r®. 
If  one  is  d'lmb  he  is  deaf  also. 

1431.    ^mea^wiqLD  ^m&DLcuLfLo  g^<5B<5!»«<F  O^FfTfiS/B^frpQufrei)^ 

As  the  dumb  on  meeting  the  dumb  scratch  their  noses. 

If  a  person  on   meetiag  a  dumb  man  scratches  his  owii  no?e  the 
diuiiU  man  becomes  very  angry. 

Neither  dumb  nor  deaf. 

1-^36.   ^MjrfTssifTu  U(s^m^^  ^^uSQinrCSi  ^rr^ik^tsufr  ^^3so, 

No  one  at  enmity  with  the  whole  community  ever  preserved  his 

1437.   ^tm.ffiriT  ^essT<i(^  ^ssiL^tueu^  i9L-iflu9(S60, 

The  liabilities  of  a  village  are  on  the  neck  of  its  chief 

1138.   ^Miffrir  &.(SS)i—(SSiLC^(mLJ  Quiufnuu  upiSi(nf(m, 
He  flies  onjbhe  property  of  others  like  a  demon. 

1439.  ^MjjfTir  <5T(iT^z^in  ufr<sv  ^pdSlp^  iSiLjih  smlLQ  iB(r^LD  ^-6osr&^ 


The  buffalo  of  the  village  is  in  milk,  you  suck  and  I  will  also  suck. 

1440.  esc/8(?6V  dss\)ujfr66srth  LDTiri9(S€\>  ^'li^esru^. 

Marriage  ceremonies  in  the  village  and  sandal  paste  on  the  breast. 

1441.  ©«rr/fi^  ^(T^(SuQesr  (S^nrLp^  ^^tb  ^jbpCS^  ^irjrLb. 

Have  one  only  of  the  community  as  a  friend,  and  a  woman  with- 
out ties  as  a  wife. 

1442.   ssff/flev  (oTettliutT^siir  eu^(^m  ^fSeuir&r  ^tr^uQufr&sr  LL€swL-tr 

The  washerman  knows  the  poor  of  a  village,  the  goldsmith  knows 
whose  ornaments  are  made  of  fine  gold. 


While  all  the  people  of  the  village  have  one  road  in  common,  do 
you  expect  one  for  yourself  ? 

^^  •  •  •  *  * 

1444.    esff(5«(5i^  ufr€i>euirir^^  e^eisr^)imQffiuiT  ^^L^uiLf6»(<^u  ufr<s\)eu.f  r 

Do  you  take  milk  on  account  of  the  community  or  to  promote  your 
own  health  ? 

tt9&)  eQ(L^iBfliTpQuiTe», 

As  if  a  lizard,  the  oracle  of  the  whole  village,  should  fall  into  a  pot 

Spoken  reproachfully,  when  a  person  remarkable  cither  by  position 
01*  profession,  has  done  something  injurious  to  his  reputation- 

The  liaard  — «-»•«©  a  newt— here  referred  to,  is  seen  on  the  wall* 
of  houses  in  India  and  Ceylon,  and  its  chirp  may  be  frequently  hettrd. 
Its  voice  is  never  disregarded  since  it  may  bear  a  message  of  great 
consequence  to  the  family  or  individual  concerned.  A  small  book 
called  tlie  ^hfister  of  the  Lizard  contains  all  needed  information  re- 
garding its  chirping.  On  hearing  it  the  facts  to  he  obberved  are  the 
point  of  the  co  npass,  the  hour  of  the  day  &c  These  being  known 
the  party  has  recourse  to  his  fotmula  and  nscei  tains  whether  the 
omen  is  auspicious  or  not.  The  premonitions  of  this  little  domesstic 
monitor  derive  their  significance  from  the  character  of  the  preter< 
natural  recent  who  may  at  the  time  preside  0%er  the  region  indi- 
cated by  the  chirp.  Thus  it  appears  that  the  shaster  of  the  domestic 
lizard  is  based  on  the  dogmas  of  Astrology. 

1446.    sfflr(5-«(5  ^«/r^a/sir  Q?LL®«(^io  ^^^/reir. 
He  who  is  useless  abroad  is  useless  at  home* 

^447.    sM(f^s(^  ^«/r^  i9srrSsir  ^frtiLjd(^  ^(^unr  ? 

Is  a  child  injiuious  to  the  community,  of  any  use  to  its  mother  I 

1448.    fiflf(5«i(5  ^i£>eo  ^iL(Sli(^  eu'i9pQpifi<F^e\), 
Fame  abroad  and  famine  at  home. 

140  uipQ  iLir^. 

1449.  s«ff(75<i(5  ^^fi^eum  \9eff^{uiTffQair{Qis\)  ^ewr^. 

He  who  was  fcoo  feeble  for  the  service  of  the  community  became  a 
devotee  in  the  temple  of  Genesha, 

In  Sanskrit  a  similar  proverb  exists  :  "The  dancing  girl  being  old 
tiAS  become  a  devotee*'  It  i«  a  case  not  of  breaking  awaj  froa 
sinful  habits,  bat  the  power  of  sinning  is  gone. 

1450.    ^M(^l^€isr  UCB)«<K®6U   Q(SltriFfL^m  Qa(5lLD, 

If  one  is  hated  by  the  whole  community  he  will  be  rooted  out. 

1451.    ^iSs.Qjrtki(^L£i  Quit  ^®  uiLt^eS, 

Fame  throughout  the  country,  at  home  starvation. 

Can  you  gain  anything  by  wallowing  and  weeping  because  fte 
village  is  prosperous  I 

Having  wandered  all  over  the  country  he  says,  what  advice  do 
you  give. 

1454.   figffOireu6U/rii)  s_i)(2p/r  ^m^uiLi^irio  Quir^  ^m^uSQeo, 

He  has  friends  in  every  part  of  the  village,  yet  his  bundle  is  left  in  [ 
the  public  road  after  sun-set-  j 

1455*    ^mQjT&ir^  ^(5^/^^^  uefn/DiS'QiFifitLfijD  ^(^^'^(^ti).  1 

Wherever  there  is  a  village  there  is  a  Parachiri, 

A  ParHcheiy  is  a  hamlet  of  Pariahs— 7non  caste  Natives.    Pariab« 
are  employed  iu  the  luwest  offices,  as  beaters  of  the  lomtoni  or  Native.: 
drum  on  festive  and  mournful  occasions      They  are  employed  toi 

publish  proclamations  &c ,  as  a  bell-man  in  Europe.  j 

^ I 

She  measures  the  village  with  an  ulak  and  the  province  with  a 

The  SLipff^  is  a  qitarter  of  a  ui^.  &.ip«tf  ir^r^^  three  eighths  of 
a  measure.  A  fifrifi  h  a  measure,  of  which  there  are  eight  in  a  utf 
&itir^^  mardil. 


When  told  to  visit  the.  village,  he  goes  to  the  Pariah  quarter. 

1458.  ^MenfTLj  t9if.ij£B  ^ioS  i9fffrSsfnufrenTfLjLD  i9if.^^^, 

Saturn  that  seized  the  village  seized  also  Ganesha* 
One  thing  hap^^ens  to  r11. 

Though  ose  goes  round  the  village  he  finds  no  help^  though  he 

goes  round  the  country  no  real  aid  can  be  got. 


H60.   ^mCoJTffL.  gj^««  ^0  IbirQl—ITL^  ibQ  ^(SI, 

If  the  people  of  the  village  flee,  join  theni}  if  the  whole  country 
flee,  flee  in  their  midst. 

U61.  ^ss.Qjrir^^:i^  effQ  uiLif.<ssSi, 

Distinguished  abroad,  starving  at  home* 

1^62.  2flE/f  ^(crjS/Daisir  QusssrQ  i9i^^^iTeo  ^(jL-leir  Q<rfr€\)6Q  Qp€^p 
uSlQSpj^  ? 
When  the  ruler  of  a  village  forcibly  takes  away  another  man  s  wife, 
to  whom  is  he  to  make  hi»  complaint ! 

1463.  sfiff/r  ^(T^<3sSp^  ^Q  ^0^^p^, 

The  village  still  exists  and  also  the  alms-dishes. 

U64.  gflr/r  ^jrGkfr(S.ULLL-frffo  ak.^^in^^(^6»  Q6str€ssru.rrLLL-ih, 

If  the  village  be  divided  into  two  parties,  it  will  be  advantageous 
to  the  commedians. 

H65.  Mff/r  ^'etruuui  eu6m^^^A(Qp  OfsBn^Cb. 

That  which  is  bad  or  exceptionable  in  a  village  i^  known  to  its 

The  clothes  of  all  pass  through  his  hands,  he  has  therefore  the 
opportuiiit)  of  inferring  much  from  their  condition^ 

1466.  saD[/r  ^^Gor®  i9^€ify^^(^,  (^errth  &.6z»r®  ^essresi!f(f^i(^^ 
There  is  a  village  for  alins,  and  a  tank  for  water. 

142  UtfiQlLlTL^^ 

1467.  SM/r  ^jf/^jS/D  Qa/revSso  ^^Q^^eu^i^u  utQUr  ^evSa). 

He  that  cultivates  a  field  on  the  outskirts  of  a  village  loses  ita^ 

1468.  ^sair  ^^^  Os'ds^^  fletrefi^pQufr^, 

As  if  a  whole  village  united  to  put  ao  oil-press  in  motion ; 

1469.  emn'^^(fie6(oi£ie\)  jnTLbuiremLa  0/sa®iSp;Sir  ?- 
What,  discharge  Rama's  arrow  at  a  sparrow  ? 

Wby  lavish  means  so  preeious.oii' obfectsso  mean  / 


1-470.     ^^MfrS^CSa/Tl^tLILD   /BfnLQdsQ^^fTL^lLUJD   «LZp-    tL^JT/sQ/D    Ljapl&i3B&)    JW 

When  the  poultry  of  the  village  and  th^  poultry  of  the  country  &t' 
large  come  together*  the  rice  in  the  mortar  is  spoiled.' 

1471.  sstLiT  fB^L^ih  sffirf?(?ev  (?^/r  fso^L-ih  Q^(meBQ&), 

Jboas  occurring  in  a-  vilkge  affects  the  community,  injury  occat 
sioned  by  a  temple  car  is  apparent  in  the  skfi^ 

1472.  sflff/r  fB^^Q^fT  eumu  /6S\)ev(o^rr  p 

Is  the  village^ood  Gt  your  descri|>tiou  T' 

To  kiss  the  child  of  another  is  bad  for.  the  lips. 

"»""— ^^" 

1474.  ^sunremresyiULj  ul.<59lLQ  QpL^evfTLbfr.p 

Is  it  possible  to  shut. the  mouth  .of  a  village  by  a, hurdle. 

If .  the  village  berproeperousT-thjsre.  will  be  an  opening  for  abasr 

1476*   ^ML^imtnu€Fe'<so  ^^sth  ^g)6U  (^^iuisfTjT&ff  Oa/TwSsir. 
When  epidemic  feveri prevails,  sorcerers  abound. . 

Though  the  .world  come  to  an  end  do  not  remit  your  eflfortsr. 


h  there  an  v  power  greater  than  destiny  T 

Destiny  and  exertioa.must  go  together. 

1480.  PM^-pssO^irQ^^  ^tf.  e_<FScnuJ  fi_5WL-<iffi^j5/, 

The  staff  I  gave  forhiij  support  breaks,  the  crp^wo  of  my  head:^ 


(snsjssrrfrev  g^^jpjld  ^3?^S50  (srsveofTLb  &-fSJiBefr  ^urunii, 
Nothiiig  lies  in  oar  might,  all  mipst  be  done  by  you. 

-         Choultries  everywhere,  but  no  place  of  accommodation. 

No  matter  where  hit,  a^^dog  when  struck  lifts  up  his  leg. . 

^      Wherever  there  is  smoke  there  is  fire. 

1|185.  <oTa'&2iso^^<3isr^  ^Ljuw  ^iLL^irpQufTso^^ 
like  belching  after  eating  leavihgs*^^ 

i486.    sT^Qdso^  ^m^  :iJ^  ^(r^L£i(r  ? 

Can.hunger  be  appeased  by  eating  leavings  I 

Aclodis  the  support  ofTthis  ifaf-plate,  aadttheJeaf^pkite  is  thQ:^ 
support  .of  the.  clod. 

Slitting  abmt  will  drive  one  to  beggary,  and  ceremonial  itopuritj;\ 
toU  scatterjarfBtwily^ . 


144  utfiQu^rrifi. 

He  will  not  scare  away  a  crow  with  an  unwashen  hand. 

Did  they  order  the  leavings  to  be  removed,  or  an  account  to  k 
taken  of  the  number  who  had  eaten  ? 

If  you  eat  offal  eat  heartily,  if  you  listen  to  abusive  language,  lisUn 
till  day-break. 

1492-   (5r^SeS2sO^(^  rsfnu  ^i^^^dQ^ireirrQ  /9jb8p^(Sufre». 

As  dogs  impatiently  wait  for  leaf-plates. 

■  III 

1493.  (oTiF^Ssoi  ^(LpeQ  2-6ir  3t^^ji^(Seo  eurrir. 

Wash  off  the  refuse  and  pour  the  water  on  your  clean  pei^son* 
Spoken  in  derision  of  affected  cleaDliness. 


1494.  (srQisBQp&fresnii  s^esifi  ^(Sul/  ^i^m^  €St(ipiB^fitrin.  ! 

It  is  said  that  the  ass  fell  down  with  a  broken  hip  as  soon  as  ft  was 

1495.  (srQisu  QuJTcsr  ^infriLif.  ^Oljl/  ^t^kjp  eB(i^iBfifrerrfrih, 

It  is  said  that  the  wealthy  matron,  whom  one  had  gone  to  take  inj 
marriage,  fell  down,  her  waist  having  broken. 

1496.  (orQ^^fT^LD  UEJ^fr(7^uQuiLtf.0f>iu    cr®<i<s5(?fiU6wr(S)ti    ^(5®^^ 

If  you  steal,  take  away  a  golden  casket;  if  you  are  impaled,  endure 
the  pitnisloxient  on  an  omameiited  staka 

14^97.   »r®^;»  mes)Lb  arLD/B/assdQevfr  ^pisCSeuein'Qtli  ? 

A  burden  must  be  first  carried^  must  it  not,  before  it  ia  put  doirli ! 

■        t        I  I 

1498.   (StQ^^  ^^^^  QuiTd^eir  i^^GUir^, 
Things  unused)  spoil. 

tlMit  PKortEBS.  U5 

Will  the  lifted  foot  be  drawn  back  I 

How  loDg  can  an  ox  |)loiigh  that  requires  to  be  lifted  op  ? 

1501.  srQuLJ^  \S^es>^  ^^ea^  usve\)d(^. 

His  occapatidn  is  begging,  his  conveyance  a  palanquin. 

.  1502.  €r®LJUfr(i^LD    i9if.uuir(T^ui    c_6wr£-/rg)cu    ^SswUL/ii    fi^eSuLfLb 

Where  many  are  in  attendance  to  lift  up  and  9UppiHrt;  there  will 
be  weariness  and  fainting. 


1503.  erQuufriir  esisi   gtp/ico^. 
A  baby  in  the  arms* 

■  1504.  erQuufrir  inQ^eneu^  /sQuufrnr  t^eQemujds  Qs/rQuu/rir  ^(^es^ub. 

There  are  who  take  up  the  battle  axe»  and  there  aa*^.  who  stop  tigers^ 
but  givers  a^e  scarce. 

1505.  6r®L/L/«wr^  «6i)L/«DU  ^Q^i^  e-Qpisiir  ? 
Will  a  worn  out  ploogh  la&t  long  I 

1506.  uififi5es)f5u  uirir^^s  Q^iriLu^rreQ.  eSt^L^^Qufreo^ 
As  one  gazed  ind  gaped  at  a  fruit  beydnd  his  i::eaoh* 

1507.  etiLi^nu  ^  Qpsiirri(^  ^iLQth  li  /giB9(^^(^^ 
Flowers  beyohd  reaeh  are  sacred  to  Odd,  but  those  within  reach 

are  for  themsfelyes* 

What !  is  it  to  reach  up  a?id  cuff^  and  coWer  and  cling  to  the  feet  T 

1509.  ertLt^  U(m^^  creircar,  fpujfr^frir  eurry^/6^  creireijr? 

What  if  the  fi^it  of  the  etti  tree  (strychnos  nux  vomica)  tipeiis  ;  of 
what  use  is  the  prosperity  of  the  niggardly  T 

Though  a  poiwnQVA  tree,  it  should  be  green. 


Cut  not  down  the  tree  y ou.  plantedi  tboagb  iiis  the  (sta-ychnos 
nuy.  vomica^) 

I  halite  observed. among,  inaay  natives  a,remitrkable  disiiiclinatioo 
io<  cut  down  treep.:  though  nut  rational  creatures  they  are  said  to 
have  one  sens€|.^/i9o/. 

151;2i   (oTL-i^65(^u     uirevjsunrir^^    eueirfr^^'Sg'^Lb    ^js^ulj    2L6wr/-r 

Although  you  may  nourish  an  etti  tree  by  pourinj  milk  at  its. 
r4>ot,  wilt  it  become  sweet  T' 

1513.   (onLi^iQQe^.  miLQubiLbULpm-  ^^eirn^frCoLDf  ?- 
Will  an  etti  tree  bear  graft-mangoes  !* 

1^514.   <oTiLtjf.u_iL-Q&sr.  Q&^friB^  ^«V6i/to    ^uuSlLb, 

Even  the  silk-cotton  tree  growing  by  the  etti  will  also  bo  con-- 
sum^dby  firp. 

EvU  association  brings  destinictioQ« 

-  -         I  f 

151'5.   ^LLtf.^(5\).  (^(SliSte^ipLf   i^Lf^^^p^^  (oTiLu-freffiLL^frev    sjr^u 

If  it  can  be  reached,  seizing  by  th^  kud  ami  kni^t  of  hair,  if  not, 
clingin^to  the  fe^t. 

Gan  you  strike  your  head  against  a  dwarf  wall  when  peeping  on. 

151:7".   (oilLi^  ertLtf-LJ  ufriTuun^fk  <c;j€sS^s>eu^]^u'uw<iruusr^      (^l-  \ 

There  are  who  peepontiptoajthei'A  are  who  peep  on  a  ladder,, 
there  are  those  ^who  peep  ov«r  ^  dwarf  wall  croucl\ingj^^ 

Though  an  et(ijtr«^;  hg  who   laatedit  will  .like  it*; 


1515-.  erL-if^uuLfi^an^  ^^QaSpfEn  ? 
What,  is  an  etti  fruit  to  be  desired  ? 

Eight  old  men  conjointly  took  to  wife  a  bald-headed  old  woman* 

\  1521.  (ortL®i  (S<i3^  ^u^^^tT^u^  ^L^if-kspSi  .^«/r^. 
Eight  chickens  are  not  sufBcient  for  a  chatty  of  curry. 

1522.  ctlL®  euQ^s^^i^  errr^ssiLDidsi^fr  (ztXH^^u  Quits  eutfi  Q^as'S  Ssort 

A  buffalo  eight  years  old  is. at  aloss  to-find  its  way  to  the  tank« 

1523.  eT€S!sra=!ressT  8>_L-iiL/m  6^(5  ^ir^^^Q&r^, 
My  eight-span  body  i&  induced  to  one  span* 

1524.  (oTessT^fTeisr  SLi— iiL9(?i6U  ^eaeir^^^  mrreasnh  ^^Sso. 
There  is  not  a  grain  of  modesty  in  hit  eight-span  body, 

i525.  6r6wr«^/r6<£yr  &iL^iJDi9p:)(^Lb  ^jrQ&=  iQjr^rrevnh, 
The  head  is  the  chief  part  of  the  eight-span  body. 

1526.  erekfressTLD  cr^eu/rzi  Qumu  cri/jcir  gjSso  Qldui, 

All  02<r  thoughts  are  vain>  the  ola  of  Yama  is  real: 

Ola  is  the  name  of  the  Palmyra  palm  leflf.  On  this  material,  books; 
aecounUi  eorinspond^nce  ^.,  are  wi'itten  with  an  iron  pen> 
Several  of  the  Tamil  books  I  first  read  were  written  on  oU.  Yama, 
the  regent  of  the  dead,  is  graphically  represented. as  stretching  out 
his  hand  to  deliver  the  ord^r  for  departure. 

1527.  cressressTLD  eriocvrrLD  Oufnu  ^efi^ua  QtbiLi, 
Expectations  are  all  unreal,  a  despicable  condition  is  a  reality. 

^>w^— ^~»»w« 

1528.  (ovessrGssrpi   mpv^    (STQ^^^p   enfr&i^ftfr^Ln    Queisr  Lfji^  iSieir 

No  matter  bow  skilled  a  woman  may  be  in  numbers  and  letter»>^ 
her  judgment  will  be  second  rate. 

Many  modern  Hindus  of  the  day  (1873;  though  ifaemsdlYes  earnest 
about  Universitj  boaors,  eyince  but  very  little  intereit  regt^r$ling  the<^ 

14S  u  tfiQiLtr  l3' 

intellectual  and  mora!  culture  of  their  daughters  The  Re?  K.  M. 
Banerjee,  a  learned  brahman  of  Calcutta,  verjr  recently  gave  a  sad 
account  of  the  disabilitiee  to  whieh  native  ladies  in  that  city  aie 

1529.   GT^emuuL-u.    (^^^s)jr     eTeve\>/nii     LaGfsrSsmu    (SuinLQiQsi! 

Whilst  horses  of  the  first  blood  lick  the  ground,  tie  miserable 
tattoo  is  neighing  for  gram. 

1530.     (oTGSSTGPSTlJb  J^pp   ^JTIT^SFGir  UGST/SQeUlLGSiL-   ^tf-^pQufTSO, 

As  an  incautions  king  went  to  hunt  wild  hog. 

1531.  (sressTGssTU^  erev^frih  Ouirtu  ^(Lg^^m  ist(m^^  Qibiu, 

All  imaginations  may  be  false,  that  which  is  written  is  feihie,  certain. 

1532.  ^6wr    ^evevfT/semr    sethr     ^evevtr^eufTy    ^Qp^^    ^eoeoir^aiif 

Those  who  are  ignorant  of  figures  have  no  ey^a,  those  who  are 
ignorant  of  letters  have  no  head. 

1533.  <oT0ssT€Si^<aF  Qs'dj&peum  Q^iLt^  ereifir^LDp  Q^djQpeu&r  idiLi^, 

He  who  acts  after  due  consideration  is  a  chitty  a  superior  imi»» 
he  who  acts  without  consideration  is  a  matti  a  fooL 

Trade  requires  forethought,  agriculture  reqiiires  none. 
1535.  eTGsisretsSiU  eressrmrLD  <oT<^(qSfif.  ^eifr^  ere^jpi  jycwip^^  Qp^p 

What  was  our  exp^tation,  aiid  what  led  you  to  call  me  elder 
brother  t 

1536.   €r^aS^  jpesSfSiJ j^^q^ldio^  ^asHi^iSi&r   crswr^gya/^   §)(tf 

An  action  undertaken  after  doe  CMigiieriktion  may  pr<nfc  tuecessful, 
consideration  after  action  may  end  in  dis^^e. 



A  brilliant  crowo  for  an  illustrious  fanuly. 

1538.  ffTGtkfrO&muj  Qpm^QpQ^ir   ^iFl  Qpm^QpQfBtr  ? 

It  is  questionable  which  will  be  Jirsi  conmmed,  the  oil  or  the  wick. 

1539.  CTCMrQaaruj  Qufr^s  (7p(i^Q(^s^ih  (SfQ^fl^u  Quirm^  Q^iiuuirjir 

Although  oil  may  be  washed  oflf,  can  the  writing  of  Brahma  be 
rubbed  off? 

As  regards  the  child's  recovery,  nothing  has  resulted  but  an  ex- 
penditure of  oil. 

1541.  €T6ssrOemiu<s  (^L-^es)^^  s^pjpito  crjpiiLDLfQuiTG^^ 
Like  ants  round  a  pot  of  oil. 

I  ...         ; — 

1542.  ereiinQ&fsruJLJ  t9m^QiUir  euakfressru  t9efrSsstr(Sdu/r  ? 
It  the  beauty  attributable  to  oil,  or  is  it  real  ? 

He  who  excels  in  figures  excels  in  strength. 

1544.  er^/r(^^€\)  QuS^eo  ^au€^u<s'  ^^luih  esywuQu^, 
]f  you  speak  a  word,  I  will  place  before  y<?u  an  ^wpty  ladle. 

1545.  <sTflsirir^^eu!TSl  0<si/(g;  ^<ssr  eSQ^/r.^^ 
He  who  is  truthful  may  be  the  epemy  of  many. 

1546.  er^/fl  ^dsfrLJUUifri^e\)  QfSfruih  ^•eifr't^ui3jr<3F6mL-ix>, 

If  the  opposite  party  be  inferior  in  position,  the  anger  of  his  enemy 
will  rage  like  a  tempest. 

1547.  6r^rf?«(^  ^etr<35<%nrjruifnLji3=  Q^frev^iSp^rr  ? 
What,  is  it  to  yield  to  an  opponent  i 

1548.  er^ir^^  effQ  (qTStreSi  eB'Qy  Jjf®^^  eff®  j^ihuiLt^ek  gPQ^ 

The  house  opposite  is  the  washerman's,  and  my  next  door  neigh- 
bour is  a  barber. 

190  utfiQtnirip. 

♦1549.   er^irePQ   (sjs/reQ  ^(S);  udss^^   off"®   uemflQfa'ujusu^  .£(^1, 

The  opposite  house  is  the  washerman's,  the  adjoining  house  is  the 
goldsmith's,  and  the  next  to  mine  is  that  of  the  barber. 

1550.   ^^fT^s/S0uesr  ^ezo/p  (srmQjfeo  Q^ituld  ^esoTL^nreinii, 

When  the  opposed  is  poor,  the  anger  of  his  opponent  ends  in 

No  matter  how  any  thing  may  go,  each  should  mind  his  own 

No  matter  how  frequently  it  may  be  polished,  the  bad  odour  of 
brass  will  not  leave  it. 

Though  iron  may  be  heated  never  so  much,  it  will  not  become  gold. 

^iS\)€^inCipQuiTU^T  ? 

However  poor  one  may  be,  will  he  not  possess  gold,  at  least  of  the 
value  of  a  lemon  ? 

t555.   ^^^rrp  i9^fnifi<id5e\)irtjb  ^fs^^p  i9es)tfi'iae\)frih* 
How  may  we  subsist !  if  united  we  may  subsist. 

1556.   <ST^^(S(so  t9<^rrSstr  Qupjpj  ^jreueSKo^  ^ir<s\iirL-(BiQpjgp. 

Bringing  forth  a  child  without  costi  and  rocking  it  in  a  borrowed 

1557,  <oT^Q^6F  sir^(ipth  eup(nf>LJ  Quq^^  ^(ip^^iruh^ 
An  ocean  that  knows  no  ebb  anywhere  at  any  time. 

1558'   cr/5^  ^iLi^Qr.Lo  ^iLi—^^iLi^i  sh-Q^tii, 

The  more  an  instrument  is  whetted,  the  sharper  it  becomes. 


Though  the  leaves  of  other  trees  may  fall  off,  those  of  the  date-palm 
will  DOt* 

It  is  not  known  what  species  of  snake  tnay  be  found  in  any  partic- 
ular hole. 

1561.  cri^  eufr6S(mLj  Qufriu^^rr^ih  ^/B^6u/r<i(mu  Qu/nuiufr^, 

Whatever  else  may  fail  the  woris,  marks,  of  low  breeding  will  not 


1562,  a'mQ/Bjr(ipih  ^'Skf<mQiJff)ffo  &cmi^(u  ^q^iStQjf&ar, 
His  eye  is  always  upon  ber. 

1563.  STiJb^i(^  euL^afTLLQeufTvir^ 

He  can  pilot  Yama,  Ae  regmt  of  the  deaxl^ 

'    1564.  ertoesr  LSeVSsrr^DttJ/j  Qunu  \9i^i(wui!r  ? 

Will  a  demon  seize  the  child  of  Yania,  thi  regeitt  of  tlie  dedd  ? 

1565.  crtiiQ-Efen&ir  €TUJfifrs\)  ^thuj  toreireifr  Q<3'iLJiLiuip 
What  can  the  arrow  do  if  discharged  by  a  skilful  archer  ? 

1566.  sroj^euesT  @(T5««  jytisinu  Q/s/reurrQssr^  ? 
Why  blame  the  arrow,  letting  the  archer  go  free  ? 

1567.  (STifiSp  Q^fTefTsiflesxLi  (^pfB  ^efreS\<ssr^Qu!Teo^ 
As  a  burning  firebrand  was  pushed  into  the  hearth- 

1568.  <srS\Sip  Q^fr&r<sif^u9'&)   ^ti^i  Q^Bfretreifl  /sffocv  Q^frm&d  P 
Which  of  the  burning  firebrands  is  the  best  ? 

1569.  €r£Sp€a)jsu  i9QiBjS^e\)  Qmir^iQp^  ^l^iei(^ld. 
If  the  buruing  fuel  be  removed*  the  bubbling  will  cease. 

1570.  (srifiSp  QfS(7^u€9)u  (srcrnQmsriu  gQlL®  j^sB<x4c^friiir  ? 
May  a  burning  fii'e  be  extinguished  by  pouring  oil  on  it  I 

1571.  cr/f?®/D  QfBQ^uiSQev  Qmiu  dSiiLi-.^(Suirs\>^ 
As  if  ghee  were  poured  on  a  flaming  fire. 

152  uipQlintr0. 

1572.   ^iffSp    e^iLetnu.  ^eBisi    &^sisfjpi  QculLl-    m/r^    uirir^^^ 

like  seeking  an  auspicious  day,  to  dig  a  well  in  order  to  quencb 
the  flames  of  a  house  on  fire. 

1573.  ^/flSp  effiLi^p  i9(SliEJ(yjSpjsj  evn-uih. 

Whatever  is  abstracted  from  a  burning  house  is  a  galu. 

1574.  <5rQ^^&sr  Ljeifressfl/b(^^  ^iru^ueo  m^/i^. 
Ashes  are  medicine  for  the  sores  of  a  bull. 

The  buffalo  suffers  from  the  smarting  of  its  fiores^  a.nd  the  cro^ 
that  picks  them  suffers  from  the  smarting  of  hunger. 

1576.  <orQ^^  QsTr(ip^flirio  Q^ir(i£€a^^io  ^jrfr^,  uempiu&ir  O^/roj 

^ir&o  urruSi€\)  §l)jrfrek. 

If  an  ox  grow  fat,  it  will  not  remain  in  a  stall ;  if  a  Pariah  becomes 
rich,  he  will  not  sit  on  a  mat- 

1577.  ^oTQ^^  Qmiresiiu  i8hsmi(^Lby  ^/riew*  uSetniu  /d2ssrd(^ih^ 
The  ox  feels  the  pain,  the  crow  its  hunger. 

1578.  ^(5^  QiBiTiu  «/r««D<s5<i(g^  Q^iftu-iu^fr  ? 

Is  a  crow  aware  what  pain  it  occasions  when  picking  the  sore  of 
an  ox? 

If  it  be  reported,  that  the  bull  has  a  calf,  he  will  say,  O,  tie  it  up 
in  the  stall. 

1580.  ^(fi^^  QsL-t^mrs(^tJb  gtlLQl^    sQi^fnu,   ^mibiS&T^^flffii 

^'^Sf^Lb  erilKoL.    ssQiSafTiu, 

Giving  eight  gall  nuts  to  him  who  has  lost  a  bull,  and  eight  to  a  . 
woman  in  the  first  stage  of  pregnancy. 

1581,  <oTQ^^  eumEi(^Qp&srQ€sr   LfsisrQ^ujs^  ^-(iP   ^^Si(afdj^ 
You  bid  me  plough  the  dry  land  before  the  ox  is  bought. 


Ifl  its  shed  put  up  where  the  bull  may  ihiak  fit  T 

'I    ^■»i 


158S.  ^(T^^  (SmtrumQ^ireifrQ  ujrQ^^Lb  (SufrGsr^Quire^^ 
As  a  hull  went  away  in  a  rage  to  a  fosreign  country* 

1584.  «r(5  j57  u^&npsBp  Lfev^/i  ^mSi(n^iuir  p- 
Dost  thou  eat  grass  screened  by  a  bull  f 

Is  its  shed  to  be  burnt  down  because  the  ox  is  sick  ? 

What  matters  the  ruggedness  of  the  road  if  the  bullocks  and  bandy- 
a  country  cart-bold  together  ? 

Though  it  is  a  male  buffalo,  you  ask  me  if  there  be  not  a  drop  of 
milk  for  the  cbild. 

1588.  6r063)/i5  eufTiEir^Qpeir  O^ujaSSso  3h.^8(rrf>iu, 
Tou  publish  the  price  of  ghee  before  buying  a  buffalo. 

1589.  erQ^enibi  QdBfTLDLj  iB?j5tirSip^p(^(ip^Qssr  enr^u^  ^jru^  u^sinip 

It  will  raia  seventy  times  before  a  buffalo's  horns  will  be  wet. 

1590.  6r063)LD<i  (Sasfrmiuth  <sr&®iu^^p(^  ^(cKLQ/t  ? 
"Will  the  dung  of  the  buffalo  serve  for  sacrificial  purposes  ? 

1^91.  etq^^u^  u^tTL-tf-mQibs^)  tn&DLp  Qudj^jpQuirs^^ 
As  it  rained  on  a  buffalo* 

Brands  on  a  buffalo  however  numerous  will  scajrcely  appear,  but  a 
single  brand  on  a  cow  will  be  visible. 

154j  uifiQu^frifi. 

1593.  ioTnFS^ua  ^Q^i^^vCSevrr  urrio  ap^<3s(o3Ucifr®ih  ? 

We  may  milk  may  we  not,  provided  there  be  a  buffalo  ? 

1594.  <oTn^eif)LDu9^u^  QsueiretrfrQ  erp^^p^^u^^  ? 
Will  a  goat  yield  more  milk  than  a  buffalo  ? 

1595.  <oTnF^si^^(^Lj  Qutr(SsreiS<5sr  ^dsiriu/rSsirds  (ssi^ui9i^^^!rpQun&.  > 
As  he  who  went  in  search  of  manure,  seized  the  hand  of  a  maiden 

1596.  erQ^6ij<i(^Lj  Qurreareu&sr  (sr ^ lQ 3" ^ Lbu ipuh  <or(^^^j^(Sufrso, 
As  he  who  went  to  pick  up  cow-dung,  gjithered  lemons. 

1597.  <sT<oQ  ^u^mem^Q^wQi^  QufrSssrp^   <srmS(ym, 
He  says  that  the  rat  goes  naked. 

1598.  (otS  ^(L^^!r(5\)  n^evr  eSiQiMir  ? 

Will  the  cat  leave  its  hold  on  the  crying  of  the  rat  ? 

Although  the  rat  may  cry  and  lament,  the  cat  will  not  relinquidi 
its  hold.  i 

The  rat  nibbles  the  grain,  but  it  does  not  carry  off  the  basket 
Where  there  is  a  rat,  there  will  also  be  a  snake. 
Like  burning  down  the  house  for  fear  of  rats. 

1603.     <5TsQ<i(^U   l9jr/ri^6U3fV6lD^   Ll25Sr<i(^i    Q^fTsmTL-inLl^LD, 

The  death-struggle  of  a  rat  is  the  sport  of  a  cat. 

The  snake's  fear  of  him  who  catches  it,  is  favourable  to  the  nd 
when  the  strong  fear  the  king,  the  weak  are  benefited. 


1605.  CTsSi^  LL€Ssfliuih  «*QiS2or  ^^iSp^^trm, 
Ihe  business  of  the  rat  is  to  burrow  in  the  walL 

160G.  OTgfl  ^^SQeo  Qs/ri^KsQ  e9(ipii^j^Qu!TS\), 
As  an  axe  fell  on  the  head  of  the  rat 

1607.  (srgfl  ^SsooS^i)  Q^fTL^iTLCi  ^9-/5^  (^Q£iii^Trp\Durreo, 
L         As  if  the  tower  of  the  temple  should  fall  on  the  head  of  a  rat. 

1 1608.  ers9  ^3s»r65)aj  Qeuso^inir  P 
Can  a  rat  overcome  a  cat  T 

1609.  <5tS  Li2ssri(^^  &'6\)/nhuessT^ii6U^CoUir€\), 
As  a  rat  makes  salaam  to  a  cat. 

I610'  (or(aSiLji9q£i<ss)^    ^pui9s\)  ^Q^i^  (oTi^Tear,  eujruLSl^    ®C5^.J^ 

What  matters  it  whether  the  droppings  of  a  rat  are  in  the  inside 
of  a  sloping  roof,  or  on  the  ridge  of  a  cornfield  I 

Living  like  a  rat  and  a  cat. 

1612.  (oreQiLfth  ^Ssrr/iyiL  ^Ssssrfk^  eQS^frujfti^esr^Qufrsd. 
As  the  rat  and  the  cat  united  in  sport. 

Will  the  cat  be  alarmed  at  the  sight  of  a  rat  ? 

1614.  toTsQisiDaji  cSsaafT®  Li^ssr  (StieiS  <^iBiQ<k  ®L-<i^C?tz)/r  p 
Will  a  cat  be  greatly  alarmed  at  the  sight  of  a  rat  ? 

[1615.  crsSaiSstr  .^/^j^/i  ^saflsu^iofr   QeuemQCb, 

A  separate  hole  is  to  be  preferred  though  it  be  a  rat-hole. 
One's  own  cot  is  desirable  however  humble. 

►16.  OTsfl  eS^Q  slLu-U  ufTLdLj  (^L^Qsfr6rr(fft^ih, 
A  rat  makes  the  hole,  a  snake  inhabits  it. 

>17.  er sS Q ^ iL&tn L^^ (^^  ^sQ&o  ^i^uuirinr  ? 
Do  they  beat  a  tomtom  when  hunting  rata  I 

156  uifiQLDirifi. 

1618«   <ST^LSi^^ii^fT[um(^u  Lfefl  ^pjpiSip^QuiTeo, 
Like  infusing  acidity  into  d.  lemon. 

1619.   €r^L3^<3F^Qi9'tf-6S(^  <or(j^u  QuiTiLi—frpQuiTeo, 
Like  manuring  a  lemon  tree. 

-IN  t»—^^'^"<* 

1620.  .^Jii/ti^  ^i^iSlp  mfriuif^u  uQ^uLf^Q^trj^  <cj^  ? 
Why  give  pulse  to  a  dog  that  gnaws  bones  t 

1621.     <oT^UhLf  ^l^^Qp    fBirdj   ^(T^LDLf  i3Slf.'i(^LDn'  ? 

Can  a  dog  that  gnaws  bones  bite  iron  ? 

1622.  ere^iuiLj  ^6vs\)fr  rsnr  €re\)s\)iu^  Qu^ld^ 
A  boneless  tongue  may  sisty  any  thing.' 

1623.  (ore\)eoirth     ^fSik^eu^th  .^evSsu^      ^^^nih     ^jiSiufr^eu^iJb 
No  one  knows  everything,  nor  is  any  one  ignorant  of  everything. 

Everything  wanted  is  in  the  box,  but  there  is  no  chatty  in  ^whidki 
to  macerate  the  vegetable  currj'. 

1625.  €re\)€Vfr^   ^^u9^ld    ctlLQ  ^Q^fl^^,    er&sr  /^2eoii9Qeo    uji^ 

On  all  heads  there  are  eight  letters,  on  mine  there  are  ten. 

1626.  «r6X)«v/r0«(gii  Q^trso^u^rrLb  ueoeBy  fBtresr  Qumui  dsirip.Lji_jnr2eat 

It  is  said  that  the  lizard  which  uttered  prognostications,  will  ga 
and  fall  into  the  refuse  pan. 

1627.  Greve\)ir  Ln^SQpiii  ^TiLiiBfiir^^p(fif&^  eu^Sp^* 
It  is  in  the  evening  that  all  the  mosquitos  come. ' 

1628.  6roV6V/r(j5<i(-^ti  ^W?  ^q^u^lj (Surrey),  er&fr^(y^^  ^eS  mSeoCoLj/reoM 
Saturn  who  is  a  mere  straw  to  all  other  men,  to  me  is  as  a  moan  tain.] 


|1629.  OTfiveu/r^LD  o/r*^  ^o/esr  ^q^  (o/STuLf, 

All  other  men  are  areca-nuta^  but  this  man  id  a  grove  of  areca- 

1630.  6rg\)6U/r0/i  ^QdQ&srStp  ^es)ifi/k^tr&)   ^eu^    (Sd^iteo^^mSip 

If  all  can  hide  themselres  under  a  small  mat,  he  can  coneeal  him- 
self und.T  the  ornamental  drawing  on  the  floor. 

Thl3  (^mireknh  h^rc  meattoned  is  a  floor  ornament  Tery  commonly 
formed  at  the  entranoe  of  a  native  house  :  the  form  is  oiroular.  These 
oi^naments  ai*e  renewed  every  mornings  They  contain  various  de- 
vices, lu  some  a  temple  car  as  delineated,  in  others  trees,  birds, 
'  flowers  They  are  generally  striking  because  the  combinations  indi- 
cate considerable  skill.  It  may  be  that  they  are  oonnected  with 
the  prevalent  ideiMi  regarding  the  evil  eye.  , 

AU  the  skill  in  steering  centres  in  the  out-rigger. 

Oot-rigger  boats  or  canoies  are  common  on  the  south  Western  coast 
of  Ceylon.  They  are  very  sWift  and  most  safe.  In  1848  when  at 
Colombo  duty  called  me  daily  to  a  large  ship  at  the  time  out  in  the 
offlng  anchored  in  seven  fathoms  of  Water.  On  the  bccasion  under 
notice  I  went  on  board  in  an  btdibarjr  Cii)galese  dtit-rigger  canoe. 
In  the  evening  after  having  Completed  the  berths,  for  my  two 
daughters  who  were  going  home  for  education,  I  betook  myself  to  the 
boat,  and  soon  after  we  got  clear  of  the  ship  the  boat  Iras  struck  in 
the  stern,  filled,  and  went  down.  When  I  emerged  from  the  waves 
I  found  myself  near  one  of  the  two  brackets  of  the  out-rigger.  The 
cauoe  was  submerged  but  could  not  sink  lower  than  the  ends  of 
the  brackets  tied  to  her  side.  The  oni-rigger  at  the  other  end  of  the 
brackets  was  floating  on  the  surface  of  the  sea,  the  canoe  being 
suspended  by  it  like  a  pair  of  scales  from  a  beam.  Aided  by  one  of 
those  brackets,  which  I  pressed  to  my  bosom,  and  a  Chubb's  Palan- 
quin box,  I  gained  the  rocks  soon  after  sunset  and  esoap^d  to  land. 

All  mr  progress  depend*  pn  ttie  outrigger. 


158  UtfiQlLfTlfi. 

1633.  (orsdio\)ir(mLD  /5^ev/rjr/r,  seo  er^ev/r/i  ihrresSi^oLLir  ? 
Are  all  men  good  meiii  are  all  stones  rubies  ? 

1634.  <oTe\)(j\)fr    GewSso/L/zi   Q^'djsuir&ir^  Q^^^ireo    i^szoLp-i^LD/rLLL-zrar. 
He  can  do  all  things,  but  when  dead  he  cannot  resuscitate  himself 

1635.  <5ra)cv/r0ii)  suusv    (^^ujinBp^   ^^   ^iLUitr^rr    QuirpuL 
L-ii  SL-u.LjQufrQQjf'ir^ 
All  have  embarked,  my  uncle  is  about  to  receive  a  golden  mark  of 

Spoken  of  aspj  nations  beyond  one*8  merits. 

1'636'    (oT^ei'trQ^Lb  ^fiS  ^Ssrr^^  (^^<q^irii3^v  ^ir&v^QflujfriT  <^  rB^  ^& 

On  mounting  a  jaded  horse  that  all  had  ridden,  the  astrologer 
slipped  and  fell  down, 

1637.  <sT6^^/r£i  ^/Si^Lpy  a(LpiSirLJurrSoary9€\)  (SS)'%iS(SlSpsn'  P 

What,  is.  one  who  knows  all  things,  to  put  his  hand  into  filthy 
water  ? 

1638.  <srev2so  ufTLpuiLi^rr^th  0«/r^25ui<55z_e5)i/)  eQi—frir, 

Though  the.  landniivrks  be    destroyed,  they  wilL  not  remit  the; 
ground-re?it,  j 

1639.  ezewcar  ^SI^ild  ^irek  ^iT3i  LD(m/h\^  ^i^emufr^  ?;- 
Will  Siiny  one  take  medicine  to  poison  r  himself  T 

1640.  <oT(L£.^fT<k  at-.^k(^  ^(T^^freo  ^Q^u^fr? 

Will  crying  avail. for  money  lent  of  whichvUOt  account  has  been 

II.         III! 

T.he!  condition  of  the  man  who  keeps  no  accouats  is  like  the  place 
in  which  an  ass  has  rolled  itself « 

Will  destiny  be  averted  by  weeping  T 

1613.  ^(Lp^eu^  ^(7^eg)iti  (srQp^€fiTssy^u  UQpjsp  eurr^uu^  ^^siryu^. 
Writing  i&imp#rtAZit,  reading  correctly  wh^t  is  written,,  is  more  so. 

UH,  'oTQp^.Spj^    QuiB^    jycweu,      ^sstlo    ji/filiB^     Q^niQp^ 

To  be  able  to  write  is  no  great  matter ;  to  compose  harmoniously 
'    is  great. 

The  washerman  who  had  learnt  his  letter^  threw  away  his  olai 

l-6:lfi.  ^Qp^^  ^.(Bk^  i^m€Sfm  QtiB^^^ pSifb^trm  g^Ssus^rT/u, 

The  king  who  h^  learnt  his  lettera  tore  and  threw  away  his  ola. 

It  would  appear  that  the  two  preceding  proverbs  relate  to  persons 
whg  suppose,  that^ ability  torea(}  supercedes- all  records. 


?)i7.  <sT(i^^^^^u  uirevLbirjSlssr  ^essr^i^^u^  9LJSim^^(^u  urrevtLT 

The  cafQUtn  who  neglects  his  accounts,  and 'the  dancipg  girl  who. 
is  careless  abou^^herdress^  will  come  to  grief. 

He  would  rise,  but  he  has  no  feeti, 

Though  seventy  years^  old,  a  Pariah  will  do  nothing*  unless  he  iss 

)50.  <5T(L^u^  (2ueif>fri  Q^rrmp  uQiSeQ] 

A  cruel  NIli-tc;wiau-who  killed  seventy  persons^ 

The  mother  of  Vairavi  is  the  patroness  of  the  poor  and  of '^boatSs 

552.  €reifluj€U&r  iSlett^    -%^&¥^    Q^FUJu^Loi    3'L^m(Q    Qe^iLiuQeueisr 

Though  the  child  of  a  poor  womafU^  th^  aocustomed  rites ,  must  be- 

160  o  ifiQibir  L^. 

1653.  er&flujeuSesr  ^t^/i^u  i-i&flttJiiasfnu  ufS^flirp^uireo^ 
Like  beating  a  poor  man,  and  plucking  hiB  tamarind  fruits 

1 654.  eT&flujeu£pji(^u  QueasTL^fTUJ  ^^iSp^^ih  eue9iU€u^i(ff^  jftf- 

It  is  better  to  be  the  slave  of  the  wealthy,  th&n  the  wife  of  the  in- 


'i  ■ 

1655.  cr6»8(U6wS5W«  semQ  eisinuireo  <s^ujdiS(n^^, 

Seeing  that  the  man  is  poor,  he  deceives  him  by  fair  wOrds. 

1656.  erefliueu&sf  OiJessii—irL-t^  ^svevn-Q^^^ih  esiiL^^tsS^Si, 
The  wife  of  a  poor  man  is  sister-in-law  to  all. 

1657.  iST&flujfren/r  eueStuirn-  ^^^^/rev    eueSiujiretDir/i    Q^tu^w   jtjf^ 

If  the  powerful  oppress  the  weak,  God  will  punish  them  in  retuiii' 

1658.  er&FliLifren/r  (sirQir  ^L-QiQ^tresari^/reo  iQjrfres^^ireS. 
Inferiors  if  ojpposed  become  mortal  enemies. 

1659.  67  CT"  jy^^Sswcwiu  ldSso  ^^^Sssr  ^i(^@p^. 
Magnifying  a  rape  seed  into  a  mountain. 

1660.  ^Grr(s^Mirtu  i9erri^  eSeuai/rjTLD,  ' 
A  dispute  as  i^aoy  to  decide  as  the  HpUttilig  o^  ft  rape  s6ea. 

1661.  €retr(Sf^3»3»!r\u  i9eiriB^irp(SLirre\)u  Qu^QeuemQui. 
One  ought  to  ispeskk  a&  evenly  as  a  rape-pod  splits. 

Oil  is  proportioned  to  tbd  sessdmum,  refuse  proportioned  to  tU 

pressed  sei^d. 


1663.  <srefr^i(^u  Ljoa^  euqj^La  Gr^&p(^  er^LbLj  «/^ii. 
Birds  are  attracted  by  rape  seed,  ants  by  leavings. 

1664.  sreir^^i^gelF  er^QestffdjQutreo. 
As  oil  in  sessamum  seed. 


1665.  67"6Jr^<i^6ir  erekfQeasnuQufrso  ot/b/^lo  f8^piB^(/^d^LD, 
Everywhere  present  as  oil  throughout  the  sesamum  ^eed. 

1666.  ^etr^sf^i^  ^QP  ^-{fi^  Os5iretr(sri^S(^  ^ir  e^ipsi/. 
Ploughiog  seven  times  for  sesamum  seed,  once  for  grain. 

1667.  <oTetr^^^iT&sr     creifrQessnud^     s^evQ^Qp^,     <oreSiui9(L^i€S)^ 

Sesamum  seed  is  dried  for  oil ;  but  why  dry  rat-dung  T 

1668.  eTe(r(G(^LD  u^es)^  ^SSiLjUiCSufreo  ^q^^^Qen&srQiD, 
It  must  be  as  sesamum  seed  and  raw  rice. 

1669.    (oT&r^U^   SQ^I^LfLD   ^^«Sg)«V)   UlU&fT  ^Q^th, 

\         Sesamum  seed  and  sugarcane  yield  a  profit  when  pi*esiled 

1670.  gr6yr(g5«i(g  €r(J^  S-zpo/  S-QpSpCSeu&ir   QeuerrsirirGrrrr^QdaTrtsfr^s 

0,  Vellala  who  ploughest  seven  times  to  sow  rape-seed,  ploitigh 
once  for  horse-gram  and  thus  cultivate  the  ground. 

1671.  GTplSp^  Qp[u^i(^u  uQSp^  UpGf)pi(^, 
Throwing  at  q*  hare  and  hitting  a  bush. 


672.  crjSeu/rQesr&sr  QiSFir/SeuirCoesr&ir  f 
Why  throw,  why  scratch  ? 

Why  provoke  a  nnisande  ? 

1673.  srj^ihu  si^mdu  Ouir£^-ksiT^(r  f 
Canst  thou  not  bear  the  bite  of  an  ant  ? 

The  eyes  of  an  ant  are  large  in  prop'ortioif  to  its  size,  the  eyes  of 
aii  elephant  are  small  for  its  size. 

A  cocoanut  shell-full  of  water  is  an  ocean  to  an  ant. 


162  u,tfiQuifr.ifii 

1676',  (oTjpiUiLiLJ  LjpjSio  uiru^Lj  (^i^Q^fT&r^a^CSuir^. 
As  a  snalce  occupies  an  ant-hole 

1677.   <STj^uxLjai(^LD  ^&sr  mi^iUfreo   ^sm^ireisfr  fi^i^LDL], 

Even  an  ant  is  eight  spans  long  as  unfasured  by  its  oii^n  h^nd; 

1Q78\  ^jiitJDLf  ^sajri  ^do  (o^iLnh, 

!By  the  cortfwita?  creeping  of  ants  a  stone  will  wear  away. 

^  ^ iQa/sir 


The  urine  of  the  buffalo  is  as  a  perfect  deluge  in  the  eye  of  an 


By  iheeontiimal  csreeping  of  ants  a  stone  w£(l  beco][x^,boUow. 

If  room  be  given  suflicieut  for  ants  to  creep  in,  h^  will  drive  * 
loaded  bullock  that  way. 

1682.  ^j^u^Lj  (srQ^^u  Qurreufip(^^   ^tf.  .erQ^^  /S/bSp,^,  Olj^'. 
oj  L^<5F«»f?»«/ruj  QurrStp^  O^Siufr^/r  f. 

You  stand  armed  with  a  club  to  watch  that  which  may  be  carried; 
away  by  ants,,  are  you  uipiable  to ,  see  when  alarge  pumpkinliaSi 
been  taken  away  i 

It  is  known  to  the  eighty  thousand  millions  of  creatures  from  a^i 
ant  upwards. 

1684*   (srjpiLbLi  (ipil.Gr)L^  Q^iTGssr®  ^lL«wz—  (^r/S^  LCKsmifiQuujiLiuy, 
If  ants  carry  their  eggs  to  a  higher  places  it  will  rain. 

1685.   cTfiwifQ,  ^tLL-m^^d=  <flF«rf?. 

With  me  Satuiii  is  in  the  eighth  sign.. 

16^6.   eresrifig^  ^sa^^to  ^ef$Bs0  ^p4^(ifim.  S)^iSsO. 
I  have  neither  food  iQor^leep» 


Mj  days  Are  like  the  dream  <^  the  dumb* 

It  cuts  my  liver  with  a  sharp  sickle. 

Ifi89.  ^&sr  ^fTiSfiuih  ersvsogui  /s/B^sir  ueoL^effL^frdsu  QuiruSjb^, 

My  affairs  are  like  Nandan's  camp- 

The  name  of  a  shoemaker  who  is  reputed  to  have  reigned  as  a  kin^ 
for  three  hours,  and  to  have  issued  leather  eoiu. 


1690.  er^    (g^L  0<«lL/— ^ii    ^^m  (^t^  QsiLL^^thQufrnp^  eQif-is 

It  will  be  knowB.  at  day -break  whether  my  family  or.  your's  has  x 
been  ruined^' 

1691.  er&sr&nu^^&srjrn  a=€Si^Gnius  Qs^tr®^^  eueirir^flir€fr\ 

Eating  bones  herself,  she  has  brought, up  her  children  on. flesh, 

I   I      I  111 

8)92.  erdfT  Lb^etr  euirjr^Q^frQu.  mtrjrih  QpQp^euirGfTj  ereisr  u^nFUbs^ 
My  daughter  bathes  onoe  a  week,  my  son-in-kw  bathisi^t  di^veli. 

Superior  oil  is  aaidto^be  Margosa  oil  to  my  son-injaw. 

Thou  hast  smeared  my  face  with  charcoal. 

The  skin  ormy  back  will  serve  you  for  shoes., 

When  you  come  to  my  house,  what  do;  you  bring,  when  I  oome  to  . 
yom»^  what  do  you .  gi\re  ? 

It  is  better  to  come  to  th^  fro^tirt,  once  than  to  hd  alwajwa  con-- 


164  UlfiQ  Lb  IT  L^, 

1698.   (oT^jpj  fS^jpjih  Quiresr^euir  ^/f  iBtrefr, 

No  matter  how  long  one  may  live,  the  day  of  death  will  come. 

1699.  srmesr  Q<Ffresr^^LD  er&fr  lj^^  Qurrsfr^^ 
Say  what  you  may,  I  will  not  change  my  mind. 

1700.  ^<^<oSTL-ir  ^tr^ir  LjinLL^frSinfr^ih  Qpuu^ih  gp(^  mm^irvutji. 
0  !  mendicant,  the  thirty  days  of  September  are  all  days  of  receipt. 

1701.  ^ssresTL^fT  (^^^^  6sCtf.u  Qus^StQtfi}, 

You  fellow,  you  affect  to  speak  in  an  elegant  style. 

1702.   (oT^esTLnrriud^  QiS'irevtsQ  ^^ldituj  s^stDfr^^ir^LD  sq^et^^i^  s-L/ 
Q^a=Lb  «/r^^  <QTQYf^. 
No  instruction  however  explicit  or  agreeable  will  enter  the  ear  of 
an  ass. 

1703     (oTsiresr  lo/tiuld   ^<o(^l-^&  iLfrajthj  (Su^irQirfrQ   ^essrssSir    &(Sok^ 

What  is  the  deception  practised  by  the  dairy  maid  ?  It  is  mixing, 
water  with  butter-milk. 

QuirQQp^  u/B^ojih  Qu/rQ  <sresrSQtf>esr, 

If  one  say,  fie  on  thee,  thou  art  destroying  thyself,  he  replies,  I  wiB 
take  a  bet  that  I  will  exceed  my  former  course. 

1705.  <sr&ir<5sr  ^^(nj^^ih  ^^p(^(Sld(S6\)  isfr^    Qu[?i=3=LouLpLD  ^^^  ^ 

esr  ^s\)evfrLh  ^i^u(SIld, 
No  matter  what  may  be  eaten ;  if  four  dates  be  taken  afterwards, 
the  whole  will  be  digested. 


1706.  (ST&sr^^L^tu  eS'iLi^p-^u    y^eutnu  isuiru  Qurr^'^Lb  ^q^lluit 


Since  the  woman  came  to  my  house,  even  gold  has  become  a 
common  thing. 




1/07.  €rmSs)fru(SuirGi)i     gjrj^ii     creir     ji/isir2sfruQufr€0    ^Ssfiu^ 

The  ass  boasted  that  there  was  no  voice  equal  to  his,  and  no  gait 
equal  to  that  of  his  elder  sister. 

1708.  CT-eirSsar*  sekri^ire^    ^GsisT^i(^efTQeir  €^&fl^Q(ffUJy  erelsr  Qushr 

On  seeing  me,  thou  hidest  among  the  hemp,  and  on  seeing  my  wife^ 
thou  hidest  iu  a  chatty. 

1709.  ^«T^ft«;3  LbfT  ^i^flffltrpQutrso, 

Like  pounding  floor  for  Ek&dasi. 

EkAdasi,  tbe  eleventh  of  December  which  is  obseived  by  the  Qin- 
dus  as  a  fast  and  therefore  the  preparation  of  food  is  not  required. 
Said  of  something  irrelevant. 

niO.  (QTmir^Q^  ^Q^tQ.€S)UJ  i^fbpi^it  jr^^^mCSL£i(o€\), 

0  fellow,  put  the  pretended  observier  of  EkAdasi  on  the  car. 

1711,  ^sfreQ  eufr^esTLb  Quir^  ^m/B^irpQufreo, 
As  a  washerman's  vehicle  (a  donkey)  carries  its  load. 

1712.  ^^&^LL  Qu^Q^iL  eu&)iev€u(o6sr. 
He  is  indeed  clever  in  abuse  and  empty  talk. 

If  it  be  asked  where  is  the  way  for  the  stubborn,  it  is  replied,  on 
the  head  of  the  way  faring  man. 

The  ignorant  man  is  not  held  in  estimation. 

11715,  ejiLQi"  Sren/rimfrtu  &fSH(^  M(^u^ff  ? 
Will  the  word  suraikai  a  gourd  serve  as  a  curry  I 

*i71€.  ^€BftiQsiniiLf^(^  Qmn-essriQmiru^Lf  QuiTu.&)!rubir^? 
•Is  a  crooked  pole  fit  for  a  ladder  T 

51717.  -^&3W«4r£^<i(5«  Q^rressrpmifi  OeuiL^Sp^ir  ? 
^Do  you  cut  a  crooked  stick  for  a  litter. 

•  1718.  <5T6wr.L-/r  'Q^^esrubff^^co  <^f8^\u   eTm(ffs\)^   ^&sr^i(^iLfk 

4  ■ 

Yt)fU  fellow  1  why  did  you  go  up  the  Cocoanut  tree !  when  thus 
addressed/he  replied,  I  went  to  get  grass  for  the  calf. 

^1719.  €r6wri_/r  ^q^l^/t  mstmr  ?   ^Q^^^P  ^jt—^^so  ^(f^fh/sireo  ««ii 

0  Garuda,  are  you  well  I  I  should  be  weD  enough  if  I  were  in  the 
place  Tviiere  I  ought  ^o  be. 


What !  do  you  steal  in  broad  day  light  ?  Se  rqpiies,  do  you  know 
how  pressing  my  necesisiities  are  ? 

■         m        I  I 

Why,  lijan,  have  you  got  tip  into  the  Tamarind  tree !  he  replied, 
to  pluck  grass  for  my  kitten. 

Why,  you  fellow,  do  you  untie  the  knot  ?  Do  you  know  how  hungry 
I  am? 

1723.  ^erorzjL    &jnmS    Lj€0^    ^^iSFir  ?    ^q^  Q/$n'i^d(^Qpi^  aLi^^ 

Well,  my  girl,  have  you  cut  the  grass  T  she  replied^  it  was  tied  np 
before  one  could  snap  ^his  iingerS' 

Why,  my  girl,  do  yoU  faint  ?  I  have  not  had  rice  enough. 




1125.  ^€ssrt^  Qumr(S€Bifr  ^mfSi^Q^iS (tiffin?  Q^trj^  up(tffiL€0, 
Why  my  girl  do  you  squat  I  Fot  "Want  of  sufficient  rice. 

1726.  ^^  iSIPivuLL  F  §jio€i^!rfl^  S/ffailh, 
What  do  you  wish  I  That  which  I  have  iibt. 

1727.  ^^LD  ^ppeu^i(^  ^^  ^jrekff®  Quasn-iriLt^'? 


Why  two  wives  to  one  who  has  nothing  T 

None  to  enquire,  none  to  help. 

1729.  Q-zB  tL€iDL^Sp^p(^Qfi&irQesr  ^Sssor  Quiri^QeuGssrQiii, 
I  Before  the  bund  bursts,  it  must  be  strengtheixed. 


I  If  the  tank  be  full,  its  bank  will  be  moist. 

When  the  tank  overflows,  the  flood  will  spread  all  iaround. 

1732.  (ST/B  LQfBiB^ire\)  ^emL^tuSsa-  m^iuir^. 

If  the  hunch  of  the  ox  grow  high,  he  will  not  fear  hia  k^pei*. 

It  is  difficult  to  confine  the  water  of  ja  tank,  but  eaisy  to  bj^eak  the 

1134.  ^SiS&iT  fBeisres^lr  ^Q^tr  (^luQ^eufr  ? 
0  divine  sun,  behold  the  water  of  the  tank  ? 

1735.  ^HQiufrQ  uesi^Q^iresar®  ^ekj^ui  Q^djujir^^iQpfiirf 

Do  you  abstain  from  ablution  because  you  axe  dissatisfied  with  the 
tank  ? 

1736.  ejir    ^(LpQp    i9[6trhtr    ^Zstr^^Quir^so     QuirQpjjp^    uiftiuih 
QufTiLL^  QuessTdssmu  uinr^jp  euerrir, 
Never  miDd,  should  the  youth  at  the  plough  become  lean,  take  care 
of  the  girl  who  has  received  the  nuptial  presents. 


168  UtfiQlLlTL^. 

1737.  <qJ"^  i9iuf^^^6U(^  ^esresr  Qs^iueufrar  uir2si/ii3i^flfleu&r  u/rifiiuzi. 
Comfor^  depends  on  her  who  has  charge  of  the  cooking  pots,  not 

on  the  ploughman. 

1738.  (5r«5u(?a/  0^/r2so/B^^  erii^Ssir^  Q^iriLu.  siru^ih. 
The  sii^  which  affected  us  is  already  removed. 

1739.  <sT(o&)eoLD!   (^(oe\)Q)ihI   ^Q^e^LL&^^rrcsS  smuSp^, 
El^lam,  El^lami  the  buffalo  dung  is  drying. 

The  Bound  elelam  is  uttered  by  boatmen  and  others  on  the  Coro- 
mandel  coast  when  palling  together,  as  savas  is,  by  boatmen  ou  the 
Hoogly :  some  derive  it  from  meSiOpj^^ 

The  property  of  EMasingam,  though  it  pass  over  seven  seas,  will 

Elelasingam  a  wealthy  merchant,  the  disoiple  of  TiriiTallurar. 

1741.  ^eupQudj  &fL.Qnjr€S)iULJ  i9(S)iia(y^th. 

The  excited  demon  will  take  off  the  thatch- 

1742.   (cj&Jff  in^seir  ^eurr  ldq^/b^. 

Children  who  do  their  duty  unprompted  are  as  a  life-preserving 

1743-  (5rQ/®/D6w,gji/<i(g  €afruj^Qi3FfreOy  Q^{uSpeu^i(m/s  ^Ssci'*^'^. 
To  the  taskmaster  a  word,  to  the  servant  a  burden  on  the  head. 

1744.  (cj^^ffi  '^Q^fi  ^essT&si^ir  a^fitueutr^  ^i(^LD, 
The  tears  of  the  poor  are  as  sharp  swords. 

1745.  (ST^sntfi  u/ri(^^  ^&iresr  criLQ  effSl  ^/StuQeuemQiLir  ? 
Because  the  poor  man  uses  betel-nut,  is  it  to  be  made  known  at 

eight  houses ! 

1746.  <3j<s^tfi   (ouisr  ^jressni^'Bssri(^  ^^mir  P 
Will  the  speech  of  the  poor  go  up  to  the  palace  T 

1747.  (cje^ffiu  i9errdsfr'i(^^  Q^iueuQui  ^dsm. 
God  is  the  helper  of  the  helpless  child. 



1148.  ectnLpu  t9etr2sfrs(^  €reuifS(st^iii  ^2ss9r, 
Every  one  is  a  helper  to  a  helpless  child. 

1749.  (sresiipesyiui  S€im—fre\)  QmiremifiiLfiD  uiriLjuy^ 
Even  a  beast  without  horns  will  attack  the  poor. 


1750.  (cirp<9=  0<fF/r6ir(g)6U    ^(f^^^{^^  Q'SSffuiii,    ^piki^dF  Q^}Tssr^<s\ 

When  told  to  mount,  the  bull  is  angry,  when  told  to  dismount,  the 
lame  man  is  dissatisfied. 

1751.  (srpuui—rr^  Uijr^^(o€\)  erGssr&ssruui^rr^  LLTiBisiriij, 
Innumerable  mangoes  on  a  tree  no  one  can  climb. 

■  1T52.  (^p   eQiLQ  i^&sifis^iu  eufrik(^Sp^(r  ? 

What  I  remove  the  ladder  after  allowing  one  to  mount  I 

1753.  ejpSsisr  OdBfTLDUiiev  ^piEids  QeuemCBlin, 
One  must  come  down  on  the  branch  by  which  he  ascended.    . 

I  • 

1754.  (cj^Sp  (s^^eiDfruB^ui  ^LpeajUifrQ  ^S*  sl^^ldid. 
A  plough  bull  is  superior  to  a  saddle  horse. 

1755.  (sj^QtspfS  (g^.^Ssi)   ffr^iTdim   euiB^sfre\)  M^fr^, 

It  is  a  bad  omeu  to  meet  one  with  a  high  forehead  or  curly  hair. 

1756.  (ej^Lc^frQrfiULJ  Qum&p^ir  ? 
What,  is  it  to  speak  at  random  ! 

1757.  ^^u^  .Q^itiio  ^piBfmui  UL^/r^irtnasiT  -ah^QLo  LfQ^&um  ^^L^ss}UJ<i 

Ascending  cutaneous  Spots,  descending  ring-worm  and  eyebrows 
contiguous  are  ominous. 

1758.  (cjp^Qeu    LDTiS  QuiudBQdsireoui  ^^SjiiiLD    Q'%frd^<yih   mfriQ^fr 

The  mother-in-law  is  frightfully  ugly  already,  and  the  flour  on  her 
face  makes  her  more  so. 

170  u  LpQ'LLiri^. 

1759*   ^pdBsist(Seu  euQ^Qp  eQdSssrm^^&rfi  ^QiaQeueifrQui, 
Approaching  evils  should  be  proti'ded  against  4n  due  time. 

1760.  <c[rpp^Q^fr^^(s^u  i9if.^jas/r€0  ^BeutriLSi^i^  a(0ii. 

If  you  measure  sufGcient  for  a  well-bucket  pole,  it  may  suffice  iur 
the  handle  of  a  sickle- 

1761.  (orppuuinl-Q'i(^  er^iruufriLt^fr  t 
Is  the  song  of  the  picotta  responsive  I 

1762.  (srew*  0«/r(i^«45LL6jDf—  ^si]iStLu./nu  ?  ^(5  afro-  Oa/^cvLo  D«^ 
Cake  !  why  so  insipid  ?  BecaUse  I  lack  a  cash-worth  of  sugar.     * 


1763.  ^/E/«6V«  «LJi9tt9sv  iB^eQesr  &ui9  ^si/eir. 
He  is  a  broken  grain  fallen  out  of  five  kalams. 

Oue  of  a  large  number  of  iosigaifieant  persons. 

1764.  ^lEj^fT^ui  QuiTf^^iM  jkj^u^Su  ^effiti^irar  QcnL^tufrQ^. 
Though  you  may  go  fifty  miles,  you  will  not  fetch  half  a  cash. 

1765.    ^ikl^fT^LD    Quir^^U^y    ^SLJ69)U   jy65)/r6B<»/r<3r. 

Although  it  may  go  fifty  miles,  an  agappai  will  fetch  but  half  i 

1766.  ^iki^iT^Lb  Qi  iir^^LD  ^fiSlQf.siD  (Seusssr^iii, 
Though  one  goes  fifty  miles  off,  an  acquaintance  is  needed* 

1767.  miEi^afT^Ld  QuT^^Ldy  ^m  u/reuth  ^^(S^Qi^^ 
Though  he  may  go  fifty  milesr  his  own  sin  will  still  cleave  t(| 


1768.  ^mi69!T\uiJ^  ^lLi^.  afrjTih  ^LLL-fr^ih  ^m  isfrppu^  Qutrsfrfi^^ 

Though  cooked'  with  five  ingredients,  the  wild  gouixl  will  not  lose 
its  odour. 



In  rice  plants,  distance  is  required,  in  kindred,  cIosenessK 

The  price  of  five  chits  a  am/ill  bird  is  two  cash. 

1771.  ^uuS    inrr^La    MQfi^^^^    J^p^     <SB/r/f^^69>«    LOfr/gm      ^ssr 


In  October  drizding,  in  November  heavy  rain. 

1772.  ^uuQ    mfTfl/i^   OmujiueSeo   ^mjpt    tt^Bifi  (S^irii)  j^^j)r 

In  the  sunshine  of  October  a  skin  dries  the  day  it  is  stript  off. 

If  the  rains  of  October  and  November  fail,  the  elder  and  younger 

i.  brother  will  be  on  a  par. 

A  buffalo  in  the  montih  of  October  and  a  Yaishnava  brahman  in 
December  are  alike. 

At  fifty  discrimination,  at  sixty  moderation,  after  sixty  no  distin- 
guishing characteristic 

i776,  ^ibu^  €utuflfresreu^pj'i(^  gg^^  euoj^u  Qu&kfr^)  ? 
Is  a  girl  of  five  fit  to  be  the  wife  to  a  man  of  fifty  ? 

777.  g»uffi?<«/r0Lb  Q^rr^^m  Qi%ir(Suufnr, 

Even  the  Aiyangar  may  communicate  contagious  disease. 

i«78.  fDOJUULLt^rrei)  einu\u  ibl^^ 
If  in  doubt,  advance  slowly. 

Like  the  story  of  one  who  rode  AiyanJir's  horse. 

172  uipQu^rrL^. 

1780.  ^ujLLrrcsr  mrrifliu^ev)^^  Q&'UJiue\)  ^srr^. 
To  do  a  doubtful  thiog  is  bad. 

1781.  gttJ/i  <sT/Dj^LD  ^/SQen  ^^y. 

Though  reduced  to  beggary,  lefirn  to'^be  wise. 

1782.  ^luiT  erssrueuir  ^luiuir  ^^iJir. 

Those  who  are  entitled  to  be  called  brahmans  are  holy. 

Will  the  new  moon  await  the  brahman's  arrival  I 

1784.  ^'^^  ^^Qir(ourre\)  ^thLOfr&r  (^^irQufrsv, 

The  husband  is  like  an  ear  of  corn,  the  wife  is  like  a  rice  bin  or 
grain  receptacle. 

1785.  ^uj^ir  u65)L^u9/b  (j^iueu^ir  ul-i^^Quitgo, 
As  the  potter  perished  in  the  army  of  Aiyanar. 

1786    ^"J®'^  Q^ireQffO  Q<Fiase\)  ^^jsSssitLiLb  Q^iueutJD. 
1  he  bricks  of  Aij'anar's  temple  are  so  many  gods. 

1787.    ^lu^ir  (SdsrreS&)  Ltessr^ssm  dS^^/seuir  M^/^Sssru^Lb  iSi^irB. 

Those  who  have  trodden  the  ground  of  Aiyanar  s  temple  are » 
many  Pidaris. 

1788.,  ^tug)(?/r  eufTQ^LD  «z_/rflD6i/<i  GpsaiQafrerr^u^, 
Come,  Aiyanar,  and  accept  a  goat,  a  sacrifice. 

1789.   ^(udr  ^65)LDiJ^5)U  ^jTfr^LD  /56nen6b6h.u.{rj^^ 
No  one  may  dispute  the  pre-ordination  of  god. 

The  man  who  expresses  commiseration  for  him  will  incur  six 
months  sin. 




1/51,  Jp«<5iJ   l9pf5fl  fllEISmS  ^CVlSz-L®  JijLp<i=Q3'      C^UUfT/fi^    ^lkl^tD'%^ 

When  one  s  sister  is  weeping  for  a  cloth,  is  it  to  be  given  to  a 
woman  who  resembles  her  T 

1792.  ^(F^/uii  ^e\)e\)rr^  esLifKSeo  Qumr  eufriaSssr  «6jo^. 

The  story  of  a  man  taking  a  girl  to  wife  in  a  village  inhabited  by 
the  shameless. 

Though  a  broken  one,  a  walking  stick  is  necessary. 
Though  I  cling  to  him,  he  repels  me. 

If  compressed  the  crib  will  hold  it,  but  if  not  even  a  bedstead  will 
not  contain  it. 


796.  ^iLi^^^ih  &.tp<as(^uiSir^  Q<F^Spjsir  ? 
Is  it  to  say  draw  one  ulak  of  milk  though  the  animal  is  lean  ? 

797.  ^lL€S)l^^(^u  u(Gf^eif  (^p^Sp^Qu/reo, 
As  a  camel  is  loaded. 

1798.  f^^Q  QuQ^^^^  ,^(^LCiir  p 

Though  the  odina  tree  grow  large,  will  it  do  for  a  pillar ! 

'99.  ^^  Qu(^^^freo  s^jre\)/r.uiff  ? 

Though  the  odina  tree  grow  large,  will  it  serve  for  a  mortar  I 

ereSsresr  p 

What  avails  the  growth  of  an  odina  tree  ?  Of  what  use  is  the  pros- 
perity of  the  ungenerous  f 


J74j  u  ifiQ  inrTifi. 

1801.    e^^tutnjrih  ^^Qmir  ?  ^LLL-frijSe^(^Ss\)   mir^^nQiLtr  ? 

Will  an  <ddina  tree  do  for  a  pillar  I  will  a  broken  oyster-shell  pan. 
as  a  coin  1 

1802.    ^^tUiDJTQpUi  ^Q^   ^LUfU^^S^    fi_^a/tl5. 

Even  an  4»dina  tree  may  prove  useful  on  an  emeigency. 

Her  tresses  are  graceful  and  ornamented  with  the  flowers  of  tbe^ 
screw  pine^  but  nits  and  liee  breed  therein. 

Are  two  swcods  contained  in  one  sheath  ! 

1;805«  ^(5  sflE(5<i(g  g^0  euL^iuir  ? 

Is. there  but  one  way  to  a  village  T 

1806.   ^0  s5lL®  65)Qr«(?<fl5/rSso^ /^6wrsRiP/f?^  QufTiL®  eriLGl  •^«ir  «.f 

J^  a  bundle  of  straw  that  had  been  dipped  in..,  waiter  .wa9  dragged 
aJoi:^  by  eight:  persons. 

What>  to  tie  twaalephax^ts  to  one  pole  ? 

1808.  ^0  sirsr  ^suuQQpj^  ^^esifri  O^irLDLj, 
To  earn  one,  qash  is  as  diffiimH  as  to  find  a  horse/with  homSi 

1809.  ^q^^ir^  QueipJiim  ^HF^  ^irm  Q^jpiih. 
One  cash  saved  is  two  cash  got. 

He  who  has  done,  a  thpg  once,  majr  do  it  again, 

1011.  g>0  dsn"^: fieu^  6^0  euFirs&tr  QmirQuuir^f  - 
Will  he  who  refnseavt^  give  a;;pa8h,,give  a  pagoda  T 
A  Pfigoda  is  a  gold/coin  worth  «lNM>i«4ve&  AilikigJi. 


1812.  gtQ^  sir^  erekp  ^/-/SF^cu  ^apS(ff&fr^ 
He  weeps  Y/Hea  tbeword  money  is.utterecU 

1813*  ^(fj^i^L^ui  uir^ssf^  €^Q^  j^eS  Lfes^ir, 
Ooedrpp  of  butter-milk  to  a^  pot  of  milk. 

1814.  gi(5  (^ekri^Qeo  (Ss/rtLemL^  t9t^6»6»ed!rLLtr  ? 
Cau^a  fort  betaken  with  one  ball  ?; 

1815.  gj(5  ^etr^^p    i9pi^   ^Ln^mjrtLjth    ^eoSiLjia  e^Q'jr^  ^fsirejnLb 

The  lotus  flowers  of  a  tan)c  are  n^t  all  of  the  same  apeoiesb  so  the^ 
children  of  the  same  mother  are  not  all  alike* 

1816.  5^10  ^lM  (ifi€!Du.i^eu^rff(^u^  dSL®  QpesiU-eufTsSir, 

Q^  who  has  platted  one  b^ket  m^j  plat  nine. 


6US50,  ? 
If^aU  the  stoaes  in  a  basket  be  gods^  which  shall  1  worship  ? 

Ill  ** 

1818.    ^(5   65)«5  ;5iL_^g)CU  ^eS>iF  ^(LpLbLftLir  .^ 

Can  cjapping  be  effected  by  one  hand  ? 

Can  clipping  b^;  effected  'with  one,,  or  with  botli  hands  I 

I  * 

\  ^^20.:  ^0.  ens  Qpipih  QufrQuiir  ? 

'         Ca^  ,cubit^  bq  mieasared  TOth  only  one  arm  ?  ^ 

When  one  hi^  ;&Uen  into  a  ,well,ixL  a  £t  of  anger ii  wiU  a  thousand 
joypiis  p>nsidemti(m%  help  him  put  ? 

'822.  g>(5  4Filz^(t9©(W.^ir^(?^  on/s^Lb-^ 
Twp  loiids  of  oil,  in  wexhfi^ttyv 


176  u  ifiQ  infT  t^. 

I823i    ^(1^  ^IB^UUlSsftr  IBfTlU  ^jS\uw^^ 

A  dog  does  not  know  the  vessels  used  on  fast-days. 

Separate  vessels  are  kept  for  special  occasions,  and  also  for  different 
purposes  on  ordinary  days,  as  for  boiling  milk  &c. 

1824.  ^(5  ^iressr  amLif.Q€\)  €^qe  qpLp^^tf-    QsuLLi^evfrm/r  ? 
Can  a  stick  a  cubit  long  be  cut  in  a  grove  a  span  high  ? 

1825.  g^(5    ^JiLL  6S(ip/6/Sfr&)  Q^iflajrr^fr  ? 
Having  fallen  once  are  you  not  wiser  ? 

1826.  ^(5^Sso  euifi<i(^  ^^eB^id  Q^Feusmeu, 

An  ex  parte  statement  is  straighter  than  a  line. 

1827.  gp(5  ^Ss\)<s(^  ^iremQ  ^iSSssiiurr  p 
Are  there  two  punishments  for  one  head  I 

1828.  gP(5  ^"^  Jifpp  i9en-S5fri(^  sffliOira)€0/rii  ^mu^ 
The  whole  village  is  mother  to  the  motherless. 

1829.  gP(5  iBcisrfSl  Q^oj^eustDfT  m^etretr  ^ctrojth  SSssr, 

Think  of  those  who  have  done  you  even  one  favour  as  long  as  yon 

Like  shaving  the  head  for  a  single  day's  dance* 

1831.  §?(55  /5/rS5yr<i(5  ^aip^S  ^(r^'/5irdsfri(^u  Lfs^^Sl, 
One  day  blame^  another  day  praise. 

1832.  g>>(5  iBirds(rs(j^  ^pssQp^  Qairt^  i9piSp^  Qsmf. 
Ten  millions  are  bom,  and  ten  mijlions  die,  daily. 

LD  Qeu^f5n'&rrfru9pjpj» 
A  man  who  had  never  laughed  before,  laugheci  on  a  festival  day, 
consequently  it  became  a  common  day. 

1834*   ^(5  fSfrerrfrS^Lb  ^Q^mir&r, 

Although  only  one  day,  it  is  a  festival  day. 



5.  90  uSstfT  ^jrm(Sl  uir2str  ^ekjpt  j^ii^  ^ckjpt  m&t^. 
One  palmyra  has  two  8pathes>  one  yields  fruit,  tiie  other  toddy. 

1836.  gj(5  urrdsffT^  Q^irpjai^  ^&rQp  mtr^if). 

One  grain  suffices  to  test  a  whole  pot  of  boiled  rice. 

1837,  9(5  tSrirSsrr   Quppea^i(^    ^jSu9(S€0   Q^'irjpt^  rs/r^  i9&r^oir 

The  rice  for  a  woman  who  has  borne  one  childi  is  on  the  swinging 
tray,  that  of  the  woman  who  has  borne  four,  is  in  the  middle 
of  the  street. 

It  is  said  that  having  only  one  child  she  fed  it  well>  but  that  it 
died  of  indigestion. 

1839.  9(5  Li^^jreir  •|}g)jj2/ii  (5(5   Lj,i^jr9ir  ^euir^p 

Although  he  is  an  only  son,  will  he  become  an  obedient  disciple  ? 

Though  only  one  item,  note  it. 

1841,  9(5  injr^^u  uifiubir  ^q^iB^^  ? 
What !  did  one  tree  yield  all  this  fruit  t 

1842,  90  injT^^u  uiLcsii^  9(5  mir^QQeo  ^iLQinf  ? 
Will  the  bark  of  one  tree  stick  to  another  ? 

lo43.  9(5  iLjr^^i  QsiTLdLj^q^  ubjrji^sd   epiLi^fTj^^ 

The  branch  of  one  tree  will  not  stick  to  another. 

.     ■  ■  ■ 

1844.  9(5  mesruuQy  9^si;/r/f«(g  fi_^Q/. 
Besingle-inkinded)  assist  those  that  teach  the  Yedas. 

1845.  90  i&eirc^sjr^  j^penp^  atLtf.  ^)^s^pfifi  O^iLif^^ 

A  merchant  who  dammed  up  and  drained  a  river  to  recover  a 

gmin  of  pepper. 



178  uLpQiLfrtp-^ 

1846j  ^(5  LQ6fr(^iii  /B-fT^  SLU/iyi  Qutr^Cb, 

One  grain,  of  pepper  and  four  gFains  of  salt  will  suffice* 

1847.  g^(5  (ip(LpdS(S^  wsisr  erSldsSpfl/r  P 

"W^hat !  is.  it  to  .tajce  up  .t^e  5oil  by  diving  once  I 

1848l  6^0^LDUUir®  ^(SdevfT^  g/^  ^(§LSi^m  .Qs^CBlLb. 
A  family  divided, against  itself  will,perisb  together, 

1849^.  ,<s^Qf^^^  jfjjBlipiTeii  s_€W4F£i  jy^tt/ii; 
If  known  to  one,  the  world  rnay  know  it. 

1850.   g^(5Si/6ir  ^jSk^  jr^Siuth  SLSx>«^^a)   Uira/Lo. 

A  secret  known  to  one  may  spread  through  the  world; 

1851;   ^i^^^u^(^'^Q^^^  \^2s9sr    ^(fj^fSuSssr    ^pSiu    ^Q^euir  deutk- 

Two  m,en  may  help  one,  two  are  necessary  that  one  may  be  knom 

1852.   ^^.a^O'i;  J^/SiUiT^.  sl..<^S^,  fSfTLoeir^  ; 

One  of  illustrious  name  imknown  to  any. 

1853.,  ^nnsuSssri  Qsn-^sTpeueisr  ^.l^Q&st  &'ireii,iT&sr^uso  QusmjT'i^Q'^!^^ 

He  whp  skills  one  person  immediately  suiFera  death,  he  who  kilii 
many  is  rewarded  with  a  crown. 

1854;  ^(f^eu^ibij   iSpuu^  ^gj    iSpuufTu^^^  (^m/S   inirui   G^^^ 


I9  it  worth  being  to  be  an  only  offspring  ?  Is  a  single  tree  a  tope 
a  grove  ? 

LDfT  ? 

May  you  cutoff  a  man's  bead  because' there  is  a  ruby  in  it  I 
When  only  on^  is  born  there  is  loneliness,  when  two  enmity. 


1557".  ^(f^suir\^j6li6^{rso  ^jsSaJLb  ^Q^^^  ^jSm/Bftio  jLJjTl^iliUih, 
If  kRown  to  ORe  ORly  it  is  a  secret,  if  to  two  it  is  public* 

1858.  ^(T^euSs^u  upjQ  ^Jr^^^(f^. 

Attach  yourself  to  oRe  person ,  and  dwell  in  one  hoQfO. 

1859.  9(5  efliTCTU  Q/6/rtf.  §ft-fr^. 
A  single  fiRger  cannot  snap. 

Solitude  is  preferable  to  disagreeable  society,  an  ODplaMaiit  espres-j 
sion  may  be  felt  as  a  reproach^ 

1861.  ^QpsfT^  eff®  ^errenjEJ^si^  ^^^Zssr  Quir^w, 

If  only  as  large,  as  ihe.  palm  of  thd  baud  a  boRftd  Uufct  does  no^ 
leak  will  suffice. 

Virtue  is  superior  to  rank. 

1863.  ^(W'3S(^  effLLt:f.Qe\)  Qeu&fremjD  emkfl^Quite^^ 
As  a  flckxl  came  into  a/  Jeaky  hoiisei* 

As  a  chatty  placed  under  a/  leak. . 

1865.  5^(j^^(g5  gP®.  LJ61S3TLD  ^(Cf^ds^  QpisfTp  u&unii^ 

Propriety  i>  worth  a  fan8i.m,  pride,  three  fourths  of  a  ikliaiii*^ 

1866..  ^<sfla(^LCif(S^eus^i(m  Qp^^Qeo  ^&r  iZ€Si^  f 
Of  what  use  is  a  mustache  to  a  sneaking  aolcUer  I 

When  trying  to  conceal  one's  self,  id  it  fit  to  do  so  in  the  llDtllt  of  th<l 

1868.    f^€lBsSSU   (oCj/rtLfUa^l^LD   (^9!Dl^^m€0t  ? 

Is  tbf)  pktce^ieo  narrow  fo£ one  who  hail  gone  to  KMjl^lllbMJlf  ? 


180  uy^Qu^/r^. 

1869.  ffi^&FliUJr    Q/s&reSiuJT   ^uS^w    ^aLipeSSsvr    €v>uuj    jof^zp/s^ 

However  enlightened  and  clear-lieaded  one  may  be,  his  destiny 
will  quietly  creep  in. 

1870.  ^jDjiSlitJA'9'^esr^ui  up/6l\^6ir(S6U€ssrQijb, 

Property  received  under  mortgage,  or  as  a  dowry ^  must  be  taken 
into  immediate  possession* 

1871.  ^simp.  eu.iB^  (Suiu  sme^jrA  0£EQ^^^(Su/rs\), 

As  the  demon  that  came  for  shelter  destroyed  the  vilUge. 

18727"  gj>5»?*^i*l*^'*^«^  siiTti  QupQTfpQujreo^ 

As  if  a  crow  that  came  for  shelter  was  strengthened  in  his  positioB- 

1873.  g^6W"/D  eiim^  i9t-./r/J)  smfru  i9i-.irfieiniu   ^iLip-esr^Qurreo. 

As  '^^xtii^neBB  that  came  for  shelter  drove  away  the  demoness  of 
the  village. 

1874.  ep^p  eu/B^  L9L-/rrf?  ^miu  t9L^frifl  ^S5r^Qufre\), 

As  a  demoness  that  came  for  shelter  became  the  demoness  of  the 



1875.  ^cirfyjpesr  i9jrLf  wup^Qi   Siesa^ieDSiiSieo  i9&^6Si6Fss^    euifi&ief 

It  is  said  that  whilst  a  peerless  nobleman  was  lying  hungry  and 
exhausted,  a  beggar  cries  for  rice  and  curds. 

1876.  ^^Qf^^  f^&fj^  (563)/D  ^&:>2siiy   QpGsr^Qeo  siLl^^  j^estH  S 
Not  a  single  want,  yet  no  cloth  to  put  on. 

«       * 

1877.  ^eJr^  /6S58ir.««  ^^(ffvQip^^ 

On«  thing  meditated,  anot^ier  effected. 

It  is  said  that  the  virgin  is  innocent,  and  is  seized  with  lock-jav* 



He  blew  a  eon6h  to  report  that  there  tra-s  notKin^?  atcd  beat  a 
drum  to  intimate  that  there  was  not  eren' that:-  •'  -  •* 

-\  "^  ->. 

1881.  ^^jpiui  ^pp6U^i(^  ^^u^  OueisTL^trtLi^, 
Nine  wives  to  him  who  has  nothing. 

1882.  ^^jp/ih  Jfpp  fBfki^ir^i^^  ^mu^  /Bfrcrr  ^t^ii^'^-',     ^• 
Is  a  ceremony  of  nine  days  to  be  performed  for  a  destihite^oman  ? 

1883.  ^mQp  ^^68)/r  ^mQp  jrirenj^^^^  ■    -'— ^  .    ♦^ 
One  horse,  one  horseman.  -     **  ^ 

1884.  ^GsrQp  jrrr^ir  e^mQfD  (g^«»)/r. 
One  kiog,  one  horse. 

1885.  ^^empu  Qup(yeo  /smQp  Qup(Seueiifr®LD, 
If  one  thing  only  be  obtmned,  it  ought  to  be  good* 

1886.  ^ekesypu  t9i^^^irp  ^ir^i^  QeueisrO^u^^ 
The  thing  asserted  must  be  maintained. 

1887.  f^^enpu  Qup(tif^u>  sbQ^su  Qujru, 
Though'you  g^t  only  one'6hing,  get  it  quickly. 

'   1888.  ^^es>pu  Qup(iiff^ijb  s^enpu  Qujpif, 

If  you  get  only  one  as  your  hire,  take  a  calf. 

1889.  6^^es)pfi  Q^irtf.^iih  fB&ire9)p^  Q^fr®, 
1  Though  you  touch  but  one  tiling,  ^ouch  what  is  good. 

Most  Uke]y  reTevring  to  the  choice  of  a  wife.  "^^ 

.  7 

I     > 

cr' .O  > 

1890.  ^  QsirQuufT^i^    BUF^i^arsu  uiLQ    ©lLl-lo  ^lBiu,   ibg^u. 

:•   ••  -  " 

Having  become  the  wife  of  the  wretch,  I  am  ccmpblled  to  run 
fcritted  of  Walking.  ♦  *   »  ^•    ' 


1891*  pASso  ^jiSuLfLD  ^luir  6iL^^m  ^Lfiih^  uiTmSi  ^pSeuir&r  fim  u^ 

Ad  onkil  fish  knows  the  depth  of  the  oceao^  a  wife  knows  her 
bufibattd's  strength. 

1892«    ^8»^   tf/rilzp_Ly  y65>«F  QiFlU. 

BlD^  the  bell,  and  perform  puj&. 

So^ittdjpg  brass^  a  soundless  earthen  vessel. 

1894.*  J^t*ii  effLl®  ^piEjQ^e\)  ^L^Mtrjr^i(^  g^(5  Q^friLQ, 
Oq  landing*  a  cuff  for  the  boatman. 

1895.  p^f^  gSlLl-  ^j:hijd  ^^  <»®a). 

Even  a  navigable  river  may  bum  the  feet  when  dry. 

1896.  ^t*tb  miLif-€sr  ^e\jLb^ 

A  block  of  wood  to  which  a  boat  is  moored. 

1897.  ^t-CX)  «t-A5^/r^  ^L^3»6iirir^i(^  g^0  Q^iriL®, 
Alter  crossing,  a  cuff  for  the  boatman* 

1898.  ^C-^  eu€ifrif.u9^LD  euessrif^  gH^^^S^u^  afressreiiLbU®ih. 
A  boat  may  be  sesen  in  a  cart,  and  a  cart  in  a  boat. 

1899.  9<-ci)  eQtli^  ©'-^  -ey^-  *®ii  ^/^  &^lLl^    ^^^  ^'-"^  ^^ 

The  foot  may  be  burnt  in  a  navigable  river,  and  a  boat  may  Ao** 
where  the  foot  was  burnt 

1900.  ^C-O/ii)  mfTiLu-rreir  tBcf^issekju^  tLiriLi^fr&tr,  ^ujfru^e\)  Qus^^^^* 
£[6  can  neither  run  nor  overtake,  bat  he  can  talk  continually. 

1901.  pt^e^ta  LDfTiLCSi^ek  iBuf^isekfLb  LbtnLQu^&sr^ 
I  can  neither  run  nor  catch. 

1902.  p^  gP(5    C?«/r9-    (?^®ayjS^ii    ^Q^i^    §>C5  «^*  Gj^Qs^M 
It  is  better  to  acquirt  a  cash  in  quiet  than  a  lak  by  running  about 




1908.  ^^  ^^u^  uemth    dFihu'/r^utJ^^LCi    ^tL^rrie^Q^i^    ^(5 

Better  earn  one  faoam  wherfe  you  are,  than  nine  fanams  by  running 
hither  and  thither. 

1904.  ^9-  §ii^  ^&rerr[Ri65fre^tJD  Q6U(et^ji^j^, 

The  sole  of  the  foot  hais  become  white  by  constant  running. 

The  husband  that  ran  away  has  returned  and  is  reconciled,  there- 
fore she  has  adorned  herself  with  jewels  t6  excess. 

1906.  ^t^uQufTesr  SiMifleo  ^^^/fl^^sueJr  ^e^jsmL^esr, 

He  who  entertained  the  man  that  fled  from  his  o^n  village  was 
a  Koundan-a  rrban  of  that  iribe. 


1907.  ^f^uQufrSpeueir  uiri^u  QuirQ(^m, 
He  who  is  running  away,  does  so  singing. 

1908.  ^tf-tu  Qfiiuso  Qufliu  Qpiueo  ^svevQeufT  ? 

The  hare  that  ran  aw^y  was  tt  lairge  one,  ^iras  it  n6tt 

1909.  ^tf-UJLO  ^S^ih  SM®^6U«  Q^&rr, 
Though  it  is  obscene,  hear  it  out. 

1910.  ^t^tt-jtii  8tp6Qi(^u  t9p(Sdsajrr  P 

Having  set  out  to  run  will  it  do  for  him  to  be  behind  an  old' 
woman  I 

I9U.  ^QSlp  ufTLDemuu  i9i^i8p  uq^euLD, 
Old  enough  to  seize  a  running  snake. 

1912.  ^®@peu2ssr^  asG5STL^ir&d.  ^jr^j^8peu£pji(m  @C?6\)ar. 

Seeing  him  who  retreats,  makes  the  efforts  of  his  pursuer  easy. 

*913.  ^QSp  Qeueiremh  ^3snnu9e\)  iSp(^LLfr? 
Will  a  rolling  flood  stay  .at  Uie  anieut  ?    . 


18*  UipQlLITL^. 

The  chatty  may  be  crackeds  what  matters  that  If  it  bakes  the  cakes. 

1915*.  |&il«ot-  f5frifid»(^Lj  y^eitr  miLif^esr^  Qufreo^ 

like  adorning  a  cracked  measure  with  a  metal  rim*  ' 

1916.  ^tLeisiL^u  uirZsfsnBQco  ipirssenjr  ^(5<i(5^. 
A  cracked  pot  will  hold  sugar. 

1917.  ^iLsmL^u  uirdssrs'  ^fri^enir  SfSFd^ti^T  p 

Will  sugar,  because  put  in  a  cracked  pot,  taste  bitter  ? 

1918.  §tL-es)L,  iLGsS  ^^S^th  ^6B)^  iSii^tmr  p 

Though  the  bell  may  be  cracked  will  it  be  void  of  sound  ? 

191&.  ^(ggp^  sSq^wSuJ  mm^Qutred, 

like  the  story  relating  to  the  swallowing  of  a  bloodsucker' 

1920.  §t^n'fifriri(^  ^euSso  £.«wr/rOa//r®  ^QpsisCb, 
The  unlettered  have  neither  good  sense  nor  virtue. 

1921.  ^^eu&tr  ersvsryiTLn  s-Qpeunr&o'  fid60^^€(f>L^u9e\)^ 

All  poets  may  be  found  at  the  entrance  of  the  ploughman's  boase. 

1922.  ^^ei}!r^i(j^  sflff^ti  s^Q£6ijrr^d:(^  fSsvQpUi  ^svSeoiuir  ? 
Has  the  poet  no  country,  has  the  ploughman  no  land  ? 

1923.  ^^euiTirii^  ^/Scif, 

As^iidt  instructors-^^  brahmanS' 

1924.  ^>Bf.p  (3isus9i(^  ^QpiSekp^^  ^eudsfr  ^6wr«jalf(5«g    ®(!¥ 

The  bIood«sucker  draws  its  prey  to  a  hedge,  the  frog  to  water. 

1925.  ^Uhi9ies8iL^^es)fB  /siriu  ^o^^^^irpQufrQev^ 
As  if  a  dog  longed  for  consecrated  food. 

Spoken  by  8fta  to  Rivani 

1926.  •^"J"'  u^emipiuLD  efitfiiufri  ssfrfbjrutJa, 
Continual  rain,  and  ceaseless  w^ind*. 


1927.  ^tiieQeoir  (Sis^Qta  Qiu/reoQiD  ^jrasrih. 

Thou,  the  object  my  unceasing  love,  take  me  under  thy  protection. 

1928.  ^Jrui  0<sF/r€Jr«r©/«8r  .^(5«(5  ^eairm  ? 

Will  any  employ  a  person  who  is  given  to  one-sided  statements  ? 

1929.  ^irui  Q^iresresfeum  (^tf-<i^&frLb(3uir(Sev, 

Like  the  family  of  him  who  makes  partial  statements. 

1930.  ^ir  ^essrtf-  u^ji'^Q^i^  e^eudiii  creveu/rti  SjptQQpesr^  ^p^ 

Sp^ir  ? 

Is  the  whole  world  so  giddy  through  famine  as  to  allow  a  religious 
mendicant  to  suffer  from  hunger  ? 

1931.  ^/r  ^^  ;a?/r6wri—  tDfriLi—rr^sussr^^u^  «^jy  ^fTessr^euiT^  ? 
Will  he  who  cannot  cross  one  river,  cross  nine  ? 

1932.  g^/r  cfflff0«(5L/  Qu^Sr  u^pQqrfh  ^ss.qf^B»(^  (sj^^t^ 

That  which  is  polite  in  one  country  may  be  abusive  in  another. 

May  one  assume  a  different  name  in  every  village  ! 

1934.  e^efresisu  Q^ireo^i(^  ^^e^in  ^svSsu. 

No  fear  about  Avv^i's  sayings. 


I    1935.  c^eireineuujfrnrQLa^LD  ^ppih  c_6wr®  ^essr^^^^iufrirQub^iLb  unp 

Even  Awai  may  be  charged  wiUi  blamcy  a  religious  teacher  also 
may  have  his  defects. 

1936.  •«fls/«>«a9(fl60  QpS^jififr^ti)  Qutu^^rjsmir  J5s\>6»^ea)jr  ^ir^r  ? 

Will  a  wild  gourd  become  a  good  geurd  by  growing  on  the  Ganges  ? 


186  u  ipQ  imr  ifi. 

1937.   «/E/35)«tf3(5V  ^tpSQ)^ih  €inies:s\^m€srm  ^(^iz^rr  S 
Will  a  crow  become  a  swan  by  bathing  in  the  Ganges  ? 

Though  you  wash  in  the  Ganges,  sin  repeated  again  and  again 
will  not  be  expiated. 

1939.   'SiBJ(S^^u9sv  ^L^^^Lb  u/j(suih  ^(/FLnrr  ? 

Will  sin  be  expiated  by  bathing  in  the  Ganges  ? 

Though  a  wild  gourd  be  dipped  in  the  Ganges,  its  inferiority  will 

A  snail  of  the  Ganges  is  not  a  Shalgram 

The  Shalgram  is  a  fiiuty  stone;  containing  the  impression  of  one 
or  more  ammoniise,  supposed  by  the  Hindus  to  represent  Yishuu. 

1942.  «s5.y<5B®  Qtbrnr^svirubfr  ? 

Can  the  fragrance  of  a  flower  be  appreciated  after  bruising  it? 

1943.  '^€=L^(Ti^a(m  ^t5\)2so<i  ^pQqrfir  ^^psij^ 

The  base  do  not  enjoy  the  friendship  of  the  learned* 

1944.  «cFL_/D«  f3BG\)(oVn/rd(^  ^'^'^  s-pe\)  ^ajSso, 
Persons  of  imperfect  learning  have  no  reputation. 

1945.  ^^t-^fTssT  i£€\)eQu9^tjD  ^6\)e9u3'esrLD  /56V/i. 

Ignorance  is  better  than  imperfect  knowledge.  * 

1946.  ^Sf5^  eufB^euesr  s^Ssim^  ^€s>l^,  :  | 
Wipe  off  the  tears  of  him  who  comes  weeping. 

1947.  ^^^p  ^(fF^eufrQ  (SuifriL&'^^pi^LJ  Quir^^ui^    iS'i'eiDS'isirirT 

Though  dried  fish  may  attain  final  emancipation-^iii;«7t-beggars 



If  I  say,  0  Varathappa  give  me  some  kanji»  he  replies,  0  Varathappa 

■1949.  «L-69C?eu  ^jbpih  QufTiLu.  mes)^. 

The  stoiy  relating  to  a  pieotta  on  the  sea-side. 

50.  «L.6fl5U  ^lLl-  QuQ^iBSs/rtuuiCSunreo, 
Like  assafoetida  cast  into  the  ocean. 

A  rush  may  remain  in  the  sea,  but  a  secret  will  not  remain  ia  the 

1952,  ^i^gfiev  ««n/r^^  L/«rR(?Lj/r6V, 

Like  tamarind  acid  dissolved  in  the  sea. 

1953.  3iu.Ssi>^  ^iriT^^iii  sfTiFlujLD  Qpi^im   (SsueifrQiii, 

You  must  accomplish  your  undertaking,  though  you  m  ly  have  to 
till  up  the  ocean. 

•  1954.  «/— 8so^  ^ir^^fr^Cb  airfiujui  npif-iufr^^ 

Though  the  sea  be  filled  cp,  the  thing  cannot  be  effected. 

1955.  «/— ^  Qanr^ri^frdy)  eQerrfreu  iSir  enkiQa^  ? 
Should  the  sea  boil,  whence  water  to  cool  it  ? 

1956.  ^L^e\)Sir  /S<5U)p/5^  ^^^  er&sresr,  mir^S^sar    U(Lp^^  ^^^J^ 

eresresr  ? 
What  benefit  arises  from  the  water  of  the  ocean,  what  good  comes 
from  the  ripening  of  the  k^njirai,  atrychnos  nux  vomica,  fruit  I 

1957.  «L-6V  ^ireisn^  j^ss)^  a-cwr®,  mfr&^sun-^u  firressTt--i  ^rr€\^  ^^Ss^;. 
He  wishes  to  cross  the  ocean,  but  has  no  feet  to  cross  a  small 


1958.  ««— €0  iS^3i(^  j^^iuek  ^iLl^Q^  ^iLl-ld, 

As  regards  Hke  fish  of  the  sea,  whatever  name  the  fisherman  gives 
is  final. 


188  u  ifiQ LL/rt^. 

1959.   «5^^  eupfiii  65^€UfrQ  ^&sresfso!rQuimjpj  e_t-s\)  eupjSi   Q^^ 

]t  is  said  that  the  stork  died  while  waiting  for  the  ocean  to  drr, 
in  the  hope  of  getting  a  supply  of  dried  fish. 

I960*    «»i-ert)  QuQ^S^€V  ^sa>frtLiLD  Qu^(QUitr  ? 
Will  the  shore  extend  when  the  sea  flows  I 

1961.   «z— 6V  Ou(7^S(^€\)  aemtr  <Er^  F 

What  avails  the  shore  when  the  sea  flows  f 

1962.  ^L^p  eBismfT^  ^tTLfiii^iTiu  Sip    Q^iTiBiS  ^TGsresT  QiLco    0/Biri 
ereisresr  ? 

What  matters  it  whether  the  wild  pine  fruit  on  the  sea-shore  hanjs 
hiofh  or  low  ? 

1963.   «z_(?^®  «z_68r  sifBu  Quirtf.  ^rrpuessTLo, 

ITiout^h  my  debt  be  increased,  let  me  have  a  quarter  of  a  fanam 
woi  th  more  of  fragrant  powder. 

1961.   «s5^«5r  ^s\)s\)frfl  «^S  a/re\)  €uu9jru. 

One  fourth  supply  of  kanji  for  the  stomach  is  better  than  debt. 

1965.  ^i^^^iTir^^^^     ^L-^LD,     ^-i-.eori9p/s^fr^i^^Lj     uii(^^ 

One  must  pay  one's  creditor  and  give  to  a  relation  the  portion  due 
to  him. 

1966.  «^6W"  eufTEiSi  SL^esr  Qsfr®^fieu^iiiQsLLt--.irek  ;  Lojrih  ^fS^ 

ems  eSlLi^eij^Ui  Q^tLt^/reiir, 

He  who  borrowed  to  lend  w«s  ruined ;  and  he  who  let  go  his  hold 
of  the  tree  he  had  climbed  also  perished. 

1967.  «i_6Jr  euirtaStLjih  uiLi^eS  aeoiuirasru^    uehresStnu^    ^jBf8aj/rm. 
Famished  though  he  has^borrowed*  an  ascetic  though  he  is  wedded. 

1968.  ^L^^'eu/riiSt^w  uiLif-^fUfT  ! 

What  to  famish  after  having  borrowed  monei/ ! 


1%9.  su&rsirjr^i^d    ^l^^ld  u^&ir it gpiit^u  ui^iLjUi  QsirQi'^ 

Debt  to  the  creditor  and  retaliation  to  the  wrong-doer  are  due. 

1970.  ^i—eksirjrSssr  etneui^ds  ^ap  tL.eitn^n' f 
Is  there  a  stake  for  impaling  debtors  ? 

1971.  «^6Jr  uLLi^rrnr  Qts^^LCtQunp  «C0ffii®g)6ir, 
He  was  as  disquieted  a9  the  mind  of  a  debtor. 

1972.  SI— IT  si—tr  ereisrQi^^ih  Ln(ii^/B^i(^  c^q^  iSir  er&sfQQifeisr, 

Thongh  informed  that  it  is  a  he-goat^  he  persists  in  asking  a  drop 
of  milk  for  a  medicinal  purpose. 

5  1973.  dB£-/r  i9mekiirta(m@pjfi  un^tu^s'^3»(^  ^estL-tuireniii, 

The  drawing  back  of  the  he-goat  shows  that  he  is  about  to  butt- 

1974.  sL^ir  Qmdj&&peitGsr  ^fSeairQ^  QsiTQ^u  Qufr^sreSt^ih, 
Does  the  cowherd  know  where  the  ploughshare  has  passed  I 


i  1975.  si—fTeB^  4Fi^p  L^eo2eo^  ^&rSp^(Suiris\), 
Like  eating,  grass  screened  behind  a  bull. 

1976.  9L.ire^Ui  SLJfTe^La  <F6nr69)L-  QufrQQpCSu/r ^   ^essres^    fS'StiaSi 

As  the  tick  was  crushed  to  death  when  the  goats  fought' 

:  1977,  e^tf^QmirSQeo  ^iLi^esr  /Bfruu, 
I  A  dog  tied  to  a  stick. 

1978.  <s^<ids     ^0     er^u^LiLD     ^fuSso^     sir^eo     lB^m     ^^soiLfLD 

She  has  not  even  a  single  bone  to  pick,  nor  has  she  an  ear^orna- 
ment  to  polish. 

1979.  si^iSlp  isiraw  ^eoi^  &.peufr(y^LOfr  ? 
Will  the  cobra  be  affected  by  friendly  intercourse  ? 

1980.  st^6sQp  tsmudt^i  ^(^^.^eo  ^j^ei  m^Stj^^^ 
A  short  tope  round  jUib' neck  of  A  biti&g'ddg; 


190  utfiQiLirif:  j 

Will  ap  obdurate  child  prove  helpful  to  its  .parents  f* 

1982.  ^ip-/Sir&fr  Q<3Fireo  ^L^u9^ih  €ueQ^, 

A  harsh  word  is  jQore  painful  th^najblbw. 

1 983.  «9-^^  Ljrr-i(mLb  QafrL^fr<s.  Sp/Duu^.  a.(S!f)i^<iQ/5(7^    euss)iriiSk 

It  is  said  that  his  uncle  who  would  not  give  even  a  bite  of  an 
areca-nut,  bore  A  ^;;2i  company  to  the  bazaar* 

Like  wiping  the  mouth  after  biting. 

•  _ 

J  985.  ^i^^f^     urrLbL]6S(^   ufrsveurrir^^if^    eQci^^is^/S^   ^n^th   jij^ 
Qufreau  OufTsdmrr^sulrir^^  Q^iuu-iih  s^umrririh  ^(f^^(^^' 

When  milk  is  placed  before  a  biting  snake,  in  return  it  givw 
poison^and  such  is  the  return  for  the  favours  done  to  the  wicked. 

Bugs  are  all  the  same  whether  they  bite,  onjiofc.. 
Give  vinegar  to  the  dog  that  bit  yow. 

1988;    SI^/i;^/r^)Jlh  SBt^65^LL(Sl,i}),£  Q^rT^eO/T^Q^; 

No  nji^.tter  if  it  bite  you,  do  not  kill  it. 

They  will  call  that  a  mad  dog  which  has  bitten'«07n^  one. 

A  kind  word  is  better  than  a  harsh  one* 

199.1;  si^uj/r<s  ^iLes>L^Qium^  eQiL®  eOQeuirnr^etrfrP- 
Will  they-  let  a  bug  escape  because  it  did  not  bite  7 

JE^th  the  bite  and  ith|^  stroke  were  quickly' effected  i 


1*993.  ^QS^^  (u\(SiS<3'Sr  euQs^S  dieSiufressrJo, 
The  Yaduga  woman's  wedding  is  come  nigh* 

Be  walks  about  with  a  staff  in  a  place  that  will  admit  a  mustard 
seed^  and  yet  he  is  ignorant  of  the  place  where  a  pumpkin  might 
easily  passv 

Though  smgjl,  the  mustard  seed  is  not  without  pungency. 

J996.  «®(<5  Q'uiresr    ^l^ld:  Minriueuirfr    ti^osfH^friu    (Sur^sr  ^t—Ui 

They  search  for  a  grain  of  mustard,  seed^  but  .not- for  a  missing 

l^StT.  ^Q(^  QuJTssr  ^L-LD    MiTfruj^n-fr    i£l<orr^    Qurr<oisr   ^l^ld  ^TiT 

TJiey  searckfor  a.  grain  of  mustax'd  seed,  but  not  for  a  grain  of. 

i  .  — 7^' — TT* 

Theft  id  theft  whether  as  regards  a  mustard  seed  or  capophor. 

The  kernel  of  the  gall-nut  and  the  skin  of  ginger  are  poisonous.. 

— rr-r — -r— 

Strong  wind  foretells  rain,  excessive  friendship  foreshows  hatred,.; 

"■<■■  ■    i   t'  ■■■ . 

Excessive  intimacy  will  prove, unfriendly  .to. pile's  eyes.?, 

2002;  «®/gjO<ff^£l®<i  <35/nflujA(SdSL-rrLD, 

It  is  said  that  hard  dealing  fails  ia  its  object.. 

Unfair  dealing  destroys  the  eyes,. 



19.2  ULfiQinrrtfi^ 

2004.   ^Q(^Q^n-fb  QsiLi^n'eo^ir^m(^  ^Q^eiSQ^uLf, 
It  is  shocking  to  the  ears  to  hear  hareh  wordsv 

Peon,  my  fellow,  you  are  too  strict,  yoa  have  kamboo  rice  onlyas 

2006.  ^QlduS  se»  LD^e\)  e>6»>£— ^i^ii  aerrsijQ^djiua'  Qja^freo^ia, 

Extreme  hunger  will  induce  a  man  to  break  through  a  stone  wall 
and  steal. 

2007.  ««5)A_.  Q^lLl^  eutTj^e^  ^2eo  siLl-  Q/bjtld  ^e\)?^). 
Labouring  in  menial  offices  she  has  not  leisure  to  put  up  her  tresses. 

2008.  ^Gf)L.i(j^<s  ssni^  ^err  ^Q^uurirs&r, 
Each  bazaar  will  have  its  attendant. 

2009.  <9565)Z-^^    Q&'irp^i^^    QmiTQ^LD^    65nr&)     ininLt^p(^u    uiriLjih 

Buttermilk  for  the  last  distribution  of  rice,  and  a  mat  for  the  foot 
of  the  bed  are  indispensable* 

2010.  «OT)i-.^  Q^tsistrii  ffrQ^^  eui^u  i9etT^iun'Q^&(^.n^^u.^^np 

Like  taking  up  a  cocoanut  in  the  bazaar  and  breaking  it  to  GanA«- 

2011.  «6»i-fl9(?<5U  OcSB/rewT®  £i>awrtt9(?ev  meumSQr^esr, 
He  buys  in  the  bazaar,  and  bestows  at  home. 

2012.  «6»£_a96b  ^iflS  «(55^««^  ^^^LDfT^  ^i9^iriB  LjQ^e^&sr   ^ui 

'  Will  the  rice  in  the  bazaar  serve  for  kanji,  will  the  paramour  of  an 
^  adulteress  be  of  service  to  her  in  distress ! 

-       '^ r  -  I  r 


2013.  «63)L-.a9€U-6i//5^jS7£i)  ^fiSQiu/T  monL^iSeo  Qeumfi^Ui  s^ir^QiDir? 

Is  that  which  comes^  to.  the  bazaar  rice  ?  Is  boiled  lice  cooked  ly 
the  way  desirable  ? 


SOU.  sa>L^tSl(S€0  siLt^^  ^iSi@£)iijb  ^(ip^p    ^9€s^imfnu    ^(tp 

Although  rotten  pumpkins  are  tied  up  in  the  bazaar,  thej  are  still 

like  drinking  a  decoction  of  dry  ginger  after  swallowing  a  crow- 

2016.  9L-L^!riB^eiDfr  jt^iLGni^Qufreo, 
Like  a  wood-louse  on  dry  ground. 

2017.  stLif^dQ^irein-Q  e^jr^Q^irm^eo  QeuiLtfAQsirm®  €a(a^ejirafr^ 
When  told  to  tie  and  bring,  he  cuts  and  brings. 

2018.  «lLzjl  ^(LpQpQufT^  enmiLjth  ^ifiire^SipQfi. 
When  she  embraces  and  weeps,  her  hand  is  groping  to  steal. 

2019.  stLt^eo  ^^etretr  ^L^a^s\)  tSetrSstr  Qupjn^  d^igi  ^mu:.  ^jCm 

She  brings  forth  her  child  where  she  sees  a  bedstead,  and  takes 
the  prescribed  tonic  where  she  sees  dry  ginger*  •    •- 

If  he  organize  an  army  and  lead  it,  he  may  cut  down  the  enemy 

and  reign  as  a  king. 


er&fresr  P 

[  My  daughter,  why  is  your  hand  in  the  basket  while  you  embrace 

and  weep  ? 

2022.  «lLzjl  ^tf-^fi/re\)  crmesr  eOiLQ  ^if-^^/reo    ermesr  P 
It  makes  no  difference  whether  you  flog  one  bound  or  unbound, 

2023.  esLL.if.esr  6S^iL®i(^u  urm^  Q^frs\>^eu/rnr  ueonr^ 
Many  will  find  fault  with  a  house  newly  built; 

*024.  esutf^esr  €fftL®es(^i  sq^^^^f  Q^rre\)£j^€Ufrir  ueo\^ 

Itany  will  express  an  opinion  respecting  a  house  just  buili 


£[e  who  has  built  a  house  has  oaly  on3|  whereas  he  who  has  not. 
built  makes,  use.  Qf  many. 

Oji  untying,  a  cat  an$l  calling  puss,  puss,  will,  it  come  !' 

Will  hpad-aphe.go  by  turning  the  bedstead  !' 

1     I   .     .  . 

As  if  one  displaced'' and  carried  away  money  carefully  tied  up. 


2029*  «L-9-  eQsif)^  OeuLi.t^  s9s^^. 

Provide  seed-corn,  and  sow  having  tilled  the  ground: 

2030*  ^lLQ  ^(Sfs^  /siTiL^m  jysvsv.,  ^ssrih  ^fili^  suustsijnLfUi  jy«jfl». 
■  .     '  '  He  is  upt  a  dog  accustomed  to  restrainti  npr  a  mendicant's  diditM. 
knows  what  self-respect  is. 

'    Every  time  you  have  to  tie,  you  must  tie  it  in  a  different- way. 

When  bound,  it  should  bt?  by  the  hair  of  the  roe,  and  if  cuffed,  1* 
should  be  by  a  hand  ornamented  with  jewels. 


It  is  difficult  to.  carry,  besides  a^  ohild,  bailed  rice^tied  up /»*^ 

At  J  toe-rii»gs  necessary  when  a  woTnan  goes  out  t(  g  therfirejrcpc 
If  ^U.  ib^ts  out  au9pioIous!y,  b^  may  return  with,  boAPUf^^ ' 


20J6.  sessriss^^fTjr^ssi^u  iSerr^.^ii  (Smiru-ffsQ^ 
^    EeiaeLD  axe  splitting  the  tree  of  arithmetic. 


2037.  ^037 <£ sear  sessi'S^  jfffSskin&sr^  fl&sr  eisasTies}^^  fitr&r  M/Siuir^^ 

The  accountant  is  clever  at  number;s,  but  he  is  igborant  of  his  own^ 

Bore  through  the  eyes  of  a- young  kurnum  and  a  yoasg  eroifj 
wherever  vou  find  tliem.  , 

2039,  SGSiff^s^SLJ  umT^^rr&)  iQ esar <i ;^3^  eunFLO^ 

When  accounts  are  examined,  difficulties  arlso^ 

2040.    «63aT«<35,ga/(S5gL/   UlLl^cS    C»^€3r  t9pULf; 

To  mj^r  h^inger  is  natural  to  an..accauntazib\ 

J  — _—— _^— _« 

^    2041.  «6wr«(g  ^ipStifi  t9&T^  efftLtf^eo^Q^/bmne^  eutp^j^    ^^^; 

\  There  will  be  constant  disputes  ^ ia  &>  hjouse  should  oqa  of  ita  iilh 

mates  be  a. skilful  accountant. 

A  marriage  ceremony  in  <  the  h^jje  of  an  accountant  ia ,  a  wast^ 

[  ...     -: 

i  _  • 

>  AH  accountants  are  not  learned. 

» 1^  —^——1 

I  The  pooja  of  Gauesa  has  immediate  effect: 

}045 .  ^GOT^SU  SsW  U  .  f5  //?  /5  i^  tii;  ^  iu-iv  sfftLi^fs^^  ® (5*  ^pfifT  ? ' 

What !  in  a  m^ighbour's  house,  separated  from  your  htisbieind  T  * 


S)46.  s^^^^7e^Qu(m,i'iiBfr^3i€S(!rsuhj8r^'^sirufr&r, 

If  her  ankle  grow  big,  sh$  will  be  deprived  of  her  hnsbftndJl. 

2)4T,  ^esst .^oidiL^^t  <ss)^>  Q'^iiiti^ii^', 

What  the  eye  has  seea  the  hand  mny  d(>t . 

196  utfiQihiTifi. 

2048.  S€S8r(B^^^uutruiLjQuireoij  uirtr^^Q^fkQ^&r. 
I  was  waiting  like  an  eye-snake. 

2049.  «6Mr*  (5(T5lL<3«(5  uy0fB^  ^tLt^freo  QfBeil\iLfihir  ? 
Is  blindness  curable  by  an  external  application  ? 

2050.  ^essr  (5(5®  «g{(g)Jjy^  i9ji^stf)fru9eo  (^emptuirf 
"    Thljiigli  blind,  does  he  sleep  the  less  t 

'2053.r«'^fW'  Pfil(-  i9ekLj  (^/fluj  iBin&oairjriii  Q^\u^  creJrear   uw«r? 

What  benefit  can  you  expect  from  the  worship  of  the  sun  if  you 
have  lost  your  eyesight  T 


2052.   «6roriL_  uir643ssfilJfnua  QarraitreiOL^  (y^t^iQp^, 
Tying  one's  lock  of  hait  in  imitation  of  others*. 

2053*   «6wrt-  seisriJ  OmrrS^  (srevsvfruy  «d«  erQfi^i  ^uii9tLQu9t, 
.     .  ,  I  worshipped  with  raieied  hands  in  every  temple  I  visited* 

That  which  was  seen  was  a  snake,  that  which  bit  was  the  stone, 
.  oCa  mango  fruit* 

2Q55.'  ^^ssnJ^  sfTiLS  Qupp^  (oujra. 

Whatever  is  seen  is  a  sight,  whatever  is  received  is  a  gift. 

2056.  ^essTL-em/Ss  Qseinr^iLi^rre\)  ELSwr®  e^pias  uMrCL^ir&sr, 

He   will    neither  eat  nor    sleep    without  asking  whatever  he 


2057*   sessTt-^eiD^m  Qa»emT^iLL^!reo  O^ircssru-eu&r  ^u^uuir&r. 

If  she  does  not  attend  to  the  affairs  of  her /amiiy,  her  husband 
..  liHU  best -A^r. 

2058.  sessTL^/SiUWfi^^itm  XolueSsrCSl   umL^^flire))    «/r®  (?ia®    ersosoifi^ 

It  is  said  that  if  an  inexperienced  man  marries,  he  will  wander 
about  dragging  his  wife^  through  jungles  and  over  hills* 


f    I 

67  leaming  what  he  sees,  a  person  becomes  a  puadiC^.^^  ^ ' 

Never  utter  what  you  have  seen  and  heard,  nor  itand  undej^  wild 
tree.  ,    . 

2061,  sessTi—^  un-LLLf  «zjL;5F/»jj/  mq^i^LcuLesiL^,  _^     *      * 
That  which  be  saw  was  a  snake,  but  he  was  bit  by  the  rough  points 

of  the  palmyra  stem. 

2062.  sessTL^esifsi  spjpfiQ^/resaTiSl  ^enjrQojjv.  "         , 
Acquire  what  you  can,  and  go  ashore. 

*  2063.  «6wrz_ai6Jr  eri—tr^  ?  ---'      "' 

Will  he  who  finds,  not  take  up !  "    — 


2064.  SGifrL^n-e\)  Q^fiiuirfirr  sthusiBiurrLLQ  uiu9ir  > 
Hay  not  sheep-hair  be  known  as  soon  as  seex¥  t 

f         If  present,  do  you  call  mentioniug  the  relatidnship  oL  tii« '  party**- 
and  when  absent,  his  name  only  ?    . 

•  t^  *^^.  t  ^  < 

1*066.  sessTL^irio  ^vuu^  «/r^0r)  eQiLi^gs^  iD/nuih, 
If  seen,  duty,  if  not  seen,  fraud. 

•     r 

1^067.  ««wr®  Qe^^^  i9emLn  ^^^  ^®  airiLi^p^  Q/y9  ^^^^}^\/  ' 
i         If  one  die  under  human  obserration,  his  corpse  wiU  fiufi  its  way 
• ..  to  the  place  of  cremation. 

'  t  «•  • 

'068.  «6jaT®  QuiSpi  dsfnflujLb   ^n^^Sp^  Qp^^^eo  dBiSssm*  QeutLs- 
LDjnu  ^n^^Qp^.  .     *-         .  .  - 

I  have  something  to  speak  of  in  person,  but  I  am  ashamed  to  loot 
at  his  face. 

Behave  as  though  seeing,  you  see  not,  and  hearing,  you  hear  not. 

2070,  smarQ  mO^J^cuisk  Q^frCQuuir^p 

WiU  hd  wifp  finds  and  takes  a  thing  give  it  up  T  ' 

•2971.  ««if*^«)  ^smi^/spr^^  ^^frtLSliLiLD  (SsusiiariSltnir  ? 

la  a  witness  needed  to  prove  that  which  one  has  seen  with  lu« 
own  eye  ? 

^072.  Sm^^p  «6»rL-^  QuiTiu  ^^Ljsi^ui(^f3l  Omtu, 

Dbat  which  one  has  seen  is  false,  the  sign  of  agappai  is  true. 

Why  tlie  sign  of  an  agappai  in  proof  of  that  which  one  has  seen  t 

'2074,  ^asr^jri  air^^^^  ^mfils^  epQ^  uia^. 

That  one  has  not  seen  with  his  own  eye  amounts  to  one  third. 

2075.  ^mar^Q^i   ffe^sk  ai^^L^  €T9X^   Qutr^^Cb  eum^)^  ^df, 

7}l6  A88  4>f  a  washerman  must  carry  the  pack  through,  though  iti 
Ijfe  may  depart  with  a  i*attling  noise  through  the  eyes. 

!2974.  ^^^^1^  Oui^sidetr  iD€iir^A(^S(yi/&sr. 

Ho  treats  as  common  earth  ihots^  w)io  are  precious  as  the  eyes. 

Ho  wounds  the  heart  which  is  ns  tender  as  the  eye. 

Though  the  life  of  the  washerman  is  farced  through  bis  eyes  b^ 
Cl^ason  of  drought,  rain  to  him  would  be  poison. 

!2078i^  ^mr^^tf.  MifiSp  aasft^  uemib  ^L-£pji(^  tLfle^iDir  ? 

AVill  the  money  reflected  in  a  mirror  avail  for  the  pajrmenlofi 

You  liave  v^ounded  your  dcai^st  friends. 


The  tTrtnkling'of  ^e  eye,  or  the  tapping  of  the  fingcrt^ia  the 
measure  of  a  moment  of  time. 

.  &9ssr€sSSso  ^muuL-u.  'mirmQufrio  a^wr^Q(nfeisr. 
He  is  dismayed  like  a  deer  caught  in  a  snare. 

2083.  S€m3ssiiu9s\)  ^%uuiL.l^  6sifi'm;^(^6Q(Sufr90  s^£ir^S(ffdk. 
He  is  agitated  as  an  ensnared  blackbird. 

•         ••  ■  \ 

1    2084.  ^GssraSp  uCu^fTp  aiBir^uinr,  Lfqf^eki^^p  utLt^frp  ^SH(^ihir  f 
When  will  it  give  pain,  when  it  hits  the  eye  or  the  eye-brow  ? 

I  ,  < 

2083.  sssstGsS^io  €r€sssr^f$'Skifrm^ 

He  can  count  with  his  eyes — at  dght 

«086.  ^GssrssSp  Lj&fsr  euififrsv  ^€asr^)tf.  uiriimio  M'Btfr^^ 

When  the  eyes  become  sore,  one  cannot  see  thi^m  I'eSecfed  in  a 
{  mirror. 

1  .  ' .       .  .... 

To  assert  a  thing  when  in  si^ht  and  to  contradict  it  when  ooft  of 

i|         Will  oil  give  pain  when  it  falls  into  the  eye,  or  on  the  back  of  the 

|Jfl89,  sessresSp  ulLl.  esy^^mtu^  ^fSuufrir  ^ffuSso, 

No  one  cuts  off  the  hand  because  it  has  struck  the  eye. 

190.  «fiK3(r6Mt?36V  uiLi^rrsi)  (iQjr&o^  ^/St^Sp^rr  p 
Should  it  strike. the  eye  iS  tlie  finger  to  be  cut  off. 

191.  «6wr«0fl56U  €U(f^Qp^  LiQ^eu^^Qeo, 
The  eye  brow  has  received  that  which  threatened  the  eye. 

That  which  was  seen  was  a  crore,  and  that  not  seen  maoy  crores. 

2093.  «<wr  tL.etreirQutr(Sfi  dSfriLS,  '^ 

One  has  the  pleasure  of  seeing  as  long  as  the  eyes  are  unvmpaM 

The  hlind  will  lose  his  wealth. 

2095.  ^essr^^i^u  ljq^^ld  dsir^frinfr  ? 

Ifii  the  brow  ten  nules  in  advance  of  the  eye  f 

It  is  neither  an  eye-sore,  nor  painful  to  bebcddcdrs. 

2097.  sessr^piLb  SQ^^^Cb  s^&retrQufrQ/s  ^irCS^^m  ^fim  i9gs(i^  firtf 
esr  Si9s>t^Sf^Lb? 

We  do  not  realize  it  when  the  eye  and  mind  are  unimpaired ;  what 

may  we  expect  to  gain  afterwards  ! 

«  ■ 

Is  the  eye-lid  far  apart  from  the  eye  ? 

2099.  ^ei(f^pa^(^tL    ^thiLGfifnh    QmiriLQeuirm  aihu^^sv    ^i/fifSsir 


.    .  3he'will  sit  in  one's  eye  cross-legged,  and  tether  five  elephants  to 
the  pole  of  a  dancer. 

As  the  eye-lash  preserved  the  eye. 

2101.  «6wrSro7-«  Q^Q^^  QfidjeuLb  u^^esitui  Qsir®^^^. 

The  deity  that  deprived  him  of  sight  gave  him  superior  mental 
endowments.  • 

I  guigrded  you  as  I  did  my  own  eyes. 


2105.  «6wr&wr<i  siLtf.'i  mfriLi^eo  ^iLL^^Qutred, 
As  one  was  left  in  the  jnngle  blindfolded. 

^apji^ireo  euQi^eufrGrr/r  l 
Will  she  who  would  not  come  when  called  by  the  expression  of 
your  eyes,  obey  when  taken  by  the  hand  f 

2105.  «6»rSror«  0«S5®^^  Q^iueuLb  (S^rrSsos  QsifrQ^^^, 
The  deity  that  destroyed  the  eyes  gave  a  aupporting  staff. 

2106.  ^€ifr8snr(tfitf.^  (^tLQSp^rr  ? 

Is  it  to  strike  the  head  after  covering  the  eyes  ? 

2107.  €iGssr(S^)  LjGssrQ^), 
Is  it  an  eye,  or  a  sore  ? 

2108.  «6wr  Q^ii^ij^  f6t-.LJUSu  ires  err  umeir^^s^    ^tpu^iriLi^iTfT^efr  ^ 
They  who  walk  with  their  eyes  open  will  not  fall  into  the  pit. 

2109.  SBGrnQfiidib^  euL^  iBU-6i(^LLUt^  ^issr. 
Take  care  that  you  walk  with  your  eyes  open. 

If  the  eye  have  seen  it,  the  hand  may  perform  it. 

2111,  a^esieu^  3=ir^Q^eo  S2so   LjpLoL], 
When  the  door  is  shut,  the  door-frame  is  outside- 

2112,  ^^jreusisr  &6\)e{njr6s  mirQium  ereir(^(DLD!r  ? 
Will  the  sun  say,  I  will  not  burn  certain  persons  I 

2113.  s^esijri  <55§5/r/5^ii  ^E^emiuu  i9®{ej(^» 
Weed  the  corn  even  at  the  risk  of  destroying  the  ears. 

2114.  «^/r    ,^a)    gszo^/s^/rjii/ti    dserreir^i^S    dB(tp^^     ^i<i     (^€s\p 

Though  the  thread  on  the  spindle  diminishes,  that  on  the  neck  of 
a  kalla  woman  does  not. 

202  utfiQii^frifi. 

Mere  rumours  have  neither  head  nor  foot 

'2116.   'S&s)^<ic^i  mireo  ^©^Ssv)  Qudji(^u  un^u^  ^s^SsD, 
Rumours  have  no  legs,  nor  have  demons  feet. 

2117.  ^G^^QiufT  Sirinxi^^  ,ziaD^Qiufr  Ouir^^SiQijiUy  ^eoenis.  Qu^ 

O  brahman,  do  you  repeat  a  story  or  mend  old  clothes  I  No,  pti 
foolish  widow,  I  crush  the  lice  in  my  clothes. 

When  it  is  said  that  the  brinjal  is  worm  eaten,  she  imputes  it  tOft 
defect  in  the  knife. 

2119.  «;55^//?«d5/ru9C?6U  «/rj^/i  eaistLfih  Qp^^^frpQuffeo^ 
•  As  if  feet  and  hands  shot  forth  in  the  brinjal. 

The  seed  of  a  brinjal  will  not  produce  gourds. 

2l2I.  ^^^fii^irdj  eutna'iu  Li^GsSia^ntu  Q^Bfrs'rQ^ ? 

When  you  buy  a  bri?ijal,  will  the  bazaar  people  give  you  a  pumpkin 
in  at  the  bargain? 

2122    ^^Qu-iLD  ^i^trenu^  QuirQeo^ 
Like  a  knife  and  a  he-goat. 

2123.  sji^eiFiHiu^uirniSi^ib  assr  Q&iruLo  Oa-frSeo  O^iUiLjU^, 
Great  anger  is  more  destructive  than  the  sword. 

2124.  dBS^siLty^  QusssT^n^  eruQuT^ui  enSLbOuGKir^^^* 

The  wife  of  a  swordsman  is  at  any  moment  liable  to  becoiM  • 

2125.  <J5^j©  ®C5«^@"^  ^^/^3i^C^  tii€Jnfr  aireijQpfiir  f 
Is  the  eJk  to  be  carried  to  the  knife  ? 



1126.  ^/i^iniLQih  a^^u(SufrtL®i  dsfleneus'  ^fr^^kStLQu  (Su/r, 
Bawl  out  as  long  as  you  like,  and  shut  the  door  when  you  go. 

2127,  s^^  ^^^    €r^Qr^€\)    ^(m&n^^iLjth  ^^^fr^j  Q^nG\)^  Q^rireM 

When  repeatedly  urged  to  bray,  even  an  ass  will  not  do  so,  when 
asked  to  sing,  even  a  poet  will  refuse. 

Does  the  perfumer  appreciate  the  d  stinction  of  scents  I 

3129.  sien^^c^^  fii^  Ouiri&fijis, 

The  hole  is  in  proportion  to  the  rag. 

2130,  sisin^i(^^  ^jtQ  (ejj^Qp^  ^6V6\)/rti  ue^iD, 

The  more  it  is  stitched  and  the  stronger  does  the  rag  become. 

Though  only  a  ragi  wash  it  and  put  it  on,  and  if  but  kunji>  drink  it 
after  ablution. 

;  2132.  suL^  ^^  Q^rrece9^LD  ^if.uj  Q^freoCSeo   /sevir). 
Better  is  a  harsh  word  than  one  smooth  and  feigned. 

2133'  sufrevds  (^^^  ssmSsfRrr^  ^\B^^M* 
Severe  head-ache  caused  the  eyes  to  sink* 

Like  dropping  a  bit  of  areca-nut  in  a  ship. 

\  •— ^— •— ■•« 

2135,  auuio   ^fSu    l/lLi—  «L_6ir  Qmiril_e(DL.    JSirp^fi   ^iH^Qekim 

Debt  incurred  by  the  sea-faring  merchant  must  be  discharged  by 
gpiiining  cotton. 

Can  a  debt  incurred  on  account  of  a  sea-faring  life  be  discharged 
by  spiuning  T 


204!  uipQu^ir  L^. 

2137.   s^uups/r/rGfT    Qu€ssru.fTiL.i^   Q^/ruGnuissfrij,  s,uuio   fi.«3>L./5 

The  ship  owner's  wife  is  ia  good  condition  as  long  as  the  ship  i« 
safe,  but  if  that  be  lost  she  is  a  beggar. 

The  prosperity  of  the  ship-owner  is  at  the  mercy  of  the  wind. 

2139.   ^LDiflp  seSip/i/s  ufriv  ^uajrg^ifs^  ^^'-  jyearearo). 
liilk  poured  into  a  crevice,  rice  offered  to  enemies. 

2140.   &LDULJ  i9i3reif)<s=(Sujrr  aemt^u  i9&'€in&'(Stufr  ? 

Are  not  alms  obtained  by  pole-dancing  th » lowest  species  of  altnsi 

2111.    iBLbUe^SCoeo  (^ppQ^irjbssip  lduSit  iniSir  ereisrSpfiir  p 

Is  it  to  say  that  the  boiled  rice  received  in  a  cumbly  is  full  of 

2142.  SLDUetfl  eQpp  uafsr^j^<i(^  wSUr  (ip^^^  ^(t^^Slp^ir  1 
Does  hair  grow  in  the  money  for  which  cumblies  have  been  sold  t 

2143.  SLDUisflSeo  e^L-Lp^esr  ah.(ss)ipu(SuniSO ^ 
Like  food  sticking  to  a  cumbly. 

Gum  on  a  cumbly. 

2145.  ^u^um  effil.Q'S  dsiLQ^  ^pliLfLo  <SBefl  uitQIlo, 

Even  the  peg  to  which  a  cow  is  tied  at  Kamban's  house  will  sing. 

2146.  ^u^Lf6i(^^  dsdofT   QeuLLif-^pQufr^uoi  ^(fKisdeusikirQih,    /Bihi9 

Arrange  it  so  that  when  he  goes  to  weed  the  rye,  he  may  al«<> 
engage  a  wife  for  his  yourger  brother. 

2147.  <s/ito/r6Tr6ir  udrGneus  mir^  J>j^fB^i  Q^fr&rerrQeueisrQih^ 
One  must  buy  a  smith's  cow  after  cropping  Her  eara. 


*  • 

When  a  child  is  born  in  a  smith's  family,  sugar  must  be  dealt  out 
in  the  street  of  the  dancing  girls. 

2149.  sihiDfrerreSir  /sfroj  a^ihinLLif^^  0^(r<oSi(^  j^^^iBfT  ? 
Will  the  smith's  dog  be  alarmed  at  the  sound  of  a  hammer  T 

2150.  «tt9^  ^evcv/ru  uLnujTLbQuireo^ 
Like  a  top  without  a  string. 

2151»   su8lp€f!>pu  uirihQuGsrj)!  eressresSi  ^e^ii(^Qp^^ 
Trembling  at  a  bit  of  rope  thinking  it  to  be  a  snake. 

2152.  «r«^j5/  ^/r  ^(T^Ei  sn'd5(mtjD, 

"Water  in  a  hand-pot  will  avail  for  a  katham* 

2153.  ^jrifi.  i9&Dp  SGssru.^Qufre\)^ 
As  a  bear  saw  the  new  moon. 

2154.  tSBiTZ^     ^jr^^^^Lb     es)dB<i(o6Sfr6rr/i    Q^q^gBso      Qun&     euyS 

'  Though  one  be  pursued  by  a  bear,  he  may  not  escape  through 

weavers'  street* 

2155.   sjrif,iun'e\)    ^jrjifiLJULLisu^i^^  sihueSi^frjrSstfrdi  adfrt^rr 

p  UlULb, 

He  who  has  been  kicked  by  a  bear,  fears  the  sight  of  one  who  sells 

i     2156.   «j7-zjL    LfpfSQeo    6umu  e^eu^^irpQuiriOy    sq^l^^  sireQp  <f^je/ 

As  the  bear  puts  its  nose  into  the  anthills  as  small   bells  were 
tied  to  the  legs  of  a  kite. 

\  2157.  sjresyrLD  ^ul9^€\)  injressrLD^ 

To  fail  in  a  somersault  may  be  fataL 

*158,  ^STLLinrr^i  stLtf-^eo  ^EiCSTLb  (^GDpuiir^.       •  ■ 

Excessive  cording  will  not  diminish  the  weight  of  u  padcage, 

206  utfiOmfTi^.     . 

2159.  ^iBuLi'i;^  ®(3'^^  i9siDtfi,  ^eom^^i^  §>^^  iS^ip^ 
In  famine,  save  your  life  where  you  are,  in  war,  by  flight. 

2160.  €^iP'Ul9Q(s\)  i9mSsrr  eSp(n^p(SufT(Sco. 
Like  selling  a  child  in  famine. 

Like  an  art  without  ingenuity  to  comprdiend  it,  and  a  discipW^ 
without  a  teacher. 

2162.  ^Q^iS  ^.(f^iSl  Qi5iueu!THfl^!r^Lb  ^b^l^  /Biuffju/iflireiir   Q&m 

Though  you  give  hira  fried  meat  and  pour  melted  ghee  oi»  Am  ria^- 
he  will  say  nothing  but  what  he  saw. 

2163.  ^Q^iis^isrGstSl' eo  aesimuiT&sr    aesari^^Lb  ^n^mt^u  u^ 


When  the  karunkanni  fish  is  caught,  the  fisherman. does  not  evem 
turn  to  look  at  it. 

2164.  «0/Ey65eu6T9v?6O  /5/r/f  e^iFluu/resr, 

He  will  strip  fibr&  from  a^piG^e  of  granite^ 

2165.  ^Q^iEi^nreQ  s-^aiem^i^  Qsueireiftu  yisin-  stLif-Ssr^CoLJireo. 
As  a  silver  ferrule  fastened  to  an  ebony  pestle- 

2166*.  ^(mjBi^rr&Si  iSLlcjoL^^i.'^  exifraj  ibfr^^^Q^iri^irm'  ^jitir  e^fremip^' 
^€m(Sl<i(y^  eurriLi  fBfr^jLDfr  ? 
Will  an  axe  whose,  edge-is  not  blunt'^d  by  cutting  a  piece  of  ebonj^, 
be  made  dull  by  cutting  a  stem  of  ?.  pluntian  tree  .^ 

2.1.67*  <iE(y7;z—  G3f.  <5B/r6T95y  0«cf©d;F  siLf^ sisr.^ ^Ju tsu..  "       ' 

As  a  string  of  small  bells  was  tied  to  the-  leg  of  a  kife^; 

2:168.  ajf^L^^'®  ^€iffi^  ufTLDLjQuneo^ 
Like  a  snake  in  sight  of  a  kite. 

StPA^.iuay  bfi  ibund  Aven  in  .sugai;  cai;Ldyf\ 



2170.  ^(T^Lti  ^'i^ii^  Ourr^stnLDs<^  ^^sif. 
Consistency  of  action  is  the  measure  of  greatness. 

2171.  ^(f^tii^esijs  (Tf:.i^dSpeiisk  ^n^ssiu^  ^^jptih  ufrjrfrek, 
A  resolute  man  cai^s  nothing  about  difficttlties. 

?172.  (Bq^n^fTcsr  §!in^fBJs  ^L-y^LCi  ^(wsy)^  Ljtrsssn—  &GfrQpui  <F/f?, 

A  blacksmith's  8hop>  aud  the  place  m  iivbich  asses  roll  themselves 
are  alike. 

2173.  ^(7^tht9^La  Q^siT  ®(»)«(^tD  MT&riuQi^iJi  urrss)  ^Qf,^(^u^. 
There  is  honey  in  sugarcane-  there  is  sap  in  milk»hedge< 

2174«  «0£iz^<i<5B/_L/p.<i^^  srjpiftJbLi^irQssr  euQ^ua, 

Ants  will  of  course  be  attracted  by  a  lump  of.  sugar-candy. 


The  story  of  one  striking  an  ass  with  a  sugai'-cane. 
2176,  anEuys9}USi  ^Q^esi^np^  QufTiLt-^trso  ^(ipenfiai^fli  Qj^fimitStptr 

Does  the  ass  enjoy  the  flavor  of  the  sugar-cane  that  is  placed 
before  it  ? 


2177;  «0iity  ^ekssri  ^fi^eSiuir  ? 
I  What,  a, reward  for  CAting  sugar-cane  f 

I    2178.  si^LOLjiJb  QeuLDLj  ^iSpQp, 

Even  sugar  cane  has  become  a  margos-i  tree; 

2179^  ^(f^wLjif^    ^(i£fi    f-t^^'   ^aiix^Sl'ssr,    uir^i^^    ^.jQ^iaear 

Will  earth  pulverised  by  the  plough  for  sugar-cane,  ansxrer^for. 
sugar  to  be  mixed  with  boiled  milk  T ; 

2180;  ^(a^ttiH.&^iScp^  ejfriui^ppuyt 

If  sugar^cuno  provebitt^r  to  the  palate/ it.  19  th:Q  fal^It  of^themou^.^ 


2p8  utfiQunrtfi. 

2181.  "SB^iiLy  Q^SOiuesrj^u  Q^(Sjrfr(Sl  i9QikiseofrLbir  ? 

May  sugar-cane  be  plucked  up  by  the  root  because  it  is  of  fine 
flavor  I 

2182.     ^(f^LD€^U  ^Q^U^Uy  ^^   QeUlIiLI  ^u9/b^^ 

If  taken  to  excess  sugar-cane  becomes  bitter  as  margosa. 

218$.  ^,(f^ihLf  ^iLQi-^irQu.  ]©(5««  erj^LLLj  ^irQesr  ei/^iL. 

Where  bundles  of  sugar-cane  are,  there  ants  will  come  of  them- 

An  egg  without  yolk,  an  art  without  a  teacher. 

2185.  <^(f^(S&jeoL£ijr;i^p(^    i9ifi€d  ^e\)SsOy    ^m^^m(^     Qp^p  % 
The  karuv^l  Acada  casts  no  shade,  smiths  observe  no  relationsbip 


in  marryvrig. 

As  a  doney  out  of  sight  of  land. 

The  eommod  name  of  a  country  vessel,  some  of  which  are  of  con- 
siderable size.    They  have  no  deck  and  are  thatched  with  palm  letTes. 

2187.  «fi»)/r  fiil^ip-Gsr  suu6\)(ouire\). 
Like  a  stranded  vessel. 

2188,  ses)jruui<35LD  uiros)^  ^q^ism  ^liiueo  ^jSesreu^Wy  Q^friaofr/S 

Like  the  misery  endured  by  him  who  embarked  when  there  was  i 
way  by  land,  and  by  the  husband  who  revealed  to  his  wife  that 
which  he  ought  not. 

2189;   SGDfruufrir  setDir^^rrp  'gs6\)^u^  sesifriLjua, 

Under  the  management  of  the  skilful^  even  a  stone  may  be  dii- 



TAttiL  PBOVERBS.  209 

2190.  seos^^Q^o  nasf^^ir^eu&f  mjr^fB^Q^  Quir€uirQ)ih, 

It  is  said  that  he  who  does  not  exaggerate  when  a  tumalt  occurs 
will  go  to  hell. 

2191,  «cv«;i^(?co  (oumiiLD  6SfrsoLD/rQ  ^?/SK)Ubm^ir  ? 

In  regard  to  a  bed  is  the  distinction  of  head  and  foot  observid 
in  a  battle-field  T 

In  a  general  insurrection  universal  consternation  prevails. 

2193.  «6V«ii  i9pih^freo  iSiuirtuih  t9pss(yjih. 
Popular  agitation  le&ds  to  justice. 

2194.  <sECV(9;(?ii)  Qmiiujtr^p  Lfaei^^irfBeu&r  ufrcuih. 

If  an  insurrection  exists,  it  is  wrong  not  to  make  it  knowii. 

I  When  I  went  in  rags  to  see  her,  she  appeared  enveloped  in  double 

the  quantity. 


2196.  ^€0^  esiht-i  ^SsrQj^^Lb  ^fremt^  ^B/riLif-CSeo, 

Though'  it  may  consume  a  kalam  of  gr^iii,  the  quail  lives  in  th^ 

2197.  «eu«®iaa/£i  «L_6u  (?«F(2p«/r^. 

Though  never  so  troubled,  the  sea  does  not  become  muddy. 

2198.  «6V;i^(?a)  (?<F/r^63)/D  @lL®«  e9)4BefnaJLJ  i9i^j5/5!rpQuir<s^^ 
Like  holding  the  hand  after  putting  rice  on  the  plate. 

2199.  «cw  0/5SU^<i(j(i  <a>^  9l.lEI  ^(^^(^liht  ? 
Will  a  kalam  of  paddy  yield  a  kalam  of  husks  1 

2200.  «6VL/  uessr^ffsiflu  uiririSl£)iLD  ^(t^  Sifiu  iQcnnh  /siv^.^^ 

The  corpse  of  fin  old  person  is  better  than  immense  wealths 


210  VdpQmir.ij^. 

2201.   <«^L/  urri<^  sp<Sf3^eoinii  ^<sfftLj  uir.ev  Qp^i^^  ^pfDeoinL^  ? 

A  kalam  of  milk  may  b^  drawn ;  cau  a  drop  be.  infused  into  the 
teat  I 

2202.   <soVU  ufr^i(^^  ^effiu  Lj(c^ir, 

A  drop  of  butterr milk  or  curds  to  a  kalam  of  milk. 

2203-  'BsffouufT^^LD  y^^F^^u  Ouirm^piii, 

Tkougb.npt  pure,  repeated  gilding  will  give  il:  tjie  colour  of  gold.. 

2204.   sG^Li  ufr6Qs\)  €^^  ^(SfB  eSe^ii  se\)i^(rpQL^irQl6\)., 
Like  putting  a  drop.of  poison. in  a.  kalam  of  milk. 

2205-,   ^^LJ  urreo.  (^tsf,^^,  ^^  '^\P^^(^u  U[r6\)  (^i^iufT^ir  ? 

Will  not  a  cat  that  h^s  drunk  a^kalam  of  milk  drink  an£lak? 

2206,   ^^  ^^  ^9-<si^6i;err  ua-sQiLjLD^  sutSl  ^tf.^^€ueir    L/ewrgaaflujffliS 

u^iTin'  ?  j 

Is  she,  who  pounded  a  kalam  of  flour  vieio\is,  and  she  who  pounded   ! 
rolons:  virtuous  ?  - 

2207.   <»fOLb  S€OfB/£frso  (^,e\)LCi  <956\;«igjLb. 

When  plates  are  interchanged,  tribaV marriages  interchange.. 

2208 r    «svii)  (aj^jSgifJ^fLD  u^ir  ^iflS  ^<35fr^, 

Thpugh  a  kalamo^  chaff  be. pounded,  it  will  ndt  become  rice. 

2209.  <*^  ^^  ^mQrf>(s\)  ^^  ^flS  ^iLt^fT/srr  ?' 

If  a  kalam  of  chaff  be  €11  ten  may  tipt  a  grain  of  rice  turn  upl" 

It  is  said  that  he  forgot  to  tie  the  tdli  owing  to  the  bustle  at  the 


No  scarcity  at  a,  wedding,  nor  in  the^threshii?.^  fl^^oor. 

2212.   ^eQujirem.  ^l1i^€V    uiB^p^ir^dO^    ^iLi^    J^Q^^pe^^    Qs^^iji 
6ffiLt^e\)  a^Ldinir  ^(^uu /retro-  ? 
Will  the  wopa^n  who  wept  as  she  clung  to  the , post  of  a  itfarriage 
pandal  at  be  silent  when  dhe  attends.a  fan'eiral  f 


TAJHL  PR0VE11B«.  2113^ 

He  has  never  beea  a^a  wedding,  nor  has  he  heard  tte  sound  of  a*, 

2214.  'SeSujfTesssrLD  Q^iu^tJb  d=eir&fliu.TSujfr  ? 

What,  thoughv married  y^t  a  SanjiAi-ascetic  V 

22i5.  ««u  ^S^ih  ^€s^6u^'y  Lfs\)  ^S^-LD  /^(ijfi^eir. 

Though  in  heart  hard  asa  stone, aad  worthless  as  a  blade  of  *gra9%u 
he  is  your  husband. 

Though  one  may  escape  the  cast  of  a  stone^  he-cannot  escape  the^^ 
glance  of  an  tvU  eye* 

The  evil  eye\»m^^^  and  the  evil  tongue  ^irg^jy  are  -feared 
very  generally.     To  avert  their  influence  as  regards^fruits  &c,  in  a^ 
gHfden,  it  'is   commoii  to   put  up  some  object  of    attraction  as  a 
waier-pot  whitewashed,  inverted  oa  a  ftUunp,  and  dotted  with  black . 

^pots  dfc     la  8«me  eaolosHres  gi^oteaqtie  images  ate  aedi.. 

■     ■         »    ■  • 

[   2217.  ss\)(o0i^'3FQ^i^€k  QuirSlp    ^^y    ^^^    (Su>(B  OT<fO€D/rm    fieQQ 

All  the  roughi:  and  rugged  gi:ound.befi)cev  the  sAone-cntter  will  be^ 
reduced  tO' powder.  ^  . 

2218/  a^eu/TL-U)  ujf.^^6u(o^Q  LDe\)  ^u.frQ^^ 

Do- XLot  contend  T^ith  him.  who  has  studi^id  \kalladam.« 

KaDadau  a  workoii  the  third  part  of  grammat  is  imid  to  bC'exf- 
iremely  dry;  '  '        , 

2219. .  «^€V/r^/r/r  Q^^en^^^ih  dspQrj>ir  eujpjstfim  fBG\)LD, 

ThJe*  poverty  of  the  learned  is  better  than ^ the  l^ealihjof  the- 
unlearned. .  .  '     • 

The  illiterate  isfho  boast  of  high^ank  may  be  compfired  to  thfto 
^         dust  mixed  with  paddy-i^nA-w^ftec?  rice. 



212  .     uifiQLbiri^, 

2221.  «fi?05\)/r/f  p^peQ^Lb  spQ(ffir  uGn^  /bsvld. 

The  enmity  of  the  learned  is  better  than  the  friendship  of  the  iUi 


2222.  «5Vsv/r/f  ^L^peumeo  ^mr^^i  sl^sv  «^, 
Keep  at  a  distance  from  the  unlettered ;  cross  the  sea  of  passion. 

2223.  seoeQ^m  euesrsmm  sesr^L^ir  Q/s^^ld, 
The  heart  of  a  great  fool  is  harder  than  a  stone. 

2224.  ^i^66l(^eo  mirHr  ^ifi^sSp^Qu/reo, 
Like  stripping  fibre  from  a  stone. 

'2225.  «6U^m  (S^Bi^frtLjihCoUrreou  Qu»S(ff^, 

He  speaks  as  effectively  as  the  hitting  of  a  stone  on  a  cpcoanut. 

2226.   «^ji2/ii  s^rrCoeufliLjui  s_6rf6yfa5LL®ti  eufripoi, 

,       May  you  live  as  long  as  the  rocks  and  the  Cauveri  exist. 

The  river  Cauveri  rises  in  tbe  Westerri  ghauts  and  flows  into  the 
bay  of  Bengal.  It  is  tbe  source  of  the  great  fortilitj  of  Tanjore  and 
the  adjacent  districts.  According  to*the  legend  it  originated  in  the 
following  manner.  In  ancient  times  wlieh  the  peo|>le  of  southern 
India  suffered  from  diouglit,  Ganesa  became  incarnate  in  the  fom\ 
r.  of  a  crow.     As  such  he  visited  the  abode  of  an  ascetic  on  one  of  tbe 

western  hills.  He  there  alighted  on  the  waterpot  of  a  hermit  &nd 
upset  it.  The  water  thus  spilt,  by  reason  of  the  bermiCs  merit,  be^ 
came  a  river  :  the  current  spelling  would  make  the  name  the  lake^l 
the  crow  t  the  legend  reqnii-es  Uie  word  to  be  spelt  sitQmjS  crow 
mounting,  whereas  AtQmi^  lake  of  the  crow  is  common. 

2227,  «*^Ji2f  euQ^Sp  e96»)<y65)uj«  dsessri^rrey)    us\)2soa=    QdQ^vtr    ^^ 

On  seeing  the  rapid  approach  of  a  stone  press  your  teeth  and  shnt 
your  mouth. 

222S.   «6u350    ^fijiir/i    <s0K/r«i«cv/rii),    gp/ridBcir    u^esr^si^i    <sB«DTi45)i 
Even  gtones  may  he  dissolved,  hut  the  mind  of  a  fool  cannot. 


"\MIL  PROVERBS.  21^" 

(!*229.  <sQ}&o<s  SGsnTL^rreo  f6ir€syfui  <s/r(?^(i)^  /bfrssitui  S€ifrL^rr€\)  aevhoi 

On  finding  a  stone  we  see  no  dog,  on  seeing  a  dog  we  find  no  stone. 
2230.  <9E6uS50<£    (^^j^eUfrQesr&fT     6s><s     (S/srrSp^     er&frjp/     ^Qpeu/t 

Why  beat  a  stone  and  then  weep,  exclaiming  it  has  pained  my 
hand  ? 

2231.  ^eo2isOu(SuiT€oi  sBojsreuar  ^(T^dsi  s^SdS(m  ^opeunrQesr&fr  ? 
Why  weep  for  kanji  while  yoQ  have  a  husband  as  hard  as  a  stone  t 

232.  ss\)Seci  Seir&fis  enx  ^tpi/S^  Quireoirih, 
Like  losing  the  hand  by  pinching  a  stone* 

2233.  ^eoeQ  ^s\)e\)fr&sr  Q^soeuih  apiSeoeoir&r  Mtfi(^, 
Wealth  without  learning  is  like  beauty  without  chastity. 

2234.  seveQ  er&srp  uii9(7^i(^i  sessrssSUr  er^p  iLemipQeueifrQLCi, 
^            Plants  of  learning  flourish  in  the  rain  of  tearft* 

I       ^  .       ": 

*;    2235.  ^eceOiLiLD  (^eonpiii  Oeudveu^  eOegreQio, 

When  inquiring  what  will  prevail,  one's  learning  and  rank  nafur- 
ally  occur. 

2236.  A€veQ  fL.efTetr  §^^^m  mesr  Stpei^Gsr^ 
A  well  instructed  youth  is  an  old  man*. 

il   2237.  seoeQsniuu  uit^QuiTL^  (5Te\)rr^. 

Learning  cannot  be  allotted  in  portions-^o  persons: 

■       ■ 

1'238.  seuQ^sttF/S  QmfSliQeo  /8soevfrQ/3^,    sessn^€U&r   flSsoenuj    ^tni^i 

Do  not  stand  in  the  way  of  a  stone  from  a  sling,  it  may  break 
the  head  of  the  beholder. 

t.239.  «fifl    Q9iT€ssn^iriri(^i    Sirfl^,    ^esifss'    Q^eQQ£iirafeirfrfri(^ 

Praise  to  those  who  approve  of  a  poem,  and  blame  to  those  wh(y 
will  not  listen  to  it. 

.5240.  <55Q9iQ«/r6wrt-./r/fi(^£i>  Snr^^  ^SsOuu/riT'i(^ui    Si'^^iDir? 

Are  those  who  accept  a  poem  and  those  who  reject  it  alike  praise- 

0  king,  manage  a  poet  laureate  and  a  superior  elephant  without  fear. 

l2242.  ^€S)euiSS)\ULjupnSl^  iSQ£)SiD^u9^  srrSoOu  t3zp-. 

To  effect  your  object,  if  necessary y  cli«g  to  the  legs  of  an,  ass. 

If  an  ass  he  wanted,  it  may  be  found  feedinig  near  a  ruinous  wall. 

If  an  ass  be  out  of  condition,  it  will  be  as  useless  as  a  ruinons  walJ. 
Why  a  bridle  for  ao  ass  I 

2246*  ^(ipes)fiu  'Ljmr^a^(^u  t^(tp0  "^O^js/. 
Dust  is  medicine  for  the  sores  of  an  ass. 

Are  an  ass  and  a  horse  equal  T 

Like  yoking  an  ass  and  a  horso  together. 
*Can  an  ass  appreciate  fragrant  ponder  ? 

Does  m  «80  become  a  hor^e  Iq^  beijug  sad4M ' 
The  ^ass  by  weariiag  away  has  beconie  an  ant. 
Why  a  bit  or  a  bridle  for  an  ass  I 



lijjke  tying  b&  ass  and  feeding  a  sacrificial  fire. 

This  proverb  relates  to  tbe  following  sto^ry.  h^  oeriaiu  Maliar^lja 
]iad  a  bBi-bei*  wholiud  evinced  great  skijl  in  shaving  his  royaji  master 
wheD  he  was  asleep.  To  reward  hiai  the  Kiog  resolved  to  elevate 
him  in  the  social. s^ale.  The  brahmans  were  called  aad  ofdcred  to 
make  a  brahman  of,  t<he  barber.  Tli^y  set  to  work,  kipdled  a  sacred 
fire  and  the  barber  was  led  round  it,  whilst  the  priests  uttered  the 
required  incantations  for  accomplishiug  their  purpose. 

The  prime  minister  being  of  a  somewhat  f^^etioua  tempera- 
ment determined  to  metamorphose  an  aft.  As  the  proverb  inti- 
mates he  kindled  a  fire  and  led  the  animal  round  it.  When  the  King 
saw  him  tlius  eug^od)  he  asked  him  what  he  was  doing.  The  prime 
minister  replied  by  stating  that  if  the  brahmans  could  make  a  brah- 
man of  a  barber  he  thoaght  an  ass  might  be  made  into  a  horse,  and 
he-  was  therjefore  engaged  in  the  ceremonj. 

2254.  «(z^s»^<a(^    tL.uQp^^.LD  ^if^Qeo  Q&'irek^^u>    juuojs    (mjr^ 

Though  religious  instruction  be  whispered  in  the  ears  of  an  ass 

nothing  will  come  of  it  but  the  accustomed  braying. 

*■ . >  >■' j» '■■     I '  ■  >"' 

Having  married  ^n  ass,  do  you  fear  his  kicking  ? 

2256.  ^Q£.Gf>^(2ms\)  (^jQ  (sr^eVf  ^piiSt  ^^esr  ? 
;'  What  matters  it  whether  you  mount  an  ass,  or  alight  from  one  ? 

2257.    a(Lp<S7)^(oLn<S\)   (ST/SU-jth.     Qu(l^S9)L£i   ^^SsO.^     ^fllEiiS^lLjih     ^^Q)LD 

Though  you  may  ride  on  an  ass,  you  gain  no  honour,  nor  are  you 
disgraced  by  dismounting.  ' 

Did  the  washerman  become  a  farmer  by  ploughing  with  an  ass  ? ' 

•- \  ■ 

^259.  ^(L^m^  s^(ip^  (^peusur  (^tpL.  .|^tg)g)  ? 

Ha^  the  forester  become  a  farmer  by  ploughing  with  an  ass  ! 


216  u  ifiQ  LD^tr  L^, 

2260.  «!5(j^69)^  tO(tS/f  i9(SlikiSi^eo  ^eo/ruih  ereisrasr  fSi^t^ih  erekesr  f 
Wlji^ij  profit  or  loss  will  arise  from  plucking  off  the  hair  of  an  ass  \ 

2261.  ^Qpem/S  Lbu9ir  i9(Sisi@^  Q^^ih  ssiLif-  ^etreurr^  ? 
Ca,n  pne  reign  as  a  king  by  selling  ass-hair  ? 

2^262.  ^(L^e(fi^ai(^^  O^fiiLjUiir  ss&v^irifl  euir&'isgf  ? 
Does  an  ass  appreciate  the  odour  of  musk  T 

2263-   ^(Lpesi^i(9^u  ujrQfi^Lo  (^iLi^s^^eu/r^ 

The  foreign  caantry  of  an  ass  is  a  ruinous  wall, 

2264.  ^(L^&s)^  ^ui9^^  (^iLuf^^areuBi^^^eo  ®0«(5^. 

if  an  ass  goes  astray^  it  may  be  found  near  a  ruinous  wall. 

2265*   ^(i£€^JSu(Suir^Qu9(SV    ggi/acv  infTQifiLL-Lt^iT  ? 

Are  there  five  kalams  of  fraud  in  the  pack  on  an  ass ! 

2266.  SQpetfi^  cfliLlgwt-    -^g)J^^    ^^^  tSjTiou  (Seu€ifr®iJi  €rmS(y^i 
You  say  get  a  handful,  although  it  be  but  ass  dung* 

2267.  ^(ip^^Oeo  mfiiLbaS  ^evSso  Qutuir  Qp^jpinrrSso. 

Her  name  is  pearl  necklace,  yet  on  her  neck  she  has  not  a  black 

2268.  «(j^e9«  ^q^gQu  tSeirjja/ti  (S^penp  iSi^iQpfiBfr  ? 

What !  is  it  to  tread  in  the  mud  every  time  you  wash  your  feet  P 

2269.  «(j^ffl/<i(g  ejpp  Q^iTQpiLvf-. 

A  k6mutti  exactly  fitted  te  the  stake. 

2270.  ^cn-LO  ^irjyQpeuSstr    iBjriLQeuir^ih  Ouirnr    i9(Sda^Speu&f. 
It  is  said  that  he  who  steals  grain  from  the  stack,  will  frighten 

away  the  women  who  may  sweep  the  threshing  floor. 

2271.  cSB^iLfif  sk^L^n^m^i  ^essri^irs))  ^tf.  QuiuUrk^  ^ui-IP^  ^^^* 
If  you  cannot  pluck  up,  pass  by  on  the  other  side. 

2272.  «&yraj*i  ,g&.4_/r^6»^<i   SGssrtf^uJinjbeo  ^Si^^iQ^ireir, 
Do  not  fret  yourself  about  that  which  cannot  be  avoided. 




It  is  better  to  gain  a  quainter  of  a  fanam  by  selling  camphor  than 
a  kalam  by  selling  toddy. 

2274.  «cir«r^5j/ti  ^S  eBerri^LD  i9uf.i3lQ}/^^, 
He  plays  the  thief  and  also  holds  the  lamp. 

2275.  ^eneir  eQ^eu/r^ui  ^(ip^QfleosOfrm  Q&'LJiiifrSoO,  • 
The  neck  of  the  hypocrite  is  covered  with  rosaries. 

2276.  setrerrSssriL^ih  Qeuetreir  ^SsffsriLfu^  siLt^eQiSl, 
Secure  a  thief  by  tying,  and  a  flood  by  damming  it  up. 

2277.  serrerru  i9eifr2sfru9^LD  Q^eae^iuiS&r^  e^essn^rr  ? 

Are  there  any  indulged  ones  among  the  children  of  kallar:s  ? 


2278.  ^eirefT^osr  J^Q^  /BfftretTfrnr  erekj^ntn. 
No  one  will  ever  approve  of  a  thief. 

2279.  ^etrerr^i^  CfliQ^ivev/rii  eSetrenrru  ustn<s. 
The  whole  country  owes  implacable  hatred  to  a  thief. 

2280.  s&reir  LDfrQ  ir/ssn^  ^(ffjp. 
A  vicious  bullock  will  not  be  brought  to  market. 

I  2281.  s&r4mSs9r  /6Lni9^^ui  (^ctrenSssr  /6L6us\)frdifr^, 
A  rogue  may  be  trusted,  but  not  a  dwarf. 

2282.  s&rstrefT  iSsJrSu/rQj^ii  (^sirewfiir  i9^(cUir^uUL^fr^, 
One  may  follow  a  rogue  without  risk,  but  not  a  dwarf. 

8283.  ssetretr^  ^s^^fld  a(r(Sl  O&ifeneirir^^ 

The  jungle  is  not  large  enough  to  contain  the  fea^r  of  r  jbbers- 

An  unwilling  bullock  is  restless. 

2285.  ^eam  ldsstld  ^ea^Cb.  •  ^ 

A  guilty  mind  is  agitated.  ^Ji 

218  utfiQ  LDfrtfi.     , 

The  IViendship  of  a  rogue  is  not  friendship,  nov  is  kasiwood  fuel 

2287.   ^^nefresr  lj^Si  ^(W,iL(BQu^(Seo, 

The  mind  of  a  rogue  is  set  on  thieving. 

2288     3iefrerr(5k  t9Gfrdofr<i(^Li:i  iSerrerru  f-j^Sl, 

Even  the  child  of  a  thief  is  characterized  by  thievish  propensites. 

2289.    ^STTGrr^T  LbdosroQ  <oS)^L£iQusssT  ^esr^Lb, 

The  wife  of  a  thief  is  Jat  any  moment  liable  to  become  a  widow. 

(opfTLnfT   ? 

Can  the  wife  of  a  thief  be  consulted  as  an  augur  for  the  recdverj 
of  stolen  property  I 

2291.   ^syrcyr^^Lo  QeuefrGfTQpLD  g^ffir^, 
A  thief  and  a  flood  are  alike. 

I  .A 

2292.  ^<c^<sfr^<i(^Lj  urr,^Sl  (Sl<oii(SfTerr^i(^u  unr^^ 
One  half  to  tiie  rogue,  and  one  half  to  tho' honest. 

2293.  ^6n(SiT^LD  Q^fnLL^^^irir^LD  €^^jpj,' 
A  gardener  is  another  term  for  a  thief. 

If  tlie  thief  and  a  gardener  are  united,  one  may  steal  till  day-break. 

— "-^     ■    ■■■■■I    ■   ■•    I     urn 

229-3.   'OJtorrsYreir  O^ireaarL^  ld/tQ -(^^^eifinix  (Si4frQtu^^ -^  ' 

What  matters  it  to  what  ferry  the  bull  may  go  that  has  been 
bought  by  a  thief  ?  * 

2296.  ^^rerr^<3i(^i  «aB/r65afrt3sar^gW68r  usiD-s,, 
He  who  points  out  a  thief  is  hated  by  him* 

2297.  ^<sn(si?l  QuQ^^^  (oT&iresr?  miriu  ^essri^n;  iSipio  ^.essn^iT  ? 
What  if  the  kalli  grow  large  ?  Has  it  any  fruit  or  any  shade  ! 



The  whole  country  is  a  wild  JU  for  ilw  gi^owtli  of  the  kalli. 

2299.  ^^<siFl^  QsinMLjm(^  QeuefT&fluLieikfr  ^iL.Vf-Gisr ^Quired , 
Like  attaching  a  sil^^er  feiTule  to  a  kalli  stick. 

Why  you  hypocrite,  inlay  with  gems  ?  that  which  ia  in  the  ear  is 
made  of  brass. 

2301.  ^6rr(strH(^th  QeuiLi^^  sp(nf>&f)ifii(^th  QeuiLQSp^, 
After  cutting  the  kalli  to  cut  ih«  kattalai. 

2302.  s^Gtf!<i(m^  ^€6ST<os^lr  ^6mes^(os\)y     /S^i^^^    ^Gssres^ir    iSemi-O 

The  tears  of  a  thievish  woman  are  in  her  eyes,  those  of  an 
abandoned  woman  are  in  her  eyebrows* 

2oOS.  ^Gfrei?ii(^  oieoMiT  fSessreissB^sv, 

A  thievish  woman  has  a  kala/m  of  tears  in  her  eyes. 

What  avails  a  fence  against  a  thievish  woman,  or  an  axe  for  cutting^ 
twigs  ? 


Where  there  is  iJieft  and  gambling,  there  will  also  be  a  wL    ^- 

I  ^306,  ^eadoiT^  (mt^^^iT<50  ^^meiKSis)^^  Q^irs»eurr^, 
Should  he  drink  toddy,  he  will  tell  the  truth. 

Yielding  an  ulak  of  milk,  and  kicking  out  the  teeth. 

2308,  ap/s/s  urr^LD  cr<fF@^  i9pi^  tScirS^/zyzi  er<sFS^, 
First  drawn  milk  is  unclea^}  and  so  is  a  first-born  child. 

220  u  ifiQ  LD  fr  i^^ 

2309.     ^pii^   UfT&V   Qp2svi(^   ^J3/LD/r  ? 

Will  the  milk  that  has  been  drawn,  again  enter  the  udder? 

2310.  ^pi^  UfrSs03s  ^(Tiu^^nfLnp    (^ij^^fBrcio    «/r«F    eBoJir^   ^tt^ef 


If  fresh  drawn  milk  unboiled  be  drunk,  consumption  may  be  cuiei 

2311,  *^^^^  erffV€\)frLD  fBessffssSir  Qeucsf^^^^  ensoeofrub  uirec  eiesf 

Wliatever  is  black  he  calls  water,  and  whatever  is  white  he  calls 

2312.  ^jpnui-l  Qeu^UL]  ^9(r^y  ^rCjUj^^sSuLj  -g«/r^. 
Black  will  not  become  white,  nor  bitter  sweet. 

2313.  «^L/L/  /s/ruJ  Oox/errSsifr  ismu  ^(^mir  ? 
Will  a  black  dag  become  white  ? 

2314.  ^jrnQp£ii9fTmflu  uL^evijb  €Uir&i8(yfr  dBeQimrujir^ 
The  poet  is  reading  the  section  on  grumbling. 

2315.  ^eaypiurreir  Ljp/Si^  Mff^tJb  ^i^Q&ireisft^^Quireo, 

Like  a  snake  that  occupied  an  ant-hili 

*  ■  ■ 

2316.  6£^9ypiurr6!sr  Ljpjp/u  uinhLfi^  c^^o/ffl^^. 

An  ant-hill  is  useful  to  a  snake. 

2317.  ^p^essTL^rrp  Q^dj^  €TiLif.MeS  s>a=i(^ii^!T  \ 
Will  etti  fruit  made  of  sugar-candy  taste  bitter  .? 

2318.  sps9>^u9e\)  <S56U6)9  <S5^zJL/,  ^ppiSmi-f  «5y^(?€a/  §jeSuL], 

Learning  when  being  acquired  is  bitter,  but  when  possessed  it  i» 

•i  !-  i 

2319.   ^pu^jS(f^^(neii3F  ^irirkjs  ^hts^ll  ^npJBLb  e^eirr^p/ui. 

Even  a  crow  th  it  lives  in  the  kalpaka  tree  feeds  on  ambrosia. 

2320.   spi^^^eam  aesBrSssvri  Qdsrr®jifleii&ir, 
He  who  gave  the  eye  is  he  who  tatight. 



2321.  spi9ji^€uar  ^Tuuirp^euir&r^  ^ 

He  who  preordained  will  protect  or  guide* 

^m,  spi9€\)eoir  ^^(5  eunr^Sssr  (Da)eu/rL/  ^, 

Beauty  without  chastity,  a  flower  without  fragrance. 

2323.  ^pp  ^L^^^evir  eQ^GD^gseniud  6i>Tu.QSlp^  p 
To  practise  a  trick  on  him  who  taught  it  ? 

2324.  spp€ujr^  (SsfTULD  /f/flsir  i9i<sfT^Qutrs\)  lut^ld. 

The  anger  of  the  learned  passes  away  as  water  recovers  its  surface 
after  bein^  divided. 

2325.  ^pp^  €9)6Btusireii  se))^ir^  eL-evsserrsij, 

What  he  has  learnt  is  a  handful,  and  what  he  has  still  to  acquire 
is  wide  as  the  world. 

26.  ^pp^  O^F/reucu/reif  Lbpjpt  er&sfesr  Q^iueuir^  ? 

What  other  service  will  he  do  for  you  who  would  not  tell  you  what 
he  has  learnt  f 

2327.  «pp6U€g)ji(^  eS^sm/S  ^/r€\>  fsrrifi. 

To  the  artist  his  art  is  but  a  quarter  of  a  n&li. 

2328.  ^pp  eQjienflemtuds  ^/nii^&i  (^i^dQpcu&frQi  irrQeo, 
Like  one  who  boils  and  drinks  his  learnino^. 

2329.  ^pp'pS  Qin/remtfiiUfruj  ^jr/rQ^. 
Be  not  a  learned  fool. 

-^330.  ^ppeu^ih  ^mrufreir,  J3upp€U(et^ih  e^muiretr^ 

A  learned  man  and  a  fruitful  woman  will  not  suffer  from  want  oi 


'2odl.  ^p(fir^es}ifi  mtrppopLb  i9^/s^  6ff<f<^npLo  (Suir<3^fr^, 

Th?6  ill  odour  of  the  karrdli  and  the  bad  smell  emitted  from  brass 
will  not  leave  them. 

2332.  ^PQffGtiffi  Qjp/^fiir^ih  ^2ssr  j^t^  etneuisrr^. 

Though  tlie  karrMai  be  small,  the  elephant  will  not  tread  upon  it. 

222  tip  tfi  0  Ln  IT  i^ . 

2333,  «^j2/d5    Od5fr(B^^    Qu&'ShtD   ^L-tf.6s    QdSfrQ^^    s^fr^QjhLD   er^- 

How  long  will  worda  put  iato  one's  mouth,  and  rice  prepared  for 
a  journey,  la&t? 

2334.     «/DJ2/<5B  <3B/DJ^LJ    Qu^^ItQ^^ 

Do  not  speak  in  a  studied  way. 

2335.  ^/bjpjih  ^pprSQibFTs^ip, 

Though  he  has  learnt,  he  continues  a  learned  fool. 

2336.  ^pjryLo  £spprSlQu^rres)Lp\Ufr? 
What,  to  be  a  learned  fool  I 

2337.   <shp(o(7rf>/r  ^-^fflDm  ^pQ^fir  ^jSwn", 

The  learned'  know  the  worth  of  the  learned.' 

2338.     «fi56W"  «^<SZD^   <35€Sr   /SS^L-LD, 

Excessive  desire  entails  great  losa. 

2339'   <5B6W  <sr<oSI  (sudofr  (Stl-tt^, 

^hen  rata^  are  numerous,  they  do  not  burrow, 

2340.    <a?€37-«  LD/r/fl  Ou/TLpl/h^^QufrQisD, 
As  it  rained;  gold. 

■■it  .   f         .       .     .      V         ■        ■ 

Dignity  gains  approval,  meanness  entails  loss. 

2 34 2*    ^ SSr^^-  e_ L_ 62DLD6B(^   ^SSTIT^/SW    ^ ©V SsO , 

Solid  jewels  are  invaluable. 

2343.   ^6sr^^(rs\)  ^ssriD,T(^m  L-/swryi^T<^  <3F(SsrLbnr(^ui, 

Dignity  or  worth  increases  relatives,,  wealth  secures  society. 

2aJ44.     ^<oSr^^.p(^    fSp^GPSTLD   tBi^^PDiD^'SBfT/kS^ 

Virtue  is  the  support  of  dignity. 

2345.  ^(ssr^e^^i  ^swrih  ^/SUljlo  ^^Q^su^wtLQu  ufrSsore^iu  /smu  jy/Su^Ui. 

Dignitj  is  appreciated  by  dignity^  the  ppt  of -dried  fisif  ia.  fcaown  M 
Qie'dog.  ..  -      .  1 



A  great  fool  loses  his  substance. 

Even  in  its  dreams. the  crow's  thoughts  turn  on  eating  filth. 

2318.  ^€sreQ<5\)  semL^  L/'SsaFrii  ©cre\i®9^^<5R  ^^siillt  ? 

Will  the  money  seen  in  a  dream  meet  one's  e^pan^es  ! 

The  wealth  seen  in  a  dream,  the  water  observed  iu  a  mimcre. 

4350.  «swai5^  e-ossTi—  Q^ir^jj   u^  ^f'res(muifr  ? 

Will  the  rice  consumed  in  a  dream  appease  hunger  ? 

The  story  of  a  woman  given  in  marriage  to  a  man  seen  in  a  dream. 

Ripe  fruit  fails  of  itself. 

I  2353.  <35(Safi/B^  ULpLb  Sir  ^sitjjS'ir  3iir^S)\u  tL^^iSi^il-i^n , 


You  have  eaten  the    ripe  fruit,   and  you  hstve  shaken   off  the 

What,  to  leayes  ripe  fru^jt  and  to  eat  unripe  ? 

23p5.   ^eisTLb^^^p  <3Ffr^iij(ciir(£l<3=»  Q<3^(osr.LL^^Q/^(5\)  ^evSsi). 
Caste  arises  from  action,  it  is  not  from  birjbhv 

Will .  gn^iite  be  dissQ^y^d  by  any  amount  of  hail  T ' 

4857.  mmLD^^j^s\)  euiB^^  ^eiri£)7Er©@??u  '(oorrs^oedesffrQtxi, 

That .  wJiich  hiw  come  of  :acti<)ii*^5i^-must  go  by  aUns  giving  v^lidi^ 


224?  U  IfiQ  ILfT  L^» 

2358.  ^^Si  ®®<*«*'*    ^.T^^^Satr  uireo  speufTu  usr    isekjpi    Q«f^^ 

i^P(^  ^evuunrs\)  spi(mu^ir  f 

Will  a  cow  that  gave  milk  worth  a  small  coin  while  its  calf  lived, 
give  a  kaJam  after  her  calf  is  dead  ? 

2359.  «sirj2/<i^Ll^633Uj  ^sQtfi^sSiF  Q^ir^^nr^enir   stL(Sl^fB(Sim^ii 

Did  they  tell  you  to  loose  the  calf  or  to  pull  up  the  peg  ? 

■         III     ■ 

2360.  ^^j^ft^  u^i^skjih  srrQL^/6KSmujfs^fre\)  ^esr^  sekjpi  eu^Qiu  ust 

When  the  calf  and  cow  go  out  to  graze,  each  takes  its  own  way. 

2361.  «69rj3/«6rr/ruj«  «L/p.«  tfSsrr  UfSiau  Quir^eo  ene^iiQ^ir^  ^^ 

If  a  herd  of  calves  weed  the  corn,  will  there  be  any  straw,  or  ever 
dry  stubble  ? 

2362.  ^cJrcw/D*  ««wr®  ^if-euf^ijb  usr€S)euuQurr(Se\). 
Like  a  cow  that  comes  running  on  seeing  her  calf. 

2363.  «€irg)6ir  iBL^u^fTL.m  (^tueuar  ^i^Qutreutr^^ 

When  the  brazier  begins  to  move,  the  potter  will  abandon  hil 

2364.  ^^^SPi^(S  (ip^siirQesr  sapegy^  urQfi^in  Quir^pCSuirQ^. 
As  an  ass  went  on  a  pilgrimage  before  a  copper-smith. 

2365.  ^ekea{)  ^(5«««i  £Bir2str  Locaarii  Qutr^jB^tru^ir  P 

When  a  virgin  is  yet  unmarried,  may  the  youtli-A/r  hMhf^ 


2366.    «/r«/i^(?6V  Qa/srrSsrr  8L6WfL-/r,^ 
Are  there  any  white  c"row8  ? 

2367.  <s/r<£^^eir  sessr^i^i^u  i3irmsusy^  Quir^ir  iSpui, 

To  the  ^y^  of  it  cro#  the  flo'^er  of  th^  gourd  is  tisg^  with  goij 

TllfIL  PROVERBS.  225 

2368.  «/r«ii  <s/r  <sT&ir(ffio   &em^2ssr  ^uufr  eresrjpi    stLt^^Q^rr(Sfr(^ 
It  is  said  that  when  a  crow  caws  she  will  exclaim,  alas,  and  cling  to 
Ler  husband. 

2369.  sirdiih  (QTfSu  uesriBJsnrtu   e-S^tu/r  ? 

Will  palmyra  fruit  fall  because  a  crow  alights  on  the  tree  ? 

2870.  ^nrmih  ^eoeoir^  smiir  UfT(sQ  ^e\)so/r^  emir^ 

Vicious  persons  are  not  found  in  a  village  which  has  no  crows. 

2371,    «/r<5Bli   ^Q^^^U  ULpLb  69(Lpi6^^(oUfr(Si), 


Like  the  dropping  of  the  fruit  when  a  crow  alighted  on  the  tree. 

The  country  in  which  crows  do  not  exist  is  without  mussalmans. 

2S73,  &rrsih  afreoCoLD  sir  sir  ereisf^  m^^ixi. 
Crows  will  caw  at  day-break. 

0  punnai  tree,  AUosandridn  laurel,  hast  thou  blossomed  for  Xakan 
and  i'ookan,  couldst  not  thou  haye  waited  till  the  arrival  of 
my  husband  ? 

2375.  «/r«i (55 /ruj«i  (^^^  «^®J^^  (^^  (^(^Sr  Quir&r  (^<^3r^ 
\  Though  but  a  young  crow,  it  is  a  golden  one  to  its  mother. 

\  2376,  S!ries>su9p  sfi^  serrfrihuifiih, 

Kaik  fruit,  4oiri88a,  is  blacker  than  a  crow. 

2377.  sirdesi65u^LD  (^u9/b  (^^€s>^^  ^eir  ^(^&i-(oUfreo  €U€rr{rd(mLOi, 

Even  a  crow  will  bring  up  a  young  kuyil'-lndian  cuckoo-ns  her 

2878.    tf/r<£6S)<S5<S^   JM^^    (^GSSTlh, 

The  crow  has  iive  chaxactenstios, 


226  uJifiQu^iTLfi.. 

2379*.  ^ffA&fi'S- ^/Steisr^th  uesfmutfiib  effnp/s^^LD^ 

The  alighting  of  the  Qrow,  and  the  falling  of  the  palmyra  fruifc 

2380.  ^frissi^u^iii  s^jS^.^^^LjQurr.Sp^  ^Q^eujrCSih  ^6\)fr./B^  Qu.r 

TJhe  crow/ continues  to  caw  whilst  the  kanivadui  (salted' fish)  dries.. 

2381.  3ifr^ssi^\Lfu>  iSjrpjTifth  Qurr6S(^  e^emL-fr^ev  mnFiit, 
Grows  and  winds  go  hut  to. return. 

2382.  <3Sfrii<5S)^eiDiui   ««ja(7®  ^^^eifir&r    m,jri^&fi\ULJ    i3i^^^^    <5bi1(S, 

Sh^  is  afraid;oii;86eing  a  crow,  and  yet  she  will  capture  a  bearr 

2383;  «5E/r«€a)«  (sj/Scsf  G)<s^/iL/    ^esy^iUfr^w  ?, 

Will  upt. the  branch.shi^keonjwhichiaicrow  alights  ^ 

Kltsi  i?  fonnod;of.  two  lett^sq^  only,  hpw  iwpy  daysswill  it  take  t<xi 

2385.  ^ItS^(^U  (oUiriLllIi  dS^LULb  O^^SsOttJfifiiJuSso. 

Thpugh:OQe  hasgone  to  Benares  his  sim  are  not  removed^' 

2386.  dB/rSijgju  Quir^^ih  ^siu<5s>u  ^«o/r<i«/r^, 

IJipugh,  taken,  tp.Ben^re^^ai'^Poden.  ladle  will  fetcbibut.  half :  a, 

2387i.   ^fr&i(^u  Quir^^Lb  «P  Qup  euifi  ^^^. 

AUhpugh  be  nmy  go  to  Elusi,  be  will  not  find  the  way  to  heaven. 

What !  leaving  goBe  to  Kdsi  i^it  to  iell  at.the  feet  of  aflame  ascetic  > 

If  .you  wish  to  strike  the  eyes  of  one  at  E^i,  do  you  go,  f(x  tkst  piir? 
]^e,  with  outstretched  hand  from  Conjevaraiat. 


Why  should  a  peoniles^man  talk  aboat  pagodas? 

If  you  are  free  with  your  money  a  harlot  will^come,  if  you  give  als#' 
a  kalam  of  rice,  her  sister  and  her  mother  will  come; 

2392.  «/r.»«^v5  ^(Tj  (5(g5^  eSlpQif^LD  eBessrisi    (Jj^j*  «^*''"^. 

Though  youi^  birds  are  sold^a  cash  each,  an  accountant's  young  birJi 
is  not  good.. 

2393,  «/r<»F<flE^  ^aS  (555^  eQpdy^ui  ^BLbin/rswi  @g5<*  •SJ**^^; 
Though  sold  for  a  single  cash^nevef  buy  a  smith  s  birdi 

Though  doth  may  be  eheap;.dog8  go  naked. 

2396.   <5/r5r««L(S  Slfi^&h^L^mLJLJ  QuiTiBp^i 

The  money  ba^et  has  become  a  charcoal  basket: 

— \ — * 

2396.  ^trari^u  Qurr^esr  LDfresrih  Qs/rtf.  Qstr®^^/r^ijD  eujrrr^; 

Chastity  lost  for  a  cash  will  not  be  recovered  by  acrore. 

2397.  sfretf)^s  Qi9BfrQ^\^65  (5^^  i£i/r<Sl  Q^QSp/sir  ? 
Will  you  buy  a.  vicious  cow  at  a  high  price  I' 

'  If  you  go  to-Conjeveram*,  you  may  eat  without  labour. 


I   2399.  sfri^6i(^LJ  Quirij^  fsSir  QdBirGsirQeuiB^^Qufreo,^ 
Like  goihg  for  vinegar  and  bringing  curds. 

Both  will  be  benefited,  he  who  watches^  the  jitng^e  and  he  vrh»\ 
waits  at  the  cutchery. 

2401*  «/rO  eurr  srmSip^  e^Q  Quit  eresr^p^. 

Home  bids  me  go,  and  the  place  of  incremation  s^ys  come;^. 


228  UipClLb(tt0. 

2402.  ^^®  sSSsrr/B^ir^Lb    ^q^    QinQ    eQdsir/B^fr^LD    SL^&tr  si^i^ 


The  debt  will  be  discharged  in  either  case,  whether  the  jungle  or 

highlarid  yield  a  good  crop. 

-'■    -' - 

2403.  ^^®  eQdofruJfreQL-L-fr^LD  SL^etnLD  (Sufr(^inir  ? 

Though  the  waste  land  has  yielded  nothing,  will  the  tax  be  re* 
mitted  ? 

2404.  "S"^®  Qsu/B^/rp   3=iB^<osr  LojrQf,LD  Q&JsirCojSfr  ? 

Should  the  jungle  be  consumed,  would  the  sandal  wood  tree  escape  f 

2405.  «/rs3)£-  ^^^  <|^(g)^  iBfTtl&DL^  ^isir&)(nh. 

If  a  quail  crosses  one's  path  to  the  left,  he  will  govern  a  province 

2406.  ^friLif-S  Qi9SfrQ^^6S  s^L^i^Eu  Qumu  iSpm^irwir  ? 
is  it  proper  to  betray  one,  and  then  stand  aloof  I 

2407.  ^iTiLm-(so    M^S!^ujs    sfTLLif-    effiLi^ev    Oueindssm^    Qsfr®iS 

p^fT  ? 
Is  it  to  give  a  girl  in  marriage  when  an  elephant  in  the  jungle  is 
shown  as  dower  I 

Though  a  man  dies  in  the  jungle,  ceremonial  uncleanness  will  attacb 
to  his  house. 

2409.  ^friLQu  L^253r«S(5«^  Qisuirn^^id  sQjr^Lafr  ? 

•     Does  the  wild  cat  observe  the  fast  of  Sivaratri  ? 

— — — — *  III  ■> 

2410.  <fB/r^®«^(5  (STiB^ps  fQevfTiSifUi  &ir€sr^i(^u  Quoj^    msaji^iL/Lh; 
Moonlight  in  the  jungle  and  rain  in  the  plains. 

2411.  ^fTiLQ  eufnsDifi  eui^ir^  eff'ilQ  euirip^  Qufrr^iD. 

When  wild  plantains  come,  domestic  prosperity  will  vanish. 

Is  a  wild  gourd  fit  for  cutry  ? 



2413.  smLQi  (Sdsfrtfids^^  ^jrp  (^ifiQiu  68)««v/r4F/i, 
The  hole  in  a  mortar  is  paradise  to  a  jungle  fowL 

2414,    SinL®LJ    LL^&'%G1T  €T^ir^^  «65>^  ^^<!F. 

It  has  become  the  story  of  wild  insects  offering  resistance. 

2415.  snressri  Qghl-^^^  s/rir^^ssisu  t90npQuir€O, 

That  which  was  seen  was  like  the  new  moon  of  November. 

2416.  sfTessTUULLL^esT  erevev/rii  ^tBuJUULlL^esr^ 
All  that  is  seen  is  temporary* 

Have  I  seen  kambu-millet  for  the  first  time,  poond  it  without 
scattering  thou  nose  bleeding  woman  T 

2418.  ^9GsS  ^errm  effCBl  Qeus^Q^  sit2solj    iSlt^^^   ^Qg^^  «flB55>^. 
The  story  of  one  pulling  by  the  feet  the  landlord  whose  house  was? 
on  fire. 

2419.    «/r6Baffl  (S7/D«   CS^rn^  ^tfitLfLD, 

While  -^-Q  is  added  a  crore  is  destroyed. 

2420.  «/r€3afl  &6QipfBjgaCSufr8p^nr  ? 
Does  land  turn  upside  down  ? 

We  must  acquire  by  eightieths  and  spend  by  crores* 

The   profit  or  loss  on  an  eightieth  part  of  a  unit,  will  determine 
that  on  a  crore. 

A  little  iodotence  creates  great  trouble; 

2424.    SlTGSl^  LD/B^Ui   Q^fTi^   ^^SLD, 

A  little  indolence  will  bring  great  sorrow^ 

330  •     .  uifiXSmfrifi. 

:2425.  ^fr^ih  gSlL®  ^Q^sfr^th  srpj^Sp^Quireo, 

Like  ranging  over  the  distance  of  two  kathams  instead  of  om. 

:24'26.  ^ff^i^  QsitQ^^  ^(5«S5/r^Lb  eu[rii(^Qp^Quireo, 
like  giving  a  katham  and  getting  two. 

5427.   s^iT^euiB  Qumu  ^fSvuir^rrm  u^it^ld  <5Te\)e\)frLiy   ibl^iz^it^w, 

fie   who  never  walked  a  katham  is  said  to  have  walk^ed  a  wlio\e 

:2428.  ^fT^euipl  Qumu  ^filiutrm  sq£€9)^lj  L9puLf. 
He  who  never  walked  a  katham  is  an  ass. 

2429.   sir^euiS  Qutuir  ^eveorr&fr  dsapejsi^CoOJ/rQ  ^S(j^ih, 

He  whose  reputation  does  not  reach  a  katham  is  lik^e  an  ass. 

:2430.   sBfr^Q(S(s\)  /sirjrir&'LD  ^p/S^p  (Surre\), 
Like  an  iron  wire  passed  into  the  ear* 

:2431.  ^n-^€\)  S(S\)/B^  ^^^9-  ^e^r/B^. 

0  Ananti,  I  have  a  boil  in  my  ear,  utter  an  incantatioB. 

.2432.  «/r^  ^J^^^  ^-cfl  Gns(oiii(oe\), 

TJhe  hife  for  tearing  the  ear  is  readily  paid, 

«  ■   ■  III  ■ 

•  * 

A  monkey  may  -tear  the  ears  or  hunt  lice  if  he  choose. 

5434.  «sB/rji/  <5/r^  erssr(7rf>eo  mrr^  mfr^  (STmS(fff&sr, 

If  one  says,  «ny  ear,  my  ear,  he  rep>lies  it  is  mine,  it  is  mine. 

:2435.  ^/r^  <s/r^  €r&r(ffe\)  Q^eQ^  Q^6Q(S)  er&srQQy&fr^ 
If  one  cry  an  ear,  an  ^ear,  he  cnes  deafness  dea&ess. 

2436.    ^fr^   (^^^U  QufTj^iaiTfBtT  ? 

Can  you  not  bear  the  boring  of  your  ears  I 

2437.   9fr^i(j^  ^iLi^ireo  Qps»^^k(^  -^*P@« 

If  worn  in  the  vcars,  they  will  add  beauty  to  the  £ac6. 


Having  put  on  ear*t>ings  he  itraflks  about  shaking  them. 

^^i^»j  I'll      II 

2439.  strath  sir^ih  ^6U^^frp(Sufr&)  ^^i^iOeuawQih, 

It  should  be  as  if  an  ear,  and  an  ear^  were  brought  in  contact* 

2440.  ^(resifs  jkfjpi^jseu&sr  mesirdstnsrtLiU^  {^jk^euw^  f 
Will  he  who  cut  off  the  ear  strike  the  eye  also  ? 

2441.  ^fT^^Q^iB^ea&sr    QuGarL^frtLt^GDOJ      Qeapjpi    cnenH^eir    i3i^^ 

A  stranger  took  possei^sion  of  the  wife  of  him  who  was  watch- 
ing her. 

»•  I      I   t    ■■     I      I     1    I   -in 

2442.  sfri^Qpih  ^siSinubQuiT^, 
Like  a  magneit  and  needle. 

2443,  siruuir ^i^^i  m^eir&sr  g)6vSso. 

He  who  takes  care  of  his  property  will  not  be  robbed. 

Like  a  wounded  monkey. 

2445.  ^iriLjLD  Lf(t£,^p(^6P  ^rrtL^LD  Sjfiev  Quires, 
Like  a  falling  shadow  on  a  sun-striken  worm. 

2446.  arrdj^^    u^jr^^eo    meo    er/iSuSlih    &ir\utrfi   LLir^^i\)    Aev    wT/yJ 

uQld.t  P 

Stones  are  thrown  at  a  fruit  bearing  tree ;  are  they  thrown  at  that 
which  does  not  bear  T 

Stones  and  other  missiles  are  thrown  at  a  fruit-bearing  tree. 

2448.  '&iT\u^fB  LLjTLD  6uSsfr/B^  fS/b(^ix>  iBp(^GssrLL  e-etDL-OjeuiT  ^essfl/hj^ 


A  fruit-bearing  tree  bends ;  the  virtuous  are  lowly. 

2449.  ^rriLii^  LbffCb  fi&fl/r^(^tnrr  p 
Will  a  dry. tree  bud  I 


232  uffiQiBfTi^. 

2450.  sfrdjiB^  intrCSl  ^iit9(?6V  ^(i^m^frpQuireo, 
Like  a  starving  cow  faUing  in  the  kambu-millet. 

2451.  ^nruji^  L/gfl  ^lLQ  i£i/B(5S)<SBu9(Sso  eS(LpSp^(Surrev ^^ 
Like  a  hungry  tiger  falling  on  a  flock  of  sheep. 

A  lean  tiger  falls  on  a  cow. 

2453.   ^fruj/B^rr^Lb  Qeu/BiSir  ^euth  QurrQu^rr  ? 
Is  water  useless  because  it  is  boiled  I 

2454-  ^fniiiBfl  eurresTth  Quiuk^ir&)  eBt^ir^  ? 
Bain  after  drought  will  not  soon  cease  ? 

2455-  ^fTlilij^LD  Qa®^^^  QuiU/B^LD    Q^Q^^^, 

Jt  was  destroyed  by  the  sun  and  by  the  rain. 

Grass  serves  as  food  for  kine,  and  as  an  ornament  to  a  flower  garden. 

2457.  «/r/fi«2D«  isp^i  <5g9  Q^ired^eu^p  Gu/fle5)«  Q^inLi^u    i3^tj. 

.  It  is  better  to  live  by  beating  a  drum  than  by  composing  verses 
according  to  the  rules  of  prosody. 

2458.  «sB/r//?iL/65«/rir6ir  0«^6uSsoa9(?6U  S(mev)^  Qu^iur^^, 
The  ass  grazes  in  the  grounds  of  the  industrious. 

2459.  ^itBiu^^Qgo  mesoT  ^6v«v/ri/>eo  eff'iflaj^^CS^  ^^Sso, 
His  sye  is  on  the  object,  not  on  the  attendant  appli|.use, 

2460.  an'fiiu^^^(^i»  aapes}/Bu9Gsr  sfrSsou  tSlif., 

If  necessary,  secure  your  purpose  by  clinging  to  the  feet  of  aii  a^. 

2461.  ^frffioju^  QuiS^QjSfT  effiBujLo  Qu^Q^ir  ? 
Which  is  the  greater,  success  pr  boasting  T 

2462.  <5B/r/r  jy^<i<gPLL®Lb  s^^B  f^^stLQth, 

Wait  till  the  k^r  paddy  is  reaped,  and  the  brinjal  blossomst 



246J.  sfrir^^ss>3sd(^     Qmeo    u^onifiiLjiD    ^^Sso^    ^Iressr^Sf^    Qij^iv 

No  rain  like  that  of  November,  no  liberality   superior  to  that  of 

Karnan,  one  of  tbe  seven  princes  distinguished  for  great  geaarusity. 
2464.  sirii^^esi^LJ  i9<s(Dp(Sufreo6s  memQi—^, 


I  saw  it  like  the  third-day  moon  of  November. 

1465,  «^6V(g^  O^'UjQp^  (o6Bfr6\)LD  Q<Fdjajrr(p^, 

Time  will  effect  that  which  mere  parade  cannot. 

2166.  «/reu^  Q<3F\uSip^  ^/re\)£i  0<5F(uiu/r^. 

The  world  cannot  accomplish  that  which  time  effects. 

2467.  «/r60^^/g)6V  O&'iu^  ^m fS . 
A  benefit  conferred  opportunely. 

2468.  <95/r6V^jS^  Ouiu^  Lncs)Lp(oUfrid\), 
Like  seasonable  rain. 


2i59,    Sir€)^^^^(m    <Qjpp    Q<S,lTG\)IXi^ 

Equipage  suited  to  the  occasion. 

2470.  ^nr€i)(oLn  erQpfB^n^m/^j  d5/r<S(S2D<sB  ^iBi^si)  ^^ir^^ 

The  sight  of  a  crow  on  rising  of  a  morning  is  ominous  of  evil. 

The  ci'ow  being  regarded  as  the  vebiole  of  Saturn  the  sight  o^ 
a  single  crow  is  inauspicious*,  two  are  not  so  regarded.  The  oawin^ 
of  a  prow  may  excite  apprehension.  When  this  is  the  case  the  fol- 
lowing formula  may  be  nsed. 

Measure  the  length  of  your  shadow  by  the  foot  and  a<ld  12  to  the 
number  of  feet  ascertained.  Then  divide  by  7  and  the  remainder 
will  determine  the  import  of  the  bird's  note  (1)  Good  luck,  (2)  G.iin, 
(3)  Rain,  (4;  Conflict,  ^5)  Feasting,  (6)  Victory.  If  on  dividing  hy  T 
there  is  no  remainder  the  cawing  of  the  crow  is  oroinotis  of  death. 

2471,  ^/revii  ^fSiB^  ^fre\)LD  ^(2^(5- 

Regulate  your  affairs  with  due  reference  to  the  times  in  ivHch  yow 

t234  LJ^fp  Q  ^^  J^« 

2472.  «/7€vii  0<35lL(S<s  Qn3^ui9i^€s><9'  &r(Sl^flfrp(Sufreo, 
Like  receiving  alms  when  in  distress. 

He  Avho  does  not  live  according  to  the  times  will  become  an  ape. 

2474.    cSBTgVli   QufTLb    &}fT!r^9Si^  jSjbr^LJb,  SLJU6\)  QunLD  ^efTip  /6;D(jii. 

Time  goes,  words  remain,  a  ship  goes,  the  shore  remains. 

2475.   «/r6V£i  (oufresr  «/rsv^^a)    ^6\)ld    eu/h^    ^^iStCi^^Qu^^. 
As  one  is  subject  to  piles  in  liis  riper  years. 

'2476.   ^Te\)ijb  ^cvcdir^  sfrev^s^QQ^  d5LJUs\)  ^lLl^, 
A  mariner  in  unfavourable  weather. 

5477.   «^/r6V/r(?6u  i5L^f6^fr(S\)  sir^euiSy  js2^ujfr(Ss\)  /BL-ih^ireo  er&i€ues^\ 

If  on  foot  it  is  a  katham  ;  how  much  more  distant  if  one  walk  oiv 
the  head  ? 

What  he  tied  with  his  feet  others  cannot  untie  with  the  hand«. 

2479.   «/rei955V  uiLL-i9p^ir  Srr^<Tn'!rth  (oufr/strjp  p 

Aftnr  having  hurt  the  foot  is  it  to  be  attributed  to  planetary  in- 
fluence ? 

To  fall  at  the  feet  is  good,  to  fall  on  another  is  bad. 

2481.   ^freQA^  UL-t—^  ^^ssSi\)  ulLL^^Qufreo, 

That  which  struck  the  feet  was  felt  as  if  it  had  struck  the  eye. 

2482.   ^fr^i(^Lj  QufTiLL-ireo  ^^^(sf^u  (SufrQS(^<oir, 

If  he  puts  ornaTnents  on  his  legs,  he  will  put  ornamen^^  on  his 

2183.   &!T^<i(^i  m®uQu  ^(sOiTy  iekfii—  ueo&sr  gjsJr^ii)  ^'ffiSso. 
Ko  "benefit  accrued  but  the  trouble  of  walking. 



2484.  «/rj^<i^«  6»n«  EL^sfl  65)««(^dB  «/r0o  tt^^sQ, 

The  hand  helps  the  legs  and  the  legs  help  the  hands. 

A  slipper  suited  to  the  foot,  and  labour  suited  to  the  hire. 

2486.  «/rj^i/^  -^^p  O^Q^ULj  fi2eoi(^  •S®'^''  ^ 
Will  a  slipper  that  fits  the  foot  do  for  the  head  ? 

2487.  «/r3a)i^  ^pfSea  uirthL/  si^^^rrs\)  giiStu  eQi^ir^^ 

The  snake  that  has  coiled  round  the  leg  will  not  leave  without 

3188.  «/rS50«5^  0<F6b  ^^^treo  ^(Sl^^  LD6S)tp  ^i^ik^ui. 

Should  winged  white-aats  come  out  in  the  morning  the  heavy  raiu 
will  cease. 

2489.  «ff2iO  ^u9eO0U/r^ih  u^nSso  ^(f^uufr^th  u^nr. 

He  who  sleeps  after  day-break,  and  he  who  keeps  awake  in  tlie 
^  fore  part  of  the  night  are  worthless. 

2490.  «/rSsOLJ  i9t^^^  c^eaflttJosr  &Meinir<3=  3ipp8i  ^^<i(5/-i. 

If  Saturn  seize  the  feet,  he  will  drive  one  round  the  villa£:e. 

2491.  ^nrSsou  ussfH^Ui  &€S8r^^^(^th  ^i^jp  Q<ff'e\)euth, 

Wealth  is  comparable  to  the  morning  dew,  and  the  twinkling  of  an 

Dreams  of  bliss  and  premature  wisdom  are  not  lasting. ' 
2493.  «/r^  ^etrCSeu  ^^u^mh  muuS<!ssr  ^tLi^ih  j^so  ^en'^eu  ^^ 

The  speed  of  a  vessel  is  proportioned  to  the  force  of  the  wind,  the 
quality  of  cloth  will  be  as  the  yarn  used  in  its  manufacture* 

5494,  9irei>  ^L-i  Qsrreo  ^®Lb  Qsfreo  <^^«  (^ir!Ei(^  ^®">. 

The  foot  puts  the  stick  in  motion,  as  that  movf^s,  the  monkey 
dances.   * 

230  u  tpQ  LD  ir  L^^ 

Where  there  is  a  little  wind  fire  will  spread,  where  there  is  lust  the 
affections  will  be  fastened  on  women. 

Two  cash  for  walking  on  foot,  five  cash  for  the  swing  of  the  ams. 

2497.  <5B/r^  u^irpS^i  6aL-i^^<s\)  ^ssTLD  (^siopuju^fr  ? 

If  one  be  tied  cross-legged,  will  his  weight  diminish  I 


,  Can  he  who  cannot  leap  over  a  channel  leap  over  the  sea  f 

2499.     ^frSULp-U   UfTfTLD   ^in6i@p(Sil ^^(^^   O^lfiiLjLCi, 

The  weight  of  a  burden  is  felt  by  the  bearer. 

2500.   ^n-6us\)  ^rr(v€sr  urretf>SiJ!Uiri(^  ^Lp(m, 
Chastity  is  a  feminine  grsLce. 


2501.   difrQeuffl  ^psiDp  LDrSuuinu  a/r/T<iQ&s)^  ubT^^^i  ^nosi^s>  «y* 
^jTSssJtLjth  u^fSuuiTiun-  ? 

You  may  stay  the  Cauvery,  but  can  you  hinder  the  full  mooB  oi 
November  if  he  be  in  Cancer  ? 


2-')02.'  ^frQeuS)    ^(^QujfnijLJ    (Sufr(^^ih    miruj    fsiS^^rreir     g)^<5* 

Should  the  Cauvery  become  kanji,  the  dog  would  partake  thereof 
by  lapping. 

The  green  leaves  of  the  palm  laughed  because  the  dry  ones  fell  «ff* 

2o04.     ^!T&?iQ^fTlLL^^S^^   ^pum    6Q(T^<ffmp.LD   ^(T^i(^Ui   U^JSeU/T^, 

Even  the  katpaka  tree  in  the  garden  of  Durga  is  of  no  use  to  man- 

The  katpaka  tree  is  said  to  yield  whatever  a  suppliant  may  rcquir* 


Tamil  proverbs.  237 

2505.  ^^^tiuuiLL^ili  Qu/r^^LD  ^otfluuiLi—iD  Qurr^j^^ 

The  name  Kali  may  become  obsolete,  but  not  the  (nickname)  Mooli^ 
ihe  earless. 

A  cat  worth  a  quaiter  of  a   cash  consumed  curds  worth  three 
quarters  of  a  cash. 

2507,  sirpfSso  ^<3suulLl-  suusv(Surre\)  ^"SsoQ&srp^   LbesriJi, 
The  mind  is  ap^tated  like  a  ship  in  a  storm. 

2508.  ^rrpjr^imaair  mesitpai^n'  Qu!T!T^^^Q<%rr<sirisiT  jpGS39<i<35fr  p 

Is  it  as  a  security  against  the  wind  and  raia  that  you  are  thus  clad  ? 

'■     « 

2509,    ^ITp£)ni(m    €r^lfl(oS\)    ^LJl9l^S»     QP<9S^^iCd6\)      gS(T£,IJD, 

If  one  spit  against  the  wind-the  spittle-will  strike  his  own  face. 

2510.  sn'p^6i(^^  Q^itgs^  €r^ir/i^  ^t^tr^, 
A  dhony  cannot  sail  against  the  wind. 

Will  the  wind  blow  so  as  to  avoid  certain  persons  I 


2512.  ^irp^    ^^efrenQuir^      ^ffpfiUQsftm    mQ^ibLf     u^etrGtrQutr^ 

Wiiinow  when  the  wind  blows,  work  the  sugar-mill  when  the  cane 

is  ripe. 


2513.  ^irpdnpu  i9i^^^i  sirs^^eo  jys3)L_<i<56U/rLD/r  ? 
Can  one  seize  the  wind  and  confine  it  in  a  small  vessel  I 

2514.    ^fTpS^pU    UfTir^^^  i3BUUe\)   IBITlLQ, 

Anchor  a  ship  with  reference  to  the  wind. 

Like  the  deer  that  wearied  itself  in  pursuit  of  a  mirage  itnaginiiig 
it  to  be  water. 



Leave  the  things  as  they  are,  aaid  take  the  old  man  and  put  himom 
the  stool  to  bathe' 

Tlie  first  thing  done  before  a  corpse  is  removed  from  the  homeaUni^ 
is  to  bathe  it. 

Dwelling  in  a  ruinone  hut  and  dreaming,  of  a  palace* 

2518.  SlLl^  eu/r  mirQiu  <or&srQrj>,<5^  Qp^Ssfnuj   /Bi(^Sp^^ 
When  called,,  the  dog  licks  the  face. 

2519.  SiLt^frjs  ^(cSsresip  Q6ULLQi—<ssr  LDp, 
Forget  at  once' what  cannot  be  obtained; 

2520.  Qgsstjpj  QeuiLt^u  ^/»ii  LjpuuL.L.jrpQufreo  ^Sp(Sp, 

It  has  happened  as  if  a  demon  had  ^rung  out  of  a  well  just  dug: 

2521'   Sessr^u^  QeuiLi^^  ^eudefftLfiJb  i9if.^^  eQQSp^ir  ?■ 
What !  is  it  to  dig  a  well  and  supply  it  with  frogs  V 

2522.  SiessT^  8l-^65  ldSso  6B(soevir(o^, 

Whilst  there  is  a  well  donot  excavate  a»mountainr/br  water.. 

2523.  Slem^ii  QeuiLi^^  ^irmiCi  ^ir<idi6Vinbir  p- 
Must  one  dig  a  wellito  quench  his  thirst? 

2524.  Si€fssT£)i  Qll^^^p  S^GkJssiir  Ourr^tLjUi^ 

If  there  Be  water  the  undermost  ring  of  the  well  will  be  wet. 


2525.  8essT£)i  ^&DpM  ^GsypiisiF  aur^^Ca. 

The  more  a  welt  is  drawn,  the  better  the  spring. 

2526i  QesoTjT)!  ^ui9^  ^jreQdo  eQipeOfrwn  F 

Having  escaped  falling  into  the  well,  shall  we  fkll  iiito  a  tank:! ' 

2527.   Saxfrpesyp^  ^h^^B^io  eii\BpGnp^\^h^(^m. 

If  the  well  i«  to  be  filled  up,  the  belly  must  be  filled  ug<.> 



WBo  knows,  whether  the  fn)g  in  the  well  did?  or  did  not  drink, 

4529.  Sessrp^n^i  ^eudsrri(^  ^esr  rsfriLQ  euetruuLb  ?: 

What  has  the  frog  in, the  well  to  do  with  the  news  ofthe  countrj-  f' 

2530.  &s5srpjpi4i(^^  ^uiS^  ^tBQe^  ufnui^rresr. 

Having  escaped  falling  into  the  well  he  jumped  into* the  fire. 

i'53I.  Sear  pes)  pds  messr®  SL^eo  ^^ikiSLjQu(r(mti^rr  ?- 
Will  the  sea  shrink  at  the  sight  of  a  well? 

2^32,.  SiGssrpjpi^  fimresSes>{r  Qeuetretrih  Q^fTakfrSlCcUfr^^LDT  p 
Will;  the  flood  carry  away,  the  water  of  the  well  ? 

Water  sprang  up  in  the  well. 

4534,  Sessrpjpi  Mtfi(LpLb  au9pjrjif  iSGfTQpLD  ufTfrmmQeuessfQiLb, 

The  depth  of  the  well,  and  the  length  of  the  cord  .must  be  ascet'^ 

2535*  SGfsrpjiSeo  oQhpifimeir  tn^ui^tLjLt  ^(ipWJr^  ?. 
Wall  he  who  hasvfallen  into  ai well  osLce  falLin  again  ^!^ 

Like  dropf)iii^^  stone  into  a' well. . 


2537.  fi«i-<i  Sfiar£_  ^iXitJiLi-.&sr'  (^LKsnu  LtsvSQjr  LfpCjuQio, 

Kie  more  you  dig  in .  the  refuse  heap  of*  the  barber,  ,the'  more  will  1 
Ixair  turn  up. 


38.  fi«iri_«-  ®6Mr/_ci  SesiiriLju^  muQi(f^Ui, 

The  more  you^dig,  the  more  will  greens  and  !hair  appeari 

2539.  Sfjra  ^iTm^^(^^  ^^mffLbumfesSi  Qdiir&r(&^Sp^/r  P.- 
Will«liaTing  counteract  the  evil  influence  of.a^plaiieti * 

240  ULpQibirifi, 

2540»  S!.'fl^)UJ  ^pQ(jYj>m  ldsw/d  ^irp^euj^  ^m  ? 

What !  is  it  for  an  evil-doer  to  teach  religious  precepts  f 

2541.   SlQFfUfr  fB^CSuj  dF^Qi/r  rd^. 

The  stream  of  grace  is  the  source  of  all  treasures. 

Give  rice  to  the  a^ed  and  add  mud  to  a  riiinoUs  wall* 

2543.    SlipU  QUf3F<3i^   <SF(SS)Ui(^    (cJ-jryUbfT  ? 

Will  the  words  of  an  old  man  go  up  to  the  assembly  ? 
2544.  Sifisu^    -^(g)J0^     G)«lL«5)l_     -^(2)Ji2fto.  &LLip-dBQ^fressrL-€iisft 

She  who  marries  will  do  well  whether  htt  husband  be  old  ot 

2545«   Stp6u^^(^  eu!TLp^<sin6iuU®Slp^^L£i   SsssTppleo    eQLpe\)frLOi 

It  is  better  to  fall  into  a  well  than  to  marry  an  old  man.  , 


2546.  SiLpeB  Qu^^esi^i  Qmesrjt^mirjrm  QsiLuirQ^  ? 

Will  a  musician  listen  to  the  speech  of  an  old  woman  I 

2547.    Qlfi(s9lLjLD    65/r^LD   (^^eDfnLfLD  ^nr^Lb, 

The  old  woman  is  a  katham  fit>m  the  horse,  and  the  horse  a  kath&nK 
from  the  old  woman. 

2548.  SlpgQ  ^(f^fB^  ePQth  S&FI  ^(f^fB^  «/r®ih    ffQl-p   ld/tlLl^itjiI, 
Neither  the  house  of  an  old  woman,  nor  the  grove  in  which  there! 

are  parrots^  will  be  saved  from  ruin. 

2549.  Sififs^  9Sso  s>ir3r^(j^  ^jrsssr®^ 
Two  rags  for  a  cash. 

2550.   Sli^m^  ULaujnh  airmmf^  ^fgsst®. 
Two  split  tops  for  a  cash. 

Is  it  proper  to  train  a  parrot  and  give  it  into  the  paw  of  a  cat  f 

TaMii  proverbs.  241 

2552.  Qe^efituuQuireou  Qu^a-ih  iDti9Seou(Suir€0  mGDi^tLfLb, 
Speech  like  that  of  a  parrot,  gait  like  that  of  a  peacock. 

2553*  S&retru  U(ipi(^iLfnh  Serf?  ^Q^is^  Qmir^mu^irm^ 

It  is  said  that  it  ripens  by  being  pinched,  and  that  parirots  will 
nibble  it  leisurely. 

2564,  fflcJr^ar/r/rSip  §iq^uu^^ih  ^arf^Bf^eufrtrSifi  ^(T^^seyxmh, 
One  may  endure  those  who  rob,  but  not  those  who  pilfer. 


2555.  Qifi  ^if-^^  ufTLbLiQuwQeo^ 
Like  a  snake  bit  by  a  mungoose- 

2556.  SifH(^LD  L//riiLy<i(gii  ^jriru  u«»«. 

Inveterate  enmity  exiarts  between  the  mungoose  and  snakes. 

2557.  SiBiL^ui  uirLLLjUiQugeo, 
Like  a  mungoose  and  a  snake. 

2558.  Sesifri  sesyL^si(^iM  (sr^nr^sanL-  QeuGhrQiii^ 

An  opposition  sh<^  is  good  even  among  green  grocers. 

2559.  S&DfrsS(^LJ  Lie\)^n^dB  SQifi   Qp^^^rrrhCSurrQev, 

As  if  a  parasite  should  spring  from  the  lower  part  of  a  vegetable. 

2560.  Stviira  dsiLesiL-  QeuLLt^^,  Q&'frek^ei)^  Q^frjressriJb  aiL®Slp^fr  ^ 
When  1  order  the  greens  to  be  pruned,  is  a  garland  put  up  ? 

2561.  Scffitr^  ^seiirQ  i9(S)i]s  ^(oe\)e\)LJufr.LLQ  (sr^  ? 
Why  sing  el^la  when  plucking  up  greens  T 

562.  Ses)ir6s>uj  ^jrsJhQ  ^{S  uessf^Q^^     .  . 

Do  not  make  two  curries  of  a  vegetable^ 

2563.  Sa-^^iufreo  uS  ^q^ilit  ?     .  '  V 

Will  hunger  be  appeased  by  fame  f 




242  mpQ^wir^: 

2564.  Sir^^  Oupj;i/ih  SQ^^ih  er^pyesr,?'. 

2565.  SQifi  UifTLbi^  .(sr^0>(5oJ3ip^eo  uf^priSQ^iafr, 
If  it  i&^aid-jtbat  ;a  flnake,  ifl|  JjeJpv^hEj.lqQlj^  «p,. 

Ki  . 

TJipug^^Gf  jIq^jt  or^in,  thi^  l^i^ed  jrai^s^witli  4h%  highest.  clas3t.. 
Her  ea,rs^,are  renti  at,  bo.tjti  pii4^ ;  iiji  aij  affray  she  is  equi^l  to  ,Dur^., 

•  ft 

256^.  S/iS  ^pfSl^s>}j-jmr  ^j^ih. 
If  lanced,  the  sore  wU  heal. 

»  ■ 

I£>ii^dee4  the,  inc,eii9p  ha/5  expejiedthe  demon,  whe^e,is.the  signl' 
-uplifted,  h?;iids. 

2570.'.  (^iics^^  '^^^^  '^(i^^^  ^'^^^**'^'^^^^^  ^'*^ 

•     C^jj  the  asp  Which  pieug^ied  |liiq  kungaip^m-a/^sg^       rciiti-appie- 

The.dppfijtion  to  th^  pei^fupaed  daipe, being  five  f^i^ams,  is.  five^ 
fai^ai^s.  to  be  ,a8^igne4  to  the  blin^  wqman^also  I 

2572. >  (5<g5©/fluLy<i(^    ^(5/5^   ^irLji9L-    s^^w.^ffloL^w  .  Quir^p 

As  if  one  lost  Jii?  nat,urj^.smile%  taking  mfidm^  a  sim- 

pering e?;pression.  . 

2573.  (^tr^^^eo  ^pfStu  eQ&rai(^^ 
A  lam]^  Ut  in  an  earthen  {)ot^T;  ^ 



2574.  (^i^^^p  QuiTik  a^^^  ^Qu^tr  F 
Will  gold  in  a  pot  dance  T 

2575.  ^L^uuireo  ^pijSfr^ih  (^^etfur  goLi^th  ^i^ubtr iLl^it ^ , 

Though  the  cow  gives  a  large  pot  of  milk^  it  is  not  .equal  to  tha  ^ 
horse  in  speed. 

2576.  Qi^uurre^  api/Sir^uy  ah^esyrr  t9(Sliif^Sp  LbtrQ  ^6B/r^, 

Though  it  may  yield  a  large  pot  of  milk,  a  cow  that  destroys  thd  « 
roof  is  not  desirable. 

As  if  a  firebrand  were  put  into  a  pot  of  water. 

i578.  (gi— Ji2fii  3h^i^^iLb  Q&ifrefifrt^j^  Qdsrrerrens, 
Habit  is  the  rule  of  tbe  stomach  and  the  hair. 

2579.  (^L^eo    3h.(L^^(^    ^(tpSpjasffih:  Q^SfT^fsr^siDL^    y®/*(5    ^(tpSip^ 

[  It  is  said  that  th€i  .stomach  cries  fot  gruQl,  and  the  tresses  for./ 


2589.  (^L^eu^.jy/s^  /5/0  erk/smkL(BiLb  ^Qw  ? ' 

How  fnr  can  a  jackal  run  after  its  bowels  are  dislodged  ? 

2581.  (gi— 6\)  ^jy/5^  (?<ss/ri^  ertEjQias  (Siafr(^LD  ? 
Whither  will  a  fowl  go  after  its  entrails  haye  been  exposed  I ' 

2582.  (^if-  ^0i^  ^fSl  euj^  jBL^i^  ^fS. 

Learn  the  character  o/ a  peraan  by  dwellirig  with  hiin>  ;and  the  con^  - 
dition  o{  a  road  by  walking  in  it, 

2583.  (5^.®'(5«^  Ufrnr  6h.LL®uUu9ir  ^lL®lj  Ufr/ir^ 

T«st  hds  social  gimlitks  by .  living  with  him, «.  (md  Ids:  Mneati/  by 

joint,  tillage  . 

■I' -J -    I.    >i  1 «, , 

He.^Q  i^y^llft  in. a  humble  cottage  dreams,  of  ceiled  apartments^. , 


2585.  (59-  ®cv6V/r  sfftLtf-p  (^emQLjQu(y^<3=dF/t&fi  fe-CV/rca/izs. 
Bandycootes  will  run  about  in  an  uninhabited  house, 

2586.  ($^  ^s\)evfr  sMiUQeo  jiftf.  ^u.    «g«/r^, 


It  16  a  risk  to  set  a  foot  in  an  uniDhabited  village. 

2687.   (5^  ^s06U/r  sfiff0<i(g  mS  ^jrrr^^, 
A  jackal  IS  king  in  a  deserted  village. 


2588.  @^  ^-etsiL-\uirQ<osr  (y^i^  s^&ni^iufresr. 

He  is  fit  for  kingship  who  is  approved  by  the  people. 

2589.  (^t^^Sp^  &h,tfiirib  Gl<xfnju(srfids@p^  u&sresFjrirw, 

He  has  gruel  to  drink,  and  washes  his  mouth  with  rose  water. 

2590.  (^i^^Qp  urr2so  QeutfuiSd^  ediririSp^ir  ? 

What>  is  it  to  pour  down  the  drinkable  milk  into  a  crevice  I 

2591.  (^L^iQp^  ^iTi^  /?/r^  ^^p(^^  ^iEJ6seuLLi^e\)ir  p 

What  you  drink  is  sour  gruel  j  dp  you  i*equirfe  a  cup  of  fine  gold 
for  it  i 

2592.  (^Lp-'iSp^  ah-ffifrth  ^(^^Sp^  ^BSir^esrunrth^ 
Living  on  gruel  and  sitting  on  k  throne. 

2593.  (^t^<iSp  6p®  eQi^ALfiDn-  p 

Will  the  family  of  a  drunkard  prosper  I 

2594.  (^i^^^csTQiLfT  ^^ssytr^^esfQtnfT  erjs/  Quffi^? 
Whether  is  greater,  the  government  of  a  family  or  of  a  state  ? 

Wishing  to  elevate  his  family  he  married  a  Pidari-ri//a^«  goddess* 
2596.  (59-/i^6w0i£)5Jr^    U6ssTe9^^ei>    /sekGnLbiLith   €U(i^uk    ^eninfLjiM 

If  one  becomes  a  householdier,  h!^  must  expect  both  good  and  evil. 


TAMIL  PROVERBS.    •  2i5 

2597.  Qif^Quiresr  e^zl^Gcu  eupL-Q  mmii  ^^ir^fl^QufCo, 
As  a  lean  dog  watched  a  deserted  house* 

398.  (^i^ub^Lo  ^t^uL^^  ^(5">, 

The  madness  of  a  drunkard  may  be  cured  by  beating. 

2599,    (^l^lU^Lb   QeUJlSiU^LO    «F/f?. 

A  drunkard  and  a  mad  man  are  alike. 

2600.  (^i^turr^  effQ  eQif-iurr^, 

The  family  of  a  drunkard  is  always  benighted. 

2601,  ^if-u9p  QugSst  euijS^  erSi/5fr&)  Q^irtf-uSp  G^Sso    iS&sr^  (srJll 

If  the  bowels  of  the  house- wife  bum,  her  cloth  bagging  on  ihe  line 
will  burn  also. 

He  is  the  only  wealthy  man  in  a  deserted  village. 

2603.  (^i^!i9p  i9pi6^  (^jnBi(^  .^lLl-ld  ^(Bi^<5^, 

^  Bom  in  a  good  family,  and  playing  the  monkey. 

2604,  (9)i^u9p  i9p/B^  Q<9=if^a9eo  6Q(ip/6^fr(sir^ 
Bom  in  a  good  family  and  j^Ung  into  a  bush. 

2605.  (5^    €tfy6u<s^^    QsiressTL^irQiUfr    QsirerrsS    euyeu^^i    Qmrreifr 

•     '  •  •       . 

Have  yon  taken  a  family  to  dwell  with  you  ?  Or  have  you  taken 

firebrands?  ... 

2606.  @^  ezoa/^^  effiLtf-p  Qsrr&r&fl   s!DSud<3S€\)frLDfr  ? 
Is  it  proper  to  burn  down  a  house  aftet  admitting  a  family  ? 

2607,  (j^  Qe^L^iiQQeo  fft^iu    L/@/5^^(?u/rff0. 
As  a  wolf  entered  a  fold  of  lambs. 

He  who  bre^  diyisioQs  in  a  family  shall  be  cuffed  to  deaihi 


l2609.  (^iLtf-i  sjr-GssTLb  QufTL-L^fT^w  QeoiTum  QafTt—tr&ir, 

The  miser  will  give  nothing  though  you  tumble  heels  overhead, 

^2610.   QLLif-^  e-reufiCoev   Coheir    QstriLL,,   &lL®^    ^jStiSQeo   0*;} 
^(BiLir  ? 

If  a  scorpion  sting  in  a  ruinous  dwarf  wall,  will  the  glandute 
swellicg  appear  in  the  stall  I 

12611.   (^tlz^^F  ^6uifj(os\)  Q^etr  Q^irL.i^^  flessrosSir  iSt^freSQso  OibjS 

Does  the  sting  of  a  8Cor{)ion  in  a  nlinous  w'all,  produce  a  glandular 
swelling  in  a  water-pot ! 

^26 12-   (9^lLu^'S=  ^eu(SS)fr  QptLL-  QeucifrQerrn^jifiir  p 

la  he  so  disQ^sighted  as  to  stumble  against  a  ruinous  wall  f 

>2613.  (5^-^  QuttiLu.  f^dsifrQufrsv  ^dso^Q^ek^ 

He  wanders  about  Hke  a  cat  that  has  kittened. 

'^2614.   (9)LLif-esr  (^lL(Siu^  (^ekfri^/b  uituj/bjs  fieisussiSrQF^u^  eufi^mir  ?  \ 

Can  a  cuff  already  inflicted  'lind  wa^r  that  has  run  into  a  pit  be 
recalled  t 

Though  it  become  fat,  the  flesh  of  a  kid  is  always  clammy- 

v2616.   (5^^^  (^Sso^^  mirujCSuifiev  eneniSlp^Quireo, 

Like  pups  barking  and  creating  a  quan*el  among  dogs. 

-2617*   qlL^  isniuQ^ireisr®  QeuiLe^L^  ^tf^&sr^Quireo, 
(Like  hunting  widi  pu]>s. 

^2618.  (5il®  mir&srtii   fiuiSi    (y^^euQ^Qu.    CSu9^eo,    «Fil«5)^"/"»j 
u&kfT^)^,  ^iLt/f-tLfu^  Q^fTt^freir,  i 

lf>yon  speak  familiarly  with  a  potter,  he  will  not  respect  you,  nor' 
'Will  he  supply  you  with  chatties. 

>2%I9.  (gR»r^«o^  mirjbpd  (^q^  ^evSso. 

No,guroo-(r  religioue  feacfter^oan  change  a  man's  temperament. 


T^ASiiX  FBOVfiltBS.  247 

A  JGrdi^  aai6ng  tbe^biodiui  is  rieigftrded'tui  a!itpii4tnd  parent  fiH)in 
'whom  the  youth  re«olv6&  iha initiatory  fHiantra,  or  p.i?^,6r,  and  who 
cbnducti  the  ceremodioa  t««eo88*ry  iit  variiiias  seasons  of  infaucy  and 
ydQth/ii[i  to  tk^  period  of  infestittreVith  tUe  saored  ^hi^ead  or  string  : 
this  person  nday  be  tbe  naiorU  (vuoQiA  or  the  r«i!ijgi9tk8  preceptor. 
^faeVord  Gnrttis  also  ufl^  for  a  titecher  or  prebeptor  generally. 

2620.  <2)6Mr^^;D(5  jtfopSp/Sfr,  i9essrji^p(^    ^Q£>8'/B:/Sir  ? 

la  the  weepisg  on  aecount  of  ike  virttte.'of  Hkeid'eeaiMM  or  does  it  're^ 
late  to  his  corpse  f 


A  good-riatiil'ed  irian  fits  aln  e^ngaging  exterior,  *an  ill»iiaihired  triaa 
has  a  refmlsiVe  aspect.. 

Bis  suflbring  is  dae  partly  to  his  fttint-liearted'ness,  -a^d  partly  to  a 

-r^— "-••■ 

Though  he  makes  somersatilts  to  ail  he  sets,  he  has  nt)  food  to  eat. 

2624,  (^€ssrt^  ^fnui^irs\>  ^^eayfrtLjih  ^Da/iCdR/rei}.  ^©ar^ii. 
If  starved  even  a  horse  will^  eat  sti^w. 

2625.  (^cmn^  erfi^l^  Q^^&srp  QdiresS^^u^  '^GSiU>    effu.i^p  Quit 

"No  ilnatter  ht)w  the  body  rtiay  be  bent  if  the  burden  be  darried  home. 

2626.  (yjeikrif.  ^^is'^'  uq^m^Quir^. 
•Like  a  kite  vrithra  broken  tail. 

2627.  (g«Sr®'<F  ^iLtp,uS(o6\)  (^Qmir  ^L.®S(^m^ 
•He  displays  his  faorfteBofanship  in  an  earthen  p6t. 

2628.  (gettrS  utl®4F  ^frsfr'fieu&o'  eueidSl  ^t^^j^^  Q^^^fr^u^. 

It  is  sriid  tbat  hfe  who  sttrvived  a  gtinshbt  wound,  died  of  the  bite 
of  an  inject. 

248  utfiQiafTifi. 

2629.  @6wr®«F  ^iLif^vSp  sjrasrih  (Suiri^eoirwtr  ? 
Can  one  turn  a  somersault  in  an  earthen  pot  ? 

2630.  (aj^wrOu  Qu0^a=/reifl(LfUy  €^iifr(SQuir€\^, 
The  baiidycoote  is  also  like  a  beetle. 

A  slanderer  and  a  snake  of  deadly  poison  have  each  two  tongues. 
As  kine  increase,  a  household  increases. 

2633.  (5j9  (5^  (srGsruirirmefT  (sreoeoiTQ^in^  ^h^u.<i  (^^uufrir  ^^3so. 

They  will  all  say  leap,  leap  into  ths  pyre,  but  there  is  none  ^villiag^ 

to  leap  with  me. 

■Ill  >  1 1 II.  11    ..  ■■ 

2634.  @P/i^«     O^/i^     ">^     §ji^^^[r^io     HQ£iesi^i(^     gj^jj 

Though  she  may  leap  joyously  and  pound  the  grain,  the  slave  woman 
gets  but  one  cake. 

2633.  (5^«SD/r    (^(^i^ir^^ui    Q^ir&T(&^ji    ^mQp^p    (^&f)p<^^&a 

Though  blind,  the  horse  does  not  eat  the  less  grain. 

'  ■  ■  ■  — »— — ^«— > 

When  you  have  bought  the  horse,  is  there  any  ocoaaion  for  dispute- 
ing  about  its  bit  ? 

Was  it  not  because  the  Creator  knew  the  nature  of  the  horse  that 
he  did  not  provide  him  with  hom&  T 

2638.  (^^^ir  Q^<i^^0^€;oirukp  QiFemiD  arUuM  Qea^  ^u9p^. 

Besides  the  death  of  the  horse  there  is  the  saddle  also  to  be  carried^ 


The  horse  aud  the  dog  like  a  change  of  pUce. 


2G40.  (gPfiD/r  ^p  ^^QeS^u.ih  ^(^i/ST/b  (^eifnf^uS&r  Sifi  euijp  ^swtp 

If  it  be  your  good  fortune  to  ride,  will  not  your  horse  come  and 
place  itself  under  your  seat  I 

2641.  (g^62o/r  me^GO^^fr&sr  ^l^  Q^lLl^^^ 

It  is  certainly  a  good  horse,  but  its  circular  marks  are  bad. 

The  circlets  of  hair  on  a  horse  are  generally  observQd  by  dealers 
and  owneis  very  carefully. 

2642.  Q^65)/r  (sj-^   (sreirssr^ .  Q^iirem^   Q^sirthui  sm^  ^^esr^  effes^iras 

What  if  you  do  ride  a  horse,  and  have  a  horn  blown  before  you  ? 
There  is  a  great  distance  between  the  worthless  and  reputation . 

It  is  said  that  the  horse  has  not  only  thrown  its  rider,  but  is  dig- 
ging his  grave. 

Besides  losing  the  horse,  have  I  to  pay  three  fana^ns  to  bury  him  ? 

The  horse  is  ten  miles  before  yow,  and  the  old  woman  is  ten  miles 
behind  yow, 

^646,  (^^esyfT    i3Lp^<i<sB&=    e'UhUbiLi^    ^if.i^      3h.ui9iLi-.i     (^ir^i^ 

You  will  attend  to  my  horse,  ply  the  sledge  hammer  and  answer  my 

2647,    (^^&Dir    ^(T^ULj  ^fiSlLfW  Qs{T6SSTL^    QuesSTU-lTtLl^  (^eSSTLD  ^/jS 

eun&T^    , 

The  horse  knows  his  rider,  and  a  wife  her  husband. 

Though  pounded  and  boiled  it  is  samba-SK^6rior  rice-though  cast 
on  the  rubbish  heap  it  is  gold. 



250  'uifi'(Slbtr^^ 

2619.   Q,i^uuiL(S^u  Qu'ir^^fiiT^ui    ^snpwttSj)!    Qufrjiii;^h 
A  cuff  may  be  borne,  can  hunger  T 

26)0.    (^i^  ^(3^JP  Q&frQrfeo  (^mjpi  iLfr(St^ui.. 

If  you  eat  properly  seated  you  may  consume  a  heap  of  ric>5. 

2651.   (^^uireiiT  uL^i^etssr/i^^th  eBp(^  ^w^Spsu&tr  slcsot®, 
K  Yen  in  the  city  of  Kitberan  there  were  finewood'^carriers. 

_  • 

Though  the  city  of  Kubferam  be  despoiled,  will  the  unfortunate 
obtain  even  the  handle  of  a  wooden  spoon  ? 

Thoiigh  they  may  prostrate  themselves- and  peiform  penance,  reli- 
gioics  teachers  do  not  attain  heaven. 

2654.     C^LJL-IP  6B(Lgif5^iD   iS&Si^vBQeO   tUSSST     /JL-6fl<JoJ5sO     er^Q(sfs&, 

Though  he  fell  flat  on  his  face,  he  says  that  his  mustache  did  not 
touch  the  ground. 

2655.  (fjU^^uSeo  (TpSsw/i^  Sss^ir  auuej^^(^i  ssfreofr:^iLir  ? 

Will  a  plant  gi-own  on  a  dunghill  answer  for  the  mast  of  a  ship  ? 

2656.  Que^yuuSs))  QpSsfr^^  Q^irtf^  &fi^«iDiru9io  ^jSesr^Qutrw. 
As  a  creeper  springing  on  a  dunghill  climbed  on  a  roof. 

2657.  (^s^uS&sTfSu  uu9ir  eQSsfnunr^, 

Without  manure  the  growing  gmin  will  not  yield  a  good  crop. 

2658»    r^jUSf)Uu9p  @u-.fb^fT^iJb  (^^fSwGsS  (^eSsrjSa^ca/H^T&i'^ 

Though  it  lies  on  the  dunghill  the  kuDrimani-a&ru^  j!>recat(^itt«-re> 
mains  unchanged.  j 

26;'9.    (f)ijesiuu9p  Lf€S)^^^fr^LD  (^mtStJbesS  fSpLO  Quir^rr^, 

Though  the  kunr'maui  be  buried  in  the  dunghill  its  colour  will  «<* 




2660'  (^u&au  ^iuir/s/5jp  QmiTLfffib  /HTLpm^^, 

The  rubbish  heap  has  risen,  the  tower  has  sunk. 

How  is  it  that  the  rubbish  hei^  has  ri^en,  and  the  tower  sunk  ! 

2«  (mussiuu^LD  Q<3SfriS(LiihQufTsvi  (^Q^eifih  &s]^£pju>. 
The  teacher  and  hi^  disciple  are  like  the  dunghill  and  the  fowl. 

2663.  (^LDifi  gp(5  i9&rdstr  (SsfTi^  gj0  Qeu&rr^, 

A  woman  is  young  till  she  be^rs  a  childi  and  cloth  is  new  till  it  i$ 

2664.  (^tDifi  ^sSeuL^Quj  Quir^^u^  Q^<sQ  ^^eut^Qaj    Qut 

Though  a  young  woman  may  go  on  her  way  alone,  yawning  is 
never  alone. 

When  young,  a  woman  is  full  of  hilarity,  when  old  her  portion  is 

Neither  lend  nor  borrow  beseechingly. 

When  I  went  to  worship  the  temple  fell. 

2668.  (^ihi^L^u  (Suiresr  Q^tueuui  g^«C?«  euifB^Quireo^ 

As  the  deity  one  went  to  worship  came  to  meet  one  cross  wise. 

2669,  (ajiiiSLlt-L  O^tueuth  gjcuO^jL/aiti, 

The  deity  I  worship  is  my  hereditary  deity. 

f  2670.  ^litSOm  aetrmir  (5«o£p/5^®ii  ^errcr/r. 
Obsequious  rogues^  deceitful  friends. 



252  ifiQuifrifi. 

2671.   (^ujeu^i^u  u<5U  m/rdstr  Qeu^^  jSi^  ^cf^sirjr^i<i(^  gj^  /fitfla^ 

That  which  cost  the  potter  many  days  labour,  is  but  the  labour  of  a 
moment  to  the  breaker. 

2672,   (^lueu/r  «a)<yib    QssfressjQeufr,  ^e^L^ojir   uireo   Qds/rQ    eresf^^'^ 

Like  saying  to  the  potter  bring  a  vessel,  and  to  the  shepherd  fill  it 
with  milk. 

2673.  (^u9so  &k.6Q<^i>Qufreo, 

Like  the  warbling  of  the  Indian  cuckoo. 

2674.  (^u9p  (^jT^Lb  iLu9&)  ^Lp(^ih(ouireo, 

Like  the  voice  of  the  Indian  cuckoo,  and  the  beauty  of  the  peacock. 

2675.  (^JTikSek  es)^u  uLLfrSso. 

A  garland  of  flowers  in  the  hand  of  a  monkey. 

2676.   (&^jriiu^Qi(^u  Lf^^QiF/reoeQ^  ^issssnki^cj^f^  ^h-essr(S  ^tp^ 

^  The  advice  which  the  peodulous  bird  Loxia,  gave  to  the  monkey 

ended  in  the  destruction  of  its  own  nest* 

2677.  (^jr!Ej(^^(^ii!i  ^^(^iLi^  Qurr&sr(^iLi^, 

Even  to  the  monkey  its  own  young  is  precious. 

2678.     @/r/E7(gL/   LfeStST  ^(2PJJ/. 

A  sore  on  a  monkey  never  heal?«. 

2679.   (^Jrii^^Lj   LjGssr  i9jnDfr6osrL-.LD. 

A  sore  of  the  monkey  is  enormously  large. 

2680.   (^jriEa(^u  iSessrQpLb  (^pu  t96ssrQpLL  asifTL-euir  ^svSso. 

No  one  ever  saw .  the  dead'  body  of  a  monkey,  or  the  corpse  of  a 
kuravan-«  mountainen\ 



2681.  (^iriEi(^  fB^sr  (^L-i^tt9&fr   eif>senfuiQsfr€m(Sl    u^ld    uiririSp^ 

fie  tests  it  bi/  another  as  a  monkey  tests  an  object  by  the  hand  of 
its  young. 

2682.  (5ir/B/(gL/  i9ia.Qufreo  i9if,<ia(S6U6iifr(Sih, 
Lay  hold  of  a  thing  asfirmlg  as  a  monkey. 

2683.  ^irtEiSi&ir   iSffsytu    LbQ^/i^<i(^<i    QmiLi^ire^    QmiruLj    SSsrr   <9Ts\) 

If  a  monkey  be  asked  for  his  droppings  for  medicinal  purposes,  he 
will  leap  from  branch  to  branch^ 

•  2684.'  (^jrmi(^  €re\)svmh  ^q^  qp^ld. 
All  monkeys  have  faces  alike. 

2685.  (2)ir/»(5  c^(g)JJ2fti)  (^e)^^s\)  QasfrefrerrQeuemQtli. 

Though  she  be  a  mere  monkey,  one  should  take  a  wife  in  ones  own 

2686.  (gir/E/(g  ^(3p^  QsfrtJctLj  s_«wri_/r  p 

Is  there  a  branch  the  monkey  has  not  climbed ! 

2687.  (gir/E7(5  eTeoe\)/ru>  an.iLi—Lb  muLLi^iLniX  ®®^®"*. 
All  monkeys  go  ahout  in  troops. 

2688.  (^jrmiS&sr  etn^iuSeo  Qa/r&r&f)  ^^uulLl^  «5b«3>^. 
The  story  of  a  firebrand  in  the  hand  of  a  monkey* 

2689.  (5(5  ^e^eoirfi  9(s^ek  s^ethrL^rr  ? 

Is  there  a  disciple  without  a  Qurn-teacher  I 


There  is  no  art  without  a  teacher,  and  no  profit  without  capital. 
6691.  (5(5  CTOT  euisfiir&sr  ^q^  cezo/r  ^/s^freir. 

.     4 
--     -  f 

He  came  as  a  Guru  5  he  gave  sacred  instruction. 

254  ULfiQinfT^fi. 

2692.  @(5««€^  i9mifi^jSffi  u>jpii9puL{. 

The  escape  of  the  religious  teacher  was  aa  it  weu  a  second  birth 

2693.  (<5(5L_6ir  ^miQeo  ^eairmc^  ^suutLL^j^Qufreo, 
As  an  eel  was  caught  in  the  hand  of  a  blind  mant 

2694'.  (5C5^JSP/*(25/  (oeu&krif-ojjfi  Q^nio, 
The  need  of  a  blind  man  is  a  staff. 

2695.  (5(5i-^«(5  Qeuskitf-oj^  sessr. 
What  the  blind  want  is  eye-sight. 

2696.  (5(5^50/^(5^  (^(jF^L^m  Qsire^  i9if^a^€VfrLDir  ? 
Can  the  blind  lead  the  blind  with  a  staff? 

2697.  (5(5«-6ir  ^Q.  (oLdiu^JB  6?'<1l-t^6B(2  QeuSsotUfT  ? 
Isat'avwork  for  ^ght  men  to  help  a  blind^man  to  feed  sheep  I 

2698.  (^(Tji-eir  Bh-ij^u  unik^u  Qutr^io  uuj&r  erGsresr ? 
What  advantage  will  the  blind  man  gain  by  attending  .a.comedy! 

2699.  ^(f^L^^if^u  LJfrio^Osfri(^u  Qurrmp^, 
To  tlH^  blind  milk  was  like  a  heron^ 

•••^■^iP^'W'^^^  V 

2700.  (g(5^6ir  OumTU-mtLif.  3h.esrQ^(Sl  s^fosu/rifL^)^, 
The,  wifeof  a  blixid  rmm.  bacamei  ultimate  with  a  httnch*bdiQkQd  tnan* 

2701.  (^Q^L^^  QuGsatt^GnO'  ^ti^^^frpQuir<so^ 
As  if  a  blind  m^  beat  hiS'  wifoi 

2702*  (^(^i-,Ssin^u  un[/T;i^:^fffr^.€BL^  eQ^i^^'  Q^  ^(^^ 

If  requested  tp  assuipie  thei  lo^^  of.  a  kijig,  can  a  blind  men  do  so  i 

2703.  (^(^i^Sssr  (SfB/riLi^th  ufrnr^ssdF  .Q^fr(^^jbQuir€0^ , 

Aji  if  a  bliQd  man  was  asked  io  assay  .mejtsate* 

2704.  (5(5^69r  «o««  (J^/rSsuu  i9®/Ei®68r^0u/r«o^  ^ 
Like  snatching,  awity  the  staff  of  th^  bliiid.. 


2j^8'  (<50L_£8/«(a5  (5(25i-«Br-«uy9  ^trCif^^so  ^;,75^C5"^  (^ijliul^^-i 
If  the  blirn}  lend^th^  ))lm4,^bQth.wilLfall  intOitlie  pit. 

As  the  work.of  eight  persons  wfts  stopped  by  .reason  of.a,,  blin.d; 
womaDt^gping  to  fetch  water. 

2J07,  (50®m  Q^sBQuD^i^^^Lj  umr^^^Quirso^ 
As  the  blind  and  the  deaf  attended:^  comedy. 

t     The  exovise  o(.,a  blind  hpr^e  whs  hi3  stumbling/ 

2J09,  (^(T^tL®Lj  i^Ssvr  eQtl^i^^^p  uiT\uih/$^Qu!r<s\), 
As  a  blind  vcat-^eapad  on^  t^e  cross,  beam. 

2U0,  (^^tlOiiO^/riS^g  esaiTd^etrQib  ^iriLS. 
T)ie  viljiftge  t^n]^  is  ih^  ^witness,  of  the  blind  crane. 

As  a  .blipd  fqwl  was  pver-anxious  to  feed  on  bran. 

Why  adorn  bKttd  eyes  with  colly rium  ? 
2713,  (25(5.0 ii)/rz^  ;(?<»«r/r/5a/,^ii    ^fnu   eufrir^^jn^ck^^    ^L^tB^ir^eu 

He,wbQ  will  not  bear  iha  woods  QtMsQ^m-^li^iouiteachr'mi  he 
wbci^dii^bejrs  his  n^plh^r,  arp;wprthl^p. 

fi^  who  forgets  .the  wprds  lof,  W?  13.liru  willibrfeit.  jbhet  divinei  yamr 
a|id.  perish,. 

CaniapiJtoyra  fruit  be  suspended  fr^wKi  thp  nepkiof  a  small  bird  ?  ( 

Is  not,  thp  wftapon  of  ^i^t.^uited  to  tbe«  Iwd  f 

^56  U\fiQ  IhIT  L^^ 

2717.  (5(i56fl<i(g^  ^«<«  jrfrQtii6?irth, 
P  Ram^swaram  suited  to  the  bird. 

This  is  I  think  a  perversion  of  the  foregoing  proterb.  An  aged  o 
feeble  person  may  say,  my  Rameswaram,  pilgrimnge,  efforts,  musib 

2718.   (^0eBi^^^  ^«6B  urrjniy, 
A  burden  suited  to  the  bird. 

2719*  f<5(]56i9«  <a^LL02OL_<i  Q^rreofrp  sSsoi^frQ^. 
Never  disturb  the  nest  of  a  bird  with  a  stick. 

2720.  (5(5®/*®  ^^5^^^  ^€j^^F 

Is  there  a  disciple  who  is  above  hi»  Guru  t. 

2721.  (5(5®/<i^  iBirwLb  (^mLp^^uQuirQeaff&r^ 
He  will  deceivQ  his  own  Guru* 

2722.  (5(5®/**®^    ^Qjrtr&w    Q^ij^fr^Cb    (^i^^i(^^    ^Qiif^^ 

Though  a  Guru  may  be  deceived,  the  stomach  cannot. 

2723.  (5(5  (oeue^ih  QsiTessTL^eu^  €reoe\)rrui  (^(m  Meu/r^  ? 
Are  all  religious  teachers  who  have  assumed  the  garb  ? 

2724.  (J^ev^^^d  Q^Q^jS  Qairt-.ireQi'SfrLOLi, 

The  handle  of  an  axe  that  destroyed  its  own  epecies, 

The  tree  from  which  its  handle  waa  taken,  was  felled  by  the  axe. 

2725.  (ge\)^(ss)^i  Q^Qi^mrrih  (mjrisi(m. 

It  is  said  that  a  monkey  will  destroy  its  own  species. 

■  ■till  II    1 

2726.  (56Vii)SLl(g  «^4P(g  ^eisr  Qa/ropfsSssru  Ou^n.^^)-. 
It  becomes  a  lawful  wife  to  honour  her  husband. 

2727*  ^cutD^eJr  (^ev^^i^  ^q^eufrtsir^Q^amfliu^  Qfi^S^^  "^(5' 


The  high-bom  mourns  th^  loss  of  caste,  and  the  man  who  has  1< 
his  nose,  his  nose.  '.•■■'■''■ 



2728.  (^soQpih  ^Arjpi  (^joSiLiih  ^^jpi. 

fiirth  and  external  sign  are  at  variance. 

Though  he  has  entered  another  tribe  he  is  still  in  want. 

2730,  (geuii  (^eo^QflirQi^  Qeu&reirth  ^pQ(ffQL^, 
Tribe  goes  with  tribe^  the  flood  with  the  river. 

2731.  (^eoLb  (^eo^Q^irQu^  Qeu&rerr/rQ  ^gstQ^Qu., 

A  tribe  associates  with  its  own  tribe,  and  goats  follow  their  own 

High  birth  lies  on  the  donghill,  while  wealth  is  at  the  festive  board. 

Arts  appropriate  to  a  family  are  partly  intaitive  and  partly  uc- 

A  barking  dog  do^s  not  bite. 

like  throwing  a  bone  to  a  bailing  dog. 

■  111.  I 

2736.  (jSso^S/D  iBirii  QemLesyL.  i9(f^i(^Lbfr  ?  • 

Will  a  barking  dog  avail  in  hunting  T 

«<37.  (^SsoiSp  fBiruS&sr  6Uiru9(oe\)  (?«/rS50<i  Qsff-Q^^ire\)  ^mfr  (anki  a^tn' 

If  a  staff  be  ptit  into  the  mouth  of  a  noisy  dog)  it  will  carry  it 
through  the  village  barking. 

m38.  (^Sbouj/r^  /5/ruj  (^^iisrrSso^  <sEZ^<S(^£i)^ 
A  silent  dog  wiU  bite  the  heels. 

Infants  and  temple  servants  do  not  suffer  from  hunger. 



558  ijifiQwrri^. 

2740'-.    (^ipfB€if}^i(^th  iBfTUJ^^ii^  (^t^(Surr^3^  ^ibQ^rr^fiLti^ 
Children  and;  dogis  are  pleased  witli  a  change  of  place. 

2741.   (^LpiB(ssifBiLjLD  0^tueu(^ih  Qmtr^L^wi^&sr  ^l^^^Q^, 
Ghildten  and  gods  best  agree  with  their  admirers. 

2742..  (gtp/5e»)^«  mwdj^^^w  (^€6srL-&S  miT\u<3'eF^ih  Qutr^eviT^. 
The  fever  of  children  land  the  spite  of  a  slanderer  stre  bad. 

Thfe  slfeep  of  a  child  is  advantageous  to  the  mother. 

3,744.  (^ifiiBes)^u9m'  Q^sllQutgo, 
Tender,  as  the  body  of  an.  infant. 

My  child,  do. not  sink  into  the  pit. 

B^.the  stormy  weather  set  the  whole  sea  iiimotion^! 


0  my  youthful  son^  is  your  throat  pained  by  dttnking  thick  milkl 

2748i   (^ifiuB/b  uii9(ss>fr  erQ^^m  eh^issiirQu^so  ^u^^awft  ?- 
Is  it  right  to» train  a.  parasite  to  the  roof  f 


2749;   (^ifiuSp  i9 err SsYT (535 ttJ  mS  ^ftp^Si^uQuirQeo^ 
Like  ajiackal  going  round  the  grave  of  a  child. 

I^  it  proper  to  agitate  the  tank  to  supply: prey  for  IptesJ 

2751.   (gerr^^i^g  inemip  (^fB^fnessOajfr? 

Are'  rain,  drops  the  weight  of  a  mortar  to* a  tank  ?' 

2752.  cs^^^'P^^'^^^^^^^'P/^^  ^^'■^^^^^  '^ 

Having  put  it  into  the  tank,  do  youiseek  it  in,  the  weltr 



2753.  (^9irfl(S^ir®  Qmin9^^i  ^ireo  mQgeair^eamQuirio, 

Like  the  man  who  would  not  wash  his  feet  in  the  tank  because  he 
was  angiy  with  it. 

2754.  (^enu  utf.  ISSr  ^es>p^^!r^Lo  dsi^p  uetreirua  iSiru^LjLLfr  ? 

Will  the  hollow,  of  the  sea  be  filled  by  draining  a  tank  down  to  the 
lowest  step  ! 

2755.  (^etrtb  ^^eif>u.i^  (oUir(^ih(Sufr^  Q^GSipefffiu^ir  ? 
When  a  tank  bursts,  do  they  dispute  about  turns  T 

2756.  @6Wii)  sfriSpeuGfT  ^essr&silrGmrA  ^tf.ujir(S^  ? 
Will  not  he  who  watches  the  tank  drink  ? 

2757.  (gsTfTzi  eupfSiLjib  Qp^peff^ih  n^essri^n- ? 

Why  dispute  about  your  turn  for  drawing  w^ter  seeing  that  the« 
tank  is  dried  up  ! 

2758.  (gewzi  QeutL(Bl(ip^Q<Qsr  (ip^2iso  @^  ^0«(giii/r  .^ 
Before  the  tank  is  dug  will  the  alligator  go  to  dwell  therein  ? 

2759.  (geirsQ^  &h.iLefDt^^  Qsireixrco  (^Sso^^frpQuireo, 
Like  poking  a  wasp's  nest  with  a  stick. 

2760.  (^erreQi  ^i1xjl(?6\)  «gi»^  eQiLQ  sr/SSipfln'  ? 
What !  throw  a  stone  at  a  wasp's  nest  T 

A  green  caterpillar  is  the  offspring  of  a  wasp. 

2762.  ^erreQ  Li(jt£^es)euji  ^m  iBpiia  ^^(^eii^Quireo^^ 
Like  a  wasp  chacging  worms  to  its  own  colour. 

2763.  ^eifHsLj(SuTdjd=  Q^p(S9)pu   LiS^Q^fremL^^Qun'e\)^ 
As  one  smeared  himself  with  mud  dfter  bathingj 

Pretending  to  be  an  extinguished  firebrand,  is  it  proper  to.destr^  j 

2765.   (^ea&Tu  UfrtruufTssr    uenerr^^ev    eQac/k^ireSfr    ^em(B  cr®  ^if. 


The  dwarf  Brahman  has  fallen  into  a  pit,  take  a  staff,  take  a 

276^.   @6rr 6>r25W«  Qsfr&RfrQ  ^ifiu^  urrir^Snr^^, 
He  sounds  the  depth  by  means  of  a  dwarf, 


A  dwarf  will  destroy  a  family;  his  wife  will  destroy  the  whole 

2768.    (^p^^  i9efrSoir  Qui>Qrf>6V  (^ptsuesr  miriuih  ^ssruir^. 

If  the  wife  of  a  mountaineer  is  brought  to  bed,  her  husband  takes 
the  prescribed  stimulant. 

Disputes  among  mountaineers  and  shepherds  are  not  easily  settlei 

2770.     (^P  ^Lp«(g«(gcF   i^iSoQ   6ULfi<i(^   ^Q<S03i-,     , 

Disputes  atnong  chakliyars  are  more  easily  settled  than  those 
among  mountaineets. 

2771.   (^^GsSu  L}iT€\)  ^ptb^Quir^^LD^  ^h^es^T  i9QmjdBLJ  ufrir^^((^^^ 

May  one  suffer  his  cow  to  destroy  his  roof  although  the  yields  a 
kuruni  of  milk  at  a  meal  ? 

Though  a  kuruni  of  collyrium  be  applied  to  the  eyes  of  the  blind, 
the  blindness  remains. 

2773.   'i^j;iJLbi9tLjGtrerr  ^(t^  ^csrsij  ^eir^to, 
A  ceruminous  ear  will  itch. 

1774,    (5^ti«Du^  ^GStrd^Lb  (^i^^iriBiQ^ 

Th<d  supporter  who  puts  an  end  to  inhuman  acfo 



2775.  (^^p  «iy/D<s  mppeii&sr  (Ss/rtf.u9e\)  ^Q^sueir^ 
A  thoroaghly  learned  man  is  one  of  a  lae. 

2/76.  (g«D^  (^L-ii  ^etrthLfLb  /8€6>p  ^L_ii)  fieiriiiUfrjp^ 
A  water  pot  not  full  is  agitated,  a  full  pot  is  not. 

2777.  (^95ypiu^  Q^fTSVeQ  iS^vipiu  j^eir. 
Give  more  than  you  profess  to  sell. 

2778.  (^esipiLfefr(oetnnrdS(^   e^onr®   ^(n^ei\^so   xeinpin<saQ&rn'lri(^  s-- 

The  guilty  are  dejected^  those  that  have  a  tarnished  reputation 
elude  observation. 

An  unfinished  work  ought  not  to  be  shown  even  to  a  QnrvL'-master, 

Is  it  proper  to  expose  an  unfinished  work /or  sale  or  oiherwiae  I 

J  2781.  (^ppQpeffetr  Q/s^^  (54^(5 J^  grgirjy/iL   (^j^ihiSltLidiretr  sfrj^ 
A  guilty  conscience  is  agitated,  a  foul  ear  itches. 


2782.  (^pptJD  ines)pLJu^€\)  LopQ(nfj>nR  (mppnpLD  QiBnjRih^ 
By  concealing  one  fault  another  may  arise. 

■  "2783.  (^pp  iL€sr^^nrtLS  3h^t^  eufrtp  ^^^q^. 

A  guilty  conscience  is  an  enemy  that  lives  with  its  possessor. 

2784.  ^ppu>  ji/6S)u.fSjS  Sir^^  (^essTmOsiretreu^  jy/fl^, 


Distinction  attained  by  wrong  makes  reformation  difficult* 

Undeserved  punishment  is  better  than  deserved  punishment. 


2B2  utfiQin/TL^. 

2786.  (^ppi^  umriSp  ar/bpih  ^so2so. 

If  every  fault  be  noticed,  all  intercourse  must  cease. 

2787.  (gcir^tfierofltf^tb  (^essrt^t^p  s^ulj^ 

Even  a  kunrimaui  seed-a&ru8  preca^rhJba-haM  a  black  spot  on  it> 


2788.-  «a.63)«<i(5.U   tJ«S560€V  «6Wr   Q^StUIT^^ 

An  owl  cannot  see  in  the  day-time. 

2789.    <9&.«D<aj  eSi^^flfrp(hjireo  eOifiiS(7tf>^. 
He  stares  like  an  owl. 

Whilst  residing  with  one  shall  we  thrust  a  firebrand  into  his  house! 

AltJlough  you  may  give  an  outer  room,  it  is  not  proper  to  give  an 
inner  one. 

27'92-  ah.i-.Lb  ^mjDi  Qufr(B(LpmQ(ssry  3r^^  ^jrssst®  QuitQld, 

Before  the  big  hammer  strikes  one,  the  little  hammer  strikes  two- 

2793.   eh.L-th  ^t^^^rreo  LD/rz__£i, 

If  the  party-wall  be  broken  down,  one  room  only  will  remain. 


Gruel  served  in  the  house  of  a  united  family  is  enjoyable. 
As  food  prepared  for  a  journey  was  untied  in  a  crowd. 

2796.   ek.iLQL^ir(St-.  QufT^ar^  (^eS^q^ib  afrdjJ^^.£fi!th, 
Shivering  and  fever  left  with  the  body. 



2795.  5fe.6wrz^v?6t)  (^^esdi  0/seo  ^(t^k^treo  (y>^i£iQeo  Qpm(^jpiesS^ 

When  there  is  a  kuruni  of  paddy  in  the  bin,  three  kunmies  of  gods 

will  be  dancing  in  a  corner^ 

■  ■■■      i^—- ^>' 

2798«  «L^^/fl©  (^^^Sp  6ff*^€\)  &Jtr\ui(^  j^B^^cs  ^ifi  ^^^^. 
In  the  house  where  rice  is  pounded  for  8ale>  there  m  not  enough  to 
put  into  the  moutL  of  a  corpse. 

Before  a  corpse  is  removed  the  females  of  tiie  family  place  a  little 
I  raw  rice  near  the  mouth,  the  m^es  do  the  safxie  in  the  cemetry 

I  before  the  body  is  laid  on  the  pyre, 

I    2799.  ^^^iriL®^  ©6ViiLJti  L/69)i_Oa«l.®«(g  ^(mmtf  f 
Will  the  art  of  fencing  avail  in  a  battle-£[d.d  ? 

A  rope-dancer  directs  hi&  eyo^  downwards,  one  who  bears  a  burden 

i   2801,  aKiu^P<i(5    @LL(8«i    (5^/5/(5    «g^@^     CSeuSs(^    ^lIQ    eff/D(g 

By  wasting  his  substance,  on  concubiiies  he  Has  beoo^  spare  as  a 
monkey,  and  by  giving  to  common  women  he  haabeoome  as  dry 
as  a  stick. 

2802.  ^K»-^^u  iSeJrSsrrii/g^  ^6^uuesr  ^ir  ? 

Who  is  the  legal  father  of  the  child  of  a  concubine  T 

2803.  ^-/S^iurriT  M^^ffeifi:  Q&'^^freo  Q^frtL(Slih  Qpipi(^LD  j^^^iufrir 

When  the  mother  of  one's  concubine  dies,  there  will  be  beating  of 
drums,  but  when  the  concubine  dies,  there  will  be  no  such  display. 

2804.  ^h-^^iuirrr  Q^^^irsa  iSemihy  ^sueir  ^aiL  Q<3F^<asfr^  Loeasrii, 
When  a  concubine  dies  she  is  a  mere  corpse,  whereas  if  her  mother 

dies,  her  remains  are  honoured. 

By  honouring  the  remains  of  her  mother  it  is  supposed  ih%t  a  man 
secures  greater  respect  from  his  concubine. 

264  utfiQiDfTifi.     ^ 

2805.  m-^^iutrir  effiLQi^  iBiriuQuirio  ^SeoQ(n^dr, 

He  frequents  his  concubine's  house  as  a  dog  wandering  about. 

2806.  ^h-^^u  ufrnrisu  (Suiresr  ^l^^^so  Qudj  t9if^^js^Quir<so, 
As  one  was  seized  by  a  demon  when  he  went  to  see  a  comedy. 

2807.  ^!^Suj  QiFireoev/r^  ^iB^ld  a/cu€v«r. 

He  whose  words  are  keen,  is  of  all  the  most  powerful. 

2808-   iKt.0«g  er^ir  s-.eiD^^^€\)  (^^J^ifi  cuQ^^^ih, 
Kicking  against  thorns  will  cause  pain. 

2809.   '3h-(snfr  (qTfil^   Qds/TySl  i9tf.isuiiriLL^7r^    (^(mi^&r    eu/rssTLo  Sp 

If  a  guru  is  not  able  to  go  to  the  house-top  to  catch  a,  fowl,  how 
can  he  rend  the  heavens  and  show  vikundam  to  his  di8€vpU  \ 

2810«   ^fueiDirQuhQeo  Q^ir^  CoUfrL^L-frso  ^tt9jrih  sirsin  euQ^ih, 
If  rice  is  thrown  on  the  roof,  a  thousand  crows  will  come. 

28L1,   sh^ir&DLtiiufrGtrQesr  QisireinLLiuireirGsr, 
The  acute  man  is  the  upright  man. 

If  the  hire  be  diminished,  the  work  will  be  spoiled. 

2813.  i3ri.6Q  (^enp^^irCSuj  (g«»/D  iD^«4/rcu  ^tLt^irCSiu^ 

Thou  hast  reduced  my  wages,  and  used  false  measures  when  pay- 
ing me. 

I        III 

2814.  3hlsQi6iirjreisr    QuemL^frHif.    i9&T2etr  QupuQu^SiQyeinru^    (j^^ 

effiuvQQeo  ^Lbesi^i(^  Qp^eaisu  QutrSpfltni}, 

It  is  said  that  the  wife  of  a  labourer  is  about  to  be  confined,  and  that 
a  castor  plant  will  spring  upon  the  midden. 

2815.  ^n.eSii(m  fsfr/bjp/  /5l_  eu/s^eu^asf^  creoSsoi(^  euipiQ&fT ? 

Does  he  who  came  on  hire  to  transplant  grain  institute  a  boundary 
suit  ? 



2816.  ^».6Si{7^LJ  utreQ  (^j^^Qs  eu/ififrCoesr, 

A  vicious  fellow  prevented  the  payment  of  my  wages* 

2817.  3k.eQ<i(^i  ^(Lp  (^^eurrn^setrrr  ? 

Will  they  hire  themselves  to  be  impaled  ? 

2818.  ^eQu  uesiU.  QeuiLQiurr  ? 
Will  mere  hirelings  conquer  T 

Whether  gruel  or  refuse,  he  who  has  drunk  it  will  live. 

20.  «L(i^«(^  mnrii^/nu  Q^iTp(^inir  ? 
Will  an  unripe  mango  fail  before  gruel  ? 

2821.  ^h.(Lpir^    u^/TB^iS/nu    Qm/remL^fTiLL^ih    (^jn5Jc^'i(^^    Q^w^eiili 


[  An  unripe  mango  improves  the  gruel,  the  kernel  of  a  cocoanut  is  a 

^  feast  to  a  monkey. 

He  wishes  to  drink  the  gruel,  and  he  also  wants  a  nice  mustache* 

S|>oken  of  things  tDCoinpatible. 

•  _ 

«i,(7^«i(^«  Q^rpt^fT  iQerrdiiTuj, 
A  chilly  terves  as  a  whip  to  gruel. 
It  makes  it  pungent. 


Though  only  gruel,  it  mast  be  drunk  agreeably  to  one's  circum- 

2825.  «i,zp  sr&sTQif^LD  (^i^^^ioum  Ses^Lpuuit^ir^ 
If  only  gruel,  he  who  drinks  it  will  live. 

2826.  «9^/jP  (^i^iQ^Lb  jh.L.(Sl  «gj«^^. 
Fellowship  is  undesirable  even  in  drinking  grueL 

2G6  utfiQunTL^, 

2827.  «BLtp  L-i&fl^^O/S&irj^ui   unrda^fTiu  Li&Pi^^Q^ekjpjtii  ^Gssririrm 

Is  it  proper  to  say  thoughtlessly  that  the  gruel  was  sour,  and  then 
again  that  it  was  the  mango  that  was  sour  T 

^  !■■■ 

2828.  ^^-(ssrdssri  OmfTsssr®  ^j^uuif.  LbfTiS  siresSi(^u  tBea^sfT  Qup, 

0,  mother-in-law,  indte  a  quarrel  through  the  hunchbacked  that  an 
heir  may  be  born. 

2829.  ^fussresr  (^<sinp  ^fri^ir&fr  Qmiruf-QiUfr&sr  eBdssr  Qu\uirfBfi!TGS(, 
The  hunchbacked  is  relieved,  the  cruel  man  has  escaped. 

Although  her  back  is  crooked,  she  will  have  to,  cany  the  basket 
before  she  gets  her  hire. 

2831.  «L«rf?  eufTiUfr/b  O^LLL^tr/bQufreo, 

As  she  (Kaikesi)  was  demoralised  Ijy  listening  to  the  words  of 

2832.   G<s®  3ifrsv^^i(mi  QsiLQi—rrlr  Li^^Qf)aji  Q^iLuirir^ 

They  will  listen  to  the  advice  of  the  wicked  when  their  star  is  not 

2833.   0(«®  gz^  QeFirp  Qmenir^, 

A  decaying  family  will  not  listen  to  advice. 

2  831*   O^OidB  fSS5ifr<iQ(S0  ^(SH<asi  Q^asQ^p/LD. 

When  you  mediate  another's  ruin,  your  own  will  soon  follow. 

2835.  0<5B®«iS,^Lb  m(S06Q  Q^(Bui^rrj^» 
Learning  can  suffer  no  damage. 

2836.   0«®LJL//rs3)/r^  G)^uJQ/£i  Q<a®«(g£i. 

The  deity  will  destroy  those  that  injure  others. 



3837.  Q^®uu^ib  eutriutrio  utp-ijuj^ih  euiriuireo. 

It  is  with  the  mouth  we  injure  others;  it  is  with  the  mouth  we 

One  is  blind  to  his  own.  imprudence. 

2839.  Q^(Blin^i(^u  u(S(^ifieinuj  QeuiL®. 
Make  a  pitfall  for  imprudence. 

'  2840.  Q&QwiTiu  G«®  SSssriurrQ^, 

Thou  wilt  be  ruined,  think  not  of  destroying  another. 

2841.  0«®Q//r6Jr  C?«®  iSSsfTUU/r&sr^ 

He  who  is  on  the  way  to  ruin,  will  mediate  another  8  ruin. 

2842.  0«l1l-  «/r<50^^«^  iBir^mfr  Q^Bsflpssip    67®/5js/   eQQpiwSssrj^ 

As  a  crane  in  an  evil  time  seized  and  swallowed  a  keUru  fish. 

2843»  OdBLlL-  rsfruji(^LJ  uiLl^^  a3/P^, 

The  wretched  dog  feels  satisfied  with  the  beating  he  received. 

2844*  Q&lLl^  aar0<i@  ^l1®  eufrir^eiD^^ 

A  village  doomed  to  ruin  profits  not  by  repeated  precaution. 

2845'    0«l1l-  (?«LL®d5^  ei/iLL^ih  mirpuGmLDn'  ? 

Is  a  premiimi  of  half  a  fanam  demanded  of  one  who  is  reduced 
in  circumstances ! 

2846.  0«tlL-  uirio  mi^so  urreo  ^(^mir  ? 
Will  curdled  milk  become  sweet  again  ? 

2847.  OsiLi^^ih  utLt-^^LCi  S€S)jr^(^  ^emp^^^to  Quit^ld^ 

I  have  had  enough  of  loss,  sufferings  and  toil  in  watering  the 
vegetable  garden. 

2848.  0«£li_  (^zpL«(g  g^0  ^^L^u  i9efrSsfr. 
A  vicious  child  in  a  poor  family. 

268  uifiQuifrifi. 

2849.  G)<5l1/-.  ^tf.i(^  5^(5  (?«il65)L-  i9pikfB^^ 

A  child  is  bom  under  the  star  k^tai  in  a  poor  family. 

2850*     0<5PLli_   S(t£^S)^i(^^  ^^L^Lj^^n 

A  vicious  donkey  has  mischievous  propensities. 
2851.  0«^i_Qi«Jr  (^i^  Q^LiL-.^  GutLif.  fS(s^i-,ih    ^€\)ei)frLD&)    ojirki 

The  family  is  ruined,  do  not  fail  to  get  the  interest  without  reduc- 

2852.   0«Llz_a/6Jr  (^/^l  QsL^iLQih  iS  (^t^  LQetrf^^rrpe^p, 

No  matter  whose  family  is  ruined,  you  drink  the  pepper  water. 

28r3.   G)«l1z_  (^ep^Coiu  QssQth  ulLl^  sfreSlQe^  u®u^, 

Th«  decaying  family  will  be  ruined.     It  will  hit  the  leg  whicliis 
already  struck. 

2854.  Q^lLl^  LbirCSi  (o^iSopekiSsrih  eriLQ  inrrQ  C?^t-.6Vyrii. 

You  may  procure  eight  cows  before  you  can  recover  one  that  lia« 

2855,  Q^iIl^    tbtriria^^Q^  ^(3^®P    ^(jF^eu&r     LD^pGuirshriLjiM 

He  who  pursues  a  vicious  course  will  try  to  lead  others  into  the 

2856.     O^L-l^!TfTiir^   ^pQYflT   Si2s(Tu3l ^Ui   ^^^ , 

The  impoverished  have  no  friends  even  among  their  own  kindreJ. 

2857.   O^tLi^irir  6Ufrip/6^rrs\)    SSfffrS^tufruj^  fl&fliruurrir    enjirifiisfl'^^ 
QsLLu.rre\)  eu<5isypQiumL(Bii^Lb  ^sstrir^ 
When  the  ruined  in  circumstances  flourish  they  ca^t  out  innumer- 
able branches  ;  when  the  prosperous  are  reduced  to  poverty  they 
are  not  worth  a  potsherd. 

The  boy  suffered  by  walking  in  the  arid  tfact,  he  fell  in  the  slippery 



2859.  QsiLL^ir^th  Q&^iLif.  Q^iLif-CSiu  SiSiiB^ir^Lb  ulLQ  ulLQl^, 

Though  reduced  in  circumstances  a  chetty  ia  a  chatty ;  silk  ia  silk 
though  never  so  torn. 

2860.  G)«LlzjL««/rir6Br  ^(55(5  €TlL(SI  /6ir(&^i(y^&r  Q^fiiLfih^ 
The  deception  of  the  clever  will  be  manifest  in  eight  days.  ' 

2861.  O^iiLi^^^ifr IT ^i(^Lj    uiuLb   ^^Sso     tLiLif-^/S(5sr€9}ji(m    fBiuiJb 

The  clever  fear  nothing ;  the  fool  gains  nothing. 

2862.  QdiLLif-^diirrr^  QumL®   ertLQ  fstrea  ^errekjih, 


The  reputation  of  tht  adroit  lasts  only  eight  days. 

2863.  QstLQih  uiLi^emLb  Q^fr, 
Though  you  are  ruined,  cling  to  the  city. 

'  2864.  Q^iLQuQunSp  srrevth  eui^trev  ^ej^/-.  l/^^Q  Q^n-mQi^^rr  ? 
When  the  time  of  destruction  comes.,  will  not  evil  devices  operate  ? 

2865.  Q^L-QuQunesr    ufnruuir^i(^6=    Q^ji^QufrQp      LJ<3t<ss)^ji 
^f  earth  uesNGsSesr^Qufrei)^ 
Like  giving  a  dying  cow  to  a  poor  Brahman. 

2866.  0«LL®«i  0<55LL®«i  (^/^  ^8pi5fr? 

Can  a  family  survive  repeated  misfortunes  f 

2867.  Q&csfretfii^esnuuQuniL®  eujnrSso  ^(ip^Spj^Qurrei^, 
'Baiting  with  a  small  fish  and  catching  a  large  one. 

2868.  Qsjrt^  mppeuGSf  ^i—fS  6Q(L^m/af/r(Sd  ^^eijih  6^(5  ar/fle2o<y    (srohr 

If  the  fencer  fall,  he  will  pretend  he  did  so  according  to  the  rules  of 
his  art 

2869.    0<5569tL;OT  Uirp  QjFlTjrU  eBcksTL-^QOifSd^ 

Ad  the  greedy  saw  milk  and  rice. 

270  u  ifiQ  L^fr  i^. 

2870.  (?«L-^  ^^ev/reir  uirt^^  ^e\)e\)fr€Sfr.^ 
One  free  from  loss,  free  from  suflfering. 

2871.  C?<fl5®  mireo^^i(^  ^®  muuemp, 

A  bad  time  is  followed  by  an  alms-disli. 

2872.   G«®  0«il£_  fBfrQtu  eff®  eQilQu  QurrQeu&sr. 
You  worthless  dog  quit  my  house. 

iSleirQesr  llgsS  ^69)«f  euQ^Cb  np&stQssr^ 

Indigeace  follows  indiscretion,  the  elepheot  makes  its  appearance 
after  the  sound  of  its  bells  reaches  the  ear. 

2874.  (oSL-u.^  ere\)eofru:i  mthuirCS^  isu^i^esr^  <sr<sveviTijb  Qf^frsoevir^fl 
Believe  not  all  you  hear^  teU  not  all  you  believe. 

2875.     G«l1/JLC7U    S-J^Q    3h,L-®LD    fi-S3)L«6!DIZ), 

Fortitude  under  privations  will  tend  to  restore  lost  fortune* 

2876.   (o^L-Uirir  Q^frev2so<i  (SalL®&  O^L^rrQ^, 
Be  not  deceived  by  hearsay  reports. 

Thou  the  self-existent,  thou  art  the  powerful. 

2878.   C?«(g5Lii  SSafT/iyti  QsBL-Qi^nriri^^  ^<5vS50, 

Friends  and  relations  are  denied  to  the  ruined. 

2879.   (oSBm^dF  Q<a=eQ\um  stBLetDfrds  Qe^Q^^tr&r. 

He  who  acted  on  hearsay  destroyed  the  village. 

2880»    (S<3SfffTeQ  s,i^es)i£i  Sir^^'^CoUJ  <sa)e£?. 

Instruction  is  wealth,  and  learning  is  fame.. 



2881.  Q^&reQu  (Su^Sso  urr^jSfT&fr  iSs=ijd, 
But  half  of  what  one  hears  is  true* 

2882.  (SmetreB  Qpiuso. 

Endeavour  to  obtain  instruction. 

69)  2* 

2883.  «)"fl5  ^nn^^LDiresreuGfr  aemjrQiup  u^iriLi^ir&sr. 
The  miser  will  not  prosper. 

Literally  will  oot  '*  get  ashore."    The  marriage  of  a  girl  is  phrased 
iu  the  same  waj. 

Can  one  who  has  no  hands  turn  a  somersault,  can  one  who  has  no 
feet  run  about  T 

^  "t: 

It  is  the  learned  that  have  hands* 

2886.  €5)«  eM€^/6H  ^jreaifnii  QuirL^Q&sessrCSiu^. 

One  has  to  fix  his  hands  (m  the  grownd  before  he  makes  a  somer- 

I  ...  '■'  7 

2S87.  ©o«  sfnu^/srrp  ^Qp(^  a/ruJigLo. 

If  the  palm  of  the  hand  becomes  callous  hy  drawing  water,  the  areca 
will  bear. 

1 2888.  «»)««@  eriLt^esr^  eufnu3S(^  ctzIl-qS^Sso, 

That  which,  reaches  the  hand  does  not  aZtre;^^  reach^  the  mouth* 

2889.  «f>««(2«^6w^iijg«    ^frpLf^^uLD  m(r\u3»(m^    ^SsouLjesifr^^iiih 

Uke  a  oore  on  t^e  leg  of  a.  weaver,  and  one  on  the  head  of  a  d'og. 

28^0.  ®>«  fiui9m  a&kfTGRiJ(Seo  uiLi^irp  esiassiDiu^  fBpSi^^u  (SufrQenfrir^ 

If  the  hand  by  accident  strike  the  eye,  will  they  cut  it  off  ? 


272  uifiQuiir^. 

2891.   ^sis)eB  ^ui9^p  ajremLD, 

If  the  hand  missess  its  hold,  a  somersault. 

2892.  ®««  iSesypi^    Ou/rek  ^evev/r   eBtLL^ir^th  «6wr  iSesipikfi   ^m 

Though  not  possessed  of  a  handfull  of  gold,  one  should  have  & 
husband  that  fills  the  eye. 

2893.  es)^  uiLu.!red  aeitr^if,. 
Handling  makes  a  thing  shine  da  glass. 

2894.  evisuutp^e^^ss  Oarr®^^^  ^piLtf-U  utp^^i^    ^essr^i 

^  ^puirQesfm  ? 

Why  give  the  fruit  in  your  hand  and  stand  gazing  at  that  whicli 
can  only  be  reached  by  a  hook  ? 

2895.  (SiDSBuQunrQ^err  ^<$mG5fl€\)  QLDiuuQutTQ^isiT  «^a9. 
Learning  is  better  than  riches. 

2896.  <ss)auOu!7(T^efr  ^eaeoir  euL^uQuiria&sr  ^efreuir  Qp&sf  UL^cvirui^ 

The  wayfaring  man  who  has  no  money  may  encounter  thieves  tc/ft 

2897.  et^^uOuir^etr  j^p(frfe^  ^LL®sa(Lp^^tLiih  ufrtfireir^ 

If   destitute  of  wealth,  even  one's  own  married  wife  will  not 
regard  him. 

2898.  e^^^LDOucmi—rriLtf-  Qupp  «/^65OT)L_. 
The  refuse  that  the  widow  has  brought  forth.  { 

He  came  to  the  buffalo  of  the  widow  to  learn  to  milk.  J 

Is  a  heavy  axe  required  for  a  work  that  may  be  easily  effected  by! 
the  hand  ? 


Why  a  wedge  aad  a  mallet  to  split  the  edible  root  of  the  palmyra  I 

2902.  €iasa9^iii  ^€o2eo  Q&'iLif.iuirjr  etnuuQ^ih  @«u&o  <s/r»^ 
There  is  no  money  either  in  the  hands  or  purse  of  the  chetty* 

3903.  69)<sa9j^£2)  UMf.a9^ih  ^soevfr^eudsuri    setreu&fr    er^esr  Q^iuiu 

^  What  harm  can  a  thief  do  to  him  who  has  nothing  in  hand  or  iii 

his  belt? 

'  2904.  Gj)ssu9(Sev  iL^^&r  ^^eo  siriHiuih  ub^^ir^Jr^, 

If  the  hands  are  dipped  in  turmeric  water,  the  undertaking  will 
prove  successfuL 

.  2)05.  69)<Stt9^  ^05^^  QfBiuu9(Seo  eiDau9(Sl^fr(S€sr&ir  p 

When  it  (the  stolen  thing)  is  in  the  hand,  why  put  the  hand  in  (hot) 
[  ghee  ? 

He  who  has  nothing  in  hand  is  a  thief. 

^907,  69)<s5u96\>  ^iftStLjih  smessTL^eo^^eo  fiessT&siSfq^Ui. 
r  Bice  in  the  hand  and  water  in  the  pot. 

2908.  sms'Beo  er(Sli(^(Lp^csnh  Q^ir^  Qu^ir^Qm^jpi  ^fSajir^, 
The  fowl  is  not  aware  of  its  danger  before  it  is  caught 

!909.  0tf>^u9ib  Liessr^piS(s^i  e^essr^)!^  (SeumrQuirr  p 
Is  a  mirror  required  for  a  sore  in  the  hand  ? 

!9lO.  GDSu9p  upesisnesiiu  sQiLQi  dSfrLLQu  up&neui^^i  msssresS  ss)6us 
aeoiriLif  p 
Why  let  a  bird  in  the  hand  go  and  snare  one  in  the  jungle  T 

2  have  fallen  into  the  sea  with  the  child  in  my  arms. 



274  utpQu^ir^^ 

2912.  esi^Sp  (^^L^tito  ^sireQp  Q^/rQih  Qeaessr(Slio. 

One  must  have  an  umbrella  in  the  hand^  and  shoes  on  the  feet 

May  ene  pour  intothe  cracked  ground  the  nectar  hehas  in  his  hand? 

2914.  ^nmoSp  sirs-  euiriBeo  Q^ires)^  -g}"^^  ? 

WiUi  the  money  in  the  hand  become  a  cake  in  the  mouth  T 

2915.  69>6Bi£/(i  mGsitri(^Ui  «F/f?.  * 

The  woTU&if  in  ^ai^d  is  jast  sufficient  fbr  ctirrent  expenses. 

2916v   Gf>mGnfUU    uirtr   Qpm^esifBu    utrk    erGsrjy    ^Q^/s^frp    airlRiuin 

H  you  say  look  at  the  hands  and  look  at  the  face^  will  the  work  be 
accomplished  ? 

2917.  «»4wffi2br  <»^C?(gy6v, 

Keg^eet  not  a  woik  in  which  you  are  skilful. 

291&i  Q^'irisiffLjufrirssif^a:    SrearrAssQwfr    QiBq^ui9p    ^^uU(Tii(Q^ 
^euirdaQunr  p. 
Which. attains  swerga^  the  mere  beaster,  or  the  self-immolated? 

2&19*.  €)<flB/r«B(^  ^BWjB7(g(g5<fi^ii)  (S<m!r^^  0^ii(^L6  ^mt^^  g)6vSso. 
No'One  has  seen  a  young  crane,  nor  a  stmight  cocoanut  tceei. 

2920i  0«/r«(^«(^  ai6j«T£— flp  dd^jTi  en^euwf 

Does  the  stork  observe  the  rules  of  Linga- worship  I 

The  strict  Saivite  is  a  rigid  Tegetarian. 

2921.  0^/r«i(5«  3a.iLL^^^so^  jrir^iTisSi  eB(ipi^frp(o.Ufr€0^ 
A&  i£  a:  &Ibon.  fell:  amesgrherons*.    . 

As  i£  a^bandyooote  rushed,  on;  to  pzey  on  ac  sto:i^ 

Tamil  proverbs.  27S 

Does  the  crane  know  how  to  carry  away  a  chicken  P 

2924.  QsiriQssekj)f  fSSsvr^^frQajfr  Q^smnisst^  ? 
0  devotee,  did  you  mistake  me  for  a  stork ! 

2925.  QsfriiS(oe\)  (y^j^esafi  eQpSp^,  ^'^(S  erekesr^^p^m* 

Why  remain  here  when  grain  sells  cheap  in  the  Kongu  couutiy;. 

2926.  Q^ir^rSlGsr  Qp^SQeo  i9eireis)(su  euik^^Quireo^ 

As  a  carbuncle  appeared  on  the  back  of  a  mosquito. 

2927.  Qdsir3i-S(Se\)  (m^esS  uirso  sp^s^sev/TLDfr  ? 

Can  you  draw  from  a  mosquito  a  kuruni  of  milk  T 

2928.  Qarr^SQeo  i9eirensu  j)f^(o60  iSjrL^ei],  ^jptiSp^  erikQ^  juil^ 

A  mosquito  suffering  from  a  carbuncle,  has  also]diabetes :  where  shall 
We  put  in  the  Iaaoet>  and  how  apply  leeches  ? 

I         0  mosquito,  mosquito,  bathe  your  head  ;  I  will  not,  it  is  Saturday.. 

2930.  Q^rr3^es)mu  QuirQ^iLL^/rdj  ^essrestfl^  a^L^&fr  erQirfi^irpQufrev^ 
As  if  a  hawk  assailed  a  mosqaito  imagining  it  to  be  a  rival. 

What !  do  you  strain  out  a  gnat  and  swallow  a  camel? 

*932.  Qs/r^siDds  eut^uuirlr^  jy<g?S5)«uLy®a//r/f, 

Those  who  strain  out  gnats  are  oiafuraM^  suspected. 

»933.  Qa^/r6=Si(mLj  QuiresreuGfTt  Q^.tuQsmuJU,  ufrir,^fBfir,  (aj^cwo/  eSpp- 
earn  Qa'\u^(S(5)\kiu  uirnr* 
See  the  result  of  his  ha^ing^  gone  to.  Cochin,,  and  of  one  who  be* 
trayed  his  Guru.. 

What,  is  it  a  small,  thing  for  a  monkey  to  diink  pepper  watent 


J76  '  iJifiOuiSi^. 

Not  one  even  of  ten  millions  is  unfaithful  in  a  lijjtle  thing. 

2936.   Q^fTif-dseir  ^q^Sfr^sr  u^jr^^Qcv  ul^q^lo. 

Creepers  spread  over  the  trees  that  grow  near  them. 

Is  its  fruit  burdensome  to  the  creeper  I 

2938.   0^!Ti^  ^piBu  Qu&k(r  i9p/B^fre\^  Q^iT^^!r^^p(^  ^str^. 

It  is  an  evil  omen  to  a  tribe  for  a  girl  to  be  bom  with  her  navel- 
string  round  the  body. 


2939.  0^ir®^Q(^&sr  ULpio^iurrsmi^y  ^&srQ((rfissr  si^uu^sssTt^, 
Palaniandi  gives  and  Subbandndi  eats. 

2940.  Q^fr®i<3s  LDfTiLi^ir^eu&fr  ^i^^^sifBu  ULfi^^ir&sr. 

He  who  was  not  disposed  to  contribute  to  the  drama  spoke  dispar- 
agingly of  it. 

2941.  Q^fr®ssSpesyfliLiLO    QsirQ^^i  (^f^L^QirirSl  aireQso    e9(ipeuT 
Whilst  bestowing  gifts  why  fall  prostrate  at  the  feet  of  a  leper  I 

As  a  uiggardly  shepherd  pointed  to  a  sheep  that  was  with  young. 

2943.  QsirQiEiQsfrso     Lbmesrcsr    .^(gjii    isiriLuf-p     sQihLjeQ^  euirQfU^ 
sir®  (B^£)i, 
A  jungle  inhabited  by  fierce  tigers  is  better  than  a  country  ruled 

by  a  cruel  tyrant. 

— — —      • 

It  is  not  good  to  live  under  a  tyrant  king. 

2945«  Qsfr(Sl<ijses)^i  CSsiLl^it^  jif(S^^  euQ^Lo  l;€5)«. 

If  that  which  has  been  given  be  demanded  hatred  ensues. 


2946.  Q^ir(Sl^^eu2ssru  Lfsy^enirir  Q^fn^fr/SeuSssr  ^^/fieufrir^ 
They  praise  the  liberal,  but  reproach  the  niggard. 

The  liberal  are  fathers,  niggards  are  useless. 

2948.  Q^frQ^^ssy^ds  Q65rr®i(^ih  (^petflu  iBsFirar, 

The  dwarf  demon  returns  only  that  which  had  been  given  to  it. 

Jugglery  is  generally  attributed  by  the  common  people  to  the 
power  of  a  dwarf  demon  which,  retaining  the  materials  entrusted  ta 
it,  gives  them  one  by  one  to  the  juggler  as  he  may  want  them. 

I   2949.  0«/r®^^o;(5«(g  erevev/rii  ^essr®    Q^frL^ir^6U(^i(^    ^^Jr^m 

The  liberal  have  all  things,  the  niggardly  nothing. 

i   2950.  Qan-Q^^  Q^penjOdSfTcrr,  Q'sfr&r&r  (sr&sr^  ^^Jr<so^ 
Be  liberal  and  friendly,  avoid  being  called  a  talebearer.^ 

2951,  Q*rrQuurr6S)nr/i  ^®<i«/r(?^. 
Do  not  check  the  liberal. 

;  2952,  Q&inrQ^ifiUi  ^ppeuGsr  «®«)ld  ^ppisu&r, 
j  The  kind-hearted  is  yielding. 

i  2953.  Q^/rQih  urreQ  ^^^u^  Qsirexfri^  u^mSiaJirir  G6Uei!sT(SlLD. 

However  cruel  a  mother-in-law  may  be,  she  is  nevertheless  d'e* 

2954.  Q^fnLi^^SlLpii(Q  Q6UL^QSp6U(€r^^(^i  (Ssfru9<sQ(iv  eui^  ^£_<i 

\  Can  the  woman  who  digs  up  roots  dance  before  a  temple  idol  ? 

2955.  0«/r^zjL^  Q^fTiLif.  ^etrm^fr^th  r^^^  u^m^^  ^«/r^. 

Though  measured  again  and  again,  a  kuruni  will  not  become  a 

2956.  Q^irCi^-^io  QfBefT  QmfnLi^T  ^iLi^irp  i9<m2^uy^^Siun-  ? 
If  it  stings  it  is  scorpion,  if  it  does  not  sting  is  it  only  a  gryilua  ? 

i278  uifiQwir^. 

If  despised  by  her  husband,  all  will  slight  her. 
2958*   Omiressri^ea ^Gfnu.uj    ueoflm>^ii  messri^irs^  (^uesiuQm®    ^jSi 

If  she  finds  out  the  strength  of  her  husband,  she  will  get  on  the  ruV 
bish  heap  and  fight. 

2^59.   0<55/r«wrL_/r/f  Qp<oSSp  m^L^rrir  QptsS^ir. 

If  husbands  treat  their  wives  angrily,  others  will  do  so  too, 

2960.  Q^fremQ  (^eom  Qu&^Qp^rr  ? 

Do  you  speak  lightly  of  a  family  into  which  you  have  chosen  to 
marry  f  • 

2961.  Osrr€ssrssit^i(^u  y  @^«^  ^€ssTesiu.i(^  fSpQp^, 

To  stand  up  to  quarrel  with  a  tjhaplet  of  flowers  on  the  tresses. 

2962.  0«/rflapr63)£-«(5U  y  (^QSp/Sir  ^frif.i(gij  ^  ^(SSfl^O'.? 
Are  flowers  for  the  tresses,  or  for  the  beard  ? 

2*963.   Q^fTemCoL-.trnr  ereocv/rLo  QuGsarijLir  jy^^. 
All  that  are  betrothed  are  not  real  wives. 

2*964'   Qssfruj^s^^s\)  QdairetreB  ensu-^j^tiOkireiffi^^Quireo^ 
Like  keeping  a  firebrand  in  the  border  of  her  own  cloth. 

Can  needles  be  sold  in  a  street  of  smiths  ? 

2966.  Q^ireoe^m  ereSssiin   aessr®  (Qjfm(^  &irs^i(^u  ^ewr    miLu^ 

It  is  said  that  a  monkey  seeing  the  weakness  of  a  blacksmith  aiged 
him  to  adorn  his  legs  with  rings. 

2967.  0«/r^6\)6ir  iSeissTLb  d3ieinpji^iTpQutre<^. 
As  the  smith's  corpse  became  stiff. 

2968.  Qsfreo^Sp^ih  Q'9=fT^  i9^ifiui9iQp^th  Q^trjpi. 
Bice  kills  and  it  makes  alive. 



2969.  QsfTsoPaoi  sfriLQ  mi)  usoSsoi  ^frtLt^esr^Qufreo, 
Like  a  wild  jackal  showing  his  te^di. 

Like  encouraging  jackals  in  a  field. 

2971.  0«/r€u^«^u  uioeQ  (g/jL«(g<SF  .^(^©jff. 

He  is  a  palli  plant,-£acAnera  Asiatica-to  a  garden,  and  a  Saguni  to 
a  family. 

Both  are  iujiiriona. 

,  2972.  0«/r«o&Ofl9«u  (^pfS<ssi\u  ^Gf)L-/B^  L/ev^    ^tpenir  ^(i^u^i^i 

[  Will  the  ploughshare  destroy  the  grass  at  the  foot  of  scarecrows 

in  the  field  I 

2973,  0«/r«)S»o  ufTLpir^^iD  (j^efl-s^g  ^ewr    u^^llit  ? 
Are  small  birds  famished  because  the  fields  lie  waste  ? 

!  .  Sl^3so. 

,  The  steamed  cake  has  no  head^  nor  has  a  drunkard  sense  to  i^aa:^ 

the  rules  of  relationship. 

^2975.  Qs^tTQ^i^iLGifiL^i^^  ^Ssou^tly  gjeo&oi  mir^ib  ^e^2isOy  (^psii 

The  kolukkattai  has  neither  head  nor  foot^  foresters  are  neither 
virtuous  nor  mannerly. 

2976.  Q^TQ^^^euek  6S)««(g  ^Ssrr/i^QieJr  ^(jjifiL/. 
He  who  is  thin  is  a  mere  straw  to  him  who  is  fat. 

2977.  Osifrerr    ereisrQj^ev    eurresytuji   ^piSp^,     muf-edir&rCb    erm^eo 

eufr€s>uj  Qp(BlSp^ir  ? 

What!  opening  the  mouth  •when  one  says  gram^and  covering  it 
when  one  says  bridle  f 

2978.  QstTeaeufTQ^ib  ^io^i  Q^rrQuuirQ^ih  ^sodso^ 
There  are  neither  buyers  nor  sellers. 


,380     '  uffiQinrrifi. 

2979.   QsBir&refi  Qe^iresifrQl  ^Sso  Q&^frfS&pfifr  ? 
Po  jou  scratch  your  head  with  a  firebrand  ? 

Though  you  may  encounter  a  firebrandi  you  must  not  appear 
before  the  planet  Venus, 

Secause  burning  with  a  firebrand  will  produce  blisters,  you  are 
branding  me  with  a  plantain  fruit, 

— — — :    .        .  •  I 

2982^  Qd5frefr^L£i6iiesyfru960  Q&nessrL^iriLt^it^  Q^ireifn^i9p(m  Qossri—ff 

•  * 

Great  pleasure  till  attained^  great  misery  afterwards. 

2983*  OiSB/rrirSsrr^gjL/  Quir^^w  eh^iLQ  ^«/rj57. 
Even  when  going  to  plunder  association  is  bad. 

2984.  O«/r6w-S5)fr«0Lb  siaifii(^w  ^uLf, 
Escape  from  plunder  and  pestilence. 

2985.  Osirppeu&o'  jsekeaH^th  append  iSiQsir^, 

The  learned  are  more  than  kings. 


2986.  O^irmQifp  uireiiLb  ^&srQrfeo  ^Q^fh, 

The  sin  arising  from  killing  is  expiated  by  eating  the  flesh  so  killed. 

2987.  (oSfr^fr6Q<35^irLc>Lf  (^ev^^^sr^  FF(SsrLCi, 

The  hwdle  of  the  axe  is  the  enemy  of  its  kind. 

2988.  Q^if.  Simr^i^  (Ssireuessr  ^Gssn^tL^in  s'lBaJirF 
Are  the  wealthy  and  mendicants  on  a  par  I 



2989.  Q^Ttf.  QiLtr^  ^aS^uQeumQu^y    ^e\>€\)jp    QatreuGSsr    ^^tf. 

An  attempt  is  to  be  made  either  by  the  wealthy,  or  by  a  beggar 
that  has  only  a  span-long  cloth. 

2990.  Q^fTif-  flesrui  ^(fRfB^fr^th   ^easrih    ^eu6V/r   iLiasn'SeiDtu  Lt^essrih 

It  is  not  good  to  marry  a  girl,  no  matter  how  great  her  wealth,  if 
her  natural  temper  is  exceptionable. 

■    2991,  Gsirin^eujreir  ^6B(S6U€9sr(SlCoLLir,  ^eveo^  eo^av^fr^u^  ^sQsu 
€Bsr(Sl(SLDrr  ? 

Which  is  to  be  preferred  as  a  possession^  ten  millions,  or  a  hundred 
thousand  ? 

2992.   (?«/r®>L_  g)rp.  ^i^^^irpQutreo. 

As  it  thundered  in  summer. 

2993.   (oiSinL  Q<3FtreousuSssri  Qs/rQth  Q^etr  (sresr  iSSssr, 
Treat  him  who  carries  tale?,  as  a  scorpion. 

2994»   (S'^siriL  Q^ireo^ua  euiriLi  <fE/r/b^L_6Jr  Qibhruu, 

The  mouth  of  the  slanderer  is  as  fire  exposed  to  the  wind. 

r  ■ 

2995.  (osirtLL^irSsffT  iLtf-u9p  siLi^^Q^ir^i^^Quireo. 
Like  coQcealing  an  ominous  owl  in  the  lap. 

2996.  Q^fftLQ^  ^ldut  ^iSen6u^^/re\)  QuinLQ^  a^irui^L^  eunFSUfrir 


If  samba  rice  is  boiled,  they  will  come  and  eat. 

2997.  Q^irtLesiL^vQlso    Queisr    iSlpi^Sfr^ih    QuiriLu.    erQ^<i^u  Qut 

Will  destiny  be  averted  because  the  female  was  born  in  a  fort  I 

2998.  (osirtL€8)L^i(^eir(oerr  (^^jsyii  O&JiKSlui/r  ? 
Can  a  great  battle  be  fought  in  a  fort  ? 

282  UifiQtLtrtfi. 

2999,  Q^irsssri  G)«/ra>L/  ejjS  erexresr  (^^snir  ^/S  €refr€sr  ^€isffiri(^w 

Whether  they  mount  a  palanquin  or  a  horse,  the  distance  between 
the  vain  and  reputation  is  very  great. 

3000.  Q^fTGsS   QsnmL,^  ern^^  Sruni^^, 

That  which  the  sack  contained  the  buffiklo  carried. 

3001.  Qmiretp^i  Q^tresSi  (Ssrrtf.  QafrQuu^^u^    Qdatr^s^Ubp  «sB/r 

It  is  better  to  bestow  a  small  gift  freely  than  lacs  with  a  wry  face. 

3002.  (?«/r^Pirii  ^jS/B^  OuGssT  QmiT®^  utr^^jru^  ^{QIb^  i9^9^f 

Having  ascertained  the  character  of  the  family  give  your  daughter 
in  Toarriage,  and  knowing  the  worthiness  of  the  applicant  pn 

3003.   (oSfT^^jreff^csr^  ^rr^^jrCb  ufrkuuir&ir. 
One  of  low  birth  consults  a  fortune-teller. 

3004.  Q^/ruLo  ^e\)€\)irfi  ^esuru-iLD  ^unuGrrLa  ^ioeoirjs  (S^eus^LO, 
A  master  wiUiout  anger,  a  servant  without  wages% 

3005.  (oAfruih  urrULDy  iS^^esiira=  ^^^q^. 
Angqr  is  sin,  sleep  is  an  enemy. 

3006.  Q^fTuih  s-GkfTL^rrerrijb^ 
Anger  ends  in  cruelty. 

3007.  (o^rruih  -^P(^P  @C?irT/3?£i>  ^^^. 
When  anger  ceases,  revenge  ceases. 

3008.  (o<asiruiii  e^Gfretr  ^i^^^eo  (jesarzi  «L6Mr®. 

Where  there  is  anger,  there  may  be  excellent  qufilities. 

3009.  Q<3Sfri9  (&^^siDfr(Si£i€0  ai^eu/reffLb  ^eo^soireff^ 

The  irascible  is  like  a  man  on  horseback  withoat  a  bridle. 


He  Tralks  as  if  stipporting  a  tower. 

3011.  (oSfTL/jTih  ^irmSiu  Uf^iJoQurreo  &rLbiS(ff€ifr, 
He  carries  like  a  goblin  that  bears  a  tower. 

3012.  Qsfr(LpL-if.u  L/^P«(5  Qmir^ih  ^€v2so. 

The  foresight  of  a  komutti-m^rc^Ti^never  fails. 

One  should  reside  near  a  temple  and  a  tank. 

^  .    .     *    — - —  . 

:  3014.   (o^n-uSio  ^s\)s\)/r  smiUQeo  (^if.u9 (f^^^^frinfr  p 

May  one  dwell  in  a  village  in  which  there  is  no  temple ! 

,iS0l5.  Q^irSeo  WQsSiuCb  er&srjpi  &h.Lji9iLL^freo  (Suv^ih, 
J  It  is  enoagh  to  be  called  the  manager  of  the  temple. 

Will  the  temple  cat  reverence  the  deity  ? 

13017.   (odsiru9p  f^3ssr^(^LJ  uujLb  (^&sr  ? 
Why  should  a  temple  cat  fear  ?  . 

^018.    QiSirjri^iir  ^yxsujiQiULo  (^essr^^t^i^^  ^p(^u>fr  p 

Will  the  medical  work  by  Korakkar  assist  one  to  fiiid  out  the 
symptoms  of  disease  ? 

p019.   (?«/rs3)/r  ^z^siDtu«  Q«®<i(g£i, 

f  Course  grass  is  ruinous  to  the  cultivator. 

|I020.    G«/r«o/r«  @ffiim(^  ^r^(S6iidofri(^  SL^a/ti, 

Even  the  root  of  the  korai  grass  will  be  of  use  sometime  or  other. 

p021»  C?«/rgv  «gt-«  (^jrii;^  ^Qih,  ^^Quireo  mesrih  ^Qth. 

As  the  staff  moves  the  monkey  moves,  in  like  manner  the  mind 

3022.   Gsfreo  ^ipk^  (&^(^i^efsrQu(reo. 

Like  a  blind  man  who  has  lost  his  staff. 


284j  U  LfiQ  lUfTLfi. 

3023.  Qsirio  6T®^^  i9efr^  (^0LLQui9effSsfr. 

The  child  that  handles  a  stick  is  in  danger  of  becoming  blind. 

3024.  (S^ir6if6S(^  '^!P(S  ^'^isi(S£s/r(5\)  ^es)p&f>LD, 
A.  sceptre  of  justice  is  tte  beauty  of  royalty. 

3025.  (o^fTi^  ^if.iSp^fb(^>s  (^^iB^Lf.  QeueifrQinfr  ? 
Is  a  club  needed  to  kill  a  fowl  ? 

3026*   (S^itl^  seireifQufrs  ^®  QeuiLt^u  Oumsime^i  ^QQp^ff  ? 

Do  you  attempt  to  recover  a  stolen  fowl  by  sacrificial  offerings  ? 

3027.  Q^iTL^  sh.eQ  sQi^Spfl/r  /smu  (^Sso^^  eQi^Qp^ir  ? 

Does  the  day  dawn  at  the  crowing  of  a  cock,  or  at  the  barking  rf 
a  dog? 

3028.  Q35iTL^^(^^3ri(^u  uirso  Q^ivQ^^^QuiTeo , 
As  one  fed  a  chicken  with  milk. 

The  fever  of  fowls  and  the  jealousy  of  a  spiteful  woman  have  vk 

3030.  QsiT^asjSl  (sr&srp^ib  Osiressru-fn^i  Qe^iremL^^u^  S<ss>ir^^^ 

All  that  ado  about  the  fowl  curry,  Subba,  ends  in  a  mess  of  greei 

3031.  Q^^ifi  Spsnrs\)  (^(^si-sdofr^  ^rruu^Quireo, 
As  a  hen  keeps  her  chickens  under  her  wings. 

3032.     QsfTL^  ^(f^l^tLjlii  «LL-    J^(LpQ(ff(^, 

Having  herself  stolen  the  fowl  she  weeps  ivith  the  owner  on  accw 
of  its  loss. 

3033.   Q^fTL^  ^mp  <3s&r€rr^)jth  ah.L-  yfleir^y  fi_€V/r«i/®(75>6Jr, 

The  thief  who  has  stolen  the  fowl»  walks  about  with  the  oumer 
search  of  it. 

Not  only  is  the  fowl  gone,  but  her  voice  aJao  is  gone  hy  coiling  **• 


3035.    (oSfTlfi  iSf^^^i  (5(55«^  Qpi^LCi  ^(^UilT  ? 

Will  a  chicken  become  lame  if  the  mother  hen  treads  on  it ! 

3036.  Q^ffL^  (LpL^^^^(^i  QeuiLif^u  ueQ  ^lLl-^Quitso^ 
Like  sacrificing  a  sheep  for  the  recovery  of  a  lame  fowl. 

3037.  Q^fT^  (ipiLe!DL.u9€\)  Lbu9ir  i9(Slm6ieotrmir ? 
Can  hair  be  plucked  off  a  hen's  egg  T 

3038.  QsiTL^m)aj6i  (SsiLQi^ir  ^easriJD  sinL^s^Qp^  ? 

Is  the  fowl  to  be  consulted  when  it  is  to  be  prepared  for  the  table  t 

9,   (?«/r(€5«(^  QpmCo^&sr  &h^(w^(^u  iQmQ^&sr, 
\  Be  not  first  at  slander  nor  last  at  meals. 

!  Why  professions  of  respect  regarding  one  about  whom  you  are 

always  telling  tales  ? 


Near  the  candle-stick  it  will  be  clear  to  all. 

1042.    QiOSGrrstneu  ^^(sifiL^ujmr  sirdso^  QfBrrsSl, 

Touch  the  feet  of  those  with  whom  you  have  aught  to  do. 

43.    0^e(T€S)eu  3S(mQ^&sr^ 

Be  mindful  of  your  business. 

144.    Q^enGs^eu^  Q<^fr^sSle\)  cra/'rigii  ue^a. 
Abusive  words  will  create  enmity. 

Can  anxiety  add  length  to  one's  body  ? 

He  who  has  no  concern  will  not  say  any  thing  favourable. 

286  UifiQiLir^. 

3047.  lEiuu&sr  i9pfB^^  Qeuerr&f^UiSsOy  antruQ  i9p/Bfl^  Qu/r&sriL^, 

My  father  was  bom  in  a  silver  mountain,  and  my  mother  was  boro 
in  a  golden  mountain. 

3048.  iBuQuire^  euha. 

Bend  yourself  like  the  letter  ®-6e  humble. 

3049'   ^^^u9(Seo  seoSso  eQiL®    ^/S/6jstrd\)  ^m  ^esaH   frrifrj^LO  jjf 

If  one  throws  stones  into  mud,  his  own  cloth  and  those  oi  othenj 
will  be  spattered. 

3050.   ^^eOGsr  e^peBeo  e^fressrQsirtf.  u^^a^Lbir  ? 

Is  there  such  a  dearth  of  span-long-creepers  that  you  are  obliged  to 
stdy  at  your  sister's  husband's  house  ? 

3051.  ^seVQpth  spp<su^p<ssrdsat^  ^iririB^Q^^ 

Associate  with  a  person  who  is  versed  in  every  thing. 

••— "^i— "— — r— • 

3052.  <F«6o  Q^^^^  €v/r/r^«j)^(t/(i  ^pj^^kQt^it&rf^&pQfB  aj/r«/(5^ 

To  study  the  different  dialects  of  each  country  is  usrful  to  all. 

3053.  ^(oSfTfljr^  ^^etrensu&sr  Uiss>u.ii(^  ^(^csp/reir. 
He  who  has  a  brother  does  not  fear  to  fight. 

2054.   ^«(g*^  <3p«(5  erSsrj[it  uirs(^^  ^<ckufr&sr  ^$>nuQui<i=<aF ,  effiiff- 

When  out  he  chews  betel  to  attract  publia  notice,  iKhen.he  retoros 
home  he  licks  the  comei^^of  his  mouth  to  secure  the  adwratioii 
of  women. 



S055.  ^iiss£Djih  Lfiks^ith  ^ii&iU/rSi(^  &.fieQajir  ? 

Are  fools  and  blockheads  of  service  to  the  religious  mendicant  ? 

3056.  ^iiSQso   enirir^^ireO'  ^ir^^Lb,    ^tLtf^iBQe^    €Uirir^/Sireo   fi&kr 

If  poured  into  a  conch,  water  becomes  sacred,  if  into  a  chatty/ it  is 
what  it  is. 

3057.  <F/E/(g  ^u9jrLD  Q^irGssr®  sirQ^Qu  Quir^^ih  ^m  ufrsuih  /sek 

Though  one  carries  a  thousand  conchs  to  Benares,  his  sin  sticks  to 

^058.  ^ii^  e^iriL^tb  ^essrt^  euiru^Cb^ 

The  mouth  of  the  conch,  the  mouth  of  the  religious  mendicant. 

159.  s=m\o^^^\Jb  eQLLL-,/re\)  ^ii^^sititJoi  ^eoSso. 

When  deprived  of  modesty,  there  will  be  no  sense  of  honour. 

It  is  said  that  the  religious  mendicant  with  matted  hair  cries  for 
pepper  water,  and  the  linga  he  worships  cries  for  the  five  delica- 
cies, viz.,  milk,  curds,  ghee,  sugar  and  honey. 

I  < 

.SQ/«(5  QLLfT/r  eriiQs  S<ois)L-.i(mLo. 

When  a  religious  mendicant  with  matted  hair  finds  it  difficult  to 
obtain  rice,  where  will  the  bald  headed  obtain  butter  milk. 

1062,  ^99>L^^fiLn9jrfrm  ^afl£l®«(5   ^(i^SipQuir^  eQasih   ujnofr 

When  a  religious  mendicant  is  cryiog  for  bran,  will  the  linga 
ask  for  delicacies ! 



K  dragged  by  his  matted  h«ir,  the  ];eligi<»is  luieadicant  may  foe 
brought  noar  one. 


288  uffiQubtrifi. 

8064.    ^iLtf.  &tiLl^^LD  fiW«  fi0iJ.L^^£i), 

The  chatty  burnt,  the  hand  left  it. 

3065.     ^iLQeUUi  SfS^3r€Si6a  ^fSlnQiblT  ? 

Can  a  ladle  appreciate  the  flavour  of  curry  T 

3066.  ^Gssruuelsr  ^iL®^  QssirL^,  ^irQesr  6Qe^ia(^  ^iLi^jiQairmL.^ 
As  a  flax-dresser's  fowl  fettered  itself. 

3067.   ^essTLDi  i9^^ih  d'emih  euir^u^. 

One  moment  he  is  bilious  and  the  next  rheumatic. 

3d68.  ^essrL^u^irQFifB^^p(^  er^irLJUL-.u.  ^^(^(Surrev. 
Like  dry  leaves  before  a  strong  wind. 

3069.   ^Gikri^i(^  ^pp  iSeSsri^^^ 

A  stubborn  person  well  suited  to  the  self-willed. 

3070.  ^G6T<saf)i-  Qps^^Qeo  Q^peu/r? 

Is  relationship  recognised  in  a  battle  field  ?  i 

3071.    ^GSSTGsS  ^€SST^)Lb^   CT&ir^   QuOJIT  ^QeUfrGfT^ 

She  will  call  him  Annamalai  the  gormandizer. 

3072.  ^/sQa-fTtf.  ^EiS^^Qev  Qu^iTiLiSSii^fi  flfr^$mi  ^GknrL^/nuir  erm 

Like  asking  one  in  a  crowd,  if  the  bald  headed  devotee  has  w^i 


3073.  ^^sris^efreSkBeo  ^S<sv  e_6wr£-./r@a),  i 

The  eaglewood-acgmZZa  grows  with  the  prickly  pear. 

•3074,   «SF65)^«  smQ  «^P  /5/ri-.<?fiM6wr®Lb.  ' 

The  mrgeon'a  knife  must  be  judiciously  ftpplied^^ 

TAltlL  PBOVEBBS.  289 

S075.  9^fB  §ieoeo/rLDp  m/i^  mfrQmfr  ? 

Will  the  knife  operate  where  there  is  no  flesh  ? 

3076.  <r«D^  fLcrrew  ^i-.^^(Seo  s^^  /snrQih, 
The  eurgtorCa  knife  seeks  the  fleshy  parts* 

As  if  seven  clouds  simultaneously  rained  fire. 

3078.  ^i^sr^^i  3h^(ipi^  iBiTiuisir  ^uuSssariu/r  ? 

Is  the  order  of  the  Naidu  required  in  order  to  procure  gruel. at  the 
choultry  I 

1079.  ^^^JT^^u  utnL(Bli(^^  ^(^uurnKS  (Su^evnr  p 
Is  a  divine  hymn  superior  to  that  sung  in  a  choultry  ? 

180.  ^^^jr^^Qeo  Quir^esrth,  mi^^^Q^  iS^^eair, 
Eating  in  a  choultry  and  sleeping  in  a  monastery. 

)81.  ^^^vu^^Qcd  ^itlS  ^iriLQ  ereirSp  ^;i^iuih  Quid^, 

To  say  God  is  the  witness  of  what  one  testifies,  is  the  highest  of  all 
forms  of  oath. 

|082,  ^^^lu^^p^  ^(s\)e\)fr^   iSifffrSstr    ^isuuL-t^uCSuir^   ^ffi^ 
!  QuirSpflir  ? 

Will  the  child  that^  has  no  regard  for  truth  go  to  weep  with  one 
when  in  sorrow  I 


3.  ^ji^ojih  /Bsirg^flSso,  <F/r«D6i/^  ^^stld  f9Ssifr, 

Truthfulness  is  the  best  condition,  daily  think  of  death. 

184.  iSF^^tuCoLD  Qeuev^th  ^a^^^iuQm  QdSfreo^th, 
Truth  prevails,  falsehood  kills. 

85.  ^^^ViiQib  Qaire\)^th  a'^^iuQii^  Qeueo^ih^ 
Truth  kills  falseJiood,  truth  prevails. 

B6.  ^^^Quj  Q//r<F<S69r  ^meivfl  ^p(^€8sr^. 

The  truthful  man  has  all  other  virtues* 


290  uifiQit/r^. 

To  eat  rice  at  lihe  ehouUiry,  is  the  permiasioii  of  tiie  head  brahman 

The  powerful  associate  with  the  povTerful,  sandal  paiste  mixes  wiA 

3089.  «iF;i^/(g<i«.S3«-«7*i  &^^smirii  Qfs&. 
liiove  even  yout*  ^nmiies  heartily. 

A^  enemy's  envy  is  bis  own  punishment. 

3091.  ^fB^JrSsaiLJurrir^^  isirdj  ^Ss(^^^p(Suireo^ 
As  a  dog  barked  at,  the  moon. 

The  mpon  shines  even  in  the  bouse  of;  the  outcast. 

3093.  ^ieif>fi'u9e\>  ^,tf.uil.L^eu£f)ji(^<F  ^rriL^  -gj^*^  the  witftesarf  him  that  has  been  floggiad  in  the  bazaarl; 

3094.  ^f^^fB-i  eh^iLi^Lb  QufTLbmeo  ^iLt^ih, 

4;  crowd  of  people  iq  a^  mari^et-place  h ; liM  a  puppet-show. 

3095.  ^fBsy>fl^(^  euik^-euir^s^  ^ftwr  ^^amr/r  ? 

Will  those  who  frequent  the  same  market  Siid  as  friends  I 

3096.  ^iSiunr^  €ff.®.  ^eiif8ssvrSQe\x.. 

The  pi$|*op6n  wmmla^is.tiie  home  of  the  ascetic^ 

3097.  ^JBiSfUfT^  uojcssnii  -^sosr^sffifr  eOtUSfi  (^^uu j^^irm ^ 
The  pilgrimage  of  the  mendipant  is.  to  jump  off  a  pial. . 

The  old  temper  of  thp  a«$6tiC/^vJll:mtrteav0  him^ 



3099.  ^itBojfrS    (?«/r6i/6wr^^i(5    g)<F^^^^    e^Qp^frjrtD     Qi^^lL 

As  an  ascetic  became  a  householder  when  he  coveted  a  cloth. 

3100.  ^ifSojifQ&nuj^  ^if..^^  fsnrtui(^LJ  i9m.^(Se\i  mjrsu^irth    ^r/i/Soj/r 

They  say  that  the  dog  that  bites  an  ascetic  will  go  to  hell  eventually^ 
the  ascetic  will  die  before. 

3101.  ^ i f8 uj IT Seniu  iSfB^^^eu^i^u  i9eir^(Se\)  iBjrmubirCb, 
It  is  said  that  hell  awaits  him  who  reproachei^  an  ascetic. 

3102.  ^/B/SoJ/r^i^ib  ifir^iLiresrih  Qurrssfr^^ 
Even  an  ascetic  feels  proud  of  his  caste. 

Timidity  before  an  assembly  is  bad. 

3104.  ^sff)uu9Qeo  miSjr&ir  ^jr^Qeo  eBipQ^iresr, 

In  the  assembly  of  the  learned  he  is  a  nakklran-a  sage^m  a  royal! 
council  a  chferan-a  king  ekvUed  in  archery. 


^3105.  ^LJUtrGsSi(^  Q/Btrmtf^  ^€mu.ut9jr^0iifrL,th. 
A  lame  man  is  a  hero  before  »  cripple^ 

3106.  ^LD€8sr  s-/5i8iuir&i^ih  6U6!wr^pjgB/«(gii)  ^thu/B/Sih  srmesr  f* 
What  has  a  naked  mendicant  to  do  with  a  washerman  ! 

When  opportunity  offers  he  may  eat  even  Yama  as  a  cake^. 

3108.  ^iDiuLD  eumu^/5fr6\>  setreif  Q^iuenfrmm, 
He  will  steal  if  opportunity  offer. 

1109.   <3F LP ir^^^m(m  ^^La  Quifi^i\)eo, 
Nothing  is  too  great  for  a  clever  man. 

Do  cannon'balls  fly  wit3i  inteUigent  force  f! 

292  u  tpQ  mn- 1^, 

What  did  the  clever  matron  get,  she  got  rice  in  chatty  fulls. 

3112.  ^Lnlri^&ren  Q^6us^i(mu    uev^LD  ^uj^LDmjb, 

Even  a  blade  of  grass  is  a  weapon  in  the  hands  of  a  skilful  warrior. 

3113.  ^Uiir^^efrsrr  Q<3=eiJm^iii(^  eufrerr  uap^ir^s^tii  Qa®  @«vSa). 
Though  his  sword  is  injured,  the  skilful  soldier  suffers  no  loss. 

3114.  ^Uiir^^^(^'3F  ^(ssfliusir. 
In  power,  equal  to  Saturn. 

3115.   ^LSi<s&nm  ^fSliufr^sum  <rj5i/ ireir  ^eugv^ 

He  who  cannot  comprehend  a  sign  is  not  clever. 

He  is  inciting  to  fight  by  shewing  signs. 

- — ' —  - 

3117.  ^(Lp<3Ffrjrss(^iL(Si  Qeuefl  ^L-L^/rev    /b^l^ld. 
It  is  a  loss  for  family  broils  to  get  abroad. 

3118.  ^Qp^^JTQpih  fa^fra^is^nL^iLiUi  ^iflajfr  ? 
Are  the  ocean  aiid  ^  ditch  alike  I 

3119.  ^Qp^^jr^^^S^  ^ppih  QuiriLL^^Qufiii)  ^(f^^^P^. 
tiike  pliinting  a  picott^  oti  the  sea-«ide. 

.*    A. 

3120.  ^Qp^^jr^^p(^ih  s^rrmr  (^€ssrQ<i(^LD  (srihunr^^jrih  ? 

How  vast  the  difference  between  the  ocean  and  a  span- wide  ditcbl 

W  I  I « 

3121  •   ^(Lp^^ff^  <su(5sr^essr^  i^&kfrL-fr err esr,  j 


A  deep  treacherous  fellow  is  a  wretch. 

3122.  «F«ni:/iuj^  6ff*iLif-(oe\)  /bitiu  ^sfSiLpiB^irpQufrso, 
As  a  dog  crept  into  the  cooking  room. 

'13123.   '9'smLHus\)  ^tLt^Qeo  npujci)  ^irQesr  6um^jp(Suire\>, 
As  a  hare  of  its  own  accord  came  into  the  c6ok  room. 


3124.  ^thu^^Ld  eBu^^ih  ^fh-i—Qeu  ^Q^^Slp^^ 
Abundance  and  straitness  are  closely  allied 

Though  one's  income  is  only  half  a  fanam,  an  air  of  respectability 
must  be  preserved. 

Though  one's  hire  is  but  half  a  fanam  dependents  must  be  pro* 

3127,  ^LbU^esr  Sjrs&o^^  eui/srr&iry  Q^ldlj  /S6u2sO(5iduj  s^eaCSeir  ©oaf. 

Our  rich  and  honest  neighbour  is'come,  remove  the  copper  vessels 
out  of  sight. 

b128.  ^{Qesrm  6»«a36U  ^suulLi^  QdeouQu^  Quires, 

Like  lice  in  a  cloth  that  had  been  in  the  hands  of  a  Jaina  mendir 

|129.  4Fir«(g<i  «6wri-  @/-^^(?eo  i5errSsyr  Ou^Qp^, 

Bringing  forth  a  child  where  the  required  conveniences  are  found. 

I130*  ^jrds(^i  ^mri^  ^t^^^Qeo  tSeirSwrij;^  ^eQip^Lb  QsnrQss  iSdssr 
«®/D^  Qufreo^ 
Like  intending  to  give  medicine  to  her  child  where  conveniences  ara 

[131,  ^(!^(S  j^iflies  (SfSjTiii  ^mfS  ^etflir  sinu  Q/sjriii  ^eoSso. 

He  has  only  just  time  to  collect  dry  leaves ;  he  has  not  time  t> 
warm  himself. 

132.  ^Q^isesiir  erm(ffe()  ^^^d^i^QuStr  ? 
Is  the  word  sugar  sweet  ? 

133.  ^Q^^^mfTu  ui^eQQeo  Q^munrXi  Quuj/B^Qufr^, 
A  honey-fall  in  a  sugar  pandal-ati  open  shed. 

. '' 

Are  sugar  and  sand  alike  r 


Are  sugar  and  flour  alike  ? 

If  bile  can  be  removed  by  taking  sugar^  why  take  bitter  medieis^ 

3137.   ^evih  ^esiifiiUJT^  ^L^fi^^eo  (sres^rOGssriLiCby    ersssrOossrii    ^anip 
iuir^  ^t^^^so  LfettiStLjLEi  ^emtfiiLjih, 

Oil  gets  in  where  water  cannot,  and  smoke  enters  where  oil  cannoL 

'3138.   s'&ieStu  ^irff^^iuu>  Q^djiuirQ^^ 
Drive  not  the  coach  by  megic. 

,  Like  pulliiig  oat  hair  from  civet. 

Are  jou  suffering  from  catarrii,  or  has  Saturn  seized  you  T 

3141»  ^^i^m  flmi^0  ^fl^^(Sy  ^^eBi^irjT^i^  Sfl^(^. 
The  fop  is  his  own  enemy,  but  a  friend  of  the  cloth  merchant* 

The  friendship  of  the  good  is  agreeable  as  molases  of  sugar. 

3143.  ^m^QjBir®  ^enrui  Q^0ih  ^ifBesr^Q^ir®  ai-uy^jrih   G^fjUJ 
l£en  associate  with  men,  camphor  and  sandal  paste  blend  toget 

3144.  d^^sTu  ue^ui  ^(T^i^rreo  idcstu  u&>ui  euq^w. 
When  a  man  has  a  strong  party  he  will  act  with  deciaicni. 

3145.  ^eS  iffirQ. 

Bathe  on  Saturday.. 

This  provdrb  is  regarded  by  the  people  among  whom  I  have  Mn 
as  equivalent  to  a  commandi  and  is  obeyed  as  such,  by  obserti^ 
Saturday  as  a  bathing  day. 


Sonoe  interpreters  put  another  oousti'uctiOD  updn  it,  making  the 
Word,  usually  translated  Saincday,  a  verb,  meaning  to  spring  as  water, 
and  render  it,  bathe  in  springing,  fresh,  oool  water.  In  some  pajrts 
of  the  country,  men  bathe  on  Saturday,  while  women  bathe  on 
Friday,  or  Monday.  To  bathe  on  Tuesday  is  regarded  as  fatal  if 
refieated  again  and  again. 

'3146.  ^srf?  i9Lf.^^QfBir  ^eSujGsr  i9if.^^(S/Bir  ? 

Has  Saturn  sei^.  or  one  possessed  by  him,  seized  ? 

SU7,  ^(sSu  iDessrih  fleSuQuirmir^* 
A  Saturday  corpse  goes  not  ahme. 

To  avert  evil  as  iar  as  posttble,  it  is  not  ttnoomnon,  with  reference 
to  the  prerailing  opinion  expressed  in  this  proverb,  for  Hindus  to 
bury  a  fuwl  when  a  death  happens  on  Saturday.  A  Native  friend 
informed  me  that  he  saw  a  chicken  put  into  the  coffin  of  a  deceased 
Native  Christian.  I  have  been  informed  that  on  some  occasions 
the  fowl  is'eaiTied  alive  to  the  place  of  iocremation  mr  hurid,  the 
people  scattering  various  kinds  of  gC4in  on  the  way*  In  this  case 
the  fowl  is  killed  near  the<  corpse  and  its  blood  is  sprinkled  upon  it.^ 

Like  procuring  Saturn  at  a  price. 


A  woman  seized  by  Saturn  will  not  find  a  rag  even  in  the  maj&ket. 


A  woman  seized  by  Saturn  will  not  obtain  a  husband  thjC^h  she 
may  go  to  the  market. 

|51.  ^^esffiCb  g2b/5^/r^  eff^ffutj  eriiQ^B? 

\       If  oracular  power  has  fiiiled,  whence  the  ground  of  exulta4k»i  ? 

296  utfiQubfTL^. 

9  IT. 

3152.  <3Ffr<3B^^ifiSQrf>^  ^'emL^iTGirm  ^irLn9iL®^^SiQQ}f^    Qumu 

The  vicious  wanders  about  famished ;  the  householder  is  in  H^ 
enjoyment  of  plenty. 

The  sea  is  but  swimming  depth  ^o  one  that  braves  death. 

3154.  ^fTdBu  Quirq£^m/Sl  Qeumu  Quir(Lp^  ^evSso, 
There  is  time  to  die,  but  none  to  be  consumed  by  fire. 

3155.  ^niSp6U^9>jni9d\)  eneu^^ajdr^,  QiF^^tr^iii  eQi^rrm  u§ 


A  physician  will  not  leave  one  till  death,  an  astrologer  will 
leave  even  then. 


3156.  ^/rQ/beuemrrttBiouiQ^/B^  Qifr(Sl^'35Q(SU(sm(Sth, 
Medicine  must  be  given  to  the  very  last. 

3157.  <sFffSp^(Suirev  ^Q^fs^  ^(^rr^  ^Q^Sp^u^  e^essrQ. 
They  who  were  apparently  dying  have  recovered. 

3158.  ^irSpGU^i»(^^  ^Qp^^srtb  Qptfiisafr^  [^tpih. 
The  ocean  is  but  knee-deep  to  him  who  is  dying. 

3159.  ^irSStp/sum  s^eSiu^^iQU.  uuJuu(Seufr^  ? 
Will  one  who  is  dying  be  afraid  of  Saturn  ? 

3160.  ^trSp    6ktes)jr6B(^tjCi    tF^^a^eotufT^e))     QuirSlp^    eriifii    «^< 

Qmir  ? 
If  anxieties  attend  us  till  deith,  when  wiU  they  be  removed  ? 

3161.  ^irSpeuGtf)jr(y^ih  &'iEjsi^LDtr^60  euira^Qp^  eriafreoth? 

If  we  are  to  be  troubled  till  death,  wh^  shall  we  enjoy  proaperity| 

3162.  ^frSp  fsmu  effjr^e^n^si  mtriLt^^pQufreo^ 
As  a  dying  dog  showed  courage. 




3163.  ^trQp  miriu  effiLtf^ekQiDeo  ^fS^pQufreo. 
As  a  dog  about  to  die  ascended  the  house  top. 

For  a  dog  to  get  on  the  roof  of  a  house  is  regarded  as  au  omen  of 
some  great  calamity,  and  therefore  the  dog  should  be  destroyed. 

3164.   «9="/r<55<g5«r)i_<5F  Q&'jpi/  er^qtf^ux  ^idserr^Q  errnqr^^in  <Frf?. 
!  The  mud  of  a  ditch  and  a  rival  wife  are  alike. 

3165.   €" IT k^<sTiL^u  LjQp  ffreirQrf>^LD  eF^men^^&^uj  Qeue^ieduQufT^rr^, 

Though  despicable  as  a  worm  in 'a  ditch,  it  is  difficult  to  over- 
come a  rival  wife. 

3166.   ^rr^^es^i^u  Li(ip69/b(^u  (ourriSi^ih  (sritQsi  ? 

Where  shall  the  worm  that  was  bom  and  bred  in  the  ditch  go  T 

I  8167.    i5Ffr'%(mih  Qufr^(^ih  (sipsfr^  ^tusir  (ipesr^ 
I  Excuses  are  of  no  avail  before  God. 

;  3168.   ^rr&Q'^fr  Q^srraQsiT  juLb&nununriir  eurriCSsufr  ? 

Is  it  the  result  of  excuse,  planetary  influence  or  the  matron's  word  ? 

3169-   dFfri^s(^  ^^9-  ^mii^^^Qurrei), 
As  a  lid  fitted  to  a  jar. 

3170.  '3=irtLQ<i6i!Tir&sr  sfreBe^  ^Qpsu^^ih    ^essr&ni^isirjr&sr    ^rre8s\) 

Better  to  fall  at  the  feet  of  an  opponent  than  at  the  feet  of  witnesses. 

3171.  ^fTiL®  ^s\)s\)frLDp  &=fr6ii  ^isoSso. 
No  death  occurs  without  an  ostensible  cause* 

8172.  ^fTiLesiL.  ^f^eoiru  ULDUjru^  ^iLi^&neuis  oiffuevca/sir. 
He  is  able  to  spin  a  top  without  a  string. 

3173,  ^friLesiu,  ^^eofru  uiiiujrui  ^(Sinfr  p 
WiU  a  top  spin  without  a  string  ? 

298  utpQiufT  L^. 

3 174.  «5F/r^sir    <sT€=&so  ^Q^uuii^iLi^,   ^iridsentr  Qeue\)6\)ih   ^Lpojsn^ 

Coiirse  sugar  is  defiled  by  a  chanan*s-^re6  climber-eaMva,,  and  sugar 
by  that  of  a  ploughman. 

3175.  ^nrssiii<i  (^^iLjih  ^Qp^^jTQfiih  s'SaJtrii  iS2ssrMeoirub!r  ? 

Can  you  imagine  the  ocean  and  a  dung-pit  to  be  of  equal  magnitude ! 

3176.  ^iTGsS'3F  ^tLLf-tLjCb  ^Q^6ki^€'iLLf,tLfu^  ^Biuirii^ir  ? 

Can  you  compare  a  cow-dung  chatty  with  a  brass  ]»an  T 

3177.  ^fTesSiLjib  ^euir^Lb  ^S^iuir(^Lh(T  ? 
Are  dung  and  civet  alike  T 

3178.  <y/r^jy'«(2<F  ^iressr  eS^^ujird'LD, 
It  differs  at  every  span-length. 

3179,   ^aQ^s)  euu9jpi/  ^l^sriii  creve\)fnja  tu(i9(a(/r^ F 

Is  3;our  stomach  a  span-long,  or  are  you  all  stomach  f 

3180.  ^n-^m  (cjp  QptfiU^  ^j)ii(^Sfi^, 

To  advance  a  span,  and  slide  back  a  cubit. 

3181.  ^iressT  ^p  sq^gQ^so  (Wffi^Q^j^, 

lu  every  span  of  pavement  I  wash,  there  is  a  cubit  of  deep  mui 

3182.  'S^iressT  (^(7^6S^(^  QPffi  ^^^frti^. 

It  is  said  that  a  span-long  bird  has  a  cubit^long  tail. 

3183.  ^frem  drs3)i_<i(^  QPffi^  ^uSq^  ? 

What,  a  cubit  of  string  for  a  span  of  matted  hair ! 

3184.  ^irmr  Q &=  t^uSi(Seo  Qptp^  fbu^  QeuiLi^ev/TLDir  p 
Can  a  stick  a  cubit  long  be  cut  in  a  spaa4ong  copse  P 

3185.  ^'Teifr  u6iDpi(^    Qptp^  ^ifL, 
A  cubit  stick  for  a  span  drum. 



Although  the  snake  may  be  only  a  span-long,  a  stick  a  cubit  long 
is  required  to  kill  it. 

3187,  ^freasr  i9&r3sfr(otufr  ^mi9eifrSsfr(Siunr  ? 
Is  it  a  span-loDg  child  or  a  bold  man  f 

•3188.    ^^^  ^ISfl   H^0  06V£i  ^/B^  ^^fTJTth^ 

Ideas  suited  to  caste>  manners  suited  to  rank. 

5189.  ^ir^u^irmQpui  ^LDajiLirGsrQpth  ^isrSujirQ^^  fiLCwr®, 

Caste  and  religious  distinctions  obtain  even  among  religious  men- 
f  dicants. 

\  5190.  ^fr^  iSjrmi^irp  s/rQ  ^^-ii  Qe^iretrefrir^, 

\         When  the  meek  are  enraged,  even  a  forest  will  not  hold-^^er  wrath-  * 

.3191.  <r/r^iHujLj     y,3ssr    i£&sr     @(5<i«L/     L/istFliuikaire9)   Q3iir€m(Sl 

\         The  cunning  cat  left  the  fish,  and  carried  off  the  tamarind  fruit. 


8192.  ^fT^if^tuu  j^Ssvr  ^uSfr  ^q^mm^  ^    /siSpjjj, 

^         The  artful  cat  left  the  curds,  and  licked  the  chatty. 

i  ^  — 

[3193.   ^rrfiSfirrsS  (^QLSl'i(^ih  iSF/irSiuirS    ^,^Mr^«(5"i  Qp^^  (SuirQS 

Thou  art  tying  the  knot  of  Satt&ni's  hair  to  the  sacred  thread  of 
the  religious  mendicant. 

If  the  shasters  are  false,  look  at  the  eclipse. 
8195.  ^fT&v^jnli  ufTir^^u  Quesardssiffi  Q^iretr  (Sdsrr^Qjnh  uirir^^u 

Take  a  wife  after  consulting  the  shasters  and  give  a  daughter  in 
marriage  after  ascertaining  the  chaxacter  of  the  family  into 
which  she  is  going. 

300  u  ifiQ  LLir  L^. 

3196.  'S'fT&vQjrih  uirjrirjs,eff®  ^Qp^^jruiy  uirk^^  offQ  ^S^^irui* 

The  family  that  regards  Dot  the  shasters  has  an  oceau  of  wealih, 
whilst  the  one  that  regards  them  is  in  poverty* 

31  97.    ^frGfO^jrui  ^pp6U(Ssr  fBirQssr  sir^. 

He  who  is  learned  in  the  shasters  is  himself  money. 

3198.   ^iri^uQuiLu^  u/rthLjuQuLLt^  ^uSpj^, 
The  scent  box  has  become  a  box  of  snakes. 

3199.    ^auiSerrSofT  Oupj^i/^  /SfrevfTL^L^eufr  P 
Can  you  dandle  a  still-born  child  ? 

Better  die  than  bear  a  still-bom  child. 

*  3201.   ^fruiSfftrSfffT  Qupp6U(et^<i(^^  s^iQ^rr's^iD  euQ^Lo/r  ? 
"Will  she  have  joy  who  has  borne  a  still-born  child ! 

3202.   ^fruiSfSfTdsir  Qup(nj>^ih  inQi^^^^Qii'Q^i.eQ  ^uuir^^ 

Though  a  still-born  child  is»  brought  forth,  there  is  no  escape  fron 
the  midwife's  fee. 

3203.  ^itlS  euirih  OmirQ^^fr^ui  L^<F/r/i?  @^ti)    Q'SirQisminLL^f^^^ 
Though  God  may  bestow  the  gift,  the  priest  will  not  suffer  you  to 
enjoy  it. 

3204     ^!r€S)LLUUi]9(i^iSi  iSFdsSeQajLjQuessr^jjth    ^esyu^i^treo     QfiX\n\^* 
Sdmi  rice  when  bolted,  and  a  girl  of  the  shoe-maker  cla^  when 
matured,  appear  to  advantage. 

3205.   ^iriiiU^i  Qcssri^i  Qmiri^  ^irQesr    €Gei)Ei(^   ^iLQiQ^iTMU 

As  a  hen  fettered  herself  whilst  scratching  a  rubbish  heap. 

3206    ^fTLDudso^  3i^^  Qeu&inQessnjuesitULJ  y^S&xr^Qufreo^ 

Like  rubbing  the  mouth  with  butter  after  having  eaten  ashes. 

3207,   ^iTjrmu^eif)^  eufrir^^u  jtjrfruj^iSiD^i  Qs(^^ 
Pour  in  liquor  and  draw  out  the  secret. 



What  matters  it  whether  the  potter  makes  a  large  or  a  small  chatty  ? 

Though  one  may  drink  water  out  of  a  large  pot,  the  water  that  one's 

mother  pours  out  allays  one's  thirst. 

[3210.  ^ireuirubp  ^puQ^  ^evsQ,  i9pir  ^L^^^ci)  {^sBmnQ)  ^-essruQ^ 

I         That  is  learning  which  teaches  us  to  escape  death,  and  that  is  food 
i  which  is  obtained  without  dependence  on  others. 

A  community  without  learned  men  is  a  hamlet  of  mountaineers. 



When  hungry  will  a  lion  prey  on  frogs  ? 

-  QuiBQujirnr  ^i&es)puutl.i^!rs^  QuStu  dsiriHuj^siD^CoUJ  G)<5fuj 

When  lions  are  hungry  they  go  in  search  of  elephants  to  prey  on, 
in  like  manner,  when  the  great  are  reduced  to  poverty  they 
achieve  great  things- to  relieve  their  wants, 

A  lion  knows  no  danger. 

215.  Stl®6Ejg0635(?i£)5O  uesna^smu  esjsu^^^Qurreo, 
As  a  palmyra  fruit  was  placed  on  a  small  bird. 

216.  SLL(Sl<i(^Q^^(oLD<5\)  iSjnhu^fT&o^irui  0^fr(Slfii3S6\)!rLbir  ? 
Do  you  discharge  heavy  arrows  at  small  birds  ? 


302  utfi(3mfrifi. 

3217.  ffi,@[i/«(5  OTCUfiv/ru)  i96wr<i(g«(5  g)£_tD, 
Hesitancy  and  delay  lead  to  disagreeables. 

3218.  S^LDUjT^^Coco  i9pkfl  i9efT^9(^^  ^(i^Qeuthuiraneu  ap^i 

Is  it  necessary  to  teach  yenhsL-holy  versea-to  a  child  bom 
brought  up  at  Ghilambaram  T 

3219.  S^UiUjr  ^is5jr^s9)^u  Quii  uirrruu^Quireo. 
As  a  demon  looks  at  the  circle  of  Ghilambaram. 

This  proverb  refers  most  likely  to  magical  diagrams  generally. 

3220.  &^^&sr  QutTi(^€=  Qsu&fT  Quirsr^  ^essrt^  (Suiri^  jy(?^  Gu( 

The  manner  of  Chittan  is  like  the  manner  of  Siva,  the  manner 
religious  mendicant  is  like  itself. 

3221,  ^fi^esyfr     intrfB^^p    Q^eo^^     iSipmflireo     Sq^ld    SpuLji 

If  a  son  is  bom  in  Chittirai-iljpriZ-the  state  and  reputation  of  tl 
family  will  be  ruined. 

3222.  6?/i^65)/r  mrr^^^p  i9pikfi  9fr  Qsi^^Co  ^euSso^  ^lju&  ustJ 

None  bom  in  0hittirai--4^)riZ-is  unfortunate,  none  born  in  Aipasij 
October-is  fortimate. 

3223.   ^,i^  OuQr^^  UbQ^iBffiin  Lb^^mQ^ir  Qup^u    uesyt^iuir/B   i3i 
SsfFU-iUi  i9err2efr(Sfuir? 

Is  that  medicine  which  does  not  take  effect,  is  that  which  a  woTna/i 
has  not  brought  forth  and  reaied,  her  child ! 

3224'    S^^jTiriiS  QutTLaimr  S&sretsr  QeumiSiLi^LaLLfr, 
Little  Yengadamma  is  a  hypooritical  lady. 

Form  friend^hipa  after  due  deliberation,  haying  done  sa  do  not  give 
place  to  doubt. . 


3226.  0(?/5«ii>  Q^iu^tB^  Q^ir^  Q^6ifli^i9eir  fBihi^, 

On  forming  firiendship  try  it,  and  on  being  convinced  of  its  sin- 
cerity, rely  on  it. 

3227.  &i^  ^jpi/Bj^QuirSp  Qp^(^  eriflLDiLQiXi  ^(J^c^/i? 
How  long  will  the  nose  last  that  breaks  off  on  blowing  T 

228.  Sui^uBCSeo  6Q(ipfS^  u^euiifi^^efFl  Qfi^jSfr^ui;  ^^Qurreo^    rs^ 

A  rain  drop  that  falls  on  an  oyster-shell  will  become  a  pead,  so  a 
benefit  conferred  on  the  virtuous  will  endure. 

3229l  SihiQdeo  eu2stnuir^^  fbi^^^nio  eu^aJu(oUfrSp^fr  ? 

If  when  it  is  a  twig  it  cannot  be  bent,  will  it  bend  whea  it  haa 
become  a  large  tree  ? 

1230.  Semfr^/sfre))  OiD/TLLsnL-  emsuji/trrp  (^®lB. 
If  shaven-bald,  if  kept,  kudumi. 

!31,  Senir^fifreo  dSLcfl  QfaFeSfi^/rp  d'Lbuetrih, 
If  you;  shave)  hirOj  if  you.  serve,  wages. 

Is  a  woman,  who  pilfers .  aware  what  expense  means  T 

*233»  ft6MLi€»)<5F  (?fiafSarr/t96U  ajr^vf.  lj(^ib^ ^Quires), 
As  a  bear  entered  at  th^  time  of  Siva  puja. 


!34.  Seuf^emd^  Q^^u9Qeo  ajn^fniu  eQtL®  ^iLQQp^ir  ? 
\        Is  a  dancing  bear  produced  at  the  time  of  Siva  puja  T 

A  rat  on.  Siva  linga^. 

■  ■  III  • 

'36.  &694Uirjg^A(^  .^tf.€SiL£iiJuiLL^ffe^  sireD^u^  Q&i€Sfir®w  Srinia^jijot 

If  subj<dct  to  a  palanqjtin  bearer,  one  must  bear  both  palanquins  and 


304  UffiQuartfi. 

3237.  &pQi^iin  QLDi\)e9s'n'ujLJ  Quireir  ^if.LJUir&fr, 
He  will  beat  out  gold  even  thinner  than  a  feather. 

3238.  Sp(^  ^eoevfTu  upesieuQuireo^ 
Like  a  bird  without  wings. 

3239.  ^/D(3  u/SO^iT®^fi  upesieuQuire^, 
Like  a  bird  deprived  of  its  wings. 

3240.  SfSiuirQjTiT®  ^essrmsffCo^  Q<fldljS(^u  ujeifi  eQiLQ  Ub&ajffQ/SB. 

Do  not  associate  with  the  mean,  do  not  macerate  chambu  greens 
with  acid. 

3241.  S/SttJirirA(^  ^(soflium^s^    amLu-frQ^    (SfSFthi^if^u  neSi  eQiLQ 

Do  not  offer  sweets  to  children,  nor  mix  acid  with  chambu  greens^i 

3242.  S^dSQiurrnr  Q^iufi  &j^    i9is^ifi    <sreo&iirLb    QuSQuJfrir    ^eofeui 

It  is  the  duty  of  the  great  to  forgive  the  faults  of  inferiors. 

3243.  S/ol(Siufrir  6r^a)/r(i  Sp/tuir  ^evev. 
All  that  are  little  are  not  inferiors. 

3244.  &jpJ^<3F  ^^«^  ^mQY^eo  LD^eiDUJiLiih  ^(ssrasreairLb, 
If  you  eat  little  by  little,  you  may  consume  a  mountain. 

3245.  ^jpi/^i  <35tLif.u  QuQ^^  «w/r(i^. 
Build  a  small  house,  and  live  thriftily. 

3246.  Sjpi^as  eSesi^^fiseism  Sjpj^i  ^^uuir<^. 
He  that  sows  little  will  reap  little. 

3247.  Sjpj   Qifi^&r  Q^ir^^Lb  ^GssffssSsffreo  iSjrtiiLjth^ 
But  little  water  is  required  to  fill  a  small  hole. 

3248*   Sj^if  (ajifiiB&n^  ^(s^eoiTfB  ^®u^  o^®  ^ebcc^  9ir9LD   ^lLQ  ^i 

A  house  without  an  inlant  is  not  a  house>  nor  is  a  cony  without 
seerakam-citmmm-a  real  curry. 


3249.  Sji/iS  S&fresru  ucsstld,  ftj2/«®  0«/r6wr«D^  ^eirj^  uessruy. 
The  young  lady  is  worth  a  small  fanam,  and  /she  requires  three 
fanams  to  adorn  her  tresses. 

3250.  Sjpi  ^(^unLfth  uso^ds  (^^^  a_^6)/ii. 
Even  a  small  fibre  may  serve  as  a  tooth-pick. 

3251,  S£)/^^(T^^€9}dsu9so  euSstnufT^^  U(7^^^(j^^GDSu9eo  eudsrru-iLCiir  ? 
I           Will  that  which  did  not  bend  when  small,  do  so  when  it  becomes 

large  i 

I  3252.  S^  i9Glfr3etr  Q^dj^    QeueirirGSSfesiu^    eBSstri/S/r^^Lct    eff®  eu/b^ 

\         The  harvest  of  little  children  will  never  be  housed. 


3253.  &jpj  QuGssr  miLv^esr  &p((ifesiu.iufr  f 

Is  it  a  small  cloth  worn  by  a  little  girl  T 


Learning  not  acquired  in  early  life  is  like  a  cloth  dyed  when  dirty. 

3255.  ^j^  lScbt  ereveo/Tii  Quhe   iS^i(^  ^^^S". 
Little  fish  are  the  prey  of  great  fish. 

The  lower  and  higher  stations  in  society,  ate  the  result  of  each  one's 
I  exertions. 

1257,   Sj;)/  ^u^etnjs    c_C3)L_(u    (ouq^ld  ^ (f^ihQ uir Q^^sfT <3f   Q&^iueuiTiT: 


Those  who  are  of  inferior  stature  may  accomplish  difficult  things  : 
the  seed  of  the  banyan  is  small>  but  the  tree  affords  a  large  shade. 

Learning  acquired  in  youth,  is  an  inscription  on  stone. 

A  prison  has  no  apartments,  a  temple  girl  observes  no  relationsbipsk 


30C  UffiQm/r^. 

3260.  ^^(2P<sir  otzI®  .gj®'*®'*  *^'^- 

A  joii|)g  hJLFefing  is  equid  to.ei^^  grown  up  s^vanis^ 

326,1..  ^p((rfj^^si^  tSieaSetrtL^LD  iSm^dstrQiufT'  Q^^<ss>^Sp.  ue\)SiLjui  u& 
eSKStufT  P 

1^  the.  child  of  a  m^iternal  aunt  a,  child;?  Is,  a  Hzardvon,  the  rubbish 
hpap  a  lizard  f 

111%  refers  to  a  speoias  whose  ohirp  is.  not  regsrded  io  augury. 

3262-   SpfSl^ULD  sr6ssr^S)ir  iD/b/S&n'ULb  seifn^eufr^ 

Those  who  have  tastedi  Tjeal  happiiiess>  will,  not  regaidv  inferioi^ 

3263.    S/bjri/6fssrir(Seufr/r  (ST&r^u^  S^S^uutr, 

Ifersons  of  lijbtle  learning areajways  talkative, 


Will  an  extenjled  coipedy  beperformed,  in.  a.  mere,  hamlet?^ 

3265.  9p,gifr-mr  ^^sfljBBf. 

Moderate  sweet. 

3266.     &p(olp^U>^SS^U^,      SpOp^p/LpLJlh    iBL-Ql^£uio^^U3S     «l1  G)^Z_ jyii 

I^itile  ants. seek  small  ants,;  big  ants  seek. great,  one^. 
Willi,  tjienpse  cut;  off  in.anger,  be  re8torjeid,by  kughjug  T* 
Dot  not  speak,  ivproachfully  though  provoked. 

Short  expressions,  beautiful;  expression^ ;  florid;  expression?,  coll< 
qual  expressions.. 



3270.  ^  er&rp  ePtltf-Qeo  (Sua^ih  j^eMpiuir^^ 

Even  a  demon  will  not  enter  a  house  that  has  pooh-poohed  hiin 


3271.  9  (srmp  ^triLvfSSe^  Q&'mfSfnu  Q^q^ibir? 

Will  a  dog  enter  a  jungle  that  is  looked  down  upon ! 

S272.  9^@sr  Lj^^  ueo  FF&srth. 
A  hasty  mind  is  feeble. 

S273.   ^LLL-./r(65«(^  gj0  ^iLi^frm  Q^q^ulj^  ^iSi(^  ^q^  ^uu 

Does  a  letter-carrier,  reqoire  a  helper,  or  a  shoeboy  employ  one  to^ 
carry  his  betel  pouch  I 

1274.   905^^5  i9pim6iiLD  ^e\)iE!0n^  ^ifiiue^ih. 
The  birth  of  Sita  was  the  ruin  of  Lanka. 

A  Palli  of  Sipuram  is  ruined  when  dead,  as  well  as  when  alive. 

If  the  comb  be  concealed,  will  the  marriage  ceremony  be  delayed  V 

77,  9irmm^^&  s/r^tnir^^m  Q^jreBii^w  uirQinir  ? 

Though  hatched  at  Shrirangam,  will  a  crow  sing  the  praises  of 

78.  9,jrii&^flS^m(^Lj  (SufrSp6u^,.^ifiu9(oe\>  uirSieifiiULj.ufSlQ'SBir®^ 
As  a  man  lost  his  wife  on  his  way  to  Shtkangam* 

As  a- pestle  was  given' at  Shritangam. 


As  one  going  to  the  shrix^e  of  Shrir^gftm  coiiceided  an  ol^  jaekaliai 


af08  uifiQiLfTi^^ 

3281.  ^^^  ^PQUff^  «D«a9/D  Qs'LDQunrair  eQSso  (oliJQf^, 
Fine  gold  in  the  hands  of  the  unthrifty  is  6(  no  yalue. 

3282.  ^/floj/r  QaiLi^irg^ui  9iS^uj(S/r. 

Though  reduced  to  poverty,  the  virtuous  are  still  virtuous. 


'3283.,  9X)iu{rir^  ^<^Lj  Q&^iu, 

Be  kind  to  the  virtuous. 

3284.  9^uU!rij  FFifiu^  (oumu^  &eS  e^Q^imesifr  ^siLQinfr? 
Will  a  ragged  cloth  go  to  Ceylon  to  tie  up  sugar  I 

3285.  9<su€srLD  Q^iuiu  mireQSosr  oQpQseo, 

c        Da  not  make  merchandise  of  your  tongue  for  a  livelihood* 

3286.   ^fiweJr  QufT^so  Sfr^Qu-iLD  (Sufnufr  ? 
Will  fame  go  when  life  goes  ? 

If  you  write  the  word  sugar  and  lick  it,  will  it  taste  sweet  T 


3288'   ^^  jpi^iii  &hffieo  <3PiS^jrih, 

Grief  and  joy  ak'e  a  revolving  wheel. 

3289.   ^&fB^3»(mu  i9&sr  ^daui  ^ms^^i(^u  i9im  «3r«(jb. 
After  joy  grie^  after  grief  joy. 

32d6.  '9rS^es)^ujtr6U^ Qup(o€UGi(rQih^6U^6iD^iUfr6iJjp OupGeuessrQu)^^^ 
We  must  either  enjoy  happiness  or  practise  austerities. 

3291.  4Fr«^65)^u  Quppj^ih  jifevev  /S6U^es>/su  Qupp^ih  ^eveo. 
He  has  neither  obtained  happiness,  nor  the  fruit  of  austerities. 

3292.  ««£i  euiB^/rso  ^AQjasiren^uuLKSl^  ^^uih    eui^ireo   iS&sreuiTil 

If  when  prosperous  you  rejoicfed,  why  draw  back  when  advfersii 
supervenes  ? 


3293.  ^^euirS  c-L_iiLy  ^Qpsn^u  i9puLj. 
A  man  of  luxurious  habits  is  an  ass. 

3294.  miSir  ^^iu^Sieo  fsirS   siLif-y   (g/floj  tu^m^^p^m  j^^fi 

She  who  was  married   when  Venus  rose,  was  denuded  of  her 
marriage  symbol  at  sunrise. 

J295.  <»«®/Pa/  ^iSSofrtUfruj  ^Q^^Sp^. 

It  is  the  infliction  of  Sugriva. 


Sugriva,  a  moDkey,  the  ally  of  Ramachandra. 

J296.   <^«i(5  ^fSvLOT^  «s^/ruJLb  SL^akfTL-fr  ? 

Is  there  any  decoction  without  dried  ginger  ? 

297.  shdS(^^  ^&sf^  QpdbSu  QupQTfe^  Q^ifltLiLD  iSsrrSsw  ^q^g^ld. 
The  preciousness  of  children  is  known  to  her  who  has  eaten  dried 
ginger  and  borne  one. 

It  is  oommoD  when  a  womaa  is  confined,  to  give  her  a  preparaiioa 
f  of  dried  giuj^er  and  other  spices. 

jB98.   «^<i(5«  seifru.  @i— ^^C?6\)  (LpdsSu  iSetrSsir  Quj)/6Ufrsmr  ? 

Will  she  bring  forth  as  soon  as  she  sees  the  dried  gingQr  I 

699.  <9r6B(^<i  6iGssrL^  ^L-^^e\>  t9efrdstr  Qupja^   @/fluj   fBfrjrmuessrieia 

As  soon  as  the  sees  the  dried  ginger,  she  will  bring  forth  a  child^ 
and  call  it  Suryauarayana. 

The  name  being  the  expression  of  her  jo  j. 
loo.  <»«(5ti  urri^ih   QeutLt^^  ^irCopGO"   metrsreir  er^jpi  Q6uu9sa- 


Shine  out  brilliantly,  I  will  give  you  dried  ginger  and  arica-nut. 
If  taxes  are  heavy,  even  chunambu  cannot  be  had. 
Taxes  and  gruel  become  heavier  by  being  kept. 

310  •     U^pQlLfTl^. 

3303.  ^  eQerrisfTu^^im  ^mQ  Cosireo  ^esr^  (?d/jg^£D. 

Though  it  may  be  a  bright  burning  lamp,  a  spHnter  is  required  for 
raising  the  wick. 

^8304.   «»£-3so  (Sj/reBTO)  j^^jjiiiS  e^qF^wCJSiUi^ 

The  solemn  thoughts  occasioned  by  the  funeral  pyre,  last  till  eadi 
one  returns  home. 

•'3305.   ^Q^nQ  Quiresf  i9€ssnh  ^QF^ibuir^^ 

The  corpse  that  has  gone  to  the  place  of  incremation  will  not  retura 

3306.  ^Q^fTtLQu  L/etnseiDUJu  ufrtri^th  Qsiru^QujS  fltpssdr. 
The  tree  snake  looks  anxiously  for  the  smoke  of  the  funeral  pyre. 

lb  is  said  that  snakes  eopj  the  odour  of  a  buruing  body. 

3307.  <9^®  Q^mres)L^3i^fr3i  (57/f?s9)Wj  ^^esyL^^meoirubir  ? 
May  one  burst  the  bund  of  a  tank  in  ord^  to  get  fried  fish ! 

3308.  ^lLl-  sfUm^u  tBfTtu  LijriLQS(nf>u(Sufr6V, 

As  a  dog  rolls  burning  charcoaL 

«■ I 

Does  the  baking  pan  appreciate  the  flavour  of  a  cake  f 

II        »  >  »> 

3310.  ^tlt-.  ^iLi^iLfm  ^iLQeuQpu^  ^fS^  ^es>su  jff^iLjUinr  ? 
Do  the  chatty  and  IcuUe  know  the  flavour  of  ^urry  f 

Will  burnt  and  moist  earth  unite  ? 

The  price  of  the  chundakai  is  a  quarter  of  a  fanam,  its 
three  quarters  of  a  fanam. 

3313.  SreSsreni^isfrdj  ^erreQQev,  ^frut3®@pj^  ufr^iuir,  eiDeu^Sp, 

urrQiufT  ? 

Of  the  food  about  the  size  of  a  ehundaikkaii  am  I  to  eat  half 
leave  half  I 

The  specUliiy  or  ch&rm<^^Tiea^nut  and  ^eta^k  ia  tlie  cbunambu. 

3315.  ^^^  sSeoffi/C^tf/r®  ^^^  eS€Qii(^flir^  Q^(^uy. 
A  clean  beast  ^ifl  join  atlMfii  beast. 

i««i  fi 

3316.  «^/i^  ^as^^c^  eSff  jpQ^tJbi^, 
To  the  real  hero  life  is  a  mere  atraw. 

No  toll  at  a  resting  block. 

3318.   SrLDiDir  ^jp/s8(nfj>tu  er&sresTL^tr  Q^rr^^sy^i  m^irmstr^ti  p 
Why  waste  your  time  in  cutting  the  rotten  kal^kkai  ? 

By  blowing  the  unused  trumpet  my  uncle  spoiled  it. 

Id  ftiir  weather  he  will  not  carry  one  kalam  of  gram,  in  foul 
weather,  when  drenched  with  rain,  lie  carries  three. 

1321.  si^Uiinfr  (SufrSpeuSssru  i9if.uuir0&jreiry  ^jrtr^^iH  0rsi>e\)inh  ©z— 

Why  seize  one  going  along,  and  lie  groaning  all  the  night ) 

p322.  SrthLDir  ^Q^i^ireo  Q^irj^^  ^^^  euiTL^fr  S^jsrr  dsnrev^  ^iLl-^ 

Will  boiled  rice  ^me  of  itself  T  Gome  along  Chitta,  tet  us  slrake  our 



Is  not  a  marriage  symbol  worth  half  b  fanom^  a  gai;n  to  the  matron 
who  is  worth  nothing  ? 

124.  sirLamtr  Sesit^di^^uifr  Q^ir^^tS'eom  utr^Ui  f 
Can  one  approach  the  feet  of  C^onaefaalan  without  effort  ? 

125.  ^(u  mirSiu  ^jrikfBffGSf  3reu/rt£l  mnrXifum  e^ipe^tp^ 

He  who  is  intent  about  his  own  affiiirs  will  not  B&iivd  the  things  of 

312  uipQic/r^. 

3326.  ^fiJ  ^sirifluj  ^FijSjresr  ujrBsrS^iu  ujrrrQp^m, 
lutent  about  his  own  affairs,  he  turns  from  others. 

3327.  «/fl(5tp^  mesr^  <F/fl  /st^uu^  ^ir  P 
Who  can  act  so  as  to  please  a  woman  ? 

3328.  ar^TjLlcDL-.  Q^^iT^  ^(Slth  uthmu  ufreo  GUfrfrs^^La^ 

Curly  hair  will  give  rice,  dishevelled  hair  will  pour  out  milk. 

3329.  ^(f^^  &^ds/r^(Sufrsih  ^jreifrQtJD  e^^^rreo  Qp^^, 

When  religious  precepts  and  physical  enjoyment  are  in  harmony, 
happiness  is  the  resultant. 

3330.  ^n^^  (5C55  ^^f^^usuth  Qp(^jpjLb  ^^^^  Qi£i\ijuQu!r(T^e((m, 
When  the  vedas,  the  priest  and  enjoyment  meet  together,  there  i 

real  wealth. 

3331*   '^s^f^u  ^Q/«(^£i  u<ssipu  ufTiLQ'i'^ih  Loessriii  ^ffuSso, 

The  flower  of  a  bottle-gourd  is  not  fragrant;  the  song  of  a  pariah  ia 
not  chaste. 

3332.   ^eu(T^<i(^th  srr^sefT  S-sdaT®, 
Even  a  wall  may  have  ears. 

3333.  sfGUGSifr    6S)W^^mQsfr€mQ  ^eoeaQeufr  Q^^jrih    <sTQ£^(S&i^ 

Yon  must  first  build  the  wall,  must  you  not,  and  then  adorn  it  with 
fig^ires  ? 

3334.  <9r«a7/r««^pC?6U  Q^friLtf^tLftii  6F/fl   Q^ireifr&DL^Ui/r^ih  ^ff. 
In  the  paradise  of  Indra  a  scavenger  and  a  Vellala  of  the  Tondi 

qo\mtry  are  equal.  ' 

3335.  ^euiria^^i^u  QuirSipQuir^  sim^^^Seo  QpiLcni^  ^u^^ 
When  on  your  way  to  heaveD,do  you  carry  a  bimdle  under  your  armi 

3336.  a^eairi^^^Qeo    QuirSlpQuir^i^^   ai-s<i^(oigo    jnnLif.eaftL'r r 
When  on  your  way  to  heaven,  do  you  carry  a  spinning-wheel  undrf 

your  arm?    . 


Is  one  expected  to  take  his  concubine  along  with  him  to  the  para- 
dise of  ludra  ? 

Though  God  may  grant  a  boon,  the  devotee  in  his  presence  will  not* 

3339.  ^efrerrfTuLi  (sr^e^frth  QuirsoeoiruLj^ 
Every  bitter  sneer  leads  to  evil. 

To  grill  dried  fish  and  drink  toddy. 

^3341.    ^pp^  ^esdfliLjLCi  ^evSoi)  /sids^  ^eQQui  ^6vSo\). 
1  No  cloth  to  wear,  no  bran  to  lick. 

5342.  ^pp^^pr^  ^!fi(S  ®ifi  ^{5^^^* 

It  is  the  beauty  of  friendship  to  be  surrounded- 6?/ /ri^^n^fe. 

3343.   s?pp^fiLLiofnfru  upcS  ^(5. 
Live  close  by  your  relations. 


i344.    @®  «6wrz_  y^  ^®Ljuif-u9p  Q&'io^ir^^ 
A  burnt  cat  shuns  the  fire-place. 

t345.    (^®  iS^iSp  LDfTiLif.&ir  eurremaj^  siLL^evnrLDfr  p 

Is  it  proper  to  tie  the  mouth  of  the  ox  that  treads  out  the  corn  ? 

p346.  o3^iL<3F^^Qeo  ^Q^iSp^  QiLtriL^Lb. 

Important  ends  are  attained  by  comparatively  insignificant  means. 

i47.   (^tL^fr^  (^lL<9=^  ^^gfiusir. 

The  great  contriver  who  is  inscrutable. 

i48.  c^^iJe\>^6fn^S6P  <9r«5(7/>«^^rg)^  jy/t9. 

Know  the  efficacy  of  mercury  by  the  glow  of  health  on  the  cheeks. 


314  UfpOLbirifi. 

The  cheat  is  void  of  justice. 

3350.  (^^€vr  Q6ifre\)Ssou9(oev^ir&a-  llitQ  Quhlju^. 
The  ox  will  graze  in  the  field  of  the  intriguing. 

3351.  ('^^!T€sr^^i(^  -^ifi^  ®"Su2a). 
Circumspection  leads  not  to  ruin. 

3352.   ('<5^(g)^  Qwe^ea^  ereiH^. 

It  is  easy  to  overcome  an  enemy  by  intrigue. 

3353.    @J57ti   eUfT^LD   (S&JfiSeW   Q^IUtLfLb. 

Gambling  and  boasting  end  in  sorrow. 

3354.  (5<^  G9Q^L[i(pU(s\). 
Desire  not  gambling. 

3355.  (^^^nQ<5uj£m  ^aFfr&v^jnii  uiriruufr&sr. 
A  stringed  brahman  observes  the  shasters. 

3356.  (^^^JTU  uiTiSSi&iQuTso  /5t^<iQ(iy&sr^ 
He  dances  like  a  puppet. 

3357.  c<3^jtf^\um8QLfi  Q^fT&sTfS&sr^  er^ev/rti  LLfrsf>tu^ 
AH  under  the  sun  is  vanity. 


33 '8.   (^/fliudssri  €S)^iufred  Lb(Siy>p^^^Quir&>, 
Like  hiding  the  8un  with  the  hand. 

3359.   (^PiiudsN^  amrL^  ^Q^efrQuireo^ 

Like  darkness  that  has  seen  the  sun. 

3360-   (<^/fluj?Jssri  S6SSTL-.  U(oafl(Sufr(Seo  £mr^ih. 
It  will  vanish  as  the  dew  before  the  sun. 

3361.  r^f^iLj^<i(^  Qp&sr  uSm^ih^frQCouirco^ 
Like  a  fire-fly  before  the  sun. 



The  eartk  is  illumiBed  by  the  fsun. 

Saturn  has  seized  thee  as  .the  eclipse  seizes  the  sun. 

3364.  (g/fltfjsir  €r(L^Qj^&sr  sirfiiuiii  ^Q. 
Form  your  plans  before  sunrise. 

SJ65.  cdj/flaj.g3/«0L_iu     i9jr6Sfr<s'^^i(^(ifimCSesr      iSmiS^     eQeniEi^ 

Fire-flies  cLo  not  shine  in  the  presence  of  the  sun, 

S366.  (^fiujSssru  urriT^^  fsfnu  (^dso^^^Qufreo, 
As  the  dog  barked  at  the  snn. 

SJ67.  (^if^iuSssri  sso€Vfre\>  ^t^^^^CSuirso, 
Like  striking  the  sun  with  a  stone. 

3368.  (gfv/rgj  tS&rsetr  ^gbts^jb  g^^^  Qts^[rik^Qsire(r(^u:^, 
Like  chula  fish  kiasins:  each  other. 

8369«    (gsfl   (gsfl   (oT&STjr^   Q<9'irpes>p^   ^^JpJ     Ui6\)l^6Ufru9(S0      LbsmSsfRfTU 

Qu/rQQpjSfT  ? 

Do  you  eat  up  the  rice  yourself  on  tlte  plea  of  pregnancy,  and  put 
earth  into  the  mouth  of  the  barren  ? 

'370.  @ip  ^t^iL^LO  euiruQeotrCSeo. 

Though  you  run  round,  you  will  have  to  enter  by  the  gate. 

Is  a  decoction  of  dried  ginger  a  specific  for  him  who  has  swallowed 
the  pestle  of  an  oil  press  ? 

316  utfiQubiri^. 

3372.   0'3'fB^^{r^i(^Qpm(Sesr  ^laQs^iDir  ? 

Will. conspiracy  against  a  just  administration  avail  I 

3373.    (ol<SFIEl(S3SfrS\)   6^IEI(^SU6ir  ^lf}^^6iJ  (S^6U&fr^ 

He  who  holds  the  sceptre  is  the  triune  God. 

3374.   Q'9'i5jQdSfri\)  Qsiressr  <5riBi(^LD  (o'Snr^)nh, 

If  the  sceptre  turn  asidf,  its  effect  will  be  felt  every  where. 

If  it  would  not  bend  as  a  sapling,  will  it  bend  as  a  tree  ! 

3376.  Q<3'iL.i^i(^Lb  ijCiiLif^ii(^LD  Qa^mibij  us^a. 

The  merchant  and  the  fai'iner  cherish  innate  hatred  towards  eack 

3377.   0<5^Llz^«(g  QisuerrfremesiLD  Q<3FmLLU  u<s9is. 

The  merchant  has  a  natural  avei*sion  to  agriculture. 

The  Chetty  was  ruined  by  taking   a  partner,  the   weaver  by 
separating  from  one. 

3379.  O^L-if.  Qufresr  ^u.LCi  (orevev/riii  euiLi^Cb  .airp  uessriJb^ 

Wherever  the  merchant  goes  there  is  a  discoitnt  of  a  quarter  fanam. 

The  merchant  reduced  the  money,  the  weaver  lessened  the  width 
of  the  cloth. 

3381.   O^iLif.  u&ni—  Q&uev^LDfTyQcFfbj^^  ^eudsfr  6at^i(^inir  ? 
Can  merchants  disperse  an  aimy,  can  a  toad  inflict  a  wound  I 

3382.   Q<^Ci^  SiEisfri5^iSp^'i(^cfr(S6rr  utLu-essrui  ujSQurrQp^, 
While  the  Chetty  is  adorning  himself,  the  city  is  besieged. 


3883.  Q^tLuf-iunQfr  Q^iLi^tuffQir  sr^Qt^eo,  ^jtslo    UGSsrerss)L-    Qp^s 

When  I  respectfully  call  him   Chettiyar,  he  says  that  a  fanam 
weight  of  cumin  is  sold  for  three  fourths  of  a  fanam* 

3384.  Q<Fu.t^  effiLi^p  usmiii  ^(i^^Sp^,  ^e\)L£ijr^^s\)  Quiu  ^qf^^ 

Wealth  is  in  the  houses  of  merchants,  demons  are  in  banyan  trees. 

8385,  Q<^iLt^s&a'  loitQ  LbSoO  <^jdl  QisuLfLbir  ? 

Will  the  oxen  of  Chetties  ascend  and  graze  on  the  mountains  T 

o386.  Q<3=iLt^{UirQir  emrq^LD  <y/563>^6»jL;  ^LjL^<iOds/r&r^ih, 

Chettiyar,  come  and  take  charge  of  the  bazaar. 

387.  Q&'LLt^ss^uj  SeQ  Q^rrL^ir/B^^Qufre)), 

As  Nili-a  cruel  wowiaw- followed  the  Chetty. 

'888.  Q>3PLLt^i(^  ^JPf^Mi^  es)ud(mih  ^^^(J^eir, 
I  paid  the  Chetty  and  also  his  bag. 

I        A  slap  for  the  merchant,  a  sword  cut  for  the  warrior. 

The  dead  dog  will  bite  no  more. 

Wh9  was  ever  ruined  in  a  house  whose  owner  was  dead  T 

Eatth  in  th6  mouth  of  the  dead,  and  rice  in  the  mouth  of  the  living. 

Can  a  dead  dow  eat  grass  ? 

«     •        •  •  • 

Bie  eye  of  the  dead  &  u  red  lotQs>  that  of  the  liring  a  sightleik  orbj. 


318  ujpOu5/r^. 

3395.   Q^^^t9&fr  erCjutf-u  Qurr^^ih  ermesr  ? 

No  matter  what  becomes  of  one  after  his  death  T 

3396.  Q^^^eum    ^Sso    QipiQ^i    ^q^fB^friso    ei^esr  QiupQs  g)(gi 

What  matters  it  whether  the  head  of  a  corpse  be  towards  the  ett\, 
or  west  ? 

Most  Hmdfis,  and  some  Native  Christians  even,  are  very  partioalar 
about  the  position  in  which  they  lie  down  to  sleep.  The  head  should 
be  towards  the  south.  The  north  is  the  region  of  Yama.  The  west 
is  avoided  because  the  person  so  lying  down  may  not  rise  again. 

3397.  O^^^  iSessr^^sv  eiesii—  ^^pqtfh^f^  e^^etirr^GU^, 

He  that  does  not  help  his  fhends  or  relations  is  worse  than  acorpse. 

3398.  Q^^^  ^®  arrpuesifru^  <9r63)LD,^ue9  (tpdiSfrrb  uessrii^^ 
The  dead  sheep  is  worth  a  quarter  of  a  fanam,  and  three  fourthS'Ol 

a  fanam  are  required  to  remove  it. 

3399.'  Q^^^  iQ6m^(5!D^'3F  s^pjQ^  ^fii^irpQurrev, 

As  they  walk  round  a  corpse. 

This  may  refer  to  the  custom  of  a  relative  going  romid  a  co 
three  times  at  the  place  of  incremation. 

As  the  survivor  took  the  wife  of  the  deceased. 

3401.  Q<9'^^  Uif to63>zj  ^LL®®(i5?€ir. 
He  is  charming  a  dead  snake. 

M02.   Q<9'^^(^<Sir  m^fQO&>  QeapjffSso  ufri(^s  Q^tr®^^   ^thuififj^ 
Like  putting  betel  and  arfca^nut  into  the  hands  of  the  dead. 

The  giving  of  betel  and  nut  is  one  of  the  macriago  otremonids- 

h  knife  that  will  iD^ot  cut  a>  dtod:  cow,  wiUeuta^bU^tedbmjaL 


3404.  Q<9'^^  Ui/rthLj  <3r^p  ed(f^QpQ's  ^^^d^  mtr&sr  lo'tiLQl^^  er&r 

As  if  oue^  should  say>  aunt,  I  wiU  not,  the  dead  anake  comes  to<  coil 
round  my  leg. 

U%,  Q<sF^fi  i9Gssr^^'i(^  ^■(f^(o'<3s  g)W?<F  ^fr(^w  iSessrm  ^apSp^. 
Those  who  will  hereafter  die  weep  by  the  body  of  the  deceased. 

3406.  0«F^^  i9iGm^^6b(^^  Aessp   (ciT^y  SeuSeu.  ^€i!srt^i(mu    Ou^essr 

Why  an  eye  to  the  corpse,  why  a  wife  ta  the-  Saiva  mendicant ! 

1407.  Os^^^^red  Q<sfftLitJb  Q^iLif-tuirir  eurrtpsif^ 

The  wealth  of  the  Chetty  will  be  known  after  death. 

|408,  Q<TULM^  eQ^isn^  eruui^^  Q<^djS(nf'(5sr  f^ 
How  dexterously  he  juggles  ? 

p409.  0<FiJt9^ 60 /r<i  (ggL«g5  ^uufTu  utLi—LLfr  ? 

Is  the  tiile  of  Appascdtedtoa  family  that  possesses^tiabraei^  utensik? 

IttO.    O^uLjlh  U/B^Lb  (Suir€))^ 

like  a.  box  and^  a  ball. 

■^— •■•" 

ill.  Q^ihuffw  uir^iS^/^ff-^   Quiui^    QupQym    uyirissfriLu,fr€ir  iSir 

Men  at  ChamperiazQf)^um  get  a.  na<nei,  thos^  at  Mangadoo  giek 

112.  Q',<3'LDUireo  jijis^^ps  dm^&rm  QAiri^irm^^ 
He  will  not  give  evea,  a  ooppei^  ooin^ 

Black,  wood*  is^  stronger  than  red; 

Copper  utensils. boing  introdu^ed^  th^  potter. removes^ 

The  sheepaa. without,  the  thievish  i  wolf  is  /^tWn^ 


S20  u'lfi^QiDirifi. 

3416.  O^ojQpetreir  lliLQld  utum  ^i»Sso, 
While  successful  he  knows  no  fear. 

3417.  Q^tu^  eSSssr  Q^ajjS6Uird(^  eriu^CSlih, 
Every  man's  actions  will  cleave  to  him. 

3418.  Q^iu^!riri(^6=  Q^ujgu^  Q€F^^t9p(Sdsir  p 

Is  it  after  death  that  benefits  are  to  be  requited  f 

3419.  O^djiLjCb    O/SfTifie))    €r(S^e\)fnh    SHr^iSu    ufriTdsSs\)    QisibiLjin 

When  all  occupations  are  duly  weighed,  that  of  weaving  will  appear 

3420*  Q<ydj6Q2ssr  ^(^/B^^  Q'3'dj, 
Do  well,  what  you  have  to  do. 

like  giving  a  horse  in  compensation,  to  one  who  has  been  slippered 

3422.     O^0L/L/<i(^  ^^^fTJTlh  ^(TJiijL/. 

The  earnest  paid  for  shoes  is  a  straw. 
3423*  Q<3=(n^ui3leir  ^q^^siin  QeuuSeQso   O^fitLfiD  QmQ^ut9Ar  ^qf^&s)il 

The  value  of  shoes  is  appreciated  when  the  sun  is  hot,  the  value  of 
fire  is  known  when  the  weather  is  cold. 

3424.   Q^Q^uLfisirsi  dsnrSso^  ^/SsQp^ir  f 

Is  the  foot  to  be  cut  off  to  try  on  the  shoe  T  I 

Is  it  for  the  feet  or  head,  that  one  buys  shoes  f  ' 

3426*  Q^eoeQp  (^€S)pmfi  eujreuir^eo  Q&=LLLJu®Sp^  eruutf-  f 
If  expenses  exceed  income  how  can  one  thrive  ? 

>3427.  (ol6=eoe^  ^^sih  eujre^  Quir^ir^^ 
Expenses  exceed  the  income* 



3428.  Q^iuiLiih  erssr^CS^  eresri^  gjjremCS  erGstQp^. 
On  my  saying  do  it,  he  replies  give  me  Wo. 

Like  ornamentation  that  costs  nothing. 

3130.  0«3F6oC?6i;/r®  0<F6Ua/  sm^su  Qufrt^i(^<i  ^trp  ueasrth, 

A  quarter  fanam  for  swedt  scented  powder,  over  and  above  the 
I  expenses  already  incurred. 

3431.  Q6'soe\)Lb  Q&'irsi)^i(^  .^<^<3i^LLnr  ? 
Will  a  spoiled  child  fear  rebuke  T 

3132.  0<Feo6VLb  a'jpimt^^rr  enfr^put^  eiS(T£i(mfiir  ? 

Does  indulgence  cause  you  to  slip,  or  are  the  door-steps  slippery  I 

1433.  O^FcveVL/  t9Gfrdsnr  ffSso  ^L^fr^rrLo  iBerrSsfr  Qu^^iu^iLQu^. 

A  spoiled  child  will  not  pot  on  clothes  till  it  becomes  a  mother. 

A  coin  not  current  is  always  so. 

^435.  QiS'ev^ih  «/r<gf«^  euiLi^ii^  s_^i-/r  ? 
What  discount  for  current  cash? 

1436.  Q<SFev^th  Q<3'6ve\)ir^^s(^<3^  Q^LLtf-iutrir  ^Qi^iSQr^ir^ 

There  is  a  Chetty  who  can  say  whether  the  coin  is  current  or  not. 

137.  Q^a^eveuih    ujrtXieisrL^cOLD    Qi^evevrr^^    ereoevir     LaaifrL^eo^d^ih 
Wealth  goes  anywhither  but  to  heaven. 

In  time  of  prosperity  there  is  exertion  and  power. 
8439.  Q<F^a/ii  Q<5=(T^dS(y^S^p^  mir3^i(Q  eisi^  ^euSsO. 

He  is  proud  of^his  wealththough  he  has  not  means  to  obtain  a  cash. 



322  u  ^Q  iBfT  ^,* 

On  giving,  wealth  diminislies,.  will  learning  also  so  diminish  T 

3441.  O^^a/ii  G)«5^(75<i(g®oir/D|^  ei^ffmpoui^  eu(Lp<i(^S^p.^, 
Wealth  m^Jces  ope.  piroud,  the  door-steps  are  slippery. 

3442.  Q^<so€i}(ri(^  ^iPdS  O&^QpdaSSsfr  flfrmi(s^^e)>. 

It  i&  an  hpnpr  to  thie  wealthy  to  protect  their  relatives. 

The  wealtjiyfeaj? up.  orders,  the  hiero  is  npt  afraid,  of  war. 

3444.  Q^eae^Ui  /i^Ssv?a3^6v,.  Qa^il^t^m  Sifi  ^X5» 

Weajll^  ii^  iipperm^i^t,,  live  in  snbjiection  to  sk  superior. 

I -jj  I  I'li.j. 

344»5.  Qs^eSu.m  mjr^<s\>  &iik^  ^^6s^^Qu/re\), 
LikQ  blpwing.  g^,  comch<  ip  the  ear  of  the  deaf; 

3446..  Qs^eBi^^ULb  (^Q^u-^jLb  ek.^^Lj  ua-ir^.^fTfiQuire^, 
As.  the  deaf  apd;  thp~blin4  atteuded  a».  comedy.. 

As.  t}ie^  d^^f  listienQd;  to  a  i|png». 

If  Qpe. is.  dl^af:  i£k  hp  i^pt  dumb« al^o  ? 

3449.  Q<sF,G!no^  (^0Lf-^i(^<i  fSBsm.  S69>u.^^^(Sufr€^, 
As.  one  born,  bli|id.  obtained  hia  sight, 

3450.  G)<5P:6ir/D,  mtrXiiu^si^^Cj  Uirir^^  ©/(^li  ^frif^tu^stn^  -jyv^- 
Learn;  t}ip  future,  b^  Ipoking  s^fr;  t}4pgs ,  past> , 

Lemming  distinguishes  one  whithersoevw  he  goes. 

*^'^'-'^  -'y  '    ■ 


3452.  (S&'fl  i8SeveBjD(^u  y,fliii  ffl/fii^gio, 
A  demon  laughs  at  malevolent  thoughta. 

3153.  Q^LdLj  QsiriLHUS'  S/bpiHeu/retr  ^eir  ? 

Why  a  small  sickle  to  gather  ch^mbu  greeDsT 

If  too  near  even  a  shrub-a  worthless  fellow-is  an  enemy,  ii  distant: 
even  a  scavenger  is  a  friend. 

S455.  (?<F/f?/— ii  ji/jS/E^  Q^ir, 
Associate  with  the  agreeable. 

M56.    (S^lBlLllh  SaL(T^Ui   QdrC^^QplO  'Bi^eSiLfLO. 

A  hamlet,  a  country,  wealth  and  learning. 

3457.  (o^irsedi)^  eurr^SstfTiUfr  ^iup<5Si&i  eurr^dssnuir  ? 
Is  the  habit  natural  or  acq^uired ! 

3458.  (?<5F/r/5,^6W/r  erekujp  ^_/r/5^  ^jSi^^^. 

Regard  those  as  friends  whose  sincerity  has  been  carefully  testedl. 

Though  one  wear  cloth  upon  cloth,  and  is  able  to  dance  like  a 
celestial,  she  is  not  to  be  desired  if  she  can  press  a  style  on  a 
palm  leaf,  i.  e.,  if  she  ca/w  write. 

A  strong  dissuasiTe  against  femiale  edtioatiou.    The   provarb  is^ 
nevertheless  in  liarmony  with  the  sentiments  of  the  majority  of  Hiar- 

dcm  who  ha?e  received  high  edaoation  in  English* 

■■  •   ■    ■      ' 
13460.  (o<Fp/SCSe\)  Lfssi^/B^  ^(ksretDjpi  mifSQpLa  (^iLQld, 

Even  a.  crow  will  peck  an  elephant  when  it  is  in  the  mud* . 
As  the  water-lily  blossoms  in  mud.. 

Like  a  pole  set  up  ia  mud.  . 

S463.   (o^pjSCSeo  Slu.iSp  erQ^(ss)LbioS)Uj^  ^r3S(^6Ufr&ff'  ;^ek? 
Why  lift  up  the  buffalo  that  wallows  in  the  mire  T 

•B464*  Q^'pQifio  <oT®^fB  Sreuir, 
A  wall  of  mud. 

Are  honorary  diatiuctions  bestowed  ou  ,an  army,  or  on  its  leader  ? 

S466.   63)<s^«o<fl5  ^fSiuirHr  ^pj^Cn  ^^oj/r/r. 

Those  who  cannot. iake  a  hint  know  nothing. 

The  cook  of  the  vegetariiA  Miittaiya  of  the  Modelly  caste,  i»  « 
pariah  mendicant. 

•  •  .  , 

The  size  of  the  chatty  is  enough  for  the  Chetty's  attendant. 

The  gttkne  of  dralights  is  ruinous. 

5^470.  Q^fT'iLeinL^eun'Sefri  @^^  Quireo. 

Like  the  young  of  a  chottai  v^lai  fish.     . 

Even  the  l^le  th     had  been  cast  aside  as  useless,  is  again  serving 


J172.  0<r/r6US\5«F  Q^rreoetou  utLif.  Ouasrdsi^LJ  QuskrSesvru  QupQif&r^ 

Though  again  and  again  forbidden,  Patti-a  struyrvpeUhvoxx^i  forth 
only  daughters. 

3173.  Q&'fre\)e\)<F  Q<Tireo6\)  ldiLi^  LDciffSsam^  ^mSiQi^esr, 


Though  frequently  forbidden,  Matti-a/oo?-eats  earth. 

3474.  Q^ire^&iirineM  ^(T^iQpeuQesr  UGkfrtf-^s&fr, 
He  Teho  is  of  few  words  is  a  pundit. 

3175.  0<F/r6b6fl<F  Os'ttjeunrir  S/nKoiutrn-^  Q^fr6\)0OrrLLib  O^ojearrnr  Qujf 

Qimrir^  Q^ire\)s8tLiLD  O&'iuujrrnr  sujsuir^ 

Inferiors  may  keep  their  word,  the  great  do  a  thing  without, 
promising,  but  the  wicked  act  not  even  after  making  a  promise. 

3476.  0<flp/r^6i9«   QiXrrQ^^    Q^ireo^u^    siLtf-i    Qs^rrQ^S   Q^tr^uy. 

How  long  will  the  Words  put  into  one's  mouth,  and  the  rice  tied  up> 
for  a  journey  avail  us  I 

3477.  Q^freo^Spjp  ^m^  Q^sFfuSpj^  gjsir^. 
Saying  one  thing,  and  doing  another.    . 

3478.  Q<^frs))^'i:^th  QufrQ^^'i(^ih  eriLL^/r^frm  (S.6'rr^ai(^uy  iFir^A 

He  whom  neither  language  nor  wealth  can  influence,  has  com^ 
between  God  and  man. 

A  word  uttered  may  bring  wealth  ajs  well  as  ruin. 

3480,  G)^/rQ)j^ii  Qu!TQ^(St^LD  Q^ir&ff^u^  ^soeQ, 
Learning  is  conversant  with  words  and  things. 

3481.  Q<3Ffrdo  €uei)€odssr  Q^iJS06»€\)  m^^. 

I  It  is  difficult  to  overcome  the  eloquent. 

|.  .^        ....  "Tt: — 'y 

3482.  'Oir/rff0€i/6i(rii)  ^eoeoir  mp^esi^  Q^fcoeBio  j^^Qsu  .^irisetn^, 

A  good  story  ihadly  told>  aodn  loses  its  effect 

^26  uipQwir^^ 

I  Saying  is  easy,  but  doing  is  difficult. 

3484.   Q<ffrs\^<^j^  ^Qeo3r  QfaFujeiijp  ^eoeoearr  i9jnufr<Fth  ? 
It  is  easy  to  profess,  but  difficult  to  perform,  is  it  not  f 

No  matter  what  othera  say,  have  notthose  wLo  hear,  senae  to  judge 
for  themselves  I 

3486.   Q<F/r/r9/5^     Q^iuir^    (oremQGssnLjw    uBi^    ^u.rr^    Q^'irjutL 


Oil  applied  without  rubbing  the  hei^,  and  boiled  rice  given  with 
ill-will,  are  useless. 

3487.  Q^'frfSiuiriB  ^eudsfru^ih  QeuiLe^L-  ^QSpfliru^, 

It  is  said  that  even  toads  go  a  hunting. 

■  II 

3488.  QeFirpQui'^si^'iLju^  Q^mrrm  sf^ajLj^^iLim  ^svSso. 
He  has  no  sense,  he  will  not  listen  to  advice. 

'  ■■  .1 

^489.   Q^irpfSpus  ^jh-pio  app6Uffji(^  ^ifi(S'' 

It  becomes  the  learned  to  explain  the  force  of  words. 

The  parrot  will  utter  what  it  is  taughU 

Say  what  you  are  told,  you  senseless,  deformed  wretch. 

Neglecting  what  you  were  told  to  do,  you  pull  up  the  beans. 

If  you  do  not  do  as  I  $ay,  I  will  make  an  afferiag  ^  ewrth. 
Addressed  to  a  demon  when  during  hia  qui. 


3194.  Q'ffr&fr^so  Q^iL^LD  ^Qp^ireo  j^i^th. 

It  is  shameful  to  tell  it,  and  painAil  to  weep  oVer  it. 

As  regards  rice,  he  is  famishing,  but  it  Would  be  a  fault  to  say  so. 

3196.  Q^trCbuso  ^&)soir;i  Q^ffj^eo  Q^tr^^  ^&)e\jfr^  ^^sm. 
Untiring  service  is  reliable  help. 

Indolence  leads  to  poverty,  inaction  to  ignorance* 

3198.  (?^/r(iu(?toU  Q^irj^  ^<^€9)tni{^u  S/srr., 
Indolence  is  the  parent  of  want. 

3499.  Q^n^ui(Suj6l<i(^  &in'<ixiy^uutpih  Q^jrQ^frQi^^ 
The  sluggard  eats  his  plantain,  sTdn  and  all. 

|3500.  Q^frffiLDeiifrL.€\)(SLtir  {^^m^i^eoQilirr  P 

I  Is  it  the  realm  of  Chola^  or  the  realm  of  deceit ! 

3501.  Q<3F/reifl<s^ujLJ  iSQisSdi  Qsrr^ifrL-fr  tS^es)^  (ouir(pSlp^  P 
Is  it  after  snatching  away  his  bag  one  gives  alms  to  a  beggar  ? 

What  can  rice  effect  I  whatever  you  like. 
3'503.  (S^fT^  ©/5^(g)sv  Qurrj£iisia6\)ftjh^  stSssitr   9/B0^eo    Quir^i^ 

If  rice  be  spilt  it  may  be  picked  up,  but  if  one  loses  his  sense  of 
honour  can  he  recover  that } 

e\)frtiitr  ? 
If  rice  b^  spilt  it  may  be  picked  up,  oen  water  i     . 

328  ..uifiQiDfr^. 

3505.  (S'SFirpjS(Se\)    8u,i3p    «cu    mCBMimriLi^ir^eu^sf    qps^km 

Can  he  who  would  not  pick  a  stone  out  of  the  rice,  lift  up  the  stone 
lintel  of  a  temple  gateway  I 

3506.  Q^irp/S^k    ^(f^i^    «^    eTL^rr^su^    (S^pj6ls\)    QL.iQp  flj 

Can  he  who  will  not  pick  a  stone  out  of  his  rice,  lift  a  buffalo  out  of 
the  mud  ? 

Thou  dog,  greedy  of  boiled  rice,  come  to  the  January  ox-festivaL 
3508.   Q^n-p^dS(^     ^svsofT^     y^^GsSi^irdj    ujb^eQCSev    ^iLt^  .gL. 

Of  what  use  is  a  pumpkin  which  will  not  be  available  for  food,  is  it 
to  be  suspended  to  a  pandal  swing  ? 

The  blind  that  came  drawn  by  the  smell  of  rice* 

5510.   Q^irpjpii(^i  (o^Qth  ^tjSi(^u  ufrjrQpunnu  ^(5«®(5'^. 
He  is  a  waste  of  rice,  he  is  a  burden  to  the  earth. 

3511.   (S^irp^Dpi  Q^irQ^^ss  tsap^em^  ^^^QpiBn  ? 
What,  to  cut  one's  throat  after  giving  rice  I 

3512.     0<5F6Tr/f?(U£i  (Su(S<9^&), 

Boast  not  of  your  streAgth. 

3513.   ^rrusu^  g)6i)Sso  zr^^jpi  ereu^th  Q^tre^&j/r&fr,    ^/r«rtb   ^^SiO 
Any  may  say  I  have  forgotten,  none  says  I  haye  no  sense. 


3514.  ^iriuu  iSi'jn£!remiJD  ^e^ev/r^  (^(Wj^dFeyr  effessfr. 
Teachers  without  moral  rules  are  vain. 

3515.  ^fresTQpui  aeoifsStLfth  isfri^  ^fBQu9Q€\), 

Wisdom  and  learning  are  contHined  in  a  measure  of  rice. 

3516.  ^ff^vih   creocv/rub    gi^/^j  (ipL.eff)u.y    ceutfii   srffoeviruy    €^q^  Qdt.T 
Collective  wisdom  is  a  bundle,  and  the  whole  world  a  fort. 

5')17.  ^rresTLb  ^eDeoir^  (o<sFajirdB&r  MsQ&xr  ^esrjjS^u^  ^^%Lbi\)'oO, 
ignorant  children,  are  not  better  than  calves. 

3518.  ^iresTLD  ^^sr^s^/stLjth  sssr^iSD^iLiLCi  Q^rr(S<S(mLo, 
Wisdom  gives  wealth  and  honour. 

^3519    ^n'<ssfli(^,  ^e\)Sso  ^mu(y:itJD  ^&n-UQpijD, 

The  wise  are  not  aflfected  by  pleasure  and  pain.  . 

.  ^/r€sf}<S(^ih  npL^^i(if^Lb  ^ik^fT^^La  ^a)&o, 
A  wise  man  and  a  fool  do  not  associate. 

o52l.  ^muu&tr  OwtLcf-ssr  SlGstfrQp&sr^  ^^Stpfriu  eBQ^fsuiTirmsfTfr  ? 
L  Will  the}'  fall  headlong  into  the  well  because  their  father  dug  it  I 

What  was  given  to  th^  father,  will  be  eniailed  on  his  first-born. 

Whilst  the  father  is  without  waist-cloth,  his  son,  it  is  said,  asked 
him  to  spread  cloth  on  the  ground  to  walk  on  as  far  as  Tanjore. 

5524.  ^^LJuSssri  Qsirmp    ufreuih  u^tTLSuJirir    eff^iLi^eo    MjPf     u^tT^s^La 

The  murder  of  a  father  mhy  be  expiated  by  residing  for  six  months 
in  the  house  of  one's  moth,er*in-law. 

330  ULpUinfTj^.    - 

The  Hiados  account  it  dUgracaful  in  a  soQ*io-Iav  to  Ii?e  in  the 
house  of  a  mother-in-law  at  her  expense,  fiharata  when  eDum^rat- 
ing  the  vanous  sins  he  wonld  be  guilty  of,  if  be  coTeted  the  thruueof 
his  elder  brother  Ri^ma,  mentions  this  as  one. 

3 '25.  ^<3suU(sk  ULLu-ih  t965rS5Tnr«g  ^sv^&jrr  P 

The  title  of  the  father  descends  to  the  son,  does  it  not ! 

The  father  acquires  wealth,  the  son  destroys  it. 

3527.  ^^Lju<sk  uiLu^^etn^u  iSeirSsrriQ^  ^iL,if.^(SO  fl^uu&tF  ^ir^ 

If  the  title  of  the  father  descend  to  the  son,  the  father  roust  pros- 
trate himself  before  him,  must  he  not  f 

3528.  ^<i(S<sfr6sr  ere^r^  ^iB, 
So  live  as  to  be  reputed  a  deserving  man. 

3529.  ^lEJ^Qpi^  (^iLif-^^th  ^^lEJ^etr  (^essTLD  6Su.frir  ss^l^it. 

Though  crowned  with  gold,  the  base  will  not  abandon  their  natii 

3 '30.  ^iEi<3Ba=  (^if]'i<3B^^Qajeirj;)f  ^jry^^i  OmfTetTeneotrinir  ? 

May  one  cut  himself  with  a  knife  because  it  is  made  of  gold ! 

3531.  ^iB^^^^i  (^eSiSQp&fr    er<ssT(yy^Lby  ^&sf   lj^^  .  sQSlSp, 

Though  I  protnised  to  give  a  heap  of  gold,  he  persisted  in 
own  ideas. 

3332.  fihda^^&r  JifSUULLu-fT^u^  Ovists fbj)irefr  ^suuu-fr^. 
Though  gold-dust  is  procurable,  brick-dust  is  not, 

3533.  ^iEis5^€s>^  ^Q^dsS  eQiLL^^Qufreo, 

As  fine  gold  was  melted  and  poured  out. 

Gold  scattered  on  the  ground,  hran  in  an  earthen  vesseli 


3535.  /Bm^ih  LjL^fi^^  saeuisuULLt^ir^ih  ^sir  iSpui  Qutrmfr^, 
Though  gold  is  put  mto  ihe  fire  to  be  refiaed>  its  hue  is  aot  lost. 

Gold  scattered  on  the  ^ound,  aud  a  cash*worth  of  lemons  placed 
on  the  swinging  tray. 

3)37.  ^iiSLb  srscsviTiii  ^6QiL®i(^  unT^Sp^^ 
To  exchange  all  his  gold  for  bran. 

3588,  fiiassy^^S  i9etTdotr  ^<ssf  iScirSsrr^g)^    fhsa^^k(^u  Qufr&jrr&fr 

If  the  child  of  his  sister  be  his,  why  go  to  perform  penance  ! 

3l-39*  /se9}<^  6iGmQ  <s^^  /5/n.(?^a0rOu>. 

The  knife  should  be  applied  where  there  is  flesh. 

Ill     I     ■ 

3)40.  ^^^<^  Qu&kfT^fT^  ^siD(ru9Co&),  Qsfre))e\)^    Qussst^'it^  Q^ituS 

The  wife  of  the  carpenter  is  on  the  floor,  and  the  wif^  of  the  smith 
is  on  the  branch  of  a  tree. 

What  if  the  wife  of  the  carpenter  is  bereaved  of  her  husband  ? 
what  if  the  wife  <)f  the  smith  is  deprived  of  her  hire.  I 

I      ...  — — — .  '      .    . 

Will  curds  be  found  in  the  house  of  a  carpenter^  or  boiled  rice  in 

that  of  a  niggard  I    - 


$543.  fs&^m  ^iLuf^io  ufrpQia^irpssip  iB^^trQ^  QsuerremrGmr, 

O I  Vellala  do  not  long  for  the  rice  and  milk  in  a  carpenter's  house. 

1544,  fl<3F<SFm  juLf^^^  flSoOsu/rs'eo    &rs\)evfrLD    ^<fSu9s))   ^zjl«^  e_6\)/r 

I  walked  fibout  in  all  the  entrances  where  the  cai*penter  had  put  up 
Untels,  knocking  my  l^ead  against  them. 

332  utfiQuifri^. 

3545.  /»<g5«^ii  creir^  eu.i^euS&sr  ok^Q^aso  j^^e/t^. 
To  cheat  one  that  has  come  for  protection  is  bad. 

3546.  fiL-sBu  i9u^im  muSir  ^evSso  ^suerr  Quiufr  ak-i'^eoLpSl, 
Not  a  hair  to  be  felt ;  yet  her  name  is  the  tressed  beauty. 

3147.  ^t^eSu  i9t^asd5  62o<s  ^^uSso  ^eum   Quiuir    0<!F6mfl(iJLJ   Suj 

He  has  no  hand  to  feel  and  seize  any  thing,  his  name  is  the  notori 
ously  strong. 

3548.  ,*^  Gr(S}^^/re\)  €re\)€vnrih  QentLes^L^i  ^frjrir^ 
All  are  huntsmen  who  take  up  sticks. 

3549.  ^9-«(g  LS(^S&ir,  ; 
A  water  pot  too  strong  to  be  broken  by  a  stick. 

3550.  ^^<ig  jy@5ffl«  (g/r/B7(g   ^i^ssr^Qu/nso, 
Like  a  monkey  dancing  for  fear  of  the  stick. 

3551.  ^t^'i{^  i3i(^iB^  LSL^ireufTi^eo  erekesr  Q^s-iuiuevfrtlt  ? 
If  the  pot  is  too  strong  for  the  stick,  what  can  be  done  T 

3552.  ^Cu-fT^  ^Tiuu  QufT&iT^^LD  LbtruQu/r&r  erQuu/rGa-, 
A  goldsmith  will  pilfer  the  gold-dust  even  of  his  molfcer. 

3553.  /BiLi—ir^LD    Q^-iLt^iLjit^  sessr  a=L-tf.u-jLD  ufrdesTtLjih   meisr. 

The  goldsmith  and  the  Chetty  have  each  two  eyes,  the  chatty 
the  pot  are  of  earth. 

Like  the  goldsmith  and  the  merchant. 

3555,  fltLL.frSsifrd'  Qa^frns^  fi^^^. 
The  fool-hardy  who  associated  with  the  goldsmith. 

3556.  ^L-L^fT^  jsn-ffiu  up/b^ff&o  ^uufrms^)  insntfi  €i/0£2>. 
If  a  butterfly  flies  low,  it  is  sure  to  rain. 


■  ■  • 

3557.  ^ilL^fTjT^  S^^  fljjS^S^^  euessr^sr^  S^^i(^    eujr^r^. 

The  tricks  of  a  goldsmith  and  of  a  weaver,  are  not  equal  to  those  of 
a  washerman. 

3558.  ^LLL-./r63f?L-^^^  ^q^^Sip^y  ^e\)e\)^i  (^Ltn9(£i^iLi^uQisi>    ^q^ 

It  is  either  in  the  possession  of  the  goldsmith,  or  in  his  vessel. 

3559.  ^tLt^u    Quareurr/T    ^s\)s\)frsQiLu.jr/rs\)    ^u^i9    ^ekri^u  t9jr^em 

When  there  is  none  to  contradict  tambi  is  very  fierce.    , 

'  Tambi^^a  younger  brother,  is  often  used  in  a  friendly  way,  when  ad- 
dressing a  junior. 

3560.  ^GsoHfs^  eOev^^flirek  es)fiBi(^u^, 
It  is  the  bent  bow  that  will  shoot. 

3o6l.  ^mrtf-Qso  QufT^e^  ^jressre^eo  ^&srjpi. 

When  you  go  into  the  army,  one  of  two-ii/fe  or  death,    . 

3562.    ^SSSTUf-p  QufT^SO   ^JTL-l^ULj^  ^ihuCtTih, 

Double  remuneration  to  those  who  go  into  the  army. 

3563.  ^eiffQ  ^eSfT^  ^2^0  gyoeir^  <i^^T  ^L^rr  inis^fi^ 

The  arai  plant,  0  minister,  has  one  stalk  and  three  leaves. 

3564.  ^emsst^fieo  ^Q^^Slp  fieuSstr  (^[f-^^6s>^i irir  (^to-tufrfi 

Who  knows  whether  tl)6  frog  in  the  water  drinks,  or  that  it  does  not 
drink ! 

Althongh  cold  water  be  heated,  it  will  quench  fire. 

3566.  fiessTGsJfBQeo  ^Ssamfi  ^^ui^fi-  fiesur^ssilrf^Qso    e5es)muQeiJ€SdiQ to. 
Salt  produced  from  water,  must  be  dissolved  in.  water. 

t'3567.  fBcares^iHio  ^^OpikSieff  QptLetai^.  ^ul/u  Quiri^i  SsrriiiLfUi, 
An  egg  submerged  in  water  wiU  float>  if  salt  be  put  upon  it. 


jtpQmtr  ^, 

3568.  fiessT&s^d^Cb  (yeir^  ^^ffi  Quirj^m^La^ 
Even  water  will  forgive  a  fault  three  times. 

Referring  to  a  person  who  rises  to  the  sAffciee  thi'ee  times  sfter 

iiaving  fallen  into  deep  water. 

■  ■  ■  ■ 

3569.  fBessfssdTfir  (g/p.^/»  euu9j;i/ih  0^«frC?g)Sso  ^i^t—    str^ib  ^S,' 

The  belly  that  baa  taken  in  water,  and  the  aperture  in  the  ear  that| 
has  received  a  circlet  of  ola,  are  alike-cacA  enlarges  as  pressed. 

May  one  abuse  water,  or  one's  mother  7 

He  says  that  the  frog, will  bite  him,  if  he  descends  into  the  watei 

3572,  fiB€6sr&p^if]e\)  S)(3^^P  ^sdZsir^^iu^  ^anrruSeo    €t®^j^    eOiLt^ 

Like  turning  out,  on  dry  land,  a  frog  that  lives  in  the  water. 

3573.  ^Gssrss^iPieo  ^pi^eufD^u^  ^irffiroj^^eo  ^pi^euir  ^^<S£i>. 

The  number  drowned  in  alcohol,  is  in  excess  of  those  drowned 

3>574.  fiGssrssJf^QiP^io  Q'srruQpCb  ^frtpi^  ^u.^^Q&>, 
Water  and  anger  seek  lovf-persons  or  places, 

3575.  /S^^^euLD  ^/S/h^euek  ^enQ, 

He  is  an  ascetic  who  understands  the  philosophy  of  nature. 

3576.  fiiBes)^  Qi3F/reo  lS<3s<x  LLmQjru^  ^^Sso, 

There  is  no  mantra  superior  to  one's  father's  advioe* 

i'yll,  /i5ut9e\)  ^ssreu&sr  s-uiQQ^v  Quit®. 
Put  the  illegitimate  in  salt. 

3578.  fiuesiu  ^t^^^6ue!fr  fSir^eisr^^fkii^  ^se^cstsu&sf  ^essrt^, 

A  Yaisbnava  mendicant  beata  ad^(m^a]ld:a.SaiTamMdicant 
a  conch. 


In  learuiog  two^  in  austerities  one. 

Oae's  own  kin  will  preserve  one,  a  hedge  will  guard  a  crop. 

3581.  ^ibiS  sfrev  fSGnL^tiSQev  Qu<3'<3^lj  usveoiSCSev, 

My  younger  brother  is  on  foot,  and  his  talk  is  in  a  palanquin. 

See  proverb  3559. 

The  sayings  of  the  j'oung  man  must  be  written  on  water. 

©583.  ^iJbi3  i9if.^^<s  (Wiuej^di(^  npssfQp  «flB/r^, 

\        The  hare  my  younger  brother  caught,  has  only  three  legs. 

^'')8l.  ^/ii9  QmrrsiifrL-^  e'Qp^QjjLttQun^, 

The  water  my  younger  brother  drew,  is  like  a  sea. 

5.  ^ixti9^  &^(Lpeurr(sk  Qlll^  <sTLLi—!r^, 

My  younger  brother  caa  plough,  but  he  cannot  reach  the  handle 
of  the  plough. 

586.  ^Iin9  t9p^<3S^  ^eSilTLbLLL^LCi  ^u9/bjs^; 

As  soon  as  my  younger  brother  was  born,  the  house  was  levelled 
to  the  earth.    * 

My  younger  brother  is  very  clever,  he  can.  drink  a  kalam  of  kanji^ 
without  salt. 

588.  ^tin9  Q^irp£)ii<^£F-  @(vya/ffrf?  Q(su2si>.i(^  ^frjr/rsui^. 

My  brother  i&,like  a  whirlwind,  as  a  rice  consumer,  but  very  tardy 
at  work. 

Th-e  chiit^  supports  the  curds,  and  the  curds  the  chatty. 

33(J  .     UffiQmnrifi, 

3590.  ^u9iTu    urrSssrssiOJ    a-«D£-^^«i  ^ir^^i^m(^  ^QfiJP    ^^^^P 

Like  breaking  the  vessel  that  contained  the  curds,  and  feeding  the 

Will  you  receive  by  little  and  little  what  I  oive,  or  shall  I  bathe 
my  head  and  begone  ? 

3592.  ^d^u^^esy^u  UfTULD  Qeus\)eon'^. 
Vice  will  not  conquer  virtue. 

3593*  ^Q^u^tjb  ^Ssos/ri(^ih  /^SsoewuJ  U}u9ir  «/r«(gj£i. 

Charity  preserves  the  head,  and  the  head  the  hair, 


3594.  ^(TUbQin  ^S50«/r«(^iz). 
Charity  guards  the  head. 

The  measure  of  the  head  or  foot  is  not  wanted,  you  fellow,  m( 
the  cloth  across. 

3596.  ^Sso  ^(f^iSp  ^u.^^<s\>  ^Q£^^  qjjtiLQld    ufnr<i^d   Q^iri 

We  will  attend  to  the  matter  when  the  neck  takes  the  place  of 

"3597.  ^Sso  ^(5««  6i//r^  ^Qmrr  ? 

Will  the  tail  wag  as  long  as  the  head  exists  f 

3598,  ^^Sso  ^ifLtL^LD  ^irdj^&'s^LCi  fl&sri^  wi^ir^  OfifitLith^ 

When  overcome  by  them,  one  learns  what  head-ache  and  fever 

3599,    i^SsO  ^l^lLfLEi   iSFElSL^QpiD  ^6^i(^   eHJfS^lSGfT  Q^fflLJlD, 

Head-ache  and  trouble  are  understood  when  actually  expenen( 



S600*  fi^  ^ng^^fi  js2eocs)Uj^  Qennr^fifrp  (oUfr(^tLfr  ? 

Can  you  efface  the  letters  of  destiny,  written  on  the  skull,  by 
shaving  the  head  ? 

They  call  the  writing  on  the  head,  Ari-Fi^T^^i^-it  is  not  that, 
3602.  ^2ko  Sififnu   ^q^ib^  ^suar  Q^vu^tr^u^    ah.Q3p    sireom^ir&sv 

Though  one  perform  severe  austerities,  standing  on  the  head,  a  thing 
i  cannot  be  attained  before  the  destined  time. 

eresfeitr  ? 

^        When  the  water  flows  over  your  head,  what  matters  it  whether  it 
;  is  a  span  or  a  cubit  ? 

In  either  case  death  is  inevitable  without  help. 

'''        One  is  greater  than  the  other,  there  is  no  rice  to  cook. 

1605.  ^S50«(25/i  /^Sso  fsfnumw. 
Each  aims  to  be  the  head. 

)06.  fi2soi(^  (ifitf.(Siufr  mir^i^  Qpi^Qiuir  p 
Is  it  the  head  or  the  foot  that  is  crowned  J 

107.  fi2eoi(^  t^jS^eo  ^mk(g^^  Q^fiiLjih. 
If  it  ascend  to  the  head,  he  will  feel  it. 

|G08.  ^260  Q^irjSuji  QsirerreS  flirQesr  Q^t^iQsrreifrL^frtu. 

You  yourself  have  procured  a  firebrand  to  scratch  your  head. 

J09.  flSsos^^^  £96n-Sfff-««/r/fl«g  gjesii^^^^  iS^SsffismB    u^a^^^ 

The  mother  of  a  second  child  is  midwife  to  the  motber  of  a  first 



It  is,  said  that  the  mother  of  a  first  child;  gave  advice  to  the  mother 
of  tv  second,  cliild, 

3611.  ^SiO££)TLL^/D(^5<i  Q^irefT&fl  ^rrQesr  Q^i^iQsiremi^irij, 
Youyourself  have  procured  a  firebrand  for  the  head  of  your  bed. 

3612.  ^^Qpe^p   flSsi)(Lp€iDpujfnu  Qi£ijfLLmi^y  ^(snetr   Quujir  <r.«^»), 

Bald  from  generation  to  generations  and  yet  called  the.  miltron  ofj 
beautiful  tresses.. 

3:613.  ^iSso  QinQey  j^fib^Lj  u/D^^/rjy/zi  i8Ssou9p  i9iflfuso\jif^sfr^. 
It  is  not  good  tp  move  when  arrow?  are  flying,  though  averhead 

Do^  a  head  Cixist  above  the  head  ? 

3615.  i«,Sa)  Qu^Qe>^,  ^t^^^ir^m  ^ff^  (^(ot^iiJfTssr^ 

Thpugh.his  h^ad  strikes  f^  lintelyhQ  wiU  npt  stoop^ 

»'■ . 

36i6.  ^dsdiUfrQeii  mSso,  iRstruuir&sr^ 

He  oanepUt  a. mountain  with, a  blow  (/his  head. 

.^617.  /ffSsOttSeo  <orQ£.^  ^(T^m,s^  ^m^jr^^e\)  Q6uso.e\)e\)frL£ifr  ?' 

Wh^n  destiny  is  written  on  the  skull,  can  you  av,ert  it:by  artifice 

Writing  oa  the  lle^d  is. another  fprm  of  expression  for  destiny 
ftfte,  which  is  supposed  to  be  written  on  the  skull  of  every  individ 
born  into  tlie  worlds,  Hence  th^  Sanscrit  pro irevb,  Kapala,  Kap& 
!glapala  mdla.  "  The  skull,  the  skull,  the  skull  is  the  root  of  all- 
I^apala  in  Sanscrit  means  skull.  The  mundaue  hintory  of  ftU  > 
determined  by  the  actions  of ,  a  former  state  of  existence.  Tbi 
is  one  of  the  most  prevalent  doctrines  of  the  Hindus.  A  nuft 
eats  the  fruit  of  his  doings,  not  in  our  sense  as  the  same  iudindua 
being,  but  as  the  same  res|)onsible  agent  who  has  previously  beenoi 
the  stage. . 

"  Actions  doner  whether  good  or  bad,  must  of  necessity  be  eatei 
if  not,  they  will  Apt.  vr^ar  away  in  millions  of  ages."    Smrith 




The  preordinationd  of  Brahma,  as  supposed  to  be  writtea  on  the 
skull,  are  regulated  bj  the  actions  of  former  births.  An  elaborate 
shaster  on  this  subject  was  published  in  Cakutta  upwards  of  forty 
years  ago  by  a  Native  gentleman,  a  Rajah  of  great  learning. 

3618.  ^SsoaSso  euQ^ih  LDtuis^th  a'Q^eu  Lbtuas^tii, 
When  the  head  is  crazed,  all  is  wrong. 

f        Be  will  learn  to  stoop  when  the  ZiM^eZ  strikes  his  head. 

620.  /SSsOtty/i  ^SsOtLfLb  0LJ/r(T5 jS)/g)6V  mSsoiLjLD  6ui^  QufT^sr^th, 

When  one  head  fights  with  another,  the  mountains  will  come  to 
bear  them  up* 



»621,    ^SsOgWttJ    IB^SSf^^    ^<3r3t^^   m^^lLjLD     emSil^^^^^Sr^^ 

The  head  has  been  already  wet,  the  razor  has  been  already  applied. 

That  which  wotdd.  have  gone  with,  the;  head  has  gone  with  the 

While  the  general  is.firtn  his  army,  but  if  the  chief  is  per- 
plexed, all  are  so. 

Asif  one  changed  his  pillow  to  cure  head-ache^ 

Obey  your  superior,  deviate  not  from  the  path  of  rectitude^ 

p6.  js2soQ'oiJLLtf.^  <SF(ip^^jr(ouyp  (oUjru.6Vfrinfr  ? 

I      May  the  head  be  severed  and  put  on  the  sea  ? 


b7.  fieuCSa^  jy«a(fl«6V€8r^  ^irijpissiiiiQaj  QmekGDin^ 
Austerity  is  an  ornament,  humility  is  honourable.. 

840  utpQiLfTifi. 

The  toad  living  near  the  lotus  drinks  not  its  honey,  the  iUiteratp 
though  they  live  near  the  learned  remain  ignorant. 

3629.  ^euSofT  fieisr  (sutnurr/b  QsQih, 
The  frog  perishes  by  its  own  mouth. 

3630.  ^^®  0eiru6ij2ssr  jifQp^  ^mesrs"  O^irm^pQuirc)), 
Like  requesting  one  who  eats  bran  to  feed  on  ambrosia. 

3631.  ^wi®  ^^ueii2ssr  (oTdsafremh  ssa^^  Qa'irSsr^pQutrfSi), 
Like  telling  one  who  is  eating  bran  to  blow  a  trumpet. 

i — u, — r    ■?         -i 

3632.  ^sQiLesiL^  fBihi9u  (vUfra<s'  s^Cciuir  ^^Qmiu  minu  Q^&iressr®  Glj^ 

When  ahe  went  out  in  expectation  of  fetching  blran,  her  samba  rice 
was  carried  off  by  a  dog., 

3633.  ^€QiL\S}i(^  eu/B^  69)<fl5  ^esr^^ds^LD  ew^zi. 

The  hand  that  is  I'eady  to  steal  bran  will  be  ready  to  steal  money 

(A.  flourishing  tree  has  shade,  k  Wonlan  who  has  fedently  borne 
child,  has  milk. 

Why  opeii  it  gently  again  and  again,  wheii  1  ^m  llyihg  to  bolt 

3636.  js&sri(^xj  i9pf6/si9GirSsir  ^sQtLQii^  ^(ipSp^irih    lisajririr  tSsil 

While  his  own  child  cries  for  bran,  he  is  conducting  the  nuptials 
his  neighbour's  child. 



When  uncertain  regarding  his  means,  he  promises  a  double  allow- 
ance to  his  betel-pouch  bearer. 

Touching  one's  own  comfort  a  bald  head,  in  respect  to  others 
luxuriant  hair,  is  preferable. 

3639.  ;S€sri(^  iB^Qesr^  ^Hrwih. 

That  which 'is  left  belongs  to  charity. 

One  must  not  be  unconcerned,  when  there  is  no  rice  for  his  dog. 

If  one  speaks  to  a  dog,  it  will  jump  expecting  to  get  something. 
3642,  ^63r<5B(<5  ^dB(^Lj  QufT^^Lb  ^^/f3«f5^«F  i9'(^€srui9esufi    Q^sssr 

He  is  so  intent  on  producing  an  ominous  sign  against  his  enemy 
that  he  is  ready  to  give  up  his  own  nose. 

He  is  willing  to  cat  his  own  nose  to  spite  an  •nemy :  to  meet  one 
without  a  nose  is  a  bad  omen. 

wis*  /sesfi(^  STmQjfeo  i9eirS^u^LD  e5SsfrQ6UiL(SL&. 
If  his  own  crop,  even  a  child  may  weed  it« 

uir®  uQsufr(Ar. 

He  who  undertakes  a  matter  not  suited  to  him,  will  suffer  as  did 

the  monkey. 

■  ■  ■ 

^45  •  /B€sri(^  er^(afs»  LfQpiends  dsevih  SQpeQ  ^-.em^^^. 

If  for  his  own  use  a  slave  will  not  wash  his  plate  before  eating. 

342  utfiQiLfTt^. 

Whoever  undertakes  an  affair  unsnited  to  him  will  endanger  his 

^3647.  /S€sri(^  ^^^^  ufT^ssr  e^etsii^m^ireo  ^mesr  ^(misfitreo  crwra? 

What  matters  it  whether  an  earthen  vessel  not  required  is  broken  ot 
not  ? 

3648.  fiesrs(^u  i9^^eo   ^sth  ^Q^i^  crmssr    ssQtpi^   cr&sfes 
What  matters  it  whether  one's  house  stands  or  falls  after  his  death 

5649»  flcsrir^  eresrji^  ^Q5^^  ^(^ib^ireo  j^SsCLbfriLif-ei)  ©(J^jp  JjfiJ 

If  he  has  a  wife  she  will  weep  at  the  bed's  head-a^  his  funeral, 
3650.  ^9srs^^  ^sQQ  ^if-idB^  ^errmiTj^  ^sa(7^i(^  ^(S^H  Jy9-**< 

He  is  unable  to  pound  rice  for  himself,  but  he  can  beat  iron  for 
neighbours.   ' 

When  the  time  comes  for  one  to  make  his  own  fire  and  prepare 
meals,  then  his  stomach  will  become  small  and  the  judgment 

3652*   ^cafl  eut^CoOj  (SutresreuSsfT^  ^irjrQLb&sr^  eressr^^Q^, 
Do  not  regard  her  as  your  wife  who  goes  out  unattended. 

.3653.  js^   ^4F65)«F65)iLf    ^L^^mireBiLL^irso     jy^    ^m2ssrQ^   «/( 
He  who  does  not  control  his  desires  Mrill  thereby  come  to  grief. 

3654.  ^^  e^iQevitruQuireo  Lo'eir  a_«3/f<i(5  ®^®'(5» 
Feel  for  otherd  as  you  feel  for  yourselfi 

tlifll  PROVERBS.  343 

3655.  fi^sf  ^a5es)tr<i  ^jr&sr  jS6irS(»p6Jr. 
He  himself  coDsames  his  oI^d  life. 

A  swan  in  hid  own  village,  a  crow  in  the  next. 

■  it  I  Hi     l>     il     -I  hi 

3657.  fi&ir  ^rnirs^  &i^(SldSfrLL(Sl^(mih  ^uj<so  ^sair  Mpjp/i(^tii  jy^^?"  C?ow 

I  In  his  own  village  one  should  fear  the  place  of  incrematioD,  in  an 

adjacent  country^  a  river. 

Ill     "* 

'3658.  ^«T  s«(T5<i(5  ^Ssar  jyujcu  sM(i^dS(^u  ^^. 
At  home  an  elephant,  abroad  a  cat. 

A  bullock  at  home,  a  cc(t  abroad. 

f3660.  /^cJr    ^frifliu^iri^jr^  t9pir  sfnfiajih  €UipsufpQeu^j;y    eQQSp 


:'         He  who  attends  to  his  own  affairs  is  indiff^ren't  abo^t  the  things  of 

•         If  it  is  his  own  eoucern,  even  the  folds  of  his  garment  will 

He  who  does  not  attend  to  his  own  affairs,  will  b^  tormented  by 

worms  at  every  pore. 

■  '" 1     .. 

1663.    fB<sisT&ITfiiUu  LjeSl^ 


In  his  own  affairs  resolute  as  a  tiget. 

664.  /seir  Sir^^esiiu  eQ^njihurr^su'Ssir^  pefreiieQ^, 
Abandon  her  who  is  carelei^s  of  her  own  reputation. 

1665,  fi^  (^p/bm  uiriruu&jiT  ^flb@  ^cvSsOi 
ITo  one  on  eaai^h  «iees  kis  own  faults^ 

344  ujfiQwir^fi. 

3666.  fl^  ^ppth  gjQ^i'Su  i9pir  (^pptb  ufririSpfifr  ? 
Da  you  coDdemn  others  when  guilty  yourself  I 

3667.  fi^  (j^^Q^&sTjji  eueffiri(^LDirLD  (^u9p  (^^en^^ss  sirsih. 

It  is  said  tliai  the  crow  nourishes  the  young  of  a  cuckoo,  under  tie 
impression  that  it  is  her  own. 

3668.  /SfOT  Q^irjpi  ^^jv  fl^  Lfes)L-meu   siLtf^  effeikr  G)<F/r^  QsLi 

Am  I  destined  to  be  unlawfully  abused  while  eating  my  own  rice 
and  wearing  my  own  cloth  ? 

3669.  ^^  Sev^^ei)  ^(T^ififrio  qptueo  fsk^iQ^w  a/ed^. 
When  in  hia  own  place  a  hare  is  stronger  than  a  tusker-an.  tUph'^ 

3670.  ^^  (S/Biriui(^ji  ^rrCSesr  LDQ^i^, 

The  remedy  of  hia  disease  is  with  himself. 

3671.  j^^  uevth  ^essT®  j^ubusou^  (^pQeuesarQui. 

Having  ascertained  your  own  abilit}',  display  it  in  the  assemWj. 

3672.  ^6»r   U€ts>Hh  0<F6i)cv/r    eQiLt^friso  ^tr^dssri    siLif.    j»fif-i8p9 

When  his  own  coin  will  not  pass,  he  tiea  up  and  beata  the  Vaishiw 

3673.  Jf&r  uevSsou  iSQmSu  t9pir  eurru9&y  esieaiawfruiir  f 

Can  one  take  out  his  own  teeth,  and  put  them  in  another's  moat 

3674.  ^«ir  ueo2s<>i  ^^^u  i9pir  gp«Ssu   Q//r«F£i  airiLQSp^Q'-J^^i 

Like  picking  the  teeth  and  holding  the  tooth-pick  to  the  DOse 

Ljuireirtr  ? 

Can  she  who  does  not  feel  for  her  own  child^  feel  for  the  child 
her  rival } 



Like  applying  to  the  village  officer  for  permission  to  punish  his  ' 
own  child. 

3677.  /Seir  eurriutrCoso  ^t&st  QsiLL^rr&fr^ 
His  own  mouth  ruined  him. 

It  is  said  that  the  tortoise  perished  by  its  own  mouth. 

The  presence  of  the  goddess  of  prosperity,  will  be  evinced  in  the 
[  speech. 

f5680.  /^eir  eQ^/ssr  ^esrdssr^aF  dj-®^  ^iLL-uULb  ^l-(o^l^^  <*®ii. 

^         His  own  actions  will  burn  him,  a  false  cake  will  bum  the  house. 

f368l.  ^esr    effiLQds    s^ss^suu    i9SliniS  ^uuffo    6ff^L-(S<i(^    es^sa^^fvp 

As  if  one  took  down  his  door,  and  placed  it  in  the  house  of  his 

p682.  ^«r  eS*iL®  eQerriQxekj)/  Qp^^th  ^tLu.frp  ^rL^irfBrr  ? 

If  one  kiss  his  lamp  because  it  belongs  to  his  own  house,  will  it 
therefore  not  burn  him  T 


83.  ;a?ew*  sffQ  ^eSir  ^luso  eS^iLQ^ir^  (oLDtLQeuifl  <sTmSiQtj>^^ 
He  asserts  that  all  houses  are  taxed  but  his  own. 

1684.  ^^  effiLQ^  ^jsssysuu  i9QieiS  ^ujs\)  eS^LL.(Si(^  emeu^^  6QiL(bl 

Like  driving  away  dogs  till  break  of  day,  because  he  had  lent  his   . 
door  to  a  neighbour. 

io5,  s&fT^Qsc  ^iTGsr  Q4BLLL—fre\)  ^em^^^iuirir  erosrssr  Qa'iusiiTT  ? 
If  a  disciple  is  intent  on  his  own  ruin,  what  can  his  master  do  ? 


U  ip  Q  LLT  L^, 

3G86.   ^^TSssru  Lj^LpfT^  ^BLDLUfrstr^m  ^e\)Sso, 

There  is  no  artificer  who  does  not  praise  himself. 

"3687.  ^^2ssr  ^s8iB^eD&sr  ^irQesr  ^T/skxsu&st, 

He  who  has  studied  himself  is  his  own  master. 

3688.  ^<ssrZoSf  j^oSii]iT^  iS-mesr^u^  ®^Sso, 

No  excitement  will  make  one  forget  himself. 

3689.  ^<siiTP/ssr  ^/Sji^euGsr  ^Ssoeu^ssr  ^nSeuiTf^^ 
He  who  knows  himself  may  know  his  maker. 

36'90.   ^eifSsw^i  6BfrdQp  (ossrru^&D^<i  ^iTi>mQeii^®LD, 
He  who  would  keep  himself  must  restrain  anger. 

3691.  ^^^/ssr^  Qmrrs\)s\)  (SUQ^Qp  u<3i^6syeuiLnii  Q^frsv^ 
You  may  kill  even  a  cow  that  aims  to  kill  you. 

3692.  ^ssT?jS9r^  QiBuufr&nfr^  ^fr&fT  ^jD/iunroir, 
He  knows  not  who  laugh*  at  him. 

Despising  his  own  mother  as  worthless,  whilst  holding  his  mothei 
in-law  in  high  estimation. 

3694.  /*6W"25»r  ji/jiSii^  iSmSssru  Qu&ir, 
Know  yourself  before  you  begin  to  speak  of  others, 

3695.  ;2?63rSRff«F  SiBuU^i  ^/SiufT^rrLD  us\)e\)ir€ujr^^^  (9^jnEi(^, 

It  is  said  that  the  monkey  of  Palaveram  does  not  know  that  he 
lauffhed  at. 

It  is  said  that  the  monkey  that  mocks  at  the  top  of  the  cocoani 
tree  mocks  itself. 


3697.  /BiriiS^  fliTEiSu  ufrr^^fTsv  ^SsoCSllQ^  <s^^S(Of^. 
He  mounts  on  the  head  by  reason  of  continued  indulgence. 

3698'    /»/r«F/fl  ^ULj  ^€ifrL-6U!T6rr^^<%f^<3=   .F/fl, 

The  tabret  of  the  Vaishnava  mendicant  is  like  cast-iron. 

I  3699.    jSfrtf.i(^LJ   ^<5F    (^L^SVfTLDfr  ? 

Can  you  weur  a  garland  round  your  beard  I 

[  3700.  ^frif-  upjS  €Tii^iLiiii(Surr^  ^i^Q^iLQu  ujbpe^6u<i65  Q.^Q^uLji  Q-t 

As  one  asked  for  fire  to  light  his  cigar  when  his  beard  was  on  fire. 

!  5701.  ^fTLL^essfliULD  ^esrfB/r^Ld, 

Kindness  leads  to  loss  of  wealth. 

[3702.  fiiTiLQL^iTiL.L-^kmn'jr^'kc^^   ^u9(J^ld    (S<s'irji/iJD,    eS^^sufr^dsifrg- 

The  deceitful  feasts  on  rice  and  curds,  while  the  faithful  feeds  ou 
warn  rice  and  water. 

It  is  better  to  be  alone  than  to  associate  with  the  fraudulent. 


5704.  ^irL-(oL-irLLL^^<3Sfrjr£^i(^^    ^u9(mih     Q^r^LD    ^^.L-i—iriLL-i 

The  fraudulent  enjoys  curds  and  rice,  while  the  honest  man  gets 
only  gruel  and  water. 


705r  fBiTfi^iL  ue^pgj^tUiCSuireo 

Like  a  Vaishnava  mendicant  and  a  pariah. 

He  moves  about  like  a  monkey  in  the  hands  of  a  juggler* 

348  uifiQ  iLirtfi. 

3707.  ^fr^  ^jStuifflfirm  Qugd/s  €tneu^^u.isir. 

He  who  does  not  know  how  to  feel  one's  pulse  is  an  emj»iric. 

3708.  ^rr^tjb  g)s\)3si)u  i9jrrr^u>  ^evSso. 
No  cause,  no  complaint. 

3709.  ^n-ujrih  ^€\)6Vfr  ^mitQ^nrif^Quireo^ 
As  a  tender  creeper  without  a  prop. 

3710.  /^^LO^ii  ^fTipsijesc^  <cj^. 

Delay  will  lead  to  ruin.  ^ 

3711.  ^rLDGDT  ^2so^  ^essrssifffrCoutrev  ^^LDL]S(a^^^ 
He  trembles  like  a  drop  of  water  on  a  lotus  leaf. 

3712.  fiiru^Lj  ^^^io  Q^fressn^\L\Ui  Quir^^eo, 
The  cord  is  rotten  and  the  water  pot  is  fractured. 

3713.  /^friLjLD  ^StUu^LCi   ^en&fieSiLu.  sifrev^Qio  euir  ^esr^  ^m 

A  herb  that  welcomed  a  child  cast  off  by  its  parents. 

37 14^  ^iru-jLL  tBeiT^ntfLb  ^^^ld  eufrfLfm  suu9j)nh  Q&sQp, 

1  hough  they  are  mother  and  child  their  mouths  and  bellies 

3715.  fliremium  Q^fr&rpsu^df^  smifl(o€\)  €urr^. 

The  prosecutor  of  a  matricide  is  in  kia  oivn  village. 

Though  related  on  the  side  of  one's  mother  he  must  be  treated  asi 
relation  after  thoroughly  ascertaining  his  connections. 

Before  taking  a  woman  in  marriage  ascertain  the  character  of  h( 
mother^  before  buying  a  cow  ascertain  the  quantity  of  its  milk. 


3718.  ^fTGmujLjCSufrp  i9fftrdsir  jprSeouCoU/r/b  ffSeo, 

As  is  the  mother  such  is  the  child,  as  is  the  yam  such  is  the  cloth. 

3719.  ^irsniuu  ULfi<i^  LDsetr  jyudP/r/f?  ^(BlSi(ff&r, 

The  daughter  reproached  her  mother  and  went  astray. 

3720.  ^fr€tf)UJu  urrtr^^  LOdB^sfrsi  Qsiretr. 

Look  at  the  mother  before  you  take  her  daughter  in  marriage. 

Is  there  any  conception  unknown  to  the  mother  T 

3722.  ^irdj  ^eoeotru  i9eirSsfres>aj^  /cSjO'iSCofiV  ^L-L^eviruiir  ? 
Is  it  right  to  strike  a  motherless  child  on  the  head  ? 

3723.  ;^/ruJ  WL.p(Seu/r  m/nu  s-pQeu/r, 

A  mother's  attachment,  a  dog's  attachment. 

If  the  mother  leaps  sevi^n  feet,  the  daughter  le^ps  eight. 

3725.  ^triu  6p(^  Ljiri(^^  ^/rcJr  sopmiQ^iruLf  €r^S(ff&r. 

She  says  that  her  mother  is  only  a  nut,  while  she  herself  is  a  grove 
of  arica-nut  trees. 

3726.  ^irtu  QdSLLQuu'iLtf.  ^dsuu&fr  ^htgul^uulLi^  ^laemsi    QmnrQ^uu 

The  motbet"  is  wicked,  the  father  vain,  the  younger  sister  a  con- 
sumer of  butter  milk,  and  the  elder  sister  a  consumer  of  rice. 

3727.  pfTuj  6s>au9e)  ^(giSp  ^esr^etn^u  uiririQ^Lb  flm  enm^  ^sQ 

The  bran  in  one's  own  hand  is  preferable  to  the  wealth  in  the  hand 
of  his  mother. 

S728,  flSfnui^  ^^efreiTjgi  inm(^i(^^ 

That  which  is  the  mother's,  is  the  daughter's. 
This  may  refer  to  prosperity,  temper,  Ac. 

3729.   flinui(^ui9i^  ^frjTLD, 

Next  to  one's  mother,  is  his  wife. 

3730.  ^frdj<k(^  j^srP^^  ^ji2/ii>  ^esarQi^fr  ? 

Cau  the  conception  of  an  unmarried  daughter  be  concealed  from 
her  mother  I 

3731.   ^/ruJ6B^  eQdsiTiB^rr^Lb  ^esr6i(miJb  eG^iuQeuGmQiD, 

It  is  not  enough  for  one's  mother  s  field  to  bear  a  crop,  one's  oi 
field  must  also  be  fruitful. 

3732.   ^nfiiji(^'3F  QeFirjpi  ^QSsp^  ^mr/^ds^^u  z_/«Lp<F6?aj/r  ? 

Does  one  acquire  fame  in  a  country  because  he  feeds  his  mother  ? 

He  carries  a  torch  at  his  father  s  second  marriage  where  the  brid< 
is  younger  than  himself. 

3734.  ^fJiu  O^^^trei)  LbsssTLo  Ln^err  Q<9=^^ire\)  iBessrih, 

If  the  mother  die,  a  marriage,  if  the  daughter  die,  a  corpife. 

The  wife  is  bere  called  mother  with  reference  to  her  children, 
the  efeot  of  her  death  the  liusband  may  marrj  again. 

3735.  ^/ruj  OcF^^/rew-^  ld^^it  ^<id5fb(nf>fffr. 

The  mother  is  dead,  the  daughter  is  destitute. 

3736.  r/^fTiu  Q<sFire\)  ^piB^iT(so  eufr^^Ln  @^Sso, 

When  one  rejects  the  advice  of  bis  nK)ther,  no  precept  can  vefor 

3737.  ^iriu  ^sQlL(SI3S(^  ^(ip&n6su9€\)  t9&rSsfr  ^^&iu  uir^'u^    QsiLi 

While  the  mother  is  crying  for  bran,  the  child  is  crying  for  gingcl 

Who  will  approve  of  a  daughter  that  is  uudutiful  to  her  o^ 


3739. -^/'"wj  ^pfS^s^  ^SEir  ^pjpfLDy  Qmircisn^eki^  ^TprS^e\^   dB&hr 

If  a  mother  should  spread  evil  reports,  the  village  also  will  do  so;  if 
a  husband  should  defame  his  wife,  a  stranger  will. 

The  child  that  has  not  seen  the  face  of  its  mother,  and  the  glowing 
crop  that  has  not  seen  rain,  will  not  do  well. 

E8l41.  ^rnii  Qp^uurr^i(j^u  u/r&^in/rjSesr^Quirsi)^ 

1        As  one  complained  that  his  mother's  milk  was  insipid. 

A  child  disobedient  to  her  mother,  is  like  a  cloth  in  the  mouth  of  a 

8743.  ^friTQpCD  (g0g)j£i  fiB^uSls^  eQQ, 
A  w^fe  and  a  Guru,  are  preordained. 

Like  a  duck. 

Ghee  is  plentiful  in  his  feasts,,  while  cold  rice  water  iu  the  charity 
pandal  is  as  scarce  as  ghee. 

Of  what  U9e  is  the  favour  of  a  midwife  to  a  widow  T 


I  QuirimSu9i^, 

Why  does  the  widow  survive  her  husband  I'  that  she  may,  cook  rice 
for  B,  widower, 

48.  ^ir&jfi  ^^^l6  @6\>6V/r  ^€triEiQsirif-(Sufrs\>.  ^eQdSQtfelsr^ 
\       He  laiiguishes  like  a . tender  creeper  without  a  prop. , 

352  uifiQiLirifi. 

3749.  ^fri^(Su/rs))  euu9ji/LD  ^m&Qutreo  iSi^jp/ih, 
Pot-bellied  and  needle-throated. 

3750.  ^trip  (^eo^^p  i9pmfinr^ih  Lj^^tS^eo  jjfeoiOuf^eneuuQuirso 

Though  low-born,  they  may  by  then*  good  sense  prove  useful  aiaa 
oleander  flower. 

3751.  ^tr^m^  iS&r(ff&)  euirtpi^  iQpuiriu. 
If  humble  thou  shalt  prosper. 

3752.  ^frtfii^^  ^/BftfLo  e^iuir/B^j^  iB^^istr. 

Gold  has  become  low  in  estimation,  and  brass  high. 

375-3.  flir^is^  U6Ssfl^(S(S\)  ^SsOes}Lo  .^(5^. 

The  humble  and  obedient  shall  lise  to  eminence. 

3754.  ^TLpetfiLb  ^e\)€dtr^  eurreQu^  ePewr. 
An  unsubmissive  youth  is  useless. 

3755.  /Sfrifi6QCSe\)  Qu^sfnu^iLjth  eurrifieSKo^  ^frtpeptniLfih  (S^mrQib, 
In  adversity,  manly  bearing ;  in  prosperity,  humility. 

3756.  fl»iT€sr^^€sr^^fr^  irseo  ^ihu^/^Gtr, 

He  is  the  wealthiest  in  the  place,  and  possesses  all  in  abundance. 


3757.  fiiresrub^  ^S^iiLy, 

Desire  to  be  charitable. 

3758,  ^/r(g)«6w/5^  9QfieQ€S){U6i  sireotrio  VL,es)/E^^/i  fBeir&reoiruiiT  ? 

/When  the  goddess  of  prosperity  unsought  visits  you,  is  it  right 
kick  her  out  ? 

3759.    flfT^ltXi  P-eSsr^)^  tSlpQ^dS^Lb    QsiTL^iTm^ 

He  will  neither  eat  himself,  nor  give  to  others. 
3760.  fiirQesr    ^eSiutrfS    utfi^es^fSfi   ^if.Qsfr€ifrtSl    ^t^^^irvo    «( 

Can  you  mature  a  fruit  by  beating  it  with  a  stick  when  it  does  n( 
ripen  of  itself? 


3761.  jSirQesr  /sirGtr  (^Qj^isenr  ermuirir  jS&iteis&r  euirsjx^  ^^irSeueif 

Quit  y«><^  Q^iieufrir; 

To  get  money  they  call  themselves  gurus,  and  perform  pujas  ia 
honour  of  Sadasiva. 

^762.  ji^irQesr  eueirirm^  jseu^^ireo  Qmnif-  etQ^fleis&sr, 
He  has  grown  great  and  distinguished  by  his  penance. 

2763.  fifrQear    ^unrtpQeueiffSlih  fiSeOUb^sQetr  ^j^i&(Sm€ifr(Sih,    creirQ 

She  herself  desires  to  prosper,  and  wishes  that  her  fii*st-born 
daughter  maj'"  become  a  widow. 

If  he  himself  be  under  restraint,  his  race  will  be  sO; 

An  attempt  to  speak  a  language  not  understood  may  lead  to  one's 
own  hurt. 

i766,  fiir^sr  n^efrmQurr^  &.6V«U). 

While  one  lives,  the  world  swbservei  him. 

If  he  thinks  one  thing,  Deity  thinks  another. 

168,  fiiTGO'  SGfren&r  i9p€s>jr  iBLbuir&sr^ 
Himself  a  thief,  he  trusts  not  others^ 

What  you  have  learnt,  teach  to  others  impressively. 


Half  was  spoiled  by  himself,  and  half  by  his  superior. 

That  which  one  acquires  will  be  available,  that  .which  the  country 
acquires  will  not  be  so. 


S54  ujpOtf)^^.  t^es.  medicine  with  a  view  to  death. 

3773".  fBftm  Q^^^i9m  s-CUdsii  aeStfii^   ermesr  fQiSiriB^    ermm} 

When  one  is  dead^  what  Baatt^rs  it-whether  the  world  be  overturnigd 
or  not! 

His  tripping  id  as  a  staff  to  oth^^. 

377^5.  /SBfTGfr^r^igu  Miue\):sffLL.e(DL^  /Bthufr^^ 

Being  herself  a  thief,  she  trudts^not  her  n^ighVourSb 

He  who  takes  poison  will  destroy  himself. 

5777^  /S/reir  ^mesr^   firsBQ  ^^dsQ  .eu[rjr^^i(^u  U'&fr^i  ^C.i^'i^'f? 
;  He  has  no,b^ap,  why  seek  a  young .  pig  to  rear  for  hire  f 

In  ep^tii^  he  has  a  monopoly. 


A  gluttonous  mother.wilVnot'feed'h^rchild,  wr  will  one  w]);o  feed% 
on  bi^an  keep  fowls. 

3780.^  fiir^^ ^(ihiL(Bli,Q^n^(Bfifi^Ui,^i80^^^^  uL, 

Resides  sufTeriiiig  the  loss  of  the  property  stolen,  he  acq^uires  thB 
title  of  a  fool. 

Gold  not  acquired  by  one's  own  exertions,  has  neither  standard  no^ 
touch.  ' 

If  a  woman  be  chaste,  sh^  may  lire  in  th?  stxcpt'  of  the  hwIttsiK 


He  says  that  the  hare  he  caught  had  three  legs. 
3784.  fitr&sr  Quir^eo  fSfT'S^^k^^i  S&f)u,iUfr^,  ^q^^l^it  giSso  jgirjpii' 

He  says  that  if  he  go  himself  he  cannot  get  waier  to  quench  hik 
thirst,  but  if  he  sends  written  olas  he  can  obtain  a  hundred  pote. 
of  curds. 

?785.  jsir&r  QuirQp  sirfliu^^i(^  ^iLQuir^io  ^q^  Q^frtLQ, 
Faults  will  happen  if  another  be  deputed  to  do  one^s  busineis^ 

3786.  ^/reJr  Qu/nu  Qu^irir  ^soevirLoeo    eui^eu^   ^^(jji^^F    9iL(Sl 

It  is  Said  that  he  who  went  in  person  and  could  not  ohiaxiL  everif^. 
butter-milk,  sent  a  written  order,  for  curds. 

It  is  said  that  a  musk-rat  that  was  not  able  to  find  its  way  out^. 
carried  away  the  broom, 

'788.  fi/rekjSi  strtQeo  ^(sSium  LK^ik^^^Quireo , 

As  if  Saturn  entered  into  .the  t&nri  irmt^Terrnvnolia  SeUerica^ . 

p89.  ^sihujr  ^/Bi8ujrrSi(^  ^€ifr(^^  s-p6ij  ^eif  ? 

I       What  has  a  naked  mendicant  to  dd  with  the  friendship  of  a  washer* 

10.   ^«>«Ly^®  iB^^flea^ff  Qutreo  ^2soS(ff&irr 

He  wanders  about  like  one  who  has  trodden  on  the  tigai  plant. 

A  plant  whose  toucb  is  supposed  to  create  aberration  of  mind  audi 

'1.  ^^(^  ^pp&i^'i(^^Qfitusuih  ^doinfT;, 

God  is  the  help  of  the.dedtituAe^ . 

356  u  ipOihfr  L^. 

3792.  ^^(S  eQ^uJUi  Q^tref[u&s^iiii(^   Q^tuth  ^uQ^iusfreoLn  Q^Si 

A  successful  conqueror  does  not  regard  times  whether  relating  tn 
victory  or  defeat. 

8793,  ^isiSB^La  ^ei^iLjLD  Q^pQ^  (SfSfr<i^  QeumrQth, 

-     Look  south  on  Monda)'^  and  Saturday  if  leaving  home. 

The  direction  given  in  this  .proverb  is  intended  to  convey  a  canti 
to  those  setting  out  on  a  joarney  on  Monday  or  Saturday.   It  i 
based  on  the  belief  contained  in  a  stanza  of  which  the  following  is 

Sangara,  Siva,  as  the  author  of  good,  plants  his  trident  on 
earth  in  certain  directions  on  particular  days  and  at  stated  houvs. 

On  Monday  and  Saturday  in  the  east  for  eight  naligais.!: 

On  Thursday,  in  the  south  for  twenty  n&ligais. 

On  Friday  and  Sunday  in  the  west,  twelve  naligais. 

On  Tuesday  and  Wednesday  in  the  north,  twelve  naligais. 

8794.-   ^L^LL€9ruU(Sl  ^LduirMQ^QiS)), 

Preserve  your  self-possession  in  the  presence  of  enemies. 

3795.  ^emSssifri(^^  Q^m  QmiriLi^p^  fleisrei^ir   iBL^/reiji(^   G^) 

As  if  one  should  say  that  the  pial  was  stung  by  a  scorpion,  and 
water  pot  standing  on  it  became  inflamed. 

S796.  ^€sisTdstpsti(^  eQif-ZB^irsi)  6ff*iLQ<i(^ih  eQi^iLjiii, 

If  the  sun  jrise  on  the  pial,  it  will  rise  on  the  house  also. 

3797.  ^jreSiu^^cd  ^(Lp^^iMtresreum  QiF^^rr^LD  Qsiri^ir&fr, 

The  miserly  will  not  give  though  threatened  with  immediate  dcit 

3798.  ^JTGrr  ereQ  euSstr  <^. 

Rats  in  large  numbers  do  riot  burrow. 

*  Indian  hour  of  tvtr)^nty«{oar  minutes* 



3799,  ^BifBGnemfrSp  «fl9^  ^iBtufr^euenniSlib  uq^gd^. 

As  far  as  twisted  it  is  a  rope,  that  not  twisted  is  mere  fibre. 

3800.  prf?  (y^ir^^s^Ca  (S^euQ^tii  ^/r^^ir. 

Neither  the  triad  nor  the  th'vrtyMiree  crores 4)f  supenials>  are  cosst* 
parable  to  him. 

Tt^hen  there  is  wealth,  there  is  pow^r. 

A  screw  is  strong,  old  cow-dung  breeds  worms. 

3803.  ^(f^'i  <S6»rL.  S€ssr^^3^(^^  ^ii^ih  saexfreviriQpQp, 

Even  those  who  have  seen  the  holy  one  are  not  exenapt  from  evilL 

3804.  P(5<i  «^L-  <S62OTjgy<S(t^^  ^ii(^  g^ibSso. 

Those  tlvit  have  seen  the  holy  oHe  experience  no  evil. 

3805.  ^n^isireucssTu  umfl^d(^  tQipeo  ^fleQ  (?6Ji^6wr®U5/r  ^ 
Does  a  marriage  pandal  require  shading  7 

8806.  ^qj^u.^so'^  (S/serr  QsrrtLtf.6sr^(oUire\>, 
As  a  scorpion  stung  the  thief. 

•807.  ^Q^L^ek  Queiir^!r^  erGar0Dpi(^ih  GnsubQueih^nf^^ 
The  wife  of  the  thief  is  always  a  widow. 

The  Deity  is  witness  against  the  thief. 

I        A  rogue  is  fed  with  thick  milk  and  rice,  while  the  honest  get 
nothing  but  warm  water. and  rice. 

•810,  ^Q^tLQ  mtriui^^  ^eviEiens^  siLt^^p  (Surrey, 

Like  tying  a  string  of  bells  round  the  neck  of  a  thievish  dog; 

:358  u^QiL/Tifi. 

At  the  marriage. of  a  thief,  the  pickpocket  is  the  chief  guest 

Literal ly»  the  thievish  fellow  who  uuties  a  knot.  Money  or  otk 
•vahiables  being  often  carried  in  the  ci)mer  of  the  cloth  worn  »t 
dress,  or  in  the  corner  of  a  handkerchief. 

'3812.  ^QFfiLQu  ^858r«(gLJ  Quit®  ^jrtL®u  urr^ih  Q^trjpith, 
Put  thick  milk  and  rice  before  a  thievish  cat. 

3813.  Pcji^P  ^eoeoir^  er^mrrm  ^cm. 

A  master  whom  it  is  hard  to  please  is  usele^. 

$83.4.    ^(l^fB/r(^lh   Qpl^kfB^   €r(Sl9if^tLllh  «S5/^/5/6JS7. 

The  festival  is  over^  the  bustle  has  ceased. 

■3815,  ^(T^iBir(GiffA(^  QuirSempQMjir  ^esr^fi^i(^ij  QuirQeinpQ^^^ 
.    Do  you  go  to  celebrate  the  holy  day,  or  for  the  sak^of  food  1 

"3816.  ^Q^i^p/iSCo'e)  ^lLl^it^  aLpp&ssiTiu^ 

Holy  ashes  will  not  udhere  to  a  killachi-k£[. 

5817.  ^Q^ifi  p/sji  ^Q^  s_6wri_/r(?LD. 

The  correct  utterance  of  mantras  secures  the  divine  favour. 

•3818.  ^(f^uu^i^u  '(?LJ/r@jj2fib  ^ef)L,uuih  ^q^  ^bit^t^ 

Though  taken  to  Tripati,  a  broom  will  fetch  only  a  cash. 

5819.  ^(T^uu^Seo  QmiriLeDL^  J^ji^^fi^^  updj^fiir,  yj^jnbs^s^ 

Is  it  not  enough  to  have  been  shaven  bald  at  Tirupati  and 
at  Shrirangam ! 

•3820.  ^(f^uu^uSe\)  QiLiriLesit^^  fitr^Zssri  sessn^trtuir  ? 

Did  you  see  the  baldheaded  Vaishnava  mendicant  at  Tripati  ? 

*3821.  ^0euGfr  smi^  u^GD^iufnuu  QutrSp^. 

It  has  become  an  emerald  discovered  by  the  king's  jester. 

tArtiL  tBOViftBS.  869 

Even  a  religious  laendicairt  at  the  temple  gate  will  bfe  of  iJdme  us© 
at  times. 

^'-  -    '^" 

Those  who  are  npaflSected  by  ISruvasakam  will  not  be  moved  by 
any  othjgr  composition. 

S824.  jS(j5«//r«(5<i(g  6r^/f6U/r<i^  fiLSwrC?/— /r  ? 

Bo  the  words  of  the  great  admit  of  contradiction  T 

Demons  dwell  in  the  house  that  is  not  illumined  by  a  ^d!red  lamp. 

To  smear  a  room  with  cow-dung,  especially  ou  Friday,  and  to  keep 
a  lAinp  bxiiDing  through  the  night,  are  observances  pleasing  to  the 

goddess  of  prosperity. 

^        - 

3826.  ^(7^6S<5iri(^    ^tLi^/rsmfr^    Q^iueufh    ^jSttfih,     QfBaj^fnr^i^ 

The  Deity  knows  those  who  plaoe  sacred  lamps,  and  the  mind 
knows  who  eats  ghee  and  rice. 

Acquire  wealth  though  compelled  to  cross  the  stormy  ocem. 

Lies  and  tricks. 

Why  seek  the  key  of  an  opw  door  T 

f830.  ^pi^  ^iLi^Qco  mirib  ^esyipm^irpQuir^^ 
As  if  a  dog  entered  an  open  house. 

1831.  ^esr^fiB&i  i82sou9e\)  Ubesr^smfl  iSjpifi^^^ 
Daily  fix  your  mind  on  divine  things. 

o32.  ^etfreifi(^<^  Q^irfSfsio  ^^th. 

Scratching  is  agreeable  whew  itching  exiirts. 

S60  uffiQwfT^. 

3833.  ^(ssre^  ^(Sijs^eu&sr  Q^ir/Sm^Qsif&retr  QeuessrQih, 
He  whose  akm  itches  will  scratch. 

3831.  ^^.uuiujpjLb  uir^Lb   ^^^^qj^ib^ld,    eBSesruutu^ssr   Qai^ 

Though  one  n>ay  abstain  from  eating  millet-pulse  and  milk,k 
cannot  escape  from  the  effect  of  Ms  evil  actions. 

He  who:  sows  niilletA  reaps  n^illet^  he  who  sows  evil  deed%  musk 
reap,  the  ^i3me« 

3836,  ^^SpsfD^^  ^ssrjrmJb  Q^6UfnEi(^(DUirio  ^q^aSq^^st. 
Tho\igh  well  fed  h.e  is  a&  lean,  as  a  sloth. 

3837.  ^&fru^  Qesff^^Lb  Seuesrih  tSSed  ^e\)2so. 

What  one  eats,  is  little^  human  life  is  uncertain^ 

3838.  ^&srp  LneisTGspii(^^  ^ia,  Q^tr€Si&i^ 

Chogai  jaundice  proportioned  to  the  earth  eatcin. 

It  la  the  opinion  of  some  th^t  jaundice  is  occasioned  bj  efttiD| 
sand  or  earthy  a.  thing  not  uncommon. 

3839.  ^eirp  iBj^Sr  QdSfrGi)^uJi  ^m^^  /B^&r  Qssn'&)^Uifr  ?- 
Poison  taken,  kills.;  ^i\l  the  poison  not  taken^  kill  f 

3840.  ^eirjy  Qs5ir(ip^fiir&)  arunmr  ^'q^'^^  ^^, 
He  wh,o  has.  gra;vi^  fat  will  be.  inclined  to.  nuschief . 

Does  any  on,e  desire  to  chew  his  betel  aver  agcun,  I 

Alii   '-      j^lJf 

3842.  ^&sr^^  ^GsresTfl  (q^iL(^tJbirLb  iQerr^sfruQi^pp  euiSjpu, 
A  motheir  who  is  nuirsing  a  h^h^  has  a  ^o^  ^pp^ti^. 



Why  eat,  seeing  that  you  know  not  how  to  eat  tvith  moderation  I 

3844.  ^6srg)  e^iLt^eo  jQew-eafl, 

One  who  takes  food  in  a  house  in  which  he  ought  not. 

3845.  ^«  Sfnui^frp^Suireo.  ^Q^saQsuessfQui, 

Act  as  one  who  warms  himself-do  not  burn  yourself, 

3846.  ^i(s^^  mrrp^  s^^'eQuufresr^Quired^ 
As  the  wind  assists  fire. 

3847.  ^iEJiaB(7^u^u^i(^  iLfnki(^u9p  SeneQ, 

The  notes  of  the  kuyil  bird  to  the  sugar-cane-bowed  Cupid. 

3848.  ^iLtp-esr  ibir^^s^  ah.fruiTffiSip^ir  ? 

Is  the  sharpness  of  the  sword  to  be  tried  on  the  whetting  board  ? 

3849.  ^^jpiiCi  Ufreu^"  0d^dj€S)3s  ^ppeuesr  Q^sum, 
He  who  abstains  from  evil  deeds  is  God. 

3850.  ^u^^e\)  (^p/Suj  ^euuLtf^^ 
A  torch  lit  at  a  lamp. 

3851.  ^uulLl^  effiLt^(o€\)  sif)m6stLefnL-.  u^<3FLOfr ? 

Is  there  a  lack  of  charred  wood  in  a  house  on  fire  ? 

3852.  ^ULjeisr  ^jpi/ih  eufTiuuLjeisT  ^(fff^. 

A  bum  is  curable,  but  a  wound  occasioned  by  slander  is  not. 

Though  fire  may  be  in  excess,  hatred  may  not. 

8854.  ^esiLLeayHJ  QLB<sF6^Sip6iiJ^  ^^siimuirefi^irm. 
He  who  approves  evil  is  guilty  of  it. 

362  uffiQiL/TLfi,      ' 

To  associate  with  the  wicked  is  bad,  to  serve  the  wicked  is  also  bad. 
3856.  ^(Siuirmir  eQ(Bi^2so  ^^(^'Speu&sr  /s^^SeoiTQ^i^  /b^l^w  G^a 

He  who  liberates  the  wicked  injures  the  innocent. 

3857.  ^ff^  spp&im  Q^Qsm  ^'euirdr. 

The  thoroughly  learned  may  become  a  religious  guide. 

3858.  ^ir/r<i  (o^fTULb  um^iriu  QpL^iLjih, 
Unrestrained  anger  will  end  in  mischief. 

3859.  ^jj'fri  Q^iruLd  (Surrjrmb  QpiymiLD, 
Unrestrained  anger  ends  in  strife. 

3860.    ^iT/TcF    ^iCofiSLD    Qufr0i(^   ^^JSB65TLCi^ 

Continued  uncertainty  leads  to  war. 

3861.  ^SirfTiSF  Q^iuesiS  &jriTAir^. 
An  unsettled  affair  is  bad. 

3862.  ^jrfr<s  QiB(^&i-<i(^^  Q^iueuQub  <3FinL&. 

God  himself  is  the  witness  of  the  unquiet  mind. 

3863.  ^irir  euip<i(^^!^^  Q^iueuQi£>  ^/rtLS, 
God  is  the  witness  in  an  undecided  cause. 

3864.  ,^ir/r  euLpi(^  QiBSTfrsir^^ 

An  intricate  case  will  never  end  satisfactorily. 

3865.  ^eQ&sf  Q^uju9sd  QuiL^Zssr  Q^a^ujitim. 

A  demon  does  evil  to  him  who  does  evil  to  others. 

3866.  ^^s>in  p^etTGrr  mesr^pr^^  ^&sruu^  ^sJr  Q&j^  ? 
Why  additional  pain  to  a  mind  already  in  giief  ? 


3867.  ^^&  i9^Q/^Gir  iS^S  a_6wr(^€ir. 

He  that  is  addicted  to  sleep  loses  his  appetite. 

3868.  ^tf-iuiTu  Quessri^ir  LDif.u9s\)  OfSQ^ULf, 
Unsympathizing  wives  are  like  fire-  in  the  bosom. 

3869.  ^(SuLf  ^(^«65<i  «j)<5B  QeueuH-QssT^  ? 

Why  should  the  hand  be  burnt  when  there  is  a  ladle  ? 

3870.  ^ssit^uus  stl.€S}L^^(^u  uiL(Sl<i(^(S^<s'LD  SLLtf.€9r^(Sufr<s\), 
Like  tying  a  silk  tassel  to  a  broomstick. 

3871.  ^6^i—  iSiSjrsui  &&^L^  uifiuireoesrth. 

To  the  wicked,  punishment,  to  the  good,  protection. 

The  people  of  the  village  will  reprove  a  wicked  chil* 

3873,  4^il®«(g    ^(5  (5^^   eSp(ff^iM   ^^imify^Cif^    iLfri^Qinh 

Though  girls  may  be  had  at  a  pie  a  head,  a  Muhammadan  girl  is 

3874.  ^ 6200 S/Dfiw (2565(5  OsuiLsijb  @«oSso^  j^(igSpeu(mf^(^m  ^«65m 

An  impudent  woman  has  no  shame,  a  weeping  woman  has   no 

««frL-/r  ,^ 
Do  the  adventurous  experience  grief,  or  the  humble,  distress  ? 

The  adventurous  know  not  sorrow,  the  sorrowful  know  not  anger. 
Though  you  may  bear  one  company,  do  not  become  his  security. 

3C4  utfiQ  Lbir  i^^ 

3878.  ^Ssvdr(!tunrL^evs\)^  eui^Qutr^irQ/s, 

Do  not  go  on  a  journey  without  a  cojnpanion, 

3879.  ^uurriS  euiSip/Sso  i9jrsi@  t9pk^^Qu!r€0, 
As  a  cannon  was  born  of  a  musket. 

3880.   j^tituir  jyLD/jevii. 

The  wicked  will  be  abandoned. 


Qrief  leads  to  comfort,  suffering  to  patience. 

3882.  ^ifKSiufT^ssr^  0/^«^«SF  ^(^eSQoireo, 
Like  Saguni  to  the  family  of  Duryodhana. 

Saguui  was  the  maternal  uncle  of  Duriyodhnna,  and  had,  like  the 
latter,  ninety-nine  brothers.  Dm  iyodhana  was  one  of  the  kings  whose 
exploits  are  narrated  in  the  Bpic  Mahabharata.  He  im{>ri80Ded 
Saj;uni  and  his  ninety-nint  brothers,  to  prevent  their  cornbination 
against  him,  feeding  them  on  gruel  which  was  doled  out  from  dajto 
day.  Tiiey  all  died  of  inanition  excepting  Saguni,  who'  managed  If 
secure  suf^cient  nourish  men  t  to  preserve  his  life.  He  afterwards  bt* 
came  the  counsellor  of  Duriyodhana  and  from  sinister  motives  gi^ 
such  advice  as  led  to  the  ruin  of  his  royal  master,  who  lost  his  kingdoa 
and  also  his  ninetj-njne  brothel's. 

3883.  ^(i5««  0^(7^6B(Ss\)  ^(T^QeuunuirGDeaJujir  ^^Sp^  ? 

Is  it  in  a  Muhammadan  street  that  one  should  recite  Tiruvembal 

3884.    ^(f^LDLIUi  «6V^.^6Wr6JRJp/r  (p^«(^l6. 

Even  a  fibre  may  help  to  fill  up  a  kalam  with  water. 

■        ■ Ill 

3885.  4^7(5^0*7  j^e^yifiVLi  ^  ^(7^i/s/r€0.  ^^enesup^  siL(Si€UirGf, 

If  he  find  room  for  the  insertion  of  a  straw,  he  will  tie  an  elephant. 

3886.  j^Q^LdLj  Qpp^oSesr  QmtruLo  eQerthLj  QptLi^fls  ^q^ld^ 

Anger  occasioned  by  a  trifle  may  extend  to  the  sky  before  itceasei 

3887.  jfi(f^uiLi  ,^essr  ^^so  ^ir^  ercueuetreif  ^dsQe^imCSiii  ? 
If  a  straw  become  a  pillar,  how  great  the  piUar  m,ust  be  ? 



3888.    ^(TF^lbSSiU^  ^^i(^Sip^lT  ? 

What,  do  you  make  a  pillar  of  a  straw ! 

3889,  ^65)/r  Q^JSu^  ^Qsr  S^^th, 

The  will  of  the  ruler  is  weighty. 

3890.  ^(Sjrfrs^<sfreo    Q^iremu.     ^esDpr^fiesnjb^    (Qi^mZsir    eu(^^^ih 

Power  obtained  by  high  treason,  a  sceptre  that  oppresses  the 

3891.  ^(Sji'/rufl€9)aj^  ^8e\)  e^S^iis^^Qufreo, 
Like  stripping  off  the  cloth  of  Draupati. 

Draup^ti  was  the  eommoQ  wife  of  the  five  tons  of  Pandu.  When 
in  captivity  after  the  hnmiliation  of  the  Pandavas,  an  attempt  was 
made  by  Dariyodhana  to  strip  off  her  eloth,  ai  a  punishment  for 
laughing  at  him  when  he  stumbled,  she  was  however  saved  from  dis* 
honour,  for  as  they  drew  away  her  cloth  it  was  lengthned  by  divine 

3892.  ^/r«f^<?^68r2bw«i  s^u.!T&)  ^jr  i9ev^ 
Stand  at  a  distance  from  the  wicked. 

3893.    ^eoiaiTfi  ^{LffBLO    ^q^u   iSzjL«^li, 

A  weapon  not  kept  polished,  will  become  rusty. 

3894.  jgj€Oir^^e\)  QeuGtr&fl  ^(7^lju^i^s\)   s-.€\)/reBu  QuintfCo    m&siip, 
Venus  being  in  Libra,  there  will  be  rain  throughout  the  country. 

3895.  ^^is  Q^Q^eQCoeo  Q^eurrjrin  p^€isr^Qutre^^ 
Like  singing  D^varam  in  a  Muhammadan  street. 

3896.  ^eQfBfri(^  ^L^jifih, 

A  double  tongue  will  slip. 

Kanji  requires  continued  stirring  while  boiling,  and  mamage  re- 
quires carefUl  consideration  before  being  entered  on. 

366  uipQ  turr^, 

3898.  ^etT&ir^  eufTiSFQpLjb  (TpGfr^i(^di  iK^iretnubu^^isrr.iQpQuiiQ^ 

The  fragrance  of  the  Tolasi  and  the  point  of  a  thorn  are  in  the  bud. 

3899.  ^ctrerrirCp^  ^errerrrrQ^  (^etrerrir^  u<ia^^(oe\)  uerrefrth  juwr. 
Dwarf,  do  not  jump,  there  is  a  ditch  close  by. 

3900.  j^etrenirQ^   ^eirismrQ^    ^iL(Si^(^iLi^    erevr   gd^uSso  ^Mi 
Do  not  leap  about  0  lamb,  the  butcher's  knife  is  in  my  hand. 

The  restive  or  unruly  bullock  will  carry  its  load. 
3902.   ^crrciflji    ^err&fli  i<^^^fitr^Lb  OsUfftrefflLJUesifrQpUi  Sewi-ttJ^ri 

Though  one  may .  exert  himself  to  the  utmost,  he  cannot  procure 
even  a  silver  fanaiii  when  foHone  does  ncvt  smile. 

3903-  ^etreS)^  ^etretfl^  Q^iruQu&rj^  ^(L^SQrfiu, 
By  restlessness  thou  wilt  throw  thyself  headlong. 

r.  .  i  ■( 

3904.  ^(siT^ub!TesT(^iLi^  ^jF^&i  eQQpfb^^, 

The  springing  young  deer  fell  into  a  well, 

■  ■  '   ■•  '    ' 

Can  that  which  is  not  reached  by  a  l6ng  pole  be  seized  by  the  hand 

3906.  ^peu/DLD  ^evevpui  Luesr^QGO, 
Ascetic  and  donriestic  virtues  originate  in  the  heart, 

3907.  jpp€Q^(^  Qeu/s^ek  ^Q^tiiL^. 

A  king  is  but  a  straw  before  an  ascetic, 

■      — »— — — ^ 

3908«  ^^uih  fl(7^8p    ^fr^€s>su9€sr^ .  ^F^^^^^eo    jysw^  fifl/ili 

Jffen  scare  away  crows  because  their  cries  are  a  Auiisanoe,  bi 
cwkoos  th^y  do  not  scaro  a\ra^. .     . 



$909.  ^^u^^p(^  ®^"i  QmrrQi^ea. 
Take  care  to  keep  off  sickness. 

3910.  jx/earuii  Qpk^  ^&^uld  iBi^. 
Pain  precedes,  pleasure  follows. 

As  the  hanging-nest  bird  gave  advice  to  the  monkey. 

The  fitor}  referred  io  is  graphically  told  in,  I  think,  Fanehatantift. 
It  is  as  follows  :  On  a  cold  rainy  day  a  monkey  chilled. by  the  incle- 
mency of  the  weather  approached  a  tree  on  the  branches  of  which 
were  hanging  namerous  nests  of  this  ingenious  bird.  One  of  the 
inmates  addressed  his  simian  denizen  of  the  forest  expressing  sur- 
prise that  a  creature,  endowed  with  limbs  so  welt  fitted  for  the 
purpose  did  not  fabricate  il  sditable  place  of  shelter.'  The  monkey 
felt  the  reflection  implied  in  the  admonition,  and  unable  to  reatraia 
his  iadignation,  jumped  into  the  tree  and, destroyed  the  residence  of 
his  inuQeent  friend# 

In  my  journeys  on  foot  in  various  parts  of  this  eonntry  I  have  fre- 
quently seen  the  nests  of  the  pendulous  bird.    On  a  tree  not  many 
miles  from  Trincomalie  on  the  eastern  coast  of  Ceylon  I  once  saw 
perhaps  thirty  or  forty- nests  hanging/rom  one  tree  not  twenty  feet 
I  high:  they  resembled  large  pears. 

1912.   ^ire^Q  iSZssr^;^  QfsrriSu  Qu3r. 

Speak  after  deliberation  and  circumspection. 

A  child  brought  np  in  the  arms,  and  a  leaf  plate . stitched  when, 
spread  on  the  lap,  wilLnot  ha^nroperly  formed. 


I         Lift  me  up  you  fellow,  I  will  cut  them  down  ajad  cpnyert  tike  plaqe,. 
iBto  ^..minung  ground,..     .        .  ^T" 

368  uipQiLir^. 

3915.  ,^«ffl  sQdsifrQ^iu. 

Do  a  thing  after  due  deliberation. 

3916'.  ,^«(5  e-.6wrz-/rg)ci)  QiBiri(^  t>.€mQ. 
Gravity  inspires  respect. 

3917.  ^B^if/BeuQesr  iSdadSfr^eu&fr^ 
The  sleepless  is  the  abiding  one. 

3918.  ^ij^(r/BeuspJ^(Si^  ««ii)  gjeoZeo, 
He  who  does  not  sleep  is  not  healthy. 

3919.  ^iiSesr&issr^     ^i^^i(^iLtf^,     fi9z^^^(5«^«u€w^    ottilSi 

The  weaned  he-goat  belongs  to  him  who  slept^  the  suckliog  to  him 
who  was  awake. 

3920.  ^^fsQ&sreum  dSGsrjp/  ^t^frMmjpr^ 
The  calf  of  him  who  slept  is  a  bull  calf. 

3921.  ^^miQssream  iFrrSp^sodsOy  eff^ikSesreu^  tSentfiiSlp^eo^, 
A  patient  who  sleeps  well  will  not  soon  die^  one  wiiose  bodyj^ 

swollen  will  not  live. 

3922.  ^3r6wrzp./Dd5/rir,gQ/<i(2)<i  aessr  ermiQs  iS^uiSeo  ^eoeoQckitr  f 
Where  is  the  eye  of  the  angler  i  on  the  floaty  is  it  not  I 

3923.  ^prm^  ^etnoju  uitiriQ^LCi  sirinfl  ^  Qssirtf,j^. 
The  fire  of  lust  is  more  fierce  than  a  smoking  fire* 

3924.  ,^Jr  ^Q^kflireo  Q&'jr  ^peaj. 
Distance  promotes  close  friendship. 

3925.  ^rjrfi^u  usFiSSi^^  «6wr^a^«igj<i  ^eiflir^Q, 
Qreen  in  the  distance  is  cooling  to  the  eye. 

3926.  ^arjTji^u  u/riresieus(^  tnSso  tLtfiiLtpuL/,  8LLi^u(SuirQ)C0^  «* 

^Lb  sp(Slih» 

A  mountain  in  the  distance  appears  smooth,  but  as  we  approach  m 
the  surface  becomes  rugged  I 

TAMIL  l^ltO VERBS.  369 

Water  at  a  distance  is  not  available  id  an  emergency. 

3928.  ^sru  (ou/rs(o6U€m®QLDn'  S^rru  uir^^iBp  ens  egmtids,^ 

Must  I  go  away  that  you  may  lay  your  hands  on  the  bed  of  greens  I 

8929.  ^/r/5^  &€asrp€S)jb^  ^jr6u/risfrQ<as, 

Do  D6t  empty  a  well  that  has  been  filled  up. 

A  pitofligat'e  Taiaily  will  be  reduced  to  asheS. 

3931.  S^pp^  €r€sr(oufrnr  Q^geo  erag^^  e^essr irtr Ir^ 
The  slanderous  are  ignorant  of  letterd. 

3932.  ^^p/iSji  ^/flC?aj50. 

•   I. 

Do  not  go  about  slandering^; 

39d3.  ^irpjpjui  QuemteLir  sh-p^  eresr^  ^(^ld, 
A  reproachful  wife  may  fitly  be  called  Yamd. 

3934.  Q/Seifn^ji^i^U  uisasrQpu^  ^eu^^^p(^s  ^ijStLjLD  ^^uuQiJb, 

Money  for  fines,  and  greens  for  the  anniversaries  df  the  dead,  are 
readily  available. 

3935.  0/sdj€u  S^^ih  ^0/5^/rsu  Qd^^^eu^ith  erQ^LbLjeurr^, 
Odd  toeing  willing,  even  the  dead  may  rise. 

3936.  Q^iueuu  ujeoeu^Qjid^  mrr    s_ewr(T5ii    &^8ljr    ^i^nreQdSf^d    ss^s 

^o  a  heaven-inspired  poet,  the  tongue,  to  an  artist,  the  hHnd  are 

}937.  Qfiiueuih  ^Ssfm^Q^fretr  Q^slc^  ^rS^^iuLo, 
Secure  divine  help,— the  body  is  transient. 


870  ^lfiO-wJL^.^ 

3938,  O^/flflJ/r^  -p&nrrCpflJ  iBidtuirji  >^8sm   S; 

0  ui|COiiscicoas  ea^rtfa,  thou  art  my  iDseparable  help.n 

3939.  Q^Q^err/r  LD^jpi(^.^:(^(S&r^€0^,    . 
All  unejiligliteii.ed.  miiid  hajS  np  ^enais  o/darkeness.; 

A  child  is  a  fruit  that  does,  not  nauseate,  and  water  is  a  beyeraji- 
that  never  cloya. 

Having  drunk  the  clear  water,  thou  hast  stirred  the  mud. 
The  illustrious,  .holy,  divine  teacher. . 

3943.;;  O^&TG^lU  ^(^iPOSsS  ^Q^C(di(^  ,/5fil//JD«3ff.^ 

In  thieving  he,  is  a  precious,  stone — one  of  tlie  nine  genu^^.. 

3944.   QfB/S^s  jy/j^^^  ^il,i^rr25srCjQuir(Ss\>. 

Like  the  goldairiith  who  beats  off  the  gold  in  piece*. 

3945:  Q^^p^;im^^  ,(^qf^^€^\u  isuL^^s^^^i  (5®®®  O^pjS  jf^^ 

^^^!r,Lb  .S^LDULpip  \^fsr€srLj  Quires,. 
A  northern  bird  induced  a  southern  bird  to  feed  pn  Sigampalaoi 
a  fruit. . 

3946.  O^pQm  ^i^^fi  srrp^^  ^0iiii9  \s^j^iuiT^ir  ?  \ 
"WCill  iiqjt  the  »outh  wind  blow  again  ? 

3947.  O^sw"  j«/r©  \^<^frjrLp:Qn^QfBeo(p6iJeQ  ^^u^trsrih. 
The  ma^ner^  of  Tenkasi,  and  the  ceremoniousness  of  TinncTcllj. 

3948.  Q^^peo  (tpprSu  Qun^th  ssfrp^  ^^^^* 
The  gentle  j^outhern  breezy  has  increased  to  a  gale\ . 

3949.  Q^^esru^ir^^p  uir^  <srmd^  euetrnr^^fr&r  urreB, 

1  am  half  the  height  of  a  ^cocoanut.  tree,^  she  who  brought  me  up 

a  sinner. 



As  when  the  scorpion  stuDg  the  cocoanut  tree,  the  palmyra  tre^ 
had  a  glandular  swelling. 

3951.  Q^esr^^jT/TLb^  uSsw  €U6rrir^^^(Suireo\  ^^ 
Asr  Tennilur^man  reared  a  .eat. 

^£ii^Sp/Sfr  P 

While  he  who  ate  tiae  kernal  of  the  cocoanut  escapes  with  impunity^ 
is  he  who  sucked  the  fibre  to  pay  the  fine  ? . 

As  countries  differ,  .their  languages  differ  alsa. 

As  if  A  medicinal  root  he  had  gone  to  seek,  was  obtained  at  his  fo6t»l 

3955.  Q^if.^  ^Q^eQerr^s^  ez^ei/,/ 
Prepare  to^plaoe  a^sacred  lamp. 

■    I      I  .      ■  !■ 

|3956.   Q^i^;i ^^ekpeui-  Q^^iueu^Q^n-Q  ^^^6UirJ 
He  who  earns  his  own  bread  is  like  god. 

5957,  Qj^if-u  Ljss)^^^^  Q<S(f^6Qis\)  ^jriQp^n;? 

What  I  begging  iii.tthe  street,  after  having  acquired  'weaUh  audil 
buried  it ! 

5958.  Q^t^tu  QufTf^^  'SfTeQCSev  ^iLi^eisr-^Qumejo, 
A3  the  thiug  one  is  in  search  of  hits  the.  foot.  , 

The  plant  one  was  looking  for  was  being  trodden  undet  foot. 

Ho  one  being  interested  iu  its.burial,  the  corpse  li^s  in  the  road^l. 


U  IfiQ  ILfT  L^, 

3961.  (SfiihuQ  uSssruS&fT  ^jrerr  utfi^Qflirq^  eQ^tr, 

A  selected  nut  from  a  number  of  sweet  palmirah  fruit. 

3962.  Q^iiiBfBir^Ui  ^ fs^esrsmiLemL^  uh&sild  Quir^fr^, 

Though  worn  by  attrition,  the  sandal  wood  loses  not  its  fragraoce. 

3963.   (Sfiiu/B^  Qpt^^^  ^esFQjTfr  Qds/riht^dserr  s^^ir^^Qfffr  ? 

Art  thou  worn  out  and  become  a  musk-rat,  hast  thou  cast  ihj 
horns  ? 

A  thoughtless  act  occasions  endless  trouble. 

K965.  (S^^trQuD/rlr/s^  Q^m^inuQuneo, 

Like  the  cocoanut  smelt  by  a  toad-a  blighted  cocoanuL 

3966.   (ojsQjrfrCou.  iS^.jpj  Q^^Qeu/rQu.  ^2so@Qt^&(r^ 
He  wanders  along  the  street  with  ihe  temple  car. 

He  is  called  intelligent  because  of  his  nice  discrimination. 

3968.   (S^eui^ojfT&r  0^(5  Q&ireir2&TQuirSip^n-  ? 
Is  robbery  committed  in  a  street  of  harlots  ? 

Before  the  dancing  girl  had  adorned. herself,  the  car  moved  aodl 
came  to  a  stand  on  the  road. 

3970.  QfBeut^vjiretr  indsek  ^su^fld  Q^oj^jg^Quirev^ 

As  the  son  of  a  harlot  commemorated  the  death  of  his  father. 

When  a  harlot  dies  the  body  is  a  mere  corpse,  when  her  mother  dit 
frmeral  rites  are  obseryed,  « 


3972.  (ofieuGDiri  aiTiLt^u  (^^'u>  U€sS  Qs/r&r(St^LD, 

Under  pretence  that  gods  require  it,  goblins  exact  service  from 

Goblins  or  ghosts  of  the  kind  referred  to,  are  employed  by  magT' 
cians.  They  Hre  supposed  to  banut  grave  yards,  places  of  increma- 
tion, buried  treasure  dbc.    Oompaoies  of  thenv attend  Siva,  Gasesa  &C4 

3973.  (o/Beiiirmefr  uosS^esiL^  Q^iuttj  (pL£ie\)eu€ijr  sn^fBir^ 
He  is  the  Lord  whom  the  celestials  serve. 

When  stung  by  a  scorpion  do  you  recite  incantations  as  for  a  snakO'^- 

The  scorpion.  Stings  him  who  helps  it  out  of  the  fire. 

3976.  Q^eSeo  €9(ipf6fi  ff  (Sufrso^  fieQ^Qnt?^, 
He  flutters  as  a  fly  that  has, falleai into  honey.. 

3977.  Qfissu^^  FFiSSiVU^  QfBi^  eQQeufrir  ^/f  ? 

Who  cares  to  supply  flies  for  honey  !•  I 

3978.  Q^^Qjtii  ^dsvTLDfre^Lb  Q^euQKs^^  ^irui9^tjS^ 
Honey  mioDed  vntk,  tinai  flour  is.  offered  to  the  god&;. 

1979.  (S^&f^  i-f'^&u^^Suireo  ^Q^dt^CSeuemO'iii. 
Live  in  harmony,  as  honey  and  milk. 

3980.   G^,gB/">  ufrsBtJDCSuireo  ^q^/s^  ^(Lp/BGn^s  ^jn^flfr^. 

Pretending  friendship  as  sweet  as  honey  and  milk,  he  cut  my  throat, 

8981.  Q/sQ&irQu/r^LD  O^/E^t^ipi  «^eS. 
Mellifluous  classical  Tamil. 

I9S2.   Q^Sev^  QflfTiLi^Qiuir  ^of^rr^  Q^niLt^Qiuir  ? 
Did  you  touch  honey,  or  did  you  touch  water  ? 

W83.  Q/^fk  c»6BriL./r(g)sb  ff  Qfli^&i(mCo, 
Where  there  is  honey  there  are  flies. 

v374  uifiQwiri^ 

•3984.   Qjsek  ^eirerr  ^i^^^eo  /f  Oa>/r(ij«(g£i. 
Flies  swann  wkere  there  is  honey. 

♦3985.   Qfim  €r(Sl;i^eu^dS(^  ^Q5  ®<^^^®^  u^frmeir  mSbwoSeu    ^{J^i^ 

^Acuff  for  lum  who 8teafe(iic»ieyyar cuff foir:3iiat who  lives  inihehom 
^  of  his  fatiier-in-law. 

He  speaks  to  him  meUifluonsly,  And  accompanies  ^iiini  across  the 
Btreet*m  order  to  get  rid  of  him. 

•3987,   (ofl&sr  ^Qpsu  Qu&r€urr&sr^ 
He  {[peaks  mellifiuously. 

•3988.  Q^^^L^iLt^Qeo  aewasofiSilfi)  er/SliuevirLbir  ? 
Jisiy  you  throw  stones  at  a  bee-hive  ? 

•3989.  Q^eir  0^/riLi^n'&  esym  isMfrQs-ir  f 

Will  those  whoihave  touched  honey  not  lick  their  fingers  ? 

^When  one  has  touched  honey,  will  ke  not  lickthe  back  of  his  haadt 

•3991.  Q^<xr  e^trk^^  eaetriji^fr^ib  mir^&jrCb  0^mi(^  ^(^Qmir  ? 

'Will  the  gall-nut  become  as  sweet  as  a  eoeoanut  though  wi 
twith  honey  I 

•3992.     ^fi  PF^U  LfeO^th  g)€oS50,  LLirS  FF^'WITQpLD  ^eV^SO. 

There  is  no  grass  that  does  not  .grow  in  January^  nor  tree 
does  not  sprout  in  February. 

3993.   es)^^^   €Ufru9^ih  J)(3«<sB/i  ^irwB^fi  euirtS^th   @(5<i«    eri 
sirQeo  (SuirssFir  n-Uu^Qir  ? 
'Whilst  one  gate  is  blocked  up,  and  the  other  defended  by  artilli 
0  XJppandr -how  did  you  find  your  way  in  ? 


3994.  ^^  i9piB^iTeo  ^ifi  i9pi^ib^ 
If  January  come,  roads  ddme. 

3995.  68)^iJL/«(g;i  esifiULj  LnjfCo  iQif-^^fT/bCSufre^^ 
Like  holding  the  lath  acT  each  nail'  is  fastened. 

3996.  eay^iu^th  ^jJuev/reir  6»iLDttJj^ii  ^^cv/reir. 
One  who  has  neither  wife,  nor  desiire  to  marrhf, 

3997.    €9)^tL['th  LDfrStLfth  €9)€U(US^^   e^rDIEJ(^, 

In  January  aUd  February  sleep  under' thatch. 
Because  dew  is'  then  Excessive. 

3998,  Q^iTiLL^ire^)  Qfiiripm  eSiLL^rrso  Liifr/b(nj>6ir^ 
When  together  friends,  if  separated  Enemies. 

3999.  QjSfTL-i^eQfb  iSerrSoW^^g  rei^dsSp  i9i^2srr  iBin&ir. 

A  child  that  can  walk,  is  as  Taraa  to  'a  child  in  the  cradle. 

4000.  O^irtLuf-iuu  Quiu  at®^ir(Bl  LDzl®ii. 

The  demon  of  a  wizard  pursues  one  to  the  burning  ground* 

4001  •  Q^/tiLt^^iii  ^iLtf-u  i9fffrSemLiii^  Q^(e^eJ/r^, 
She'roicks  the  cradle  ^nd  pinches  the  child. 

4002.  Q/SfriLif-p  Utfi^ath  si^Qd^n'Q  LniL^ui, 

Hsibits  contracted  in  the  cradle  cleave  to'bhe  till  he  goes  to  the 
burning  ground. 

4003.  Q^rriLQi  miriLi^tT)6  eQ^&n^  Q^rfiLQu  (oUfriLL^fr^^Lbeujrrr^, 
Without  a  preceptor  an  art  cannot  be  attained. 

4004.  Qflfr€^istr  ^Gsruesr  JiiS5ssri(^  tSlpueueir, 
He  is  thiB  friend  of  his  servants  who  helps  them. 

4005.  Q^ireifTQL^e^LjijQi—eo, 
Be  not  called  a  slave. 

376  i^ffiQuytTi^, 

4006.  Q^frem.^pirj)t  «l_(?^(?l_  jpeujfLouQj^LjLi^  strp  ueagr.ih, 
\y^i^li  ninety  debts,  h^upa  for  a  quarter  of  a  fanam. 

4007.  Qfifreitr^^^jM  Qujt^Q^Ql^  ^eujrLLUmuLi  ^(t^  uaww, 
Wijth  ninety  gold  lanams,  one  for  beana. 

A  sI^vQ  is  a  witness  for:  a.  alave,  ak  cbiUm-sta$  is  a  wii^^ess  for 

4009.   Q^jr^Lp^/ressr  si^eineuuSesr  ^ri^^em  ^zS\^. 

The  fopd  earned  by  the  plough  is  sweeter  than  that  obtained  by 
s(^rviijg  others. 


4010.  0^fr(Lp'Siith  LK^iB^  ^0  LiQp^&ns  ^l—ITU^p  (SufTLD/r? 

When  shpep  are  gepned,  ^Ul  not  du^ig  be  found  in  the  fold  I' 

4011.  O^freketDLD  istrtf.  msirsinLD  eQi^frQ^, 

,         In.  your  zeal  for  pld  forms.negleo^  npt  wh||t  ia^  really  uaefyl, 

4012v   0^nr&ir€iDLb  mpQeuio, 

Forget  n,ot  your  fonuer  condition. 

4013.   QfiBir&sr(sS&>LD  QpQp^LD  Q^irmfiSl\u.seoeQ\ 

Leax;ning  which  is  conspicuous  to  the  whole,  worlds 

4014.  Q^iTiLL^MiTjr^  eutr^sH  ^irp^  ^i^^^neo  QuiriOtpj^^ 
The  prospects  of  a  gardeifer  are  destroyed  by  a  gale. 

•  •  • 

4015.  Q/BiriLi^^^io  ^k^,{i>. 
It  ends  in  the  garden. 

4016.  Q^TtLL^^^  mfi  6k.tLi—^^e\)  6U(7^uirr  ?'. 

Will  the  jackal  of  the  garden  come  into  i^he  aj3SjBm]bly  ? 



4017*  Q^irtLi^Lb  Qp^^iressr  ^es^frisrruj  ^jpi^iTGhr, 

The  garden  is  three  spans  square,  the  gourd  in  it  is  six  spans  long. 

4018.  (o^fnLL.LD  iS2so^^&)eoQeuir  O^&sretrLoiSerrSsrr  €5)6iji^(o6usm(SLD. 

It  is  after  laying  out  the  garden  plot,  is  it  not,  that  cocoanut  trees 
are  planted. 


4019.  (^^fTL-if^Qurreo  ^ettxtp^^freo  ^einfr(oU!rei)^^s'frLjt3L^svfrii>^ 
If  yoi^  work  like  a  scavenger,  you  may  eat  like  your  master. 

20.  (^/Sfresnf}  (oUfT^^ih  ^evyp  St^iif^ux, 
The  ship  goes,  the  port  remains. 

One  ku^uni  for  digging,  three  for  filling  up, 

He  wl^o  can  swallow  iJb,p  pplp  whjl^  the  pipel  remains  intacti* 

4023.  (o^fFLp^eu^  ^eveiSuj  ^^(^ff, 

Distiriguished  learning^  is  a  real  comp  inion. 

ift24.  Q^rfLpQ^(Blu^(sj-sinLfies^ix  Q'uQ^eo, 

Pisclose  not  your  defects  even  to  a  friend. 

■*'   '  r 

1025.   Q^iTe^ia  ^(5/5^  O^eQcfDUjd  ^i^iBp^ir  ? 
Vha^  !.  *jBa,ted  Q»  the  shoulder  and  biting  the  ear  ? 

Do  you  enter  the  assembly  when  sure  of  defeat  ? 

|027.   Q/SfTpplsa'  tufTeijth  (S/grrppLd  ^p^  ^lSujia, 
All  things  that  exist  wiij  vanish  away. 

Do,  n^ot  romp  i^bou^t.^ 

378  aipQu^rr^. 

4029.   0^sirTS9y<sin3^  Ui€sr^^(^<^eu€kifi^  §)eo2so. 

Ni'thing.givefii  Batisfaction'to  the  goddess  of  ttiisfbrtui^. 

Do  you  use  a  hatchet  when  the  nails  would  suffice  ? 

4031.   (B^QjMJb  ^ss)jHLfLL(Sun'Qe\)  mir(LLQ(a^&sr^ 
United  like  the  nails  and  lihe  flesh. 

4032.   f535€ff)frdi(^uOu^es);SeuLfi^frtl.QSp(ofl/r? 

Is  a  p^ttai-a  small  fish  a  guide  to  a  nagarai  fish  ? 

4033.     /5«5)««(5   LDSffi9'Q  XlLl^^(^    /5g5<9r. 

Merriment  is  the  poison  of  friendship. 

4034.   /5«D6B<F0<F/reu  ^q^^€\)  uetn^i(^  ^^eufri^uy. 
Reproachful  words  lead  to  enmity. 

Begard  him  as  a  dog  who  laughs  you  to  scorn. 
4036.   f6i(^Sp  /5/ruJ«i^^  0«5F«^  €r&fr^iD  Seu  eSii^iii  ereo'jpfui  Ofi 

ILjLLfT  ? 

Does  a  dog  addicted  to  licking,  distinguish  between  an  oil-press  anl 


a  Siva  linga  ? 

The  lingA,  the  symbol  of  the  Saiva  worship,  is  Anointed  with  oil 

4037.   ih^i^QpQufr^Lp^  fGirski  eTQ^LDLjiMir  ? 
Does  the  tongue  rise  when  licking  T 

When  eating  the  food  of  another  reproachful  language  is  not  used 

4038.     /5«5B^  fi_6WrZ_/r/f  /5T6i/    (STLpfrlT. 

Those  who  lick  do  not  raise  the  tongue. 

Thode  who  hir^  eaten  ^he  food  of  ^another  man  will  not  rcj'foa* 



4039.  'Bii'&r  iLirih  ^(^^Lb  iBiLi-.eiiira>&T  Q^i/iLQeun'ir&iSTrn'  ? 

Though  a  poisonous  tree,  will  those  who  planted  it  cut  it  down  I 

,  Though  associated  with  poison^  the,  stone  on  a  cobra's  head  is  a 
gem ;  though  it  may  be  found  in  a  dimghill, «  kumimani  is  still 
the  same. 

4t)41.  16^^  iBirpseoCb  Qe^mrQioir  ? 

Are  four  kalams  of  poison  required  I 

4042,  /5z_.65aj  ^/6laj/r^6u^dS(^  isCBeff^  sir/Beu^^ 

To  a  person  unaccustomed  to  walk^  the  middle  idf  his  house  is  ten 
miles  off. 

4043.  iBL^iSp^  /5i_«<sil©£i  OfiiueuLb  ^Q^^Spjp. 
Let  things  take  their  course  ;  there  is  a  God. 

1044.  iBL^d(mthaireo  /seujp/eu^^tJb  /sir  ^eu^^eo  QslLi-.^, 
A  slip  of  the  tongue  is  worse  than  that  of  th6  foot. 

i045.  iBL^ii^  i9eirSsir  ^eu^^rnh  ^rriuirir  Q^uj^  ^6u^^rre\), 

It  is  said  to  be  owing  to  the  penance  of  the  mother  that  the  child 
that  could  walk  has  begun  to  crawL 


Tho  goddess  of  fortune  dwells  in  the  feet  of  the  industrious,  the 
goddess  of  misfortune  dwells  in  the  feet  of  the  sluggard. 

The  goddess  of  prosperity  or  fortanei  and  the  goddess  of  adversity 
or  misfortune,  two  sisters,  mentioned  iu  this  proverb,  exercise  a  mys- 
terious iDfluence  over  the  minds  of  the  vulgar.  These  remarkable 
beings  are  said  to  have  been  produced  when  the  celestials,  in  search 
t»f  ambiosia,  chnrned  the  milky  ocean.  The  opinion  expressed  in  the 
proverb  is  also  contained  in  a  stanza  of  Nitinerivillakkam  a  poem  on 
moral  subjects,  jusLly  admired  by  the  learned,  for  the  terseness  and 
beauty  of  its  composition,  as  well  as  for  the  general  purity  oi  its 
4a(ioral  sentiments.    The  poet  says :—- 

880  UtfiQlLfTL^. 

*'  When  t)»e  goddess  of  prosperity  6n  Js  th  it  her  favoars  are  not  ap« 
preciatedy  she  iDtroduees  her  elder  sister,  the  goddess  of  adversity,  to 
the  sluggard,  and  then  takes  her  departure." 

The  goddess  of  fortune,  whose  presence  is  a  guarantee  for  happioes 
and  prosperity,  is  said  to  dwell  in  the  face  of  a  horse  of  superior  caste, 
with  the  wi,«*e  and  good,-in  all  fragrant  flowers -in  the  tree  of  pRr*> 
disc  that  bestows  whatever  it's  votaries  may  desire,-in  the  beauty  ofi 
good  and  obedient  wife,-in  the  ocean,-iu  the  portal  of  a  bouse  wiieit 
a  marriage  is  being  celebrated,-in  a  well  governed  count ry^-iu  grtiv 
in  brilliant  lamps  and  flaming  torcheB,*in  the  words  of  the  great,-iit^ 
truth-speaking  nien,-in  the  arrows  of  Cnpid,-and  in  vessels  of  lA 

The  goddess  of  misJf'ortune  issaid  to  have  her  habitation  with  tin 
glut! on -the  irascible,* with  liars  and  other  abandoned  characters,-vitk 
those  clothed  in  rags,-with  vicious  womeu,^>iD  a  flock  of  sbeep,  aul 
in  the  face  of  the  dead,  t 

4047.  fBt^fB/Sfrs\)  /5/r®  €T&)e\^frui  tL.psi]^  u(S^fifrs\)  uiritju^  uem^. 
The  whole  country  is  friendly  to  one  who  is  active,  his  own  mat  ii 

at  enmity  with  the  sluggard. 

4048.  fBL^ui^  e_6!B(rz— /rg)^>  dS^iut^  Quirm^Qeo, 
If  allowance  for  a  journey  is  provided,  gold  sandals  will  he  used 

4049.  /5L.€if6S(^^  O^gS  f5freojiQ^fr^jpi/, 
The  yield  of  rice  is  a  fourth  part  of  that  planted. 

Like  the  snapping  of  the  yoke  tie  when  the  plough  has  done  h« 
iU  work. 

4051.   /5®  SMrf?6V  fB^^Lbjrth  U(mji^  er&fresr ? 

Of  what  use  is  the  ripening  of  the  fruit  of  a  poisonous  tree  in 
middle  of  a  village  ? 

Though  you  go  to  the  middle  of  the  sea,  return  uninjured. 

40 '3.   fBQ^Q^(7^u  i9<9-esi6F3i(^  fBiretssnum  utriTiissvn'Uifr  ? 

Can  one  retain  self-respect  who  receives  alms  in  the  middle  of 
road  ? 


4054.  fsQ^fijnuiresreuQ^^i^iu    ^iriimeo    Qurr^ssfl^   tSeirsij   Qutrsvu 

A  fracture  in  gold  vanishes  when  exposed  to  the  fire ;  in  like  manner 
the  anger  ol  the  good  passes  away. 

A  benefit  conferred  on  the  indifferent  is  remembered  for  a  shoit 
time,  so  a  drop  of  rain  on  a  lotus  leaf  vanishes  soon. 

If  one's  pace  be  slow  he  will  be  long  on  the  way,  if  an  army  be 
small,  its  anxiety  will  be  great. 

Is  one  to  have  the  gain,  and  many  to  share  the  loss  ? 

4058.  iB<^u.^^^(^  €^(^^ek  isuj^^i(^  gi^ta/fiir. 
One  loses,  one  gains. 

4059.  iBLLL-fTpfSQ^  endssQQSp^  iB&srenu^iUir  ? 

Is  it  kind  to  abandon  one  in  the  middle  of  a  river  f 

4060.  fSL^Qeuiir  i9fffr^a(^  (ipiLi^i^is^  Q^X^iUtr^ir  ? 
Does  not  the  child  of  a  drummer  know  how  to  drUm  ! 

4061.  isLL(Sl<su&fr  t9&rSs(ri(^A  Q^^iriLi^i  'SmLb^QeuGifrQu^/r  ? 
Does  the  child  of  a  drummer  require  a  preceptor  I 

4062.  /56wr®6B  (^Q&neueiDUJ  fbQ^Q/SQ^eSeo  s-.ea)L^^^^(Su/r6i\ 

Like  breaking  in  the  middle  of  the  street  a  pot  containing  crabs. 

1063*   iBcssfQ  Q€Birag^fi{re»  eudsfru9e\)  Sl^^^* 

The  crab  will  not  remain  in  its  hole  when  it  becomes  fat. 

tt)64.  iBeSar^siL^eF  miL®  mfletnujdi  anreusv  esieufljs^Quirw^ 
Like  setting  a  jackal  to  watch  a  roasted  crab.. 

4065.   iBesurQuirQ^eff  Qsfr(S^\^>  (6^(a^iu^^^^^ 
Pay  the  teachers  fee,  and  learn  well. 

■    4066*    fB^^  eufre^ffiu92so  iS^^ld  mtrpuessru^-, 

A  village  plantain  leaf  always  costs  a  quarter  fanam/ 

406.7.    (B^efD^  6Uu9pnSs))  Qp^^U  ^piB^^, 

Pearls  are  produced  in  the  belly  of  an  oyster  or.  snail. 
406'8.   iBib^  encsr^^.  ^€iknf-^(^ij>  (ipuje\y  (?«i/il«n£_«i^ib  (oTjijsSssr  jrr 


How  distant  are  the  occupations  of  the  mendicant  of  the  grove,  aid 
of  the  hare-hunter. 

406i9.   iBuiru  ^^^2ssr  <cj<s5)ifi  L/eS  \^^^85w  <F/r^. 
Poor  as  a  Nabab,  and  gentle  as  a  tiger. 

The  hair  of  the.  head  is  seized  by  his  hand* 

Though  he  may  givQ  four  children  to  Yama,  he  will  not  give  onei 
his  relatives. 

4072.   /5a>«3r    €T(B^^^O'^fTGssr®     (Sufr.(^thQurrQp^    nsapeS    e9(Zf«^ 


Hie  slipped  and  fell  when  Yama  was  carrying  14m  off, 

4073,   fBLD&n'-^/iSujfr^  s^u9(i^ih  fBtresiir  '^^(Stu<ir^  ^ewQpu^    e-.eist(Si^ff\ 

Is  there  a  soul  that  Yama  knows  not,  is,  there^  a  tai^k  uixknowo 
the  crane?  " 

4074.     IBLbU   S^JSiifb^€B    S(mfB^    ^ ^^S^^ITLLIT  ? 

May  you.  cut  a  man's  throat  after  ingratifkting  yours.elf  .in 
confidence  T  ' 

4075.   /BLD(2<5sr  Ouemfr  /B(S\^ib/6/eo  ^L^eonrLbir  ?  ' 

May  yw  leave  in  the  middle  of  the  river,  tho?^  who  hstve  confic 
themselves  to  your  cE^re  ?  , 


4076.  «/fl  sMSi^nreQtl.Qu  Lf€Si^m.q^i(^u,  QutrQesrmLfsB    ttai(i^ih>  fsif) 

Leaving  the  region  of  jackals  I*  went  to , that  of  th^  tigers^  andth^t 
beea^xi^  a  region  of  jaukals. 

4077,  /5/fl  ^Q^  ^tr^ar^   ^ifi^uQu/resrj^, 
The  jackal  is  gooe  to  plough. 

J 4078.  fBifi  ^h.ui9LLQi .su-e\)  QpiL®L£in-  ? 

Will  the.  howling  of  the  fox  reach' the  sea  ? 

4079,  mSi  sh-u.^®  ^  QpiLt^uQufTi^u^, 

The .hqwlipg  of  tb$,  jackal  will  reach  the  ocean. 

4.080.  fBiFI  OmirQp;i^fr€\)  -euSofTuS^  ®^^^.  i     ' 

If  the*  jackal  becomes  fat  it  will  not  remain  in  its  hole^^: 

4081*  /5/f?  Qsitqp^^,  eresr<osr  srrt^Slffih  U(i£^^  er^esr  ? 
Whatif  the  jackal  becomes  fat,  or,  the  gall-nut,  ripen  I  ■ 

4082,  /5/f7<i(^LL^t<i(g  earSsyr  uifi6b^Q(suessT®Uh!T  p 
Is  the  young  jackal  to  be,tr?dned  to  howl,! 

4083,  fBi{)65(^Lj  Qi^iBaj^esrip   Q^fr®^^ireo    Ses)Lr-i(^    ^jreifr®    ^Q 

If  the  jaickal  gains  the  mastery,  he  will  deTnaJKj  two  sheep  from 
eyery  flocjc. 

The  jackal  is  a  quadraped  thief,  the  shepherd  is  a  biped  thief. 

— ^— ail  ij    .— »» 

1085.   fsiSlnpmQesr  iBessrQ ^jr€ssrm-QuiTiL.L^^Qu(rco^ 
^         As  the  crab  made  somersaults  before  a  jackal. ' 

i         Are  viscera  to  be  given  into  the  hands;  of  a  jackal  to  be  washed  I  ' 

i087,  /5/fl<5W/rSiO«  QsfTeinrQ  ^u,eo  ^ipLD  uirjriSp^QLJfre\)^ 

Like  .meafluri;pg  the  depth  of  the  oceau  with  the  tail  of  ,a  japjcal. , 

384  uipQihiri^. 

4088-   fsstfifT  ^0Drr  ^^Sso,  mm^La  ^tki(^  @^Sn). 

He  is  not  grey  nor  wrinkled ;  Yama  is  not  thete. 

^ .        / 

Evil  communications  will  bring  distress. 

4090.  /56U  @6W^©60  /blLlj  eueQ^. 
Friendship  is  stronger  than  close  relationships 

4091.  /56U6V  fi.a9/r  isirpu^  mtrerr  ®(5«(5"^. 

A  good  man's  life  may  continue  forty  days. 

4092.  i'5e\)€V  er(Lp<ij^  /BSlQeu  ^(i5«i«<i  Qmrremeo  ^Q£>/i^^    (^j)ii^* 

A  good  Ietter-c?es^i7i2/-beiiig  in  the  middle,  how  were  the  crooked 
letters  put  in } 

4093*   f6<s\)ei)  ay69>LD«F*  ^eoe\)ir^  jffjr^  eQifi  ^^fS  WL^s^O^eoQmfd 
A  king  without  a  good  counsellor,  is  like  a  wayfaring  man  wko 

4094.  fBe\)eo^  (SsiLi—feo  f6/ruja(^LD  eutpikisir^. 
When  the  good  becomes  bad,  even  a  dog  will  not  use  it. 

4095.  /5^ev^«(5  e^q^  Qufreoeoir^^^  Qurreoe\)n'/s^a(^  6^(5  fsioeofii 
A  good  husband  may  have  a  bad  wife,  and  a  bad  husband  im) 

have  a  good  wife. 

4096.  fBeve\)  (^i^dS(^  mireo<iQ^rrQjj  uib^iT&d. 
One  who  holds  a  fourth  share  in  a  prosperous  family. 

4097.  meoeo^  Q^iu^  iB®e^L^Q\u  Quir^eo  Qufreoevnr^  QuirSp^i 

If  you  do  good  and  walk  in  the  middle  of  the  road,  the  evil  wii 
find  its  own  way. 

4098.  meoeo^  i6/rp?se\)ijb^  em^esi^  ^gstu^  <s6va>. 
Of  the  good  only  four  kalams^  of  the  bad  cine  kalams. 


uireo  spi^QiDir  f 

In  its  best  days  the  cow  gave  scarcely  a  measure  of  milk,  will  it 
yield  a  kalam  after  its  calf  is  dead  T 

This  proTerb  may  refer  to  the  fact  that  milch,  cows  in  this  part  of 
India  and  in  Cejlon  refuse  to  give  their  milk  ifi  the  absenoe  of  the  calf. 
The  cow  when  goiug  to  a  neighbouring  honse  to  he  milked,  is  aeoompa- 
nied  by  its  ealf  which  is  often  muzzled  like  a  dog.  When  the  milkman 
is  ahoat  to  draw  the  milk  he  allows  the  calf  to  sack  for  a  few  moments 
and  then  tying  it  to  the  fore  leg  of  the  mother,  he  draws  the  milk, 
while  she  standi  quiet  licking  herofispring.  Covis  do  sometimes  allow 
their  milk  to  be  taken  when  the  calf  is  absent  but  it  not  infrequently 
happens  that  the  cow  refuses  to  give  her  milk,  and  the  calf  is  fetched 
from  the  homestead  to  encourage  the  mothfo:*         ,  ' 

If  a  calf  die,  its  skin  may  he  dried  and  stuffed-  The  cow  deceived 
by  the  device  licks  the  effigy  of  her  calf  and  yields  her  milk. 

4100.  iB&)eo  f88ssres)6U  ^^^if}^/s(Se\)  Q^tLt^  /SSssr&neu  iS^seo^   > 
Entertaining  good  thoughts,  is  m  fact  leaving  evil  thoughts. 

As  the  earth-worm  imitated  the  graceful  movements  of  the  cob^a. 
1102.  /Beoe\)  LDjrth  mi=^i  seSemtu^  flffir^^  mdFSr  inir^^Qeo  /eevev  ^ssfi 

A  good  tree  yields  not  poisonous  fruit,  nor  a  poisonous  tree  good 

»103.  /seo€\)  u^jr^^ed  Qp^^fB  L/6u^(256fl(?u/r«w. 
like  a  mistletoe  growing  on  a  good  tree. 

If  the  cow  be  a  good  one,  will  it  not  find  a  purchaser  in  its  oWa 
|.  village! 

1105«  me^eo  u^inL[f,p^  g^^  ^^y  iB€\)eo  Qumr^pii^  fftQ^  0^/rcv. 

A  good  bullock  requires  but  one  blow^  and  a  good  woman  only  ono 

385  uifiQmirifi. 

4106.  /5^6VQ//r  sessresaSso  iB/r^sih  uiLt^ir^La  Qsfrs))6\)rrir^ 
Though  it  is  before  them  the  virtuous. will  not  kiU  even  a  cobra. 

4107.  f5S0$\)6uesr  ^Qsrj)i  Quiuir  erQis  /bitlL  0<s=s^e^LD, 
Time  must  elapse  before  one  can  get  a  good  name. 

4108.  fSe\>eoGU'irmei(r   g^nj  /5/rc5r    Q^dj^   ^LUSirjr^ffD^    ir^peistrir ;  jj^ 

CSuir$\)y  u2ssr  ^q^  iBtrerr    effsj)^^^^  ^ewreozf /r  cQiLL^ens^f 

Xhe  good  never  forget  a  benefit;  in  like  maiHier  a  pahnyrah  tree 
^ij^lds  its  })rodu<^e  to  liiim  who  planted  and  watered  it. 


4109*  m^eosu^  €^t{§^Ga'  /bQQ^  iS^Qyio  ^Qifjtfi  €uifii(^ih  ^^m. 

If  there  be  but  one  good  man  present  in  a  8U;it,  the  greatest  diffi- 
culties will  be  solved. 

4110*  /56«e\)  6y/r/r^s3>^  Qs^frea-eSi  (Btrtf^entu^  fliriiQ^esr, 

He  spoke  Qonciiiatory  words,  apd  touched  my  chin  eringiTigljf. 

J  1    .'      UU      <V" 

4111.   /5s\)6v  ^eiTfkim&tQp  ^efremrQ^, 
My  good  young  calf,  dont  be  frisky. 

■F  n  1    ^> 

4112.  /ss\),e\)pLb  s^erretf:,^  ^^e^pth, 
Domestic  virtue  is  excellent.. 

4(113.  f^(sc(sp^a9irjr,m  ^pQ^fn^SSt—  Qutr^Qf&si'. 

He  is.a  good. servapt,  but  the  river  carries  him  away. 

411;4.  fBe^^  a-C- ji2/«@   ^&nJULJirppl,  Qmfri^fr^iLi^rr^ih     fsirsQpQ 

Though  you«  mj^^y  npt  give  rest  to  your,  body,  give  rest  to  jora: 

4115.  iBeosceuHr^^  ^.iksw^^w  /5<ffU6V.  u^asreS^  eQagifS-  ISHrQuirso  ft.^ 

tThe  friendship  of  tfe^  good.  will. prove,  mieful  liko,  wateii  foiling 


4116.  fBeveofTGntri  acssn^ireo    /strdj(Suire\)^    Qutriosoiresiffi   am-u.trei) 
If  he  sees  the  good^  a  dog,  if  he  sees  the  wicked,  a  cat. 

4117.    iBeaectrentr  /errekj  ^iflaju  Qu&^eo  uioe\)ir(S6\)  Ufli(^p    H&^' 

If  one  abuses  his  tongne  by  slandering  the  virtuous,  maggots  vrilF 
drop  from  his  teeth. 

The  good,  like  the  oobray  sometimes  reatrain  their  power  and  conceali 

Test  the^good  by  the  wx)rds  of  the  tongue,  and. gold  on. a  touch? 

4120.  iseaeeirir  Quireoeotretntr  iB\-.iesim\utrio  ^jStust^fTii)^ 

The  good  and  the  bad  may  be  known  by  their  conduct; 

The^  rain  that  falls  on  account  of  one  virtuous  person,  is  benefiqiall 
to  all. 

1122.  /56u(?6V?/r/r  iBi^£es>s  ^(Sojrrq^m^^  ^3e\)^ 

The  act&  of  the  virtuous  are  a.  terror  to  the  wickedi 

Grow  up  virtuous,  obsei've  not  days*. 

H2l.  i6p(^GSsr(Siii  (Bei>eo.  ^&v^^, 

A  good  disposition  is  the  best  treasure; 

When  a  faithful  wife  finds  a  good  thing,  she  will  hep  it  fpr  h^ 

388  uifiQunr^. 

4126.  fsdssr^^^  STiLise\)fri£itr  ? 
Would  you  wet  your  burden  ? 

4127.  •fsSssriBj^  Qipeum  eumpir^  a^ev/r/p^  e9p(m6s^d'  (?<r^ii. 

If  the  old  man  axive  wet,  there  will  be  a  consumption  of  dry  fire 

Those  who  do  good,  obtain  good ;  and  those  who  do  evil  receive  evil 

Evil  will  not  spring  from  well-doing. 

4130.  /BekeffiiLiufresTGfi^i  Q^Q^^ireo  /s^i—^^^th  /5<s^l^ld, 
It  is  the  greatest  loss  to  destroy  that  which  is  good. 

4131.  iB^esiiULfijb  ^esiiniLiLD  ^ihsfnUiuQCoed  Q^ifitLjih. 
Good  and  evil  are  apparent  in  the  present  state. 

4132.  iB&srenlnentULj  Qu^n^iS^  ^esiu^snius  (^esyp^^ev  m^Q&frjS, 
To  promote  good'  and  to  diminish  evil  is  the  right  way. 

4133.  tBekemiD  «65>l_l;i9^. 
Persevere  in  that  which  is  good. 

4134.     fBm(ffdj   ^QJ^lB^^fTLD   /5^69<^lL/—   U SIrS) ^ fT JT th , 

The  cakes  prepared  by  Nalli  are  said  to  be  excellent. 

4135.  iB&srpSi  LDpCSeuev, 

Forget  not  a  benefit. 

n'  ■■■  I  I  r 

4136.  iB^jSi  Q^djfi  Sifiui96nSsfr€nuj^  Qsirmp  sen^Qunreo. 
Like  the  story  of  killing  a  mungoose  that  had  done  well. 

The  talo  is-a  mungoose  seeiDg  a  dtadlj  snake  approach  a  aleepiof 
infant,  killed  it.    When  the  mother  returned  from  the  well  she  st^ 
blood  on  the  animal,  and  imagining  that  it  had  bitten  her  ^^  ^ 
killed  iti 


4137.  ^/r  ^9s>9\u  mirQ  Men^iLjiL. 

When  the  tongae  moves,  the  wkoU  country  mores. 

The  alluBion  is  to  a  despotic  raler  whose  word  b  law. 

4138.  iBfT  cresr^iuh  jftL^jTLD  sir^m  ^q^CjSi^u^. 
The  letter  is  is  the  seat  of  God. 

The  tongue  having  no  bone  will  turn  any  way. 

4140.  /6frd(^u  L/jTiLi^ir  Qutrs(^Cj  Lj^e^wir. 
Promise-breakers  make  excuses. 

4141.  iBiriiss^Lo  ^iisemiD  miLtf-esr^  £.62^0  3»(i£^^i(^i  aiksasru^ 

We  too  tied  coloured  cords  about  our  arms,  but  not  a  halter  on  th^ 

U42.  iBir&^&iuird^Lt^  ^&frstnpuu(b/6t  eurrfriS(ni^err  iBtr^u^   ^mesypuup' 

The  mistress  pours  it  out  with  one  design,  and  I  drink  it  wiht> 

Like  murmuring  in  the  absence  of  the  mistress* 

1144.  /BfTtf-oj  eujTLD  «r6V6V/rii  /8si>(^{i  /5/riLr«OT, 
A  master  who  bestows  all  desired  blessings. 

IU5.  Kir®  jif/SijSP  urriruuiT^m(^u  i^^^io  Qmem(SQuifr  ? 

Is  a  sacred  thread  necessary  for  a  brahman,  who  ia  known  tbrougj^r 
out  the  country  T 

H46.  /5/r®  €nE3(^LD  euirifiifliT6\)  (?«®  ^m^ih  ^so&o. 
If  the  whole  epuntry  prospers^  no  evil  will  happea 

'8M  uifiQuiirifi. 

•4147,  fsrrQ  ^/ruuesr  OdFoJ, 

Bo  what  is  agreeable  to  the  <x)inmunity. 

4148.  ^i^(S  siTt^inSpjpi  ^ir®  stfi(safi  j^uQpjpj, 

The  oountry  has  become  a  jungle,  and  the  jungle  has  become  t 
fruitful  field. 

A  delayed  gift  becomes  the  hire  for  walking  to  receive  it. 

*4150.  fBiriLt^iretr  Qupp  (5^^  /sfrs/F^sth  Qu^  ene\)€0  (^tLif.. 
The  child  of  the  peasant  is  able  to  speak  elegantly. 

4151.  iBiT^LA^iT^i^  gj(5  iS^Lt^frQerr/r  ? 
Does  a  boor  require  a  page  T 

Though  the  country  has  a  good  ruler,  the  scavenger  is  not  reliev 
of  bis  burden  of  grass. 

The  country  has  received  one  downpour  of  rain,  we  have  receive 
two  i.,  e.,  too  much. 


JSTo  shame,  no  sense  of  honour. 

4155.   mnremih  ^e\)e\>fr/s  eurr^^i^  mtr^  ^s(^ih  ah.^^. 
Concubines  on  all  Bides  to  a  shameless  teacher. 

4156.    /BfTemto  ^e\)evfr^  ^^i(^  mrr^  ^i(^u^  eurr^so^ 
A  shameless  harlot  has  entrances  on  four  sides. 

An  impudent  woman  gives  occasion  to  be  laughed  at. 


4158.  fBir^yih^nreo  CSsir^i^th  /5i.<S(^u>  srreo  ^i-^ii. 

The  foot  of  diffidence  deviates,  that  of  activity  Btumbles. 

As  a  melody  and  a  soDg  are  in  harmony,  so  must  instruction  be  in 
harmony  with  the  Veda. 

4160.  fnirih  gp0^0^^^  Q<95/r(9^^/r0O  /6iD«^    9^®^^    QmirQiJuiTfr^ 
If  we  give  to  others,  some  one  will  give  to  us. 


When  we  think  of  one  thin^,  the  deity  designs  another. 

4162.  fsniu  ^/SiLfUMT  ^q^^m^u  uirSssr  p 

Does  a  dog  know  which  are  sacred  vessels  I 

4163.  /stru9&fr  iSsif)iu  LQ^uuirar  ^«fr^  /sevev  ^Gssf<ss^!r    eatrh^^i  ^(i^' 

Why  tread  on  the  dung  of  a  dog,  and  waste  good  "Water  to  wash  it  off  I 

H64.  mrnLjth  ss&fl^^iLtf^u-iiiiQunrev, 

Like  a  dog  with  a  chatty  of  thick  grueL 

A  dog  and  a  civet  cat  are  both  alike  to  you. 

1166,  mfriLfU^  ^m  i8e\)^^i(^  jrir^ir. 

Even  a  dog  is  king  in  his  own  place. 

167.  /sfTtLjih  y^^ssriLfiLQuireo^ 
Like  dogs  and  cats. 

168.  fBiriLfCb  euetriT^^  fBjr^^th  euirQReuirQGsrm  ? 
Why  keep  a  dog  and  clean  up  its  filth  T 

169.  fB/rQiu&sr  O^rreo  ^li^ueo/i^i^^  (qr^^Qm/r? 

I  am  but  a  dog,  will  my  word  reach  the  assembly  ? 

S92  utfiQiLirifi. 

4170.  fBJfGnuj  ^if-uuiresr  ^&r  ueo  ^tfioi  uiraruuir&sr  ^ek  ? 
Why  beat  a  dog,  why  make  it  grin  T 

4171.  fBfretntu  ^tf-uutrQesrm  iSetniui'  s^iLuUfrQesr&fr  ? 
Why^  beat  a  dog  and  cany  away  his  filth  I 

4172.  fsires)uj  ^eu^  /sinu  a//r2^  cr^@/z>^. 

When  you  command  a  dog,  he  commands  his  tail. 

If  we  see  a  dog,  there  is  no  stone,  and  if  we  see  a  stone,  there  is  do 

4174.  iBiresiOji  (^eifluuiriLtp^  /sQeff^iLi^e^)  sftyeu^flireo  eu/rSeoi   Q^fff^ 

If  you  wash  a  dog  and  place  him  in  the  middle  of  the  house,  he  will 
wag  his  tail  and  go  out  to  eat  filth. 

4175.  /K/rcroojtf  Qs/r^&^eo  eurrsfniu  /si^ih. 
If  you  caress  a  dog>  he  will  lick  your  mouth. 

4176.  iBireintus  Qs!TQ£iS6iiLesiu.\uireo  €rfSijS^(Suire\), 
Like  pelting  a  dog  with  cakes. 

4177.  fBtrtu  ^Q^dSp  ^L^^^eo  ^essreinL^  fi-6gor®. 
Where  there  are  dogs,  there  is  quarreling. 

4178.  mjrdj  g^  &^  ^^kibLjm(^&'  ^iQ^tre^a^LD;  ^^(Suireo,  fi/f_ 

Quj/riF  Q^fTpu  siriSoj^esi^  npt^^fltr^ib  s^mQ^vea^Lb  jy«oL. 

A  dog  ia  pleased  with  a  bone,  in  like  manner  the  low  are  pleased 
with  their  own  Uttlo  acts. 

The  biting  of  a  dog  and  the  slippering  of  the  wound  to  effect » 
cure  are  ^iike^  paiiifUl. 


4180.   fsiriu  (ajSso^^.  e^^iii  utrifi  ^(^uifr  ? 

WiU  the  idlliige  be  x\m^  by  t)ie  bfojdug  of  a  dog  t 


4181.  /BfTtu  gSn)^^  eBif-iLjiDir,  (Ssirtfi  asLUtSil®  eOtf^iLjUi/r  ? 

Does  the  day  dawn  because  the  dog  barks,  or  because  the  cock 

Mean  as  the  dog  is,  he  has  the  shade  of  a  mango  tree, — ^his  curry  is 
flavoured  with  acid. 

Is  a  miserable  dog  to  be  fed  with  cocoanut  milk  and  rice  ? 

What  matters  it  who  takes  away  the  vessel  that  the  dog  had 
carried  off  7 

4185.  i^^^  Q&bir^^i(^  QuirekiiTGsr  ^&sr    QmtriQs^  sirfi^eum    Q^em 

Why  should  a  dog  go  to  a  temple,  or  why  the  keeper  of  a  temple 
pay  a  fine  t 

4186.  iB!riui(y^i  ^tf^eufrerrLD  ^iLi^^pQutrsr), 
Like  putting  a  bridle  in  the  mouth  of  a  dog, 

4187.  isiTiui(^^  Q^ifJiLfturr  O^sfra^u  i9f^iss  ? 
Does  a  dog  know  how  to  catch  a  crane  ? 

4188.  iBniji(^^  O^fiiLfQubT  (o^irso  Qsiisfnu  ? 
Does  a  dog  appreciate  an  unhusked  cocoanut  ? 

Good  cow  ghee  is  not  agreeable  to  a  dog  s  stomach. 

U90.  /5/ruj<i(g  ^Q^u^Lji^sifiL^uQeo  j^^eueo  erek&sr  ? 
What  business  has  a  dog  in  an  iron  bazaar ! 

U9I.  miTuji(^  QfiQP/^  QfiiiAirdj  /»<i(giDvr  ? 
Will  a  whole  cocoanut  suit  a  dog  I 

394  u  ipQ  iniT  ifi. 

4192.   miriii(^  (Seu^tLjm  ^euSa),  ^0««  QfstrQpu^  ^eo^, 
A  dog  has  nothing  to  do,  and  no  time  to  rtst. 

4193.   iBiriii^^  ^^^ireo  ^iTuji(^LD  ffojireir. 

If  she  becomes  older  than  a  dog,  she  will  not  be  kind  even  to  her 

Why  give  a  whole  cocoanut  to  a  dog,  that  he  may  roll  it  about  tk 
house  I 

4195.   iBinuir^u  QuiuHr  Qp/i^LDfrSso,  ^^p(^    ^iSiu    u^v>u.i9p^ 
The  name  of  the  dog  is  garland,  its  food  is  bran. 

4196.   /5/ruj  ^iea)^6S(^u  (ourr€srjpQufre\)^ 
As  a  dog  went  to  the  market. 

4197.   fBfriu  ^(Lp^^jr^^(Se\)  (Suir^^ih  /sigj^  ^mssfltir. 

Although  a  dog  may  go  to  the  sea,  the  water  must  be  lapped. 

4198*   fBiTiu  SiEJs^^dsr^u  UL-L-.ih  stLQtiiir  ? 
Can  a  dog  invest  a  lion  with  a  title  f 

4199.     /5/5^«^   /5<i®<5F   ^Qp^^fflD  (^GDpiLjLIifr  ? 

Will  the  ocean  be  diminished  by  the  lapping  of  a  dog  T 

4200.   /5/ruj  utLu.  UfT®  ^t^iQ^iTLc^Limf^^  Q/sii^tLfiUfr  ? 

Are  the  sufferings  of  a  dog  known  to  the  stick,  with  which  he  xcos 
beaten  ? 

^201.   /5/ruJ  euinuuUiLL^  Q^&sr  medeo^  ^(^tnir  ? 
Is  the  honey,  defiled  by  a  dog,  fit  for  use  I   '■ 

4202.   /sfTiu  €uire9(Se\)  Qfieisr  esycu^^freo  «^®«(g«i  «L®Lb.^ 

Who  will  benefit  by  the  honey  placed  on  the  tail  of  a  dog  I 


4203.  /Btrdj  Q//r(F%i}<s  (BiT^^  erdr&sr,  6B)<s  ^eo0^/r^€ii&tr  uesari^frjSgirri 

What  avails  the  waiting  of  a  dog  at  the  door,  or  the  expectations  of 
one  who,  having  no  hands,  waits  on  the  rich  I 

4204.  iBiTiu  a//r350«i  (^essri(^  isr®d<x€\)inDtr  ? 
Can  jou  change  the  shape  of  a  dog's  .tail  T 

4205.  /sfiu  euirSeou  ujb/61  ^ppSeo  ^pij^edtrmir  ? 

May  you  descend  into  a  river  holding  on  by  a  dog's  tail  ? 

4206.  /5/riu  eairifiis^  ereJresr,  iiSssr  ^treQ  ^j^vfi^  erssresr? 
What  though  a  dog  prosper,  or  a  cat  be  bereft  of  her  tdli  f 

4207.  fBtriLi  (Seu&^th  QutrtLi^irio  (^Sso««(Ja/6Mr®£i. 
If  you  assume  the  guise  of  a  dog,  you  must  bark. 

4208.  /5/r/f  ^p(ffp  muQCa  fSjrtiiLj  ^p(^p  ^h^QuMv  P 

If  a  fibre  snap  it  may  be  united,  if  a  tendon  break  can  it  be  united  T 

4209.  /srreviru}  fl?jsO(tfi€S)peinuJu  Ufrir^jSrr«\)  fhireB^^La&ppuu^euiT^, 

If  relationship  be  traced  to  the  fourth  generation,  even  a  barber  may 
become  an  uncle. 

4210.  iB/r€\)/reu^  QugSst  izir/strtkiS  Qp'Ssfri^u^  ^<i(^  ^^Sso. 

A  fourth  born  girl  will  not  afford  means  even  to  procure  a  staple 
for  a  bolt. 

4211,   mrr^  "^^  d^/p-  e^rr^  uireoirjpi  J^ijSpjpi, 

If  four  rivers  unite,  the  stream  will  be  equal  to  the  Paldr. 

42l2.  iBiT^  i9e(r^  Qupp€U(&^mr^  rsQ^  Q^(T^eQ(Se\)  (S^irjp/^ 

A  woman  who  has  borne  four  children^  eats  lier  rice  in  the  middle 
of  the  street. 

4213.   «/rjiV  Qunr  «g6.jy.6W^  ^&du. 

The  meeting  of  four  persons  is  an  assembly. 

396  utfiQu^fTtfi. 

4214.   /5/rj^ti  ^iTfiwrOii  0<F/r«V)^«(35    c_^^,    -gj^^    (?€Wjjfii  u«) 

Naladiy^r  and  the  distiohs  of  YalluTar  are  terse  in  construction, 
the  twigs  of  the  banian  tree  and  the  Acacia  are  good  for  the  teetk 

The  tender  fibre  of  the  banian  and  AoAoia  are  said  to  cure  a  gnni' 
boil,  and  therefore  they  are  used  for  cleaning  the  teeth. 

4215-   fsireoeuQjrtr  QfleuQjnr  ? 

Are  they  the  four,,  or  are  they  celestials  T 

4216.  f6/rs\)eunr  eurri(^^  Qfseuiir  €Utrss(^, 
The  testimony  of  four  persons  has  the  authority  of  a  divine  oracle. 

4217,  f6frsQ€\)  i9p<s(^iD  /SGirsifiiiiiLiUi  ^etnLbiLjLD, 
The  tongue  produces  good  and  evil. 

4218.   fs/rekjif^  ^€if)^m^s/r€0  uirenii^  ^ein^iLfLD/ 
If  agreeable  to  the  tongue,  it  will  be  metrical 

He  that  can  eat  a  measure  of  rice  may  defy  even  the  regent  of  fc 

Though  a  cloth  is  sold  for  a  measure  of  rice,  the  dog  goes  naked. 

4221.   iBiri^  uearui  QsirQ^flfr^Cb  ^e^u  uiLi^th  Quirssirjp, 

Though  one  give  a  measure  of  fanams,  his  ill  fame  will  not  be  I^ 

4222.   fsirtfi  QpseufT^  /s/r^ifi. 

One  measure  cannot  contain  foar  measures. 

4223.   iBfrerr  ^p^Sp^  meoeoirHr  ^p(a^fr. 

Time  effects  that  which  the  virtuous  cannot  achieve. 



Better  is  the  kala  berry  eaten  to  day,  than  the  jack  fruit  in  prospect 
for  to-morrow. 

4225.  rsirp^  ^ppeo  /5/fl'i(5«  QmrekfTL^friLL^m. 
The  jackal  is  pleased  with  drizzling  rain. 

4226.  fB^frpdo  tSSssru  u^Sssru  urrrruu^Qutrc^i. 

As  the  cat  looks  at  the  fish  which  has  become  putrid. 

4227.  iBirpeo  ^tresaSiis(f)uj  iD^uuirm  <sr«Br   /s^sv)    ^^ssr&sSHi'  euirir^^s 

Whj  tread  on  filth  and  waste  good  watier  in  washing  it  off  T 

4228.  fB/rpp  (S^frpj)ii(y^u  u^th  uiriruutT&sT  ^m  ? 

Why  inquire  if  the  rice  is  properly  boiled,  seeing  that  it  is  unfit  for 

4229.  mtfpp  «yL-eu£i  meovb  ^^e\)fr  unLun'mL^ih, 
A  fetid  body,  a  useless  earthen  vessel. 

4230.  (Birp^€^i  m^Q^^(^  mfrQm  ^^mirH. 

I  have  the  command  of  four  kaJaiils  of  gruel. 

■  '■II       ■     >>■  I     I  m 

4231.  iBirpu^  Q<sFm(ffe^  /5fnui(m^  s^S. 
Lik6  a  d<^,  if  over  forty* 

■  *■!  ■    iin 

4232.  fBfreyf^eoiJo  fS&sreSeo  /^truj^th  ^eoeSI, 

Learning  is  a  gem  when  compared  to  the  four  kinds  of  soil. 

They  are  the  hilly, -foresbj-agricultui'al  and  maritime  tracts  of  a 

I  have  lived  long  and  become  grey-headed,  but  I  have  not  seen  a 
moving  jungle. 

4234.  /5/r^ih  j^fSQoj^  J^^(ef^th  Qurij  Q^fr€d€0ir9rr. 
I  indeed  4,o  not  know ;  nor  will  she  tell  a  lie. 


U  IfiQ  IDfTl^. 

4235.  /B/reJr   ^iLi^     il(^is^ui    Quirm  ^iLL,tr^     is&r^Si   Ga/gt 

The  medicine  I  gave,  as  a  charm,  will  not  allow  him  to  go ;  tl 
sarasparilla,  an  ingredient,  will  not  suffer  him  to  die. 

The  proverb  i^elates  to  charms,  in  which,  as  in  magical  arts  gener 
ally,  the  Hindus  in  every  part  of  India  and  Ceylon,  have  great  faitt 
Serrants  have  recourse  to  this  device,  and  loverri  also,  for  the  pui 
of  iufluenciog  the  affections  and  will  of  those  whose  favoar  or 
pliance  they  desiderate. 

The  usual  method,  as  indicated  in  the  proverb,  is  to  adniinisteri 
the  food  of  the  party  the  ingredients  that  are  fitted  for  the  pui 
contemplated;  of  course  the  preparation  is  surreptitiously  added 
the  food  of  which  it  is  known  the  tndi?idaal  is  aboat  to  partake. 

A  gentleman  of  my  acquaintance  recently  dismissed  all  his  serrai 
and  took  into  his  service  a  person  in  whom  he  appeared  to  pUce 
greatest   confidence.     The  neighbours  and    the   discarded  serrani 
believe  that  the  gentleman  acted  under  a  charm. 

Some  of  the  things  used  for  certain  purposes  as  charms,  may  aoti 
mentioned  here.  The  brain  of  a  male  child  &c^  are  considered  tc 

Professional  magicians  are  employed  when  stolen  property  or  bi 
treasure  is  sought.  The  magician  uses  a  black  preparation,  a 
quantity  of  which  is  placed  on  a  betel  leaf  and  put  into  the  hands  oil 
attendent  boy,  who  is  directed  to  look  steadily  at  it,  aided  by  theligl 
of  a  lamp,  while  the  magician  invokes  the  presence  and  aid  of  oei 
deities.  When  the  boy  announces  a  phenomenon,  say  a  tree, 
monkey  or  a  dog  or  a  goblin,  he  is  told  to  do  obeisance  to 
to  encourage  further  discoveries.  Tlie  earth  may  cleave  asunc 
and  reveal  the  thing  wanted,  or  a  scene,  including  a  house 
certain  persons  going  and  coming,  water  &c.,  may  appear,  when  the  I 
proceeds  to  describe  the  objects  before  him,  as  an  earthen  pot,  ori 
bangle  dee.,  die,. as  the  ease  may' be. 

To  discover  a  thief  among  suspected  persons  sometimes  dry  grti 
as  rice  may  be' given  to  be  eaten.    The  person  whose  mouth 
cietes  no  moisture  for  mastication  is  supposed  to  be  the  thief. 

4236.  fBfr^  ^Gfretfyp  erearem  eQ^  ^afrenp  efm&tSip^. 

While  I  expected:  one  things  deatinj  ordained.  aaotlidr«. 


4237,  fsir&tr  /slLCSl^cst  tBtr^&sr  uu9ir  ^«Sg)6ir, 
I  planted ;  god  caused  it  grow. 

42J8.  iBir&fT  i9if,^/s  Qpiu^m^  ^m^  s/reo. 
The  hare  that  I  caught  had  three  legs. 

4239.  /S<Fii  ^69r^  u«u  ^duQ  /?«^tD, 

One  thing  ascertained  will  remove  many  evils. 

4240.  iS^/rih  ^si)eQ  flsssftf-so  S^mr^smfrjrBssrs  ssssru.^  ^^ekri^tr  P 
"Was  any  trousered  sepoy  seen  in  the  army  of  Nizam  Aly  t 

4241.  t8&^(SireSfr  aehrdssm^  Q/Siueuih  Qs®i(^ih,    (S^ubfr^sr    ^ekr^ffmu 

God  will  destroy  the  eyes  of  an  oppressor,  and  a  bribe  will  destroy 
the  eye  of  an  upright  man. 

4242.  iS;iflth  £rfreuirfri(^  ^(Lpeufrfr  vuessTL^tr  ? 

Do  any  weep  when  deaths  are  of  daily  occurrence  ? 

4243.  iS^flUi  Quir^ev  Qpppih  ^6QdS(mijb^ 

If  you  continually  go  thither,  even  the  court-yard  will  be  weary  of 

4244.  iS^^uji  «6wrL-ii)  ^kim  ^iLj^. 
Constant  trouble,  long  life. 

'il&y  new  moon  fare  be  expected  daily  ? 

The  proverb  refers  to  tho  ceremonies  which  are  performed,  ai  the 
period  of  tho  new.  mooiij  in  honour  of  deceased  ancestors.  On  these 
occasions  the  household  eat  only  once  during  the  day,  but  the  food  is 
of  a  superior  kind  and  prepared  with  great  care  in  cooking  utensiU 
that  are  kept  for  sacred  purposes.  If  a  brahman  be  present  he  offerft> 
oblations  of  sesamum  grain  and  water  to  the  manes  of  the  dead, 
naming  each  in-order  as  fur  back  as  the- third  generation^ 

400  uffiQuiiri^. 

Id  tome  parts  of  India  ceremonies  supposed  to  affect  the  state  of 
the  dead  are  performed  no  less  than  ninety-six  times  every  year.  Tke 
ceremonies  of  the  Ancient  Komans  of  like  kind  are  hinted  at  bj 
Yirgii  and  Horace  as  is  known  to  the  classical  stadent. 

4246.  fS^^esifr  ^^^(5, 
Sleep  is  an  enemy. 

4247.  /S^^€B)/r  <»«ii)  ^jjSiuirjp^ 
Sleep  is  unconscious  of  enjoyment. 

4248.  iSih^dssi  Q^treoQeoeo,  M^  €S)sui3£f.^ 
Speak  no  reproachful  words,  do  justice. 

4249.  SiLQef^QiBjTLL  £p(^ijci  ^eiruii  Qp/S^sruib^ 
Momentary  pleasure  is  inferior  pleasure. 

4250.  iSiBe^  QiBjrui  £tf.uj  ^diruth. 
A  pleasure  that  lasts  but  a  moment. 

4251.  iSiB/S/Sih    u/rtr^Qpeuek    ^jressn^sisrrSi    mmek^    Quir^m^m 

He  who  consults  omens  is  the  son  of  a  deceitful  woman,  he  vta 
enquires  into  the  fitness  of  persons  for  rmrriage  is  the  son  of  i 
vicious  man. 

4252.  iSiBirib^  (SufTilt^jp  eri^^sr  (^eSi^  erQ^/c^  er^esr  ? 
What  is  lost  by  an  erect  posture,  and  what  gained  by  stooping  ? 

4253.  iSiss>wu  Qufr(ipQ^^iii  ^evSso  /?<f  slL-cIi. 
The  vile  body  will  not  endure  even  for  the  twihkling  of  an  eye. 

4254.  %6i//r«»r  Q^^^^^  jS(r^9Sso  ^tLif^esreueir  e^u^^iuatrirm. 

It  were  an  act  of  foUy  to  wear  clothes  in  a  country  where' all  g» 

4255.  iBeo^^  «r(g.«/»  yswr®  i8eo.i^&)  a,tf.ajQeumr®,ii, 
Pknts  decay  on  the  ground  from  Tplich  they  sjwui^. 



4256,  ^eofi^p(Qfi  fS(^ifl  eseSt^ih  (^€0^^p(^^  fi(S^f^  (^Mropih^ 
Fruit  appropriate  to  the  soil>  and  quality  agreeable^  to  one's  rank, 

4257.  SeOLD  mi^msu  ufnueoirtBfT  f 
Can  you  clear  the  earth  at  a  leap  ? 

4258.  ^eoQfi(^  ^eS^j^u  ujrQ^^ih  Quireir^Qijfreo. 

Like  going  to  another  country  to  escape  from  moonlights 

4259«  fSisd  ^eoevfrm  euirir/ie9>/s  SiQtDeo  ^TQ^fi^. 
The  words  of  the  unstable  are  letters  on  vrater» 


4260.  ShoiQp  laSQiueo. 

Swerre  not  from  rectitude. 

4261.  SSsoeniu  eQiLL^rreo  S^m^ 

When  out  of  your  depth>  swimming. 


4262.  j9ev€vn'<s  a/reoif,  Q/sQih  ^ffw  Quir^u^. 
Ceaseless  walking  accomplishes  great  distances. 

4263.  ^eoeitrjgi  ^jpih  i82soQuj  aeoeQ^ 

Learning  alone  is  enduring>  all  else  is  evanescent. 

The  body  may  be  compared  to  a  shadow^  and  to  thefk 

4265.  ^ipeo  ^(i^esiLD  QeavQeBeo  QflifjiLjih^ 

The  salubrity  of  shade  is  realised  in  sunshine. 

4266.  iStpeo  mioeo^  QpSjpif  Ouireoe^irfl^^ 
The  shade  is  good^  the  ants  are  bad. 

4267.  iSeoipi^  ^PfSlQeo  QuQ^fammuih  ^es^srpfs^Qunea^ 
Like  dissolving  assafoetida  in  a  flooded  river. 

4268*  ^es^p  Qutr^iBQeo  ^(L^esifB  euiruj  ^w^^trpQuir^. 
As  an  ass  put  its  moutii  into  a  full  sack 


•402  uffiQiJbirffi, 

I  do  nob  want  a  kuruni  heaped  up,  give  me  a  kuruui  of  grain  level 
with  the  hrim. 


42T0».  fS2ssfS(^Qp^  euQ^euirm  /SSssruU^ih  jgQ^eurresr, 

He  will  come  before  you  thiok  of  him,  he  will  give  what  youm- 
tend  applying  for; 

Will  heavy  rain  fail  as  we  may  wish  I 
42:72:.   iSdssr^^jp  ^(5*.f5  iBSssrujiT^^  (oTiu^u)^  iSissr^^M  eui/i^Si^^ 

When  one  thing  is  expected  another  may  come,,  and  thatwhici 
is^  thought  of  may  possibly  come. 

When  the  lofby  tsees  are  felled,  Che  remaining  trees  look  tall 

42.74.   iS^p  OeuGfrefT^Gfi/^iLith  euifl    Qeuefreirih    Q^irreiisrQCSuifSpfii 
The  flood:  that  was,  has  been  swept  away  by  the  flood  that  foUot 

42:75.  fS&sTQr^so  Q/bjSI  Lojrih  e9(igm^!reo  u^mirui. 

When  standing,  a  tall  trae,.  when  fallen^  a  palmyrah  tree* 

4276»  iS&sTQffpQutre^  eQ'QpiE^ireb  fi2so  aL.6»/ 

If  you  fall  as  you  stand,  your  head  will  be  broken-. 

'■  J   ™^<g— '^^ 

4277..  S^jnrssreufir  iQ^soQupM  sevioVfrir, 
The  base  do  not  persevere  in  study-. 

4278.  /Sl-.Q  eQ^€9>^  «r(2^^. 

Boasted  learning  will  not  avail: 

4279.     MeSSTlL^    0S3<S  QfB{TJ^LJLI  ^^(^ih. 

The  stretched  hand  viU  ladis  out  firet. 


TAiriL  PBOVEBBS.  4€ft^; 

4280.  MessTL^  jsS^^ih  (^jptSiu  Qmirios^w. 

Length  to  the  carpenter^  shortneBS  to  the  stnith. 

The  former  can  easily  shorten  wood  by  cuttipg,-the  smith  oao^ 
lengthen  iron  by  beating. 

4281,  iSekfTL,  Ljeo  Sps  iSip&iirint^  ? 
Will  long  grass  afTord  a  shade  t 

A  ready  affirmation  would  answer  this  in  central  Afi^Lca* 

*  » 

Will  sufficient  rain  fall  in  a  city  where  justice  cannot  be  obtained  ?^ 

4283.  /?^  Qsemru^eo  fl2so  QeutKSsutrirsetr/r?. 

Will  they  cut  off  the  head  without  judicial  .proceedings  T ' 

4284.  ii^u^trGsr  ^sQSssr.  0^dju9p  iSentfiCiutr^^.i^  g)6^^/r^a/6ir  /?^> 

Will  a  virtuous  man  escape  death  if  he  do  evil^  will  the  unjust  die^ 
if  he  do  justice  ?: 

4285.  /^  iSjrirQeo  6Q€o8^iU  iBjr&sr  QiSQ^uurrQeo  ^eoSi(S<ssr&r^ 

You  have  escaped  an  accident  by  water.  1  have  escaped  one  by  firowt 

4286*  IS ifliniriLi^iTfleu^  ^iW*-  O^irmrQQuirSp^^ , 
The  river  carries  away  him  who  cannot  swim.^ 

4287.  IS  i9plri(^  e^fieQ  Q^iu^frso  Q^4ueuui  ^fsr^i;^  9L.fleQ.Q^djiLfLD^^ 
If  you  hdp  others^  God  will  Kelp  you; . 

4288.  iijrd5ih  Qu/TQi^/B^ttJ  ^Mjr^fi^0. 

Live  in  a  village  where  there  is  a  good  supply  of  water* . 

428%.  /f/fl^  eTQ^fi^ir^ip  ^««ndr; 

The  body  is  an  inscription  on  water. . 

1290.  /ff/fi/D  (S^i^  ^ijTuy, 

Ihabody  is  a  bubble  ou  water. . 

404  uipQu^irtfi. 

4291.  /?0^  Qsirio^ib  Qf^0ULfih  QstrsO^fiiih^ 
Water  kills,  and  fire  also  kills. 

4292.  S^ir  ^tf,/iflireo  QsuQifLbtr  f 
Can  water  be  divided  by  a  stroke  ? 

4293.  /f«5)/r«F  S/s^3ssr(Siuir  9ef>fr^'  S/B^dsttrCStuir  P 
Did  you  spiU  water,  or  did  yon  spill  your  character  I 

The  depth  of  water  may  be  ascertained,  but  not  the  depth  of 

4295.  ^"^  e^iujr  Q/seo  s^tfj^ii). 
As  the  water  rises^  the  rice  plant  rises. 

4296.  ^^  ^etreir  unLQih  iS^^^ar  ^etr^Cb, 
The  young  fish  will  sport  as  long  as  the  water  lasts. 

4297*  /^^  er&iTjy  Q^gesr^eo  Q/bq^ulj  ^eBujuar? 

Can  fire  be  quenched  by  pronouncing  the  word  water ! 

4298.  fSir  ffr&fT^  Q^ireoeo  Qm^uuiriu  Qpif-jBfi^. 
When  it  was  said  to  be  water,  it  turned  out  to  be  fire. 

4299.  iSira^iL  utrSCou/reo  QentriQsirefreirir^ ^ 
As  moss  in  water,  it  will  not  take  root. 

When  th<5  water  goe8>  will  the  fish  leap  about  T 

4801.  fSirQiop  (^lSl^Quit^  S'Sqo  ^eoeoiri  s/riuth. 
The  body  is  unstable  as  a  bubble  on  water. 

4302.  Str  eQSsfrtu/rQt^eo. 
i)o  not  play  in  watet 

4308.  ISei>^^i(^i  sjpfuLf  paoiiLi^QeuGkQuiir  f 
Is  black  dyed  in  blue  [ 


To  speftk  BO  as  to  confine  the  blue  dye  to  (he  shiHa  of  Hie  cloOu 

1305.  Sdli^i^mesifir  iamu>a9Q€0. 

A  teimag&nt  ha»  her  tears  in  the  eyelids. 

i306.  si^LJ  Li^^iLnr&r  ^tLu  S^^eutr&r^ 
The  shrewed  are  successful. 

1307.  jsiekresSliu    ^iresrui   s^GDiruufrirm&r  Q^irmesr^eo  ^&irjpiih  /scu 

They  give  wise  counsels,  but  they  themselves  walk  not  according 
to  any  one  of  them, 

1308.  ^mGfSiu  SQi^uiQpiD  €ressf€sSflf  ^estS\. 
Although  a  small  thing,  do  it  after  due  thought. 

They  become  possessed  of  discrimination  by  imparting  instructicae^ 
on  abstruse  subjec!ts, 

310.  ^€ikres>iJb  jpaQjrio^ 
Be  not  particular  in  food. 

The  affluence  of  this  world  is  as  froth. 

Hunger  cannot  be  satisfied  by  eating  froth. 

813.  ^GRip  eQtLQ  Q^iu  jsareo  sp^  jft^da^^ 

Build  a  house  with  an  entrance/ acquire  learning  and  be  humble^ 

B  oes  a  fisherman  understand  the  value  of  gems  I 


4315,  ^Sstnueir  Qu&'&r  ^ihueoih  ^qff^. 

^9?be  words  of  a  fisherman  will  not  reach  the  assembly. 

Having  ascended  to  the  extremity  of  the  bought  will  they  sever  it 
from  the  tree ! 


'4317.  ,^^  ^doeoirubeo  ll/tSso  Q^^tr^fB^Qu^eo. 

Like  making  a  garland  of  flowers  without  a  string. 

'4318.  jsrev  sppeuQesr  Qubeaeu&sr  ^euir^^ 
The  learned  only  will  gain  eminence. 

4319.  ,MJV  ^essi®  ^Q^Lb  dseoeQ^uj  (?/5/r<£(^. 

Though  a  hundred  years  old,  diligently  acquire  knowledge. 

A  hundred  offences  must  be  forgiven  as  if  only  six  faults* 

The  learning  acquired  in  a  hundred  days,  will  be  lost  by  six  im 

Tliough  Hie  debt  may  increase  to  another  hundred,  bake  the 
in  ghee. 

Though  a  hundred  years  old,  he  is  only  a  young  plant  to  the  regei 
of  the  dead. 

•4324-  Jpn'pj^^(^  §!l(T^uuiTir  ^Uiu^e\)  ^irafrir. 

Those  who  will  live  to  be  a  hundred,  will  not  die  at  fifty. 

•4325.  j^p^i(^(SLLSO  ssapjpfy  ^u9jr^^i(^(oLbso  ^pjnuOuQ^i 
After  a  hundred  a  spring,  after  a  thousand  a  flooded  river. 

4326.  ^pjpii(^  5^(5  QuS'Sr  i^aSjrfl^^^  gp0  fii^  ^caifuLi. 
When  he  ia  worth  a  hundred,  a  trord,  when  a  thousand^  a  mete  nod. 

4327.  j^penpi  Qm(Sl^fl^  (^j^esiff. 

Ooe  measure  of  chaff  spoiled  a  hundred  d/  grdin^ 

1328.  ^m(tpGs>p  QfiSii^  9€v/iOflfr(ip^^  \ 

Ascertaining  the  rules  of  the  Yeda,  live  yirtuously. 

1329.  QiB^sr  ^fiSiUu  QuiTiu  Qi^ir€oe<^^irQiDn'  f 
May  one  tell  a  lie  knowingly  ? 

There  is  no  deceit  which  can  be  concealed  from  the  mind. 

1331.  QiBtf-tuirrr  (^/Siuiresirr  ^pfSQso  Q^iSiLfLD, 

It  will  be  known  in  the  river,  who  is  tall  and  who  is  short. 

332.  QisQih  dSL^d\)  ^tf^iLjLD  iSSeoQiu  se\)6Q, 

Though  you  may  cross  the  broad  sea  your  learning  will  remain 
with  you. 

333.  Q/B®th  us^s^ui  ^&v^Lnesrih  &^62»r®. 
Even  a  long  day  has  a  sunset. 

What  has  a  weaver  to  do  with  a  young  monkey  t 

535.  0/5(u«g£_;i^6V  er^LbLj  QuairujfiijSjpQufre)^ 
As  the  ants  swarm  on  a  ghee  pot. 

J36.  Q/6fLri(^  suemuififrdo  /Biriui(^  eS(7^m^^ 
If  the  ghee  pot  is  broken,  the  dog  has  a  feast; 

lS7.  Q/5Uji(^  £.«0L_/5^^  fB/nui(^  (SeuiLesit^^ 

The  breaking  of  the  ghe^  pot,  is  a  huntix^g  excursion  to  the  dog. 

«0»  utfiQibfT^. 

4338.  Qmjesiiiy  ^(^iS^  fiaQGDiru  OuQ^iQiF  ^/rui9L^Q6umQui, 
Use  ghee  after  melting,  and  curds  dilated. 

4339.  QfSQ^^S   Qpeir    Gf)fl^flir^ih    (^isSik^    ^eoevCSeuir   i98i« 

■  *  I  i« 

Though  it  be  but  a  thistle  that  has  entered  your  foot,  you  must  dt 
down,  must  you  not,  to  pull  it  out ! 

4S40*    QlBQ^UtS&i  FF  QuiiriU6S(^L[iir  f 

Will  fliea  swarm  in  fire  ? 

4341*  Oi6(mLJi9£^LD  Ouireoeoir^^-^jfi^jtSeir  euiretjyfl. 
The  distresa  of  famine  is  worse  than  that  of  fire. 

4342.  0/5(5Ui9j)2/ii>  Qutre^eorr^p  Q^(^ljl]. 
Shoes  worse  than  fire. 

4343.  Qf60ut9Qeo  Lf(Lpu  upjpm^f 
Will  worms  breed  in  fire  I 

4344.  QiBQ^uLf  ^^th  Uiu9iru  uireoQpiD. 
A  river  of  file,  and  a  bridge  of  hair. 

4345.  OiBQ^uLf,  ^e^eofFLLp  Lfms  Lfesiau^intr  ? 
Will  there  be  smoke  where  there  is  no  fire  ? 

4346.  OiBQ^uLf  idesrp    ai¥iLtf,(Seo    t^^fr&J^    iQm(ff^LD  /S/D^tfl,  *' 
^&sfp  miriLt^i^  ^gstj^lb  iSpsir^. 
Something  may  possibly  rem^n  ift  a  forept  after  a  fire,  but  noito*] 
r^nains  after  a  fioad. 

'f "  ■ 

4347.  OiBq^uLj  €r^(yeo  eairiu  Qen/^tnir  ? 

By  pronouncing  the  word  fire,  will  the  mouth  be  burnt  ? 

Whether  you  ta?ead  on  fire  ^tKngly  oT  unawaies,  it  will  bum  you. 


4349.  QfB(7^U€fnu^  Q^nrfi^  lu/ra/ti)  ^fi&ir  iSi(Dinir(^Lo ;  ^jp^u/r€v, 

Things  put  into  fire  partake  of  its  colour,  in  like  manner  will  it 
happen  to  those  who  join  the  great. 

4350.  QiBQ^uLf&f  SfiSl^  ermjpi  Qp&srQy3ssru9id  Qfit^iueoinLir  ? 

May  you  tie  fire  in  the  skirt  of  your  cloth  bei^kuse  a  mere  spark  ? 

4351.  Qmqi^uenu^  ^8w  Sifi/rtiju   i9tf.^fifr^tja  ^^&sr  SreurrSso  Stfitr 

Although  you  carry  fire  head  downwards,  will  the  flame  bum  in 
that  direction  T 

4352.  Qmeo  6r®«s<SQ/ib  Lfeo  €r®iseiiih  ^^Q^fr  f 
Am  I  destined  to  carry  both  paddy  and  grass  T 

4353.  QiBeo^LD  s^LjLiih  i9gif>3'ib^  s^essremi  ah^QLOtr  ? 

Will  a  mixture  of  paddy  and  salt  be  agreeable  to  the  palate  ? 

\  _  ^ 

4354.  0/BSO^  euens  ^ressresaH^^iii  uetretr  eu€S)6S  eressressri    &k^^^ 

Though  one  may  enumerate  the  various  kinds  of  rice,  he  cannot 
enumerate  the  varieties  of  the  palla  caste. 

1355.  QiBeo  eQSstr/B^  ^^LSiLjuy  ^jSujiriu,  iSe\)fr   erpSi^^  ^u.(Tpih  ^jS 
You  do  not  know  a  rice  crop,  nor  a  moonlight  space. 

It  is  useless  to  teach  those  who  diviate  from  rectitude. 

1357.  QfBpuu9ir  eGSsfT. 
Cultivate  rice. 

1358.  (S/B^^jr  iLesSiQiu  ^^^jr  ^etsSQoj^ 

The  apple  of  the  eye,  is  an  ingenious  piece  of  mechanism. 

410  uffiQtLirifi. 

4359.  (S/BiuQin  /9p^th, 

Love  alone  will  abide. 

4360.  Q/Bjrrr  QiBirmLj  9ir  j^^ir^^ 

Fasting  without  a  vow  is  not  good. 

Though  repeatedly  told,  the  base  take  no  heed. 

4362.  (S/s/ruL-  g&(2^(g. 

Behave  evenly  or  agreeably. 

The  bald  headed  woman  who  came  but  yesterday,  is  whining  for] 
ghee  to  eat  with  her  rice. 

4364*  QiBpj^  euiB^ir^ui  ^tp,  ^saeisr  /sdeou9e\)  eBq^i^fSfTLn   ^if.,     \ 

It  is  said  that  he  took  up  his  abode  only  yesterday,  and  he  has  been  | 
struck  by  lightning.     '  ' 

4  365,   ssy!B6^.fiLb  Ljs^euiri(^  e^etrs^^thi 
Naishadha  is  a  cordial  to  poets. 

4366.   etn/Bueuir  ereofl^m  Q/b/tujoj  s^€{nfr(puj€0^ 
Speak  not  roughly  even  to  a  beggar. 

4367.  €SiiB[U6s  spaS^iLb  Q/Bfnuiu  fs&sr^  ^^enfr. 
Though  mollified  by  learning,  speak  effectively. 

4368.  29)/56)92s8r  iB^iiQ^eo, 

Go  not  near  that  which  is  pernicious. 


4369.  Q/sirtf-uQufT^ii^  •53S*«wf?(?£-ffU.  ^'  r 
Lose  not  even  a  moment  of  time.                                                  ' 

4370,  Q/sirmrif.    Qisiresftrtf.      fBu.uuirCoesr&ir     aemL^^p[)(^      eri^evirih 

ues)L^Ljufr(S&sr&sr  ? 
Why  walk  limping,  and  why  offer  oblations,  to  every  god  you  see  ? 

4371,  QtBiTestsrif-i  (^^€if)fri(^^  ^^iS<ssrjp  ^iri(^. 
To  slip  is  the  excuse  of  the  lame  horse. 

4372.  Q/snr/B^  eiessr  ^(5«i<sB  (SiBirsfri' messT^)ii(^  ^(5/5^. 
Applying  medicine  to  the  sound  eye,  instead  of  to  the  one  diseased. 

Those  who  are  well  versed  in  classical  Tamil  know  not  want. 

4374,  QiBirdj  ujidS  QsfT^  Qurrj^6S(^LDir  ? 
Will  bruised  rice  bear  boiling  T 

4375.  QiBir^Eis^  ^eir(n^irdS(^  \^j^  euiu^. 

Those  who  masticate  their  food,  live  a  hundred  years. 

4376,  QtBir^T^  e-Gssrn'QGUfrir  ^eoaSewaj  Qmirpoufrlr, 

Those  who  study  unmindful  of  the  pains  attending  it  are  devoted 
to  learning, 

4377,  QtsirmiTLLeo  ^t^iSQpm  giiuirtoso  ^(tp. 

I  will  beat  you  without  giving  pain,  set  up  an  unceasing  cry. 

4378,  (SsiriaifiQ^ir^[S!(Q. 

Be  careful  to  ^tcure  your  object. 

4379.   QiBfrim  QiBir^i^eii  QiBirmmiTQpesr  (oiBiri(6^6^&sr^ 
He  whom  we  seek  to  see,  has  already  seen  us. 

412  utfiQuMTifi. 

4380.  Q/B/nupp   eutrtfiQeu  eurrfpeij    ^enpeupp    Q^eoeuCSin  Q^eoenui* 

Freedom  from  sickness  is  trae  happiness^  and  competence  is  true 


4ij81.  (S/Birojfreifli^  ^«»<f  a//r/f^«D^  Q^iTGsr^pQuireo. 
Like  uttering  soothing  words  to  a  sick  person. 

4382.  QiBtrvuireSi  eB^iuireifl  ^^eo  u/fl«/r/fl  Qujrire^  ^eunr&sr^ 
If  destiny  favours  the  patient^  his  doctor  will  obtain  fame. 

4383*   Q/Bfrujtreif)i^^  Q^iHtLfth  QmiruQi&sr  euQ^^fltb^ 

The  sick  person  knows  the  intensity  of  his  suffering. 

4384.  (o/BfTiu  QsfreiirL^rrir  QudjQ^iressn^irir, 
The  sick  are  like  those  possessed  of  demons. 

4385.  Qisirdjf^^p  f^2ssr  iL^es>f5  iBi(^iiiirQuiT(Seo^ 
As  a  lean  cat  licks  the  chumstaff. 

4386*  (SiBiTtu^ifi  LjeQ  ^S^Lb  winL(Bi(^  o/eS^, 

Though  the  chetah  is  sick,  it  is  stronger  than  on  ox. 

4387.  QiBireoiresuntQ^io  QLDeoiresrjpQuirih, 

By  neglecting  religious  austerities  supreme  good  will  be  lost 

4388.  (S/BfTeif    g^(j5    uiath    g)(5«<5^    (g®    €^q^    ui^ih    QutriLuifp 

like  branding  the  side  that  is  not  affected  by  disease. 

4389.  (StBirGSTLj  er&ru^  Qmtresr^  ^6irg)65>LD. 

Not  to  take  life  for  the  purpose  of  eating,  is  to  fast. 

4390.  QfseneQ^  Q^frtfieo  meoih. 
Youthful  education  will  prove  beneficial. 

4391.  Qf6err€Qu9p(ff(o0ar  Q^iueuplesieuai  «tfU, 
Know  God  when  you  are  young. 


4392.  QiseireQiLiih  (Lfs^€s>tDiLiih  /sQe^  iDppea&r. 
He  who  is  without  youth,  old  age,  or  manhood. 

4393*  Q/B6ireSiLiih  eufrtfii€(r>siLiih  j^tfiaeoeo,  iBp(^essTLb  ^&sr(Sp  ^lfi(^. 
Youth  and  affluence  do  not  form  one's  beauty,  goodness  alone  does. 

4394.  useQp  uisih  uirar^^u  Qusr^  ^iir^fljrir^^SliBeo  ^^fitr^u^ 
By  day,  look  round  and  speak,  at  midnight  do  not  utter  a  word. 

4395.  useBp  u^jP/sfiiueQevdso  ^jreSeo  erQ^ssym  QfiX^u^iLfr  ? 

Not  being  able  to  distinguish  a  cow  by  day,  how  can  he  distinguish 
a  bu£yo  by  night  f 

4396.  uSltf.i(^u  u^jsi^  ^/^^  ^Q^uuiTiUBli^  ^q^  mJTSr^ 

Ten  cash  for  a  comedy,  one  cash  for  a  sacred  song. 

As  the  snake  bit  the  jester. 

4398.  U(^^^eo  ^eoeoiTfl  ^esSe^  uirjrth  ^eoeonr^  auueo^ 
Daring  without  prudence,  iaoLBo,  ship  without  ballast. 

Attempt  nothing  without  consideration,  and  do  nothing  hastily. 

4400*   u^sia^F  Q^iiQiuio  mj^  Q^esresruu®^ 
Do  not  create  enemies,  act  discreetly. 

You  must  ndn'  tiie  faanily  of  your  enemy  by  feigned  friendship. 

The  friendship  of  foes  13  like  fire  concealed  in  smoke. 

4U  uifiQu>irffi. 

4403.  uiiStreSi  (aj/^  0<s®i;«    Qeisiia»frtuu^    ^eSQu/rk^^  Q^ir&rarji 

Like  advising  his  partner  to  plant  onions  in  order  to  effect  his  raia 

4404.  UDSir&fi  effQ  QeuStp^  a^ii^irmQ^iresBrQ  fiesfTGi^nr   eS®. 
The  house  of  my  partner  is  on  fire,  pour  water  with  a  pipe. 

4405-   uiidsiTeiflu^th  uesriisunLiLD  ujsihufriir^^  QeuL-i^QeueifrQui, 

Observe  the  proper  time  for  cutting  a  partner  and  palmyrah  fid 

4406.  uffi/0<59fl  erekjii  UQ^uu^ih  ^ev2sOj  Sfi^esya-  er^^  Sj^uH 

It  wont  grow  larger  because  it  is  Panguni,-lfarcA-nor  smaller  be- 
cause it  is  Chittarai-^prii. 

4407.  uii(^€Sw!r^LL  uaeoeuL^  jBu.mfieussr  Quq^ihutreQ. 
He  that  goes  abroad  in  the  day  time  in  If  arch,  is  a  great  sinner. 

4408.  f-J^  ^eoeoiTflea^i^m  afiuL/  u>u9ir  tufr^^jnh^ 
He  who  is.  not  ]iungry  cares  not  a  hair  about  famine. 

4409.  uS  (STuLi&^irjTjQijLb  Lfefl  <^uuimirjrsjitu^  &k.iL®uui£iff  ^t^^f 


As  two  men,  one  belching  through  hunger,  and  the  other  by  \^ 
gestion>  were  associated  in  joint  tillage. 

*■!      ■     ■ 

44t0.  urn  (^j^neurr^Lb  erq^^  ek.eis>ifieuir^LD. 

A  cow  with  a  long'  tail,  an  ox.  with  a  short  one. 

441.1  •  u&i(^m'  SfS  Qeuessri^iTLDy  ^^Mfi^i(^u  uirtu  (Seit€iiru.irui» 
When  hungry  cuuy  is  not  needed,  nor  a  mat  when  sleepy. 

4412.  u&i(^u  uesTu^  utfiLtr^&STQr^e^    tS^^ih   ulLl^  uitQ  Ui^u@u^ 
'B&t  palmyrah  fruit  to  satisfy  hunger>  no  matter  about  the  bilew. 
Balmyrah  fruit  is  believed  to  be  very  biBons. 

4.41i3.  LjQ  ^irm^'^ir^eo  untLQ  ^^umtrih^. 
Songs  are  pleas%.ut  pfter  refection* ,    . 


4414.  uQfifi    uenpiu^th    (^etO/i/B   69)<Fa/j3g/Lb    ^^   ^^^^. 
A  hungry  pairiah  and  a  saiva  that  has  bathed^  must  have  eaten  first. 

There  is  nothing  edihU  which  the  hungry  will  not  eat,  there  is 
no  reproach  which  the  malevolent  has  not  uttered. 

4416.  uQ^^eu<^(oinso  /BiiitS^es)^  GDeai^svfnbrr  ? 
Can  confidence  be  placed  in  a  hungry  person  T 

4417.  uS^^  Q^iLtf.  uirii^^  P^Cy.®^* 

It  is  said  that  a  hungry  merchant  chewed  betel  and  arica-nut. 

441&,  u&^^meisr  uuupe^p  GBes)fidsiLQth. 
Let  the  hungry  sow  peas* 

4419.  u^^^eu&fT  uipia  e^emief^^u  Ufriruu^Quir^^ 
As  a  hungry  nxan  looks  at  his  old  accounts. 

4420.  u&^^irir  QuffQ^^iii.  Quiru^  ufr-^t^m  ^ekesrih  LiSfi^mr  Ouir 

The^  dun  goes  down  on  the  hungry,  and' also  on  those  who  eat  their 
rice  and  milk. 

er&sru  ^Quired, 

Like  saying,'  put  before  me  some  old  rice  if  there  be  any,  and  I 
will  give  you  medicine  that  will  prevent. your  hungering  again.. 

I  '    I!.. 

Does  hunger  appreciate  flavoursy  or  slteep  •  enj oyinenfr .^ 

.  I    » 

Hunger  is  ignorant  of  flavours,  sleepiskignoTtmi.of  enjoyment 

4424.  LJ&  eu/B^if,ei)  u^^Lb  upfB^Qumh^, 
Mu2iger  dissipates  the  tep» 

The  Ud,  £!]?••  tiie  flr«  sensed  and' Uieitorgasi^. 

416  uifiQuifr^. 

4425.  u^sj^nuQumjpi  uir^^LD  sjpiuuir  f 
Because  the  cow  is  black,  is  her  milk  also  black  I 

4426.  us^e'  ^nr^iD  uiriruUifGsr  ^€if)ipu^ih  ^estfTL^ir  f 
Are  there  any  gentle  cows,  or  poor  brahmans  ? 

4427.  uai-^  Q^ireo  (Su/nr^^u  LjeSlu  Ufriu^^io  uiribSp^. 
To  wear  a  cow  skin,  and  spring  like  a  tiger. 

4428.  usruQuirQeo  ^q^i^  Lj^uQuirQeo  uardjS(rydj. 
Gentle  as  a  cow,  you  spring  as  a  tiger. 

4429*  uar  mjr^^eo  gd^^^  ^esSQuireo. 
like  a  nail  driven  into  a  green  tree. 

The  falling  of  the  cow^  is  a  gain  to  the  tiger. 
4431*  usrenji^  ^^fr   Qs!r(S<iflfreo,  m^jnLtresr  uireo    Otf/rSigi^ 

When  a  cow  is  fed  she  yields  sweet  njilk,  so  the  fitvours  she^*| 
the  goed  will  bring  a  reward. 

4432.  uer€s>eu6B  QairGsr(ffeo  ^ekjpj  i9^ifii(^mir  ? 
If  you  slaughter  a  cow,  will  its  calf  live  ? 

4433..  usr^eui  Qair^jpi  Q^qj^ul^^  ^rresrih  Q^iu^^  Qufreo, 
Like  killing  the  cow  and  giving  shoes  made  of  its  hide. 

4434.  u^etDeu  ^if^^^u  L/eSigj^  fliresrm  QairQ^Qpfinr  ? 
Do  you  kill  a  cow,  and  make  an  offering  of  it  to  a  tiger  f 

4435.  u^mea  ^pQjp  amj)/i(^  eutpm^irf 
Having  sold  the  cow,  is  there  a  dispute  about  the  calf  t 

4436.  o<F<r/p.  aehn^irei)  ^iLL^i^LbsQetr.  \ 
Daughteri  if  jwi  find.him  zich^  diiig  to  hiisu 

TAMIL  FBOVBllBlir.  417 

4437.  u^^2eoiLfLD  Q&r&TuuQQiLir  ijjrtrujrQih! 
0  Ood^  is  a  tender  plant  also  to  foe  cut  Off! 

If  raw  provisions  are  giveo,  the  suis  of  the  present  foirth  will  be 
removed,  if  white  dlotha  are  given,  the  sitis  6f  ibnner  births  will 
be  cancelled. 

4439.  u^egy^^  SiHuLju  ueo^ds(^i  (Sa(B  ^fii/  U(^<s<»>«  ^uSp^i 

Feigned  laughter  is  bad  for  the  t^eth,  and  scattered  grains  <^f 
boiled  rice  are  bad  for  the  stotnach. 

Yoa  may  serve  a  pariah  for  paddy. 

4441.  u^€(D^  LDetkfr^ptih  StlLl^  Lbem^^ih  ^iLQllit  ? 
Will  moist  and  burnt  day  unite  t 

4442.  u^etn^  Lojrih  ul^u  uirnruurr^^ 

He  can  stare  so  as  to  make  a  green  tree  ieiky. 

If  so  much  to  the  green  tree,  how  much  to  the  dry  ? 

4444.  u^^uy  ^eoeoirs  sn'e\)^Qs\)  uQ  upi(^Lb, 
In  i^he  absence  of  famine  hunger  flies  away. 

4445.  u^&'Lb  QufTih  u^fF^^p  ULJi^  eu&n^  (Sunrkir^, 

The  famine  will  end>  but  a  scar  then  made  Will  not  pass  awky. 

The  little  ones  starve  excessively. 

1447.  u^^/rda^th  Quir^^u^  miL&'^^jnh  Qufrmrr^, 

Though  astrological  calculations  prove  false^  the  stars  will  not. 

■  .    { 

;A]i  old  picture  covered  with  <lust. 


413  t^^y)(,jfii^   , 

4449.  u^a^u  Quir^)Qeo  Qm(ii^ULfU  uu.L^^C^Uir^^ 
Like  fire  touching  a  bale  of  cotton^ 

4450.  u^.3r,uQufr^u9p  utLh^:^{i>LfQlj(re\>, 
Like  an  arrow  string  a  bale  of  cotton, 

4451.  uf^^m  Om^Lji^ih  ^&sr,((if\u6i,Si^i(^Qmtfi?': 
QtLTi  cotto^  an^  fire  b^  placed  together  T; 

J4452.  i-/®*'"^  Qjb^uLjy>QufTQe^, 
Like  cotton  and  fire. 

t    t-U. 

The  pooi:  bs^kpd  the  cake?,  the  greedy  longed  for  th^m. 

4454.  tJi^  ^eaeuiriir  i§^  ^LJiSljb,(^tf.  ^(r  i^(i^uu0uw.  (;a^€U6\)iu^^&i!^ 
If  rulers  err.  wha  can  abide  on  the  earth  ? 

4455.  ut^'i(^  ^^iraifp  ^Q^iB.^irio.  (^^«jgiv  Q^^tei^eii^, 
If  the  giver  of  the  daily  al^pwa^ce  b.e,  alive,  no.lo^e  to  the  Anailj^ 


To  read  Tiruvdyn^oli,  and  to  break  d<)wn. the  temple  of  Vishnu. 

4457.  ui^dsSp-  tSisJr^   LJtri(^Lf-  (^uiriLu.iri\)'    fBiri(m^     ^i^tiiuifi^'^ 

If  a  school  boy  cbew.  betel,.  his:pro(nimciation.  will  be  spoilt^ 

4458.  ui^^^  QpiLL^ireiTiTdj  @^<iS(vy,6irt 
.   He  is  a  learned  fboL 

4459.  ui^/i^eu^m(^Oi.  uif-iuir/£6u^d5(^LDj    Q^fri(^i(^ui    jfOf^^ 

The  difference  between  the  learned  and  the  unlearned,  is  as 
as  that  of  a  crane  and  a,  swaji. 

A  palm  network  driven  in  abattle-fiel<L 


4461.  uQserr^^eo  ^uUfrfiiufr  ? 

Do  they  sing  elegies  in  a  battle-field  f 

The  comfort  of  the  bed  is  not  experienced 'by  the  mattress. 

4463«  uQeu^  uiLQih  uiLu.^^i(^  @(]5««(?ai«0r(3ti>. 

Whatever  hardships  he  may  have  to  ^endure,  he  most  have  th» 
rank  to  which  he  is  entitled;. 

When  an  army  is  routed,  are  giey  hairs  puUed  out  ? 

4465.  /-/65)L_«0  gj^eweJr  0<5B/r63)i_<i^  ^(mcueir.. 
One  to  fight,  and  one  to  give. . 

4466.  uemL-  LS^^^fT<so  ^irem  ^^Sso. 

If  an  army  be  large,  a  fortress  is  not  required. 


^461^    iJ(5^L^    QpS^^^ilh   ^JlSQfiSW   QeU€ist(BiLCi, 

An  acquaintance,  is  necessary v^ven  in  a  battle-fie^Id. 

.  ■  ■         ...         I 

4468..  ijes)L^ujfr;0  usfDi^^fS-  LD(T^u>as(^m  .•^-eif^affu  uetDpiusifr  ^jpj-isi 
«3;(g)ti  45 6337 (?i— sir. 

G,  my  daughter-rin-law,  who  y  art  ^entertaining  me  sumptuouftly, 
I  dreamt  .that  thou  wast  being  dissected  by  a  pariah. . 

Though  a  bird  is  hungry^^it  will  not  eat  poisonous  berries.  / 

1470.'  ulLl^  air6Q(oe\)  uQih,QdSLLu  (^i^Qiu  QsQCb-, 

It  will  hit^he.  foot  akeady  injured,  .the  decayed  family vwiU  be 

1471.   ULLL^€5sr^^freifrQufbp^iLi^  LMmth  u-jS^^  eu€oei>  (^iLt^^ 

A  young  one  b6m  ota  city  smother  is  clever  at  thieving. 

■■— — — ^— — I— — 

:472.'  uiLi^€mfi^  eurr^^u  uL^e\)frQiS^  QpQSpQ^fr  ? 
Can  you  cova:  up  a  city  gate  with  a  hurdle  I 



4473.  uiLt^emjijp  euir^Ssou  utLi^irQeo  ^tf,  ^q^iSipSfr? 
Is  the  gate  of  the  city  veiled  with  silk  ! 

4474.  UL-L^esiu.  eu/nu^^n'S»  uesS  emrtui^ia. 
If  the  ^ood,  the  work  will  be  good. 

4475*   uiLL^euki(^  a.6Knr®  ueom^ 

Those  who  have  taken  pains  will  enjoy  the  gains. 

4476.   ULLi-eu^i(^  u^gQ  a-fiirS, 

She  who  suffered  will  attain  advantage. 

A  rogue  is  wise  when  punished,  the  farmer  when  it  rains. 

4478.   utLif~€sr^^  /cifletnujLJ  uesnassmLQ  isSi  <^\u^^^fTin, 

It  is  said  that  the  jackal  of  the  palmyrah  grove  cheated  the  city  fox  i 

4479.  uiLi^i  sirLLQi(^&=  SeuuLf^  ^uuiLi^u  tS^iru^ujriii. 

In  a  common  village,  a  red  garment  is  regarded  as  a  sumpiuMi 

4480.  uiL®  ^jSI  QslLQ  ^fS  u^^  eriKSf  ®  jy^^  ^J'SI. 
Be  wise  by  suffering,  by  poverty,  and  by  paying  ten  and  eight /> 

4481*  uiL®  (^Sso/B^ireo  QuirtLQ, 

When  silk  thread  is  untwisted,  it  becomes  useless. 

4482.   uiLQi  €B^flS^^^^Qufre\>u  Qu6=Qeueifr®LD, 

You  must  speak  carefully  as  silk  is  cut  by  the  scissors. 

•4483.  uiLQi  (SmirtL€syu,i(^  euifi   ersiQm   €r&tr(nj>€0,   Q^fnLenuuu^ 

When  he  was  asked  which  was  the  way  to  Pattucotta,  he  WJ^ 
4he  price  of  ^rica-nuts  is  u  hundred  and  fifty  fawiVM. 


4484.  uil®«(5  ^Qgeu/rir  uadii(^  ^Qpeuirir  ^oJiLm^^id  u/ri(Qi(a^ 

There  are  who  cry  for  a  silk  cloth,  and  there  are  who  cry  for  oma* 
ments ;  I  never  saw  any  one  in  the  world  cry  for  hetel  nut. 

4485.  ulLQu  l/69)L-€9)6i/  ^jT^ii)  QmfttSflffi  mism  €r(Bifi^iQeBir0ifr(Si 

lake  lending  a  silk  cloth  to  another,  and  wandering  about  carrying! 
a  seat  with  her. 

The  silk  and  the  velyet  are  kept  in  a  l)ox,  while  a  rag  not  worth  a* 
cash  walks  about  the  street. 

4487.  uiLcsiL^i(9jfl.  flis  utfiUi  su9^^ 
An  old  rope  suited  to  the  well-bucket. 

4488.  U€8srM€frefl  un'u9eo  UL^iretr, 

A  niggardly  woman  will  not  lie  on  a  mat. 

1489.  uepffisiirjrm  i9&fr^i^  u^j^u  (Suit,  ua9^^tuisirjr^  i9€sr^ih 
Ten  follow  after  a  moneyed  man,  and  ten  after  a  fool. 

Money  is  called  a  man-slayer. 

M91.   U€osr^^i(^  ^0  ^li^Lf  QAireifTQ  uir^eo  erdjQp^Qufreo^ 
Like  buying  arrows  at  a  fanam  eaeh,  and  wasting  them. 

i492.  uvsst^esifBm  QstrQ^^u  UGsS^fTjr^ev^fS  eatribQu    upempi^eif 

Is  it  necessary  for  you  to  hide  yourself  in  a  bush,  and  eat  the  cakea 
for  which  you  have  paid !      • 

493.   uenrih  ^Q^i^/reo  lhtow^it,  uemih  §je\)€0/ri^tLL,)reo  usBB. 
If  I  have  money,  P^chcha;  if  not  money,  PakkirL 

4*a  uffiQib/r^. 

4494.  uesarth  ^eoe\)ir^eu€ir  iSessnh, 
He  who  has  no  money  is  a  corpse. 

4495.  ueffSTLp  srmQr^e\)'i9essrQfiih  6iifnu  ^pii^th. 

If  the  word  money  be  uttered,  even  a  corpse  will  open  its  mouth. 

4496.  uessTLD  ffrekesr  Qa^iuiLiLb  u^^  eS^th  Q^iuu^u^, 
What  can  money  effect  T  it  can  do  ten  kinds  of  things. 

'4497.   UGmw  ermesr  ufre^fremth^  (^ewrm  e^exffQp  (ouir^ih. 
Why  money  ?  it  is  poison ;  a  good  disposition  is  enough. 

4498.  uessTth  (Vjcvii  •^@ii,  uS  ^jS  -gfgii. 
'    *  Money,  is  tank ;  hunger,  is  curry. 

4499.  U€tfanh  u/B^u9(Se\)  ^evih  @u«ouu9C?6V. 

Money  at  the  festive  board,  and  rank  on  the  dunghill. 

■4500.  uGP^sirjrQmir  S^S^uQuff  ?  ■-  • 

Is  the  sound  that  of  baking  cakes,  or  is  it  mere  frizzle  ? 

The  religious  mendicant  is  crying  for  a  mouthfuU  of  food,  the  ling»i 
he  worships,  for  rice  and  n^ilk. 

■4502.' ^cwr^J^t-  uiLl^  ufriL&nt^u  utfimiQSlSeo  QufnL(Sl60LL®<f  ^^ 

Having  put  aside  her  former  troubles  on  an  old  cadjan,  she  hnsked 
chamfoa  rice  and  boiled  it. 


4503.    umrsmu  uestfremu  ueo  eO^i^w  -^O^i.. 

The  more  iie  makes,  the  more  varied  the  forms. 

4&04.   uessresadaj  uiB/He^  LfaoresfiujiJb  QfliSitiw. 

A  man's  merit  may  be  seen  in  the  grain. he  growa. 

4505.  i^^Cy/^  «/^rf?«ptp.©^Oy.^. 

A  thing  done  without  haste  nev^  fails.     • ; 

1506.  u^fS^  Q^tuQp  airifltuih  S^s/Si  QsilQu<!oufr(^th, 
A  hasty  proceeding  will  go  io  ruin. 

4507.  u^^j)iLD  QupjpiU  Qu^€tiiiy)€kiih  iurrtpCSsueifrSlLD, 

May  you  bear  sixteen  children,  and  live  very  prosperously. 

The  devout  attain  heaven. 


4509*  u^^iu^^i(^      np(miiii&DsiMniu     Q3nr€m(Sleiijr^     Q<3Fjr&fr^€\) 

When  requested  to  bring  inurusga  fruit  for  diet,  he  brings  coronilla 
grandiflora  leaves  for  the  milk-crinkling  ceremony. 

■  4 

See  note  under  proverb  4684. 

4510.  L/^S  ^ev€\)^ij  ySs^r  ujrmeifn^e\>ji^i^  (^j^Uifr ? 
Will  an  ungodly  cat  ascend  to  heaven  t 


4511.  u^^  ^evffonr^  t^^Sl  ^Q^^esrtD, 

Reason  without  devotion  is  folly «    .    * 

— ill 

4512.  u^Q  tiL^essTi^ir^i^  Qfifi^^  ^ekfTL^fr^^ 

If  there  be  piety,  there  will  be  final  hap)'iness. 

t      f 

4513.  u^^QujfrCSL.  uirap^trm  ^iLi^QiuirQ'u.  ^tifjp. 
Pagal  fruits  in  dusters  are  being  "duirred  in  the  ehlvtty. 

4514.  u^^Q(so  68(ipi^  uiTLDqCb  ^freiijTSi, 

Even  a  snake  that  has  fallen  among  ten,  will  not  dl:e. 


4515.    U^^Q&i   LJ<5fS50   ^(^U^QiSV    ^(SlLDLf, 

At  ten  childishness,  at  twenty  arrogance. 

4516.  u^^safl&ntu^  O^fTiLt^^th  ^iflQiufrfi&fresr  ulLl^^ld. 

By    touching  the  virtuous  woman,  Dropati,   l)uriyodhana  was 

4517.  u^^  ^Jpi/^^t3&fr  ufTjr^  fTmQ^sth  0ir/s^jsi, 
After  I  paid  a  fine  of  ien^  doubt  wa#  i^iemoved^ 

424  ^,{fiG,ip/r^. 

Ten  grayis  of  ricQWonl^  bpil>  th^life  of  the  wretch  wont  go. 


After  ten  years  of  age^  agirl  shoiild  be  affianced  if  even  to  a  pariaL 

4520;  u^^u  UGSsrm  Qs/rfSAflir^LD  ^^^Ssar  uesifiULf  ^afr^. 
Though  you  give  ten  fapfun9,  such  haste  is  bad. 

Qf  the  t^Q,  you^  P|U8^  P^^b  as  the  eleventh. 

W^.  w;erQ  fiped:  ten  pagodas,  however  our  doubts  were  removed. 

4523v  Mi^^  eS^A^^Lb  LJ^ffipiuSssT;  jewueoirih   utriruutrdesr    ^ibui*. 

In  ten  ^ays  a  Pariah  is  trustworthy,  but  a  brahman  is  not. 

;4524.  u^^    ^nr  etn^ji^Cj^uetnL^LDjTQfith  Q^frpQposr    er^^htt  9^ 
eneuA^iQsrreuessrQfiiii  Q'^rrpQ^tu  ? 

Poi^essed  of  ten  yoke  of  oyen  I  lost  the  plough  share ;  how  many 
yojce.did  yofi  pos9^a, before  you  lost  your  waist  doth  ? 

4525.  ui/siii  O^ir&fr^ir  uesiir-Mir&Jriir^ 

Thp3e.T!?hpr^ard  relationships  are  unfit  for  military  service. 

4526.   LJ/R^«(g  (Lpm^Qeisessr(BlL^  ues)L,^(^u  i9ifl(S0U€iir(Slih, 
Be  fillet  ai  a  feast,  and  last  at  the  fight. 

When  rcg^ct^  ^t;  the  feast^  thou  sayest  that  the  leaf  ia  t(nEQ« 
A  mp^  about  t^  set,  ou|{  on  a  jpurney,  is  a  f^ 


4529.  uu9^^tu(otDtr  umL^trjrQuifr  Q€kiSsr(ffeo  ^u(Sufr^jSfr€ir     0^/r 

When  I  ask  him  whether  he  is  mad  or  a  mendicant,    he  says,  it  is 
just  following. 

4530.  uu9^^ujih  LLiTfSuQuir&'ar  s^€\)is!ns^^Lf.    0&iT€S8T(Sleii!r    Qsrreu 

essrtii  siLl,, 

My  madness  is  gone,  bring  me  a  postle  to  tie  round  my  waist. 

4531.  ujTcsdf)  ^(BuLfu  uiry^Quirair^. 

A  fireplace  made  on  the  second  lunar  day  will  not  be  deserted. 

4532.  UFihu&ntr  ^eisn^Qujir  u^^^^ti(^   ^easrif-Qajfr  F 

Is  he  a  hereditary  mendicant,  or  a  mendicant,  because  of  the  famine  I 

4533.  uiS^dB/rfl  ^peif  Q^q^euir^eo  inLLQui, 

The  friendship  of  the  doctor  ends  at  the  thresholds 

4534.  ufi{u^^i(^    J^^^i    (5^lL®«      smsfoH^Uji    Oairsssrt^^ 


Like  maiTying  a  blind  woman  to  avoid  paying  the  nuptial  present. 

4535.  uXiekf  ^eoeOiTu  QuT^esrji^p  uiLtf^eS  iSGsrj^,  iSiHojih  g)«>6U/ru 

QuGswi!f-p  Quia  /56sr^. 

Hunger  is  preferrable  to  eating  food  given  without  good  feeling,  a 
demoness  is  better  than  an  unkind  wife. 

4536.  U0^^^  m€9>L^u9(offO  minui(Q  ^^susi>  er&sresr  f 
What  can  a  dog  have  to  do  in  a  cotton  bazaar  T 

4537.  uQ^^Qia/r(S  e^QpSp^sp^^  Qp^Q&r  OufnjMb^i^  <^(ip  Qpip 

Ere  the  cotton  fields  are  ploughed,  Pomman  asks  for  a  cloth  of  sevea 
cubits,  and  Timman  wants  one  pf  the  same  length. 

The  ootton  tree  produced  cloth. 

426  ujfiQu^iTL^. 

4539.  uQ^^^u  OufT^i,^  gj0  Qi6(fF^uLjLj  QuiT jSQufi eo , 
Asa  single  spark  to  a  bale  of  cotton. 

4540.  uQ^iji9(o€v  OfBiu  6QiLi^^(oufr6\)^ 
As  ghee  was  poured  od  beans. 

4o4l.    UQFLOir^s^/S  ^eisrtf^iu  U6\)GQiLjth  ^frafr^^ 

If  sheltered  near  a  large  tree  even  a  lizard  will  not  die. 

4542.  LJ60  s-lS  ^&sr(ft^e\>  fft(f^  ^eQjj)  ,siL(Sih, 

If  one  consume  plenty  of  husks,  a  grain  may  turn  up. 

4543.  u€0  <Tir3S(mi^frjr3s8ru  uiaf^^iuih  tSt^^^^Qurrev, 
As  the  vendor  of  curry  stuff  was  seized  with  madness. 

4544.  ue\)  ^iLQsr&i  ^qf,  Qfi(Lp^(^. 
One  ablution  for  many  defilements. 

4545.  L/«v  ^&d  QuQFf  Q<su<sneiTLb, 
Many  di^ops  make  gr«at  flood. 

4546.  unT)'Siijs(S^  uuSiir  Q<9'iu, 
Cultivate  in  due  time. 

45-17.   u^inrumtrirQtt.  Quifl^. 

Benevolence  is  indeed  great. 

4548.  u<s));i^6U£pj'i(^  LD(7^m^  Q3=ir<^^i  t3(S,Ei3<i  Q^tQ^^^  p. 

If  you  prescribe  medicine  for  the  strong,  you  must  procure  tht 
medicinal  plants  yourself. 

4.549.   UiSV^i^&J^  «n«<i^  ^dsfr^^6U&sr  ^(f^CbLf, 

The  feeble  is  a  straw  in  the  hands  of  the  powerful.  I 

4550'   uG^rs!T^^  ^Q^t^ek  ^Q^  iBir?aO'i(^  ^ss^uuQeuir&ir,  ^ 

An  old  thief  will  one  day  be  caught. 

4551.    L-J^  UfTisiith  ^jr  g^(T5  LjeiiffessflujLD  ^©j^lo  uemeasr  Qeuessr(btu^» 
Oiie  virtuous  deed  at  least,  is  i!equired  to  expiate  numerous  sins. 


The  carpenter  who  ia  acquainted  with  various  sorts  of  wood,  is  not 
able  to  fell  a  tree. 

4553.  ueo  Qpiup[)&  Q^FiLiuQ^pjih  u^suesr  Qmeo  S/ism^  «d5)7. 
After  making  eveiy  effort,  fix  your  mind  on  God. 

4554.  uso  eff^iLQu  i3<^e(y)<3F  ^Qtfiuu  Ou(j^(^ih, 
The  alms  of  many  houses  may  flow  as  a  river.. 

4555.  zjcuejr  ^s\)evfrLj  ucu  fSfreift^ihy  ^pih  Q<^iu  ^q^  /Efr&rr  Qu.-B  j^j. 

One  day  spent  in  alms  giving  is  greater  than  many  spent  in  doing 

4556.    ueVfT  ^^^LLLDy  LD/r  IL^^ULDy  UItQiB  ^JBUith^ 

The  jack  tree  is  th^  best,  the  mango  is.  good,  the  pathri  tree  is  in- 

4557.  u6))  ^L-u  uS  ^^ih. 

As  the  teeth  move  hunger  is  appeased. 

4558.  usv6VS(^  (^p  QuufT^Lb  a_6wr3  SLeirsofl  (sjp^^  9susst  ^<5\)^^. 
He  has  a  palanquin,  but  is  not  able  to  mount  it. 

He  whose  palanquin  has  no  top^  und  he  who  has  no  shoes  for  his 
feet  are  equal. 

4560.    USUJJ2/    e9(L^IB^   L/S^L^IU^, 

A  snake  without  fangs. 

1561.  us\)^  eQ(ipi^  Lies>L^uj^^(^  S(f^^ir  ? 
Is  the  rage  of  a  fangless  snake  dangerous  I 

A  torch  on  either  side  of  a  lump  of  worthless  sugar. 

1563,  uifi^  uifi^jj,  ufi^LD  L/sifi<i(gii.  .:         . 
By  constant  use  even  milk  will  taste  sour. 

428  utfiQiLtri^. 

Bo  not  fill  ap  an  old  channel ;  do  not  cut  a  new  one. 

4565.  uifi/i^Qev  uifiiii  iSetrsinuLjutfiih, 

The  chief  of  berries  is  the  chilli.  i 

4566.  utfidQfliiaini9(S€0  fBtrcsr  erakrrQesBrtu, 
Old  cocoanuts  yield  oil. 

4567.  ULfith  /BrtpeQu  uirSeo  eQ(ipi^^Quire\), 
Like  fruit  ulipping  and  falling  into  milk. 

4568.  utfiiii  LyoOT^evf}  urr^eiDeu^Qujar^ 
He  who  has  an  old  sore  is  half  a  doctor. 

4569.  ulP^(^  ^^®^  ^eo/r  ul^  u®(Seuinr  &€\)fr. 

One  hasty  commits  the  crime,  and  another  suffers  the  penalty. 

4570.  UL^uuiresr  s€\)eQ  urreu^^Gtr  ^mipji/. 
Despicable  learning  is  a  fountain  of  sin. 

4571.  uifiuu€sr  u^Qjrev^ 
Utter  no  reproach. 

4572.  u(i^^  0<F(u/5«D^  jifj6Hs9)^  ^L^ec  ujt^  fBeStJr^fi. 
The  confession  of  a  fault  removes  half  its  guilt. 

4573.  uag^fS  ^Ssi)65)iLf/j  Ufrir^^i  (QQ5^^  ^Sso  QiB'iSp^fruy, 

It  is  said  that  the  young  palm  leaf  is  laughing  at  the  dry  leaf  b^ 
cause  it  is  falling  off. 

4574.  u(Lp^^  uifith  Qs/rLDi9io  ^jtit^. 
Ripe  fruit  does  not  remain  on  the  branch. 

4575.  u&siifiiu  sjpiuu&s^  aji/uuQssT  uGoifiiu   mrnQmestJH    iL€irSf^ 

My  name  old  Karuppan  is  still  my  name,  and  my  earthen  basin  fl 
still  my  eating  dish. 


4576.  U€$)ifiUJ  (S<3^  m^^eu  ^peut^, 

0  thou  bliud  old  woman^  open  the  door. 

H   II  I  I   I       III         I    t  I  .— 

4577.  uentfiUJjfi  dSij^  ®^^  atreufSiiutrtLS, 

The  place  where  one  gets  plenty  of  cold  rice  is  the  right  one. 

He  who  irrigated  the  low  ground  takes  his  share  of  the  product. 

II  I "■ 

4579.  uenenih  ^areir  ^u^^^^e^  fbmesSh  /dp(^La, 
Water  will  stand  in  a  hollow. 

4580.  u&refSa  ^GS9ti(yju  LjeiTei\^(^  SL^Q/zr^. 

Accounts  learnt  at  school  will  not  be  prat^ically  useful. 

4581.  ueir^i  (^Lju/i^i(g  ^liiUiLL^  e^ir^^ujtrir, 

A  bigrber  school  master  for  a  village  inhabited  by  Pallis. 

4582.  UGtr&fl  uiTsc^fi  ^&sr(ffso  u^^  eQjr^iD  «-«ifr^iiL/, 

If  a  Palli  chews,  betels  his  ten  fingers  will  be  smeared  with  chunam. 

4583.  u&reflu  iSerrSsfr  €T^(nf€»  Q^e\)euLo  ^etDpiLfLD/r  ? 

If  you  admit  that  you  are  a  school  bo}%  will  your  wealth  decrease  ? 

My  father  not  only  neglected  to  put  me  to  school,  but  left  me  to 
bear  the  expenses  of  the  fire  brand. 

Under  this  proverb  a  general  note  on  funeral  rites  may  not  be  out 
of  place.  The  particulars  given  rehtte  to  Hindu  families  generally, 
not  to  brakmans. 

When  a  person  dies,  the  grief  of  the  females  in  the  family  bants 
out  mto  loud  lamentatious.  On  its  being  made  known  by  a  conch- 
Llower  that  a  death  has  oceurred,  the  neighbouring  females  go  to  the 
house,  add  the  expression  of  their  sympathy,  aiud  all  unite  in  one  ge- 
neral wail.  Frequently  one  of  the  company,  the  mother,  or  it  may  be  a 
professional  persou,  breaks  out  into  an  ascription  -of  praise  regarding 
thadeceasedntteiing  a  sort  of  elegy  in  measved  oadenoe.  In  this  case 
when  a  climax  is  reached,  all  join  in  a  chorus  pC  giief,  and  some  may 
smite  their  breasts  and  tear  tlieic!hair.  In  suoh  elegiesi  lAkh  are  oficui 

430  UtfiQlLfTL^.  ■ 

of  a  touching  kind,  the  persrmal  beauty,  the  talents,  the  learning  in 
the  pi'OAvess  of  the  deceased  ave  c^eitipn. 

The  body  being  taken  a^i^  is  bathed  and  dressed  as  in  life.    In  tix 
case  of  females  the  gold  and  pearls  and  precious  ston&s,  if  she  possessi 
then),  will  be  put  on.     The  sectariaJ   marks  will  be  added.   T 
charpoy  on  which  the  corpse  has  been  laid  out  is  then  carried  in 
the  house.    Again  the  females  seat  themselves  around  it  and  poi 
forth   a  torrent   of  grief,  or  at    any  rate  make  a   loud  noise, 
kinsman  whose  business  it  is  to  attend  to  the  oustouiary  observi 
spreads  a  cloth   on  the  charpoy  to  hold  rice,  called,-rice  for 
mouth.     The  females  of  the  family  take  a  little  of  the  grain  and 
it  on  the  corpse  near  the  mouth.     The  same  ceremony  is  perforin 
by  the  male  members  of  the  family  at  the  place  of  cremation 
fijunily.  barber  appropriates  the  remaining. rice.  At  the  btirning  gro 
the  kinsman  who  conducts  the  ijeremonies  carries  a  pot  of  water  rot 
tlie  pyre  and  the  conch-hlower  follows  him  and  makes  an  incision 
the  pot  with  hii^  conch,  when  the -barber  pule  four  bita  of  wndal 
other  wood  into  the  hands  of  the  kinsman  and  points  out  the  places 
the  pyre  where  they  are  to  be  inserted.     The  leaking  pot  is 
tjtljzen  by  the  barber  to  be  broken  'neai^  theltead  of  the  cor|)8e.  Tl 
kinsman  hastens  away  that  he  may  not  hear  the  noise  of  tltf 
when  broken,  nor  see  the  burning  pyre.    Then  the  barber  r 
piDrraission  tQ  break  the  put  and  to  ignite  the  pyre. 

On  the  next  or  on  an  early  day  the  male  friends  of  the  d 
assemble  at  the  place^of  cremation.  The  skuH,  the  breast-booe 
tbebonesof  tie  hands  having  beeq  nhstrauted  fiom  the  ashes 
deposited  in  a  convenient  place  covered  with  a  pl^n^ain  leaf,  »»• 
the  nearest  of  kin  smeared  with  oll^  ghee-and  honey  and  covered 
fipw^ers,  whilst  a  priest  recites  appropriate  i incantations  in- the  p 
of  the  relatives.  A  pot  of  milk  having-been  provided  for  this 
zpoAy,  the.  relatives  take  a  sprig  of  cdvonitta  ffnandi/l&i'a  and  ham 
dipped,  it  in.  the  milkj,  spriuklQ  the  relics,  which. are  then  pot  i 
a.n.,unburnk  earthen  vessel,  covered  with  oloth  .to  be. east  ioto 
sacred  8ti:eani^  or  bestowed  pn  the  ocean  wave.-  Of  course  thtti 
elaborate,  rities.  a  re  dispensed  with  tby  the  .poor- 
ly have  seen  Hind ua,  not  by  any- means  in  abject  oirtumstu*^^ 
ceoveyiACorpse^  to  the  seaside,  where  <a  grave  had  been  hastily  dv 
take  off  the  elothi  and  oenaipeatsi  wrap  thCf  body'  inr«  comnuoo  ^ 
HiOi  bury  it  itHh  the  burial  of  a  dog«- 



In  tlie-  year  1830  when  travellfng;  in  Bengal  I  saw,  on  the  bank  of 
the  DamoodM^  a  sorrowirvg  bimhmanical  fiither  with  two  0r  three 
attendants  dispose  of  a  corpse  with  but  little  ceremony.  The  father 
himself  Wiho  wae  mnch  affected  ignited  the  pyre. 

A  palli  does  not  like  to  be  secluded^  nor  does  a  brahman  fast  after 

■»     I 

4586.  up'iQp  upea)6UdS(^  er-^  ^^jrth  ?: 
What  ia  distance  tp.a  bird  on-tiie  wing  t 

4587..  M/D<i(g">  ^(T^un  ®(15<3B@">  O&iru^Lj  ^/SliUfr/S.^Qu(re\). 

As  a  cFpw  on;the  wing  knows  not  on.  wh^t.  branch  it  will  alight; 

45r88.   upd(^LD  r^(f^sQd5(^  ^(5^(S^  Q-^rnhLj,   Q^jfluJTjp,    Uff-Q^Sai 

A  bird  on  the  wing  knows  not  the  branch  on  which  it  may  alight; 
^  stranger  knows  npt;.hiH  hfJting  place* 

Like  one  placing  a  stone  om  a  flying  leaf  that  has  been  used. for  a. 
rjice- plate. 

4690:  upuurrek  uSir^tfiik'fiff^.rj^pi^fr^Sl   QusiirQ.  ^tp-i^freljri 

A, hasty, man  loges ,th^ prodnce of  his.field,  and  the  jealgus  majgi hi§  . 

4591.  u^Bp^  sm'lL®^(^lj  uiuLb  ^^Sso, 

'S (X  further  {^T  in  a  jungle,  where  one.  has  been  a^rmdi/ robbed; 

4592.  ueffip^pQ  iSieaSsfTGMUu  ueff€i)^(^  enm^pir^LD  (?u^.R(?«5V  jyuj 

Though  a  pariab  child  be  sent  to  school;  he  .will  still  call  hU  father 

(i593,  uonp  pCtf-f^pQutfeo^ 

Like  striking  grain  to  the-  level  of  the  measure. 

432  UjfiQui/r^. 

4594.  UGSipji  Ofl(7^e8Qeo  eBeoeuih  Q^dstrfiffi^Quire^^ 
As  a  vUva  tree  pprasg  up  in  a  pariah  street. 


4595.  u<smpuuiriL(Ssc^ih  u€i^pu(Su^»i(^ih  »6iDfruy^e9p(^Lo  LLmi 

A  pariah's  song,  his  dialect,  and  a  surai  flower,  have  no  fragrance  i 

4596.  U€a>puj^ih  ufriruufT^w  Qu/r€», 
Like  a  pariah  and  a  hrahman. 

4597.  uemptum  Quirmi^eo  ^tLL^rrei>  UAeuir^iui(^  ^QffQ^ir  ? 
If  a  pariah  boil  rice  as  an  offering  to  God,  will  it  not  be  accepted 

4598.  uenpantu  ueirefflife^  eneu^jgfr^u^  ^enpuQu^^u  QuifUitrf 
Though  a  pariah  is  schooled,  will  his  vulgar  brogue  be  altered ! 

4599.  uempQeu^so  ^GnjrQsu2so, 

The  work  of  a  pariah  is  only  half  done. 

Will  the  jackal  of  the  palmyrah  grove  tremble  at  the  ruatlingi 
leaves  T 

4601.  UiSsflAsGhr  ^pm^treo  u^etnifiMekr  ^pi(^Lb, 
If  there  be  dew,  there  will  be  no  rain. 

4602.  ueS  Quuj^  «i-.€0  iSenpiLjunfr  ? 

Will  the  sea  be  filled  by  the  falling  dew  ? 

4603.  ueufi  Quuj^  (wcTTii  /8jru>uu>ir P 
Will  the  falling  dew  fill  the  tank  f 

When  there  is  dew  there  is  no  rain,  when  fruit  it  ripe  there  in 

4605 •  ueSu  Ouq^iQQeo  suueo  gtiLt^e^ffUyrr  f 
Can  you  sail  a  ship  in  heavy  dew.^ 


1606.  ueSesiiu  muiiS  ^fruy^iLt^esr^Qutreo, 

like  beginnirg  to  plough  depending  on  the  dew. 

<607.  ^3ar  ^/SiLjih  u/rdsfrQfifTL-frj^  gjpiaS^pQun-^, 

Like  descending  from  a  palmyrah  tree  without  touching  the  flower** 

1608.  u^  ^/S  69(LpmfieuSaai  ai—ir  (qt/SI  iS^^fB^Qutreo. 

like  a  buffalo  trampling  on  a  person  who  has  fallen  from  a  pal- 
myrah tree, 

4609.  u^ssr  iLjr^^^  SCoifi  utr^eoss  (^tf^^^rr^^ih  serr   creirjy    iS&sru 
I  z-//r/r. 

Though  what  you  drink  in  a  palmyrah  grove  be  milk^  eveiy  ono 
will  believe  it  to  be  toddy. 

A  palmyrah  tree  casts  no  shade>  a  pariah  has  no  rules. 

1611.  uSssTLDjrth  e^j^ySpeudssr  er^euesijru^ih  ^/nkse\)inh  ? 

How  far  can  you  support  a  man  who  is  climbing  a  palmyrah 
tree  I  * 

612.  u&8ru9^  /fizp^ti  i9ifi(Seorr  uetr>seinr  i^pe^ih  p^pQeinr  ? 

Is  the  shadow  of  a  palmyrah  tree  a  shade,  is  the  acquaintance  of 
an  enemy  friendship  ? 

613.  udssru9eo  ^Q^i^  €Q(Lp/Bfl(SijSssTLj  uirCbLj  sip.^^ ^Qujr^ ^ 
Like  a  snake  biting  one  who  has  fallen  from  a  palmyrah  tree. 

Like  an  ass  going  rou^d  a  place  where  a  palmyrah  tree  had  been 

>15.  uGsrfSH(QtLt^i(^  5>(T5<^/5^  (qt^  f 
Does  a  young  pig  observe  fasts  t 

)16.  UGtrfSif^iLi^  ^^ssr  ^u^fr  ? 

Will  the  young  pig  become  an  elephant ! 


4H  u^ffiO  mir  ifi^. 

If  a  hog  be  shot,  he  takes  the  whole,  if  an  elephaixt  be  Aqt  I  shall] 

have  a  share. 

4618..  u^jpS  ue\)  (^tLif-y  Sik<3BLD.e^(T^  (^lIz^. 

The  sow  has  many  young  ones  at  a  time,  thQ  lionet  only  one. 

4619'.  um^  ueiv  (^dt^  QutrC.®  er^esr  ? . 
What,  if  a  sow  hajj  a  numerous  litter ! 

A  calf  that  gpeps  with.a  p^g  will  eat  ezcrameiitt.^ 

4621.  uekesTdBdB/rjr^  Oueisri^e»  uetssHoji  Sl^/s^  Qf^ji^rrerrrrLD^ 
It  ia  said  that  the  wife  of  a  mat-maker  died  on  the  bare  ffrouni 

4622.  uesresdu  uehesftu  utpiEises)^  utjutuirQ^^ 
Do  not  t(?ll  old  stories  with  affectation. 

'WJiU  a  bottle  goiird  ?pri|3i;g  from  a,see4  ? 

4624,  uireFLb  ^^peueifr  ujr(S^S, 
H«  who  has  no  ties  is  like  a  foreigner,.. 

4625.  urri^sssfreSI  eufripi^rreo  u^jp  erC-Q^  ^ssfLbi9efTiips(9^w. 
if  the  foot-ringed  lady  prosper,  eight  or  ten  people  may  ie  s« 

pprted  there,by.  ' 

4626.    UfTL^lh  (cJfS^LO  ej(Bl   &DS66(oL^eV, 

Though  you  have  learnt  your  lesson,  da  not  throw  away  your  boot 

4627.  urrtp-u  urri^dB  ^^i^^^th  u^ifleo  jy/flft  ^coSeo, 
Though  pounded  with  a  song,  chaff  wiU  not  yield  rice. 

4628.  ufT®  ereir^sv  uiressr^m  uirL^rrGir, 
When  pressed  to  sin^,  even  the  professional  singer  refuses^ 


4629.  LJnrQ  ut-trinp  Quif^eo  u€09sr  ^soeoirmp  (Su/r(^th\ 
Where  there  is  no  labour,  there  is  no  profit; 

4630.  urrQih  Lfeosunr  GumaQp  uL-Qt^irSeo  ^QesrQesr, 
I  am  become  an  ola  in  the  hand  of  a  poet. 

1631.    UtTGSiU.   ^flS^Lb  ^Q  6»><95e&(?«— 6\), 

Though  you  may  ascend  the  bier,  forsake  not  your  alms-dish. 

4G32,  u/reasrth  Q^irQ^^rrp  (Sunrevu  Qu3^Si(ffm', 
He  speaks  as  if  arrows  were  darting  forth. 

4633.  ufT^snr  ULpi^Lb  umhQurr®  uipmeo  Qurr-e^. 

Friendship  with  the  wicked,  is  like^  playing  with  snakes. 

Can  you  take  half  a  churaik£y  for  curry,  and  use  the  other  half  as 
eeed  T 

Give  alms  to  the  worthy,  and  your  daughter  to  one  of  a  good  * 

:6Sfi.  uiruLfi(^  Cffiu^  ^^Ssi)'. 
Brahmans  have  no  chiefs^. 

Begin  to  clean  your  teeth  at  P^mani  riveip,  wash,  your  face  in  Mul-, 
lai  river. 

638.  ufrihumLt^  U!rLDi9(o€0^  ^errerr&ir  a6rreQ(oe\^^.. 

A  snake  charmer  understands  snakes,  a  thief  understands  thieving., 


A  young  snake  is  more  poisonous  and  vigorous  than  an  old  one. 

540.  u/rLLi9Gsr  ^iLcf.  utrihuj  ^^m  (^tLif-  fstLQe^irds^frsQ, 

T^ie  young  one:Of  a  sns^ke  is  a  snake^  and  its^young  one  is  a  scorpion* 

4S6  utfiQiLfTi^, 

4641.   uirLbi9&sr  eufnu^  (S^e(fyfr(SUfre\), 
Like  a  toad  in  the  jawB  of  a  snake. 

4642.  utrLbLfi(^  QP^H  ^^^« 
Snakes  have  no  chiefs. 

4643.  UfTLDLi  si^idB^  (o^(er^^(^u.  u/ririSpCo^ir  ? 

When  bitten  by  a  snake,  will  the  incantations  suited  to  scorpio 
bites  avail  aught  T 

4644.  u/rLbL/«(85  ^jrrr^FfT  QpsiQe))  fitf., 
A  bambu  stick  is  king  jbo  a  snake. 

4645.    LJ/ra)L/<i(g<F  ^^^Q^   U^^lDfT  ? 

Are  the  enfemi-es  of  snakes  few  I 

4646.  ufnhLfi(^flS  ^^esioji  sirtLtf^  iS£[it^(^  eurrSeoi  sriLt^, 

Showing  the  head  to  sn^es,  and  the  tail  to  fish. 

Spoken  of  a  two-faced  person,  in  allusion  to  an  eel  tbat  sbowsJ 
oerptsnt-like  head  %o  tnakes^  and  its  fiah^like  tail  to  fish. 

Though  you  feed  a  snake  with  milk,  it  will  yield  poison. 

4648.  uiruiLji(^u  uir6\)  €Jfrir^^^(ou/reo, 
Ijike  pouring  out  milk  to  a  snake. 

4649.  ufTLbLjiii  SiDiLjCaQuireo, 
Lik  a  snake  and  a  mungoose. 

4650.  uirLnLfLD  SSiLju^Quire^u  u€0  streoCa  eutryimQ^m^ 

I  lived  a  long  time  with  him  or  her  as  a  snake  with  a  mungoose. 

The  snake  has  regard  to  its  hunger,  the  bog  tlunks  of  its  fiite. 


4652.  UfTihLf  u^iSio  Qj£&nrresi\uu  i3zp.«(gii>.  ^^Qu!r€0,  SfSQajirir 

Whea  a  snake  is  hungry  it  will  catch  a  frog,  so  the  yile  perform 
only  mean  acts. 

1653.  ufTLdLj  ^&a-8p  nBLiB(S€V'(Suir^$\)  i&Q  Qf^jS  /6ldS(^  ereir^  ^q^ 

If  we  go  to  a  country  of  snake  eaters,  we  must  be  prepared  for  the 
middle  bit. 

4654.  uirCoLj  UGn^tLjiJb  Q^ireo  s^pekjinir? 

Is  the  snake  hostile,  and  its  skin  friendly ! 

The  hawk  is  inimical  to  the  snake.  . 

1656.  u/TLDLfih  QfBrr€uiriiip  uitidlj  ^u).^^  (pS/t^ld  QiBireuiTLbeo  ^(5* 

So  strike  that  neither  the  snake,  nor  the  staff  with  which  yo\;  strike, 
shall  be  hurt  oi"  injured. 

657.    Umjbi-I    €T&srQff6»  UeSiL-ltllh   /B®/E/^li).  * 

Even  an  army  will  tremble  at  the  word  snake. 
658.  utTLLOuirQ  utfiQsso, 

*     • 

Have  nothing  to  do  with  snakes. 

159.  umiiSp  L£ifrLLQd5(^  QpmQesr  Q^u^ih  Q^irm^pQuireo, 

Like  reciting  a  portion  of  the  vedas,  to  a  cow  about  to  gore  you. 

660«  uirtuLbiru)  (S&'ir/B^  airesijbQufreo  ^Qesrm^ 
I  have  become  like  a  crow  on  the  top  of  a  mast. 

661.  ufrujLnjrw  ^eoe\)ir  injr^ese^ihQuireo , 

•  •  ,  .  .  ■  ' 

Like  a  vessel  without  a  mast. 

662.  UJTjri-i^^  e^etrerr  uponeu  ujBjrfret)  i9i^i6SuutLu,^, 
A  wise  bird  has  been  caught  w;ith  chaff. 

^  I 

<38  utfiQmwifi. 

4663.  uirjnr^  fi_6»)L-«o£/>  ^f^^. 

Property  not  looked  after  perishes. 

>^The  Tock  tkat  resists  a  crowbar,  gives  way  to  the  roots  of  a  tendef 

4665.  urrir  ^eTrcu/rOificir^  utre^)  (5^<55®(7jpuj. 
Thou  drinkest  milk,  hoping  to  govern  the  world. 

4666.  UfTiria^  Qsir(B^fl  UGssr^.^i(^  Qeuetr&D^iSLpGfiLLiuir  ? 

Is  Friday  a  sufficient  excuse  for  not  returning  the  coin  given  you  to 
Jook  at } 

It  is  believed  by  many 'that,  thoagh  it  is  fortunate  to  receive  monej 
on  Friday,  it  is  unfortunate  to  pay  it. 

4667.  uiririSp  aGssr^^i(^i  QmiLQ^p  Q<3FeQ  Quir&)e\)rr^. 
A  listening  ear,  is  v«rorse  than  a  seeing  eye. 

4668.  uirir^fi  aeifr^jau^  y^^^^u  us^ld  ^jreij  ^u9pj>f. 

The  «yes  have  foiled  by  looking  too  long,  and  night  has  fuUoW 
the  day. 

4669.  ufrnr^^  QpsLb  ereoe^Dfrua  Qeupj^/Qfitasth, 
All  the  faces  we  see  are  diverse  from  one  another. 

4670-  umr^^irp  u3ru(Suire\),  u/riu/B/Sfred  i^SuQuireo. 

In  appearance  like  a  cow,  in  action  like  a  tiger.  J 

■ * 

4671.  uirir^^^r^amfi  ^^^  (sBLfi^^^^imi  ens  SQ^e^euir&sf. 

Gazed  at-&2/  sta/rving  beggars-he  eats  and  washes  his  hands.        i 

4672.  Ufnr^^(f^/BjseuGfr  u^esy^    (S^^®^>    QaiLif^(^mfi€U&r  &PP 

She  who  had  seen  the  process  pounded  it  undried,  she  who 
heard  of  it  pounded  roasted. 


4673.  uiriruu^p^  ^Siu  ujru  i9rriLth, 

It  is  impossible  to  comprehend  the  supreme  Bifahtna. 

4674.  ufriuuir^^  ^ihu^/r  iDir®  eutk^^. 
BrahmaD  matron,  the  cow  has  come. 

1675.  uirkuuiT^^  ^^uLfisGssTt^Lti  Quiri^tf^jifi^Quifed, 
As  a  brahman  woman  lost  her  salted  mutton. 

1676.  uiriTLJuirir  Q^eu^Qpu^  Qeu&rSsfr^  (^^emirdP  Q^eua'Qpui  ^^^^, 
The  service  of  a  brahman,  and  the  cat-e  of  a  white  horse  are  bad. 

ioeoirQfB,  ... 

Do  not  waste  your  breath  on  a  brahman/nor  converse  with  a  men- 

1678.  uiriruufrek  s^ULjib  u&nptu&sr  QeuuLjih  ^^fr^, 
A  black  brahman,  and  a  fair  pariah  are  not  trustworthy. 


1679.  urriruufT&sr  dorentfiQojir  uer  ^€S)tfi(oUJ/r? 
Which  is  the  more  helpless,  a  brahman  or  a  cow  ? 

1680.  u/rev(T^i(^iJ  ueoih  ^Q^Gnm,  uiL-^ji^i(y^u  l/6V«d  c-^«ii. 
The  strength  of  a  child  is  crying,  and  that  of  fish  is  water. 

Those  who  have  not  heard  the  lisping  of  their  own  children  say,  that 
the  flute  is  sweet,  the  stringed  instrument  is  sweet. 

682.  uireoiresr  Qm^st  creoevifm  uss^a  MsS^&n", 

He  has  made  enemies  of  all  whose  hearts  are  pure  as  milk. 

p8J.  u/Tj^igjii  £Sfr6U€\)  Li2ssr^(^iJ[y  Q^trifi^, 

He  is  the  guard  of  the  milk,  and  also  the  friend  of  the  cat. 

684.  urr^ii^  €uifl  Q,^  Qintremfrs  ^t^fi^^unr  ? 

Will  the  cat  that  has  come  for  new  milk,  drink  buttermilk  T 

440  uffiQ  mir  tfi. 

4685.  uir^i^^  9&sff  ^6vSa)    ereifrQ(7yfri(^ih    eh,(igi^i  ajS 

•  I 

The  oare  of  those  who  want  augar  with  milk^  and  of  those  who 

want  ci^ry  for  their  flgo^  are  the  same. 

4686.  uir^ituifriii  mq^i^inirCb, 
It  is  of  U3e  both  as  milk  and  medicine. 

4687.  uir^ih  u^i(^y  Qin/rQ^Lb  u^'sQmir  ? 

Is  the  rate  <^  fresh  milk  that  of  buttermilk ! 

4688.   urr^LEi  QeueifSsir  Qtmrq^LDt  Qeueirrdsir, 

Milk  is  whit&  and  buttermilk  is  also  white. 

4689-   urrSeo  ^atiLQeuirifsGfr  utriSiu^ss)^  ^miLCSeuirir^errfr  ? 

They  may  feed  him  with  milk;  can  they  feed  him  with  good  fortune 

4690.  uirSsoi(^t^^fi6u.^piS(^u  uireo  (qtuuu^  mq^Lf^,  ^etrSetri  {^^f^ 

He  who  has.  dtank  milk  will  beldx  milk,  and  he  who  has  drasi 
toddy  wiU  belch  toddy. 

4691.  ufrSsou  UJrn'aSfD^fr'ufrdssrepiuu  urririSp^rr  ? 
Do  you  examine^  the  milk  or  the  vessel  containing  it ! 

4692.  ujrQeoir®  aeoik^  iS(f^ih  ufrs\)fr(^LD. 
Water  mixed  with  m\lk  looks  like  xpilk« 

•  •  r  ' 

469S.  utrQeorrL^n-'uS^Ld  ^frevih  ^jSi^  ^^eiisr. 

Though  wth  milk,  take  your  meals  at  the  proper  time. 

4694,    UfTC))  ^X^iU^i(my  USr   jriTLAIB!r^3reiSiriS^(^, 

Milk  to  an  Aryan,  and  a  cow  for  Bamanddasw^mi. 
4695.  U/rci).  glQ^iSp^'  ufrdStuih  ^(f^^Sp^,  uirSQeo  QuffiJ 

Ther^  is  v^^  ^^d.  money ^  but  W.  means,  for  pio^uriog  ten  fpi^ 



4696.  i^f^^  Q^rrtL®u  uir$\x  ^pisCaeumrQth* 

One  must  draw  milk  after  xnoiBteniD^  th&  fing^^'with  milk. 

1697.  uir&)    fsimir^    LLSesriLfia    uff/srrevnh    eufria^T^     iSjrirwsssr^ia 

Is  there  a  cat  that  will  not  lap  milk^  or  a  brahman  that  will  refuse 
a  bribe ! 

4698.  u^9d  usi^eif>euai   searfSKSeo.  Q^Su^txi,  uirsQiumir^  i9sit^€^{u 

The  milch  cow  is  known  by  its  calf,  and  the  child  of  the  wealthy 
by  its  face. 

4699.  L/zrei)  euirir^i^  Qpap(^eiJfr^. 

He  will  bathe  after  applying  milk  to  the  head. 

latimating  that  a  person  ininiical  has  been  got  rid  of. 

i]00,  UfreuiLu.ih  Liu(Su/r(S\)  meiD/r^^Lb  lj^^  ^^Sso. 
Though  as  grey  as  a  p^vattam  flower,  he  has  no  sense. 

1701,  uireu^^p(^   ^^—^    QmiTL^iT^eu^   urreu^ein^^.  Q^iuiiQ^frsfr 

He  who  does  not  give  place  to  sin,  will  conquer  it. 

1702.  ufreuLD  Qs'iuiUfr^Q^^  ipesrQui  I      . 
0  my  heart,  do  not  sin  ! 

4703.  Ufr6us\)iT  ^(7^€S)Lb  iBireu6\)ir  ^fSemrir, 

The  ability  of  a  poet  is  best  known  to  the  learned. 

i704.  ufreGojirir  Qutresr  ^L-th  ere\)€\)frih  usfretr (y:\iM  ^iLt^tLfCn, 
Whithersoever  the  simple  go,  they  meet  with  ups  and  downs. 

^705.  ufreQemtuu  i9uf.^^u  urriJDLf  ^u.(SiSlp^. 

Seising  a  simpleton  and  making  hupi  dance  like  a  snake. 

^706.  urreSeo  ^^^Sp^  Ufr/r^^ijo  ^(f^^Sip^\  . 

That  which  is  desicribed  in  poetry  is  also  seen  in  nature. 

442  uipQ  iLir  i^, 

4707.  ufTLpmuLj  QurrSp^  u&heSm  eiJiru9(Se\},  ' 

That  Avhich  is  spoiled  is  put  in  the  mouth  of  a  cow. 

4708.    LJfTlfi  ^M(T^S(^  /5/fl  jrir^fT, 

The  jackal  is  king  in  a  deserted  village. 


4709,    urr2ssTu9&)  £-62wrz«/r(g)CU  ^su€9)Uu9eo  eurmii^. 
If  in  the  pot,  it  will  come  into  the  spoon, 

4710.   ufrd5sru9(S(S0  u^i(^  Q/bs\)    ^Q^fs^irev    Qp2sou9(S€\)    (Lpi(^jpisi 

If  there  be  a  pathaku  of  rice  in  the  pot,  three  kurunies  of  gods  vr^ 
dance  in  the  comer.    - 


4711.   i9Sesfl  fimSssr  eu^<oSuu^  ^essr. 
It  is  useless  to  extol  a  miser. 

4712.  i3«^*F63r  eufrs^tfi^  (S^iriLi-^^^Qeo  Ljr^is^j^Qutreo^ 
Asa  madman  entered  the  plantain  grove. 

4713.  i3i9^ssydFim/rjr^^(^u    uojuuiLQ    ^(BuLf    QpLLL^frmio    eflSi 

Through  fear  of  beggars  do  you  refrain  from  lighting  your  fire! 

4714.  i96=es)^i^n'ff?i5isr  ^ts^p^n^in  Q^!TeSies>\uuQufnL(B^   fe-«oA-^^^ 

It  is  said  that  he  beat  the  mendicant  and  broke  his  alms-dish. 

4715.   i9^€fi^<fd5i35frjr€ir  Q^irp/iSlQeo  &'&^^mjr&sf  L/(^i^^(Su/r€V, 
As  Saturn  entered  into  the  rice  of  the  mendicant. 

4716.  i3i3=es>^^  Q&'n'p/S^LD  (sr^&p  Q&^iTQjf? 

What !  scrupulous  about  leavings  in  rice  got  by  begging  T 

4717.  tQ^^tns'dia/rjr&srQtJbCScv  iSjruDrr&v^jrLD  0^rr(d^Qpfiir  f 
Is  an  enchanted  arrow  discharged  at  a  mendicant  T 


4718.  i9i!FGs>^ii^  eui^eueisr  Quessr&pi<i(^  LbiTuiBea^iutr ? 

Do  you  propose  giving  your  daughter  in  mamage  to  one  who  came 
to  ask  alms  ? 

4719.     iS<F65)dF«i(g    gyO^^^    <55<F<F0yi_£i). 

Merchandize  is  a  little  better  than  begging. 

Is  rice  offered  in  charity  refused  because  it  is  overboiled  ? 

4721*  i9^e^^&=  Q<9'irp;6lpD(^Lj  ut^^ui  ^essr  ? 
Is  rice  given  in  charity  ever  scarce  I 

4722.  i9^esi6=  QuitiLl..^   Qurr^iii  iBirsfniui  ^iLQ^ 
The  alms  given  are  sufficient ;  tie  up  the  dog. 

4723.  iSli9=esi^  LjS^ih  Sfbetns  /B&sr(op, 

Learning  is  good  even  when  one  is  reduced  to  begging. 

Has  any  one  been  ruined  by  giving  alms  ? 

4725.  iS<5F6B)<F  ^il®«  0«z_Li-.6i/,ga/£i  ^evSso,  i9efr8sfr  Qup^i  Q^xlLl^ 

None  is  ruined  by  giving  alms ;  none  is  ruined  because  he  has  a 

4726.  i3&'€s><s=  (srQ^^ih  ^'^^Q^eQeisT  (^t^  QdsQ, 

Though  you  have  to  beg,  destroy  the  family  of  your  enemy. 

4727.  i9i^n'jnii  QuiflQ^^^  Lj/b/SKSeo  &n<3S  ensuime\)iTu^!r  ? 
Relying  on  the  efficacy  of  the  prescribed  remedy,  will  you  put  your 

hand  in  a  snake  hole  ? 

4728.  t9i^n'jr^ss(^  jif^Su  uitldlj  ereQi(^  c_/do/  ^S'Sr^rrLJo, 

I  It  is  said  that  a  snake  afraid  of  the  charmer,  sought  the  friend- 

ship of  a  rat. 

4729. fiiurrQjr  sL^fr  euis/^^, 
0,  demon,  the  bull  has  come. 

444  u  ifiQ  mir  tfi. 

4730.  t9i^fnfl     ekijrih     QsirQ^^rr^uy    p^^&sr    eujrth    QsirQiSp^ 

Though  a  pidari  may  grant  a  favour,  it  will  be  difficult  to  obtain 
it  through  the  priest. 

4731.  i3i^  ^5pS  Lj(^iB^fTe\)  Queisr  ^ipS  ^euir&r. 

If  a  woman  ornamented  with  jewels  enter,  she  will  be  regarded  u 
a  beautiful  woman. 

Are  incantations  to  be  used  again  and  again, 

4733.   iQt^^^  Q^iriiiLjLb  eBiLQi^m  iB^^^  OdsfrLOLiih  eBtLCaL^ar, 

I  have  left  the  branch  I  had  seized,  and  also  the  one  on  which] 
I  was  standing. 

I  have  become  as  helpless  as  if  the  branch  I  seized,  and  the 
I  stood  upon,  both  broke  at  the  same  time, 

4735.  i9t^^fiirp  mpm^py  ^tLi^irp  ,»uCirii, 
If  tied,  a  bnndle ;  if  loose,  bits  of  straw. 

4736..   i9jn^n'u^(Sujtr  €\)ai^rruQ(Siufr  p 

Is  he  the  prince  of  beggars,  or  the  first  as  possessing  lact  ? 

4737.  i9easr^€in^  Qfi'9'  LDGfsr^&D/SiF  Q^^iu, 
Bury  the  corpse,  and  then  celebrate  the  marriage. 

4738.  iSemth  QurrSp  ^l^^Q^  ^<35dSQpLO  QuirSp^, 
Sorrow  goes  away  to  the  place  whither  the  corpse  has  gone. 

4739.  i3?amLJUiL®i  Qs!rGtr€rrir(S/5  Qu(igthusu^&D/S  aL/i^/fluuffiu, 
Do  not  stand  security,  it  will  lead  to  endless  evils. 

4740.  i9essfi^3^s(^6s  SenL^iufT^^  Q^essrL-^^^(^  ^suuQth, 
That  which  cannot  be  obtained  for  sustenance,  will  be  found  to  ptj 

a  fine. 


4741.  t9ji^Lb  uji^  eO^iii, 

Madness  is  of  ten  kinds  i.  e.,  many  kinds. 

4742.  i9^^2sfr  /B/rppLD  ^/Siufr^, 
Brass  is  innocent  of  its  own  odour. 

4743,  i9^fibir^(^^  &eo  Lf^^msfT  Q^ireSfr^ev  (Su^s^cn^i  Q^iLuitjit  f 
If  advice  be  given  to  fools  will  they  listen  to  it  T 

4744,  i9^fs^i(^^  fi&sr  (messTih  j^eQ^pjih  Q^euetneu, 

The  madman  thinks  his  own  character  straighter  than  a  line. 

As  the  brahm^h^i  upset  the  boat. 

1746.  i9jrLtifr  fSdssr^/Btrev  ^tLf3rss(^ds  (^empiurr  ? 

If  Brahma  wills  it,  is  there  any  chance  of  your  life  being  short  / 

1747.  i9es>ifiisLj(Sufr€sr  ^t^^^(Se\)  iSasiipQiiiir^ui  eui^^(oUir€v, 

As  a  grave  occurrence  befell  one  in  the  place  to  which  he  had  gone 
for  a  livelihood. 

The  parent  weeps  on  account  of  his  child,  the  servant  weeps  for  his 

That  which  is  sport  to  the  child,  is  death  to  the  mouse. 

Though  it  were  written  in  the  horoscope  that  she  would  have 
sixteen  children,  how  could  that  be  without  a  husband ! 

A  parent  and  a  cowherd  know  no  shame. 

446  uifiQuiir^, 

4752.  tSeirSsrr    Qu/bpsu'Ssfru    urrnr^^u    Ou(f^Qfiy0r    eQiLQ    ^^^ 

ermefsr  ? 
What  if  you  look  at  her  who  has  borne  a  child,  and  sigh  I 

4753.  iSetrdsjT  ^(T^€S)LD  LD6Vi^  ^/jSeufTcn  fT  ? 
Does  a  barren  woman  understand  the  endearments  of  a  child  T 

4754.  i^ffn'S6inuir(^ii(^u   Qu&ssr  OmfTetreii^Qutreo^ 
Like  obtaining  a  wife  for  GaD^sha. 

4755.  i9efrSsfrujfrenjru     i9i^^^     ^isS     ^jr&'LDjr^esi^iLiu^    tSz^^^j" 

As  Saturn  who  had  seized  Gan^sha  seized  also  the  tree-;^u^  Indm 

4756.  i9m^{utrn    Q^ireQ^io    ^q^l-gst    ^(t^uuit^j    QiS^frm^gfi 

The  thief  has  taken  refuge  in  the  temple  of  Pillaiyar,  it  would  how- 
ever be  a  slander  to  mention  it. 

4757.   i^eirdsfnuirHr  iSif^i^i  (^jnki^irdj  Qfii^/s^^, 

The  attempt  to  form  an  image  of  Gan&ha,  ended  in  the  formatk 
of  a  monkey. 

475Si   i9&T^  ^j^ed/r  effiLi^e^  Sltpisu&sr  ^erreifl  6B2siTtu/r(SlSQrj>^ui» 
It;  is  said  that  in  the  house^  in  which  there  are  no  children,  an 
man  plays  like  a  child. 

«  i 

4759.   iSeSfrSsfTiLiLD  Lj(L^a(ois)aiLfiiy^ifl y  ^9ef^^^(^Lb  Lj(L^i^^4i(^LL^^ 
A  child  and  a  slave  are  alike,  be  not  indulgent  to  a  child  or  a  slai 

4760. ♦  i9.&r^iLiiii  S&fT&FI^  0^/FLLzjLjj2/£i  ^iLQQp^ir  ? 
Do  you  rock  the  xjradle,  while  pii^ching  the  child  ?  . 

4761.  iSefrtgwe^uj<3=  <F/r«Szl®iJ  ll^ld  6Q(i£iiEi(^Sp^^ 

Pretending  to  feed  the  child,  the  goblin  swallows  it. 

like  losing  her  husband,  when  she  went  to  ask  the  gift  pf  offiprinj 


Ai  mother  knows  the  pain  of  travail,  is  it  known  to  others  ■! 

If  the  family  of  the  bridegroom  consent,  half  the  ceremony  of 
marriage,  is  over. 

4765.  t9p^Sp0ufr(ip(S^  Qpi^u^  <^g)^  (SLJtui(^  ^tLQu  umii-^fiir 
ei)  ^^Lnrr  ? 

If, a  person  be  a  cripple  from  his  hkthy  can  he  be  cured ,J)y  offerings, 
made  to  demons  ? 

1766.  i3p/B^  iSerrSsYT  i9i^    Q a=  it p pS p (^    ^(H^^P^y    i9pixuQuirSip 

It  is  said  that  they  are.  making  silver  bejls  for  iJiQ  child  about  to  be 
bom,  while  the  child  on  the  lap  is  ciying  fpr  a  handful  of  rice. 

1767.  i9pi^6ueir  ^puu(S)s  iS^ih,^ 

It  is  certain  that  he  who  is  born  will:0ie.. 

-^68..^  i9pi^esr  ^p^(^Ll^,  QjSff&r^/Slesr  u^emptLjth, 

Those  who  are  bom  will  die,  what  is  visible  will  vanish;, 

i769.  i9piBp  ^mQp  ^pisQeuessrQth, 
The  day  of  birth  lec^  to  death. . 

A  sumptuous  cloth  is  not-required  in  one^s  native  villagjB,  nor  a 
tali  where  one  js  known  as  a  wife. 

He  who  cpvets  the  property  of  others,  will  lose  hi^  oyrn. 


U  IfiQ  WfT  L^. 

4772.   i^pffLnSssr^     ^q^LLLjQlmiTeneirtr^     i9jnrui€S8rsir    /tmQiQsntm 

He  who  would  not  dairy  off  a  rush  belonging  to  another's  roof,  rob- 
bed a  brahman  Ma  master  of  his  staff. 

4773.   i9p^&'  Q<F€Qt^^d(^u  (Su^^^  ^popdni^ir ? 

Are  there  any  clever  of  speech  who  were  born  deaf? 

As  one  bom  blind  received  sight. 

4775.  i3p&fr  ilSsst  Lisnes^m  ^pu^  eresr^  <S(^Ui, 
Not  going  to  another  man's  house,  deserves  to  be  called  virtue. 

4776.  i9€k^CSe»  euQ^ih  uevrr^^/ruSsui^  Qp^^Qeo  euQ^ih  semrdsifm 

A  ksMikkkj  is  better  in  hand,  than  a  jack  fruit  in  prospect. 

4777.  i9mSs9r    €reku^ih     Qu^ir^Q^uujpiD^     ^cvSsO     ^rmufip^ 

By  and  by,  and  silence,  are  tantamount  to  a  refusal. 

4778.  i^Jnii  Qugs^  unrjrih  fisirmr^ 

Preserve  your  strength  and  bear  the  burden. 

4779.  iSfSesr  Li€S)U-€S)6u  QuQ^iBiretr  ^jrnr^^ 
A  ragged  cloth  will  not  wear  long. 

4780.  i3ppp  uil^Gfiu.i(^  jy^^^O«/r£jt. 

A  broken  cord,  and  a  ragged  basket  (well-bucket.) 

4781.   Ljs^^&iU!r^i(^  ff^i^fS^  Li^idSeifr^tf.. 

That  which  was  given  to  the  praise- worthy,  is  a  microscope. 

tAHiL  PROVBitJ^S*  449 

4782.  Lf^LpfBfiiTGntru  QutrpjS  euirifi. 

Defend  those  who  acknowledge  yotir  merit. 

4783.  Lj&nsiS^uih  dsrrjrSe\)  Quireoe^in'ia^  ^[fifr^. 
Though  eaglewood  produces  saioke>  it  will  do  no  harm. 

4784.  i-jii&uLjaQLp  ^dads^^aQip, 

The  contempt  of  riches  is  the  highest  praise. 

As  a  demon  came  out  of  a  well  that  had  been  dug  as  an  act  of  reli* 
gious  merit. 

4786.  Ljeitreisi^iu^^^i^  ^-Q^^  LbfriLenL^u  uevSeou  i9if.^j^u  uirHf^fi 

Like  looking  at  the  teeth  of  a  bullock  that  is  ploughing  for  nothing, 

4787.  LjesaresSiUUi  ufrirm^u  (SurrtJUu  utreuiiy  i9mQe9r  eum^^frih^ 
It  is  said  that  evil  followed  the  man  who  attempted  a  kind  actj 

4788.  LyewrgaafloJii  ^s\)e\)frfl  euL^sfriLt^  eS^em. 
A  leader  not  virtuous  is  worthless. 

4789.  LjGssTGsSQeo  Qsirea  ^iLL^^Quireo. 
Like  thrusting  a  stick  into  a  wound. 

As  if  a  sore  had  become  acidified. 

4791.   LfGkr^ji/iQdSfr  LLQ^/B^iQsfr  eff^i^ih  ? 

Whether  calls  for  immediate  action,  the  sore  or  its  remedy  T 

New  things  require  fresh  consideration. 

p793.   Lj^iu  euGssTf^^iii  uesiifiiu  ^Lbut-L-^Ld  Q^L^QeucmQih^ 
Employ  a  new  washerman,  but  an  old  barber. 

A  new  wiasherman  will  wash  with  grfeat  C4r16, 




Is  it  right,  to  foroake  old  friends  in  reliance  on  new  one8^! 

4796.  /-/^«  (^L_^^(7«v,  earyr/f^/S^^Mrcwf/Ti 
Water  poured  into  a  new  pot; 

4797,  i-Z^^LJ  uirSssra^^  FF  Qs^jrir^^ 
Flies  do  not  swarm  on  a  new  pot; 

4798*   Lj^u  QuGsstQessT  Lj^u  QuemQessr  Q/bq^ulj  «r®^^6W/r,  ttf- 

0  bride,  0  bi:ide  bring  spme  fire,  wjiat  awaits  you  i$  slippering. 

4799*    Li^€Q)LLUj.TSsr  dBfrifliULD  ^fT&sr  ^ifli  seSu-ids^^ev^  ia  a  strange.  oQpui^'euce  in  kaliyuga. 

TJie  washerman  inaugurated  hi^  washing  by  be^t  of  tomtonji,. 

480U   /-/S9)^ii.;a>  (oi®^^eijllem Lj(pui]r(o€V, 

Like  one,  that  ha^  discoveped  buried  .treasure^^ . 

A  foolish  k^ng  and  an  ignorant  minister. 

4803.   i-{^^  ^pQ(nf^L£i  ^^jk&ssTjr,  Lf^^  .9^p[iQ(ff(^LL  ^laQesiA, 
Both  the  foolish  and  the  wise  slept* 

'iL>  I  *«■• 

4804.   i^i^u^iT(^  u(S\)sjirek^ 

Au  intelligent  man  is  strong. 

Th^re  is  nothing  in  whack  the  mature  ip  judgment  fail. 

4806-    H<i^..^pu,Lfa>yi, 

As  soundi^^s  ofgudgmentinciiease%  praide  will  follow. 

4807.   H^^  ^ppsuk^Gir.  u^^iu/nii^  QjaFtucu^ih  eQuiPfiLbirih; 

Even  that  which  fools  perform  earnestly  i^  wrong. 


4808.  ^^^  f^ssrofssrr  (^&Hisu  (SuiriidF    Q^psinpu  fiQiQdsrrerrsunr/r 

When  the  foolish  go  to  wash,  they  will  daub  themselves  with  mud, 

4809,  L/FtLif-u  LjjiLi^u  iu€inflaiSp(iuir^th^  iSen^uQei)  tuessr  ui^eQso 

Even  when  kicked  about  and  rolling  in  the  dust,  he  affirnu  that  his 
mustache  did  not  touch  the  earth. 

4810.  ^05^^  jyf^«tf«i  QsiT(L^iB^&sr  (Safn9^fl^(Sutr€\), 

Like  the  younger  brother  of  the  husband,  rebuking  him  for  beating 
his  wife. 

1811.   Li(f^e^SiH^(3  <qXPP  i^^pftun^ 

The  cloth  covering  the  breast  suited  to  the  rank  of  her  husband. 

4812.  Lf(f^€U;i^p     uiLi^ireo    sid^^^Qunr    messr^sAp€\)    «/ffA 

When  does  acid  cause  smarting,  when  it  is  applied  to  tbe  eye- brow 
or  the  eyes  I 

4813.  LjeQ  ^if.i(^(Lp&fr(Sasr  SeQ  ^i^ss(^iJa^ 
Struck  with  fear  before  struck  by  the  tiger. 

4814.  L/<sQi(^u  t9pi^  iSALb  ^6oe\)(rmp  Quir(^LLiT  ? 
Being  born  a  tiger,  will  it  be  without,  claws  I 

4815.  LfsQ^^^^&ff  ^frQ  sT'^ssrCSsup^'iafTQ  er&TGsr  ? 

What  matters  it  to  the  tiger  whether  he  is  in,his  uativ*  jungle  or 

4816.   LfeQ'i^u  t9pfB^  u^^ttJiriLJLj(Surr(^L£iT  P" 
Being. born  a  tiger,  will  it  become  a  cat  ? 

1817,  L/cfli  ah.iLL-^^^e\)  u^fT&sr  j^i^uutLL^^Quire^), 
As  the  deer  was  caught  among  tigers. 

|^18.>  Lfe9  QjFeB  ^Q^SiU  kaflaefPj)/, 

Ajx  elephant  in  rut  wlKXie  ears  w  ere  wriang  off  by  a  tigerv 

4S2  UffiQlLlTLfi. 

Though  one  may  escape  the  claws  of  the  tiger,  even  the  pricking 
of  its  whiskers  will  prove  malignant. 

4820.  't/eS  uS^^ireo  i^eo^i^  ^9sr siUUo>ir  ? 

When  the  tiger  is  hungry,  will  he  eat  grass  ? 

4821.     LjeB  U^fEir^SU^  UITIU<3F^^6»(^     ^L^La, 

The  crouching  of  the  tiger  is  the  prelude  to  a  spring. 

He  is  like  one  fed  on  tiger's  milk. 

4823.    LjeQstnuJu  uiTir^^  isifl  (^Q  ^iL(Bii0^n'6^L-.^QuiTeo, 

As  the  jackal  branded  itself  in  imitation  of  the  stripes  of  a  tiger. 

4824.  Lj2sO\U^i(^  eUfri(^<9=  ar^^iLjU^    ^Sssmu-fLo  ^^Sso, 

The  base  do  not  talk  decently,  nor  do  they  heed  oaths. 

4825.  LjSsOfLjiii  Q^frSsoiqth  sBerreijih  ^eQir, 
Avoid  lies,  murder  and  theft. ' 

4S26.   i-l^  fi-errerr  ^L^^^d\)  unrLLesiL^  ^iLemL^  (SiaiU  ^lLl^it^. 
It  will  not  allow  either  sheep  or  cqws  to  graze  where  there 

4827.  Ljeo^iL  ^lSiljld  ^GfrerrLbLLQth, 
As  long  as  vegetation  and  the  earth  exist. 


4828.  Ljio^w  LiuSiLjih  «sB^^ii  mfrQeuBiLju^  ^^eirrerrLLLLQui, 
As  long  as  vegetation,  earth,  rocks  and  the  Cauvery  exist. 

4829.  Lyffu^  eQp8p  ^ss)L^u9(Sev  ^  eQpSp^. 

Selling  flowers  in  a  grass  market  i 

4830.  Lie\)2so^  ^esr^ih    u:itT(SiQuiTS\)u    LfSetniu^  ^^gpiio  0«*^ 

Will  the  red  dog  that  eats  tiger's  flesh  prove  aa  useful  •»  ik« 
that  eats  grass  T 



[831.  L/(x^a«v)«  «cvii>  SQpeQ^  ^sir@^. 

The  low-borD  does  not  eat  from  a  washed  plate. 

I8J2.  LjQ^ions    ^jfisiLb    ^jSiL^Loir    i9ss9^^i(^^  ^iLif.  ufius  ^fSi 

Does  the  low-bom  appreciate  good  manners,  does  tbe  oil  cake  pan 
know  when  the  cake  is  baked  T 

833.  Li(L^iesiS  ^Qpssm  ^/Sturr^  i9/i/Bdsir  iBirppih  ^fSiuir^, 

Menials  are  ignorant  of  manners,  brass  is  unconscious  of  its  iH 

The  sensibility  of  menials  is  in  the  neck. 

835.    LldLpaSu    LjQ^iiSu     LLfT     §jif.;i^fr^w     Lf(ipd§nS^Si(^     #^>(^ 

O  « /r(y) ««  l1  6»  z-» , 

Though  the  slave  girl  who  poutids  rice  labours  so*  as  to  perspire, 
her  share  is  only  a  cake. 

Fat  money  for  rotten  articles. 

He  who  has  climbed  a  tamarind  tree  will  come  dowmwhen  hi&  teeth« 
are  set  on  edge. 

Do  you  come  to  infuse  acidity  into  the  tamarind  fruit  ?' 

539.  (-/(er^Q^^U)  Qutrr^/Bfisu  Li^^Q&teifrQtii, 
Even  when  boasting  do  it  so  as  to  secure  belief. 

Is  a  practical  arithmetician  fit  to  teach  the  theory  of  arithmetic  ? 

m.  Ljpis9f>u.  u^Q^i^  sesiekt^(s\  ^^jseuir^. 

The  medicinal  plant  in  the  backyard  will  not  avail  in  an  emergency. 

46*  uifiOuiir  yS. 

4842.   Lipi(€jL^^^^  ^Gssres^irQufrGO. 
Like  water  on  the  outside  of  a  pot. 

Blinking  like  an  owl  on  an  ant-hill. 

4814.     L^p/SKSeV   l¥<3PeO   LIpUUlLL^^CSufTSi), 

Coming  forth  like  a  swarm  of  winged  white  ants  from  an  antliU^ 
Rushing  as  a  beaver  snake  from  its  hole. 

4846*   LjpfSQ^   /^<F6V  LfpuuiLL^rr^Lby    ubessresSQso  mesypuntr&sf  «.?• 
^^ii  LD&nifi  eujrQeu  euq^Cb^ 

When  winged  white  ants  issue  out  of  a  hole,  and  white  ants  swj 
it  will  certainly  rain. 

4847.   y  ^irak  ^(T^^'SSlj  Qufrm^i(^  ^(ipeurrQesr&sr  ? 
Why  weep  for  gold  while  you  have  the  tulip  tree  ! 

4848-  j^^essBdx/nu  ^^^dssr  Qp^^i  ^ir^eo  ^pjp/Sp^fr  QpiS^ 
^pj^Slp^ir  P 

If  a  pearl  be  as  large  as  a  pumpkin,  whei'e  is  it  to  be  worn,  in  tin 
ear  ov  in  the  nose  T 

4819,  y^&'esSistnu  erQ^^eudofr^  Q^ireS^Qeo  afreasrev/riJD, 

If  one  has  taken  a  pumpkin,  its  mark  may  be  seen  on  his  shoulder 

4850.  y^^esSisiriu  ^(i^Sesr^QuiTe\), 
Like  a  decayed  pumpkin. 

4851.   y,^LJ  Li^u  Ouiresr  rSpih, 

The  more  you  gild  it,  the  more  like  gold  will  it  appear. 


tamUl  proverbs.  455 

The  priest  began  to  wear  flower?,  an9  the  flower  garden  became  a 
grove  b{  jack  trees. 

■*  ■  t  i 

Like  driving  a  bear  among  those  engaged  in  worship. 
8)4.  y^Si  Lbfld5SpSls\)^^  L[i^6i]LD  ^frSp^isoSeo, 


Insects  do  not  perish,  nor  do  worms  die. 

'^)5.  yiLifLU    Lj9i%mi^p    Lj9n^uUTir    FF^anuuQufrdv     ppiLi^  ^^^ 

Those  who  lock  up  their  treasure  and  refuse  to  enjc^  it  will  be 

deprived  of  it,  as  bees  are  deprived  of  their  hon^y, 


856.  yiLQua  ^puLfthQun-ev, 
As  a  lock  and  its  key. 

857.  y^sVLD  lUfTsifih  Qurrpjpi  Qj^<aF si^t^'r , 

The  three  lights  which  the  whole  world  extol. 

858.  y^^rresTLDfreitr  iSefrZsir  ^^^rrSsn^  ^rreQ  ^iLt^pQrj>ib^ 
It  is  said  that  an  indulged  child  tied  a  tali  on  his  mother. 

They  can  endure  seeing  their  tree  shedding  its  Tblossoms,  but  will 

be  disquieted  at  seeing  others  string  and  wear  them. 


360.  ytS  ^Qir  iBL^euir^  q^essBuJeufrek, 

A  virtuous  person  under  whose  footsteps  the  ear4ih  trembles  not. 
J61.  yiB  ^(5^®  ^gSst. 

Till  the  soil,  and  enjoy  its  produce. 

One  cannot  strive  with  one  boni  under  the  star  puridam. 


456  utfiQipn-jS, 

IlieJbaae  are  void  of  good  nutnii^js. 

48.64.  f^nrQoJrr^^ffih  (StDQ^  air<i^jnii(Suir€\)  §)Q^dSpjp, 
His  pedigree  is  weig]i4;y  B;^rrjpwnt  Mem. 

His  title  is  lord  of  the  world,  bat  when  examined  he  is  found  empij. 

As.  grass  is  sold  in  a^  flower  i)[i^rket« 

4867,    LI  eQpfD  6BGnu.u9so.  Lfe\)  eQ'pseoinmr.f 
M^y  grassi  he  sold  in  the  flower  market  t 

let  the  money  obtained  from  the  a9Je  of  flowej^  fragrant^  does  thii 
obtained  from  the  sale  of  flesh  stink  f  > 

48>6^.  y  eQppeu^u  Qurr&sr^  eQp^uuessr^pfCSeuGsr^ 
I  will  enable  him  who  spld  flowers  to  sell  eold. 

As  a  flbre,  u«ed;^r  ^^rijtiflfingF.  flowers  partook  of  their  fragrance. 
487U  A}^^  £^jE769)6E(ij./rcA  OuirpQ^frif.ujfnh    Quiresr  ^L^iJb    ermoari 

It  is  said  that  she  is  Lackshmi  residing  in  flowers,  and  she  isft 
golden  creeper,  yet  whithersoever  she  goes  she  is  slippered. 

•r-         •••        •  •        ^  

4872..  y Saor  «v6»r.®T.  ^i^^^^Seo  ereS  (Sujrek  Quir^^  €r(tiiSpjs/, 

The  rat  liyes  tasee  its, grand-sons  and  grand-daughters^  in  a  plic0 
where  there  is  a  cat. 

Cau  you  tether,  an  elephant  in  a^ place  suited  for  tying  up  a  eat  ? 

4874.   ^3nrr«(g  ^euSsO  ^/rsw^T^ii  fleuQpih.^^  penancjEi  are  not,  prescribe  to  C||ta^ 



4875.  y,^^(S^  Qs/rmrL-iriLL^th  eTSi(Q^  ^es8n^mLu.Ct, 
Aciusement  to  the  cat,  and  agony  to  the  rat. 

^876.  y^'Ss9r6i(^^  StutretrLb  eui/Bireo  iSpppufTuSieo  t^jr^mn'ih. 

It  is  said  that  if  a  cat  be  merry,  she  will  roll  about  on  an  old  mat. 

4877.   ^Ssw  ufrd))  (^i^iSp^Qurreo, 
As  a  cat  drinks  milk. 

4878.  ^^Qufr€\)  jyL-E/©g)sir  i^eBQuTia  umuiflir&rr. 
He  was  quiet  as  a  cat,  and  sprang  like  a  tiger. 

4879.  ^Sesreniui  seirru.  SeS'Sufreou  L/6V£it3  ^"ip^Qytifr. 
He  cries  as  a  parrot  encountered  by  a  cat. 

4880.  (^Pjstr.cnoj^flrrisk  effL-Qu  LjeQQuJiArjp/Lo,  ereS  ^T^Qssrii9rj)/u> 
A  cat  is  called  a  domestic  tiger,  and  the  king  of  rats. 

4881.    QulLi^U^P   UtTUiLjQuiTii)  ^L^lElQ^^, 

I  He  was  as  quiet  as  a  snake  in  a  box. 

•4882.   QuiLtf^  iSppev  eufTiui  slL®^  ^pta. 
The  basket  is  torn,  but  the  rim  is  strong, 

4883.  QutLemi^m  Q&tri^  €k.€SQiuir  eQif-Sp^  ? 
Does  the  day  break  at  the  crowing  of  a  hen  T 

4884.  QuiLetni^^  Q^tTi^  ^iLt^i  &k.eifLDfr  ? 

Can  a  hen  flap  her  wings  and  crow  lik^  a  cock  ? 

4885.  Ou«wr  €r&sr(nj>eo  Quu^ld  ^iriEi(^m, 
Even  a  demon  will  pity  a  woman. 

Love  of  women  on  the  one  hand,  and  love  of  property  on  the  other. 


tJ  tfi  Q  Ui  fr  i^. 

As  the  man  who  had  no  wife  embraced  a  demoness. 

A  cuff  for  the  man  who  left  his  wife  at  her  mother's. 

4889.   GuGssr^^ir^  m^p&>iL®y  i9ffn2siT  euTuj<i<!ELLSl, 
Fettered  with  a  wife,  and  muzzled  with  a  child. 

4890'    OueiffL^iTiLi'^  Q^iTessTL^^in  ^gsstl^itiLl^u^  uiLl^j^u^  Quir^ii. 
Enough  of  taking  a  wife  and  suffering  the.  cotiseqnences. 

4891.   Ouemi^ia^^  ^Lp(^  Qurr3'ir^(^^^^^ 

Not  to  remonstrate  with  her  husband  is  an  ornament  in  a  wom'»n. 

48  92.     0LJ6Wf®«6}r    ^^^i(^LJ    Lj if) Uid^lTST . 

A  straw  twist  for  women  to  squat  on. 

4893.    OusinQ^i^sih^^u  Qup(frj>fT  ^L-^^Sl^LD  i9iin^yrsetr    ^^t^ifi^ 

Women  have  no  influence  over  parents  and  children. 
Women  are  not  in  danger  of  forfeiting  their  rice. 

4895.     OL/6Wr63aTZrfi6!DL/<35   c^^^^B^^LJ  (oUfTu'jU  Quii^  ^.^^  ^^^Qf* 

The  going  to  a  dance  of  celestials  ended  as  a  dance  of  devils. 

4896-    Ou€ssTesS'^  (gsjartb  ^jSQ&s^  <sFiJbU/BQ  enmu   j^jSQski&fr, 

I  know  the  character  of  the  bride,  and  the  boisterousness  of  htf| 

4897.  QuGisf^^s>^{j  Qunm   ^iKSuurrir^    s^€urr^<i(^    ineifr    QiLS^ 

Look  at  a  woman  after  adorning  her  with  jewels,  and  at  a  wall 
when  you  have  plastered  it  with  mud. 

4898.  OL/6wr^3a/<i(gii  Quirdr^m^^Lb  Q^trpLj  ^gsstl^it  f 
Is  any  one  ever  tired  of  women  and  wealth  I 


4899.   Qu€5sr^pii(^u  Qufruju  Qu/rs!sr^^(^Lj  iS&sreun-tki^soiriLrr  ? 

Having  gone  to  take  a  wife,  can  you  turn  back  because  marriage  is 
expensive  I ' 

For  a  wife,  a  mother-in-law,  for  a  boy,  a  tutor. 

Did  she  give  one  a  wife,  or  did  she  give  one  her  eye  ? 

4902.   QuGssrfjsfpsTu  i9es)in  Outj^<95<slj  Qupp^mu  QeuGsart^irQiLT  ? 

Are  you  content  to  lose  your  mother  in  order  to  pardon  your 


4903.   Qu^3sim<i    0«/r6ror®    e^utusir   QutuirQ^sk,    tS^jyrSw   Qup^^ 
©^«S  isfrujfr^srr. 

Having  married  a  wife  the  boy  has  become  a  fool,  having  given 
birth  to  a  child  the  damsel  has  become  mean  in  appearance. 

4904,  OuGssrdssm  (SeuessTQiii  (srmqrfe^  ^etflajp  6i^^lssvT  i^i:^, 
If  you  want  the  woman,  lick  her  bleared  eyes. 

4905.  OuckfT  Lj^^  Q<3SLLSp6um  Quiu. 

He  who  listens  to  the  advice  of  women  is  a  fool. 

4906.  OhJ€ssT  Ljji^S  i9mLj^iQ^ 

The  thoughts  of  women  are  after-thoughts. 

4907.  QuGssr  €ueiriT^Q  iSirssaisiQdim^, 

The  growing  of  women  is  that  of  a  gourd  creeper, 

4908.  Qufflajnrsvirr^  ^iSssariOmnrerr, 
Secure  the  good  will  of  the  great. 

4909.  OuiflQiUfri'  ^«V6U/rii  Quff^iunEih  jysv6W/f. 
All  who  are  high  in  stature  are  not  great. 

460  u  ifiQ  LdfTifi. 

4910.  OuiBSiu/rn-Qfi^   ^frtfii^  (Su^€\),  m/rfa9rdsOLj(oUir€»    tdiSH^ 


When  speaking  submissively  to  the  great,  they  preserve  an  erect 

posture  like  a  reed. 

■  ■    rf 

4911.  QufiQiuirir  Qpeir  er^ir^^uQu^eOj   Q€uefrerr^^p(^(Lpar    mf 

If  they  should  contradict  the  great,  they  will  fall  like  trees  before 
a  flood. 

A  tight  knot  cannot  be  formed  in  a  thick  rope. 

4913.   Ourn^iEtsnriuLD  ^Q^i^  uiressTL^ii^, 

An  earthen  pot  in  which  assafoetida  was  kept. 

4914.  Ouq^iB  (BirpfiSeo  iSSstruu^Sr  up^Qp^Quireo, 
Flying  like  cotton  before  a  gale  of  wirid. 

4915.  OuQ^ii  (^ev^^s\)  i9p/B/5tr^ui  L^,i^  ^ppeu&sr  SQ^UiL^u  ^u 


Though  bom  in  a  high  family,  a  fool  is  like  a  sugar-cane  flower. 

4916.  Qun^ii  OdB/rcjoL-  i9^€v>^dssrrjr(7^dS(^^  3f«wflai/, 
Beggars  presume  on  large  gifts. 

4917.  OuQ^  QiB(i^uLfi(^  firjriii  ^^eini^fT? 
Will  moisture  affect  a  great  fire. 

4918.  Ourr^  Lbjr^es)^^  arpi$\u  eu&r&FldQ^frt^(Su/r€\>, 

Like  a  creeping  plant-JDiOsconea  aativa^ronnd  a  large  tree. 

4919.  OuQ^  metnLp  eQ(ipi^rrp  (^efijr/r^. 
No  feeling  of  cold  in  a  heavy  fall  of  rain. 

4920.   QuQ^Uifreir  ^Q^ASp  eueniriB^  ^(ti^isfreir  C-«wr®. 

As  long  as  Perumal  exists.,  holy  days  will  be  observed. 

TA^flL  PROVERBS.  461 

4921.  Quq^mtreff  er^Sip  Quoj^mrr  ihirppu  Quifiiu    QuQ^LDfrerr    j^4f 

Tbe  name  Perumal  being  changed  has  become  great  Peru  mal. 

5922.   QuQ^unrSssTif  (S^iTi(o^irn^(^u  i9pLJLj  ^wSsu,  i9^&sy^^Q€=irp 

j3p(^   ^^&€0   g)6035U, 

Those  who  have  attained  union  with  God  are  not  subject  to  future 
births^  rice  given  in  alms  is  not  refused  because  it  id  refuse. 

4923.  QuQ^Lmr&sr  fSSesr^^fr^  euirtpeif    (^enpsiiir^  iSjtllit    /Bdsvr^/Sfrtv 
^tLj^  (^esipeufT  ? 

If  Goi  is  pleased,  will  there  be  any  lack  of  prosperity,  if  Brahma 
favour,  will  one's  life  be  short  ? 

Pride  will  diminish  one's  worth. 

4925.  Qu (T^€9) L£nufr€9r  fliB^^jTGsr  effem. 
Pride  in  a  poor  man  is  vain. 

4926.  QuQ^enu^  ^0  QppLL  LjesiL^^jp   er(3^/sir€^  ^cirjyii  ^^3r). 
When  a  sieve,  full  of  pride,  is  sifted,  nothing  remains. 

4927.   OuQi^GDUitLfih  ^jpfeinmiLjuy  euirtuirey)  guqeld. 
The  great  and  the  little  come  from  the  mouth. 

4928-   Qu(T^€s>iiia(^  ^iL&^L^  ^isf-^^u  t9errSofr  esjsuQsv  3ifr&nfl<9=  &iiL 

He  killed  a  sheep  to  show  his  greatness^  and  gave  the  ear  to  hi» 
child  after  roasting  it. 

1929.   Qun^  ^u^esi^  e^efm-^ujeuQ^ui    iSjrQiuir^esTuaraj    ^0««£ij/rLl 

The  great  are  not  alvHtys  helpful,  the  lofty  palmyrah  casts  no 

4(>2  u  ifiQ  LDir  L^, 

4930.  G^(5  €uS^  Q^fTGhri—^  ^jSujfruie\)  ^Lbi^^^p^m  fSfr&r  ^ilS 

<s  O  65 /r  sir  L- /r  eir . 

Not  knowing  that  his  wife  is  aflfected  with  dropsy,  he  hars  fixed 
upon  a  day  for  the  performance  of  her  simantham  ceremony. 

A  ceremony  relating  to  the  first  pregnancy,  including  bathJDg,  tbt 
imi'ting  of  the  hair  in  the  middle  of  the  forehead,  pnttibg  on 
jewels,  (kc,  &c. 

4931.  Qupp  fBn\h  ^u.ji^Qevir  9>pp  e9^&n^  dsrrLL(SS(nf>tu  ? 
Do  you  practise  your  arts  on  your  mother  ? 

4932.  Qupp  ^irdj  Q<3=^^ire^  Qupp  ^uugst  Sppuu&fr, 
If  a  mother  dies,  the  father  becomes  uncle. 

4933.  Qupp    fiirdj    u&^^(f^'i%u     tBir/TLDeifsr    (SiAjfr^&frili    Q^sriuj^ji 

Like  feeding  brahmans  when  oae*s  mother  is  starying. 

4934.  Qupp^  er€\)e\>frih  i9&fr^iiu/r  ^iLi—^  ersoevirth  uu^jr^r  ? 

Are  all  that  are  brought  forth  children,  is  all  that  is  sown  avaihibld- 
for  use  ? 

*4935.  Qupp^   srsv€\>tnh    i9<stTSsfr(Siurr    eitSswi^^,.  ereueu/ru)    (5*"** 

Are  all  that  are  brought  forth  children,  is  all  earthen  ware  fexb^- 
that  is  fashioned  by  a  pottekT  I 

4936.   Qupp  uy€STLD  i9^j^y  i9ffa2s(r  mmii^.^e^^; 

The  mother's  heart  is  soft,  that  of  her  child. is  as  a  stone. 

4937.    QupQ(fflTic^   ^&i^^   S^ppQpih  &€STQpiD, 

The  wise  are  not  jnoved  by  relationship  or  anger. . 

4^38.   Qu^u  CSuiSF  €rfB^uUfr'€fr)ea^tLiui  euQ^ih, 

,  Any  language  may  be  learnt  by  continual  speaking.' 


4939.  ^u&'ir^QF^ihjsiT&i  i9sff)Lp  ^mj^Lb  ^^Sso, 
No  fault  arises  if  nothing  ii  spoken. 

4940*   QuSeo  jyus\)LD  (2u^fr<i3BfrfS\)  smonm. 

When  he  speaks  it  is  to  no  purpose,  when  he  does  not  speak  ifee  i* 
accounted  dumb. 

4941.    (oUi^&rii   ^pp   fBiTlij  (SeUtL&TjL^dS^  -^'^/''JS/* 

A  noisy  dog  is  not  fit  for  hunting. 

4942.   Qudra^6^(m  ^jrfreuessTsir  i2estL^  (^ubu^ltcssr^ir^ 

In  speech  he  is  Bavana^  but  he  turns  out  to  be  Kumbhakafnaan, 

Is  contradiction  becoming  T 

4944,  C?L7«fF63)<y  eQpj)ii  &/rujaiS'i  (^L^dSQjf>6ir., 
He  sells  his  words>. and  cooks  and  drinkd, 

1945.    (Sutf-  69X<3Su9(SV   ^Q^fB^  ^ILj ^ LdQ U fT €\) ^ 

Like  a  weapon  in  the  hands  of  a  hermaphrodite? 

k946,  Qui^  esxmiBeo  euffevQuirQeo^ 

Like  a  sword  in  tUe  hands  of  a  hermaphrodite, 

947,   (Su^Lo  ^ppsmr  £'^LD  ^ppeuir^ 
He  who  is  impartial  is.  just* 

Fools  in  the  midst  of  a  flood.:  will  wander  abdut  f^r  water  to  driok. 

Simplicity,  is  the  ornament  of  a  wonaan. 

950.  QuiufT^^Cb  ^uj,  li^fT^^th  QiDfr/r. 

Though  like  a  demanshe  is  a-mother,  though  mere  slop,  it  is  buttw- 

464  uifiQihirtfi. 

4951.   QuiLjLb  ftcv^  ^!r{uu^  us(i^im. 

Even  a  demon  will  have  some  reason  to  assign. 

4^52.    (SuiLi  ^i^uj  SLLUth(Sufre\), 

Like  a  pole  on  which  a  demon  dances. 

4953.  (Sudj  Oa/r&ssTL^/r^ih  Quessr  Qsireirenio  ^d^nr^. 
One  may  take  a  demon,  but  not  take  a  wife. 

4954.  Quiui(mi  setr  eufrir^^^Qufrev, 
Like  pouring  out  toddy  to  a  demon, 

4956.  C?Ljaj«(5  Qisiiut9dsoQuirQe\>. 

As  margosa  leaves  before  a  demon. 

4956.  (Suius(^  QetiSso  ^LLi^^Qu/rev, 

Like  setting  a  demon  to  work. 

*— — ^fcfa 

4957.  Qudjieh-^^LD  ^LD€ssr65(^LD  .^(SfrQ u IT ^eo  M^  0/Sif}ujrrffi, 

A  devil  dance  is  a  garden  of  castor  oil  plants^  if  one  gets  in  he  it 
not  iseen  again, 

4958.  (SuiLi  ^id^s/r^ui  '^^^^  ^(L^^iT^Lb  j^atrjp. 
If  a  demon  smiles  it  is  bad,  and  if  he  weep  that  too  is  inauspidofl^ 

4959.  Quiu  i9if.ia6i]LD  iBeirfew  t9es)tfiiaeijLbir  ? 
Will  a  child  struck  by  a  demon  survive  ? 

4960.  Quiu  QufTiuu  LjeiFliULDsr^^eo  ejfS&r^Qutr^^. 
As  a  demon  ascended  a  tamarind  tree. 


4961.  (SujT/resyiFisn'jrSssrLJ  Qu(T^LDLj^sire\)  Q6U€0€\)(o€U€fkir(Sui, 
The  avaricious  must  be  overcome  by  notorious  lies. 

4962.  (SujTiresifF  QuiS^uj  /B&fLU.Ui, 
Avarice  ends  in  loss. 

4963.  Qunr  g)€y6V/r<5F  &^GsreS^  ^"^ijf>,  i9efr2sfr  gjmicoir^  Q^€Q§iiih  uf^ 

The  presence  of  one  without  reputation  does  no  good,  wealth  with" 

out  a  child  is  useless. 


4964.  enu^fTGn^u  uaSQujii, 
Yield  not  to  a  demon. 

4965.  enuijSLStfiLJ  Lje\)(S6un'nr  urrtLQ^^  ^tbp€UG/r^ 
He  is  worthy  to  be  8iing  by  poets. 

4966.  enuuj^  Qs'mQf^eo  emeutuih  fSirii^Lb, 

If  you  walk  gently,  the  earth  will  bear  you. 

4967.  ctDL/iu  SfSifB^^  (SeuL^^  ^tf-,  uf$fil  iB^^fi^  umj8  ^t^. 

The  light  footstep  is  that  of  the  hunter^  the  firm  footstep  is  that  of 
the  hog. 

4968.  enuiu  Qmrnqifi^  udsttrtniuiLjih  Qine^eoeoirLD^ 

If  masticated  slowly  even  a  palmyrah  tree  may  be  chewed. 

4969.  €9)uu9fb  stLif-eneu^fi  Qutrq^eir  ujSQsirQidiLJUiLL^jp, 
The  wealth  tied  up  in  a  bag  was  lost. 


4970.   Qugiseu/nii^S  Qua^^^eiririh  QuiriBunrstieu, 

It  is  said  that  a  toothless  dame  appreciated  the  rice  flour. 

Ill  times  of  plenty  the  tamarind  tree  blossoms,  in  times  of  scarcity 

the  mango  bears  in  abv/nda/nee, 

I    1   »  I  ■  I II  111. 

1972.   Qutr^  ^etTkSipflp(y^Qp&s((Sesr  s^^fBfB^p^  ^eniSipfiiT  p 
Ataa  I  to  measure  out  the  hire,  before  measuring  out  the  load  t 

€fD€Uji^  eQiLQi^  Q^js^i  St^ifiirtir^ 

Having  loaded  his  bullock^  he  wettt  abegging;  the  product  he  fx^t 

on  one  side,  and  died, 


468  i^ysiQuiir^i 

Am  I  to  m^sure  out  the  hire  before  a4JU8ting  the  load  T 

4975»   Quir^esy/ig^  SrGafridinrujCSutrQev , 
Like  a  fleshy  gourd. 


I       ■»  I    ^-aa^aii^ 

4976-.   QutnLi  @(5'5^  LjeoLDLfih  Qmiu  ^a^i^  eQL^i(^LCi. 


FisJsehood  will  never  cease  to  weep,  truth  will  ever  be  coaspicuoos 
4977-  GlufTtu  e_t55)t-^  ^(j^a/eir  QiFired  €U€ir€inLbu9^eo  QmiuQuir^uA^ 

The  falsehood  of  a  iiar  by  reason  of  its  force^  may  a}»peaj!  like  trntiv 
may  appear  Uke  truth. 

4978.  Q&'fT&ireisr  eufnu^(^LJ  Qutr^^srin  S&nL^uJir^. 
The  m.ouih  accuistomed;  to  Kes  will  be  deprived  of  food. 

4979.  QufTtu  Q^frA'csr  €U/rujS(^LJ  Qufr^iLjta  Sev^i^iuir'^. 

The  mouth  accustomied  to  lies  will  be  deprived  of  even,  parcluit 

4980.  Qu/riLi  QiSFirffOsQ  euirtp tkjseu^iih  ^eoSs*),.  Ounu  Q^ir€\)^s  Q*^ 

No  one  ever  prospered  by  telUngJies,  no  onje  was  ever  reduced  to 
poverty  by  speaking  truth. 

4981.  Qujruj:  Qlduj.wuJ'  Qesamg^wif  ?- 
Will  falsehood  conquer  truth  f 

4982.  QujriUiU/r:€sz  Quirq^tstr.irsf^.^  Q>u>ujuj/resr  ^:^isa/fm^€naJ  tOeoi^ 

The  folse  love  of  money,  will  take  away  tbje  real  love  of  divine 

Falsehood  on  one  sidfe,  and  envy  on  the  other; 

.  ■ »■  ■  ■ . 

4934.  Qufftumai^  Q^frmQ)^fj>  .Qt4tr(Ti^m/S'^  Q<sF7r6^^(7«Miir®i/>.. 

Though  you  t^U  lies>  do  so:  considtently.. 


4985.  Ou/r(5t-Ssaru  QuirpjSe^iry^. 
Preserve  your  substance  and  live. 

4986.  Ou/rQ^etriren^iLfiii  inesr^^friL^tLith  Quft(/^iiffiLbir'? 
Will  covetous  desires  and  conscience  agree  I 

Giving  one^s  wealth  and  incurring  censure. 

(988.  Qu/r(j^(Si^ih  Quir^Qpta  6iL.i^eujrtr^  L^eAnesiflujCSiD  af^^L^euQ^Lo^ 

Wealth  and  pleasure  will  be  separated  from  us,  but  virtue  wiUl 

1989.   OuiTQ^etr  QuiTGsr  eut^Qtu  ^j^^u^  Qufrih, 

Whithersoever  wealth  goes,  sorrow  follows  in  the  same  path*. 

The  wicked  heart  resists  reproof. 

1991.  Oufreoe\)iriB(^  er&ffuemeu  eret)€i)fnh  fleQii, 
Avoid  whatever  is  evil. 

1992,  QurreoGOfT^  Sfre\)m  Q^irsvev/rLaeo  euikjs^. 
Inauspicious  times  come  without  giving  notioe>. 


The  anger  of  the  wicked  is  like  a  fracture  in  a  stoniO,  they  are  not 
easily  reconciled.. 

!994.  Quire\)iSOfr^  (^gsst^^s(^  ll^/b^  ^^esstt^tr  P 
Zs  tiiere  any  medicine  for  a  bad  temper  I 

&95*  Qu,tTioeoirfl®fir£Beff     diiimir^^LD     ^ulj    msfsrreQsy^    ^LpikfB    /fit 
The  friendship  of  the  i^iricked  is  as  bitter  as  water  Id  brackish  soil.. 

A  bad  child  is  worse  than  uooe.. 

1|I68  uifiQ  incfT  i^^    . 

4997.  QuiTQp^  UzIl-  §)i-LD  eQQ^  afldi-  ®z-a>. 
Halting  where  the  sun  sets. 

4998.  Ou(r(tg^  ^cf-ifi^  utreniJD  Q/Sfr2eoi^jp^ 
The  day  has  dawned,  sin  is  ended. 

4999.  OuirfS  QeueinpeuQesr  ^/SeQeor  (^n^eutrih. 

He  alone  who  couquers  his  senses  is  a  teacher  of  wisdom. 

5000.  QiJir^^  ermu^  at^isS^Ln  Quifij^, 
Forbearance  is  greater  than  the  ocean. 


5001.   QtJfrjpjji^e\)   ^ia^uUfTiu    ^nF/B^fr^ih   Qu'frjpifidBu  'Qufrjp/^s^ 

Although  suffering  may  be  bitter,  continued  endurance  will  make 
it  sweet. 

5002.  Quirj^^^irir  y^tS  ^erreuirir, 
'those  who  put  up  with  injuries  may  rule  the  earth. 

5003.  QufT^^^mr  ^jr^nrea&iirir  QumaSl^fr  »irL^tr&T€kiirir, 

They  who  endure  will  reign  as  kings^  the  irascible  will  wane 
through  the  jungles. 

5004.  Qutr^^min€9sOuj^^p(^  Qeuir  Quir(j^etrfr€S)<F   uirev^^p^. 


Patient  endurance  is  the  root  of  religious  merit,  avarice  is  therorfj 
of  sin. 

A  gold  Vessel  does  not  sound,  a  brass  one  does. 
5006.   Ouirp  siruLjaif^  ^tm^uutKBu  LjSSm  &DmiiSe\)    ^^f^uuL- 

Like  one  whose  dedire  for  a  gold  bracelet,  buhied  him  into 
claws  of  a  tiger. 

*     4 

5007.   Ouirp  y^eSeir  eufr^2sia'iL^iD  (ip(i^i^iii  L^oSdr  enir^F^iijib  ^S, 

The  smell  of  a  flower  of  g«ld  and  tkat  d  the  murdddni  floirer 


1OO8.  Quirp  y  euff^i^ubtr  ? 

Does  a  golden  flower  diffuse  fragrance  ! 

The  ornament  of  reputation  is  greater  than  ornaments  of  gold^ 


OlO.  Qurr&fT  ^jreu€\)  s_«bt®,  ^  ^jr&jeo  ft_6wr«— /r  ? 

Gold  may  be  lent,  can  flowers  ?  , 

Oil,  Qur^  6r«ir(7ytfU  i9eaifr(ipih  eunrdj  ^p^(^tD, 

If  the  word  gold  be  uttered,  even  a  corpse  will  open  its  ihouth, 

012.  Qurr&fTSi^^  ffrekj^  ^(^p/^JP  ^  jpf^i^i  Qs  trek  err  ebiTLAir  f 
May  one  cut  his  throat  with  a  knife  because  it  i»made  of  gold! 

013.  Qurr&sr  &n^^  Li^LbCSi.i/rQei),  '  - 
»       Like  the  demon  that  guarded  treasure. 

014.  Qufr&frQ^Q^uL^    -^^a^^    mtr^ir^^^iT&sr    (oUfrL^QsueifBr®tM^ 
Though  golden  slippers,  they  must  be  put  on  the  feet. 

Why  should  a  woman  who  has  no  gold  beads  be  called  Ammani  t 

One  should  wear  either  a  gold  crown,  or  matted  hair. 


If  one  has  a  golden  house,  what  house  can  he  not  get  ? 

The  golden  hall  ot-Chidambaram,  and  the  town  Puvanagiri,  ar^ 
always  in  trouble. 

119.  Quire!fr^eian'e5£i(j^u  Lf&fl  caffzl®  .|^«Sg)sv   s.6wr^<i(g  er^ 

^      If  acid  be'  miked  with  ponninkini'-l'Bece&rum  sessiltAi^  flavoui^ 
will  be  agreeable  to  the  whole  palate. 


4ya  UAfiQmirip. 

6020.   (olurrGfrQ)iEiSfressf)i^u  LjeS  gQlLQ  ^<sfi(^0U   £_6»r^u  Qum 

The  compound  of  ponnank&ni  greens-i/2ece&rum-and  tamarind,  wlQ 
enable  a  girl  who  has  lost  her  appetite  to  eat  an  ulak  of  rice. 

5021.  Quir^Q)€tfr  inGsretnjsu  L]€fm^i(^@(nf^^, 
He  ulcerates  the  golden  mind. 

5022.  (Sufrear^Qe\)  dBCVti    fi_6wrz-_/r(g)jy/Lb    LD6ikr^)(Se\)    Sreuir    Qem 

I'hough  one  may  possess  vessels  of  gold,  the  wall  of  his  hom 
must  be  of  mud. 


Though  the  daughtec4n*law  is  made  of  gold,  she  must  have  ft] 
mother-in-law  made  of  earth. 

Golden  ploughs  were  used  for  the  cultivation  of  the  millet, 
the  crop  was  less  than  the  seed-corn. 

5025.   QuirGsresH^sr  ^4^^Qp(^u  QufrtKSl  ^tLQu  uirirsdi  QeurnQt^'f 

Must  a  royal  mark  be  inscribed  on  a  golden  pot,  that  it  may  appctf ^ 
the  more  beautiful  T 

5026.  QunmsS&sr  (^i— li  ^^Gfn^i^trp  Ouir&sr  ^(^ti  ereisretr  ^'^^ 

Though  broken  to  pieces  a  golden  pot  will  still  be  gold,  of  w) 
V  use  is  an  earthen  pot  when  broken  ? 

5Q27.  Ouir&aSsfT  cfi6uiSp    Q^iruSeBQeo  ^efnemuirenj^    es^eaimQsum 


Flowers,  at  leasts  must  be  offered  in  a  temple  in  which  gold  ij 


5028*  OuirarSur  erjSfS^fr^ih  Quirtf.i  S^lr^fu  mfSliU^irihiT? 

Althoagh  you  may  throw  away  gold,  you  may  not  throw  away 
edible  iierbs ! 

Inquire  the  way  to  the  village  whither  you  are  not  going. 

If  you  go  where  you  ought  not;  you  will  receive  a  c^ff  that  might 
have  been  avoided. 

5031.  (?LJ/r«4B6wr£i  QstLi^eueir  jrtf^^rreD^tD  Ouifliusu^, 

•  r  •  ■ 

An  impudent  person  is  greater  than  a  king. 

,  Quirm(^  ^pp  mniu^(Sk-  Qutr&r^  ereoevirui  eu^^ 
A  hungry  dog  finds  a  way  wherever  he  goes. 

Though  one's  food  be  slight,  the  dish  must  be  large. 

5034".  Qutr^&ir  Qs^ffio^fi   'fiiLt^ffQ/Sy  uirfi^t^    g)«iS^!*;3Ll,^/rC?^. 
Obey  yoybT  religious  teacher,  approach  not  the  house  of  the  wicked. 

>035.   (oUfr^S(T^6i(SdS  Q^^ssr  tQ^&rih, 

A  religious  teacher,  meets  with  many  temptations. 

)036.   (Surr^ih  srekp  wearCSin  QtJtr^  Q^tuiLjLb  Ui(f^i^^ 
A  contented  mind  is  a  specific  for  making'  gold. 

i037,  QurrX^eo  aai^  Q^tf.<osr  s^LbUm/Bth. 

Akin  to  seeking  a  needle  in  a  heap  of  straw. 

►038,  Quiresari  suLtf^esieu^^uQuiriLQiu  i5<y«D«F«^Ly  QufreuiQ^sr^p 
Having  stacked  your  corn,  why  go  abegging  I 

472  uffiQibir^fi. 

5039.  QufrQjrirCS  ^^Sp    u^iriLQi(^u    iSIQifSSiu    (SurnLQi    «ilfl 

When  an  ox  is  accustomed  to  eat  at  a  heap,  will  it  be  satisfied  with 
a  handful  ? 

5040.   Qurrtr^QfifT^e^  i^SiQvLjeo, 

Do  not  practise  the  art  of  war. 

5041.  Qutrir  i9(SiB(^SjD6Ufrseir  u^jrisetrih  <flp/r®ffl^ai;f«Sstr  u)/rtl(B% 

It  is  said  that  those  who  steal  from  a  corn-stack,  will  frighten 
those  who  glean  stealthily. 

5042.  (?u/r350<i^   ^(5   QuirminGsS  SewL-^/y^/rii,   ^ssifB^  jgr««* 

^essfosiSiid  QfitrCJBi^  O^^CJBtu  urrHr^^fliriM, 

It  is  said  that  the  hollow-headed  woman  obtained  a  gold  bead,  and 
that  she  examined  it  when  she  was  sleepy. 

5043.  ©LJ/rSa)  OufTjpiisu  Qu/r^&'mh  ySsw  (gjpf^Qa  CSu/r^^rih, 

It  is  said  that  the  destitate  went  out  to  gather  ortp,  and  a  d^ 
went  across  the  path. 

That  which  one  eats  as  the  fruit  of  his  owq  labour,  is  proptfff 
called  food. 

5045.   (puiresr  arjr^&n^u  LfeS  ^iLQ  ^&nifi^^^Qun-eo^ 

Like  inviting  a  fever  that  has  subsided,  by  ^ving  acids. 

5046.  Quiresres>^  iBSfvrdSpeuek  Lf/i^  Q^tLu^eu^fr^ 
He  lacks  sense  who  brooda  over  the  past. 

5047.  Quiresr  u^iriLeni^/i  Q/f(Bleii/rQ^u>  gjeoSeo,  (ounu/ifl  ^^efl  QsirQu 

There  is  no  one  to  seek  the  lost  cow,  none  to  pay  the  hire  of  ^^ 




Be  graceful  as  the  moon. 

5049.   Queireuu  QuQ^enm  Q^iueu^  O^iuQso^ 

The  greatness  of  the  ocean  ahowa  the  work  of  God. 

5050.'  QueneuLD  ^^pp^  ^is9)S^  Q&^eu&DSU  ^pp^  eujifii&nss. 

The  body  is  like  a  bubble,  one's  present  existence  is  not  lasting. 


5051.  Lb^Qj^eaiT  ^®  ^i^^j^u  QuiLfm  <^®Spj0, 

When  butted  by  a  ram  of  Mahad^var,  even  the  demon  shakes  its 

5052.  tLs^i(^Lj  Lf^^  Q&'/reoeQ^  /^iriu  ^eit^tnB  (Sufr^ew^tD, 

The  mother,  having  given  advice  to  her  daughter,  played  the  harlot. 

— *^^— ^*— ■ 

5053.  i^^&r  Q^p^/srr&r  ^rriu  ,S«(5  mfi/p(n^en'. 

The  daughter  is  dead,  the  mother  is  become  destitute. 

If  the  daughter  die  her  remains  are  regarded  as  a  pinam ;  if  the 
son,  his  corpse  is  a  savam. 

5055.  LD'Ss&ir  Q^^fB^^iti  6f/r«Ll®Lb  izj^iodBelr  Qa^fTiLt^in  ^L^iaS^p 

No  matter  if  my  son  should  die,  it  will  suffice  if  the  arrogance  of 
my  danghter-in-law  is  checked. 

5056.  LD«/rLD«£i  umesfljr^ssr®  eu(j^<s^^^p(^  ^q^  eQetr)^, 
Mahamaham  festival  is  celebrated  every  twelfth  j^ear. 

5057.  LD6B/r  (?LO(25®n6y«y  Q^^lrih^  ^rrsiopui  QufrsksaflpLLfrLb, 

Even  a  crow  if  it  arrive  at  Mah^mt^ru  is  said  to  assume  a  golden 

474  '     u  LfiQwir  lJ^. 

5058.  LD«/r  jrrr^freS&sr  aS\uiT€asrji^so  i^jrfrarrjrLn  Q/6tu  uiLl.  uir^. 

At  the  marriage  feast  of  the  Maha  Rajab,  even  cold  rice  water  is 
rare  as  ghee. 

5059.  L^^fT  e\''L-^LS  uirQ^^LD  Qufresr^Qufrso, 
As  Maba  Lakshmi  went  on  a  pilgrimage. 

5060.     LbSlSSiiD    */5^/f?    iT>^^SS)<Ski   ^gj^/fl. 

Illustrious  beauty,  leave  the  door  ajar. 
5061.   ^oSOT)LD<i^    j)/^Siu    LDQEiLmQssr    ernF€v>LOds   a&n'esypi    Qaffi 

Thou  modest  son-in-law,  do  .not  kill  the  young  buffaloa. 

Tbis  was  said  to  a  man  by  his  motber-in-law.  Wishing  to  appftr 
to  her  a  anaaU  eator  he  stiated  himself  at  hia  ordinary  meaU,  and  yet 
appeared  to  flondah.  Casting  about  for  a  solution  of  the  mysleff 
her  attention  was  called  to  the  ill  condition  of  a  yonng  buffaloa.  Sus- 
pecting that  her  son-io-law  was  the  cause  of  this,  she  resolved  to 
watch  his  movements'.  Th0  following  night  she  saw  him  emerge 
fruni  hi8  room  and  proceed  to  the  buffaloa,  whose  milk  he  exhaoste^ 
and  returned  to  liis  own  quarters.  On  the  morrow  when  betook 
his  food  she  addressed  IVim  in  the  language  of  the  proTerb- 

5062.    LL£str.uuuLLi^eiJ^d(^     lljtgssilo^    unTLLQi^ffwussiUtu^i^^ 
DcMlh  to  the  distinguished,  homage  to  the  cowherd. 

Cne  matro  I  flourishes  in  the  water-lily,  and  one  weeps  bereft  of 
her  marriage  symbol. 

5061.    Lr^^^&fT  «oyra^Lb  ajtrc^  u^q^ld  dFifi, 

The  dishonest  t.icks  of  children,  and  the  husks  of  varagu  are  alikfc 

5003.    i/'^^eir  Qa'fTj^  ^GSTQif&x  loSs^dih  (^6ff>pu^u>, 
To  Le  fed  by  ch'ldren  is  a  disgTftce  to  parents. 


5066.  LLisir€^ir^u  Quirdjm  Qs(ri(^u  iSi^^^^Qun^, 

Like  going  on  a  pilgrijnage  to  Mecca,  and  catching  a  crane. 

5061,  i^Eisminf)  sufiflrrJT  ^la^s  LDsntp  Qutu^s^, 
Montgomery  came,  and  it  raided  fine  gold. 

5068.  UiiEi(^LD  «/rcvii>  LDiriisirtu  Qufrsj(^Ui  «/r60ti  Lfsifltuibi^fruj, 

In  time  of  scarcity,  mangoes,  and  in  a  season  of  plenty,  tamarind 
fruit,  are  abuodaut. 

5069.  insies*m  ^iLi-iT^io  «ffiy63><s5a9(?6U   Qp^(^oiifTefr  «/E/g2o«  ^iLu-fr 

If  the  damsel  is  polluted  she  may  be  cleansed  by  the  ganges,  but  if 
the  gaDges  be  polluted  whither  can  she  go  ! 

5070.  Ln^^^^9sr    g(J5*«(g    ^uUifL.     er&fTQif^^^    infr^rreifi^    eruu 

If  such  be  the  condition  of  the  young,  fish,  what  will  be  that  of  the 
mother  I 

5071,  Lo«5F<^/r2»rL!y  zj/r/f«<fE  e^pe^io  ^svSso,  LbSesxTu  Ufririsi  ajp/uLiih 

No  friendship  superior  to  that  of  a  cousin,  nothing  blacker  than 

The  word   m^^rsb  is  used  for  a  brotlier-in-law,  and  also  for  a 
maternal  uncle's  son. 

5072.  iJ^<F<3'/Teir  Q&'^^tri))  LhSUr    Qu(T<sf^    siLbusifl    Oip^^sy^    /SLoi^ 

If  my  brother-in-law  die  I  care  not  a  hair,  his  cumbly  mattress 
will  be  mine. 


5073.    t£)t5F«j)«F  jyz^^^/rev  (^<9'&^<i(^ih  ^^iT^, 

If  the  roof  be  destroyed,  the  houbc  will  not  answer  for  a  hut. 

Though  one  may  not  worship  god  by  bathing  him,  and  scattering 
flowers  on  him,  we  are  taught  to  keep  him  in  mind. 

476  ULpQi£ifr.ifi, 

5075,  LLL^^Stfi^eS^id  L]^^  s^&rerr  eurreBum  ^Qslo, 
A  prudent  youth  is  superior  to  a  stupid  old  man. 

A  stupid  question  needs  no  answer. 

Besides  a  choultry,  there  is  nothing, — not  even  water, 

5078.  to:— ti     i9(SliiQd5    Q^fTemQ     (oufr(^ui(oUir^    ibifisussr^^i^ 

After  the  choultry  has  been  destroyed,  he  asks  the  way  to  the 
flower  garden. 

5079.  ^0^  LDfrisismu  (oumLQ^  ^Sso  QeinLu.€\)iTmir  ? 

Are  you  about  to  behead  one  upon  whom  you  have  forced  mango 
fruit  I 

If  you  have  money  in  your  waist-cloth,  you  may  be  afraid  on  the 

5081.  mt^e^uJu  iSu^^s^i  ^errSstr    ew/r/f^jj/  '  u^uSesiiru    i9ip.^^i  sin 

Having  forced  one  to  take  toddy,  do  you  seize  him  by  the  hair  aiJ 
demand  payment  ? 

5082.  LDiLi^rrsor  Quir^esTLD  ubesr^pr^  LbQip^S, 
Moderation  in  eatincr  exhilerates  the  mind. 

5083.  miLtf.  «r(5«i<g5Sso  ldl^co  inu.e\)rr(ULj  ^/iflir^ih,  in(T^<iQsir^i^ 
euiTe2ssr  eiiQ^miT  ? 
Though  the  erukkalai  bears  bunches  of  flowers,  has  it  the  fragrance 
of  southern- wood- a?'f6mi«ia  austriaca  ? 

5084.  ^lL®  ^eoe\)iruijb  0^fr(Siji5fr^ih  ^iLQi  Q^C-^ed  «^«^^. 
Though  he  gives  liberally,  it  is  not  right  to  hear  his  abuse. 

5085.  u^tLejii^d  ^ifter^ujiqLo' Lot^uu&reSiutrenfTiLiLd  ibu^uuUl^^^, 
f  alm*steim  charcoal  and  Madappallis  are  not  to  be  irusted* 


5086.  maw^Q^Quidv  eOQpi^  mefntfi^^efl  e^t^Qeir   u^enptifUk;   ^jgi 

Drops  of  riiin  falling  on  sand  will  instantly  disappear,  in  like  manner 
favours  shewn  to  the  wicked  will  be  soon  forgotten. 

5087.  irtasrp  Q^irpjSio  scv  ^djeu^(pU/r€V, 

like  picking  out  stones  wlien  eating  a  dish  of  sand. 

5088.  u^&ssSi  ibir  ^esy^FtUfTLbSV  ^jrrr^QoJuirjrLo  UGkr^piSpjs/, 

So  to  govern  a  kingdom  as  not  to  move  even  the  tongue  of  a  bell. 

5089.  LDtiir  (^^€«)/ristnfu  /Bihi3  ^p/Seo  ^piEJ^evfrLnrr  ? 
May  one  descend  into  a  river  relying  on  a  mud  horse  ? 

5090.  iii6ikreff)U.i(m^  ^^is^  Qsir&lsreiDL^  (Suin^CSeueirrQui, 

The  knot  of  hair  must  be  proportioned  to  the  size  of  the  head. 

5091.  Ui€in-es)L^u9eo  erQp^  LLaQjrnrsd  u^effip^^ ^Quired, 
Like  writing  on  the  skull  and  covering  it  with  the  hair. 

5092.  ineifretnL,  ^^efrmeuGmiTSeo  <F6yfi  (Suirarr^, 
As  long  as  the  head  remains  phlegm  will  abide. 

They  may  have  house  and  grounds  who  know  how  to  take  care  of 

Dried  cow-dung  is  the  proper  form  of  wedding  cake,  when  the 
bridegroom  is  made  of  sand. 

Made  of  earth,  thou  art  earthy. 

096.  u^cssrGSfSi&srQu^eo  iS&sfj^n  Qu&ssr  ^jru^  Qs'ireoe^irQ^, 
Whilst  on  earth  pervert  not  judgment,  in  the  case  of  a  woman. 

097,  U^mrdam^  ^^(ff^in  LDempfu^  ^^. 

Though  what  you  may  eat  be  sand)  eat  it  in  a  secluded  place. 

478  UffiQinfTi^. 

5098.  Lb6ssr(S^(oL^  i9p'iae\)irLo  ^L^mQ^Qu^  tS^i^^Sa). 

It  were  better  to  be  born  of  the  earth,  than  to  be  your  brother. 

5099.  u^Gssr  ucS^^  ^GssrQemso^ 
Do  not  live  by  extortion. 

5100.   LDfiHTiiJeTrSsrr  .^g)Ji2/Lb  ^esr  i9fffrSetr, 

Though  earthen,  one's  own  child  is  precious. 

5101.  i^ewr  ^8sw  ^(g)jjyzi  stSu  i9i^^^ireo  ^fi. 

Though  the  cat  is  made  of  mud,  if  it  catch  rats,  it  is  enough. 

5102.  LLGssrOeutLt^  ^h-^ev  ^/SliLfLbfr  ? 
Is  a  hoe  sensible  of  cold  T 

5103.    LbemQeuSiooQajfr  LfessrQeu^Qiutr? 

Are  you  engaged  in  making  earthen  ware,  or  sores  ? 

A  child  has  neither  the  power  of  singing  nor  discretion. 

5105.  Ld^esr  LbSe065(^  €^ui9i^e(iirLD, 

He  is  comparable  to  Mathana  mountaiQ. 

5106.  tii^fft9iiifresrili  Sr^tr^miresriDi  Qfl^trtSittrssTLD, 
Love  of  father,  caste,  and  country. 

5107.  Ui^iLi/r^  eufr<SF69€\)  tB^iUtrQ(i^LjuQ^  tu^^iuLo, 

It  is  not  well  to  tread  even  on  the  iihresl^old  of  a  house  in  whick 
you  are  not  respected. 

5108.    Lb^lLjUi   £.£XJ^   €B^qiii   &-LOJP. 

Thy  purpose  and  thy  destiny. 

The  settled  judgrnent,  and  the  decrees  of  God,  are  in  barmonj. 

5109.  Lb^entu  iS&a-  (^ifitBfl.^Quireo, 

.  -As  the  AUuracimoand'i^e'niQOik. 



5110.  tLSs\)(oLoso  ®(5<«©^  y%»r(?t-//ra)   g)(T5«ffl(3P«Jr. 
He  is  like  a  cat  on  a  wall. 

Spokeo  of  one  who  makes  the  most  of  his  position. 

5111.  tfi^  i9i^  ssedS9LCi(oUfrio  ^0^Sp^, 
Like  the  uproar  of  a  honey  drop. 

5112.  iL^emirs^  euL^  eurruSe\)  ^Q^^Sp^. 
The  way  to  Madura  is  in  the  mouth. 

5113.  m/B^jrth  sirso  LdQ  Qp^xirio, 

The.  incantation  is  one  fourth,  and  common  sense  three  fourths. 

5114,  UiiB^jr^^s\)  LD/nBjsfnu  ^(ipintr  ? 
Will  ma&goes  fall  by  a  charm  T 

Religioua  ceremonies  not  regulated  by  a  form,  will  continue  till 

It  ia  the  attribute  of  a  minister  to  foretell  things  likely  to  occur. 

5117.  Lbi^S  ^&>e^rr  QajfrdFSssriLjUi  ^tti^iii    ^&)€0fr<3F    Q^tsanfLo  Q^t 
Decisions  without  councillors,  and  troops  without  arms,  will  peri3h. 

Do  you  ezpect  milk  in  the  fold,  and  curds  at  home  i 

'119.   L0tt9/r  p^eireiT  QibiriLif.  euirtfi  Qpif.mQ(ff.efr ^ 

The  damsel  who.  has  a  fine  head  of  haic,  combs  aud  dresses  it. 

Friendship  so  close  that  a  hair  cannot  be  introdued  between,  tha 
parties,  will  be  destroyed  if  money,  matters  interpose. 

121.  ioa9/F  SrL,(Sl^  mfliuir&pfiir^ 

Can  chajreoal  be  formed  by  burning  hair  f 

480  utfiQtLirtfi. 

5122.  LOflS/r  i9miiE  eu&nsQ^if^^pQuirev^ 
Like  seeking  means  to  split  a  hair. 

5123.  iiiu9e\)frLJy^ir  ^rf?  ^.e^i^^^uQuirQp^  €Tm(irf€\iy  euqF^&p  «J 

Like  saving  it  may  be  deferred  to  the  next  committee,  on  hear-j 
ing  that  the  Mylapore  tank  has  given  way. 

5124.  LLu9(Seo  Lbu9(osv  ffreir(af>eo  ^p(^  Q.6Sfr(SH(^iiifr ? 

If  you  exclaim  0  peacock^  O  peacock,  will  it  give  you  its  feathers! 

The  peacock-eyed  bride  is  phronsied,  her  bridegroom  is  iu  anguidi 

5126.   u^jreasr^^gfiiui  (3«^£—  iniTirim^^m(^u  u\Uuu(B. 
Be  more  afraid  of  a  vicious  course  than  of  death. 

5127.  u^STGssrfis^p^  eu^  LCitLif.evSso. 

There  are  endless  ways  that  lead  to  death. 

5128.^  Lbs-^^eo  ®(5«^  eQQpijseuSssr  LD/r(d  iS^flfS^^uireo, 

As  an  ox  trampled  under  foot  a  man  that  bad  fieJlen  from  a  tree. 

5129.  u^ff^^u  utfiih  injT/i^  j^tf^SQeo  ^(L^u^. 
The  fruit  of  a  tree  will  fall  at  its  foot. 

5130.   u^jr^€9ifl  ^Sso  «/r<i(gLt>  iniresrfiein^u  uasrih  ^ifi(^ih. 
Leaves  cover  a  tree,  money  covers  one's  nakedness. 

Can  you  obtain  musk  from  a  pcdecat  ? 

5132.  Uijnh  flmhsr  OeuiLQSpeu^im^m  iSifiSO  Osifr(Si(^ih, 

The  tree  affords  shade  to  the  man  who  is  flailing  it 

■         11 

5133.  LDjrii}  QekitL(SlQp€u^i(y^  iSjfi^^Ui,    ubckr    (o^ireiaTQSp^Sfi*^ 

The  tree  affords  shade  to  him  trho  fells  it,  the  earth  Buppo^  ^ 
who  digs  it. 


TAMIL  PROVlSRfiS.  481 

5134.  iLffui  ^fBii  €9)ff  dSiLt^eu^ih^  su.eit  euiraSi  su,€k  QdsrrSl/ifi 

He  who  let  go  his  hold  after  climbing  a  tree>  and  he  who  borrowed 
money  to  lend|  came  to  grief. 

5135.  iLwu^  €Si€U^fi€U&ir  flosresiSir  eutrnruufr&a'^ 
He  who  planted  the  tree  will  water  it^ 

5136.  mSiiuir^nfi  ^eosoirflirelsr  inSmtn  jfflQyar, 
He  who  was  not  respectful  lost  his  reputation « 

5137.  u^Situireir  ^i^fi^esrtjQ  ^IHiuirijuQuir^^^ 
Mary's  domestic  life  has  come  to  an  end. 

5138.  u)(36W(r£-6W6ir  adfr^pi^^  ^(56wrL-0^«u«\)/rii  Qutu^ 
To  a  gloomy  eye  all  obscure  things  are  demons. 

5159.  UiQ^fiJ^   Uifr6^i^6F  <Ftf9«ffl358r^  ihL^iim/ri    (^^Gntri^i^    ^aji 
A  sign  to  a  fleet  horse,  wkipping  to  an  obstinate  one. 

Medicine  one  fourth,  common  sense  three  fourths. 

5141.  iLQ^/B^th  €fl(j5/B^/i  g/DsJr^  f^rrefT, 

Three  days  for  testing  a  medicine,  and  for  a  feast. 

»142.  UiQ^mQ^  ^ii9^th  gS^/bCJ^/t®  jL^eaar. 

Though  the  quantity  be  little,  like  medicine,  distribute  before 
eating  it. 

•143.  thQ^LH^^sQ^eirj^  ^aniL^/setf)^  u^m^i(^  ^tLQ  euiQ^  erSih 

tt  is  said  that  what  she  cooked  for  her  son-in-law  she  gave  to  her 
son,  and  was  distressed  about  it. 

Like  remembering,  when  httogry,  the  food  of  the  marriage  feast. 


482  '-llfi.Q^'^lfi*. 

5145.  LD^tf.iQ^^  0^i{l(LfLL/r.t9eiTSetr.^uJu  Qupp.^g^Gninf 
Does  the  barren  woman  understand  the  pain?  of  parturition  ? 

5146.  LDS\)[^  ^^eutreniT  iSien^^q^esiw? 

Does  the  barren  woman  know  ihe  endearments  of  children  1 

5147.  u^^t^emiuu  i9Qir2sfr  Oup^  Q^irm^e\)  Quj^eurrerrfr  ? 

If  the  barren  woman  be  asked  to  bring  forth  a  child,  will  she  do  so ! 

5148.  LL€\jfiffo   insmQpu^,    €r^sifle\)    ^essrQGmu^LD^    jL.L_.6fl*i>    fi-fl9ji 

All  pervading,  like  fragrance,  in  a  ,floi;v;er,  oil  in  sesamum  seed,  and 
life  in  the  body. 

5149.  UieQi^  iJawrc-LQ  «CDi-.a9(?6V  euQ^ih, 

When  commodities  are  abundant^  they  come  to  market/ 

5150:   ^Sa)  ^^^Skw  s^eufrLSd5(^^ .^Ssar  ^jk^^  lj^uld. 

A  flower,  as  small  as  a  millet-se^d,  is  dedicated  to  an  idol  as  large 
as  a  mountain. 

serrrr  ? 

Do  they  dedicate  flowers  as  large  as  moui^itains,  to  idols  as  large  tf 
mountains  ? 

5152.  LD&)  ^€V<i(5B/rg)eu  ^n^u.^pjih  cruJa/zreir. 

If  a  mountain  be. the  target,  even  a  blind  man  may  shoot. 

5153.  "iSso  ^^^u9e\)  4Bffu  (cjpjpi^eo  ^S^, 

It  is  difficult  to  roll  a  stone  to  the  top  , of , a  hill., 

5154.  ^Ssv)  (offS^^Ld  €tr)Lo^j^ssr2s9r^  es)^  eQi^rrQ^^ 

Though   you  ascend  the  mouijitains^  do  npt  leave,  behind  your 
brother-in-law,  or  the  son  of  your  maternal  nncle. 

5155.     W^^Q^^  (ipL-€U^-i(^.6U(7^LLn' ? 

Will  mountain  honey  come  to  the  lapaeman  f 


5156.  ^^    Q/6S0€9'is/nLji(^ih    *l-.6U>    tL.LJLfi(^ih    fe./pa/    Q^iu^snir 

Who  created'  the  affinity  between  the  mouatain  nelli^  fruit,  and ; 
sea-salt  ? 

5157.  £/)35o(?Ly/revu  i9^iriD€S9r€ir  (ouirS(ffQ)U)j  i9&fr(s^(BiBi(^\  ^QpQ 

It  is  said  that  when  .a  brahman-who  was  equal  to  a. mountain  was ; 
djing,  his  wife  was  .weeping  for  his  tuft  of  hair. 

5158.  u^^Quire^  edi^Q^&^eaiTLL  u^ssBQufre)-  /f  s/^lo. 

All  that  has  come  upon  thee  like  mountains,  shall  pass  away  as  dew/. 

5159.  t^Sfeo  QpififEjSl^  s^esstQi^eQ  Qupp^Quireo^ 

As  a  mountain  amidst  thunder  brought -forth  a  mouse  .^ 

Can  the'  wild  hog  rush  on  ih^se-who  are  on  the  mountain  top  T ' 

5161.  LD3soa9ei>  eSSstri^fr^ih  ^jreQsd  LD©aj(?si/«wr3ii. 

Although  produced  on  the  mountains^  the  rice  must  be  prepared! 
for  use  in  a  mortar. 

^^^^^^"^^^^p^*  - 

5162..  ldSsOinpUJ  i/i«»r^)fi7«il/^i  ^Si'pduiT^y  ,u^0ist^){ija,iLt^.    cruutf. 
When  a  mountain  bacomes  a  sod,' whiai -will  the  sod  be  like  ? 

5163.  ui2soQiu>  GO(Lp/B^fr^tJD  /s^BoCSiu  flfTiB.%QiSueisr^ia, 

Should  a  mountain  fall,  the  head  jnuat  bear  it. 

'      — — ^*  I.I 

Like  excavating  a  mountain  ^eind  catching  a  rat.' . 

After  having  chased  and  beiten  him  round  a  mountain,  will  it  be  - 
difficult  to  do  so  round  a  bush  f 

5.166,     LD2s065)tL/^  J5/S£Yr<i<5B<^   &pjpl€tf\   QufTfilTfllT  ? / 

Is  not  a  small  chisel  sufficient  to  perforate  a  rock  ? 

484  utfiQiLfTifi. 

5167,   u>2so&f>uj/i  ^2sfris  eufr&^S  s-erf)  euis^fr/bQufrei), 
As  if  an  adze  and  chisel  came  to  perforate  the  rock. 

5168.    U^Se\)SS)UJU  UlTFT^^   /SfTOJ    Q^SsO^^ITed    L0%0<S^'9  QmQu.IT   Kiriik 

g«  QsQl^it  f 
If  a  dog  bark  at  a  mountain,  will  the  mountain  be  injured  or  the 

A  rock  supports  a  rock,  can  a  sod  do  so  ? 

5170.  i^iso  eQQ^iiS  j^LOGDii^iuirni^^(^i  mfi^  ^i^i^friEiStu/r  ? 

Will  a  door  be  a  difficulty  tb  my  aunt  who  has  swallowed* 
mountain ! 

Is  a  sod  used  as  a  ^huthey,  to  swallow  a  mountain  ^ 

«  ■  _  _ 

5172.   Uie\)s\)frisj^  s-iStfii^frev  mirirQinQeo, 

When  one  spits  lying  on  his  back,  the  spittle  will  fall  on  tis  breast. 

Silence  may  defy  a  mountain. 

5174.   ^^  ^L^u  ueu  ^uSp^. 

u)  being  elided,  u  has  appeared. 

5175.  LDsnip^mfreo  ^Q^tLi^ir^^ia  ld/b^   Q&iru^Lf  ^ffii^  uiru^i^^- 

Even  in  the  darkness  of  the  rainy  season,  will  a  monkey  ^^^ 
leaping,  miss  the  branch  f 

5176.  LD65)/p<i(5;i  ^«wr63ai?/f  Qmn-essr®  euirHruueuir  ^nr  ?. 
Who  draws  and  pours  water  into  the  clouds  ! 

5177.  LO€iDifiS(^u  UL^6\)  aiLi^a"  iP/rir^^eofTtXifr  ? 
Can  you  put  up  a  hurdle  to  keep  out  the  rain  f 

51 78.  LD€v>ifiiQs/r  uL^eHy  ^i^&Qmir  l/i— 6U  ? 

Is  the  hurdle  to  keep  out  rain,  or  the  thunderbolt  f 


5179.  UiGDtfi  Quiu^  t8s9>pujirfl^   QkorremS  euirn'^ja^irio'  fdetDpiLju^ir  ? 

Can  that  be  filled  with  a  watering  pot  which  cannot  be  filled  by 
the  rain  T 

5180.  u^esiLfi  Qf^sih  ear^^  uuB^ih,  fi^trii  Qp^iLb  mir^fi  i9Gn:h(iu^Lo^ 
Vegetation  without  ndn,  a  child  without  a  mothejT. 

Even  Mahaddva  does  not  know  when  it  will  rain,  nor  when  a  child 
will  be  born. 

5182.  iAfiD£p  €a9xl®Lb  ^euir^anh  gSl-.  ^^&o. 
Though  the  rain  has  ceased,  the  drizzling  has  not. 

5183.  inpmff  ML.e9}i^€9}Ui  LbiM(efr^i(^tjb  ^mir^. 

An  article  forgotten  is  not  good  even  for  one's  children. 

5184.  tnpm^  Q^^Q^ek  iSfffressr^  euir  er^qyio  €U(mL£irr  ? 
If  one  say,  I  died  through  forgetfulness,  will  life  return  ? 

)i85*    i£>69r<Z<S<5F-(9  ^p   LOfr€S)IU   /5/r(?£_6V. 

Seek  not  empty  pleasures  to  purify  the  heart. 

)186.  u:i€9ri  <s6i/%o  ueods  (^€9)pe^. 

Mental  anxiety  will  diminish  one's  strength. 

187.  u^esT s' €F iTtLS  (^pjpi/(Sui€t)  ihj^^/tlLS  Qeuessn^rrui, 

If  the  conscience  condemn,  other  evidence  is  unnecessary. 

188.  mear^Qe^a  ugds  e^^tLif^(S€\)  ^^peij. 
Enmity  at  heart,  friendship  on  the  lips. 

189.  mesr^eo  ^(Tj^^^ii  jr^&iULb  LcQ(S^L^^6i(^  a//r<iffl(?6V, 

A  secret  that  should  be  concealed  in  the  mind  is  uttered  by  a  fool. 

190.  u^esr^Qpc^  tuesrCofi  ^rriL&y  u^pp^pr^^  Q^iueuih  ^itlLS, 
The  heart  is  its  own  witness,  God  is  the  witness  of  the  rest. 

L91.    mssr^  ^/Siuiru  Qurrdj  fi^essn^rr  ? 

Can  a  mind  be  ignorant  of  its  own  falsehood  ! 

M  I 

5192.  LCiGfT^jpiuir  ^pCSQt^^  ^m<^Q^uth  aLp(S'(^ik, 
fie  who  ufcters  prayers  daily  Ihls  no  anxiety  of  minS. 

5193.  tL68TLb  Qs/TGifrL^^  LDireSes^s, 

Xhat  which  is  agreeable  to  the  mind  is  a  palace. 

5194.  LDSi^th  ^QtLirQpsv. 
Be  not  confused. 

'5195.   LuesTLD  ^0iijfiu^  ^pjy  eaein^  ^pjjifu^Surr&Jireir, 
Although  willing  he  will  lack  means. 

•5196.   LL<stjflflir  air^pitb  QufTQp^  LDa^ewii.,  ^fftrflQuirQ£i.^€\)  t-^ifl 

Silent  in  the  presenc&^of  mw,  Ia  their  absence  a  beaded  cat. 

•  5197.   Lb^;^^  tjbpuuir^y    (mGnpu®€kiir&ir ^  wrrj^eutr&fTy   Quirsuira, 
Man  ibrgets,  is  reduoecl  in  oircumstances,  changes  and  vanishes. 

fie  can  transform  a  nmn's  head  into  the  head  of  a  deer,  ind  i^ 
can  make  a  man's  head  out  of  a  deer^s  h>ead. 

'51^9.   taSsifnufrerr  eQi^ttKip^  <sr(i£m^  effiL(Slu  ueisr  Q^ujeuir&r, 

A  wife  gets  i^p  before  day-t^^eak  azMl  looks  after  her  dontfi^ 

5200.  u^Satnurr^i^  ^-pp^  ^^j[uld    Q^iri^e^iQ^mrt^frLDy    mfp'S 

>Do  not  disclose  your  secrets  to  your  wife,  nor  trust  an  enemy  *^ 
any  time, 

5201.  loQq)  e9i\un^6»(^  ibQ^is^  ^^mrL^ir  ? 
Is  there  any  remedy  for  mental  sickness  T 

202.   LDmesreuiTdBGn'  Qs=^^frirmefT^  Loi^Sseir  Q^^j^/rirm€tf  Qp^  %i 

Kings  have  perished,  their  prime  ministers  have  perished,  and »« 
who  lived  before,  are  dead. 



5203.  ihek&sreuirsen'  ^eifru.^  isr€\)€i)irLD  tni^Ss&r  ^mretnm. 

The  govermnent  of  kii^  depends  on  the  vigor  of  their  councillors. 

5204.  £X)68r65r6W/f<«^  '^[fi(S  0<^«/(?«/r6ir  Qfimp€inii>, 
A  sceptre  of  justice  is  the  beauty  of  a  king. 

As  is  the  flour  so  is  the  gruel. 

5206.  lo/r  c_6wrL_/r(g)«i)  UGScH^irjrui  «»L-.€y/ra), 
If  there  be  flour,  cakes  may  be  baked. 

5207.  u^T  <^p  ih2so  ^jyti. 

The  accretion  of  a  particle  to  a  mountain  increases  itJ3  size. 

5208.  Lo/r®  ^(i^ui9€sr(Ski&sr  ^nr^^aresreisr. 

He  who  drove  back  the  cows  was  ArjUn'a. 

5209.  LDfrQ  ^da'saBd5(yj  €UfrS(^^  Sr^^th  ^^essri—fr  ? 
Is  a  beef-eater  accustomed  to  deceit  words  f 

5210,  u^iT®  QpiSieujr  efi*®  iBiQeuq^LD, 

When  cows  return  fatigued  the  household  will  sufier  want. 

5211.  Uiir(Si  (oLDiLjisfrLDp  0«i1l_^,  uu3ir  urriri^iTu^p   QdsiLt^^, 
Without  pasture  cows  die;  withotit  care  vegetation  perishes. 

5212,  LbfTLLt^eir  euirtfiietna  QpLLetnL^u9(o€\>, 
A  bull's  term  of  existence  is  ih  his  sack. 

A  cow  is  otherwise  called  a  large  he*goat. 

488  uifiQu>irifi. 

It  will  not  allow  the  cow  ix>  he  content  in  its  pasture^  nor  a  man 
with  his  boiled  rice. 

5215.  LDiriLeni-.  QmiufB^rr^iib  (SdirrSeou  (Su/rtLt^fr^ih, 

It  is  said  that  he  tended  the  cows  and  threw  away  the  goad. 

5216.  u^iTssf^iM  ds,T^i(^  iLiTpj^imfrio  ^Q^iSp^ 
There  is  a  spare  leg,  for  the  one  made  of  a  ruby. 

5217.  mir/stjy  ^fr^sui^  ubir^s^  ^etrasr^eurreir. 

He  will  leap  lilce  a  deer,  ten  miles  in  a  month. 

5218*     LLfffBir  O^ijfi^   LO««(6)5<fiB^. 

The  faults  of  a  mother  are  visited  on  her  children. 

5219<   iMfTfBiT  Lbesfua  erfiuj  eufripiTetr  fftQ^  mir^ih. 

Whilst  her  mother's  heart  is  wounded,  she  will  not  prosper  even  for 
a  day. 

5220.  mfr^^ssyir  ^uu  iB^^jSfrev,  Qs/r^^irih  ssupuuQih., 
If  one  exceed  his  limit,  his  ancestry  will  be  exposed. 

5221.  LOfTu  LfeifliSp^  eT€\)evinh  ueaafis/rjr^^i^  me^ih. 

The  more  the  flour  is  leavened  the  better  for  the  cakes. 

5222.  ioiru  Quirelfr  ^(m^^  m^s^etr^F  ^/reui  OdSfr®Lj(Su^  ? 
Whilst  I  possess  a  particle  of  gold,  will  I  allow  my  children  to  die . 

5223.  LD^  Lopi^  6&.(ij)«(5  p-uLj  g>0  Q^L^rr  ? 

Does  the  absence  of  salt  spoil  gruel  made  without  flour ! 


5224.  LDfTiS  ^iLtf-^^LD  urrdesr  ^lLl^it^, 

Though  a  raother-in-law  maybe  reconciled,  the  broken  pieces  oi 
earthen  pot  cannot  be  reuuited. 


5225.  inirLSujiriir    cczdl.     (^2eo/B/i6freo    eairiuir^LL    Q^freOeoi^k^i^rr^, 

If  the  dress  of  a  mother-in-law  be  out  of  order,  it  mast  not  be 
spoken  of,  or  pointed  at  by  the  hand. 

5226.  u^fTiQiufTir     s_69)L.^^/r6V    LDeifr6S€\)u>,     iD^u^serr      tt-GSiU-^^nri^ 

If  broken  by  the  mother-in-law  it  is  an  earthen  vessel,  if  by  the 
daughter-in-law,  it  is  a  golden  vessel. 

5227.  u^irtSujrreiDirs  ««Hr®  iHQ^unds&ir  iBfr^pfSp^Quirev, 

As  the  son-in-law  is  embarrassed  in  the  presence  of  his  mother- 

5228.  u^TLSujfrnr  Q^^fs  ^(yib  iDir/^ih    iMQ^u^^efr  sessressfis^  aoifr^ir 

It  is  said  that  six  months  after  the  death  of  the  mother-in-law,  a 
tear  came  into  the  eye  of  the  daughter-in-law. 

5229.  u^iTLSiufrir  Q^^jp  u^Q^LDSterr  ^(L^Sp^Qurrei), 

Like  the  wailing  of  a  daughter-in-law,  on  account  of  the  death  of 
her  motber-iii-law. 

Will  my  mother-in-law  never  die,  will  my  sorrows  never  end  I 

1231.  inmBiurrir  off*®  Lbsir  Q<9'6rrdB@ujui, 

The  house  of  the  mother-in-law  is  very  comfortable. 

•232.  LDfTujdsfrjrir  erevei)irub  ufr^air^  LDrrjp/uirtLQisfrjrir  ersveo/rti  <F/r^ 

All  impostors  are  perfidious  villains,  all  double-dealers  are  practi- 
cally so. 

233,  u^fTojissirirGsr  QuuSp  ^Gs^i^Qm, 
A  hypocrite  is  worse  than  a  demon. 

234.  LD/rrf)  «^6vevjs/  ^frflajLD  ^^Ssv). 
Without  rain  nothing  can  be  effected. 

490  u  ifiQu^iT  L0. 

o235.   LD/r/ff  ^irso^^eo  u^ixr  's$o  Qu^itq^lo^   QsfrenL^    mtrs^^^ii  jij 

Ten  kalams  of  buttermilk  in  the  wet  season,  are  worth  one  measure 
of  water  in  the  hot  season. 

5236.  i^rnr  ^i^^fi  «L6fl  LDtfL(ouyQe\y. 

The  hire  for  beating iAeir  breasts  is  at  onciB  on  the  lap. 

5237.  LDfTirLf  if'ifli^frev  euiBjpi  ^irijs  (SeuemQih, 

If  the  breasts  be  pendent,  they  must  be  supported  by  the  stonwi 

5238    Uifnrenu/i  ^ii>i^  itiesr^Qeo  «F>6i/. 

Touch  your  breast,  and  keep  it  in  your  mind. 

In  the  evening  a  crow  bathes  before  it  goes  to  its  nest,  and  will 
not  admit  a  stranger. 

Many  Natives  at^tiHbute  to  the  crow  JiFe  peculiarities  of  wbkk 
that  indicated  in  this  proverb  is  one.  The  pecuIiaritieSi  or  habiti 
are  as  follows : — {a}  GroiDg  forth  very  early  of  a  morning.  6)  Ne** 
being  seen  to  pair,  ^c^  Eating  together.  ({/.Bathing  before  goiflf 
to  their  uest.     ^e)  Warning  their  companious  of  appareui  dangtf* 

For  a  girl  to  be  bom  with  a  garland  round  her  neck  is  omiw^ 
to  her  maternal  uncle. 

This  li^rrSM  may  be  either  the  naTel-string  or  a  thin  membnDeiv* 
corers  the  head,  and  which^  sometimes  deeends  hke  a  ring,  to  tke 
neck,  it  is  then  called  cx/rSst,  if  otherwise  <y^Mfip\^  a  veil. 

5241.  "i/^Sso  s^piSu  Spk^  i9erTSeir  u^mnsui^^  ^«/r^. 

If  a  child  be  born  with  its  navel  string  round  its  neck,  it  is  omiBOO* 
to  its  uncle. 

5212.   LutreQ^tD  ^iLi—eoirui  mtna^/ruQ^ih  g^Llt— eu/rii. 
A  share  in  the  dough,  a  share  in  the  mangos. 


5243.  iLfrsiji(^  ^<S'i^  UGfdHsswjTih, 

CftkeB  proportioned  to  tlie  flour. 

5244.  LLir^eu/i  ^ekQ^io  ^uuth  ^cuSso, 

If  yoa  eat  the  dough  yoa  will  not  get  ydur  share  e/cake. 

5245,  mrr/b/^KSev  €u2istreiJj0  itijr^Q(Se\)  euSsfriLfLbr  ? 
Will  the  tree  be  pliable  because  the  sapling  was  so  * 

•5246.  ii^fp(fjf^i(Q  ^L^^  Q^frQi^eo, 
#Yidd  not  to  a  foe. 

The  «ye  is  on  the  heavens,  the  mind  is  on  the  bridegroom. 

5248.  mrresr^esifB  effsveu/riu  euf/oiLJUireisr  messr^i  ^suBqj^uu^  ^iBuUTiir, 
He  is  able  to  bend  the  sky  as  a  bow,  and  he  can  twist  ropes  of 

•5249.    lUTSSTLb  ^l^u9€>i  fiL//3/r   ^friiil6\}fr  '? 

When  honour  is  perishing,  is  life  worth  preservation  T 

i5250.  u^rrssnii  QufiQ^rr^  9.&i&sr  QufiQ^rr? 
^  Is  honour  grea;t,  or  is  life  I 

5251.  tmr&^edLCi  Q€Oenir^  flwiiQmek  &T^^Qibfr  ? 

Does  the  spacioiois  earth  refuse  to  uphold  any  one  ? 

•5252,  L£ifr^i(^  g>0  L/erretfl  (qT/S  er^€sr,  (^€s>pfB^  er&r&sr  ? 
What  matters  it  whether  the  deer  has  more  or  fewer  spots  ? 

5253.   LDir^pje^tuiii  ^&)ediTfleiS€isT  ld^ci^lj  u^ir. 

Among  ^mankind  one  destitute  of  humanity  is  as  chaff. 

?5254.   cnireSsr  seasresS^ir^  ^!fi(S   ^^^f^&^  eS^fnir^, 

More  beautiful  than  the  eye  of  a  deer,  more  rapid  than  its  speed. 

5555..  'Cbrrek  «LLli— ^^eu  l/sS  Ljt^iB^^Quireo^ 
As  the  tiger  sprang  on  a  herd  of  deer. 

492  .     u(pQu>ir^. 

5256.  ^(S)^  -^^^  ^^^  «6^i-/i. 

The  greater  the  inordinate  desire,  the  greater  the  loss. 

5257.   lB(3^^8  e_  677  err  a/ £Q/<i  (25  li    eu^^Setfi^sfrjrsindr^ui   U€s>35^    Qqj^s 

Enmity  exists  between  the  wealthy  and  the  hypocrite,  and  betweea 
a  religious  man  aud  the  world. 

5258.     lS(^IB^U^   ^GnpiB^lii  (SfSfTIU   OiS'UJlLllii, 

Both,  excess  and  want,  lead  to  disease. 

5259.   iQesiauL^^  Q^freoQ€\)ev, 
Do  not  exaggerate. 

5260.   iS^SesT^  Q^rreifrQ  Qu^pQs  Gurrsio  ^^fr^. 

It  is  not  good  for  one  to  go  westward  carrying  refuse. 

5261.    lS(^QuJ  di(T^Uith  J^^^dP   Q^IUIL^LD, 

A  thing  done  through  inadvertence  may  produce  fear. 

5262,  iStp-  ^^luiEjQsfTeifr  iSetriri  «^  O^iri—ir^ 
Be  humble,  and  seek  unfailing  bliss. 

5263.  L8i^eif>LDu9s^th  uif.€S)LD  m&tfjpi/* 

The  habiliments  of  an  ascetic  are  to  be  preferred  before  poverty. 

The  haughty  sells  his  goods  sitting. 

5265«    LS^^/*/r63)/r«  St^lUfT^  UfTLOLf  ^essTL^ir  f 

Are  there  any  snakes  that  will  not  bite  those  who  tread  on  ihem  I 

5266.  LS(i^aiEj<3S6if}sd  j^SsarQuiB^y  ^^^Cb  Sia^ih  eue9^. 

Among  beasts  an  elephant  is  the  biggest,  and  a  lion  the  strongest 


5267,  lS^is^    ^ffrrerr    «fy£i>Ly    j^&ruih    Q^iuu^Cb.    j^^Quire\)f  jif/i 

/sih  i^etreireuirai^Gt^Lb  ^mu^en^^  ^Q^euirnrsefr, 

A  shining  arrow  will  occasion  pain,  in  like  manner,  those  who  are 
handsome  in  person  may  produce  pain. 

It  is  said  that  a  barber  who  had  nothing  to  do,  shaved  a  cat. 

5269.  lS^iQsSlj^s'&  QsusSsf^^^s^  ^Qj^efrQu/rQinrr  ? 
Does  a  fire  fly  dispel  darkness  ? 

5270«  LS&tresrSsouQuireo  udvSso  eBetrMfr^ih,  iS^^Si  Qstretreufr^nh 

He  who  will  not  clean  his  teeth  so  as  to  shine  like  lightning,  and 
he  who  is  fond  of  show,  are  chaff. 

5271.  iQ^^meo  ^tf.  eQQpu^ir  ? 

Does  the  thunder-bolt  fall  without  prerious  lightning  ? 

Does  it  rain  without  previous  lightning  I 

)273.  LSeir^uie\>  Qpfpiasinjieo  ^if.  eQ(ipik^j^(2u/reo, 
As  a  thunder-bolt  fell  without  lightning  and  thunder. 

All  that  glitters  is  not  gold. 

Lightning  is  always  followed  by  rain. 

276.  iSsfru^ek  ^evevrr  Lajri^evih  ^i^f^^. 
An  unpiloted  vessel  will  not  sail. 

277.  iS^^arsir  eBQ^tJaQusv, 
Be  not  gluttonous. 

494  uifiQiJciirj^. 

5278k   iSi/^     ar9S9Tm^UimiUiLfib    QtusQi^      grr^fr^nmnLfCn     «osfi6i-«i' 

The  remain?  of  chunambu^aDcL  an.  enfeobledking,  should  not  be 

5279.  iSiofT  iSar  69(ifihiS^p(oUfr€\>, 
Like  a  fi^h  swallowing  a  fish* 

Are  young  fish  taught  to  swim  I 
Kicjh. curry  or  honey  curry  ? 


5282.;   Qfi^i  Q^ir€S8r^i(^i  &gs8T^i^  U(nr^^fr6\)  ^(f^mrr  ?* 

Will  the  distortion  <rf  the  coupteuance  be  removed  by  looking  into 
a  mirror  I 

5283;  Qfi^^^i(^  Qp^Lb  ^Gssr^)!^. 

One  face  is  a  mirror  to  ano^A/er  face^ 

If  a  woman  elope  with  her  husband's  elder  brother  out  of  personals 
regard  for  him,  it-will  be  a  disgrace  to  the  whole  family. 

52.8^5.   Qp^LL  ^ssir^(r^i^frev.a€98r^^t^  ermesr  Q^FOJiLiLa  ?. 
If  the  fHce  be  ugly,  what  can  the  mirror  do? 

5286.  (ip^u^  .^i^jr  i9LLULOy  .^«£i  u/riitSeir  cfib-^/i. 
A  ffiuse  likie  the  moon,  a  mind  of  deadly  poison. 

5287.  QfiisiriLQd^^  ^Qp^irunr  P 
What !  a. dagger  under  a  veil  f 

5288.   Qfi^^iT iL(da^etTQ &r  Gn^MrrLLL^rr  ? 
What,  is  it  to  make  signs  under  a  veil! 


Though  carried,  thirty  miles,  a  bare  id  carried  in  the  h(^nd. 

5290.  (y>««/r6U£i    tf/r<sm     Q^Q^Sd    (^^^flT^ia    Qstri(^     -^'*''\^. 

Though  a  crow  bathe  three  times  a  day,  it  will  not  thereby  become 
a  white  crane* 


Will  a  crow  by  bathing  three  times  a  day  become  a,cra^e  ? 

5292.  Qpi6n.LL(Si^  &3i(m  ^(ttf^, 

A.triparty  business  is  always  involved. 

I^kea  dog  crouching  after  starting  a  hare. 

5294*  QfyL^uLjev  Qpiseo.  i^fitDfr^.^Qdj^LD, 

Crooked  grass  prevents  the  flow  of  six  kfilams  of  water. 

)29S,  (Lpu^6u^i(^  Q/$fres9rt^.^€iisr,u.ui9jr<3F^L^^, 
A  lame  man  is^^ery  boisterous  .before  a  cripple . 

)2-96;  Qpt^eusk  QsirCoLf^  Q^^i(^.  ^ssi^uuLLL^j^^Sufr^v, 

As  n  laijoe  man  longed  fpr  the  -honey*  that  hupg  from  a  branch. 

'^97'.  QpL^eam'  &'/BGs>^d(mu  (Sufr^pQurr^^ 
Like,  a  lame^nian  going  to  jnarket. 

H[e  who  doQS  not  accomplish  his  object  lacks  training. 
2:99,   Qpep-^^u     QtUrrssr^m     ^soeorribe^      ^eS^^eiirrdjuuL-L-Q^LD 

You  have  not  only  lost^  the  bundle  of  money,  but  al^so  incurred  a 
reproachful  name. . 

If  you  plant  bundles,  will  heaps  be  produced  ? 

4&6  uifiOiLfrifi. 

Never  undertake  a  matter  without  due  consideration  as  to  how  it 
is  to  be  accomplished. 

5302.  GP^  €v>6u^^  jas2soi(S^  arLfisr^^iM  u/ririSp^,  QsfTm®  Qm 

(Su3rSp^(Suireo  g)0<i®/D^. 
Examining  the  circlets  of  hair  in  a  crowned  head,  is  like  discuss- 
ing the  tribe  of  a  girl  after  marrying  her. 

5303.  QptLL,  /52b»r/5^Q/^«(5  ffjrth   ^eoSso,  Qfi(ig^i^    QaiLi^eus^i 

When  completely  drenched  one  does  not  feel  wet,  when  entirely 
ruined  one  feels  no  sorrow. 

5304.  QpiLu.Qirin^!Tt^^  ibiLlj^  m^iisirSm  siLesii^  Mit£-/rzjnu  «m 
Friendship  with  the  rude  is  like  the  foot  of  a  travelkr  among 

stumps  of  ebony. 

5305.  Qpt^i-PP  QuGk^pii(^  ^jnL€9>u.u  uifitutLirf 
What  double  dower  to  a  worthless  woman  I 

5306.  Qfii^i^fr(cr^ai(^a,  ^jreisrQ  ^sir. 
Two  persons  for  one  fool. 

5307.  Qpt^L-'^&^(S^  Qsiuih  ^^S^QmOeo, 
The  wrath  of  a  fool  is  on  his  nose. 

Even  those  who  Uke  a  pair  of  pincers  uphold  their  dependanU  ^ 
daily  feed  them,  will  leave  them  like  a  pair  of  longs. 

5309.    Qfi'^'9-  Mffi^^-*^  ^GiTjrn  Q^^hk  '^mjpi. 

A  calf  that  drains  the  udder  is  almost  weaned, 
5310.  QptLQ>s(^  QpiLi-6oeo  Qpi-i  a^e^us  jy60«tf>   a=9iteS^«i*»' 

It  IB  neither  an  obstruction,  iior  a  door  to  shut,  nor  even  8  saeeB 
to  the  temple  gate-way. 


5311.  QpiLQuuiLQih    O^tuih    miQF^u^tr^io    r^iLQuuiLu^irp    (^9s>p 
erGtresf  f 

If  victory  comes  ^y  being  pressed  with  vftiat,  what  matters  a  cuff 
on  the  he^ ! 

■*-"■  •"•  -  '■"• 

i53l2.  Officio  ^Q^jpd^  0<FtfU6ffi-/r(?^^ 
Do  not  spend  on  your  capital. 

5313.  Qp^eQCSev  QeBtLi^i^trjrm  Qpt^eSlQeo  Q&iru^OvjS, 
Clever  at  the  beginning,  indolent  at  the  end. 

5314.  QP^S^^Q)  (SLnir^LDirs    ^(^^Sslp^    ^ei>rru^ffi3S(^^  ^emGnL^ 
'  Quir(SlSp/5w? 

When  the  principal  is  in  danger,  do  you  quafrel  a%out  the  interest  T 

'5315.  Qp/sCSeo  ^nruu^  jy^(?tfv  sffui^eaii^ 
Akeady  weak,  and  withal  pregnant. 


A  crocodile  cares  not  whether  the  water  is  deep  or  shallow. 
5317.  Qp/sSso  ^m  ^i—^jp,  toSso  j^^A  ^SsijrlsjDiLfiL/ii)  ^(ip^^^  O^eo 

In  his  own  element,  the  alligator  will  carry  off  an  elephant  as  big  as 
a  mountain. 

5318.    Qfifi^   CS>6li^^u   QuQ^^^fT^   ^€SsP^i^iru(oUtr€0, 

Like  merchants  ^ho  do  not  increase  the  capital  they  invest. 


i82so  ^e\)&o, 
iThose  who  have  no  capital  have  no  gain,  those  ^ho  have  no  sons  to 
lean  on,  have  no  support. 

5320.  Qpfseo  ^e\)ei)nr/r<i^  ^OL^tuth  ^ffuSso. 

Those  not  possessed  of  capital,  have  no  gains. 

53Bl,  Qpflso  €r®d(^ihCSufr(S^  fBuuiLGSiL^isirjr^  Q^^^ir&ir, 

When  the  funeral  procession  was  moving  forward,  the  tomtom 

beater  died. 


49^  U'lpQuyir  i^, 

5322.  Qpfl^  €TQ£^^lQ€\)  QeuenQ<5rr(Lp^^  ?' 
What,  dim-sighted. at  the  beginning  of  the  Alphabet  I 

5323.  (^i^p  Q^n-Gme^.Q^p^yu^  Qm!r6me>), 
If  crooked  at  fisii),  it  wU  be  so  throughQut. 

5324.  (Lp^S(S€V  LfGssr  iL.€^eo  0<5f^u9(?6v  •^QfyLfiOJu  uiuld, 
If  one  ha^  a  wou^d.on  his  back,  he  will  fear  to  pass  Under  a 

A  snail  is  precious  by  reason  of  its  pearl,  fdols  have  naught  where- 
with to  attain  greatness^ 

Flaws  may.  bo  found  in  pearkand  also  in  coral., 

5327.    (ipfB^  <5iJ/B^  Q^eQ^niuu  i3^i^  m/s^  OsBfrLOLj^Uhssyp^^^nisi, 

It  is  said  that  the  ears  which  cam^  first,  were  sbvered  by  th^  bona 
which  .sprung  up  a;(terwardsK 

The  fii:st  shall  be  last,  and  the  last  first. 

Ill-  »  II"   I 

If  the  first  food  be  rejected,  worse  may  be  offered. 
5330^   QpfB/sfTi^    sp^Qp    u3i-eiifr^^Lri    ^pumuu     l9(Sl.lEl(^SjP  ^* 

Though  a  cow  yields  three  naeasuies  of  milk,  it  as  n^t^  desirahle  if 
it  pulls  down  the  roof. 

5331.   QpuiJ^Qiod  Qpiri^LD,  j5rrpu^(Se\)  iBir^ufsLcii, 
Obstinacy  at  thirty>  civdli ty>  at  forty.- 

5382.  Qpuu^  U€ssTUiQmff(Bt^^T^uiQpeAuuiLt^ihQu!r9ffji. 

Though  .one  may  give  thiii>yfama^8,  the.  nickname,  crop-eared,  ^i 
not  be  removed. 


5S33.  Qfiuu^Qco  euiryi/6;96U(sk  g^L-cir,  Qp^fr^^jih  i9Gsr^La  Q/itiflujfr^ 

He  is  a  fool  who  prospered  at  thirty,  he  is  blind  who  does  not  see 
before  and  behind. 

5334.  (tfiuuesS  ®i^^  QuGssr^^esr^m  Qsitulj  ^^^flir^sr  (j9^€9>pi 

To  the  woman  adorned  with  three  jewels,  the  ear  ornament  is  the 
only  want. 

5535.  Qpuu^    GUQ^e^iii    euir^i^eu^ih    ^eo2so,  Qpuu^    o^^ajjizi 

None  ever  continued  to  prosper  or  decay  for  thirty  years. 

5336.  QpuQufrQKefr  m^  g/pfi\)LD/r«W6i/6ir. 

'         He  is  the  triad  who  is  the  first  and  the  last  of  alii 

5337.  (TfiUJfbS  e_«ni-.»iJ/r/r  ^dsip^Q  ^&s)L^[uiTir^ 
The  industrious  will  never  be  put  to  shame. 

A  stubborn  wif(^^  a  mat  rolled  up. 

What  if  .the  murukku  tree  grow-  large,  will  it  do  for  a  pillar  I 

'340,  QpQ^iBGnsdsmu  (sr&TQr^^  u^Slujih  QpfSiLfUbir  ? 

Will  the  mention  of  the  mm-ungg,!  fruit  affect  a  prescribed  diet  T 

The  one  that  nursed  and  brought  up  the  child  is  M6d^vi,  the  wife 
is  Shrid^vi. 

342.  Qji2eo^  (^^^^  ^€u2sou  i96ifr^dS(^^'  Q^sfiiLfinfr  P 


Is  the  pain  in  the  breast  of  the  nurse,  known  to  the  suekling  ? 

J43,  (iptfiikiensa9p  ulLl,  »asth(Sufr€o.      ^  > 

Like  the  pleasure  experienced,  when  the  elbow  is  struck. 

500  uifiQuifrifi. 

5344.   (tpQ^Si   Qpuu^  mirefTir^'Sr.,  ^paS  clijl/    jyeJreyriaLZ-  g)«&) 

It  is  thirty  dajs  since  he  bathed,  aod  he  says  that  he  is  so  clean 
that  touching  salt  would  deiile  hitn. 

5345.  QPQg^  ^lLc^    QuujiriSp  u&ir/6lA(^d  Qsurq^m  siLi^    eQtLi-^ 

Like  armiog  a  hog  in  the  snout  with  a  ploughshare,  that  can  tare  up 

the  ground  without  it. 

5346.  QPOf"^  Q^/rihQufil  QpeiTdSfj^  s-etretr  (S^eQ, 
A  perfect  sluggard  is  like  a  hedge  of  thorns. 

5347.  QpQ^u  umi^isrrjresjti^^  Qp/B^iBu  uiif^i^irireisr  iSessru^^, 

He  whose  share  is  only  one  three  hundred  and  twentieth  part,  is 
more  persistent  than  he  who  has  a  whole  one. 

5848.  npapu  Li<F6w0««/r6?Daj^  Qs'irp/iSCSeo  u^enpiSQyuQuir^o, 
Like  attempting  to  conceal  a  whole  pumpkin  in  a  plate  of  rice. 

5349.  QPQ^  iLGsSu  Li^)d^(^Lj  y^Gsst  (SeuGSffQCSuifr  ? 
Does  a  gemmed  ferrule  require  an  ornamental  rim  T 

5350.  (ipSsfT^^  LbvSir  ^&rjpj  ^^^ih  ^jrestn®  Lj(LpQeutL(d. 

Bis  beard  consists  of  three  hairs,  of  which  two  are  rotten  iIh* 

5351.   (Ip2en4i9i9\>    Q&rmir^&fifi  QppfS^eo    Qsin^lf^QsirmT®    Oil-^ 

That  which  was  not  nipped  in  the  bud  will  have  to  be  felled  witi 
an  axe  when  matured. 

5352.  QpeifrenirCSev  Qpen^  erQm^QGjfisrQtii, 
Thorns  are  extracted  by  thorns. 

5353.  (ifi&r(^i(^s  ok^irenLCiiLnh  ^en&i(^  suir^issru^td  ^lupw^. 
By  nature  the  thorn  is  sharp,  and  the  tulasi  fragrant. 


5354.  (3p67r(25«g  Qp^ssr  &eQ  eSKBeuirnr^errrr  ? 
Who  starpens  the  point  of  a  thorn  ? 

53-55.  (ip&r(6i^(oLD€\)    ffdeo  QuinLi^fr€^  Qubeirm  Qibetrstr    entrii^Qsue^ 

If  a  cloth  be  spread  on  a  thorn  bush^  it  m\ist  be  taken  off  with  great 

53.36.  Qfip^^if-  ULLt^ir^th  Qpm^^t^  UL^€\)a ani^. 

Though  one  may  endure  being  struck  with  a  sieve,  he  cannoi 
endure  being  brow-beaten. 

5357,  Qfipuseo  Q^iuu9p  i9puseo  eBSstnLjih, 

What  is  done  in  the  forenoon  will  result  in  ffood  or  €vil  in  thA 

5358.  Qp/b^iii  /B^jari^euir^;ef^S(^  FFjrih  ^^  ? 

Do  those  who  are  drenched  complain  of  being  wet  I 

5359.  Qp^(Lp3i^^  i8eo(Seo6\), 

Do  not  stand  in  the  face  of  a  battle. 

5360.   CfP^  jferri^  iBirifi  iS&ir  jfetrd(^LD^ 

The  same  measure  that  was  used  before,  must  be  used  afterwards. 

)S61.   npeir  ^eirjpf  ^^Qu  tSeir  ^&frj)/  ^(Sl^cv, 
Do  not  say  one  thing  and  do  another. 

•362.   Qpeir  69)(S  Seikfrt^frso  (tptfitaons  iS(S{^u^, 

If  the  fore-arm  be  stretched,  the  elbow  will  be  so  alsov 

363.  (ip^  QsiruLd  i9m  ^jrd^th. 
Anger  first,  and  pity  afterwards. 

364.  Qp&fr  eQiLQu  i9eir  iS&srjpi  ^(j^f^^  ^juimeotrubfr  ? 
Having  given  one  the  lead,  will  you  follow  and  cut  his  throat  f 

365.  QpdresreuQar  QpAr  iSim(ffeo  Qptf^ujir^  QuirnReir  9^&rQfiir? 
If  the  eternal  be  with  you,  will  anything  be  impossible  ? 

502  uifiQLDfrifi, 

Biting  before,  and  kicking  behind. 

^67.    QpmQ^sr  uirfr  iB&srQesr  utrir  s-ekSssru  uirtr  erekSssru  uffk. 
Look  before,  look  behind,  look  at  yourself,  look  at  me. 

■5368.   (LpeirQesr  Quir^eo  &&reu^^  i9e5rQesr  Qufr^so  i9iriL^^. 

When  you  ge  before  you  are  guilty  of  infanticide,  when  you  foBof 
you  are  guilty  of  brahmaDicide« 

5369.  (ip^QesrjrLD  suu/b^frjresr  iSmQ&srjnii   i9<i=€S)^i9nrffar, 
In  the  forenoon  a  ship  owner,  in  the  afternoon  a  beggar. 

5370.  QpekCoGsr    eufbjs    suresi^uuirirkSie^LL    iBmQ&sf    eum^SB    Qsiru^m 
The  horn  that  came  after,  is  stronger  than  the  ear  that  camsbcfoitl 

5371.  (^«i®sfl«(g«  «6wr{g3)^  afTLLi^esr^Qufreo, 
Like  showing  a  noseless  man  a  mirror. 

5372.  Qp<fBS0nfiDuj^i(^  eurrtpsesy^uuLLL^frs))  np&r^ih  QufrseBi^f^ 

If  a  woman  is  married  to  one  whose  nose  is  rent^  he  will  not  alk'^ 
her  to  go  before  or  after  him. 

5373.  Qfi^(^  ^^uiLl^  s(i^(ots)^  j^a/zrear^^^^  ^^^t^^. 
A  crop-nosed  ass  does  not  fear  driving  rain. 

5374.  ^<3S(^LJ  LiGssT(^<s)?l  ^soG^QeiKT  ^irs=ifl  j^sCSeuesorQiii  ? 

A  man  with  a  sore  nose  ought  to  become  a  Yaishnava  mendicant, 
ought  he  not! 

The  pain  will  be  felt  as  keenly  as  when  the  hair  in  the  nose  »* 
plucked  out.  ... 

iTAiltL  1*  KdVBBBS.  503 

5S7G.   (ifii(^  Lou9ir  iSS/s/fflg)^  ^il  urjTih  (^^sypiLjLbfr  ? 

Will  a  person's  weight  be  dirainiflhed  by  pulling  the-hair  out  of  his 
nose  I  I 

5377.  ptpiGS)^u  i9i^^^rre\)  ^euek  QuirQp^, 
If  the  nostrils  be  closed,  life  will  depart. 

5378.  ftpiemsu  t9if-^^frs))  eurrij  ^  QeiiAf&f^  Opwiuirj^  p 

He  knows  not  how  to  open  his  mouth  when  one  clones  his  nostrils  I 

5379.  (tpiiSp  LJir\LjLCi  (tfipiLQu  Qu€mL,(fiL(f.tLfiJO^ 
A  bamboo  mat,  and  an  obstinate  wife. 

5380.  QpiaSeo  ^SsoCofXiCpcu  ^tki<^  ugsB  jSQ'jt. 

Thou  art  a  dew  drop  depending  from  the  leaf  of  a  bamboo. 

5381.  (tpu-CSFirQ  Mif^iu  ibiLlj^b  ^(BsuiSSp  siLe^t^  ^mi^fri^iu  Afrio , 
The  friendship  of  fools  is  as  the  feet  that  have  travelled  hy  a  jungle 

path  covered  with  stumps  of  trees. 


5382.  ^L-/r  QpmLj  ^rrisih  (Su^'irQfi, 
Speak  not  harshly  before  fools. 

5383.  Qpi^/T'SBefr  Q^Hrissy^iurre^  ^LjunrLD6\)  0<%(Si^  eu(f^LD, 
The  companionship  of  fools  invariably  leads  to  loss. 

5384.    Qpf—^  «Ll1®  ft_/DQ/  Qp(ip^th  ^uirtuUi, 

Danger  attends  the  friendship  of  fools. 

Ill  "  mi^mmj^^m 

One  always  sustains  loss  if  he  has  a  stupid  child. 

Adversity  and  disgrace  fonn  the  lot  of  foals. 
5387,   QpL^^  «F6wr6»)t_  ^iLQu    f3Si(^uy^   QinfTirisL—ck    ^lLc^l^^ 

The  quarreling  of  fools  will  bfe^ik  friendship,  debt  on  account  of 
buttermilk  will  affect  one's  house. 

504  u  tfiQ  ihir  ifi. 

5385.  Qfii^esf^  Qp^M  Qp^Jpi  (o^fTSih  Qujp/th,  ^i^irfl  Qpp^^  Qpim 

A  pearl  concealed  is  worth  the  three  worlds,  one  that  is  uncovered 
wont  fetch  three  (Quarters  of  a  cash. 

5386.  (i^Ll6B)i-«(5/r^^gp/«^  QptptastreStQco  lj^^.  I 
A  porter's  sense  ia  in  his  knees. 

5390,  ^^^31  Qu^iresiifi  ^'SsfTiu^  ssirSeir, 

The  first4)om  is  a  hornless  animal,  the  younger  is  a  bull. 

5391.  Qfi^CSjsirir  O^treo  euirk^esifi  ^lElirfiUi. 
The^  utterances  of  elderly  persons  are  ambrosia* 

Tlie  charitably  disposed  exert  themselves  even  id  old  age^ 


Why  does  one  grow  eld  ?  it  is  a  sign  that  he  is  under  the  influenoft 
of  the  goddess  of  misfortune. 

5394.   ^/f«4B,gj2/ii  (yxflSeotLjih  <F/f?. 

The  stubborn  aoid  crocodiles  are  alike^ 

5395.   (tfiJTMeir  Qps^^e\)  nj^Q^eO-  (5^  ^q^ujreir. 

The  goddess  of  misfortune  dweUsv  in  the  face  of  the  stubborn. 


He  who  associates  with  the  angry  will  not  prosper,  and  he  wbo 
associates,  with  fools  will  not  learn. 

5397.  ^/r««£i  ceirerr  fftr^ire^uy  (ui^  LDm^iftiLjiii  ^L^eutrnrsstr, 

A  king  that  is  easily  provdced,  and  a  prime  miniater  wanting  difr 
cretion,  will  come  to  ruin. 

5398.  g^/r<i«(?^/r®  ^emiEiQsei), 
Associate  not  with  the  angry. 


5399.  (tfisOsms  ^jSiflrso  (tpGsr^  9-€\)%cjfi^  ^crrio\)mh, 

'  He  who  is  acquainted  with  botany  may  gorern  the  three  woilds, 

5400.  (tp^dj^LD  <ilLQ  ^eBy^^fifreo  Q^fiiLjih, 
It  will  be  clear  if  you  loose  the  third  knot. 

5401.  (y«r^  Qpjpapth  ^n^  ^pjpiy  Qpuujp  aptpaptii  ^rt^  ^PM>i, 

A  cloth  of  thirty  cubits  is  put  on  with  as  much  ease  as  one  of  three 

5402-  ^9Stjpi  eG*iL(Si(^  QpidSfreQ  mir^  oB^iLQ^t^   iBtrp^ireQ, 

A  three  legged  seat  to'  three  houses,  and  four  legged  seat,  to  four 

LDfrQ,  6^(7^a/68r  Quir^eo  ujrQjsQ, 

Three  may  help  one  another  on  the  way,  two  are  like  a  yoke  of 
oxen,  one  is  like  a  pilgrim. 

Secure  the  three  things  virtue,  wealth  and  happiness,  they  will 
serve  as  a  staff  in  old  age. 

5405.  (tpeirCSp  Qp^aireo  iBiTL^Gn^a(^efr  Qp^^  metnip  Quujjs^y  eunifl 
€r®A(mQpm(Sesr  LneaanDirifl  Qudj^^, 

It  rained  pearls  for  three  and  three  fourths  of  a  niligai,  but  before 
they  could  be  gathered  it  rained  earth. 

5406.  Qir^^^u  ui^^fi€ki(j^i(^^  Q^trr^  Oewevevm, 
To  the  profoundly  learned  rice  is  sugar. 

)407.  Qu^^^u  ui^^^eu&sr  ev)Uu9i^Sliui65[rjr&sr. 
He  who  is  very  learned,  is  a  fool. 

i408.   Old^/Su  uifleurruy  ^^mQen  erifleiJ/nh, 

Externally  sympathising,  internally  envying. 

506  aifiQipiTLfi. 

5409.    Ou^^OflssTu  uQ^fie\)  f8/i^aDfri(^  -Sy^(3. 
A  soft  bed  is  favourable  to  sleep. 

5-110.    OmiLiQ^fremQ  eBi^^iSp^  QufniiQs^irGkfr®  OuiffiQp^, 
Shining  with  truth,  burning  with  lies. 


Will  he  who  cannot  prosper  by  truth,  prosper  by  falshood  ! 

Honest  occupation  always  secures  substantial  results, 

5413.   QwdjuQu/TQ^efT  6^&ieSlQtu  e^auQug'Q^&r. 
Learrjing  is  real  wealth. 

5414-   Qlduj  ^m(ffih  i9i6^pj  Qu^/riu  y^irem  s'i^jr&sr. 

Truth  is  the  crescent  .of  the  third  day,  falsehood  is  the  full  moon. 

5415.     QlDUJ6S}LD    iSFITpp    €S)6UlULDi   i^p^ih. 

When  you  speak  truth,  the  world  will  honour  you. 

5416.   Qld(uili^  rsm/S  ^Oii. 
Truth  is  beneficial. 

5417.   OiDiuajfresr  tS'^Qajm;  (Sea^ekitT^meisr, 

He  is  the  truthful  man  who  knows  the  vedas. 

5418.  QLdfuiLf&DLi:  ^QT^euesr  O^^ fri\)e\)iLffLLL-n e^iDiuweo    QutrujQu^if^ 

(old  QufriuQurr^LbCoLD, 
Truth  in  one  who  cannot  speak  easily,  may  appear  like  falsehood. 

5419.  OLneSli/Seu^dSi^  Qm^^u  Quevek^   QmsS   lS^i}j<%(^    §j^^^ 
A  lean  woman  is  strong,  a  gaudy  woman  is  consumptive. 

5420.     OLCi€V€\)U   UiriLjiIi    J5 etPJT &pIt  IT  AeU&OfiyLD    (^i^lUU   UlTtLfLd, 

Gently  flowing  water  will  hollow  even  a  rock. 

5421.    QLaeveQiurrCSL^frfffTQ&'ir^ 
Live  with  your  wife. 


5422.  OLDQ^SesT  effiltfL.(Seo  mmu  Lf(^m<$^(pUireo, 

As  a  dog  entered  a  hoUse  whose  floor  was  smeared  with  cow-dung 

Submit  not  to  the  haughty,  and  to  the  humble  shew  pity. 

It  is  said  that  he  is  afraid,  of  the  hill,  and  alarmed  at  the  high 

5425.   Qllujlj  QutrQp  lditQ  Q65frijbt9\Se\)  z^su2a)<i  ^LLi^^Q^freirGl  Quit 
Qp^ir  ? 

Do  cattle  going  to  graze,  carry  grass  tied  to  their  horns  ? 

5426.   (oLDUjSp  infTL^siTiL^  fB^(^8p  LDfr(S  Q<35(S^^/rp(Su/re\), 

As  the  cow  that  grazes  is  interrnpted  by  the  one  that  licks  it. 

5427.     (SuHuSp   <fl5(T[^620^62D(U«    3f^0kjSp   '^(LffGDfl   Q^^^/tB^ITLD, 

It  is  said  that  the  braying  ass  interrupted  the  ass  that  was  grazing. 

5428.  (Swaj6i(^ih  (oLDiuuuSssr  oSiL/^Qii  eutriueir. 
He  who  praises  the  cowherd. 

5429.   (Smdj^^freo  emui^^esflefnuj  (oloiuuQu^    ^i^€\iireQiLL^iTp   ujr 

If  I  am  to  rule  I  must  rule  over  my  sister-in-law,  otherwise  I  shall 
go  on  a  jiilgrimage. 

I  will  tend  the  donkeys,  or  go  on  a  pilgrimage. 

508  utfiQiufT  tfi. 

He  who  marries  a  woman  of  great  beauty  will  be  ruined,  he  who 
sows  on  hilly  ground,  will  be  impoverished. 

5432.   (?i/i3so<i(25  Guiryaien^uu^SiQp&si'  ^(tp^Q^  SriMinrr  ^(m, 
I  will  marry  some  time  hence ;  be  still  till  then,  my  neck. 

5433.   Qld^^(3^  ^^apeurriir  6h^(ipir^  ^(ipeurrir. 

Those  who  plough  late  will  cry  for  want  of  food. 

5434.   (SLDifid^  Q^€veuth  (^, 
The  wealth  of  the  plough  is  unfailing. 

5435,   (Sti^eS  ^^Ljdu  ^tresf)  /fiJkwLJLy, 
Sages  are  intent  upon  self-denial. 

5436.    QinG/nLisetT  Q^irp  Qsetr, 

Listen  to  the  words  of  the  great. 

5437.   (7£/)69rfinLiD£i9^  (SineiiesiLbUJ^  QLL€\)fnjb  u^eQ\UGsr, 

The  most  excellent  is  the  possessor  of  the  highest  state  of  bliss. 

5438.   65>^  ^€fnmurrLD€\)  (iP^(S  •^'--®» 

Rub  your  back  without  spoiling  the  paint. 

5439.    €iniiieQjfiujfrL^Ss8r^  en6HuaeirO(nprLp(y^, 

Live  far  removed  from  prostitutes  who  paint  their  eye  -lids. 

5440.   efnmeQifiujfrrr  uiSwrui^eu. 

Avoid  the  house  of  a  prostitute. 


5441.  OininL€s>L^/i  /s^i^ih  Qpipiisiir^i(^iB  Qpt^  ^iLi^^Quneo ^ 
Like  joining  a  bald  head  and  the  knee,  by  tying  a  knot  of  ftair. 
An  imjiossibility. 

Has  he  come  to  reign  with  a  crown  on  his  bald  head  I 

5443.  QubmLesiU.^  fi2eoSio  Qugst  (S^q^uht  ? 
Will  lice  attach  themselves  to  a  bald  head  T 

5444.  QLofriL€fDL^/i  ^Seou9/b  (Sunu  eur^Lntr  ? 
Will  a  demon  come  on  a  bald  head  T 

5445.  QiLfTiLesiu.^  fl^u9p  Qu&srQuireo. 
Like  a  louse  on  a  bald  head. 

i446,  Qu^rriLesnt^^  ^Ssctuek  QufTQ^ic^  ^^<F/r«9r, 
A  bald-headed  man  fears  not  to  fight. 

>447.  Oto/TLlsDZ—^  ^Sso«(g  ^0  Q^iinLQi  6i^€ffiL^y  (Sunfrfntfi^  ^2ecio^ 

To  a  bald  head,  a  cup-shaped  basket^  to  a  hornless  head,  a  basket  of 

448.  Ou^fTiLemL^p  fiSsoium  Qpn^  QiBir^imirirm, 
A  bald-headed  man  is  a  perfect  cheat. 

A  noseless  man,  fit  for  a  bald  woman. 

150.  QLairmQ   ^^®p  effiL.i^eo  QairmQ    «^6nr^/r«v  ^cnjDtLjtuir'i 
Will  an  affluent  household  be  content  to  live  from  hand  to  mouth  T 

151.  QmfrfiS9nfi6'  Q&'tTpj^6»(^  QinefrCn  ^i^^S(ff€ir, 
iSe  beats  a  tomtom  to  get  a  mouthful  of  rice. 

510  u^QiLirtfi. 

5452.  Oll^l^  fluiQcsreu&ir  eu^  ^ui^esreusir, 
A  promise  breaker  is  in  the  wrong  way. 

5453.  QinftL^  ^eu^nf^nm  eutfi  ^euQy^/r^, 

He  who  is  true  to  his  word,  swerves  not  from  rectitude; 

If  one  break  his  promise,  his  undeiijaking  will  faiL 

5455.   QiLfTtfieu^  ^p  QiniTL^^ 
Speak  decisively. 

Benounce  lust. 

5457.   Qtnir^La  Qpuu^  iBireiT  ^es)^  ^JMU^  iBir&r, 
Lust  continues  thirty  days,  desire  sixty  days. 

Will  not  even  a  door-step  break  under  excessive  pressure  ?^ 

5459.  (oLDtra'Lb  uiriu  QunC.(Sl^,^ii(^&p^f 
Danger  slumbers  on  a  mat. 

5460.  (SL0fr/B^Q<aBirefr€iJ^(Sufr6\)  fSi^aSpjp^ 
To  bite  when  apparently  kissing. 

5461.  QudfTn^ii^u  (ourrSp6U(f^i(^  QP^^  L9psfr(Se\)(oujfr  ? 
When  going  for  buttermilk  why  carry  the  pot  concealed  behind 

5462.  C?ifi/r(5«(gw  QufTiLi  QimriB&si^^siiu  ^efiuuir&sr  ^&fr  ? 
Why  conceal  the  vessel  when  going  for  buttermilk  I 

5463.  CoinirCojrrr  ^GfrSpeuek  m(in^^io  eQiaath  siLif.€ar^(?ufre\), 
As  a  linga  was  tied  to  the  neck  of  a  buttermilk  seller. 


5464.  (oLDiresTLD  erekuj^  ^fresraujniiLj, 
Silence  is  tke  bulwark  of  wisdom. 

5465.  QLDetresTLb  45sv«  mnr^'LD, 

Silence  puts  an  end  to  quarrels. 

)466.   OLDeir(Ssii  (^i^ffDUJss  QaQuusefr, 

A  reserved  woman  will  destroy  her  family.. 


467.   (urr^  (Lpp/S^ed  eQiurr^^ 

Matured  meditation  ends  in  disease. 

46S,  tufrSssr  ^^^jSfrev  ^Sjtlo  Quireisr  QujijLD^Lids^sjry^^frsv  ereir 

esr  Quj^LD  ? 

A  black  ekphant  is  worth  a  thousand  gold  peices,  what  will  a 
black  cat  fetch  r 

'■  I 

Sixty  feet  from  an  eiephaqti  seventy  from^a  d^arf. 

As  an,elephant  throws  sand  on  its  head; 

71,    uj/rSssr^eirp  6Senmk<$esfl(oLJrr€\)^ 
Like  a  blighted  wood-appler— 

12.   lurr^ssr  lB^^^u  t9e^Lpu\j!Tir^€nir  ? 

Will  they  survive  who  bav^  been  trampled  on  by  an  elephant  ?' 

Ab  a  Ji9/re  strained  itself  before  twj  elephant*. 

612  uifiQui/r^. 

5474.   iurrSesrQp^eofresr  Qufiuj  Q^i^Meir  ^ffifi   eBQpiB/Brre\)    tBesiifs, 



Large  beasts  such  as  elephants  &c.,  when  they  fall  down  from  & 
high  place,  live  not,  so  are  the  great. 

5475.  lUfT&srefntu  ^u9jnja  QurrGsr^^(^  euiriiS  Sl(5^H   ^^(^^/i^p 

Having  bought  an  elephant  for  a  ^hundred  pieces  of  gold,  wlif 
hesitate  to  buy  its  iron  goad  T 

5476.  ttJ/rSar68)ttJ^  QfSL^k  (^L.^^i(^iL  «n<«  eneu^/s^CaU/rev^ 

As  one  put  his  hand  into  a  jar  when  he  was  seeking  an  elephant 

Suppose  it  rain  to  the  end  of  the  Yuga,  will  a  potsherd  be  thereby 
dissolved ! 

5478.   jressTL^fTiLi^ei  ^atnLtf.esr  (^iLtf^tuirij^  fi^^fBjgi. 

It  turned  out  to  be  a  kid  that  had  sucked  two  dams. 

5479*  9>dmm9smiD  uffLb  ^etrts^fBm. 

Abstinence  is  the  best  medicine. 

Double  expense  to  the  niggard. 



5481*  eatbsessrMfrjrGO'  Lf(stj^(^  mir^puif.  £bil(Sli2). 
The  lies  of  a  paramoar  reach  as  &r  as  the  door. 

5482.  eum^Lb  ^otq^so  fsii^LHy  euit^ih  Qd^tLi^irev  uijsth. 

When  lead  is  eaten  it  becomes  gold ;  i^hen  it  is  spoiled  it  becomes 

5483.  euaSe^Lb  etsirir^esifsi^  «jy<^^ib>  LjQ^i&s^s  £.69)^<s^  ^^^ld. 
The  high-born  are  afraid  of  reproach,  a  Snenial  i^  afraid  of  kicks. 

5484.  eiS€F9Sfu^  uem^asr  ^^uirujih  ^irjremih. 
In  framing  rules  tact  is  required. 

5485.  €u^&'iBin9u9(o&)    nQ^flfs  t-iQp. 
A  worm  produced  in  poison. 

5486.  eiS6F^iBin9es>aj  ^uljlj  uirrrMeoirLLir  f 

Is  arsenic  to  be  tasted  to  ascertain  its  ffavoiir } 

There  is  no  way  beyond  Vachham,  there  is  no  gourd-siell  to  beg 

)488.  ffl/(g5^«/r<i@  <sr&iresr  (Sfs^ih  siriLi^^^w  Qib^St  QiB<5Fih  0<3B/r 

No  matter  what  love  is  shown  to  the  deceitful,  it  will  not  aflfect  the 

'489.  eu^ifiir  io^pifff^^  eH(ip€S  ^0O(^. 

Relinquish  intercourse  with  the  deceitful. 

490.  eu^^sFiir  utreo  ^MiLtf.^^Lb  /Bf^f/riueBQih. 
Even  milk  given  by  the  deceitful  becomes  poison. 

It  is  better  to  die  tkan  to  live  long  in  a  deceitfiU  course. 


614  u  ifiQia^fTAfi:: 

As  th^  wiad  veered  to  the^northjt, began  to  rains 
This  is  geneirallj  true  as  regards  Madras. 

5493*  euL^ids^SiufrSssrii^th  euu9p^  6U^€9)UJiLith  /Bthueo  ^^n-^j,,- 
T^u  must  not  be  heedless  of  a  northman,  or  of  the  belly-ache.. 

'.I  J 

5494.   fsui^iQs ,s^^fiir<io  u^^iDLp  euQ^th, 
Darkening  in  the  :riorth  betokens  raii\. 

A  pyal,faQing  south  is  prpferi^hle  to  a  terraced  house  with  ^  northern^ 

Tbe  foll^wj^ng  jtdei  the  ,b4|il(lit)g  of  a  |i;Ouse  will  illiu- 
trjate  this  proverb. 

Havinjv  selected  jp.  site,  the  frontage  .must  be, divided  into  nine 
eqtial  parts,  five  being  assign ed  to  the  right,  and  three  to  the  left,  the 
fourth  d  i  vision  being  reserved  for  the  door- way.  The  enumeration  be- 
gins, on  the  left,and;,t]>usthe  fourth  sectipn  is  in  the  mansion  of  M«^ 
cur  J.  The  occupant  of  such  a  house  may  become  as  w^ea.ltby  as  Knbecai*. 

A  person  bprn  under  Gemini^  Cancer  or  XjCO  must  build  lijs  home 
on  a  line  stretching  east  and  west,  the  entrance  being  j>laced  eastcrl/. 

A  person  born  under  Virgo^  Libra  pr  Scprpio,  must  build  oua/'M 
r,i)nning  north  and^^ouih,  the  door- way Jbeing  southerly* 

One  born  under  Sagitarius,    Capricorn   or  Aquarius,  most  bitU. 
lyjsst  and  ea^t  placing  the  entrance  westerly.   .  If  born  und^r  Fiecii. 
Aries  or  the  Twins,  he  must  build  south  and  north  the  door  beisf 
placed  northerly. 

A  family  occupjing^a  hjuse  bui|t  coi^rs^rj  >o  thceo.  rules  wiD  bt 

Trim  tbe  ywng  palmyral^,,apd,,tie  up^j[,hg.h|^^ 

'  ♦  '  ♦  ' ' 

Is  it  in  expectatioii.(^  tod^^y  thai  you. pla^t  a  palmjisiJi  lye« ' 

TAniL  PBOTSSBS;.  &1£  > 

5498.  euQsfgpiih  fiiUgpspjih  oLLliStJ  -Utt9/r  §iL^t^  ^gt)^. 

The  story  of  a  Telugu  man  'Cind  a  Tamil  man,  cultivating  jointly. 

A  Telugu  man  <}oe»  not^  nndisrstand  Tateil^  he '  wiU  ^>all  vaik61  hSsn^ 

5500.  eu®(^  Q^iTQp^^ireo  euesip' ^^ui,^9ff^'K 
If  a  Telugu  man  prosper,  lift  is  of  no  use  to  any  one.  * 

5501.  6w®g  QuirQssfTiS'iSr  smeaiQ^irp  Qufrnr  Qme))  M'^^, 

The  slave  has  become  small,  tbe  coFn-stack  is  thrashed  into  paddy.  . 

Did  she  tell  you  to  eat  thecakes;  or  to  counti the: holes  in  them ?  / 

5506.  euiLL^ih  ^pfiliLfLo  eutBi'^  jsujr.QeuessrQw^ 

Although  you  go  round,  you:must  come  in  by  the  entrance;  . 

5504.  euiLif-  -^^^^  Qpfi^i  Q^^^J^^.^ 

Excessive  desire  after  interest,  destroyed  the,  capitaL.. 

5505.  6i/{lzjL<i(g  eutl^i^  er^ir  6iiiLif-UJ/r  ? .' 
Is  compound  interest  uncomnvxi  ? 

)506.  euiLtf.  ^tLi^ih  eS^  ^tLt-^^^^ih  ^^sth. 

The  speed«:at  which  interest.accunmlatesis^reaterthan  tlfat  of  a  a 

i507.  euiL(Sleu^^4kQLD0O  O^frtLQu.  Quirdl^ujtreo  €UiL(Si(^^^p^.iLir^. 

Will  a  slap  oa  a  betel'- pouch;  affect  the  pouch  only  J  : 

508;  eu^emitSesT  eQeo  >^Eiss)a  €Q^i(^iii^i  . 
A  bent  bow^  swill  'do?  mifidufef .- ' 

599,    6U€SifriBS&F  Qfi&r  ^iDflSSlFjgJ, 

A^pUdnt  thorn  irill  not  .penetcat^o. 

516  uifiQuiirfi. 

5510.  a/€9D0<s/fA0- ^^(^  ^^ires^uihQ^jufieo. 
^o  trade  is  the  beo^uty  of  mecrehantg. 

A  cart  may  be  seen  on  a  boat,  and  a  boat  on  a  cart. 
••5512.  euessr®  ^jr^^Q^    ^€bO^    ojir^^dssres^uj    ^jQiLjLb;  ^^Qusen^ 

As  beetles  smell  at  a  distance  the  fragrance  of  flowers,  so  tk 
learned  understand  one's  character  when  he  is  at  a  distance. 

5513.  eueifr®  ^Qp^  u^jrih  g)60^, 

vTbere  is  no  tree  that  cannot  be  bored  by  a  beetle. 

5514.  sw«Hfr635r^^«^«  Semessrw  U!r(SlSQtf&sr, 
He  sings  an  unmelodious  tune. 

'5515.  giiggrgBr)^i<g(g  QiBiriu  €uiB^!Teo  aeoCSso/rCSi^^ 

If  a  washerman  is  sick,  he  gets  better  at  the  washing  stone. 

5516.  eit€irr^^^(^ih  iSq^euiTesSi^^Lb  s-pe^  er&sresr  ? 

Whett  friendship  has  a  washerman  with  one  who  wears  no  clotbes' 

5517.  eumr^^^i^  euesffr^^^Qwso   ^esiS",  6U€ssr^^^^^^  *9 

The  ^nrasherman  longs  for  the  washer- woman,  and  the  washff* 
woman's  desire  is  fixed  on  her  donkey. 

5515.  euetkf^^eir  €n^u9so  mirpjv^  mu^mrr, 

A  change  of  gaiments  in  the  hands  of  the  washerman. 

5519.   fii/6wr^6ir  etn^tBeo    Q ^Se^osiiuu  (SumL®^  0«/r«S6ir  i9ar(lsf 
QuwSpflir  f 
Having  put  your  clothes  to  the  washoman^  do  you  chase  tbe  cnae : 

'5520.  eaessr^&sr  i9enSstr  Q^fiflireo  ^LbuiL t^igpii^  i£ut9/r  QufSpP* 
If  the  washerman's  child  die,  the  barber  cares  not  a  hair. 


5521.  «w«HT^6ir  j^OiptS^  Qfiuje\)^utr€0, 

Like  a  hare  al  the  washermati'^B  washing  pMce^ 

5522..  Q/g»r|gg)^/«gQ/'f  Qutr^Gsr  eiiGSsr^^^^ii^  eu/h^fr^. 

To  the  washerman,  his  name- was  **gpne;**  to  the  washer- woman> , 
"  come." 

This  proverb  is  explaiiied^as  foliow^: — a  washerman .  engaged  a 
servant  who  gave  his  name  as  P^nan,  he  w  gone*    Id  the  abseoce  of  < 
her  husband  he  told  the  washer- woman  that  his  name  was  YandaAi,  he 
is  coTne* 

^  The  washerman  wanting  the  man  called  him  bj  name^-Pdnau.    At 
the  same  moment  the  wife  called  the  maa  by  his  other  name  Yandan. 
The  washerman  thereapon  concluded  that  the  servant  had  gone  to  - 
his  wife.     Again  he  called  as  before,  and^his  wife  also  called.    As  the 
servant  did  not  come  to  him,  the  washerman  becanie  angvy  and  went 
to  his  wife  when  an  altercation  took  place.    The  matter  being  ex- 
plained, they  suspected  that  something  was  wrong,  and  spon  found  > 
that  the   roan  had  odade  off  with  their  savings,  and  tliat  he  had  i 
given  the  two  names  to  serve  his  seci'et  (iarpoae« 

52.3:   eu^69)eu  Q&=dj^  euiry). 

Get  married  and  live  prosperously. . 

Which  is  more  important,  dress  or  food  I' 

'25.   eu/B^SB  airCSsOfr®  uik^p  mfr^eoi  <aBtl/^<iO«/r6wr®  ^(^iSl(ff\u\ 

Thou  standest  embracing  the  pillar  of  the  paadal,  havmg  walked  a } 
long  way. 

The  quarrel  thai^  has  .ensued  is  net  relinquished,  nor  is  anothei^A^ 
causelessly  sought; 

{7.    eu/B^6UT  creoeoiTLb  ^mis9x/»ji9^  (gt^ujfr  ?' 
Do  a.11  that cometOfrntoketJoeside there^T.'    . 

5528.  W/Bfj»  eOSur  Quir^tr^  e^fr^ir  ^dsur  €^>jnr^. 

'  The  evil  that  has  betided  one  will  not^o,  that  which  has  nt>t,  will 

not  come. 

^e  damsel  played  ^t  ball  as  soon  as  she  cmme^  in  the  course  o! 
tiiBe^e%6«ame  indolent. 

'5530.  ^/B^frctnff  •euiTifi  esisai^vDj  wmr^sSeo  "Spfsfiireffiirfi    ^m^  am 

It  will  cause  straij^gers  to  Sourish,  and  natives  to  decay  and  sink. 

•  5531.  eiTiB^ir^Lb  ^ttR,  G'urr^£fiith  <F/fl, 

It  is  all  the  same  whether  he  comes  or  goes. 

•  5532.  ektisflnrp  SrthiLir  euQFjii^  eujrirmpQutr^so  ^^jpifm  euirfrjp 

^hen  good  things  come,  they  do  so  unc^cited^;  when  they  do  not 
come,  not  one  of  them  appears. 

•  5533.  euthurresT  eisirir^es)^  LLesT^i(^  ^q^wq^um, 

JBad  words«ave<an  abomination  to  the  mind. 

Is  It  proper  to  make  obeisance  to  a  .government,  that  rules  wJtk 
severity  ? 

•  5535.'  ^tu^'iCo^fr  fssmrr^fl^  LDtBq^^iQssir  mentr^^jp, 

^oestbe'becoming  grey  arise  from  age  or  from  the  hair. 

:  6536.  eutu€\)  QpujpSu9eo  fiireS^nju^  9^essru.iTLb. 
'  The  labour  of  ihe  field  brings  grain. 

•     As  the^phJsician  wept  at  the  head  of  the  bed. 

•5538.  €Utt9^^uj^  GndiGMPu  uirir^jp  mtriQiLi^^Qutreo^ 

.As  the  physician,  after  feeling  the  pulse,  gave  his  qpini^s* 

tAlflLPKft  verb's.  619 

As  given  up  by  a  phjsicfan. 

A  physitian  does  bot'attain  h^Vto,  a  teacKer  in^j. 

Will  enthusiasm  induce  one  to  swallow  a  razor  t 

^542,  euu9(nf>jrLJ  (oUfr^€srnpui  ^emir^uirpu  Lf&nL^&n^iLfih  ^jsvdso^ 
No  food  for  ike  stomach,  nor  cloth*  to  fbV  the  waii^t. 

5543.  euSjpi  iSjriht9(^e\)  un^gsr  ^i^irar. 

She  will  not  cover  thfe  rice-pot  if  her  belly  is  full. 

If  one  should  cut  open  his  belly  to  prove  his  innocence,  even  then 
they  would  attribute  it  "to  jugglery, 

5545*  euiiQ/b^i/^  Q^trp^i^iT^  hi{j^^S'ar(suirSsT  (okirdQ^iLLLQih    ibl^u 
fie  will  walk  as  far  as  Vaidiswaran  kbvH,  if  he  can  ge^  a  liieal. 

i546.   euiiip^S  (^L^2sO<i  <a>/ril/p-g)Ji2fiii  suiresiifi  /srrir  ermS(yrf>sk, 

Although  the  entrails  be  showh  to  him,  ne  sajs  they  are  only  the 

fibre  of  the  plantain  tree. 


)547.   €uu9pjriiLj  LSeyrSsrrewk;  /6Lat9  infr^   Qb^ujiQp    i9&ir8sn€j)aju    upSi 

As  if  one  suffered  herself  to  be  deprived  of  her  soil,  who  was  tend- 
ing cattle,  in  anticipation  of  a  child  in  the  womb. 

,1     f  r-    r-, 

5548.  'euu9p^LJ    uiTLbLfi(^i    ^G)(^LDy    euSstt LJ  uituiLii(m  Qeamii(mth 

Take  mustard  to  kUl  the  irtaw--%<)rm^  and  pdttr  htit  watet  to  kill  a 
snake  in  a  hole. 

*5549*  eujruQujr.  fi^Ssoi(^  ^Ssfor  eafnum^/rCSeOff  u^6if  Oubfie^fs, 

l!h^  ridge  of  the  fields  his  pillow ;  the  channel,  his  cotton  mattress. 

S550,  euiTLDLj ^iUir  Mir  &.(u.0£r»^  /?/r  fuvuir  0/seo  e^tufo^ih,  Qeio  &_aj iri 

(^t^  ^aj(r^LD,  ^if.  s-ujjr  Qpt^  p-ujq^ld. 

As  the  ridgf^  rise  the  water  will  rise ;  as  the  water  rises  the  paddv 
will  grow,  as  paddy  flourishes,  the  population  will  increase ;  as 
that  increases  the  crown  will  rise. 

5551^  CijjrmLf  ^tuir/B^freo    Qi6€\>    wu(P(^ihx    O/seo    &.iuiTiBj5rrso     Q^ak 

When  the  fields  are  fall  of  water,  paddy  will  rise,  when  |)addy  rises 
the /armer'd  ai^thority  will  rise. 

5552.  emrenir  u^iriSiuirir  6S(ip<ss>^(pUfr6\)  ^^err. 

In  t^e  qourse  of  time  the  mother-ii^-law  became  a  donkey. 

..'.T'    y 

5553.  euireifi(&j^  ^(^ifs  Q&^eDSif, 
IJxpense  according  to  one's  income. 

5554.  aijTQ/  0«/rg5<3rii  gusQuli  Oid^^, 
The  income  small,  the  labour  great. 

5555.  euiB  (Durr(pL^e\)  (omtLesyu.^,  Q^Qi^eo, 
Do  not  impose  taxes,  do  not  cause  evil. 

5556..    eUlfl6!f)iSFlLILD  ^^SsO,    ^fHQlLfLtt   ^^Sst). 

Neither  respect  npr  rige. 
5557.   euQ^SpQufT^  6^6U6t)ff;ii>  eii.69arJ,  euQ^th,  €ui^t9€9r    (SuirSpQui 

When  comiBg,  q.11  coHiea  unsought,  and  h,avin|r  comCj,  all  goes  at 

VJ    ■■  ■  J  J  '■■ 

5558.  euQ^GSffeSfT'  Seven/r  eu(^^^u  QutuiLiQLDir  ?> 
Will  cloijids  sho:wer  on  a  select  few  I 

5559;  eu(Tfi^Q^e))  ^wir^Sjg!  ^&irjpf  jg^euSso. 

Nothing  i^  unattainable  wlien  steadily  pursi^^ 


j560.  0/0/8^  QJQ^m^u  uirnr^^ir^ih  euQ^SpQutrQ^^flfr^    eun^Lo, 

Though  one  labours  never  so  hard,  the  desired  good  will  only  be 
obtained  in  its  time. 

5561.  euQ^Qp&sr    s/TuueuGsr  Qta^fr&tresr  Lj^^S^tfytu  euik^iS^   siruusu^ 

As  the  after-wise,  rejected  the  advice  of  the  fore-sighted. 

5562.  euQ^eu^  QwtrmQ<stsrGsr  u^Seujp  u®, 

I  predicted  the  consequence,  suffer  what  you  have  to  suffer.. 

5563.  euQ^eu^  eui^^  er^(7i^6ii  u®6u;^  UL^QsusifrQih, 

If  that  which  was  to  come  is  come,  endurance  is  necessary. 

5561.  euQ^eufr&ir  (^q^l^&st  6Q(tp6Uir&fr  8e8sr/b/iS(peo, 

The  blind  man  will  come  and  he  will  fall  into  the  Well. 

5565-     ffl/60<S5)LD<i^   6Utpi(^^   ^€VSS0, 

Power  admits  of  no  disputes. 

')566.   eueBvuu  OugSst  OsnQiSlQQff-Lti  <srm(nfso  (^&>ih   ereiresr  Qmtr^^ 
jTUi  sresresr  Gresrufrrraefr, 

If  a  girl  be  offered  in  marriage  unsolicitecjl,  thf^y  will  enquire  after 
her  family  and  after  her  tribe. 

5j;7.   eusQiu  eufh^  &(S^6S€S)UJ<i  srre\)frs\)  ^^esi^^^s  ^Girrerrsvrricir  ? 

Should  the  goddess  of  prosperity  who  came  to  you  spontaneously, 
be  kicked  and  turned  out  ? 

568.  eiJsdiUsu&fT  ST®^^^  eui^. 

The  strong  man's  way  is  the  way. 

369.   eusSiu     wupeufTtf-     €kJrr<3F(sQ(S&)    eui^rrjj^ui,     Qundj     ^pwfrv^u 

When  I  go  to  his  door  in  a  friendly  way,  he  feigns  friendship,  but 
bids  me  go  away. 

%hat.  isthp  chjEmo^el  which  waa  cut  by  the  strong,  inan. 

522  UtpOvblTL^; 

An  ensnared  ^eer. 

5r)72.  €ue\)e^t^  eut^ieviaiy^  Q^/reoev^  iD'fTLS, 

Mother-in-law,  give  atti  account  of  the  tiolent.  quarrbK 

5573.   su6\)ev6u^  ^tLt^uj  uthuirtii  LoeifsrsQ^tii  M^th, 

The  top  thrown  by  the  Strong  will  spin  even  in  sand 

— -•-— -~ 

5574.   eu6V6\)e9iLD  QuQa^e^'^, 

£oast  not  of  thy  power. 

5575.  euioe\)eu ^i(^u  Lfev^th  mlj^ld. 

Even  a  blade  of  grass  is  a  weapon  to  tlie  strong* 


5576.   eue\)evsu^i(^Lj  t^eo  ^iLj^tp, 

Grass  is  a  weapon  to  the  sti'ong  man. 

Every  powerful  man  in  the  world  has  his  rival. 

«5578.   susoe\)irir  ^ien^^ireo  euii^  ^Sstruurrj^iJLD    ^rmjru    Qs'trioeo^i 

When*  the  p6^v(*erful  fail,  thi^  brave  will  surely  welcome  them. 

5579.  eusoevrrnr  Qairen^sfT  eiifT(5S)LpLjuifiih  «^(g^. 

The  spoils  of  the  strong  will  soon  go  to  waste  as  a  plantain. 

5580.  6wa)a5Sso<i  ak-e^piLju^  OLo^affSsoi  sur^eaiLfLb  .^«/r^. 
A  dear-bought  cloth,  and  a  low-priced  bull  are  useless. 

5581.  eueuou/rev  €ff^iL®d(^  eu&jemr.^  ^ih^ireo  iSiLjth    QjSfrei^  kit^^ 

When  one  bat  visits  another,  the  host  will  say,  you  hang,  and  I  v 
do  the  same. 

He  who  waylays  and  plunders  is  a  thief,  the  vehicle  of  Visnou  w 
the  hawk. 

TAMfMi  ^ROVUBBS.  523 

5583,  eai^iB€tf)L.  ^ttit^gd/s  euirmesrijbQutreo, 

Conversation  on  «a  .journey  is  equal  to  a^eonveyance. 

A  straw  rope  is  the  bridle  for  a  strigr  horse. 

•5585,  eu^iiSQeo  St^'iSp  Q^iri^irSesiiu  ^(B^^i  ^fSmQibio  QuiriL 

QsQsfr&TeuirCSenr&fr  ? 

Why  should  a  man  meddle  with  a  hatchet  lying  in  the  road  and 
cut  his  foot ! 

5586.  euL^Qiu  (qtjdi^  €u^Qiu  iS^sf^a, 

Go  by  the  way,  imd  return  by  the  way. 

•^587.  euL^Qiu  QuiTiU  eui^Quj  eui^irso  ^^dSfrif)    Q<3FiEi3dsiTS\)    erssr&sr 

If  a  man  go  and  come  by  the  highway,  what  can  the  sceptre  of  the 
chief  do  to  him  ? 

•5588.  eui^Coiu  QurrSp  fF^ssfliudssr  6urrjr^^^(^  ®s!T{mSl<^p'^ufreo^ 

Like  hiring  Saturn  whom  one  met  on  his  way. 


^589.  «//^  euL^tumuu  (Sufr(^ih(Su/r^  e9^  GQ^iumu  (suq^Qip^^ 
As  each  goes  on  his  way,  destiny  accompanies  him. 

5590.   €urt£SsS  eQtfifr^  (g^ew/r  euenLLfresr  (^^<o^fr. 

The  horse  that  does  not  stumble  is  the  best  horse. 

'5591,   €UQ£t6it(ipji^  ^pissieuu  umrssS^iJi  eineujrih  u/bfSiu  us!T><3s  .^ikj^f. 
Inveterate  hatred  is  better  than  fickle  friendship. 

The  future  fruit  may  be  known  when  it  nits. 

5593.   euerrir^^  ubrriri9p  uiruj/B^^(SLjrre\), 
.As  the  trained  ram  flew  at  the  breastr 

55^4^   ey^ir^fi  fBfnu  Qprn^eDflu  uir^.iSip^Qurrsoi 
As  a  trained  dog  looks  at  the  face.  * 

524  utfiQinfTi^. 

5595.  euemruLi  eui^Ssm^  ^fSiutr^, 

A  hanger  on  does  not  understand  politeness. 

5596.   euetTiSum  ^uS^Cb  ^(srreii  ^/SiBjp  ^&fl^^  e-6wr. 

Though  possessed  of  abundant  wealth,  be  moderate  in  giving  and 

5597.   ^dotr/B^  QfiiiSe\)  ^sT'S'eisr  Qp.t^Q,iL&>^  eu^iuir^  QpiE/Q^  seni^i 

A  bent  bamboo  above  the  king's  crown,  a  straight  one  under  the 
feet  of  pole-dancers. 

5598.   eujSQdjrrrT'if^  -^iPO  Gd^€fnu^Sp  (odsawenm. 

Decency  in  adversity  is  commendable  in  the  indigent. 

5599.  9i3^^^  uiuj^  QpdsfT^i^unr ? 
Will  parched  peas  germinate  ? 

5600.   eujpisisiib  £B6ssri^€uir  Goemu^^eo  ^Qtssilr^ 

There  are  many  in  the  world  wha  are  accustomed  to  poverty. 

5601.   eiJ^npjsmLD  &iiB^iTe\>  u^^ih  ujoi^CSufTLD, 

When  poverty  comes,  the  ten  vital  airs  will  fly  off. 

5602.    6lJ£i/&DLDd5^  ^(S^sGtLfUi  Q<9'S06U^^fb(^fF     ffCS/SeGlLfth, 

Adversity  is  attended  by  the  goddess  of  misfortune,  prosperity  bf 
the  goddess  of  fortune. 

5603.  ^^i^jT^^    j5;s»)/p/5/fl«cir     ^emt^iuirmeSl^   ^irm^    eQdff^ 

The  sly  jackals  of  the  wilds,  are  inveterate  enemies  to  idiepherdii 

5601.  6ki^0^ireo  euessrds^^^ih  ^^SsrQ^irio  euasriEisfreinua  mfoih. 
Better  is  gentle  resistance^  than  submission  with  rough  wofd& 


5605,   e^irsesTLD  s^etretreu&tr  /b&dl^ss^  ^^^fr&sfy  uire\)  fe-^wrz—zreir    ufu 

He  who  has  a  conveyance  will  not  be  afraid  of  moving,  he  who  is 
fed  on  milk  will  not  care  to  attend  a  feast. 

5606.  euiTGDSS  ^&riDi9(^<9i^  ^imL^euirmetr    ^ei)2so,  eunrdsiresr    Q^ekesrui 

None  ever  saw  the  tender  fruit  of  the  Mimosa  flexuoaa,  nor  a 
straight  young  cocoanat  tree. 

5607.  €Uire9>s  ^etriD  i9^&r  mmu-euirseir  u^ekfrCoL^fr  f 
Has  any  one  seen  the  tender  fruit  of  the  Mimosa  ? 

5608.  euirmQ^so  Q^^lLl^  a(ipes>^ss}tULj  (SuiriSQev  eQ^tsidsefr. 
Let  the  ass  go  that  brought  evil  on  itself  by  braying. 

>609.  eumaSssr  <sz-.2Rir<s  Qstn^fr/S  eueoedfrerraeim—^, 
A  mighty  cheat  who  never  pays  his  debts. 

Does  the  sun  rise  by  the  permission  of  the  threshold,  or  by  the  per- 
mission Mahad^va  I 

611.  euir^^(ef^i(^  ^pp  euuSpjpif  er  fi  <3f a=  e\) , 
Sorrow  suited  to  the  present  life. 

He  wiio  IS  destined  to  live  long,  is  not  liable  to  die  by  accident, 

613.  €uir,€aBuLD  Q^iuu9p  ^iTisaflu^u^,  ^jbS, 

In  iiaatters  of  tracle,  note  down  the  smallest  fraction. 

,614.  eair^sSiuimCenL^    euaQiri    ^lLgdl^    Q^iu^QfSiu^   ^&j>l^ljuss 

The  postte  of  an  oil-press  is  tough,  irhea  worn  away  it  may  become 
«  broom-stick. 

526  •    ti^ipQuyfrtfi^. 

A  gunny  bag  will  not  hold  the  excessive  desires  of  the  oil  merehant 

5616.  <oU!TesSiurr^&T  ^Oti    O'&'iGDm  eaSstnu  eun^LD    erQ^j^aeir.Quir&„ 
Like  the  oxen  that  go  round  the  oil-man's  press, 

5617.  euiTfl^jp  ^djeoLf  epQi^sv, 

Do  not  indulge  in,  rheumatic  humour. 

5618.  eufr^m  Q6b(Si^^\^  utr^  Gushr(^&fr  Os(Sl/i^^  ufr^. 

It  was  destroyed  partly  by  the  wind,  and  partly  by  the^waafiemuai^ 

5619.  euir^LD  sflt^  ^^/S,  Qouj^m  g)^  Jy^. 

Learn  alchemy  by  experiment,  and  the  vedteby  lecitatioa. 

5.620.   eurr^  ^0ssr^^i(^  ldlLi^ld  eriLQ  LLffp^, 

To  the  eye  of  an  aldiemist,  common  gold  appears  as  ntandiiTd  geU 

When  a  distinguished  dancing |[Irl  becomes  old,  .shanQay  teadasBtt.' 

5622.  euir^Qpp  &h.(op&). 
Do  not  begin  a  quarret 

5623.  cmriurrt^  euffir^sin^  u^L-t^eoe^rr  jremeik, 
T^e  wprds  of  a  babbler  are  fine  dust. 

Like  a  bafe  .that  feeds  ai\d  ejefcts  by  the  .mouth. . 


Though  you  entreat,  he  will  net  give  even  an  unyipe  plantainf  W 
if  the^Qieperof  his  mothercomes,  he.  will  produce  a  whole  buofik. 

5626..  •W7r[L;/r(?6t>..(?6BLLz_^/r^  a//r.ffinLpLyL9Q^i»£i   QsurL^irm   fB^^-^M^ 

\V;ben  entreated, he  wilL  not -give  an  unripe  plantain,,  but*  V"^* 
puftiah^d  he.: will  give  a  :v^hole  buixch... 


tauhj  pfte^sBBs.  air 

5627.  €U'riiS(S'eo  tLpt^u^cifr^Qe^  usda, 

Friendahip  in  the  mouth,  and  hittred  in  the  miiid! 

^628.  mirti9(Se\)  fi.6»r®  eu^. 

The  way  is  in  one^s  mouthy. 

5629.  eufrs^iuu  unrfr^^  -^S^  (^iu^^fT<sisr, 

Seeing  the  man's  inability  ta  apeak,  he  cheated  hiin< 

5630.  eutnu  ^Q^m^fF^  euiBSKfreirtJb  Qun-fxevfrtjo, 

If  possessed  of  a  mouth,  one  may  find  his  way  to  Benga  \: 

If  you  mouth,  a  dog  would  carry  you  away. 


If  not  possessed^of  a  mouth,  even  a  dog-will  next  take  notice  of  himv, 

563S.  eurriii  ^(r^i^iie\)  i9^^  i36s)ipd(^ijbi, 
If  the  ch^d  have  a  mouth,  it  will  livCr. 

The  box  thftthas  Sir  mouthy  has  no  bottom^ 

5685.  eufnii  smuijB  ljgQ  ^enQmCoev  60(LpfE^^(Sufre^, 
As  a,, hungry,  tiger  fell  on  ^man.. 

5636.  euffAuiQsn'^ULi'3F  S.2ei)u9eo  eutf.8p^,. 
His  |ir?:ogance  oozei^jbhxpiigh.bis  :Cloth., . 

Dpe^  rheui^atism  a^oli  on^la  mouth  t ' 

^€38..,  faFffimtstsiir,  es>^  Qmtfi^esiir,, 

Sugar  in  bis:mouth>.apdthe  very  c^posite  in  the  hand%  v 

.  ■-,..'  «". 

Tlie  mouth  ^Ul  resist,  the  nape  of  the.  neck  will  WQrslup^ 


628  ujfiQmtrifif 

5640.  euiriuflrr&sr  ^(n^iSmp^  &nnui^  jy/fffti(g  a/y9  ^eaSso, 
He  has  a  mouth,  but  no  means  of  procuring  rice  for  it. 

5641.  edinu  ^pdsu  Quiriu  ^pi(^ih. 
When  the  mouth  opens,  lies  come  forth. 

5642.  ediriifl^  fleBQih  Quiriu  ^(Sul/    Q/B(T^LJLjih   CSufrear^CSuireo, 
Like  losing  bran  from  the  mouth,  and  fire  from  the  health. 

5643.  ^^1^  fB6\)0O^rr^eo  sair  meoe\)^^ 

When  the  mouth  is  good,  the  village  is  good. 

5644.  euiriu  uirnrji/seuefT  euirifi^  ^ffim^tr&r  ^ihueoih  utrHrfifiea&ff  Q^ 

She  who  was  looking  at  the  mouth,  became  a  widow :  and  he  who 
watched  the  house,  lost  his  wife. 

5645.  euiriu  Lfefl^fiQ^ir  LDirasfnu  L/sfi^i/^Qflir  ? 
Which  is  sour,  the  mouth  or  the  mango  ? 

6646.  fiW/Tiu  iLjS^^freo  eutfii(^  §lififs^fr^. 

He  lost  his  suit  by  the  haughty  words  of  his  mouth. 

5647.  eurrdj  u^^^fiireo  eufrip&neu  ^tpi^iresr. 

He  lost  his  fortune  by  the  arrogance  of  his  mouth. 

5648.  euiTiL  eufretoffiUULpih  €Si6s  €BQ^dssvri@^m(^^ 

Plantain  fruit  in  the  mouth,  and  karanai  roots  in  the  hands. 


5649.  eu/rir/ieif)^  ^Q^i^CSufrui,  euifi  ^ffirm^Quirih. 
Words  will  endure,  ways  will  fall  into  disuse. 

Premature  genius  foretokens  a  short  £fe. 
5651.  eu/reo  ISessri^  sifa^Q^eQ  eueotb  ^jQ^i^  ®^^  Quir^io,  *f^ 

1{  a  long  taUed  blackbird  fly  from  right  to  left,  those  who  wj: 
on  foot  will,  on  their  return,  mount  palanquins  wrought  ^ 

5652.  &iir^  Qutr^^LB  QuirQp^  €T6Sf9(^^  Q^irio  QeumQih, 
It  does  not  matter  if  the  tail  is  lost,  I  want  tlie  skin. 

5653.  eairifiirfi  QuGssr^^i(^  e^m  ^essrt^y  QuiriL®    ^essrtf^y   tn^^&r 

Of  what  use  are  paint,  the  marriage  symbol^  and  turmeric  water,  ta 
a  woman  who  refuses  to  become  a  wife  t 

5654.  eufTQpQp  eff^iLif-so  mjrfBiriu  siLif-esr^Qoireo^ 

As  a  polecat  was  tied  up  in  a  hoiise  o^clipied  by  a  ptt)sperous 

5655.  eufr(ipiD  i3eir^€nuj  eQdsfriu/TLLi^Oeo  Q^iflitith^ 

The  future  pfosperity  of  a  person  may  b6  known  wheh  h6  is  play- 
ing as  a  child. 

)656.  euiresiip  •iy^-  cu/remip^ 

The  sucker  of  a  plantain  tree  becOiAes  another  tree. 

i657.  QuresiLpuuifi^^io  ^sl^  <^j)isu ^Quired, 
Like  a  needle  penetrating  ^  plantain. 

»658»   euireiFiLpLjucpui  ^m^fl  (^jrEi(^  ^evSso, 

There  ai*6  no  monkeys  that  will  not  eat  plantain  fiilit. 

659.  €UiT€syifiuuifith  Qmiressr(SlQuiTesrsuefr  emr&'eSiio  ^(mib^irm^   eujiu 

She  that  took  the  plantains  sat  at  the  entrance>  shi^  that  took  her 
mouth>  seated  herself  in  the  middle  of  the  house. 

The  01)6  who  trusted  her  power  of  addi'ess  obtained  a  better  place 
than  the  one  who  sought  recognition  by  a  gift. 

)60.   eurr&siLfi  q/l-«(^  ff^l^  euirm  «(yi(5  0^fb(^  ff^ld. 

Plantain  trees  put  forth  their  bunches  to  the  north,  and  arica-nut 
trees,  on  the  south. 

•61.  euiry^Qp  QuemrSssyr^  ^irtu/nr  QsQ^^^Qurrev, 

As  a  mother  ruined  a  girl  that  Was  settled  in  life. 


590  utpQuyiT'L^. 

5662;   eairipSp  QS*il.if^s\)  eu^r^jrmic^  €S)6u^^^(SufrvO\ 
Like  placing  a.  monkey  in  a  family. 

5663f  euirtfiSp.eS'C-Qds^  ^^  6^(5  m&fr(^jnEj(^, 
He  is  as  a.  monkey  in  a  hoijj^e. 

■n    ■■  r^  fviture  of  a  family  by  putting  down  plantain  trees. 

It  is  said  that  plantains  uatarally  put  forth  their  biinch9stotl» 
north.  Should  the  fruit  appear  otherwise,  it  is.oan.<idere.d  omiDoui 
to  the  homestead. 

5^65.   6i//rzp«65)«  Qia5frQ^^ouehr<o^ssu9e\>  6Ufrt^(Gmuy, 

Length  of  days  is  in  the  hands  of  him  who  gave  prosperity. 

56,66.  eufTLpiB^^  QmiLi^ireo  eu-^jj  gj-Ll®65(^Lb  ^«^^. 

When,  thg,t  whiph  flourished  decays,  it  id  not  worth  even  a  potsheri 

5.667.     ^fTlfi^^eiJ^.  6U/!SlU(dlJ^^6V   €U&Dp   ^L-lf^p(^Lb  ^Sff^, 

If  a, prosperous  person  suffer  reverses,  he  will  not  be  worth  a  black 

When  the  daughter  who  Ijves  in  affluence  -pays  a.  visit,  let  ^  ^ 
seated  on  a  fine  mat;  when  she  whp  is  reduced  tp  poverty  com^ 
seat  her  on  an  ,old  mat^ 

5-669;  <sufrifi6un-Q^<i^fk.  S(S^je3  6Ufru9(o6V, 

The  godijles^  of  jfprtuqe  is  in  the  mouth  .of  the  prosperous.. 

Prosperity  for.a  time,  and  adversity  for  a  ti^e. 

TJiough  you  may  acquire  thousands  of  wealth  by  dea^terity,  *w; 
physical  strength,  be  frugal.. 


5672.  &iir(ef^i(^  ^uQjtld  (Sflfr(Sf^6S(<^  ^u9jrth, 

A  thousand  by  hia  sword,  a  thousand  by  his  arm. 

5673.  euiresr^^i(^iS^  §!l(§'^J^  Lb<ss)Lpi(^ili  UiUuui^e^inLir  ? 
Living  under  the  conopy  of  heaven,  may  we  be  afraid  of  rain  I* 

5674.  euir&frQpiii  u^iEliLfU^  Q^fretremr^frdir  Lojr^^^Ui  S€\)6Q^th    ^q^. 

Will  he  whom  heaven  and  earth  cannot contain,,dw«U  in. woodland! 
stone  T 

5675.  €Ufr€sr(oLD  Ff&srp^  y^tSQiu  ^iribSp^, 

The  heavens  produced,  and  the  earth  sustained^ 

5676.  ©i/rswii  uiriTASu  QuiriLjih  ^sfm^^^eofr  ? 

When  you  go  to  gaze  at  the  heavens^  d6  you  find  any  impediment  T* 

5677.  eufrcsrCb  6rjris^  flrresrii^  ^pi(mu^. 

When  it  rains  abundantly,  liberality  will  abound; 

5678.  eutresrih  SrQ^ikSSfp  Qyesrih  fSi-(f^iBi(^iJb.', 
When  drought  prevails  charity  fails. 

5679.  eair^  Q^iis^  p-^^iim  &s>euiUiBLb  &resr€sr  Q^iuiLfCb  ? 
What  can  the  world  do  in>return  for-the  favours  of  heaven  V 


5680.  eQ^u^iSp.  jpifsiB  6PL^6sr€\)e\)fr(sv  ua^ii^L^p  pSf30.  sireisru^    '^^^i. 
If  the  sky  withholds  rain,  not  a. blade  of  grass  can  be  seen.: 

5681.  eSai^eunr^i^  Qafr^(^  fsi^Lo/rt^^  Q^^^fl/rih, 

It  is  said  that  a  devout  crane  died  from  ^wandering  about^ 

i£82,  eQareuir^iif  ^(f^{B^ir€\)  QeuSu^ti^  i^einifiuufr&r,  i8<3Fih  ^(f^ifijreOr 

If  she  be  faithful,  even  a  harlot  will  prosper ;  if  he  be*  honest,  .ev#ai 
the  Jo  w-bom  will  flourish.. ., 

532  utfiQuyfTifi. 

5683.   ^3i<oiifr^u  llSsst  aQ^eumLetnu.^  ^iStiQsireisr®  CSuirSp^nk, 
It  is  said  that  a  derout  cat  carried  away  the  dried  fish. 

5684.     6l5(5^^6»)^<i    (^tf-65au   UfreV/TLDfT  ? 

Will  poison  when  drunk  turn  into  milk ! 

Poison  is  the  medicine  of  poison. 

5686-   «fis^/i  ^^(ff^i  Qarrev^ih^ 

If  poison  be  swallowed,  it  will  kill. 

He  who  has  swallowed  poison  mast  take  pepper  watei". 

5688.   sBg^ld  (w,t^^fi!r$^Lo  ^trsfrir  eB^i-eiJfrQ^&r. 

Though  they  may  take  |>oison,  the  faithful  will  not  die. 


5689.  ^(s^ii^  QuiBQ^fT  urreuui'QuiBCo^fr? 
Which  is  the  more  destructive^  poison  or  sin  ? 

5690.  eSe^th   ^jr    (StD&j^^iu&sr    Qe^assr^LD,     ufreuLD    ^jr/i   O^iuaiiJ 


A  physician  is  necessary  to  counteract  poison,  and  Grod,  to  x&nore 

You  must  go  to  Srirangam  to  understand  that  Vishnu  is  f^ 

The  inhabitants  of  Srirangam  say  that  Vishnu  is  great,  those 
of  Arunasalam,  say  that  Siva  is  great. 

Some  profess  that  Vishnu  is  all  in  all,  whili^  others  maiDtam  tW 
Siva  is  the  greater  of  the  two. 


5694.  €^3rjr^^d(^  ^(^^^mirmeiSi^, 

Vishnukarantai-fifpAcBm'nifAi^   /ndicu«-is  a  specific    remedy  for 

5695.  eBi^w^  ubmtfi  Quoj^fTso  ui^rr^  ufrQ  UL^QeuesarQiD, 
Should  it  rain  unceasingly,  intolerable  suffering  would  follow. 

5696.  eBi^r^  mesiipfuire^)  ^eoeS  ^(Lfi(^  ^ent-uQui, 
Unceasing  rain  stops  leaks. 

5697.  eQi^i^ireo  QjasiBiLjih  LDiruiB^Sstr  (g^Oti  Queik  (^QS^ih. 

It  will  be  kuown  at  day-break  whether  the  bridegroom  or  the  briJe^ 
is  blind. 

)698.  €Bif./6^th  Qu€ifr^pji(^  QfitLL^tr^Q^ifr  ? 

Does  the  woman  require  a  veil  even  after  sunrise  I 
5699.  eflzjLiu  effzj^uji  «65)^  Q^iL®  ®ir/r^^i(5^  9^^  ^^^  q^^ 

As  one  asked  what  relationship  existed  between  R^ma  and  Sita 
after  listening  to  their  history  till  day-break, 

'700.  eQt^iujbsireom  seQujiressrih,  ,9tf.  jyi_r  ^ru>Lieoih. 

The  marriage  wiU  take  place  at  dawn,  thou  fellow,  take  betel. 

Though  the  unfortunate  may  find  work,  he  will  not  get  his  hire. 
702.  6fl/jL<t/|fitl®ti  ^mpji^euaatih  eQt^i^^^L^  <s^/r^    fL«o/_^«a/. 

He  that  draws  water  till  day-break,  and  he  that  breaks  his  bucket, 
at  day- break,  are  on  an  equality. 

Though  it  may  rain  tm  day-break,  a  potsherd  will  not  germinate. 

04.  eQiLtp.pj^S'^eiinuuQuirm  upmsi  ^S\Si(n^^, 
He  flits  about  iik»  a  gnws-hc^^r. 

5705.  eQiL(S  eQiLQCf  QuiiSp  iL(sis)LpS^u:^  eQi^mbp  QuiuQp  ^m 
Unceasing  driving  rain  is  pi'eferable  to  intermitted  showers. 

;5706.   eBtLQ^L^ir  ^ei^^  eBeirnrih  utp^^  ^iLQl^itQl-, 
"ff  he  pleasure  of  the  wood-«,ppl«  ceases  with  the  shell. 

.'5707.   eflewr  sitiLl^u  Quiresreum  ««wr  miriLt^  eui^fr^to. 

It  is  said  that  he  who  went  to  point  out  the  h«avens,  returned  to 
shew  his  eyes. 

What  is  become  of  your  ostentation,  and  where  is  your  guitar? 
-5709.  eQ^ ^nknirdsoir^A    meSiufTemu^    eB(ipiB^    QmrniLL^i^fr  ^^^ 

O,  thou  tomtom  beater,  Vinumal  is  to  be  married,  fell  down^fi 
beat  your  tomtom. 

^5^710.  eQ^Q^mjpi  ^ui^^^ua  ^iessrQeptrjpi  fl/tJUW^. 

One  may  escape  a  thunderbolt,  but  he  cannot  escape  <te  </<J^  ? 
an  evil  eye. 

.'5711.   aflfiwrO^/r®  Qawv^Qptf.  Qm^SijCD  eff'p&f)  0^6ir^«D<F«  S^'V^- 

Meru  whose  summit  reaches  to  heaven,  and  the  merit  gi'^ 
mountain  on  the  south. 

.'5712.   eQeifr  Qu!T\u^^sirio  ldcsst  Qufnu6S(^ui. 
]If  the  sky  fail,  the  earth  will  fail. 

5713.  oSewr  euSQfBir  u^eior  eueQCS^ir? 

Which  is  the  more  powerful  heaven  or  earth  ? 

5714.  eflp  XSurrQp  eut^CSiu  ll^  CSurr^iD. 
The  mind  will  follow  destiny. 

5715.  fi^P  (Lpi^i^eudssru  utnjDLj  sif^asi^th, 

A  viper  wiU  bite  him  whose  prescribed  term  of  life  is  at  an  cni 

tAMtL  pro*Verb&.  685 

Can  destiny  be  averted  by  prescience  T 

5717.  eQ&vfi/rjrisirjrek  Q^^^ireo  i9iesiLpi^iTSsf, 
A  boaster  if  he  die,  cannot  return  'to  life. 

Out  of  nothing,  nothing  <comes,  whether  above  or  below, 

5719.  eQ^^eu/r^i^^  er^  ujrQp^w? 

What  country  is  foreign  to  a  man  of  learning! 

5720.  6B^^6Uir&frA^dS(^  er^  Qufl^? 
What  is  difficiftlt  to  the  learned  f 

5721.  eS/i^^i  ^erreif)  ininBiutrir  dSp(m   ^if^isu    Ou'/r^errffih    '<sp(^ 

The  sapient  old  mother-in-law  is  said  to  havagot  foul  of  tbfe  thorny 
cactus^  when  she  went  to  gather  fireWoo^. 

5722.  eff/icB)^    ^pp&i&s^    ^iPO    ea^re'^fSfSF    ^^cv/r     Qpqf^k^in    lj^lj 


The  beatfty  of  the  unlettered,  is  likfe  lihe  inodoroiiB  Mtiriiku -flower. 

5723.  eQ/ies)^  ^Q^thLj, 
Desiire  learning. 

'iH  I  iS 

5724.   eQ^ev>^65  ^^err&fl,  eOSeatUfTLLQi  ferret?!,    ufris/b'^mu  eQpp   ULpm 

She  is  a  hy{>ocrite,  and  idle  ;--^she  is  that  old  thifef  that  sold  pagal 

•li-  i 

i725.   €6^€9)fluji^  infTtS  €Bi(^^t^  ues^'Strirtii. 

O  thou  pretending  mother-in-law^  cakes  lAick  iiti  toy  throat. 

Of  arts  fiorceiy  is  tha  easiest,  of  textures  the  pastey  boiling  basket. 

636  u^tpQihirifi. 

5727*  tO^etn^  ^t^iSp  Q6sfri^^(^  JI&>ir^so  ^q^iSp^irui  iSt^jj, 

It  is  s^.id  that  an,  hypercritical  hen  haa  its  bile  in  its  chest. 

• •.  '  -^  • 

5728.  Ji^en/siL^etretreu^  Quffiiuemsk, 

^e  who  is  learned^  is  truly  great. 

5729.  6Q/s/rs=6ifr(oeo  eQuf^  H^^* 

Bent  OD,  destruction  by  a  strange  fatality. 

573(y.  eOtufT&'SajLp  Q^p^eo  ibiLl^  siDUih, 
Litigation  is^a  pole  planted  in  mud. 

5731,  eEhufr^i(^  u^q^m^  e_6wr.®  eQ^6S(^  inQ^ijp   ^-ekr^^tr  f 

lEedicine  may  be  had  for  a  disease, — ^is  there  any  for  destiny ! 


5732.    ^lUfF^u9j^tJa  £X>0/6^   QsfTl^^, 

Th&  medicine  is.  worse  than  the  disease^ 

5733.  eQjT^^^^Ui  QuifKS^rr  g^^  ^/b^  ?- 

1$. fa^tiog  more  m^toriouatban  penance! 

5734.  eQjr^ih  QsiLi^fr^ih  Sr6sih  ;E«<s5(?6i/6wr®a), 

Though  th^  penance  may  prove  ineffectual,  one  must  have  regard 
to  his  comfort). 

5735.  €9jr^i(^^  ^<i«  effMLd. 

Hie.  swelling  will  be  proportioned  to  tjie  size  of  the  finger.. 

5736.  eflirev  c_^aff  eSiT^i^esrir  s-^sufrir. 

Guests  ai;e^not  a^.  serviceable,  as  are  one's  fingers. 

5737.  6Bjr&)  s^jr&i  ^@€P  SLi^ev  er^esr  ^(gii  ? 

If  the  finger  swell  to  the  si»e  of  a  rice  mortar,  how  large  will  tw 
mortkr  be  when  that  swells ! 

5738.  eQjreo  Quirsir^  ^i^^^sv  ^jr&>  Quiruyrrf 

Can  a  mortar  pass  t^hrQugh  an  opening  which, is. not  laige  enonpt 
to  admijb  ^  finger  I 


5739.  eS/fl/B/^  e-«v®«w  Q^fii^euir  Sedir, 

There  are  few  on  the  face  of  the  wide  world  who  are  wise. 

5740.  gBo^jp  ek,pBi  eui^  0<aFi^u9e\)  ^€S)Lpaje\)fn£irr  ? 
Anxious  for  fame,  may  one  crawl  under  bushes  I 

5741.    Q9(5^<i(?<5B/r  (?61/zl«DL_  ^®Sp^  ? 

What,  hunting,  to  acquire  fame  T 

5742.  eQ(T^^^frdF€\)iii  Quir^ei  ^jriLuireuih  Quir(^Lb, 
Pilgrimage  to  Yirutt&chalam  will  expiate  great  sins. 

5743.  €Q(/^fB^  ^lLQu  ues)^  QftQSp^, 
Seeking  enemies  by  means  of  hospitality. 

5744.  eQ(/^fB^(ov\)rrirdi(^  ^^Ssol/  QufTQ^i^tu  ^o^^sld. 
The  inhospitable  are  destitute  of  agreeable  manners. 

5745.  gQq^ib^  ^e^eoir^  Q^rrjp/  u^q^m^^ 
Food  without  hospitality  is  medicine. 

5746^    eSt(7j^f6€in^u  UGssresSu  Quirq^ik^u  uem^u* 
Win  your  enemy  by  hospitality. 

5747.   e9(r^fB^iii  ubq^iB^u^  nz^jp^  Qurr(Lp^, 

Hospitality  and  mediciue  must  be  confined  to  three  days. 

Can  that  which  is  unattainable  by  ambition,  be  attained  by  mere 
boasting  ? 

^749.    eSenrr  ^&rjpi  Quiri^^  Sresitr  e^&srjp/  (Tp2sfT<i(^LDfr  ? 

Will  the  bottle  gourd  spring  up  when  a  different  seed  is  sown  I 

Do  not  fret  about  disagreeables  that  cannot  be  averted. 

Xik^e. being  put  in  the  stocks  after  liberation  from  chains. 

538  utfiQimrifi, 

5752,  eflSso  LLstL(^  ^tP(S  ^^  (pLoeafl  LS^i(^^€\), 
It  befits  a  harlot  to  make  her  person  shine. 

5753.  a9«^  ^tf.ujrr&)  s'lrmir^^  aeo  j^i^iurreo  <3'fr(^wfr? 

Will  that  which  resisted  the  strpke  of  a  bow,  die  by  the  pelting  of 
stones  ! 

5754.  <oS6\)  ^eve\)rr^6uesr  ^LbLf  Q^Qeutr&sr  ^m  ? 
Why  should  a  man  without  a  bow  seek  arrows  I 

5755.  sB€\)e\)ihQufr  Q^fre\)6\)ijb(ou/r  ? 
Is  it  an  arrow  or  sarcasm  ? 

5756.  6i9svjj2f<i  (^isSiuir^  <sTiu^irco,  6Qe\)str^  erQir^^  uszodP. 

Jf  you  shoot  an  arrow  when  the  bow  is  not  sufficiently  bent,  tbe 
enemy  will  not  retreat. 

5757.  e9(S0^^(^  eQ^iuAr  uif}i(^  /^(geveJr. 

In  archery  Vijaya,  in  horsemanship  Nakula. 

5758     eQs\)  6uSsfr/B/3Sfr€\)  Qu^ir^w  fBQhLD, 
The  bending  of  a  bow  is  dangerous. 

5759.   eSeveuuuifiih    ^(skurr/r  i9^^ih     (Surrss,    ueisrihuipth    jQeiu^^ 

They  eat  vilvam  fruit  to  remove  biliousness,  and  palmyrah  finite 
appease  hunger. 

It  is  the  excellence  of  discretion  to  avoid  indiscretion. 

5761.    eQtp^dc^  §)&np^jS  iSir, 

Water  drawn  for  eoarse  grass. 

5762,   eSiP^^eum  sm^   iBtr^^&sr^    ^miS^sreuek    a^jpt    suir*^ 

The  calf  of  the  man  who  watched  is  a  female ;  that  of  him  who 
slept  is  a  male. 


5763.  €Q(ipSp  <»Q//fl(?6U  6S)«  eneuuuir&ir  ^ek  ? 
Why  put  your  hand  on  a  tottering  wall  ? 

5764.  eQQpEiSssr  jra^Cb  euuSpjSle\>  ^i^^Si» 
Swallowed  mercury  will  not  remain  in  the  stomach. 

5765.  e9(ipiBfl  tSeJrSsrrewiLf  6r®<s5«  Qibjtu^  ^ebSso. 

No  time  to  lift  up  the  child  that  has  fallen  down. 

5766.  dSQ^k^ir^Ui  LSs9)<yu9so  LDessr  jj^lLi— eflsvSso  er&srQQifm, 
Though  he  has  fallen  down,  he  says  that  his  mustache  is  not  soiled 

with  dust. 

5767.  efi?6»'«i^to/r/Djy«;gL!/  uiLQ^  ^^<sFLDrr  ? 
What,  a  silk  tassel  for  a  broom  ? 

5768.  Q96w<iO<fl56wr06wraj<i(g«    Q&Ql^    ^eQjrtj    i9etrSotr    iSesiLpuu^ 
The  child  did  not  survive, — it  was  only  waste  of  oil. 

Though  one  roll  himself  in  sand,  after  applying  oil  to  his  body,  he 
cannot  make  a  larger  quantity  of  sand  adhere  to  his  body. 

5770.  afleyriOiSewrOfiwruJ/rzi  ^Ssosi(^  er&isrQessnu, 

It  is  said  that  what  he  uses  for  the  head  is  lamp-oil. 

5771.  eQeiriesi^u  iSi^^^iQ^irGssr®  Sl€ssrp;Ss\)  eS(LpSlp^fr  ? 
What,  falling  into  a  well  with  a  lighted  lamp  in  the  hand  I 

5772.  eQerrdS&Dsi  Q6S/r(&f^^^d  SCSip  eiDSULiumr  e^essrCoL^fr  ? 
Does  any  one  place  a  lighted  lamp  on  the  floor  P 

5773.  eSetr^BesiS  €>5)6U^^mGl^iTGssr(Sl    QfB(r^LJLj^c^    ^^Sp^(Suir<oV, 

Like  wandering  abroad  for  fire,  while  there  is  a  lighted  lamp  in 
the  house. 

5774.  ^Benir^  ^srf?<i^  ^sh^uuiLl^  ^iLtf.eo(Suire\), 
Like  a  grass-hopper  fascinated  by  a  lighted  lamp. 

540  u LpQ  LDtr i^, 

5775.  tBerriEJdBfr  LbemL^iueir    tQpr^ir^u    Quir^e^    fiff/og    Qesiufi/Bn 

If  a  simpleton  go  for  firewood,  though  it  be  found,  a  creeper  to.  bind 
it  into  a  bundle  will  not  be  found. 

5776.   eQ^iufTiKBu  tBetrlBW  G9«^^^«(g  ^^^^^, 
A  playful  child  will  not  fear  venomous  reptiles. 

bin .  ^SefnufrLLL-,fnu  ^Q^fs^^  tB&snu/Ttu  Qpt^/ifl^' 
Originating  in  playfulness  it  ended  seriously. 

5778.  eO^iufTLLQu  U€ssn-.LD  effQ  eui^  CS^jnr^. 
Things  prepared  by  playful  children  never  come  home. 

5779.  eSSsntLiLD  uu9ir  (ipSoau9(Se\)  O^sfiiLiih. 
The  future  crop  is  known  in  the  germ. 

5780-   «9/D(g  aL-®^^frjr^i(^  tBfr6<Dfr  w/euiL  «^©*^  §J(5     ueasriii  tBp 

If  a  crane  cross  a  firewood  man  from  lefb  to  right,  what  he  sells 
ordinarily  for  a  fanam,  will  fetch  a  fanam  and  a  quarter. 

If  a  crow  fly  on  the  right  of  one  going  out  of  his  hoiuei  he  b 
sure  to  meet  with  succeas.  If  on  the  left,  he  will  not  obtain  what  be 

5781.   ^PCS  (S^iretssreoir^^w  Q^bq^ulju  upQff^n? 
Will  firewood  not  ignite,  because  crooked  I 

5782-   ^pp  (QGssTSfnL^m(^Lj  L^eo  QuiT®ekttr&sr  ©-cir  ? 
Why  feed  a  bullock  after  it  is  sold  T 

5783.  eS^ssr^siireoui  eunF^La  ^ireoijby  LbSoff  eut^iLjui  Q^fiiu/r^, 
When  times  are  ioauspicious,  one  does  not  know  his  way  home. 

5784.  eBSssr    eQetn^^^euGir    eBSssr    ^^vuuirar    ^Sssr    tQsn^^fi^^ 

He  who  sows  actions  will  reap  actions,  he  that  sows  miUet  will 
reap  millet. 


5785.  ^^AssQldit  ^imQibfr  ? 

Is  it  the  effect  of  swelling  or  of  sleep  ? 

5786.  6j5*««ii  ^6sarL-treo  ^i^ubfrub^ 
Swelling  is  followed  by  languor. 

5787.  6ffiEjds^i(^  tB&^ih  ^Q^LD. 

Looking  at  the  swelling,  the  inflammation  is  excessive. 

5788.  sff'^th  ^^^^  g^  /B/r<^(i, 

The  payment  of  a  sixteenth  is  a  loss  to  a  family. 

5789.  "sff*^  mi—ik^fTeo  OojeltreS  eS^<3Fih  (g^D/Doyii, 

Silver  ornaments  are  injured  by  swinging  the  arms  when  walking. 

5790.  eff^sr  ermqrf^ir^  «9®(?€W(g),  (sffir  Lf^^sr  ^ihu€\)a/nnr  ? 
Thou  son  of  the  violent  Ambalak&ran^  shall  I  let  thee  go  because 

thou  squeakest  T 

5791.  G^®  ^(sm&'iuirLbeo  ^Gsr^ih  tufrdair  ^en^ib^  P6ir,gj2/<i. 
A  house  consumes  standing  still,  an  elephant  when  moving. 

5792.  effQ  erevevfrih  (g(5®,  enir^e^  ereoev/rih  Sessrj^if, 

The  inmates  of  the  house  are  all  blind,  and  there  are  wells  all  over 
the  yard. 

5793.  eff*®  ^lLQ@p^j  '^fi^,  eff^Q  jDfL^iSp^  er&f^^. 
To  build  a  house  is  difficult,  to  destroy  one  is  easy. 

Before  building  a  house  dig  a  well. 

Id  a  Sanscrit  work  on  architecture  I  saw  some  years  ago,  the  ad- 
vice here  expressed  is  given  as  the  first  thing  to  be  attended  to,  when 
selecting  a  site  for  a  house. 

1795.  eff®  fiSq^Qeuirm  Qm^ih  ^Q^QeurrGfr, 

He  who  gives  a  house  may  jgite  more  than  that. 

642  utfiQiLfTifi. 

5796.  off*®  i8<s5)pfBfl  eQerrii^u^/rj^^ 
A  hopse  full  of  brooms. 

5797.  €ff(S  (SufT  er&rSp^y^ff®  eutr  ereirSp^, 

The  homestead  says  go,  the  place  of  cremation  says  come, 

5798.  ^®  Oeu£)t  eff®  (Seu^^ir  jf/^ds/rjrih. 

His  house  is  empty,  but  he  acts  as  if  he  were  the  chief  of  Velloift 
One  of  the  Nabob's  palaces  was  at  Yellore. 

5799.  6^®  Qeuj^effL-iTiu  ^q^/b/sit^ld  u^gsSiuld  <QT(Lp  ^siir. 
Although  his  house  is  empty,  he  is  the  manager  of  sevoQ  villages. 

5800'  effiLi^ev  ^ifi(^  QsuLbLj  ^i^iuir(^LD, 

The  shade  of  a  margosa  tree  is  good  for  a  house. 

He  who  is  not  obedient  in  the  house  will  obey  in  the  village. 

5802.  effiKSlisQ^inih  f5frLLQd5(^  aL.«o/r(?(L/«u, 

Bo  not  make  known  abroad  the  affairs  of  the  homestead. 

5803,  effL^(Si^(^    ^(fFfi^ireo    Qsuessr&eou    Quessn^iriLif.,    q?l.8*5 

If  in  the  house  ghe  is  bell-metal  wife,  if  she  goes  abroad,  she  is* 
slumbering  wife. 

5804,  q5^^®<»^(5  ^^^/»«/ri^ii)  Qu/fluj  (^Lf-, 
A  large  family  gives  beauty  to  a  house. 

5805,  QS*LL®<i(^<5P  Q^irp^i(^  ^coSso  Seu&sr  ^fSeuir&sr^  iBfTL-Sl^'S^ 

Siva  knows  tbati  have  no  rice  at  home,  yet  am.I.not  r^ardeu. 
abroad  as  a  wealthy  person  T 

A.lig:hted  hmy  gives  beauty  to  a  house. 


5807.  63'iLQ'i(^  effQ  u^em  ^(SlULi^^irosr, 

An  eaxthen  hearth  is  the  rule  in  all  houses. 

5808.    6^LL®«(g    ^SVlEld^fTjTLD  Uidsat lU IT GfT , 

A  wife  gives  beauty  to  a  house. 

5809.  6fftl.®<i(^  ^eviEJSfrjrth  Qeuetriressr^Lo, 
Grain  gives  beauty  to  a  house. 

5810.  effiL®^  Q^ioeuih  LLir(Sly  Q^frtLL.^  Q^^eveuw  Qpnf^iEis^mm<£mu , 
A  cow  is  house- wealth,  and  murungai  fruit  is  garden-wealth. 

5811.  6^zl^®<F  Q^trpesyp^^&srjpj  effem  ^eifreiSiL^^r^u  QurreuirQesreisr? 
Why  go  and  quarrel  causelessly  when  eating  your  own  rice  ? 

5812.  cffLLQ^s"    Qifirpesypu  Qufrt-Q   effem- Qu^^s   (SmtLufrQeisrm  ? 
Having  given  his  own  rice  why  should  one  hear  abuse  T 

5813.  eS^iLQu  uiTu^Lj  mn'.iL(Bi(^Lj  Quir^e^  ^^eqiD  afriL(Su  urnhLf 

If.  a  tamed  snake  go  to  the  jungle,  it  will  become  a  wild  one. 

5814.  effiLQ    (o6u3so  Qeu&fl  QeuSso  urrir^^m    arriLQ  (S€u2eOii(^i  stL 

After  finishing  bousa  work  and  out  door  werk,  one  should  go  to  that 
of  the  jungle  with  due  preparation. 

5815.  effiLSlu  i9fffr^iLiih  Qeu&flu  t9efr3sinLf,th  ^Q/i^ujjr^iJ^  ^jS^ufr^^ 
Children  iii  one's  owa iouse  and  strange  children  make  ao  difference. 

The  house-goddess  of  misfortune,  of  the  wilds  are  walking, 

jt-Sl?"^   effiLQdir^u  Lj^ifi^SQiuir  iBin_(B^(^u  L]^ifi<3F&Quir  ? ■ 
Is  it. fame  to  a  family  or  to  the  country  T 

1*8.18;  e^L-.(tHsmfliuth  UfTjrn-^eu^  /sinLQi.  <9Sfnfiiuui  u/nTuufr^  ? 

Will  he  who  cannot  manage  his  oivn  household  affairs,  attend  to  thft.,: 
ma-uagement  of 'a  country;  ? 

544  utfiQu^ir^. 

5819.  ^LL,(Sli^frlD  erGsrj[ii  QuGssr^iT^i(^u  Quajr, 
Another  name  for  a  wife  is  the  mistress  of  the  hotise. 

5820.  efftL®^(&j  sffjr&sr  smL®i(^i  keamm^ 
At  home,  a  hero,  abroad,  a  coward. 

5821.  ^tlQi^  rf®  (STp/i-  effQ  ^^tr^. 

The  door-ways  of  opposite  houses  must  not  he  over  against  eai 

A  lamp  lit  in  a  houeie  for  the  iikmates  may  answer  for  a  feast. 

5823.  €fftL®s(^  cufTiu^js^  OT(5«DLD>  QmiLQii^    eumu^^^   Quii(. 

A  buffaloa  makes  a  house  prosper,  it  corn-stack  makes  high  grouul 

One  step  as  an  ^entrance  to  the  house,  and  one  key  to  a  lock. 

The  wife  is  a  margosa  tree,  the  mistress  sugar-cane. 

Like  building  a  house,  and  allowing  a  monkey  to  dwell  thereiii' 

5827.  e?/1.65)£— «  arr/i^  ^Q5^>  ^^i^^^^^u  utri^^  J^Q^eir, 
"Watch  your  house,  and  manage  your  affairs. 

5828.  €CfiLes)u.i  siLtf-U  urrir^  seQtuiresarLD  Q&dj^  uirHr, 

Enjoy  the  convenience  of  a  houftie  after  building  it,  and  the  hapP" 
ness  of  the  conjugal  state,  after  marryibg  a  wife. 

^/B^  uetzrui  eruuif.  cv^ii)  f 

Although  he  may  pull  down  his  hou^e  and  use  it  fot  firewood,  * 
notorious  idler  can  never  get  &yt  fanams  T 


'&830.  efftLGfU^si  mir^fl  mtritiLD,  sfriLent^i  strfl/S  fsfliLjUi,    eff^mr  Quit 

The  expei^tations  of  a  dog  in  ^  house,  and  a  fox  in  the  jungle  are 
not  Tain. 

5831.  eS^iLesii^m  stLif.  ^lLcwl-l;  QuirQ^ 
Build  the  house,  and  then  tile  it. 

5832.  effiLesiL^i  siLQ,  ^svs\)^  airiL&DLL  m^tfi. 
Either  build  the  house,  or  destroy  the  jungle* 

'5833.  effiLesiu.  ^eir  ^tf^^^nrdj  ^iLetnu-Uj^^Qs^u  uajijg  f 
Why  pull  down  the  hou8e>  for  fear  of  bugs  ? 

•58 34*  effiLesiu.  €T6\)G{)irih  Q€^eve\)^^/b(^  LoirjS^eir, 
He  gave  the  whole  house  in  exchange  fo^  sugar. 

5^835.  effessr^^ds^i^  Q^iu^^  &r^e\)frm  eff^ih,  aL^ps^iru9e\)  ^it^hlq 

Favours  shewn  to  the  worthless  are  vain,  they  are  like  writing  on 
the  sand  of  the  sea-shore. 


There  are  plenty  of  pans  uselessly  broken,  I  have  scarcely  ever  seen 
my  head  adorned  with  jewels. 

5837.  6j5*^GV«(g  p^emtpiSpeum  lapgaareir. 
He  who  labours  for  no  purpose  is  a  fool. 

5838.  eS^essT  ^/po/-<*@  ^^^  ^if-^Slp^fr  ? 

Am  I  to  smite  m}'^  breast  on  account  of  the  deatll  Of  a  stranger  T 


Build  a  house  for  the  use  of  a  stranger,  and  put  up  a  pandal  for  the 

iMuae  purpose. 


546  utpQiairifi: 

5840.  eS'vssr.  eSuiF/S/iflfrio    Quenfliuir   effeioT    0<^6Ua/  O^iutu  c-z-ar 

Fools  are  extravagant  through  xxiere  p^ryersen^ss.. 

5841.  effiDLfs,  (^u^uiSfO,  eBSsfriLffh  sffessr  Q^tf., 

A  useless  shrub  growing  on  a  rubbish-heap  ,of  ostentation^ 

5842.  eS^thi-ji^  CSeuL^ih  Q^iretreirirQ^^ 
Hq  not. assume  a.garb  for  mere  show. 

5843.  ^LbLf  QuarSpeum  j^ifieurr^,  efffiouth  (Sus^Sp^eifr  d9(j^6wm; 
A- boaster  will  be  ruined,  he  who  talks  as  a  hero  will  fall. 

5844.  effjrth  (Su&sQeBiTessr(Bl  (STQ^m^ _Q&'SU^<^ .Qi^tLQih  ^errio^^^ 

May  a  soldier  who  defiantly  rose  to  the  combat,  retreat  in  sigbt  of 
the  battle  field  ?  '     ^ 

5845.  ePjreir  (S<S€ik(m)LCi  m^ir  j^u:iU/r(^LD, 

The  frieudship  of  a  hero,  is  a  sharp  arrow.. 

5846.-  effffinth  QuidQ^rr ^itiBujld  QuS'CS^ir ? , 
Which  is  the  greater  boasting  or  acting  ?  > 

5847.    QsuEJ^essrSsfsr  .€iJfriEJ(^  e_6ir  semSssvji  O'Srr®^^,, 
Give  your  eyes  in  exchange  for  white-eyed  fiiih., 

5818.   Qw(^^€sr  eitiTdsSiULD  sir^^Qj^iUih, 
The  sayings  of  the  many  ^involve  duty. 

5849.    Q<aua'QiS'€sreijS(^  ^m/iS  QwessrOemtu  s_(5^gu5^.^* 
Can  butter  be  melted  without  heat  T 

58i0.  QeuL-^th     QmiLi^ir^ua^  QesL^iLQu^,  Q-^iruSfnunQsv    gji-L,^^- 

It  matters  little  if  his  honour  is  at  stake,it  is  enough  if  his  p<auD<4. 
be  filled. 



5851.   (oteuiLa<ifl>fre\)  €^6\)mfr^euerr  (^€vetv^if)i(^uj  Qurr^trj^, 

She  who  is  not  restrained  by  modesty,  is  not  a  woman  of  superior^ 

5852.   OewLl^ii  ^pp  Qu4ifri9efrdcrr  effmr^ 
A  woman  without  shame  is  worthless. 

5853*  QeuiL^uuQSp  .(Sgh&iljld  Qsu.L,^ih>,  QdEiLu.    ^Qfi^irflii^iJo    e.^«. 

Shame  in  a  prostitute^^and  want  o£  njiQdQsty  in  .a  .wife,  are  equally , 
out  of  place. 

5854.  QeuiL^Qin  Q^iLQ  QeueiflLJULLL^  (Lps5sf€t!)L^i(m  Qpimtr®  ^^?^ 
What  signifies  a  veil  to  a  widow  who  goes  about  without  shame  I ' 

5855.  G^^LL«^^65(g  ^^S^reuek  €F^<3=jrsi\  Q&'ujeurr^  ,Pi' 
Will  he  who  is  afraid  of  disgrace  quarrel? 

5856.  0«i'LL«^^«(g  ^^S&sr6Usir,.aL^eipj6s^  jift^Sreujreifr^- 
He  that  is  afraid  of  disgrace4s  afraid  of  running^into  debt.' 

5857.  QeutLs^eiD^  eQpjp/^i  s<ia^^(SeO',Qd5frmrQ(Su/rS(fff>&ir».     . 
Having  sold  his  sense  of. shame,  he  carries  it^  price  under  his  arm.. 

58^8.  (ol6uiLsLD'QaLLu.eiJ^i(^  (Siiissfh  ^e\>eo(riii.ju^i^^jefr€ir. 

The  whole  body  of  the  shameless,  is  dirty.. 


5859.  QeuL-L-u  usioiii ^€\)Seo  QeuiLi^if^u  QofT^  LLS^tJb]^^Sso^ 
He  is  too  weak  to  cut,  and  unwilling  to  go  out, 

5860.  OeuiLu-  Qeu&flu9(o(5V  Gnqjo^.ir^&fl  'eQQSp^fr  ?^ 
Woul4  you  let  loose  a  friskycalf  in  an  open  plflirb?  ' 

5ji6l.  G6utLi^i(g  ®.6w/D^^  dfl^^«(g^  ^sat^gwf /r  ^«^ 
Like  irrigating  fpf >  no  purpose, 

5362.   QeuiLi^i  QmirekrOl^n^  er^Qifp  (^^^i  Q^frcifrQ6U(mSStmnfif 
VlJ^en  he  is  told  to  reap  and  bring,  he  i)0unAs  and  bjdng|. .. 

•S48  uyiO^lr^. 

586S.   0€uiLif.Q€ufii\)     sBSjoSiqih,    ^eo/rLS<a'eifi^    QeuSl&)    flLtf-n^iL 

Make  a  £ati  of  the  cuscus  root,  and  a  tat  of  sweet  scented  grass  root 

Where  the  ground  is  dug  water  will  spring,  where  a  house  is  built 
there  will  be  an  entrance. 

5865.  0«/lL/^  €r€\)e\)n'iii  ^ekr^ir,  wsssr  siLt^  ete^eoirw  ljs^)    iBirpi^, 
There  is  wAter  all  over  the  path,  young  grass  all  over  the  sod. 

5866.  QeutLt^QeutLif^u  uirrr^^tr^iii  QpiLi^i  ^S\imirm^fT9a  jf^uu 

though  you  may  examine  by  continued  digging,  you  will  get  onlr 
coin  of  coal  in  abundance. 

5867.  Q€utLtf-d5(^u  Qupjp/  Q6U(59u9eo  erjSHjSBiriraenfr  ? 

Did  they  giv^  birth  to  me  in  vain,  and  throw  me  at  a  hedge  I 

5868.  QeuiLtf-UJir^th  t9GssrQj^ui  d5iLi^iQdsir€iff(Sl  ^ifiiLQih, 

Let  th^  Yettiyan  and  the  corpse  embrace  each  other,  and  weep. 

5869.  QeuiLi^esr  (^err^^^ih  ^ekresJrir  (^tf-\uir^  miLi^&sr    QeiS^'^ 

It  neither  drinks  in  an  akrtificial  reservoir,  nor  leaps  an  90^ 

He  that  ibas  bunk  a  public  well  has  only  one,  a  notorious  idler  to 

5871.  OeuiL®  ^^jif  ff6wrL-£i  ^jrm®. 
One  cat,  two  slices. 

The  wicked  speak  harshly. 

6873.  QmnLOt^^u  QuQ^w. 
Do  not  speak  harshly^ 

TAMIL  FHaVEIlBia.  &i9) 

5874.  0«W6wr««v«  <s69)L.tt9«u  tu/rSstff  L^(^i^^Qujre\3, 
Ab  an  elephant  eutered  a  brasa  vessel  baz$iar. 

5875.  Ofi/«wr/L-Sso«    SQ^u-ek    ew/i^Oto/rg)^    e7;evvf    €9>auQuir(f^^Ui 

When  a  brahmany  kite  crosses.  on^/romrigrA^  to  fe/?,  ha  may  becom^^ 
possessed  of  the  wealth  of  aUL 

5876.  QektckrOesariueDUJ  emisu^^iGssfrGk^®  Q/Biui(^  ^ip€^!n^ir  ?• 
Having  butter,  would  yon:  weep  for  gheeT 

5&77.   QciieisrQessrdj  ^ jr (Cfr^S pQ u ir ^  fi^ifi  e^esiU-ififrpQuireQ. 
As  the  churn  broke  j  ust  as  the  batter  was,  formiag. 

5878.  Qeuei^QcisfftJU  ^^(7^6Sf^SpfiP(^€ff(2en' QusmSssi^  /Smf) 

esJfif  euQ^Sp^, 
Ere  butter  can  melt,  freshes  a)»pear  in,  the^  PMnar. 

5879.  Qmi^  Q^npesip^  ^&sr^  e^m^^  ereoe^frih  i9flpjpfM(ff,^^ 
He  eats  his;  rice,,  and  talks  at  random* 

5880.  Qeu/b^  Q&^irpenp^  ^eir^  efl^  eum^eo  ^irSp^^h. 
Eating  one's  rice,  and  dyiu^  when  the  tinae  comes. 

5881.  QeuiB^^QufT^iii  (ifiekQy.3ssru9CDeo  O^/tlL®. 

It  is  boiled  enough,  put  it  ioto  the  end  of  my  clothe 

5882.   Qeuf6<ses}jSBu  Quit®  Qp^Qjf^^iBQeo^ 
Put  what  is  boiled  into  my  clothe 

5883*   Qeu/k^  Lfessr  eQ^etsr  Q^djuj/r^», 

No  evil  consequences  can  arise  from  a  burn, 

5884.     QeU/B/StUJIi  ^^'-   ^fSikr^   ^fsQ^^LKi  ^^&0. 

A  curry  with  vendayam  in  it  needss  not  be^  questioned: 
5885.   06i//5^ujzi  QufTi_tr^  ^pliLith  ajS  ^s\)ev,  ^ies>/s ^eoe^ir^  timm 

A  curry  made  without  vendayam-IVigroneZicit  Fosnum  Orcecum-i^ 
not  a  curry,  a  village  without  a  market  is  not  a  village. 

'590  'utfi^uiirfi. 

5886.   Qau/B^ired  Qfiflu^Lo  QeuiisirojCb  iUGPtruLf^ 

The  flavour  of  an  onion  will  be  known  after  it  is  boiled. 

5887.  0(au/6iSffi<Se\)  fifi^S  Qeu^u^ir  ? 

Can  a  house  be  burnt  down  with  hot  water  / 

5888.  OeuiiiuSeSiQeo  (SumLL^fr^th  ^eojrfr&fn,  fiemss^XiQeo  QuftuLj 

'He'  will  not  dry  in*  the  sunshine,  nor  dissolve  in  water. 

5889.  OeniuQojir&sr  Q€uu9e\)  Qp^  <si^f\  ^uldQuitso. 
Like  a  burning  lamp  in  sunshine. 

I...  hi 

&890.   Oa/«V0VL/  U(^L^  ^evSstt,  ^asresru  u^l^  s_«wr®. 

No  army  to  conquer,  though  there  are  enough  to  consume. 

As' the  ants  swarmed  on  a  pot  of  sugar. 

•'■       ■•  ■.^^■— 

As  the 'dies  swarmed  on  a  pot  of  sugar. 

One  eats  the  sugar/anotherlioks  his  fingers.* 
5894.   Q^^€Ou  Qunr^&sr  ^(75    Qi^eveouiSieirSsn'    QtLe&eou  (Suff^^ 

•A  pet  child  went  to  conquer,  a  flat-headed  fellow  foUmved  to» 

Your  army  will  not  conquer,  nor*  ven  oppose  Pandya. 
5896.   Oeuoifl^s-ii)  ®(56yr  ^g)sv    ^(geir    <5T6sr&ireui[ih^  Oi/juj^®^** 

.If  light  become  darkness,  what  will  the  darkness  be ;  if  a  wi<c 
iman  becomes  wicked,  what  a. great  fool  he  wiUie? 

TAMIL  PEtfVEBBS.  55^1 

5897,    0(3i/6rfl«^^/r  ^iL^mtrs  sitiLQcd  aem^tf^. 
The  exterior  is  the  mirror  of  ihe  icterior* 

5898.  Q^asfK^^^  6r<s\)svn'tii  uirev  sj^^^^  (sreoeoiru^  ^essTfoSfSfir, 
Every  thing  white  is  milk,  and  every  thing  black  is  water. 

5899.  Q<su(&^^^  eQilL^fr^LD  ^ifl  <mihihfr  ^iLl^it&^ld  <y/n. 
It  will  be  all  the  same  whether  ho  is  punished  or  let  go. 

The  flood  inclines  to  a  hollow,  fate  follows  the  iutentibn. 

One  should  raise  the  dam  before  ihe  flood  comes. 

6902.   QeuefremSaiSfnLJ  eQpp  ULLi^essrih, 
The  city  where  cucumbers  were  sold. 

It  is  Said  that  the  tiger  is  fallen  down  and  crying  forgiief  because 
the  goat  was  wet. 

5904.   QeucrrerrfrQ  (^e^tp  ^mp^QufT^, 
As  the  goat  crops  leaves. 

5  905.   OeuerrerrfrLLi^^C^i^  ^ekesr^tD   extifl/rev   ^(mii^    eSl(Lpi^  ^li 

If  a  servant  girl,  be  possessed  of  a  devil,  all  must  fall  down  before 


)906.   QsuenerrfTL^iyL.    Qupp    t9fftrSsfr    69if.ajp^fre\)ih    Q^^^u  QuirS 
The  child  brought  forth  by  a  servant  girl,  died  at  sunrise. 

907,   QeuerretTn-tLi^iL^Lb  Queirri^nrL-i^iLiLD  ^SFiBaj/r  ? 
Are  a  maid  servant  and  a  wife,  on  an  equality  I 

552  u  ifiQ  u^rrifi, 

5908,  Qeu&reiTfreireir  inirQu.  injTLf  meaeiriir  ^q^iLQi—  ^(miLQ, 

Of  all  ranks  that  of  the  Yellala  is  foremost,  of  thefts  that  of  the 
Kallar  is  notorious. 

5909*   Qeumetriren&sr  QsQisireQiLi^fr^in    Qeij&r(Ssir/r2so    Qa(ili(^ui, 

If  the  Vellala  did  not  procure  your  ruin,  his.  white  olas  will 
destroy  ypu. 


5910.   0«/ err 6ir/r err eir  tB §^i(^LjuessTGiJii^    QsLLi^rreiry  <?q/S  <F(65«giJf 
uesoretsSjii  Q^tLL^iretr, 
The  Vellala  vas  ru^iued  by  adornment^  the  harlot  by  finery. 

5911.   QsuGirefTiTStrm  Sjri^QpLD  uniruutr&sr  fiiSiQ^u^  eQipe^)  eQipQw. 

The  Sanscrit  of  a,  Yellal^  and  the  Tamil  of  a  brahman^  are  equftlly 

5912*  Oeuerremrerrir  Q^djojir^  QsueatTessresiU^  CSeueirireifTsnm  ji/eoso. 
Agriculture  not  performed  by  YeUalas,  is  no  agriculture,, 

5913.   Qeuaretrfreffir  @9-<s5(5  ^0  s&retriretrir  (59-. 
A  KalMla  family  iu  a  YelWa  house. 

5914.  Ofiwerrerfl^^g    er^Qir,    Quir^^Lb,    QeuefreiT,iretr^i(^    €r^^^ 

One  may  go  before  an  evil  stav^  but  not  before  a  Yellatan. 

5915.  Qtu&re(Bi(^LJ  Qu/tlLl^jpild    O&tretre^i^u  QuirtLi^^LD  ^^' 

Money  laid  out  on  silver  ornaments^  and  that  spent  for  fire^ooa 
are  equally  a  loss, 

5916.  Qeaefrefl  QuitiLl^  sir^i(^  Qeujpiiisfreo  jifi^esitDiufr  t 
Is  a  naked  foot^.  the  slare  of  a  foot  wearing  silver  ornaments  ? 

5917.   Qsu&reS  eutLtf-^^  QeueSsr^LD  6Q&fliin9(S€\)  Quir^ir^^d^  Q^^ 

I  must  have  a  ailyer  platter  with  a  i;im  of  gold. 


5918.  O€W6JrO«r0«(5«(g£i  Q6ii&retTinL(Bu    ur^i^tJa  aeneni    ^q^ 

The  disease  which  blackens  the  skin,  will  be  thoroughly  cured  by 
the  white  species  of  erukku  and  goats  milk. 

5919.  Q€uen^  Qds/r(SlM  sBSssr  ^(f^ih. 

One's  sins  will  be  expiated  by  giving  cloth  to  the  destitute. 

5920.  (oleu6rr2sfri(^i  dserremh  ^suSso. 
White  is  faultless. 

5921.  0«J6JrSwr«(g  ^eo2si>  s&r<siT^  Sies)^, 
The  out-spoken  are  free  from  deceit. 

5922.  G)«/^/B/«D<a5^  ^iLL-.frdT  ^q^l^lj  ^m^<aF  Qa^^^irm, 
A  money-less  goldsmith  died  by  blowing  iron. 

5923.  Qs^fS^iTirGsr  (^  §9i—rr^  eS^Gssr  i^^^m^irsrsisr  uT6U^^<ir^ 

A  drunkard  will  not  forsake  drinking,  a  fool  is  not  afraid  of  evil 

5924.  G&jjiSQsfrGifrL^  tUfrSsRir  lS^ib^  ^if^S(ffLj(oUfr(S€V, 
As  an  elephant  in  rut  wanders  about  uny^eatrainecL 

5925.  OeufiliSiL®  j^^Qaj&), 
Squander  not  by  drinking. 

A  dog  which  goes  alone  to  the  market,  will  be  beaten  with  the  steel- 

5927.   OcJ/^ti  65)«  QpifiLD  Quit® WIT  ? 

Can  the  arm  measure  a  cubit,  when  there  is  nothing  to  be  measured  I 

5928.   Oew^zi  ^lLi^  fiB[reffiiS(f}fGsr^ 
He  flavours  an  empty  chatty. 

554?  u  jfiQ  LbfT  tfi> 

5929.   Oa/^Lo  L/sifl  ^mQrfiso  up   ak^aiib. 

Tamarinds  if  eaten  alone,  will  set  the  teeth  on  edge. 

5930.   Qeu^th  u/rSssruS&i  ff  Lj^^i^^Qutr^^ 
As  flies  entered  an  empty  pot. 

5931*    Qeujrjjth  uaj^<S(^  ^pp  ^((jfuLj. 

Arrogance  suited  to  one's  worthlessnees. 

Finery  borrowed  from  a  washerman. 
5933.    Qeuj^eufnu<s(^  ^SsoQ-^iLL^eveir    ^p(mi(^Lj    Quir^e^     ^P(3 


If  a  worthless  fool  go  out  to  gather  firewood,  he  cannot  procure  a 
creeper,  when  he  gets  a  creeper,  he  can  find  no  firewood. 

593 4«   Qeiij^eDiTiu  Oibiii^Qp  ^Lbss)mujfr(n^i(^  fsffifi  ^6ue\)  ^^uuL 

As  a  measure  of  bruised  dried  rice  given  to  an  old  dame,  who  had 
nothing  to  chew  but  an  empty  mouth. 

5935.    Qeuj^   eufr&niu^    Qeirp^£^^(m    QeueifrSsir    j^j&je)    Sf9>L^^^ji 
As  one  who  had  nothing  to  eat  but  an  empty  mouth  obtained 
bruised  rice. 

5936.   OeuptSl  Quppeueir  si^p  effir^. 

He  who  has  conquered  is  a  perfect  hero. 

Like  water  to  the  betel  creeper,  and  safiron  to  a  prostitute. 

5938.   Qeup/6ldso(oufre\)  ^(^^(^ii  iBr^m^  injrib  ^S  aff®ii  l/^^  tt.&r 

Its  leaf  is  like  betel  leaf,  it  grows  to  a  large  tree,  this  intelligent 
tree  has  two  flowers. 


5939.   (?ai«^^^  fBirjifii§9^LL  s-€wr®. 
Of  speed  there  are  four  kinds. 

Eaving  been  patient  till  the  food  was  boiled,  can  you  not  wait  till 
it  cools  I 

5941.   (ooumir^  off^LLtf-CO  Coeu(^th  ^iLissiu.  sfTLDLa, 

Lust  is  a  burning  block  of  wood  in  a  house,  not  on  fire. 

There  are  two  guests  for  the  insufficiently  boiled  rice. 

5943.  QeuSp  eff^iLi^eo  i9(SliEi(^Sp^  e\)fruLD, 

Whatever  is  snatched  from  a  burning  house  is  an  advantage. 

5944.  (SeuSp  ^LL(dd(^  OeuiL®Sp  Seosrj^, 
To  dig  a  well  to  put  out  a  house  on  fire. 

5945.  QeuSp  6ff'LLif-p(^^  ^esstir^u  ufr,TLJurrir  s^ernQt^fr  ? 

Are  there  any  who  waste  time  in  casting  up  the  cost  of  a  house 
when  it  is  on  fire  ? 

Will  not  men  extinguish  the  fire,  when  a  house  is  on  a  blaze  ? 

5947.  QeuS  s^psij  dBrr&^ih  L/6wr^^®jj2//5^/r63r. 

The  friendship  of  a  prostitute  is  in  the  money  she  gets. 

5948.  (SeuQ  ^irdh  up/uufrerr, 

A  prostitute  knows  how  to  deprive  one  of  his  money. 

5949.  (oSuSiU0ih  fSfTtLiih  eQ^j^so   meu^^iuqi^Lb   ufr<3Fih  ^pj^    iSp 

u^  sokfTUfr/r, 

See  how  harlots,  dogs,  and  physicians,  are  at  variance. 

556  utfiQiLiTL^. 

5950.  QeuL^isirF^^i^tii  ^L^i^/rjr^ir^ih  ugds^   (?fiufi«^ti)  ^ir9 

Enmity  exists  among  dancing  masters  and  among  harlots. 

5951.  QeuL^isirjnr  (SeuL-Lb  «flL_/L_^,  ^t^i^irwir  ^L^th   eQL-L-fr, 
Thou  hypocrite,  quit  thine  hypocrisy,  thou  boatman,  steer  the  boit' 

5952.  (?a/t-^^«v  /5/rjj2f  eS^Lb  i^€m(S. 
Of  disguises  there  are  four  kinds. 

5953.  QeuL-i^^e»  €Tm€sr^   Oeuessrss^p^sS^c^  er&fresr  ? 
What  avail  special  forms,  what  avails  white  ashes  T 

5954.  (SeaL^QLLfT  ^euQenL^Cn  LDSsr^Qevfr  ^euQeuL^ih, 
In  appearance  an  ascetic,  at  heart  a  cheat. 

5955.  QeuL^LD  ^€irjpi  ©ygjode. 

There  are  three  forms  of  disguise. 

5956.  Qeut^ui  ^ifiih^^SuiTLD, 
Disguiises  will  perish. 

5957.  QsuL^Ln  3h^L^(y^>ih  Qds/refreiTfr^, 

His  pretence  is  such  that  a  room  cannot  contain  it. 

5958.  CoeiJL,Q^S(^  ^Q^GnLDUjrresr  (?q/l1«dl-.  Qp^eo  QeutLesiL^, 
Foresters'  favourite  sport  is  bare  hunting. 

5959.  (ooJL-Q^d^  (o^(ak  Uf^^LniT,  QpL^(T]ji(^  -1^9-    u^rmrr  f 
Is  honey  rare  among  foresters,  or  chastisement  to  foola  I 

5960.  Ga/i-T  ^svei>/r  ssLifls\)  luirsifih  (g/jL  ^(5«@ii. 

In  a  village  where  there  are  no  hunters,  all  kinds  of  beasts  may 

5961,  (oeuL-iTssifls\>  LL^sdCSmiL—dr  6fl(?<F6^/i. 
Of  hunters  those  that  inhabit  hill  tracts,  are  the  most  distingaub< 

5962,  (  6w«5«9€b  j^^uuiLi-.  Q^&sf  m^^(BiQunid, 
As  a  bee-hive  in  the  hands  a  forester. 


5963.  (?o;L.c3)£-.  ^if-^  Sii^ih  ^esr^ih. 
The  lion  lives  by  hunting. 

5964.  QeuiLesit^iQio  Ouiffiu  (SeuiLanL.  usk/S  (SeuiLenu., 
Hog-hunting  is  the  most  excitinp^  of  sports. 

5965.   (?«/LL6B>L_tt96V  i9PiiuLDfresr  (?«wl1«dl-  ©««/r/f?  QeutLemL,, 
The  most  favourite  of  sports  is  that  of  the  huntsman. 

5966.  QeuGssri^ir^  QueisTL^iriLLf.{B^  esi^uiLL^irjb    ^jbpth    «/rtfU    ulL 

i^rrp  (^/bpih. 

A  wife  not  liked  offends,  whether  she  touches  with  the  hand,  or 
with  the  foot. 

5967.   Qeueian^tr^  Qu(i^i(^  ffi^  eVGn'&sr,  Qqj2sou9€\)  ^pjpi^fBGstsr^ 

What  is  the  good  of  giving  to  those  who  are  not  in  want,  and  what 
id  the  good  of  a  river  flowing  where  work  is  being  done  ? 

Do  not  act  from  selfish  motives. 

5969.   (SeueAfTif.  (Seuemtf.^  Q^frQji^fr^LL  Qeuessrt^trui  et&trqffpQuirvo, 
Like  refusing  t«  accept  a  tiling  when  requested  again  and  again. 

5970.   (SeuGssrQQub^Qyeo  effQ  Qeuisi^L-fnh  creJrgp^  «/r®j 
Domestic  or  ascetic  life  just  as  he  pleases. 

If  one  spins  for  her  own  benefit,  the  thread  is  as  smooth  as  butter. 
Of  Yedas  there  are  four  kinds. 

The  Tedas  are  opposed  to  idolatry. 

The  old  man  that  knoVs  not  the  Yedas;  is  worthless. 

558  UffiQinfTL^, 

5975.   Qeu^^^/b,;^  c.6U«ii  u«d«  ^ed^fli^p^  ^irestLD  ugo«. 

The  world  is  at  enmity  with  the  Vedas,  and  wisdom  with  the 

5976.  (Seuflth  ^fini^  ^^^  Qutr^sir  Q^Gnpesyub, 

It  is  the  duty  of  religious  teachers  to  study  the  Vedas  before 
teaching  them. 

5977.  (Seu^th  Qupnu^^ir^u^  eStuirifiw  Ourruiiujfr^, 
Though  the  Vedas  may  fail,  Jupiter  will  never  fail. 

5978.  (Seu^LD  Q^iLi^euGfTifT  (Seu^ih  QmiLt^eunr  €rmuirar  ^Gsr  ? 
Why  call  those  V^diar,  who  have  heard  the  Vedas  i 

5979.  QeufiLD  €T^  fB/r^ih  ^esr  eB^^frjr^  aerrerr^i^  ? 

What  need  has  a  widely  known  hypocrite  of  the  .  Vedas  or  the 
special  forms  of  worship  ? 

5980.  Qeu^tD  ^^^  L^fiB^jfm, 

A  friend  whose  conduct  is  consistent  with  Jhe. precepts  of  the 

5981.  Qeu^Lb  ^^fu  (o€U^iuir6S(^  ^nr  mets^ip. 

One  rain  (in  a  month)  for  the  brahmans  that  expound  the  V^das. 

5982.  Qeu^iTjr€sSiU^^eo  uirihLj  dst^^Sp^ih  ^euSso,  Qeu^rrffot^.^ 

At  Vddaranyam  snakes  do  not  bite,  nor  do  they  cease  to  abouni. 

598.3,   Qeu^ujirsf^  ^!fi,(S  ^^t^Qp'^^Q^^^Qfi^. 

The  Vedas  and  rirtue,  form  the  beauty  of  the  brahmans., 

?5984.   (S6u^uJ!rd5(^  ^(fi(3  (oeuflth  ^^^s\). 

It  is  theoflBce  of  bral^mans  to  expound  the  Vedas.,, 

5985.   (sGsi^^w  UfrihLfUi  ^pfi; 

A.  kipg  and  a  snake, are  alike. 

5986.  (Seuifism  9fSeo  ^k^d^  ®^SiO^ 
No  help  if  the  king  is  jmgry. 


5987.   (SieiJuQuGifrQeiariifth  ^u^^i(^  ^fie^u>. 
Even  margosa  oil  will  avail  on  an  emergengy. 

598S.   QeuuQueisrOmxfriu  ^pp  a/rsf-  s^i^^Lbir  ?. 

Will  the  money  obtained  by  the  sale  of  margosa  oil  be  bitter  I 

5989.^  Qe^iuQussstQcssnu  6B(^/s^  erGforQessruj  jy«V6V^    u^Q^i^    erekr 
Hargosa  oil  is  not  used  in  entertainments;  it  is  medicinal. 

Will  the  bitterness  of  margosa  be  removed,  by  infusing   honey 
into  it  I  ^ 

5^91.    QeuijbLiLb  SQRU^uir^Q^  Qeii,ppl2eOiLjtn- ib^^it^Q^, 

The  margosa  has  become  sugar-cane^  and  betel  has  become  poison^ 

5992.    (?«//iL/«(gLy  ue\)  -^t^®^  (o6U^<ir^LJ  uso  ^^(^ld. 

When  cleaned  with  a  margosa  stick  the  teeth  look  beautiful,  when 
cleajpied  with  a  v^l  stick-^cocia  arabica-they  are  made  firm. 

5993.  QeuibLjLb   <F/f?  QeillBfl^Lb   <SFlfl, 

The  margosa  and  a  king  are  alika. 

5994.  (SeULbLjth   ^if)   UlTLLLjU^   ^iff, 

A  maro^osa  tree  and  a  snake  are  aTike.. 

599.5.   Qeui£i€S)U  eQ(7^uiU  eBQ^thuss  s(^ldl^. 

Constant  use  makes  even  margosa  sweet. 

i996.    Geusm/rs  asoeQ  QeuiiSnr  eu/rir^^  ssesi^^ 

The  stojy  of  digging  up  a  root,  and  pouring  out  hot  water. 

)997,    Qeuir  aSeafh^  ilstim  i96S)ifiuu^  erikiQs  ? 
How  can  a  tree. deprived  of  its  roots  live? 

998.    (Seujr  iS^Qr^eo  u^jrih  i8p(^L6,   eQiurrurrffLa  fdslsr(ff€\)  Q^FiLtf-    Sfi  . 


Trees  endure  as  long  as  their  roots  are  undecayed,  merchants  w^l  ^ 
inaintain  their  social  position  if  their  trade  continues.; 

SCO  utfiOu^/rtfi. 

5999.  (Seuir  QpeSetnA^  iLjr^SesiSy  sirij  (tpsQem*/ 
Roots,  wood,  and  fruit  are  all  drugs. 

6000.  Qeue\)i£ijr^^  Qpetr (Sf^ih  ^eoinjrfij^i  msSiLfCb  ^(Sesr&r^ 

I  am  become  a  thort)  of  the  y^l,- A4acia  ara&ico-and  a  fruit  of  tbe 

The  v^  tree  casts  no  shade,  the  Yellala  has  do  friendships. 

6002.   (S^^Lb  uiLesiL^  (oLDS^efD^  i§a(^iJo,  ^€i>u>  uiLeni^  i9jifs^9af 
jy  9.65(5  (i. 

The  bark  of  the  vdl  cures  venereal  heat,  that  of  the  banyan  removal 

6003.  (SeueQ  ^^j)ii(^LJ  u&sreSjrein®  ^eou^  6Q€9>injufr(S. 
Twelve  kalams  of  seed  corn  for  one  veli  of  land. 

A  veli  is  nearly  equal  to  five  acres. 

6004.  (SeueQ  ^eirjyi^^L/  /vjrSsssr  LoirQih,  ^jrem®  -^^">  Qoim^k 
For  every  veli  two  yokes  of  oxen  and  two  ploughmen  are  reqnireA 

6005.  Ga/6fl45(5   9^)^  ^fTtLS,  Q6u/Bjs^i(^e'   0&=trisGtr  9ifL.S> 
!rhe  chamelion  is  the  v^itness  of  the  hedge,  the  cook  boy  will  testf/ 

to  the  food  being  well  boiled. 

6006.  (o€U6Qi(^u  QuiTiLi^  Qperr  ^fr^i(^  eGSssriuir^^ji^ 

The  thorns  collected  for  a  hedge,  have  proved  injurious  tb  the  fe*- 

6007.  (SeueQ  uSesirr  QLatui^rreo  eQ^eireu^  eruuif.?  j 
If  the  hedge  consume  the  crop,  how  is  the  harvest  to  be  o 

6008.  (?«/6Sj^£i  mnr^  uso&tr  ^eifrQ. 
Even  a  yA  tree  is  useful  in  four  ways. 

6009.  (oMeQeffyeu^^i  mfruuirpQt^fi  ^BGtrjpfw    ^S»063>tt//4^  ^^^^\ 

Plants  not  protected  by  a  hedge>  and  an  oil-ioaongei'  Who  does 
work  a  press,  are  out  of  place. 

Tamil  peovbbbs.  S6l 

601O,  dfu&o  ^pp  ^tkuilL^&fr  y^&vrcnuju  t9i^^^<3F  Smir^flir^ih. 

It  is  said  that  a  barber  who  had  nothilig  to  do,  got  hold  of  a  cat  and 
shayed  it. 

6011.  (oAiSbo  «iyj9<sLb  <FU3uevrii)  Qsir^^th, 
The  laboor  is  excessive,  the  pay  little. 

6012.    GfiwSsU    g)«)6U/r     MDr0«(5   JT/T^T  €r€W"^     UfTUiLf  ^€i>€\i/r  lim(^65^6S 

SifiLjt9errdetr  ^eir? 

What  need  is  there  of  a  king  in  ft  country  where  there  is  no  work, 
ot*  of  a  mongoose  where  there  are  no  snakes  T 

pjpi^6iirjr^ljiii(m  L^ihuth  eT^€sr^^p(^? 

Why  food  to  him  who  does  no  work,  why  display  to  him  who  livefi 
on  offal  ? 

It  is  said  that  a  barber  who  had  no  worii,  shaved  a  sheep. 

Why  work,  why  child,  why  food  to  those  who  are  destitute  of 
energy  ? 

316.    Qeii^i3ieiTeSls(^u     iSeirSsfrQuied     ^irs(^^     QeutLssth     Q^iLl^ 

An  idle  woman  pleads  her  child  in  excuse /or  her  faults,  a  shameless 
woman,  her  husband. 

To  a  shuffling  woman  a  quarter  measure  for  a  meal,  to  a  worthless 
block  half  a  measure. 

L8.    (oeuSeoids&re(fH(^LJ  i9mdsfr(oLDQ€\)  ^frm(m, 

Jl  laey  woman  neglects  her  work,  and  lays  the  blame  on  Aer  child. 


502  uifiQuhtT'  ifl^ 

6019.   (osu2eoisir;fl{uTdj    €ui/S€U£rr,  6ff!LLQ.i^fri!fiufr^gv    jueit^  jy^ij 

If  a  maid  serraat  becomes  tba  miistress  of  a  house,  it  is  her  fortum 

6020.   (?fiy3so««/r/fl  er&srjpi  QlBumtf^ud^  (SuirsStr  Q^L-.u^frirsiefT>,  ^W 

Many  asked  her  in>  vuiniage  thinking  that  she  was  skilful  i 
domestic  afiairs,  but  they  refused  oa  the  plea  that  she  was  \ 
married  girl. 


Hire  suited  to  the  work». sharpness  equal  to  the  desires. 

6022.   (?ou35\)«(?»/r  ^uiUefnJD^  ^■aef^iQmjr  ^u^ueirib  ?, 
Is.  the  hire  for  the  lis^bour,  or  the  labourer  I 

6023".   Qeu'Sso  Q'S'tu^fTfl)  6k.€B y  Qeue^Lo  QufriLL^irp  ^irs?, 

M  the  work,  be  <:ompleted,  hire ;  if  the  character  has  been.sustaii)^ 
at  fee* 

ti' '     1  ■  I.  ii»  I 

Carry  in>arms>the  child  that  doesno-.^Rork,  and  the  child  wlw 
works,  place  on  your  legps. 

6025.  CJaiSso  lSsst^Q^lLl^  j^ihuCL-m>Ou€mi^rrL_i^  ^Ssosifiiuif^^^ 

Being  without  work,,  the- barber  is  said;  tp  have  shaved  his  ^' 

It  is  said  that  a  barber  wasted  his.  time  by  shaying  a  kitten. 

6027.  C?6i/Sfeo  Qp^Q<sfr  i9efr^  Qp^Q^fr  ? 
Is  the  work  a  pearl,  or  the-  child  a  pearl  ? 

6028.  (7a/Sso«DttJL/  uirk^^s  eni^  QsirQ\ 
Look  at  the  work  before  yau  pay  the  hire. 

After  ascertaining  ber  domestic  skill  take  agirl  ip^i^^rriage,  proceeds 
to  your  village  taking  care  not  to  miss  the  i;of4t. 

6030.  (S€U€\)  &D6u^^kJ  uu9ir'  ^i(^(oeitirir^  ^€i>2sii. 
No  one  cultivates  ilw  v^l-ilbaciaaraMca-tree. 

Wlien  a  monstrous  evil  betides  ^ri«,  how  can  it  be  removed  J' 

6032.  QeutfifiB^pD^^&fS^Cb  Oufl^rri}^  Q/sirekj^vUK 

Tb  an  elephant  small  o]:]^ects  appear  g^eat., 

■  ■■■i»»i- — -^ — - 
60S3;  Qsuifith  Qf^miS(^pQuir€^', 

tike  the  tlnmdering  of  an  elephant,' 

Speak  opportunely/ set  out  on  a  journey  on  an  auspicious  day., 

6035.   (?€wSsyr<i^  j^&nfrd  mirar  ^vSjrui^  Qufrssr  ^f^ia. 

Half  a  cash  at  a  time  wiU>  in  the  long  ruo, ,  amount  to  thousand! 
of  gold*. 

A  child  who  does  not  help  in  au  emergency  is  like  thefruit  of  the 

6037.   (SeudsfrQujfr  ^SfeuQmSstr  effili^Qe\yir  jif&ff-Qmw-^eixSsOi 
The  time  is  unfavourable,  at  home  there  is  no  riee. 

6038.V  QeuQp   eQSssr^  (S^GSim' ^e^^y^eQ^Sft^iutrp^irefr^  Qm^eQ'^i(^u 

There  is  no  need  of  another  evil,  it  is  not  necessary  to^go  to  the 
temple  of  ihe  goddess  of  misfortune. 

'  ■  ■  I'p 

Excess  of  heat  foretokens  a  heavy  fall  of  rain,  ih€^pre$$nC€  of  <l 
klu^  attracts  a  mnltiiude  Of  people. 

B64  atfi^Quiir^. 

In  the  hot  season  a  fan  U  useful,  in  prosperous  ^times  acha-ebow  j- 
and  teak  wood. 

6041.   «Da/  crdfT/D  ^Qp^Q^  i3uiu(^w  eBSssruiui  -®(5*^» 
The  letter  ^^  is  both  a  noun  and  a  verb. 

lit  ■  t   r  ■    t7r\ 

6042.   emeumenp^  ^uSeo  stq^. 
Rise  at  dawn. 

6043.  etneus/rSi  ibir^Ca  ^pfSw  ^mesiSn^. 
The  river  is  in  flood  in  May. 

6044.  «oa/(^6Rrr^LD  €T&sru^  ^q^  tnir  /eajriii^ 

That  which  is  called  Vaikundam  is  a  very  great  city. 

6045.  eneu69)S  ^pjpi^  fieiirssiff/r  (S^aih  ^^diJo, 
The  current  in  the  Yaigai  is  great. 

6046.  etneums  ^PJl^  Q&iefnsir^^ed  ufreoih  /BSsOdsQpffi  ^^&o. 
When  the  Yaigai  is  in  flood,  its  Ixidges  do  not  escape  uninjiu^ 

6047.  «5)«w«n«  ^jM  ^iriQjrUQ^esS^^  u^ji^inih. 
The  Yaigai  is  smaller  than'ibe  Tamrayami. 

I  t 

6048.   etneuiss^  Q^iflujffLDeo  Gneud(S^frp(Suirifl(Ss\)  etneuflf^/r^ih. 
It  is  said  that  he  unwittingly  placed  it  in  «  stack  of  straw. 

6049*  €fn6uis^  QfBSiUiruhio  etneu/i^eStLQ  eu/B/seu&D/r  er€\)e\)frui  (? 

Having  inserted  it  by  mistake,  may  he  ask  every  one  that  eoiiM*^ 
by  to  help  h4m  out  of  the  straits  f 

6050.   €SieuiQsiiTp^iL(Sli^trjriBn  ^ULji(^i  miLi^  ^Qf^iruduir^v, 
As  one  embraced  a  sti^aw  carrier  and  pretended  to  weep. 


6051.  €ncudQsirputLL^€9>L^g9e\)  aiLif-esr  /Bfruj, 
A  dog  tied  by  a  stack  of  straw. 

6052.  «no/«(?«/r€U  /j^5=u>/r  eupL.  usr  u^^m/r  ?- 
Which  is  the  more  scarce,  straw  or  a  barren  cow  T 

6053.   €iDeui(Sdsireo  ^Gsr^th  (^^enir  efftLQi  ek,Gnire9)iuiLiui  i9QiEj(^u3i 

A  horse  which  eats  stra^w  will  also  pull  down  the  thatch  of  the 

The  cow  that  eats  straw  gives  a  small  q[uantit^  of  milk  but  it  ii^ 
yery  sweet 

6055.    €2D6i/6B(?<SB/re6  ^GsrSp  (g^«D/r«^  (Seusib  jy^«LD/r.^' 
Ib  the  horse  that  feeds  on  straw  uncommonly  fleet  T 

6056.  esi€ui(Ssfrp   ^rh.€iDrru9£^th  eQipp  ^h-es>fr  Qeu(^  iBfrerr  ^(^'^(S'^* 
A  reed  roof  lasts  longer  than  a  straw  roof. 

6057.  emeu^Q^frp  &n.^(ipiJb  ^qi^  (?6i/&if«(g  a-^ajiiv. 

Even  old  straw  may  be  of  uee  sometime  or  other. 

■  '■    J-      .  ■■«. 

It  is  from  Vaisyas  and  Sudras.  who  must  have  existed  previously,  '^^ 
it  noty  that  Brahmans  and  Elshatris  must  have  camci 

Of  the  Vaisyas  the  agriculturists  are  the  chieft 

J60»    «oa^@/fl  eu/Bfieu/rsek  ^ihunr  erdrj^  ah^uiSt^  QeuemQui, 

Those  who  are  attacked  with  small-pox  must  call  it  the  goddessi- 

\Q\  m    ^9)eu^frGf>ir  eufrifi€S)€ui(^ih  &irrifimfi/r€9)fr^  ^irifissieai^iji^ 

It  will  confer  on  calumniaters  prosperity,  and  reduce  the  affluent 
to  poverty. 

6062.   esyeu^^ir  €r&fr(n^s\)  ufriruufr^i(^  Quajiir, 

The  term  vaidikar  is  another  name  for  brahmans. 

'HgO^B-   €^6ij^^w  Oei)^eyrff<su>  ^jr^ArQih  QeueAfrdlui, 

The  sacred  aad'titeflecuiarare  both  indispensable. 

''^064.   etnwjS^tb  >€7<sr(jjp«u  Q^iueu  ^LDOJih, 
.   .      'Yaidikana^flieaQscthe  divino  religion. 

'-6065.   eme^^^th  ^uji^  ^/^. 

^Arrive  ai  a  knowledge  of  religion  by  studious  investigation. 

*6066.    €V)0U^^^  9-essn^ir^e\)  QmiLi^^Ui  i^, 

'If  its  feeing  ]^t  there  be  true,'its  being  lost  may  also  be  true. 

€067.   esy€ij^<SBj^  messfu.^  Q^'frs^eonQ^, 

QlqW  not'^hat  has  been  kept  or  what  you  saw. 

Jf  the^  hair  is  left  to  grow,  kudumi,  if  shaved,  bald. 

'6069*    €fn6u^^iu&fr  QuiBCS^fT  m/r^^  QufiQ^ff? 

Whieh  is  greater,  a  physician  or  a  schoolmaster  T 

€070.  «o6W^Puj,ga/«(ga>  eu/Tji^i^iD  Qu^La  §)€\)2eo, 
A  ^physician  and  a-schoolinftdter  never  disagree. 

•A  .physician  is  oDiUttieti  to  all. 

€072.   &n6u^^aJLD  QeuGssTL^irfBirir  &.eo.Seo  ^«vSso. 

There  is  no  one  oh  earth  who  does  not  require  the  services  of » 

A  loquacious  doctor  is  suceeesful. 


Faith  in  medicine  makes  it  effectual 


6075.  €9>su^^iUjSfiii^m    jy(g^^(?a/6wr®(i,   euihusnti^^m    ^^^Qeu 
(}&«  must  fear  a  doctor  :as  well  as  «  traitor. 

6076.  ein€u^^aj(Smrr  €S)u^^aj(Stnfrf 
Is  it  medical  skill  or  madness  ? 

6077.  esyeu^Qiuek  Q^y/rgJrsw^  OTSUev/r/i  £L(^ii^, 
Whatever  a  phy-fcician  prescribes  is  a  pem-edy. 

6078.  €(neu^^iu^i(^^  ^m  ^eBip^ib  usSdmir^rrm, 
It  is  said  that  a  physician  cannot  *cure  biBftself. 

6079.  ev)€U^^uj&ir  ^muu<^  Qutrso, 
A  physician  is  like  a  faAker. 

Some  will  say  that  a  phyfiician  is  greater  than  a  schoolmaster,  and 
others,  that  a  teacher  is  greater  than  a  physician, 

6081.   €S)eu^^ium  uirjrfT^  Q/bitiu  ^qf^u^it? 

Can  a  disease  be  cured  without  treatmfent  I 

A  doctor's  child  dies,  not  by  disease,  b«t  by  medicine. 

6083.    e^€iJ^Qiu^^(m  ^tsajT/Tir  ojfrsuQ^m  SQesrS^ir, 
The  whole  town  is  frieadly  to  a  physician. 

As.  regards  medical  science,  surgery — in  regard  to  age,  joutli  are 

Physician,  heal  thyseif. 

Every  medical  practitioner  is  a  physician. 

6C8  UtfiQ  IL/TL^, 

6087.  emsu^^ium  Qsn-(^<sFLDfrS^ih  O^iHajfr^  Quifsefr  ^6w2W. 
There  is  none  tliat>  does  not  know^  at  least,  a  little  of  medicine. 

6088.  ^eu^^iu&sr  tUQ^i^^LD  e^^munQ^ikQfl  /cevii). 
Domestic  medicine  is  preferable  to  that  of  a  physician. 

6089.  esyeu^^Qiueir  Qu&(o^  ll(^ib.^  QufiCSfiir  B 
WUchi  is  greater^  a  physician,  or  his.  medicine  ? 

^^  a  fourth  part  of  a  %uack's  pretensions  proves  to  be  tvue. 

6091.   efiw^^aj^i(^  eam^^  «^Q/69r  ^?j6(i(oajir(SL^, 

Tha  malady  of  a  physician  cleaves  to  Mm  till  deatk 

609'2.   &fi&i^^mj  iSF/ren)Qjrij>  ^ir&o^inBaeftei)  itf(?<^€^Lb. 

Medical  sqience  is  the  most  important  of  all  sciences. 


609J.   eneu^^^i^.jFekf  Qsfr^^i(^u  Qu/rtLjUi  euSpjpi  eueS  ^jm  @6«3a). 

Mis  belly-ache  is  not  cuired:  even  after  going  on  a  pilgrimage  to 
Vaidisvaran*s  t^inplo^ 

6094.  es>(SUUJ3B^^  Q^ppeusir  Ounkiaj^LB  e^ppeu^. 
In  all  Jth^  world,,  lie  ^fh^  i&  sincere,  is  a  friend. 

At  the  anfcled  feet  of  thegivei:  of  alLgoodis/mmi  therefng^of  tJ» 

6096',   ensuujssLb  ^lEiLiiD  eufreir  ^ifiiLfih  eue\)e{)euir  eti^esriii  ^iSfLHrjft. 

Earth  and  heaven<  T^iU  perish^  but  the  words  of  the  rnigbky  wiB 


All  the  world  do  not  follow  the  same  course. 

6098.   e9>€uuja^^ev  Oufftiu  0<9'frs\)€\)frfieu&sr  Q£\)d60, 

There  is  no  one  in  the  world,  who  has  not  uttered  a  fiilsehood. 


6099:   €9iemu^,^t&r  S^  QeFvbuj^fbisj^, 

It  is  proper  to  do  justice  in  tli«  world. 

6100».   €ir)€uiu<i^s\)  e^ajkiQ^frir  &ooir  ^frtpiQ^mr  ue^ir, 

In  the  world  some  are  high,  and  manj  are  low. 

*  ' 

6101.   €Si€Uiu^^io  v^iuHnhQ^irirsr^  ^ssyfr  ^rri^i^S/Birn \ 

In  the  world  the  low  are  the  victims  of  the  high. 

6102.    €tr>€uujji^e\)  ^ULjm(^  ^turrjiSesr  Quit  ^^l^ldlj i ^tb  ^LDTjasiSfrT 

On  earth  those  who  are  disappointed  of  salt  will  meet  with  disap- 
pointment as  regards  their  body  also. 

6103\   es>€u\u^^s^  ^^ut9eoeoir^  (SuiTds^  s^i^LdLf  ^evSso. 
On  earth,  those  who  have  no  salt  have  no  body. 

61i04.   6in€uiu/i^&)  c>z_tiL/  ^&)eofr^Quirs(^  ^^ULf  QeuGssn^fTLD, 

Those  on  earth,  who  have  not  a  body,  have  no  occasion  for  salt. 

While  on.  earthii  salt,  and  a  body,  are  indispensable. 

Lb  ^€0e\)fr-€8'LLi^n'^LD  sesrih  (oeueiitrQih, 

Though  destitute  of  personal  beauty,  clothing  is  needful,  though 
destitute  of  money  reputation  is  necessary. 

!  C107.  esieuiu^^eo  €urripeufriB(^   eutrijpueiteir    O^iieu^^m  es>ekt<isLju 

He  who  lives  as  he  ought  in  this  world,  will  be  ranked  with  the 

The  great  in  the  world  must  be  distinguished  by  a  h  unble  mind. 
In  ail  the  world  none  really  good^  has  been  seen. 

i70  uifiQut^frt^, 

<)ll().     eS)SiHU^^i&)   G)/5a)jy/6BQ   ^€S>p^^   iSir   LJ^^i(^lJb    UirtLjLD, 

Water  drawn  for  the  rice  crop,  benefits  the  grass  also. 
6111.   &nsiJUJ^^ev    0/5tfu   jy/f?^  (Seu^L^irfiiTQ^Lo    ^em(Sy  l/^  jy 

In  the  world  there  are  those  who  do  not  care  for  rice,  as  well  as 
those  who  can  scarcely  procure  even  the  needs  of  grass. 

As  a  rule  one  saiva  regards  himself  supdrior  to  another. 

61  13.   €v>€UUJ^Qs\)  65)6Ue^635rai,^d5(5  eiD6Uei^6ssTeuesr  C?lo6V. 

One  vaishnava  thinks  himself  superior  to  another  vaishnava. 

Gill.    €DSuiujiSli\)  ^ic^n^Ss^Lb  ^irtu  e9(?«9*s^ii. 

On  earth  a  mother  is  more  serviceable  than  a  father. 

While  on  earth  the  things  which  do  not  cloy,  are  rice  and  water. 

6116.    (S9irouiu^Qe\)  me\)  eS^Sanrujrrev  ^^ff^^  ^eQSsfnujfre})  ^(miLir ? 

May  that  which  cannot  be  accomplished  by  good  deeds,  be  accom- 
plished by  evil  deeds  ? 

61  17.    ^^^fiJ^^  .LDGsfl^ir  iBrr^  euesi^. 

There  are  four  kinds  of  men  in  the  world. 

6118'   st^suiuLd  Q^tTj^iLD  Qpojeuin  Q^tr^Lp^. 
Worship  God  through  all  the  world. 

6119.  €S)6uujih  (ciTjbjSssr  goaj£i  ^)^Sso. 

When  the  whole  world  applauds  one,  his  merit  is  unquestioDable. 

6120.  e9)6uajLb  ep'i/tir€\)  ^jiuth  ^ev2eo. 

If  the  world  agree,  thei^e  is  no  question  about  the  maMer. 

6121.     Sff)SUUJLb   t^<Xjpi^lTG\)  ^(ULD   ^gvSsV). 

W  hen  the  whcle  world  praise  one,  his  character  it  unimpeacbable. 



6122.  «D6W/ULb    Quifl^fT^^^LD    eUefTLD    ^efnoTT    ^L-ii    0<35/r@«5^ii. 

Though  the  earth  is  of  vast  extent,  the  space  adapted  to  the  wauts 
of  man  is  limited. 

6123.  €9)SiJtULD   Qufi^   ^P^    ^(IF^^^QpU^   Quifl^^ 

The  world  is  great,  and  its'  anxieties  are  also  great. 

6124.   «o«i/ujii  QstLL^freo  gtuii  ^^Sso, 

If  the  world  be  destroyed,  almsgiving  will  ceasev 

. 7i 

€125.     «0a;iL/    €9)6iJUJ    €!DeUjrdS6SS\)^   ^lLl^^   ^lLi—^  ^6!kfrQ<i<3S3\), 

The  more  abused  the  more  durable,  the  m<>re  despised  the  more 

€126.   efneujr^^^  etneujnhQ^rr&hfrCoL-  juj^^ds  (Ssusssr (Si iJo>, 
A  diamond  must  be  cut  with  a  diamond. 

6127.   €S)€Ujrui  ms5r^s\)  enemuirQ^, 
Harbour  not  malice. 

6128.   €»aj^u)  Qsiremu.eum  99)6ujruQu/ri^  ^mjn  fSF/rS(n^€k, 

He  who  purchases  diamonds  will  die  by  swallowing  the  particles. 

6129.   GjyeujrfrisQuj  «F^«zi  ^^^miki^eSey)  Q9(?<sF€i/.ii, 

The  most  distinguished  of  satakams  is  that  on  self  control. 
A  satalsam  is  a  ]i06n]  of  a  hnudred  stanzas. 

Malice  is  of  all  forms  of  hatred  the  most  pernicious. 

The  abusive  have  no  happiness  the  forbearing,  have  no  misery. 

6132*   etDSUirirdS  ^peQs&fley)  eQQ^iS^m^ 

Among  ascetics  the  vairavi  is  the  most  distinguished. 

572  LJtfiQ'u>trifi;^ 


6133.   Qeuerreu/r^ir^  ^'0.  «6»fl«(5  ,^frj)/  «6»fl  m^ 

For  every  fruit  coDsiimedby  a  bat,  a.  hundred  are  spoiled. 

Trees  are  the  asylum  of  b«t»;  bats,  are  the  refuge  of  their  young. 

6135.  Qeuetreufr£j;s^(^  erjp  ^ifjrLb? 

What  place  is  too  remote  for  a  bat  f 

•  - 

6136.  QeuisiTeiifr^6S(^  ^jreSev  meifT  Q^if^iLjih, 
Bats  can  see  in  the  dark. 

6137.  06ijerreuir^i(^  iSerrsijui  Q^SiLith  (^jpfsenfth  QflS^tLjth, 
Bats  know  how  to  extend  or  contract  the  body. 

6138.  Oeueneuir^so^  ^^(n^^Cn  ^esaflSso^  ^m&sred  ^sirr^. 
Though  one  may  feed  on  bats,  he  may  not  feed  on  squirrels. 

6139.  QeuGrreurrSsoi  OmtrmQrj>^Lb  i9i^eif>uj  eQi^rr^. 
A  bat  will  not  let  go  its  hold  though  killed. 

6110'    Oeuerrsufrdsou  ulLS  eresresrsv/TLDfr  ? 
May  a  bat  be  called  a  bird  f 

6141.  QeuGtreairQe^iT®  ^Gft^fbiSerrSsfr  Q&'Q^ubir? 
Do  squirrels  mix  themselves  with  bats ! 

6142.  Qeueire^itQeoir  &fSi^  jy/^eir  ^tfuCSiurr  eueSi^. 
Small  as  the  bat  is,  its  stroke  is  powerful. 

6143.  Qeuerr&iiTeo  J^t^^^^  ^mgpnh,  ^eifSeo  ^tf.^^^  JS^^^- 
Bats  devour  by  striking,  squirrels  by  nibbling. 

6l44i   Q€ii€rreufre\)  jift^iQ^u  utuuuL^evirunr  f 
May  one  fear  the  stroke  of  a  bat  ? 

614.').   Oeuetreuireo  ^k^iLi^ih  ^h^iLi^u^irs  ^0«^ti» 
Bats  are  found  in  companies. 




The  head  of  a  bj»t  resemblies  that  of  a  jackal. 

6147.  Oa/<sF«;/rs»  ^eirg)^  dJipclD  ^eoSso, 
There  is  no  fruit  that  a  bat  does  not  eat. 

6148.  Q«uerrsufre\)  Quire>)^  Q^irBi(^S(ff&r, 
He  hangs  like  a  bat. 

6149.  0isusrr6uir&)  ^i^^^   ULp(ifiLD   jyewfiew   stf.^<s    utfiQpih  ^eir^ 

Is  fruit  knocked  off  by  bats,  or  nibbled  by  squirrels,  rejected  ? 

6150.  Qeuerreurrey)  ^emt^Sp  ^tLt^eo  (^zp.    §j(§lju^  ^uUi^F 
How  can  one  dwell  in  a  house  frequented  by  bats  ? 

Some  suppose  that  bats  ia  a  house  foretokea  the  speedy  removal  of 

the  resident  family. 

—  -  - 

6151.  QeueimQ  ^mfle\)  Q^irps^^p^Quireo, 
As  a  squirrel  ascends  by  clinging, 

_i    •     ■ 

6152.  QeueneS^FQ^ir^fl  Quff^^u  Quirq^etr  iLiSwr®. 
They  have  weaH^i  who  amassed  it  ly  pltin<ier. 

6153.  Qeuetre9e\)  ^zp.  ^q^^iseoiTwnr  ? 

May  one  continue  to  dweU  among  iJiose  wkx)m  he  robs  ? 

*6  1 54.    QeiJsrreQ  Qeu€iT^&'  Q^irfi^ir^u^  Uipp6Uiri(^  esi^^^  epi^eufr^. 

Though  he  may  have  anutssed  wealth  by  continued  rapine,  he  will 
leave  it  for  others  when  he  dies. 

6lt55.    QeuetreQ&sT  Quni(^  (tpi^eu^  <*(5i(5. 

The  rapacious  end  their  '^ays  in  the  halter. 

5156.    QeuerreQuj  SQ^iLth  (sr^etstXi^  ^es£. 

Carefully  persevere  in  what  you  trndertake. 


»...     -  J